hp PR pa Wholesale Store when you that's why we can sell you high grade goods HELLO! PATTON SUF- PLY CO. We want groceries; you ajways give os the best. We don’t want poor stuff at the cheapest prices, but the best on ‘the market, and your price, too, is all right. What you send us makes the quality of our found and our people like good things to eal. Wa need not tell yon to hurry because you are always } “Try Pride of Rome Canned Vegetables. on the market, people that have peed them cannot say | ¥ : de of Rome Peas, 130 per can. Pride of Rome Corn, 13¢ per can, Pride of Rome Beans, 13¢ per can. Canned Tomatoes, 10c or § for 25. Try our double Cream (Cheese, 8 1 srfect article, something we can recommend with confidence to every : aman Pine Lard if yoo want the best. Try Noble pancake flour, ready for use, 12¢ Fe package. Fancy Canned California froits, the very best that can be bad Peaches, extra fancy, sil at the lowest enough fae: yOu cannot gut any better, Phones to the palate, over of good cheese. buy Groceries, Dry tities, We buy most of our goods direct from the manufacturers, packers an THE PATTON COURIER, NOVEMBER 2, 1809. iN WITH NEWS t hat should not at lowest prices. Fancy Rice al 100 per pound or 3 for Good Rice at 8c per pound. 30 pound pall Jelly, any flaver, only 900 per pail. Arbuckles Coffes, 11c per pound : Granulated sugar, yon always get the most for your money. Delicious Breakfast Foods. Quaker Rolled Oats, 12c per package. Vito, 15¢ or 2 for 35. © Granvisted Wheat 15¢ or 2 for 25c. Cream of Wheat 15c (rape nuts 13c per package. Shreaded Whole Wheat Biscait, 15 or 2 for 35 Compare quality and vou will find our goods of the better rrades. Fancy Mixed {'akes, direct from the steam Yakery at Philmieiphia. A new arrival just in of the following: City Mixed French Mived, Cream Poffs, Lady Fingers, Honey Jumbles, Ginger Snaps, Butter Thins, Heception Flakes and a fall line of crackers, ail at the lowest prices A Word on Coffee. The moat de 25¢. Try oor fancy Mocha and Java al Te the pound. that human care and skill can prodoce, scient: Really roasted, skilifull Use ovr Fancy Blend Coffee at 15 We claim it is the best Coffees obdain. able for the money. A trial and you wiil fail fo discover the superior drinking qualities of our Fancy Rlend over the socalled packed Brands, once tested and you will have no other, Fancy (Green Coffee at 160 the ponnd, , one will or cap sell you shoes cheaper than we da ne matter whers YOu Why 7 Becatse we carry a Kig line of General Mer fie god we CRD urd to sell shoes cheaper than any one else. Tt will pay you bo come builes to shoes from Os. FARMERS, ATTENTION! We pay the highest market prices for Country Procure, WANTED. . se bushels of Bears Balled hay. not 50 bushels of Potatoes, Batter and i Pears, Plums, Apricots, Cobrwel White Cherries, When you want to buy a Bill of Goods let us figure with you. on it We will make it pleasant to that class who think they know it all, but we do belong Give us a chance to serve you once. We do not belong and do not allow any of our clerks to misrepresent anything. and to vour interest t wa yy YY . = We are well equipped lor | importers—pay and we will nanciatly to continue w Ls a Es ar o aA be missed. It's almost like buying from a Goods. Shoes, Flour, Feed, Etc, of us, only you don't need to buy in wholesale quan- the same price as Jobbers do, and Ege You will find it to your interest to trade with na. Come in and see US and he sonvinoad that we have the best foods at the lowest prices. Try Pratt's Pouitry ford if you want your hens to lay. Use Pratt's Horse and Cattle powders if you want your ook to keep in good condition. CORSETS. THE COOD KIND, ONLY . slar athimtion WO ony Corept fork. We selert thes heands which in oy spinion, re the best, (ne thing is ceria no tniserslie, mean cores Gan enter here. : The Pi. N. Core wet iw one that iis all Corset wana are acknowledged by those who hve worn 3 them to be the best Atting snd most satis factory they have ever had. Are made to fit all figures, in short mediom or guarintesd, try them and be con dnced. Thc to $1.38» £00 COTSet-— N. Hi. price considered : in the long waists, every pair pair N. HH. This This without 8 doubt, is one of the best Corsets work Price only He. nee ¥ou that wie are moncy SAVCTS. houn. : a ” f N srove their business and have the newest and hest gnods 3 of our friends, 7 he conhderice UPPLY CO. yo wii 8 % wg: The cheapest place for wall paper, pletare frames and plastics at Fishar's The Sheehan stock is growing too NEW CATHOLIC DIOCESE. - sl a irooters. The Democratic “ring” 6 CO. Propristers. | : GuxrwE, Editor. thought be would be “dead eaay” and es from present indications be certainly B98. | will but not the way they intended. ————— SIS (NSAI Fo Thr President in hia fortheoming message is likely to strongly arge upon | Congress the need of immediate action ow oer the laying of a cable to con- ct possessions in the Pacific with this cpuntry. The need of better com- ! lv munication under our own control is Best known medium of advertising. | urgent, as the sama which this govern magazine cotoes next, bot the | MERL is DOW compelling to pay for the i onceded first place | transmission of mesages through Asia ‘and Europe would go fur towards pay Ling the cost of maintaining & line of our own. The proposal is that a table th | ahatll be laid by way of Hawaii, Wake pated in the anti-oxpansion meeting at | id, Ginam, to Manila, a total dis Chicago, show that the term “ex” at- tancegl over 7,000 miles, the estimated tached to the title of & large majority | cost being about $7,500,000. Such a of the number, indicated that they | cable would only tooch on Americas were as a rule ‘‘gentimen with a territory, and it is believed that suffi : wiihoe.'? The “antis” are mainly ent commercial bosiness would be se- pared almost from the start to make it : — Ee profitable investment, especially if a Phin es Solio Bo vil el braoch should be laid from Hawail to : Dubbo dinkiBuraang Japan. Messages requiring immediate To comple be this count within the re. enemission from Manila how cost the aire thirty days about fifty thousand { government §7.50 a word, though thc census enumerator will be employed. ! that can wait and take their lize are It will be necessary for them to COUBL | peaper at the rate of two and a half million | T sem— persons per day, or even faster. The strength of the Rar Rrony. population of all cities and towne of | According to a Brossels dispateb, Dr. ¥5 Tuesday 1t will be Commin- T. M. Sheehan, muoch to the t of the ring candidate, agreed that newspapers without a straggie. AN examination of the list of “edie tinguished statesmen” Who partici exon.” over eight thonsand must be enumer | Leyds, Diplomatic agent of the Trans ated within a period of two weeks. vaal in Europe, has jennie] 3 statement te ant. , | that the Boers now have nearly 100,000 Ciriani ri Spit men in the field, reade np an follows: bol 16.was u denial of all charges you | HOT Teguian, 35,000, artillery, 1,250; ‘made against him, and he proposes to | police, 1,750; Orange Free State thos, 5 prove in court his innocence of wrong: clung Uitlanders, 35,000, Natal doing. He did more: Under oath he | POEs, 2,000; Bechuanaland anid Role. . be was not guilty of the oh Arges | Rhodesian Boers, $000, foreign legion, _ you made against him. The taxpayers, 1800; Americana, 4.000; Germans, 8,000, und’ Heublioans, belluve) DutciDelglane, A000; Irish, [000 ‘him to be & clean man - Johnstown | oandinaviais, 800; French, Swiss and Prit {Italians a0. The Jews are doing he | r— police work. : AN OLD and prominent Democrat | a ew said Monday: “I have all along been | : Admiral tid % Wes. Tp "to the course pursued by she | Admiral George Dewey announced oer nstown Democrat in its tirade | in Washington Monday night that be inst every Republican official. in will soon wed Mrs W. B Hasen of that Cambria county. The officers in con. | city, widow of Gen. Hazen, and a sis- trol now are an good if not better than ter of John RB. Mclean, the Democratic ago, and as to the tax rate, iti o | cRDdicata for Governor of Ohio. Mrs I wer than under Democratic rules, : Hazen is wealthy and about 40 years of when the increase of work and the | 28% - : growth of the county is taken into con- | “1saffered with piles eleven years sideration. This course of the Demo- before using DeWitt's witch hasel | orat will not win, and I for one will not i salve: now my health is folly restored. be a party to it. 1 will vote for Samuel | 1 foul like a new born man.” —Con- il Metione, and against the dirty | rad Stange, Piers, Minn. A soothing, work of the Dem: Boa | healing preparation of standard merit; ¢ res [hewn Be boas ounterfeits. C. | 1 he Each { [Ue the right pried go W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, § gogernment st Altoona EC n Courier. fast for the comfort of the Eaglehart The Sec af Alcoonn. Teluding Jihnslawe, Sonn to be Erected Within the past two yearns romans have been circulated in Catholic cievies | of a coming division of the Diocese of ' Piftabairg and the establishment of a tew one, with the seat of the episcopal Recently the rumor was revived, and after an in vestigation, the Fittaburg Catholic of this week's lane says that “the news #% it reaches the Catholic x vary ac curate, and we believe that we Cap trothfolly say that in the immediate fatpre the new episcopal see of Al toona will vw an accomplished fact.” Continuing, the Catholic says: ~ Tha upread of the church in this State de mands its formation, The metas arch bonds of the sew of Altoona will oon prise parts of the Dhiccwsen of Pittabuary and Harrisburg, the counties of Cam mria. Hantiopdon, Somerset, Bea fied, and Bigir to be detached from this id ses, and from the Diocese of Harrs- burg the counties of Uentre, Chnton and Falton to be taken. To compen: © sate the Diocese of Harrisbarg for its lose, Schuylkill and Carbon counties af the Arch.diooese of Philadelphia, will be added to ita territory. There is nothing official in the pews aa above given; neverthelons ii has an excelent foundation, rent the mitre for the first time of the new Snir wee there in even the sighted rumor.’ The Pittsburg oomprises in termlor) the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Fay- (ireere. Hontingdon, Indian fawrens, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland T ious erected in 134% divided January 1878. into the Diocese of Pittsburg and the [Hovese of Allegheny, and reanited Apgust 3, 1877. The Foes in 184% embraced wenly seed uf the the Niate On whowe head will not * JEremeIns i BLowesg of Hedi bard, Ya PIR AT most western soublies of Blain, Cambria amd Lawrence having been formed at a subsequent date—and a little less than had then teen priests, and a Cathole of a little less than 35.008, lation now is said to be 3353 006 Filipe 33rd ¥ C. W. Hodgkins guarsnless every battle of Chamberlain's sough remedy and will refund the mousy tn any aw whi is not satisfied after osing two- thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for ia grippe. coughs, coids, croup and whooping | occugh and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tesdancy of a cold to result in poemoonia store near ralirosd dation. DeWiHrs little carly risers pormac hile nervousness and worb.out nently cure chronic constipation, HAnRNeNR feeling: sieanse and regulates the tntire system. Small pleasant, never gripe or sioken--“famons little pilla’' © Ww. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. 11 will be a surprise to any oov Who are st all familiar with with the good of Chamberlain's cough know that pedple ¢very- pleasnrg in relating their the pee of that splendid Gualitien remedy, 18 where Lake x perience 15 the bensfit © * a metieine and in tedllug of they have received Preis $i ok FTES 1MREL is has our of threaded al of pri moni The Latest Styles of Coats. SEE gaand garments the very | Bross ay TNT 1% righ ig (EAR Ve will he plese SETI he 3 eaady arasle Sar RY Cur XE & + i 5 GABLE & CO. 11202124 14M 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. Altoona, Penna. Are Your * UP? When 5 osid spap comes then every. hoody makes a rash for new Celhowa, joints, dampers selina Rp th replace rusty and miming ones. lenses Somebody has to wait and shiver. + : We can attend to your wanls sow ‘ 1 ane Smie srithonti delay. You ought to see adh sur Dookash, Jewel, Ganse Door and Cambria Fortune Cooking Stoves, flanges, and Heating Stoves before mn guaranteed tying eimewhere. In fact, before j 5 sion hoy anywhere yon coght to learn ,. cr priws on all winter suphities # i SRE TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. L. W. Cook Fanty Dress ~ Trimmin fn wR { .v zs sgt viaur eves Free : % » ¥ ha Sw erage ®ial a 1030 aU Aah fy A » wp & ~ an». CAT AR Saat Wich Wi ® XY 3 dng It Lk aha lORR We now have oar Coal Bank opened and in Arsteclass running order and ark now prepared to All all orders for coal proraptly. The coal = mined at wird “Traman'’ bank and its guality ws unsurpassed. x ae & 4t Fe. wm Rpawn as the y apy Mare eXonsile ion foe fades’ coptumes thax : 5 i (4 g@ wlies” coptumes nan {eave srvlers af Cash (sroairy. how Vie abs BOYCE & LILLY, crtavent, x fw oaiy De apd here rs pope abi Proprietors. 0 aver pmbroidersd Mousseline de a heantifal patterns, both hiack re, $4 and $5 per yard #2 Chips, & Tair on Bridge from find a» 3 Sok na Lt oF Wo ey 4% ay] ib iN Aoha itt yin Wii % 1 3 3 Looper enn Tacs NT i AT _ f Q a . Lyenieral More of i h3 4 Bip Tk Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc, Etc, As well as anvthing else needed for the comfurts of home, m@UALL and see our prices and ex- | wmine our goods. Wc per yard, A complete Hoe 3 fer and fringes all styles J of the many. Ome Ragnar: From Blation. far SIDIIRER ust a few
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers