¥ NOVELTIES, # NOTIONS, * MA 5m « © XMAS CARDS, Ws These goods will be sold | know can not less than #2. 20 f o.h Pitts burg. a mahogony finish. VOL, v IL —NO. is. PA. THURRDAY, NOVEMBER 2, TR 20! PES PREETI HBRSTIA. ERS The majority of People each year expect to have a Most peopl look forward to this day as one long to be re- membered. We have each year done our best to carry ‘the largest and most select stock of I li d i d Jower Flannigan Ran asked permission 0 I ay 00 S — straighten said stream at rear of In this section. We have presents suitable for all classes, old and young, rich and poor. In our stock you will find many socept- able gifts such as ALBUMS, BIBLES, "TOILET CASES, DOLLS, TOYS BOOKS, ICU RE Bers PHOTO CASES, BLL WKS . BANKS, GA Sn DOLL CARRIAGES, Etc., Ete, at the lowest possible pric: Call and see for your self at The Annex To Our Store. LOGHL AND GENERAL NEWS Cleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter BORO “DADS’' MEET. Cforooagh Grades Eatabibibod Hy Esgiveer Avres ind Adogied hy Counvil | Patton Borongh Council met in reg plar session in Council ob Good building Monday evening, Oot mbwrs in the ber 30th with the following members ells President Anderson, present as per roid Hubbard, Winslow, dell. McCormick and Camphe) ; minntes of regoisr meeting held Mon. ‘day evening, October 16th, were | and approved, Property owners who reside along a vend {thelr jote which was daly granted. On motion of Campbell and seconds by Cordell it was carried that the grades of Patton Borough as pt Fy lished by Borough Engineer Ayres be accepted and adopted and pl fila. On motion of Winslow and seconded by Anderson it was chirriec. that the Borough Engineer insta test have water pipes lowerid a1 intersect. jon on Beech and Fifth aveniss Om motion of Anderson and sec imsehed hy Winslow it was carried that the ‘attention of the Board of Health ‘enrbled to the existing nosgnoe y wicinity af Lower Beech avenoe and to have same abated | petion will be taken On motion of Winslow and seconded ‘by Anderson it was carried that the following bills be aoceptedd and the clerk be instructed 10 draw orders for the same: (3 H. Ayres, 8130 for engl peer services daring the month of {etaber: G. H. Aversa, $10.85 for 18. (terinl, ote, procured; Jo Reka, par for amsisting g Borodtgh Rngineer : A. Braunt, 3 401, for mamisting Bor ipagh Engineer. Patton FPuob wed on Te 1 baer AL One hn $42.45, for printing and advertising; J. encing Cheap! for stance poultry Wire. Plain Galvanized Wire at $1.75 per | hundred which you be bought for Also 30r4 toilet sets atal Matting from 10¢ a yard up to 18 cents. ~The finest line of rockers on | the market—Golden oak, art * Children press 596, $1 and $1.60. Glass j Jars at the lowest fig res. Rugs, wagons remnants of carpet : at half price Window shades, all prices, also cottage rods. oves and Ranges, the largest line in town. Very Respectlully, irk Hdw. r'tCo., C. GRENING ER, Mgr. 'M (iilliece, 868, flor clark services for imonth of October and postage, etc] : Johnatown Tribune, $6, for sdvertmng, Wm. Gill, $40, for police eerviees for ‘month of October; Financial Record of | New York, $5.60 for advertising sale lof bonds; W. J. Donneily & Oo, $8.43, for lumber; Patton Clay Manufactar ing Co, $HA M8, for sower pipe; Daily Financial news of New York, $36.45 | for advertising aale of bonds, ti mercial and Financial Chronicle of | New York, $18, for advertining the sale i of bonds: The Band Buyer, $18, for al | vertising the sale of bonds. The bill « f {the Patton Supply Co, amounting | $2.91 was held over for investigation i Conncil then regular session vember 6, 18509, his Lo adionrped to meet in Monday evening, Nip Angusiine Frand Dowd | Augustine Brand, a respected citizen of this place, died Sunday aflernoon | after an illness of aboot thee [He was aged abont 88 years and leaves to monn his joss a barren vex wife four sons and five daughters, Wn : Coalport, Daniel of Dean, Edward and | Harry of Patton, Mm, Harry Sharp of | Johnstown, Mm David Wowrde!l of Clearfiel2, Mrs. David Gis of Bt | Augustine, and Misses Alice and Bernie of Patton. Interment occured in the | Catholic cemetery Tuesday morning ‘after services in the St Mares Catholic church of Patton. The deceased was ‘an old resident o of Cambris county, ‘bBaving resided near St Aun i nearly all of his lite previous to mov. ing to Patton, The sorrowing family have the sympathy af a host of reads in Paton and vicinity stil ane x Sate fi ite Left Hand Hlewn On Howard Lowman, telegraph lator st Garway, mit misfortune Satorday his jeft hand. Hp firing a shot gan wi plod, the postiit of with a ir whi Was i a badly mangled ba tated] amputation al (Lowman formers where he gained a host of warm friends who will misfortune. tha {fei g bod i regret ta ears of bar wad spweddiah Siek Ripe The Swadish Sick Benelit meet at the home of Carl West Palmer KQaturday evening, November Hh. members are attend. Biirges ayenuae, 8% se EATHRRLLY PegResis 5a . Cash for Boekwheal aed Rye, 1. KB. Wilbur, proprictor of the Pal ton Buckwheat and Feed Mill, will pay | cash for buckwheat and r tye ‘of Mr. | rid bes from ia hill deliversd bis famous lectare “Ab a 4 8) same kindaess they sincere gratitude. MET A MORRISLE DEATH Hew Cinvbiod Todor & Wagon Wield Naar Phones reg. Churiie K Ay Yi, had just mel 18 horrihne north of Phensburg Raiaraay He had heen emploved on Yoomert SRE hy WWE WE 2 x CAEmCRAnE fron ihe past, and & £5 4 hosd he in some manner fell the WRI vy{vy 3 ‘ Mae rel sory GO EETIVE PER Dire PRA Boe Haas gr A he +3 i Tags of the Jona abit ph Th sus over his head i ine RL IAneGUN The unfirtan comparative gta yootl WHR a Phenslairg, Kaviorms of his futher and he hb stranger in He was no sedation to tes sed and mother are dead, CBT pen the county, that place, and ®t as Pew ri APOHTR ARPES | ea] at © siacos Ih roiphoot Bishop Fowiirs Laeliare present Thars Fowler, A large audiences was dry evening Bou L sf Eh to greet Bishop iy whe pea pied the 3 FE pi pik sroh where he raha Lincoln’ Few of the gralors of Lhe day have sesirroenl by the Pawns : apeaRer liar throughout His presentation Miglen Ham whos nance is fami this of Abraham ® of Chara ters nad « anys eonl sud cleverly ler oa man past felovnent px wer and jo ax his guns popularity have arateartonl altaiity as well " cations of personal made his pame widely known as one of the greatest orators of the day Al Answer “Yew” the [raw Lem thay siadates for County miasioner, as to whether or not y won atew $0 0B rete er , ¥ fo 24 Treasurer 8 Common sn the moneys onilecied candidates have replied in ative, Firesnen's Ball held by Patton hall Thursday Crowd asic iil be Noo 1 in their FONINE, Navember 16th weeonre for invited to attend amd has ben the orCaRIGN. Everybody is have a good time with the fire laddien Thee best Yo be ity wi k Pp Tickets oy 4 af order will be maintained Cts Tw i ows Tar Sav ine quire of F. XX. Labhman, Palmer avenues, Two good mich cower for saw par the Cutholic church property wv Wand at tice A fremt cow. Far. nell. Patton, Pa fnepaire of J al Fs Xt $ouvd 45 hr 25 3 Male pao Hoe Des al 5 and Aw 5d SLR. Pnguire 4 ¥iabwre's Eoin 3 Samervilie, of Susquelanna sa wl in Patton a few hour day while en route lo fhensburg 1 jook after his official daty. 1 A ppreiitien of Ki I wish to th Parton for the: my mother ana ress and death occurred Sanday preciate Loe thanks { Taf SRO kindoess and agi (rig Tak TX N ine SPAN in which they webs on if the many sights in the and for which af Boreas died fo luxe sarrounding country, A Guest tony Charhy, : Cramer. Jame ronson all extend their 470 PUPILS ENROLLED. £35. In Every ims Prarng Month, Ary 240. A ierage § iresida ment Ie wr afi pyar ¥ per cent, of the entire of pupils attended every the month The growing very epeonraging to teaches rectors dav diriog Abert ua Goze i paphs were promoted durtag the month. Do uriderstand why? The Li apis v if every grade Te 3 mens, Cop aud sntering schhal, in rega- larity of attendances and in many wavs affecting these dil REL Apied Lhe work physical spans, | BR ih tages, in the tine of ohbwrr progress. Bee ¥ puplis oftheir grade fray case of SPEROER MIRE can eas ins freon th than i work see [ls tans OLbers ann Ht LEX with ix thas not gol purpose FR Will net some clidren, daywt woilhont s * than tack ” thers ? z This ian of grading i» oY hw borate fron San Fraonviees to Boston and i= 66 crv rndpeieat bead spe rinient Farenta, if this plan is right, we mist sarne friereily and, that vour childs vor Based Sn akk your receive even TG B the fotuare. when gresier siva thin pias st Bs worih | Winy not lemors LR Es will ressit from CH * Fort Viekaa Nusnher enenibad, 70, average alii nee. 6% ter pent of attendance, PE Theme perfect Wn at sentiancs herland. Jobin Uborby, iid John Lo An Willie Crompton Vigilaban Pwlaney Martin we Himsa Jomephy He wth RE Harry Ms AN 5 Haier. aod, Kedr Jenkins ivnen, {ower Morrie. Francis, Me- MoNamara, Umorge dO No : Raden, Wy Roms, Lars Mike Rbay, James White efit dow Ying. ling, Phoebe Bradley, Violet Cornelioe, {pn ATE £432 loagh, SPST gl Caffry, Ge raid Ma [ravi Nelson, Mike Pryzgoda, Will Hews, James Whit tohell Kale Connelly, Janet Margaret Camphell, Agnes Harper, Esther Manuel, Annie Cebman, son, Mary Soniitchs, Della favionae Wiltists, Ina Decent, Teacher sabre, Tho a As, Meron Frimamnry Number enroiled, 84 average attend. ance, 80; per cent. of atlendasos, #6 Those perfect in )iltendance Wore ens. Radeli® Tom Noon, Willie (agon, Rica sod Wilsms, Edw. Grepainger, Boxer, 2 Nathan Gokisten, Barnest long, Robt. Willis, Auther Peterson, Mike Peightial, Fran ohn ao Eman Sie Jadiy, {yesre, Delia a. Bod Alki Pe, Mi Fad sy sd LTArner, are Li LES carnber sitiraihmt 8 { ree Chapman, Heist, Wiltred green Moligire Fred Mo £3 tn Tine, Mary BROT, ‘Anna Jones, E : Traman, | Waitefird, Yingling, cent 1% [utr perfect attendance Ast bhiry, Jew | Gaglinedi, Withe Jenkins, rk Jones Bariheip, Chas, Montgomery, ean, Wille Anti And totiidda Hitie or, Jackson, Flizabeth Nelsdr, Effie Margaret Thomas Wagie Flen Wasshury, Olean Nellie Cramer Andrews, lara Lorerto BE. Praxpmis, Teacher Seva sid Paternal at, famher enrolled, M4 average attend. you | Anoe, 48: Theme Mir LT aa Fomberg, lain Mildred lewis, Mary Laney, gan, X¢ Josephine 3 Megnery lie, kins. Bruoe of xiterlanes, 91 wore per cant perfect in atiendande Beckwith, Tillie Holes, Hope Irwin, Lecaaird, Janet Martie Mulli- 4 Prescott, Annie Mans wndnia P srt. Romaine Nii {ithe Wile, Fannie Pell, Nad (ram plan, 9 Htas, Tw se, Sadie Wik John Hix mont Fim osm tine Heist, Roger Locas, Alexander Nelson, Peter Sommitehs. Wilson Trosikn, N amber of £ or, $1, ar Those {hares AdxAL, | mgly roo Gagliardd, Leott Heese, Jaros Kerr, denned wre aah Ohgomar, © Emigh, Flaten, Mary FP Walters, felia We LA BBTH Ren LK ER, ey Fer aomh sass BL Myers arte. P Byes E2k were Roger, Teaehar amin Patrick ology and Geography ar of Nosiling, fleqiling and es % § Bk rencdanien, Xi ANH Were & rel firme 1 0 Grade N CAVErage attendance, 9 endame were, { Jeaxwerry Sraver, Tewher. Tiivd Tatrrmaisione, Teh, $4; averapy attend. wl pep cemt. of attendances, atternclenm ware Jemens Biller lewis Harald Yeok- A Bhat, Han Emma Bar hanl perfeet in Raritan Fraoesnn, Lai Cramer, rowed] ular Hewioth 1. SL ey sre tiy hom eine 1 Mellon, Myriie Mars ope, Mary oper Teme her and High Sehow Assintily Flodm soher of Latin, Rhet- Mande FH, Mara Syed. i i Rorute SEI FC Mathemad Tancher of Harari, Pp He ngs, 1 sapiter, Tiras mKt i iy apr: a ALE ndanes, an EE 2 aR eoroibiend, 2, Loo at. rade Nomar 1; per vend De je . Pani Raton. us, Thos Harper, Huber ante. Hertha Mellon graber attendance, 11; 13 priresliedd, oR x ay adh Taronee Ber, lace Bover, Jus, Jones Pasar Kearrs Janie Robi- Carrie Holter, Sheka B Grade average attendance, 17; per ont, tendanon, 90 Thome perfect, ane wWepe: Sample, Mary Wittman, Aang Jenkins Mary Nuymber enrolled, of a jan afle Margaret Jones, Mary Mule Whar tan, Eokd Lewis, Robert Mi Pherson, Bait Bisom, Juniors. B Hoiter A Cirade Average a artendarce, SR tendancy were! Cornelia, Cis Brunei, Eildie Blair, wi lie Elms, Dre Laney, amber enrolled, 1% rey oent Thaw perfiet in Anawtasss Biller, Anna Elennor Wiman, Jerry Noonan. Namber enrolled, 8: Aewr- £; i YL oewt Sis i werd A i iw, Lime Leonard, Maggie Kerr, age attandance. §: per cent. Of attend Shankwiler, kEea Rodridge, Helen Bell, Madeline tiaghs ari, Crompton. Mage Powel i vand, Magee Ba) i Helen Montell NLombg % 5 eR, giver, i ratper, ka, fens Uhapoan, Mary Filla Washbarn Anse BEaprey, T Thin! Primary Chapman, bg shison, John Morean, Tho Ale Blair. Bessie Atkinson, GQ dy Morey, Lathan Kirke, Pear Fic SreLOR H. oli, Virhei Ying Hing, Nashwiter, Katie Anstatt Rute Reaber, Teacher. Yeokiey, Annie RIoe. 98 Thise perfect in attendance Agoes Huater, Mane Jones, Flarenon May! Serio Nunibwr anr agp afteguiance, 4; are, 8 Th were 3. RVED. of attend. ul tendance gar Yaok- ddl], per pen nee peribel {Carolina Crowell, Bs Cmernl Map EaRry. f attend Gunn of a fated Gi: meena, PELL wanty will apprec 5 remembering r genurous support al tha rites x LIBRERVER. were: Parl Cyamer, Thomas Relomon t Cmschines or Clark address - ing Cpumber of starte | Sn Fodor, ids Cand Joseph AL terrnad % J Arsen These perfect in ab. Wai Jowephine Delaney. Eta ward Wanted. These prpereind wd men to ron Sell Pan ohm reset alr machine, Steady wert highest wages paid Also fifty nad coal after For partion wrk iter oO ether FEL BH wrR F FP AMoF ant RUPT. ¥, Pa AND, Frogs Weed Asgostine, 30th, ism. Eble mag CotmiEr 1 think it = just and io warn sportsmen from hunt township, guile 8 fires have been #4 a nomber of sheep have hewn killed by the dogs accompanying this Bs Many of our pecple are Tamas aman at priopet in Clearteid ar SEI Biers eroded to adopt SUMary measures ta stop [he puisanoe. A FARMER. Legal Notice. In tha mattor of the appointment of WJ Donselly. Alexander Monteith Ricker aa viewers 10 Asien the benefits tio the property SWHEPs siong Magee avenue, for the grading, paving and curbing of the same. We the viewers appointed afore. suid, haiving teen severaily duly sworn, taithfully, justly and impartially to de de and trae report Lo make cs Jrning all mutters ard things to be submitted tor an, and in relation to which we are aizthor ped bo gn ire, and after baw. { the time and place med ting, 38 requ red by decree of Coart. we met aloosg the line of the improvement at @ o'vdoek a on, O6loe ber IT1h, HE en ned Tes 0% of ment dred the po and aller hearings af the Bom High of follows Thrall dideniow on (he part Patton, report As ainedd the cost of paving and curbing said street 1 the we Dive aseeria grading. to be B87 We find the grade to be apiform and all properties lested along the Line of the improvement to be squaily benefit i geronling © the foot frontage of the nepperties, aod we Pig park! bapiefits fo and against the und be the of Patton scoord- ing to the loin we hedule: ¥ nlm prmpec lve Progae ris #5 TORY : Shaw. wo fend or ey Lange Libby SEEERE MANBESURAREEEN Ed we we Been FL epergy Re Patton Hubei Gaia ei 2 sBiz Ang we give notice to all sorewied and effected thereby that we wilt rpesdti at the law office of RB Somer ville, Fay, nn the Borough of Patton, on Wadnemlay, sh day of Novem her. [49. all 7 o'clock p.m. when ands where we will exhibit said and hear evidence and s- thereon : rated 2th day « Loa Patton, Peon'a, this the £ Cwotober. 1808 J DoxsEiLLY, : Ex. MoNTHEITH, Jomern H ROKER, al Fall Suit And Overcoat x Be ggg 31 LAK A we DINSMORE 1 and viewed the improves orn tues » Moc ted thereby %
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers