PA The majority of pe ole each NGA NE / year expect to have a. VUAL Ln TWO WEDDINGS send BE. ME fa “gg Yocang lf this ee © Timed : Toke a Lite th Hand, Bart. Y tative Rebecca Hammond, yong aye of Pata 5 sling. EERE pti wy gore Le Most people look forward to this day as one long to be re- member:d. We have each ? o'clock Monday morning The cere: . “ 7 ra : ONS tock pine nf year done our best to camry ooo Tiber Fortes Cre i Rarity LALER pM the largest and most select fic and go stock of yar of Holiday Goods In this section. 4 pak Area and prominent Shown Pa Swaps united in Ler Al shined oficial thie {70 town, ing, after whivh the ia repaired tor tes the ob that p great ulations and well mother af tam wher aeived con af thelr take « jy the PP. PB Finh aven HoM. Minton were frig bene al the of U4 ytobwr wishes iene i X pia t Lis BOmseRee Lang 8 Young roshideinee on Ronth Patron, Pa fey and Miss Helen tha holy bo St ae, Uiooderhineg We have presents suitable for all clases, 03d and young, rich and poor. In our stock yon will find many accept. able gifts xach as ! ALBUMS, BIBLES, TOILET CASES, DOLLS, NOVELTIES, TOYS NOTIONS, BOOKS MANICURE SETS. oF pac PHOTO CASES, BLOCKS, Chest township, BANKS, GAMES, ar Tego DOLL GARRISGES, riende of thn by XMAS CARDS, Etc, Etc, us PE These grinnls will SO at the lowest possi hie Pree Call and see for your at The Annex To Our Store. of matrimony Bened Bareh morning, 4 Like a Perigaiy 24h ££ at hadi § LPT Gay Crowcierham who Known : Niarth youngest Master me bey Ff the af 1 and resides abo? (wo In ons oof the and popahar 3 ambria oF nly vo irange Mm A residen arroil -in the state, township, miles ton, Fis bride ws a daugh- Mera Ma Manion anid ix srg of an ter of rin well Rooewn PER, New District Manager DW, rected) Uw « REnzZalion A sari lant Bo. ¥ o oF WA50E sLEat Ie feara) BrYanch Enternaiional Building & Loan -Associaty : ; in Patio Gh rit Ned iagton, iy Nis shares of stock # ¥s To Calle yng tay branch HF revaddiont James Mellon, asvirer: Rotel y. The following direct. ors were selected: Dr. dW. Worrell, Patton Pharmacy. if © basen FB Morey, J A 0 p ite School Building. Innes Mallon, W, L afflcers Were PEs oa Pw Hs ¥ Pe : ie 1 after Lhe affairs Gf Lhe ees ¥ x ; » Ti ik 5 Gs, BE. Prindibie, President farion, View § Secretary and Tr Attorney LAT iia, I ee FL Will Prestrick Haker. Geo. FP. Prindd Gireene, (1. CU. Holler, PJ { Respyse and Reel ville Orisitary Anthony Deitrick, Jr, who died at bis borne atl St. lawrence ou Soaday, Oetober 15, was a won of Anthony and Katherine Detrick, and was cemmber 18, 1874. He was unmarried and lived with his parents until his death. He had been enjoying good Beith antil about three weeks previous tir his death, when he soffered an attack of typhoid fever, which Barn Dee ended 1D bis death, He is survived and four brothers and Heary, of ¥ bite - PEN xy his parents (rie REEier, Alloa; AL: At. a {HOT0e. brothera are f 3 WwW ! re Fencing Cheap! ns stance poultry $1 of : all sizes Plain Galvanized Wire at $1.75 per hundred w hich you know can not be bought less than $2.20 f. o. bh. Pitts burg. Also 3 bargain. Matting to 18 cents. The finest line of roc kers the market—Golder 1 oak, or mahogony finish. Children express SOC, $I and £1.60. Glass jars Tes, Rugs, TC! ‘at half price Window shades, ‘also cottage rods. Stoves and Ranges, the 1 sien, married and Hvisg at Pius and Amandus 4 Mise Agnes Pence al The sinter at Borne i bes foal Mypreenl hae, Jrbn Rpt, a WL KT died al his home near Timer PL heat Springs, for an Tuesday. 17. after an ines for some me, sumption, which Carly Ha years, Hao is aur. oe v : The funeral oe wing A LRA wg i Was Lhe deri WoiaM alont OF & » PRIN, Pw LEE vy ; £ Foie Pitas For3 Irom x a vi £63 the rites of wha he wi adie, 4d] Was ehurch, Chest argest line 111 town. Very Respectfully, froxxErs Kick Hdw. on & Fur't Co., | C.C.GRENINGER, Mgr. CREE, x ruwly Er J.B. Wilhar, Pub ton Buckwheat and Feed Mill, will pay “eash for buckwheat and rye. Jropieion « "hn The : ATTON, CAMBRIA CO. DD ( KLTOONA 5 NEW RAH ROAD Fropting the Pod. FH. 8 KE Has apm inal Pa. iret 08 Fin fad if axl Jokhnetoow Aoong, bailging the much tal dy fritrabgry ir, hens & Fantarn rl mand better PEAT £4 ny 3M, Aa kuown has been started. E beg fs bh E aaters sontrantor, hy ¥ the work in dharge aud it 8 anil will prank 1 avand completion, Lf Logan, a pepresentalive of the Pajichy ls pont rector, arrived in Altoona one day ti ar t Hos Wi MiAEe x ra rN ssn ow begin we road fom abwiga Joanista station, posed Ha Pheer Boy Wore at gaged] several rn Lhe Since antractor T of SIS at near Pmughertios, for grid gigeet the Phipps RRR The Tore 1 fuse Prediadd oa pumber abhunlics beer viyy i09 in got Fase EEE sion ard bein ir <i pl pd to A # faogran went pr dass when the elevated fen {ie 8X o ni CORIO wing the Lrac FT EAC RA Li) Sibel i roity af ron ix *5 i Forge AX Eh PAReOn ro apearisin Feud ¢ alii W § Hp 5 Frostimastyy ¥Metion Campiimeniod 2 Pipited Seaton Postmaster nspesior 4. H ganrteri at Alona makes Big head Pa was a Vasitar age. He Borie fog the of Making regia the Patton offiwe apd after going over every! w Aa whi fay 2TR008 A Lew days Wis {4 Fe trim lay inspection Hf carifuile be asverbead to remark voit Bis travels lw hada nod ih any POOL Was a pastor fice $hign every puriieuniar than Mr. Melion has heey obliging and aconmmo. official. Hix eflivris Patton office always Deen a very police in making toe FRGK almive thas sian is alard bs pti Leg ing of which he 3 why certainly dossrves piaiit § Much Nested Joaprovomant, With the dirt taken from Magee and Fifth syenaes, the result of paving the sane, our borough is ghead lo the way wf Very important improvements (a twis of the leading streets North Fifth and West Pudmier avenues thews inprovementa, in all probaaliivg, watid not have Been made for several yours, in view of the fact that Lhe ex. dirt ig mest any wosiiel bave Gilera ise penises of securing ater grind ior afford well know bow Lo appreciate the same Lani The and mianier Figg I thin partioniar the were Guile ese add wgreas al Jemwnia REE] Gress thy Cilia : Killed at Cress on. Juha Hoover, of years, was killed t atelonck, # abn y the main Hoe of alle road, directly in fro Yardma Hoon er Fos aks Pas Lis f the PEE office ster Mitensedl, Mr het Buck's wan a Lad aE ey ott Lenaiitan 3 sees baud unviar Death the awd being Pras Wha 2% Wildy an esstiound 3 EradiL. Wan Es, soe ER #130 5 Lewd § + EOTILIR, arnroek Ls H&E Eon pad Aad yernber ih earnestly requested brick ut 5 and tied Hae per thousand, Inguir 2 IF ER ve A Pek fied RYT SHANE Fresh fish every Thursday and Fri day at the Cash Grocery. PES exe singye ab Fisher's Ey pe = ¥ SERIOUS A BEST FIRES TIMBER DESTROYED. Tre Damag Eat WH Reach Millions of entre rns Hire Belin teint y October 24 Agiin Early yesterday morning the Ailegheny Milesbuiry fait night and to-day the faresis pee baring AR Eh AT BAe Er DroRe out on prot bain, § ¥ % an Sad Ayet MI Suow shoe WWE AR vestershay, fire | until Dynal of acres of vahiinble spread Has aver thotsasides timber fans -o damage Hasewds, ENE STE Er oY ¥ind foi Cel 24 Rerions forest fires Sugar wr Prive tl WSVEME MY aver the ie FREAD sine Saturday great. ln the Wistar and all Apr oioend 3 Wort patie is SIR Ape ira’ 4 aid Pe yaad uh B thre of desthirw’ dest proved 4 Fried Gpemd spstains east thodaands of i IEEE Laarel hill shee Ratuodny and ping every thing betes it at a rapid pace. Several Inmber companbms, who have umber 4 4 oF bor ke gerd +3 - i} ATi at pu RKeurl Ph pentane Mun Hey PTR FRY Ome 7 ohne boewn, (ae Hiern mba pf¥ieant realy he Gig ivr with heereibin for th fa £3 Ling eaves Drfash Rames and buniireds who are 5 * Ba Tn 5 " i ae hg feline WwW PBeuliorsd {et gant diestroctive format aver expriencnd Sn this part of the raging on Wills and Afra n iain bar Lhe Rel Lhe HSA iad vainable timber has leet d A1 Hasiings pers House wi Phe pualdie want bx aug: That is what pron pled he daithor to write the Lirooery, RArner Liminy { Giorgatfol oid, arely and simply a farce “every maken their troubles and worries of Na attempt of a plot postrcted for laugh interpreted by ally Are Pretty warn srseedl famuonsly funoy which pressinis hapdin a8 Low had The Harner Lroeery isp somedy, and ap-tacdate in Pi pes) it i the style of play that aie oo a Jet He {1 iu Cm OILY, erETy ny i made, hk PHT Toi esigacn A Cee and i¥ SHG IAIRY, REDE BEC He musical members all of girs, ans, Dirdght and witty cops, the lnlemt songs the day. Srmtumen, protay Ring ines, go to muse ap the stack in the "Corner Grocery Miss Chaplin is a singer and dancer 1) TESA mart and is ably aseistod DY Neti t. Bille Bowers, Kate fm HO siphite entertainment RIDER al hers gL 1 Af Hastings ow wl Medinpar, vsieey and For a good we the SU orner Lvocery, Lae fet pen Honan Friday evening, an Peal Reported at Hastings it La paportesd that Masurs HH O1 Van. af Hast. aadinnan, Propseeny aged Janes phedl, the purcliase of {ane sitnatind about oie weal ol Hastings in Food iapuinie A Hunrmran wis) REEL was renpived to Hie pital widre the amptiatios Waniod ws Vaow, A fresh cow. Inquire of J. KE neil, Patton, Pa of Shes MOCKERY IN [HHT ee Arrow Hanegaet. members of Patton Conclave Tranroved Order of Hepta- A hold another of their popular banquets at the Palmer house Thurs day ewvining, October fath. There wore 49 persons present and about 10 wore seated around & peangesd ip the shape the principal letter of the enjoyed one of the sated our sprovud before a gathertug of © jie in Patton. The Spica ining room wis beautifully and arti iy agmngesl with flowers ard evergreens which were harmon. i eminated with electric lights specially arranged fof the oeoasdon. Aer puriaking of the hou teous res wt, whi dy osname oo pace of nearly hots the party copaired to the Goldstein hall whers all those so ine lad the privilege of enjoying ni thahionnd dance to the aweet strains of music furnished by Roscoe's Oteheston of DuBols, Pa, when during the Swe sma’ hour! the “Hepes de. pirted for their homes soondiog high- est praise in having speul one of the evenings of their Hves, and bes stowing much eredit apon the manage. ment of the Palmer Hose who so ably conducted snd furnished the splendid and longt to he remembers bangoet, The writer can speak for all wien we hat more thin wells £3 bes sg guid 3 Hesse £2 "Fhe rave an CN 38s ach beE, Pesds Roecrdod at Eheashung Friday, ODetulws 13. ergy Yes toy Inde peti { slasger vi Rugllaling & Loan sapmideration, #1 Hx, ipany, Guilitsin town. Pvt dont dare wasocialion, Linarrol, EJ. aah Coke con ahip, $1,580, Yaos Losach ef ax to Lion Hastings, $0 Qeath Fork Water © Cameron. South Pork, $1.00 Moxham Buildidp & Loan ARsOEI GL jon to Frederick WW. Stolle) Johnstown, 21.058 Matthew M. Nolen ef Patton, 2900, to Cepnifred Smith- Bybert of ot al to Alloons rote they . vig : : fant GRE Gent y ig of any EY iw Paeinbily, ardor wihere they fipasat Ply Sopa » nx. to Jobin azsly Maran, Plog Anna et ax. bower Pation, SiN Jack Navolney lo Munster, £5 Jape Jr, Summit Annie Hugle West Barnesboro, 81. Hugh Me! #1 ux. fo Joseph Allegheny, 85 00K) from company fo William i Fast Conemaugh, 81,780, Sebasting Kriss, Jr, of ax. 16 Henky Howl, Chest, $380, Cambria iron company to Samuel Hook, samuel A Raorabaug Lyre Antite Navoloey, elise, Managan to Charles k. Fo0a fis i Ager estd athitirine Mad Neal Conrad, Camibirls Paint Cagiter, a | A A. East Conenangh, $50 Rock of ax. to David H Fast Copemangh, $1000, Michael Sin. sy were Cienrge Single of nx to 2 5 J. & Warning. Susquehanna, $157 . Ail parties are hereby warned against driving upon sidewalks in the Borough of Patton, There is an ordinance pro- hibiting the same, imposing s fine upon tne offender. This ordinance applies t3 those who are in the habit of drivieg upon sifewslks in front of their own gopertion as well as the driving upon others. Any person found his ordinance will be prose FX. LuRManN erie, | Catheritie B. Colites Heade, | gf Reade, Juseph 1 debe dosh LL Gilass ux, Io {Catherine $18. et al 10 100 vip ta Charles A Litem of al Chania Banmer “d tay John H.W J ARE Mane of UX. aterm dolimstown, Engels, Jahnstawn, $800, k Jans ik to Mary J. Dick, Johns those of 8! Mary Jusephine [Her fo Johnstown, 88000 SMbchiasis Willem hill haroagh, S600. ns. inthe J botviugh, SOO, siolating t giited al onde IAW, Geokge M. Ervin, + Jia i is weldliier Plasan, suggests a Misrner \ Bender, Snmmerhidl iim Galena wt tid Fall S Suit And Overcoat and Piss Fontes Hades by aattabiisloment of Muny people will siirpriseml to jesrn thal the postal Re ! ; iy Cvecoat the Unter] State 1% tHe gry Seber]. TOM. rn ii hari that il handles more pieces, eg ploys more Men, spends more TIER AN iy the seared $x 9 Emery Sinith sais brings mare revenues, Uses re Doves and tonchos other hanman private, gov- srnmental or corporate, The postoflice department directs 7,307 postoffices, muiters an army of 20,000 employes, wpisln soar $105, 000,000, aud ponnta peopipta of nearly the sume It handled last year 8,214, $47,000 pleoes of mikiter, of which 4 TET HM way letter so that every minute confides 14,000 pow messiges Lo [Grey more reac involves ARAL, more details, PAN any patie mary intaresls The Merchant Tatlors, PATTON. PA. arganiEaiion, iar 5 ave Lis We please eve Arran mail Og nse our behalf. 2 N35 ita Baad fr manufwtared and de livered postage stamps Lo the nambe . ne % ” % 0 i3 pat 2 af R800 421 60 amd the value of #101, 2 f : X 3 it carried 2 060.7 AEE Eh we cal picase © vou. THx SMORE BROS. SONY inced you avercoal THE WH pPapwrs. Cirvmteond aa Amerioan Platform Hisllop Fowler has long been known thar great thinkers great spenkers of the American He had a subject Yesterday af Thu and platform. CEN Ls ak cine of aurite with his bresdih his graceful rhelorie, hiy poetic suprnved A100, reRnoiiln gg, SiH it seal italia Ninel ATLL ns Hntwohn uve ment r.oauel act such broad disoassion json uppermost bass Denil FO AR changing ipiad Coed riler ph i pps oi Fsgpin radon Giga 4 : I Parra : i % : ge : ; } { Rist Asaph 400 Egg din Faint y western Naay York farmer predic tie Hs rie al wie not wor} SABLE & CO, 1320-22-24- 1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. is Twi Sows fend ales Pwo grood mileh cows for sale. Ine quire of F. X. Lehman, Palmer avenue, near the Catholic chan property.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers