N COURI :R, FEBRUARY 1, 1900. Mr. G. A. Stilison, a merchant of an Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. BOWiLL Gaxexe rditor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Ome corp, fe Year, In advanon, $140 Sr Advertsing ratew sade KIER N pn Kp plication, | NG py — ol paid, Entered A the PeywtafMice at Patton ns septs de clips sail msiter. Abeontinmed Gantt ail arrear vision AL the optics of the Go to City Restaurant if you are hangry. Johnstown ix to have a new water company. Go to the Baxaar for veur valentines » omic or fancy. CAL CL Parcel, of Altoona, was a Fat ton visitor Monday. R. McPherson made a business trip to Coalport Tuesday. Geo. 8 Good and wife, Haven, are visiting in town. Miss Man Cowher spent Sanday among friends at Mahaffey. R. 8 Tozer spent Sunday at Lajose visiting relatives and friends. Isaac Lanay, of Mcintyre avenuoe, is dangerously ill with neuralgis. HH Wetrell, of Marion Centre, Pa, was in Patton one day last week. | 8. P. Lantsy, of Garman’s Mills, was of lawk " Im our town Saturday on business, | Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery. LT Yoder, of Johnstown, was in Patton on business the first of the Ellis McCracken, of Coslport, was ~~ mmong the many vistors to Patton | Jobn R. Cordell, of Patton, was in town for some time on Tuesday. Car | Miss Adalene Estricher, of New Washington, Pa, is visiting ber sister, Mm. J. C. Harper. Shoe company’s store. 1.3. Coffey, principal arday calling on bis many friends. Bd. Weakland drove lo Irvona Sun- (day to visit his brother Aaron, who in conducting a livery sable in that | Two small children of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wm. Gill, of Mcintyre avenue, are wuffering with a severe attack of pre Jesse E. Dale made a business trip to Windber the first of the week. Mr Dale was quite favorably impressed ‘with the new town, Each package of Putnam Fadeless Dye colors more goods than any other dye and colors them better too. Sold by C. H. Perry, Chest Sprangs, Pa. The Cresson Record says that it is reported that Michael Stoltz may take i pesion of the Mountain Hoos: at Ebensburg instead of H. A. Hoglehart Mrs. J. 15. Larkins, of Lock Haven, ‘returned to her home in that city Mon- day after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. 8. Bell, of Beech | avenue il The Pennsylvania company is prushis ing the work of construction of the blacksmith shop, which was recently ‘destroyed by fire at the Junction works | near Altoona. ~The modern and moat effective core for constipation and all liver troubles “the famous little pills known as De- | Witt's little early risers. C. W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. The dodger, nine times out of ten, stops at the front door, while the news : paper finds its way to the dining room, or parlor, and enters right into the bosom of the family. Ex. Frank Byers, agent for the P. R. R. at Frugality, spent Sunday bere with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B F. Byers On Monday he left for Long Island City, N. Y., where he will enjoy a short | vacation. ~ Coalport Standard Mr. Byers was employed in Patton for _ meveral months by the same company before being transferred to A A VUE, 5 a a —— Frugality. ico, ML writes FOLEY'S RiDNEY € is meeting with wonderful sue cess. It has cured some case here Rat Physicians pronounced incurable in $1 myself am able to testify . merita, My face to . Younger than 1did none year ag. 1 a obtain some wonderfs rif {Caton af its. mescat act rrce vL » Talmedge Blass, of Vinfondale, was in Patton Monday. W ( Schroth, of Carrolltown, was seen on our streets Sunday. M. (1 Leggett came up from (he Flood (City one diy last week. David Miller, of Barnesboro, calling on Patton friends Satorday. Was Gio to Hastings Opera House Friday evening and see the great comedy, “Shanty Town.” The Patton social club hell a succes. fal ball in the Goldstein hall last Thursday evening. The county amditors expect tofinish the labors of suditing the accounts of the county this week. Wm. Armstrong is very proud the past fow days over the arrival of a fine young lady at his bomb Sanday. Mes VE Gill, of Latrobe, is visite ing at the home of ber father, George Cassidy, who resides a short distance enst of Patton. A communication was received at this office Monday evening for publi pation, hat there being no sigrint nee to same it could not be need Patrons will please bear in mind that no com. muaniention whatever will be published withont the signatare of the writer be- ing attached. Al Borland, a wellknown P. RR conductor who was injured at Altoona some days ago, is getting along well and in allowed to receive callers. It was at first sopposed that both feet would havk) to be taken off, but the physicians have managed to save one of them, which proved to be not so badly crushed as at first thought. C5 Vour J U Shoeing? If we don’t it will be your interest to try us. 10 Annual Clearance Ee ta Repair Clothing Sa “over pablic schools, was in town Sat Ladies’ Shoes. If vou want to save on Shoes as you do on Dry Goods and all other wearing ap parel, vou want to come here and see this stock Our west window is dressed with a full assortment of these great bargains and the new price 1s below the old price, and we guarantee our old first price, which is only one, to be lower than any others. Onur regular stock, latest up-to-date styles, are selling now as follows lower actually than we can buy them, but we clean up every year twice and what we loose our customers gain: Onr reguisr $1 85% Shoe now at #1 is oH a 1 Lr 4 i 2 2 i 5% »¥ ®9 2 Wk SH 2 as ea ve on & 3s $48 © a uo 24M Special prices on a few wing prarirs. $4 00 Shoes at $20 3 50 os Ie iad 250 woah We will quote ol Men's and Boys’ Shoes in two weeks. Watch or adr GELCCH i ioe COME HERE--SAVE MONEY. C. A. Buck came down from Carroll: one day last week. . Speciul prices to cash buyers all month at the Cash Grocery. Don’t fail to attend the supper in the | Baptist church February 22d. Fresh Fish every Thursday, Friday and Satarday at the Cash Grocery. R A HRishell, of Johnstown, was geen on our streets one day ast week, For apples, onions, oranges bananas, candy and nuts go to the Canh Grocery. Go to the Keystone Clothing & Shoe company ind avail yourself of the low prices on shoes and men’s trouser. J. € Harper, of the firm of J. C. Harper company, made a business trip to Lock Haven the latter part of last week sebroary 23d the Young Ladies, ‘Society of the Baptist church of Patton will hold » festival and supper in the church building. A western paper leils a story of a maiden Indy who Keeps a parrot that swears and a monkey that chews Loe baceo, and who says between the two whe doesn’t miss a husband very much. A Mississippi woman fell into a mill dam, and when she was powered 8 ten pound catfish was found entangled in her wire bustle. Her husband wanted to set her again, but she wonid ocd ponsent. BX The finest blankets made in the pountry are now manofactored in North Caroling, where 104 woolen mills are in operation. The finest grade of wool can be grown in the South almost as cheaply as cotlon Eighty men commenced work ona branch railroad at Glen Campbell jist Wednesdiny The branch will leave the Hooverhurst sxtension near the month of Horton run, and extend to the new coal operations in that vicinity | 8 Hoghes and sister, Miss Clara I Hughes, of Clearfinid, were visitors lo Patton Monday. Mr. Hughes wm a traveling freigh agent for the New York Central, amd was attending to # business pertaining to that offive while Miss Fannie lartisle, of Corwens- ville, and Miss Empield, of Bedford, | Pa, were visitors to Patton Monday. the guests of Mr and Mrs W fa Thompson. The young ladies were on roate to Nant-y-glo, where they expect to apend several weeks Never sinks Christ was born has His doctrine of brotherly love so moved the world as in this day and in these United Staten. Never bas His claim to be the world's Divine Helper been so ignored by nominal Christians as now and here Febraary Ladies’ Home Journal, The Clinton Democrat is aathorily for the Gllowing: “John Caldwell and Abe Morton were cutting wood along Sinnemaboning creek Thursday when they came across three bears asleep under an oid log. One man kept watch while the other went home after hie gun, and retarning killed all three of the animale.” Ex-County Treasurer EF. Spencer drove over to Moontaindale Wedies day, where he owns a coal mine and will conduct » general store. His very many friends here hope that he will have the best kind of luck in his new focation, as during lis stay bere he has tween one of our best citisens and is mont highly regarded by our entire eommunity Ebensburg Mountaineer. Herald Augusta Schwartz, the girl from Myra, this county, who left home without jaforming her parents and for whom her folksstarted a police 18 vearoid thagiiiry in Pittsburg, has been ooaied in a highly respectable house on Lo cust street, Allegheny. She ployed there as a domestic From the Locast street house she moved Toes day to another situation, promising to write to ber folks at once. mem Fred DD. Barker, Esq, of BEbemabarg, was in Washington last week io attend. ance at the meeting of the Pennnyl varia State Topographical Survey commission, of which be is a membel During the coming sommer the tn angular work of the survey will be sx. tended from the present of operations in Indiana coualy across Cambria county to connect with the work already Al Lona, A dues Friday at the Brooklyn Navy Yard hy laborers digging an extension for a warehouse Admiral Philip has db rected that the skeletons be buried in this of the pannt ovr primtesd biiorw skeletons were anenrthed Fort tireen among Bure prince ship martyrs of the Res eitstion Ary War, 8s it bi presamed that they belong to herpes of the same period The spot where the bones were dug ap Wallabout showman Tay the shane, where some of the British ships 6) A matority of the hones ernribied when Fase heed CASTORI For Infants and Children. .The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the f IE : Biguature of A pure whiskey agrees with any food, in fact aids digestion. i t Fi It tones the stomach, increases the flow of the gastric juices and so promotes strength and flesh, per Whiskey A. Mellon, Patton, Pa Trainmaster Wm. Cramer, of Jersey A pure whiskey like Har. Palmer Hotnse and WW. Shore, Pa, was in Patton Friday call. ing on hin many friends and at the anme time attending to business William was a resident of Patton for several years and has a host of seqaain- tuinoes who were pleased to see him, Rev. Father Sheehan, lately charge of S81. Mary's Catholie church in Hollidaysburg, has assumed the pastorate of St. Thomas iathalie church of Ashville. The transfer of Father Sheehan marks the final of several important transfers of priests in the county by directors of Rt. Rey Richard Phelan, Bishop of the diocese of Pitsburg. £3 Wanted! Reliable man for manager of branch office 1 wish to open in this vicinity, Good opening for an energetic sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing: AT Morrin, Cincinnati, O [inatrated catalogue dela. postage . Cook. For the last three days, Thursday Fn- day and Saturday of this week. 20 Per Cent. On Regular Prices i 11 3 i 2 x 3 i ! V Kid “Xd EELS 131 Al \ ever in stock will fine reduction for 3 Days Only. Plenty of new wash and domestics will be in the cut prices. The greatest money saving chance of the season. : Visit oar great bargain bots the last thiwe days of this week and it will pay FF Bi! gous, you. We give Premium Stamps. I. W. COOK, Altonna, Pa. Special Overcoat and Underwear The season of the year 1s here when we must di our Overcoat and Underwear Qeock. and in order to make ony spose orf . 4 room far spring goods, the in i by 3 We With 4 ry In peapic i 3 EY a: pr & 1 at great Valles Fes =e @i . EERE opin wl (Im ® Were [Rd ary RO EE Nin Narn ot verona wm Len At i118 fine ¥ & he have them for $< “i 4 “Ea a VL HE) HAE 1 % 1 POTS in; BLS WOLF & THOMPSON, PATTON, PA. t ai XE Have sil We the : i latest g the Millinery Line at our store in the Salomon building, Fifth we, and extend a 0 Ir vitation it the ladies of Pat ton and vicunty to all and ex: st IHC. Hats trimmed in all the latest styles. Satistachion guar ood ave ri ahd nine anteed. Evans Sisste rs, a. Patton, The New Store. FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. We have on hand a foll line of Pun. ttre in all in its branches, carpet window shades and matings THis SUIT Fol S13. 3 PlECER Dak oxtension tables, 8 feet Jong, $4.95 iron beds, $4 and ap; kitchen obairs, 300 each and all other forniture in proportion. 2 and embalm- - Black hearse. H. S. BUCK. 1: 4 yr Yes 4 ndertaking ny 4 Sohne Ri ere A I a; Wi PITT & SEELE Ruccessors to Miners’ Store Col PATTON, PA, the SPECIAL LOW PRICES of our 4 Dry Goods Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ete. vis tii 1... h inGie tae We Smoked Meéuts and guarantee 1s complete—and prices low as the i. Stock “1tit permit. Or dried or Will quality LAMOUs Dold Packing Company's every pound to be first-class. Soliciting Vou patronage, Very truly, Bu Si ness! holidays we have been unable to write much Store News. Ic ds CORncern- Lo vk the i! ate But we fay WN ric ing the wonderful bar- gains to Cg 1 15 11 had in our Busy Store. | In the Dry ( ;oods cls partment the quality = Lot goods cannot be sur- 3 i Prassedd tor in Cambra the money { ony : Our Shoes Wore al-7 WVs cant bie “1 the Tis ‘led | to) he - bye: pur- | chased mn [Patton \ on i 5 { ry peesol) EW ants tre sh ( 1D UTIOS, larg ~ Busine oe hae ; J ple cut on the market if volume 3 oH peyryd Avil and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers