oi te AES i PATTON. CAMBRI $1.00 PER YEAR. LY XX E It will pay ¢ you to calland sce our line of We can save you 30 per cent. nges, and eating stoves. Iso a full line of ww hardware. rockers, mirrors, iphords, high re and low back sinks. ws and a full ine of Iron beds to suit purchaser. Vary Respect fully » Kirk Hdw. & Fur't Co, LUGHL AO GENERAL NEWS (leaned Here and There by the "Courier Reporter. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Manthils Bs Ordened Pail. dine #hodd vera fir Tnvestigitiom Patton Borough Connect! mel in regu- lar session Monday evening with the following members present: President Hubbard, Winslow, Campbell, Ander: son and Blair. The minutes of regular meeting held Monday evening, Jano. ary 29, were read and approved The following bills were mead and on motion of Blalr, seconded by Ander son, it was carried that same be ac cepted anid orders drawn fr the same, with the exception of bil of W. FP. Jackson, for $11.50 for serving notices to property owners adjacent to Fifth avenue street paving: W. P. Jackson, $6. for serving as Health Offoer; Patton Water company, $40 for water rent for month of January; Wm. Gill; $41.40 for police services for month of January and nisi to prisoners, Dao 8 Ered Electric Light company, §1.45 for Hight for une month and $101 for ma. terial: Ricker, Gould & Co, $B! per bill rendered. Joseph Ricker, $4, W. J Donnelly, $4 Alex Monteith, #4 for services done as viewers on Mages avenoe paving, James Gilliees, $8.07 for clerk services and postage. TN. Nagle was present and stated to Connell that he had entered into a contract individually for paving the crossing and extension towards his livery stable on Magee avenue, and had paid part of contract, and wished to know how the viewers appointed cond include part of ssid work in the cout of street paving. Mr Nagle was instrocted Lo correspond with Greurge : Etla, the contractor, and have same explained and adjusted if a mistake wan found to exist, There seems to bo a minanderstand- ing in the sewssments made on benefits derived from oPalmer avenue sewer, The 8t. Mary's Catholic church prop erty consists of one-baif block, with the frontage on Sixth avenue In ‘making the sssessmvents the viewers made a charge of four 50-fool frontages on Palmer avenoe against said prop erty. According to other corner prop erties on said sewer line the owners were assossed for one 530-fo0t frontage. The question was, obuld said congre gation ba sesessed {hr more than one B0-foot frontage, when the sewer only extended for a distance of 145 feet along said property Arguments were made and the resaly was that Council instructed Borough Solieftar Somer ville ta make a readjustment of said Anmessine nt The following communication was read “Patton, Pa, Feb 2 1a “The Honorable Borough Council, Patton, Pa wientlenern: We desire 1 extend to von and also, the Board of Trade Sur sipcere thaoks for the snoouragy ment tendered us by the exonerabion of Borough taxes for an extended period on cur plant, in view of onr con templated extensions and betterments, hat from the factAbut the measure does not meet the entire approval of the ot gens of cur town, we beg lo advise you that we hervwith decline ta aoe pt the said exonerstion, rather than lo i have the jostioe or wisdom of saad action question hy the Iax pavers or i 7 pon an mepresetialive pander of then, notwithetanding the fae that we f Ctoeday in greater Desi of encourage ment than we fll ouveeldves to be od the thee of the original | “We hope to be able ont contemplated wf fre hi f a pected by the the baste of the residinlics visit by thal orgies Rey pram rated 5 CRT pPaN Cray Me Om mction of Capipbell, Anderson, it was carvied 1 Ciny Manufacturing exonerated of taxes G flee yours, Council then adioarned un regular meeting sight, Momday, ruary id Preparicd Lor New Mani On Tuesday, morning Miss Margaret, daagnter of J Ashore. departed for Alsmogordo, New Mexico, 5 whe expects to» EME EN Miss Maggie has been in poor for quite a while and hopes change of climate to regain her strength. She has a large friends in Patton who hope speedy recovery. PATTON B A 1 OFFICERS Chioarn for 100 at thy Aunusl Moelpig Feta Mooiins Night The annual meeting of the Patton Building & Loan Association wis held Monday evening, Febraary Mb The he annual report of last year’s bos sess wan snhmittad and shows the as sociation to be ina Es pe NS onndi- tion, The old officers were selected with the exception nf mnlicitor, onr rising young attorsey, Heoel Somer. ville, being elected to that office in place 6f Wm. Davis, Faq. of Fhens. burg. Woe bear a great dest of ate about the wisdom and polioy of ppronizng and sustaining home institotioons and ter much cannot be sad an to onr daty along this fine, as it iy only by a spirit gpd purpose of this tind among our people that we can dxpect permanent growth and development of the brepsi- soma andl Huapeial terest of our own The Patton Building and Loan Asso. ciation “Is a Patton Institution” awd deserving of your confides and potronage. If otfipeople would take stock tn one home association that they are constantly giving to onside insti tations of a like character this would ji A very short tinie be one of the larg. ent and consegnently most useful ane ciations in this part of the Stats Eeen in the face of comditions re ferred fo its growth has been marked and bealthy and it how loaned over $40,000 10 ite stockholders and has bern no small factor in one growth and des virlopment as a fown, The books are now open for subserip tions Go the seventh series, and the soretary, WH. Sandford, Esq will be gind to enroll your name 28 a share holder in this series The dues are Ole dollar a share per month and non-bor. rowing shareholders can witicdraw at any time after six months, Pees ving the full amopnt of does paid in and averned inderest at 8 per cent, thus providing a savings fond for shag an may not beoome barrows Our people shoud carefully BORE and weigh the claimn of Gur 0WnR des. ciation and acoord it the support and patronage (U deserves Sharehohilers who contemplate building can and will fee accommodated on as Tair and equate able ternss ax cans be offered by any other reputable association, either foreign or domestic, TIMOTHY SHEEMAN PASSES AWAY Wot Rucmn cmd JHghy Respected of Allegheny Township Timothy Sheehan so uncle of Uounty Commissioner T. M. Sheehan, died CWedneoduy, January Sst, at his home in Allegheny township, “our miles cand of Loretta Mr Sheehan wan born in 1331 County Cork, Ireland, and came 16 thin pountey in 18 aml settied in White township, where Ae was wedded Miwa Bobwren Burgin | INL wha with thewe aor and thee daughters, sgrvive him, 1 ; Mary A and BEd. A. at home Jobo PP. oand Mr. John Nagle, Clearfield township) INTERESTING WESTOVER LETTER Compibed iy a Wide Awaks fa rvspondept Trove the Cheated Comnl vn Taw, Cortes A. Carry, our genie! landlord, reports good trade, house frevwiedd to full capacity most of the Hime. Mise Apinnda BE Jackson was offered and pecepted a position as clerk in the new shore of NOT Yingling. A large namber of tenement hotses at this place are an aetusl necessity Cp WY anbar, teacher of the Hurd whool in vhest township, spent Sane day with friends in Towa, The grange and marble for the mon- gent of Me Natt was andossled fast week ut Wankesha station, © it will be creted at once by a gentleman from Punasatawney, Ua Lak! week while giving the boys a few pointers ithe manly art of wif defen. Orvis Addieman bad wo bones of Bix eft hand brake i353 W. Michaels, of Wankesha, is again able to be aronmd after being contiied to hie maaan for more than eight weeks from a perions attack of tu phoud fever Mra 1B MeKee is oseriousiy 1B at Fie srl Mia had bias Hess at Kerraoora and Mahaffey net veek, But the “hist!” had flown, The fanily of Past White have been summonsd to de bedidde, his death be. ing momentarily expected. Keys Protand has taken charge of the hutoherhir basiness fer Ms Find Corrigan EB Thurston hax been engaged by the Central Ubal nompany ta ink after thear land in med per this place. Several men are already al work pros peeting. We are now looking fur horses carts and Diadlann to grade the side track Had it not pesin for (he active part taken by coe Hoard of Trade, likely cir gould old town would of Been yel in a dormpant state Billy McKee last weed! shipped two carioads of paper wood, Tyrone being the place of destination A. P. Fry has been offered some fancy prices [or the Aor ciny tawntly developed on his Garway and Heveh re in Lmopoariand The Penpsyivania dividon of the New York Central system, better fenown is the Beech Creek, 8 to bo £#X- tended Hee miles into a new coal eld fr iw eww nnderstodd that this Hoe will be operated as @ part of a through rennk Hoe to connect the Buffalo, Ro- chester & Pittabarg and the Philndel phia & Remding Some years agn it wan the sangoioe deam of the Van derhilts 1a ave an eXhanuagll (0 don: see winh the Pittsburg & Take Fre syste in the Youghiogheny region but itm thanght Taal 1 abarchmsed row and that the Xander: bilta will nae the Beech Urselt an a coal fever sid #1 the same Ligie make tral Ruffalo bin pehone will le fh: agresments wath Ua Mrs Jos Malone amd Michael W of Rochester & Pittsburg snd the Philadet- Pittsburg, The renviins of the deorisesl wep tail toy pest aller aoemn high muee in the Bt Augiatine shureh on Friday, February 2rd, services being conducted hy Father Rea, the residing minister An appropriate faribal sermon was di fiverss hiv Father Kittel of Loretic Thee Culprits 4 Trial Word hua Been reovived S61 the Tria al Washington, £4, al the mien Wie stole the silverwany of and Mom Joseph Parsous, alt Johoatawr, whe sve SEottes 1) Washington, whey Parsons has accepted a loot in the United Sistes a Ene Wee R aller eing sod BE wan believed facessary to ampatate hus Bade atic fot Fast renarts from thal Fiat Ale Fabin ur Psion page, bw Eouf Patton, ere 4 mareinge Monday, Pebroary 1 3 sites) ire y th, by Geo, Boone, J.P. Congratulations, shin & Reading, which will enable Lae ther prporation to ran thenaeh trains Betws Dittaburg, Philadelphia and & Mew Yard AMitad wih mpnet hag He Doprosy The case of Charles, ten year-old son of Edward Delong, of Winterbuen, {learfeld county, puimies all duetars and hospital suthoritios who Have seal » HAY Ws or treated B00 aga Lh ¥* attacked with a =kin dbwmase, Lhel Dro- i { iv the disihe RITywn ga BW an is Fh-a% yo ¥y open guile res TIE They sf it Tue boas Been amptitatnd above the Mote oidniana Have terre : Far Hond it RET 4 § 4 3 As te niare gitar the property aaa same 4 Rrecpnw, oo Arent and ib taper S¥eeyihing ih Lhe Wk af mer ohm: tore Hgtures, stoves i oarhrely in on the salt Herm © Al persons are gurern themselVos socordingly. 1148 i. MN. TuriEY, APPLICATIONS Hen L | L [quor [(eNSES. Notice i hereby given that the ap plications of the following persons for Lignor Licenses have been fled in the aes of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessintis of the Posie of Cam- brin comnty, Pa, and will iw prremenled to the said Court for its considera finn On Unless specially desigumied below, the reaulences of the applicants as atatedd in the petitions are al the places fur which application 1s made: AHIR James, Hanlin, retail [1 G. Myers, Ashville house, retail Chas H, MeCoy, Fountain hous retail, BARR TOWNSHIP, HH. A Luther, St. Nicholas hotel, retudl BAHNESBURO, 13. J. Boogher, retail Thonias Brown, City hotel, retail Milton Hallman, Hotel Ritter, es Ausinehanna township retail Jotin Hindle, Rarnssboro lon, setail RB King, Commercial hotel, retail HLACKLICR TOW Rs, Fdward 1. Keane, Uonimervint hotel, Nantoy.Gio, retall Win 8 Stephens, Beleano, retutl CARROGLLTOWN, John Glasser, Star hotel rela Julius Rager, American hotel, retail Vincent Reig and John Damm Main atrewt wholesale AU Nehrath, St Lawrence, medal VJ Staely, Central hotel, retail, Henry Swi, Main street, res. Chest township, brewer CARROLL TW Pat Harclgan, Pair View hotel retml CHOOT a RINGS, samuet Kelly, Porta Rice hotel, retail CHEERY TW, HB Allison, Rhody hotel St. Law. rerion, retail, CLEARVIELD TW George Harber, Arlington hotel, retail. Simon PP Nagle, St. Augustine, retail PRERSON TWH Matthew Adlesborg, Summit. retail John Brown, Commercial hotel, retail Thomas PF. Callan, boliier. R. J. MeNally, brewer WJ. Smith, Junction house, retail Weanderath, Anderson oases, retail. DEAR TWP (i Cella, Arbatas Glen hotel, petadl RJ Free Buckhorn hotel, relall W. ti. Sneder, Dysart bods, mptall ERENERURG M1 Stelte, Magpntain hotise, reas A FB Bender, Hotel Bender, retads Thos Vo Hotro Binir Boddse, res Ad tosana, Pa retail > WOM Kimball, Central hotel, meta J BK shook Metropolitan, retan HLR TWE “= W Aaaa St Boniface, retail PX Ot Union hotel, retad BALLIN Jobin Becher, wholesale, # XN Burk, National botel, retail [eer & Co, Wholesale, CE Dignan, West Emad hotel, retail. {¢ Bdeibiote, whodesabn Pitgharris, Gallitzin hotel, retail $2 Gillen, metandld Guatwald, rail Gatwakd, wholesale. Hagan, Maysville hotel, rotali Lenold Leng, Portage hotel, retail PEhner Nelwon, retail A Padaia, wholesale Henry Bey more, Sey mont hotel, metal fo MW SEiiter Bt harhas Bode, rotiil ewhl Bpsdgalaater, relidd GATILITLIN TWP Sass nh Eicheniant, Pistia ire Howmonge, Baker's Mines peta ‘ ‘Phawe Moore, Delnuey Biju, © BE HASTINGS agries Thistinl WE HBA. Parid Baie, petal Laviavetle hota Frank Wargs, Tahu Westover RETO, PoOy Dranned, Bighinnd hose, retail, LI5Y 1Hefiv, Union house, tela, James Mot ann, wholesale Pat McCann, Washington house, retail, [Rokwirt Mollann, Portaue street, retall tent J Reanlan, Brant house, retail Blair Short, George house, retail Robert Smith, Lilly house, retail, fo Do Stffler, retail PATTON R. (3 Dageett Palmer hoose, retail. Plielt & Nagle, res. Altoona, wholesale. A. Bi Preakland, retail Fatward Glass reliil 0 Langbeln aud A Thomas, Fifth ave ane, wholesale fal A Mellon, wholesale Wm A Mellon, Patton hotel, retail Monday, Feb. 19th, A. D., 1900. F Wm, Yeekley Central hotel, retail Wl. Nicholson, Commercial, retail PORTAGE Jaeh Bicklemam Washington avenue, retail : . A. Bruening, Exchange hotel, retail W. . Hughes Main street, retail Met lellanid Short, Diehl house, retail Adam Smith, Hailroad street, reiail Andrew Smith, Main street & Wash. ington street, retail {yoarpe Yeekiny, Portage house, retail. PORTAGE TWH, CW. RR Confer, Jamestown, retall Robert Fisher, Jamestown, retail Josip Nowetni, Banman honse, rotail Habe Tw? A 10 Brown, Ardington hotel, retail W. A. Chaplin, Alpine hotel, retail, HA Cooper, Lapere hotel, retail Valentine Monahan, Blandburg, retail John A. Noel, Liovdville, retail Jomepk Wilt, Blandhurg, retail. SPANGLER, Richard Fowen, retail foaeph A, Gray, The Brandon, retail. I. MN Rodkey, Central boted, retail ML Wegtover, wholusale J. J Westover, Sallivan hotel, retail SY MMERHILIL John Gicifith, Main street, retall Francis Burtz, Carpenter hotel, retail. William Leap, Summerhill hose, retail. George J Wentroth, Sammerhill Bom, redall SUSU EHANNA TWP, Frank Baker, Travelers’ Douose, metal ¥. J. Byroe, Byrensville, retail Henry Sanson, Byrnesville, etal TUNNELHILL Josph A. Bertram, Emmet hoose, re tail. Jox Splegeihalter, Portage street, re tal WASHINGTON TWP Frahk Loap, Leap house, retail Martin Leap, Derby, retail Miomas {¥ Brien, Cassandra, wholesale. WILMORE, N J. Bojer, Main and Railroad streets, retail : SW, Davis, Clerk Q. 8. Ehensburg, Pa, Jan. 29, 1800, A Mrehatie New Postal Wetakie The Posioifice Department is cone templating a new plan for issuing stumps, which is expected to bee of great benefit to the people of the country, It proposes to issue them in fide books, of a size WW gO into the vist porkel, and containing 12 aach. separated by siled paper. The books will he sid for 25 cents a piece, thos allowing one cent for the cost of the hupnk 11 they sell ax i= expected, the profit to the government will be large The nly diealty ln the way of their inarnendinte ssue, a the fact that no ap: propriation for this specific. work is available, and the Bureau of Printing and Engraving double its authority te ciphark in the enterprise without Con. gresstonal authority. The question fms hen silted to Secretary Linge, who will dechds whether or nel i submis to LoDgness i= £1 +¥i CEPR 3 Lie kira Font Laval Busine ie teachers of Unrrolltowss, Carroll pywrship and Bider township will todd a hove Joead institate atl arralitowns on Mh, oat 1230 bop Surardsy, Febrgary Piduawihy 8 nasny. Miss € ulin Dunegs wopeeation hwiween parent and cr, AL J Sevmaour, Joseph Ray lor To whl extent shall we ive tox bo Den rR The pro. interspersed with masie, GE Ripps wad reacdings. Teachers are aoks. Friends vied, hiv Anowas Masgpiorasty Beil Puttin Fire company No will hod their Third Annoal Masquerade Balin iv hill Monday eveaing, Febmary OF masie Bis Deen ses ayrest for the peoasion, Admission $1. ¥ unmasked will be charged 25 Al are invited fi ation Nps ivial ix Masoy Eavaeol, And that’s what youvan de by buy- ing everything you wantin the grocers line at the Casi Grocery
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers