¥ SDAY,(ICTOBER 19, 18090, cd AAA i RFR 8 AR CO); ; The majority of people each HON. JAMES WEAR INTERVIEWED She 3 Ee hs TE : bog Rar expec: 6x have a > Haw Reporter of the News, a Daily News Lincoln couriy, of snrroiasing bys Ty {Pine Yess % wer Casi ws 1 fort ti Frown SHnetlin shi Chief Detisse of Nationa” i paper Pabiished as Aiamogorde, 8. Mo Cgpatan fs, al eats 8 : / ®: tineud Wide un Bneengh Ditids. Nissen Hille Reader and Shoe- n puserva of the same. ‘h ; : Patto rongh Commi met inregil- | maker and thd : papils enfoyed an sight with the nopr in the woods and along the creek gr embers pralent 8 per roll dyeing (be week. This is a heantifal President Hobbard, Blair, And. susan pf the year and all children A a ati Hh ox 54 . a and Campbell Poe ahanid we goat xo reel nature from COUNCH, PROCEETANGS PUBLIC SCHOOL PARAGRAPHS. The following, taken from the Alas mograrch ¥ Ni Ww Mex #0 News, Sapte ber meek im ap alerview Hon James Kerr, Who preety mtarnent from that country woers i largely intenesied Lathe pomRLYSULIGE HE Wee har wile Open Agen af pew raves ad (lor Senior ans Hach interested in co Me Janus Kerr a member of the 3 fron of Loorge & Groen) de Uo, the con Biniy [tractors who have been hytiding Whe tg thang in Lhe way OF presets : hat the letting of the bonds be raked Tors bright ithe givin were promoted 1 wate rican Fh ame EE of Apderssh an Mia Suiter is thelr SAN Bn BIE EEG carried LC Rghganiigee gh f Fepet hranol ¥i Paso XI XN Griheasteorn rribivay aur LE 3 ata 1 anvsdder LS : Cogs cw kialh Fe aing $953 ; <¥ be , ; 1 0 E43 > er nt smelay ight, Ootinter 1700, Orgs 1X ose tay tha Bo ova 4 Hg the ant very ana fail, when sw 8 wrists les mnie the Deal Of el nia Po . fay wht $1E Fun } . i from tre to groans Ww Lhe is grease, We : to-day On Bis petirh to fhe City with New cio Elia I% to pres, 7 whet a specint meeting witl te held for ne Most pe le 1 wie fc raard to Mr A ¢ RB. Eddy, on 5 pee VER Chat purpose they are ready fur the cORRgR whether ih ria St pen Om 30 wk 0 pian of the rRIrGRG, Wh ahs PICEA TERRES » The follbwing bids fa the eration oF 18 ka 4% ola on J AEn Cary BP BY ete ay P 1 long te ‘he re completed, stated ss fullows. ENGINEER BASTIAN KULLED ; : : hn F Hehe on eriotion’ oF it ba at the eval of the tern or ot the this day as one ong to be fe. wy we deliphitan we Es gr i : than apteey on Palmer venne Were me amgddie af the seventh woel it is very membered. W e hax . each this euterpeiss. eral Thad Ba ah or Di Ba No § % 2 : RY fai ih eived an follows: Leonid & Beer ancourkging to pals to Row that . year done onr hest to carry marvel It is emay of operafinn and *t Byuehels Toe) mn attics Heit = submitted u bid of 85 cents por lineal they nied not remain in the anne grade iin Sr in x ( Lh i ; J] : = with Cot TREY Bite mati lath, Biwi Harvey Hasiagiy, Aad onguwer % Boy iid a i ib . 4 : oem ii i bt for 103 nel sewer gad Th gente for fiat tiie slrae af the rm fo Fyax pro- : the largest and most NE ect Priarny gs Very eh es Lhe O01 ¥ wide weer y vi + Waning Ant ini svi Whe atl flan gp Rui AR UAT % fonk maker Siac Re i tmitted : 1% ta, ste k f of El Paso and the southwest smction. Do mb trips DY BARMLINE BOSE. et thet Mae {8 inch sewer, Geo 8 Good submitted giotad We shall abt keep hack ihe ; ; YO : Sid ep ; : Svs eg. beg v'% oly Edson *s 5¥ ¥ hs : © il of BRE i Fa #5 lye ge Feiagle 8 2 i A 1 : . ; 3 ek 0 “ig in difficult to fably Yeates OE PAIRS 0 MN CL Pation 2 4 bid of 85 cents per lineal foot for 13 height aod diligent paptl with the dall : g Beech Urey tvindiin of the New York oh sewer apd TE cents for 18 Ch aad lay ones £23 Chwilleve dn promalangt pple S68 RAO aR peat possibilities of this snterprise, PORCTCER af Lhe region are i ber, real wpitwsond wad smnpgnl anoer ily Sis WEY. fin motion of Winslow and Dipastors andford nd SP ema a wr. = ; "™ « y EH gu 4 : Prosppean of thee U@inoe Tiwi 1 7” § wef } ooml. fron, oper, Fat vd, stiver, Bre 3 oyu ; eat bE rad ik 5 CT Xho PRicty abel ok ; y . : 28 2L {1 : od ett ly 2 ; : aur fi § g0 Matai Ce Tg weonded by Blaic if was carried that gisited av dan 3 re ke Fe : i 1ay 0 olay, me, cement anid many other ib / Laeethe, Fa : : y a visited aw during the week We feel § i A 2 : spolinots Too nuneTodis tes myontion, all E DOME TRAATIAm 3 A a Aithesigh sas wl Eanes ig Sos che contract Be awanded to Geo 5 quite sible to enbdrtain oor patrons A. Tw * Fw og ®I% Leng wis bai TeX ed Ii beer 63 5 3 i 5 wo pd Nk iF K Fogh Ta ARIEN 454 ® IY 7 1x i ; bo ym portant Ta ihe WN Bs and Ri acs Bacliy SEY = FRE : 25 2 : Ha. 8a mado wo hiviet aE Harivs 5M Cres, GT RATE EET Lia H esl hishiler, : wall Moar director, Hi un this section. ition of the pepe of the Hi PAR Willianpepars Bosbeital, Whee Be WHA ahaa ao vega Lie satoe of A petition stgned by weveril cilizens BI Myuus Princely 3. i Of the White Oaks coal, Mr. Kerr an wqede piken, “Possday night : ; ’ ie rireniintad to Colnoll pray hop We have prese ti guitab ta for all said afferwards akon, [O00 THES Paths fall ion wo fanspetio, mks Bot ha Wis piresiilen to Lan praving HO Paste Fir Baek wheat snd Baw | classes, old and young, rich and poor. “1 visited every opeiung, pot only means of egress and ingress on pablic AARP gn % : , SN tyedusiy Chas CHIATAC of the © ery va * To our stock you wil find many accept: SABIE SUSU ring are wh og at 4 : bere in > ie Clay % i ¢ . Patt investigated Lhe ooah GeRng RAPER whan solr Be endiidedd WIRY ae a a Cr TRE PT na the rear of the ay ‘aris an on i able gifts such as I Aw the ralltoad, and am pro og. : : burg, Risir county, salami 2s BUR : 0 i. 5 tapped iy hie FL. Jan A is tha re Hid af Best section of Ooi & eases Clipse tier £ motion of Capspbell and seconded by AY DTTAIS TOIT 8 pare O FAy Lhe MRR GG OG OLLI . a oy :. $ TR MALLE dia RIeNR NY His oy a da ie 3 ALBUMS, BIBLES, cannot be siirpassesd Any ahere as W in, also ound fit this pues, 8 RTL Lhe Anderson it waa carried thal Lae pelt ron POILLL eT C ARES, IX LIS quantity or quality sniithwest of Kane win 88 pared af Matches (0 al loretth, where young “00 aE S cr tii seat pep tlar meets In slew of the fact that 1 expect 10 A [( id hy ADDED, DULL, sas City. As a steam ralasyr it will geome parpone gop oe une ing of Connell Vieave Patio on ar sboal Noveraher AEG the Pennsyivania or West ir Annet thers Rtlournes taeh | will make phictograd x af Ts + NON FLTIES. TOYS, gina fasts The pening up of this he # aie in wt NE Lhe calimmn of Af hu radiated PA ib PORE sais : a Subp tan J" 3 , ; : “Yo Pein " taste taetiad ; milaaing pw prices from pow up until nN YT ANE "3 rr Q prodoct will do more for bd Paso Lass. Gil ih in oa groeodw al gral Oaek, Waa he ae $108 Tosa Rabbi : NC ION S, BOOKS, any other enterprise Lag his enon pes a 3 : chal slate fuil to embrace the go 4 i ¢ a 33 E 1 A if . FUAEELE v5 wt 8 £3 pile uf penned i * 3 SHA AR ERE NE 5 ARAN gino fon iby Segal bE groaning. oN vy Phe nnd OEETe sid i Lae aE i Lang i ay ¥ * om gi isd y sutdraly Wiki it lasts Cabinet w MAN ICU RE SE I he With selene 6 Lhe Jardin Mr os gadis ign cites pr uinh Hn ie Sa si Ent ae Re = a end asd Loe sore poem ooenpled BD ea of wens farmer rice 5250. re. Sanday Bh Beas Ken i Ea Je 3 * % La $% Inge Tie VER REY (TERR ST Xe 3 A ‘ Saks % 3 Fd LATE Th IRleky TK wy Lh ath A : * & y o Fens eae ¢ ohana store 5 £ 3 - gh pa RT eu ro Va pt Ean 5 Yar ® ya i 3 3 & GE # yo ® FItkiv # BL fattmt SOTEYE: Pra $2.58, He it i a as i ng ’ rg aw ET A + PHOTO CASES, BLOCKS, Re A Nannie Pi : : ; EE bb id 0g that Cagis anantities of barn : hiatee - Deer NORIO BRE DRIRCIREG Hea hi Dia gle woh peer Yargipp : Ta Pa i "Yh pow Ho. allies, Jonhet price 5% oh, ROW BANKS, GAMES, ae quanto of igh grucio cop. Be comit 4 EL is pew cation, I Tey be SE: cue i the Good bing, wd gy 75 ge gin, ll ar, former peice ¥ He was Hauhng sinning sell ont of alive x: JB Withir, propristor of the Pats ton Bick what and Peed Mill, will pay 2 saab far boclpw heat and rye rooSiEhawal whe af train, } Hila. FOR leading ts and from Li street Phiodi graphs Away dwn Flies Vouiares wi CE Be ex Yaak 1 ; Shih ' : ET wail iF JE BF AWAY will 5 ia Sey gd oe HY BR pared ste vised fall or LE . i La ; . ET ro Catal in Wh . th Py Haan, Hire WR Youth T3205 E5340 aU Ae ARG LTA hi wg ee x he ; i a ; E Mian : sk vo ¥ yf $1 5 now $1; “x3 f XMAS CARDS Eto, Ete, [gh few propertios wera shiwing eine $50 ware alee on the engines, sid in INTE RE WE App EH. wideh worn the ie : sce $1.00, pow 81. i Se \ iid } y f : Wd ’ t9 i 5 xs i La § apd 3 § Byja font end To a . p 5 OR ER oN 5 ¥ veh $e agaomrs 18 Eihgarr Eatimive REIN 23 LEY : ih 4 i FH, SE his ¥ you Coe am IRIE JERE TE a 8g asia Ri i ’ gi Bla pha oui Tan Foowt syria Tat { ’ bi ; ae T pe YORI Wis DO SORE : : , : i or BiG foplanately oeebin Tn (ASH Da Was Iasi Elie pig / bees Fatt) » i Woe He Be 3% iy ; Fig WG a iE ear the Noanome Ba ll on thee as : ge Ln ey oa a . = ii wy ha ane of the rear widows bugs pra phe at the iowest Passi Pl oe, slipen, Te saw A diet $7 Me ea US ih kena : gk cdey whshet aKa OBL 8 Lp r peat a a > ? ? WHERE an SRrnscal n é 4 F "5 Ww ig . oh fit Call and see for vor scit at (. o, ; £ oe fre gids RL Af he Bes PEARS a al Mr ” 5 gue 5 Eh hl edd i Ets da plas Ni so $5 x i i 2 i 5 f= ! 3! eX Paes Lary GARY LO 6a 5 Take J WE) § ¥ + . 5 . Nhs hii ing Ew tzaria 2, “} an Was aroused iY howe And ab: ope < { ; ¥ - Mia) abit 8 Yeau Wr and Mra Nagle . fF € or iu jit he Eh ' dupe af the | ariegie Stapt CaunTRn : cg § ly ge : : taken pat 5. ¥ forsuy Shore 1 ont § Aiea eet wn 3 discovered that borglaes were inside rs {) Ste a yor foe 51 E13 TRF aelsey SHR We Sediwidss Bons isan Braddock, tot le . To Our Store, A sex : 16 Ts. Mr, Subways Bom is in Braddock, Bub ye cm Tan instant be fired ashot LR ir fh SERMILIIN BTY FoF 4 3 wd hp tid HN ¥ a | ET a ans 3b wgnpielnaiicss Bl 5 FR : od : - a a 1 t Sake, | : Ine has ale) 8 restdenion A Loretta, wha h from bik revoiver when oie of the And Ov ercoa ped 3 WRI . x % i ; 3 . . Xt Paria) Boned i iuate] is one of the HRs fet 3 a i! gpg 4 % 44 a 5 5 SE Wak ack over Liu AT RRROgT ith Rohe i Li sipisornest ano most party grekly pepsin reed SUEY Rae, do & Sacramento Motntain Railway to The teachers of Reade and White postlyconotry homes in the state. and ipamesdistely jomped out She rd ot inabocting a Et a wal iy sill mest at Rossland school, Mr. Sa tr i” Has #4 HN fo Goi window and made ood Chir escape. . veel dt Slee FIN i ¢ i Lid AEE swadeiicE¥es agp AX 4 lads GarTrEk Cid 5 0 tows of tay Bey : . ; _ RI pEsLS timber on the eastern shops of the Sac fo. 2, Sutvmiay, October 21, Address ho fa ua Blin Menor % ther Bev. pagides the watvbes which they sue SUR EES z : Vio ; If weeds. Ci Wo Bow - 3) » PEIN sikilitein, £12 Li A i : ; bed : retnenito Monntaion Mr. kerr stated f i BICORIE, fi. W. Bowman, response, Ringe Ln 4 = By nabs pining Se ceeded in taking they hid piled up shat this railrord wan & surprise; hat WH. Trosels opie, “Importance of used by the distinguished priest 00 onaiderable clothing belonging E: Ch Ero bl there wae Bo slr aftr. Haowogd Instizaie’ Prof Hartman, ¥ J Years Ag and x god watoh ThE Lar Wit & Thom pron ? which they ese oviigs of Shes same (DAaracler in the og go Lay a i Sik hoe #8via vda A AEtS \ Yori wu ; Da abi aT : J £ sited States; that he had seen many i Mun Evi Dustin; topic, "Steps Fine] by the clergy msn, ua poe Wham tended to take, iso i good bit of small] mountain ralivoads, bat that this one, Toward Sacra, % Prof. Moors, Mw the event was ane ot Anusial Interet jewelry was Laid oul for the par sof without a trestle or bridge and without Kellar and Mr, Peterson: music, by Bot anly from a religious, but also & BIS Faking had they not have port foiled : , aaa hes | i ‘ 4 aR uy } fiom i i Forbes ; A EY ati * : the Aucwasity Fat MOREY in in_son- inatitate: topic, “Relation of Parents torical paint of view, and doubtless We sa further attesopl. Al present no : t . A ae ini to Public Schools,” Miss Annie Stroup, jittle village of Loretto bad mort gegnite close has been found which ween twenty-five and thirty, was Mr. E. Davia; music; topie, “School strange within her gates last Tuesday would warrant irrest. Suspicion. : ' operated xo enaily and the trains ran Morals,” Mr. Hollen, Mim Carrie than was ever dreamed of by Father piinte strongly to a couple of strangers (We have the styles to Bo smoothly and the trip was made Rathrauff Mr. VanScoye, All teach. Galiitain during his long and eventful who were seen loitering about Patton | | : with such safety, that experienced ogre pequested to br h pastorate, 2 : pluase gvery taste, EFS are quested to bring their 7 : the day before the robbery pocared. s ‘railroad men could not understand i : » ' ; a pt Libeaty Pole & vaighioied. ! Ww ¢ are ue re to ise ofr unless they made the trip. “It is one Excel's sthool songs. All friends of Was Matter Dead. ‘of the finest pieces of engineering in education are cordially invited to be. Mr and Mrs. Wm. H. Sandford re- the world,” he exclaimed enthusiastic. present. tamed home Saturday from Philips. During ore of tha severy wind storms | highest skill in vour behalf ally. “And yet, thin railroad has not, ; bh - : andi the. fist lust winter, the large iron liberty pole leis RIL 2 a hy | coat a8 much as some of the bridges of lastatlation of OMerr. urg where they attended the funeral ; ; " - H EO Si | radiroads in the mountding of Pennayl- The following newly elected officers | Of their brother-in-law, Wm. M. Potter, ocated on the southwest corner of the [f you are convinced you _vanis. It reaches ove of the finest .¢porron Lodge, No 1089, were tal. Which oooured at that place Thursday, public school grounds, was badly © CX nf a end . He | Hmber fue fons south % Mitt = and Jed into oficn by District Deputy Mi Potter, well known in Clear. “kinked and prowented such a dilapi- are 'n Heed of a suit, overcoat i pe : . Opefis Up an stry that Ww n- ; on hy LMLFEL AepulY a Contre counts CT dated appearance that it was deemed op trousers, we Ca slo ake : coo Foo kas £4 ERP of eu bea 4 Mast H W. Dusmi ¢ feid and Contre counties, and to many P ; or trousers. we tan picase you. oF ne | yalnable to the peopie, not only on the Grant = anler . Duamiel, of i. 4 : g A = : ncing Cheap! for Josinl aniti burt t'vimier. south por. Thursday sight of et £00000 or, oat pav. mecomary (0 bua taken down ta oon Bb BROS nce oultrv wire less section which extends from Kansas woo: 15 MM. Smale, Noble Grand. ing resided at Barneshoro about u year "9° Y LORUBMCIOF We Me M u ; DINSMORE BROS. ES po : > City to El Paso and a thousand miles ; ’ Hud of Retaht's df ame io the 3 1 after © i : : 1 uc ’ beyond to the EA et south Con, CIATk Loomis, Viee Grand; A. G2 Ab. ago, died of Bright's disease Monday Sam the rescue and after erecting a “ of all Sizes, tinuing he said : batt, Finnncial Secretary. The follow- Bight, Qetober gh, &t bis home In a Arge scaffold aroand he same, he AR : Apart from the lumber interests de- ing newly appointive officers were Chester Hill. He wan 37 years old and succeeded in straightaiog ity. 2 tak Plain Galvanized Wire at eloped by this railroad, but not the poses. DP Jones RS to NX. G ® she only son of Dr. T. B. Pter, of Y°5Y few would have undertaken. The ) sywg 1 &1 72 ver hundred. which L jeast important by any means, is Whe oo oy LS ta N G: Wm Philmburg. In 1860 he married Miss POI Which stands neariy 100 feet high, he ew i ‘ti *EWLY i MEY : A . ig : Lo AEIReG, da Ar La Ea Ha v Ee | of ix ? $1.75 per un red d which you. fine scenic view at Clouderofl, the high- x Rachael. daughter of Jacob Stiner, of is an pretty a fing wall as can be sien Jess than $2.20 fo b. Pitts- | plains of Alamo gas an ara Spicher, atalde Foard: ohn. Boonies aif sad infant son. His occupation bard deserves much credit for the ins SS - 11 ’ jae i & . : o Th vs lias a2 + . was that of book Keeper, § i darip urg ilen in length and fifty miles in width, RS toV OG; Abedenkina 1. B. tov. 2% Siab 7 Rowe jet, and cunng His jife clerked for the Wigton and Hl Als i] iy making this area look like a large Per- G.: Daniel Abbett, chaplain; Jas. Me. | Adu - dai af 50 Jora toilet sets at a sian rug as you view it in the distance. Nair, R. 8. Q Jan Gillispie, L. 8 8 Conldate Coal, Co's, for the Electric New Banking Institasion. which to chouse the new 1. “tis one of the most magnificent sights Ww ¢ Hubbard Sitting Past G rand. Hight and Water companies and hed A dispatch fram DuBois, Pa, dated ine from 1o¢ ard up I have ever witnessed and a trip to this Sia : ather positions. Twice he was the sat October 170th says that an applicatior ' TE Toul «x a ¥ arc up ; point should be the ambition of every Kothoe of the Mating of Viewers to Assess Hate sy = i * ' i ; Metahier Lh wily & Laat an appileation dress. There are all wool Benefits. didate of the Republican party 0 for a charter for a new banking institit- 2 A FAH : _ taasiald sonny 4 and a : . goods—silk and wool mix. Se ge y CAEL OnR, The undlersi sod view Cia lay hearieid LOLNREY for lreasiarer, and fiosry at that laos will he made Nove ol . gy a wily - a ; " : ‘ : he undersigmed viewers appoiiilec z Lm : «3 «and mu ail «ilk et i +The finest line of rockers on sCieuderoft, with its cold pights and g g ppe ' womid undoubtedly have been clocted par 3 by Adpian Deelln, Jr, of New ares: and many ail silk ef by % - 2 t JP Mo fects. The many pew pe ge 9 we the (Court of Common Pleas of the mar : Yes Ok even femperatare during the day, mn 7 Sikedy fi 2 ad it not ath PoP Fy idadeatin t x) 2 3 i ig Fi § the market Golden ak, art the En know of if a person Cambria county to uses the costs and had it pot been for party defection, his York, A, BE. Patton, of Corwinsvilisg anv whieh have . SEN ! h : ip fi 3; URE 30a 8 RR ER 1 5 PETROL ’ vote being the largest o the bioket hh % a Wenves Win aye APCar- ~ or mahogony nish, wants to escape the heated spell expenses of the grading, pavingand 0 jargest on the ticket. I. W. Robinson, of Rochester, XN. Y; ed this season are represent RE Children XPress Wagons There amid flowers in ahumiance, with curbing of Magee avenue, nn the bor: He was very popular with ail classes. J RB. Henderson, of Hrookville, sug ed. ‘while all the b spular he a 3 green foliage upon every side and Lh of Pathe : ie ech vi eki: joeal bus The corpuratic r WhUE BE Ne > : : , TE it Aiki ugh of tort, upon ihe proberie PBhevete Nepidint eal husitoss men, he corpuration : sah : ; 3 50¢, $1 and £1 ON heattiful forests all around you, where | ugh of Patton, upon ine prope Thies r Rian 22 Eig AA i a ae colors are shown In ther aa 3 oie will be known us the Union Trust % Glass jars at the lowest fig- Ee Fon hpe nnEnown, wi : TL : g fe ¢f DuBoi p | i VATLias shades. We would 8 ; mo ang re. Where hose Gib give police to all persons interested, Frenchtown, a short distance west of Lompaay, © Hos Ri, ana wi tales ‘ij ur 3 : g pare, 21g £ i 3 18 interest EYE WH, 4 Shor RTA Wael i i } nN, tke ts have youcome ts the ures . : delieate longs are saoh i Wi Kher rH i Ry. A 1) ret Boe Lie purpose af Patton, inet with quite 4 wero aed transact a general banking ail trast Store and see the miarnih 3 da’ ob op i pe REE fol better by he Bhan» KE 5.0 ; y : cy es bs pias Eh AMa RCL sah Arti ty i Rugs, remnants’ of carpet tous it EE ea i. their appointment, at the corner of dent Wednestay of last week by falling | Dusiness. cent collection in its entire RORY : * 7 those i PETE $105 |e 134} #4 : > 5 5 * ? » HA ond =~ 3 at half Tice. : : : light-hearted and happy, where the : BR ARG Dor - 3 his A ip. He was riding to Noes tn Advertisers, 7 tv. —but to many we know LOL W indow shades, all prices, surroundings gre in every respect Ve antinggs and in going down the stee] Beginning with December lat, 1398, that this will be impossible. SP. Wak sleeping in Flies Poon al tg aps Ln Tanta nt we Lh WG Was is i ; Bars woth | Nr DasED vow! wa a ler enon doll Ls i ; biuret ational 4b iid : «tips sand aban J oTliodal Be IL ee ¥ ¥ terest he manifested in putting it ia proper shape again. Thure are thousands and thousands of yards of beaun- tiful ilress goods here from to 18 cents. + person in New Mexico and surrdunding honefittad seeording to benefits, hereby © Jobn Sapquisi, who resides at ROR ; natorai ant | congenial making i oaone the arr dav eof thither SEH when Foal dant east £ i Bil tow iw | wasFrangat PR et J La ; Y * 5 h Sh §3 4 GED same Foyer 0 BE, SURBE £88 0 1 | Lawn. Sh Ene 5 a 3 . San Se vn pw also cottage rods. of the most desirible resorts in We od where 1 ereons 1 vite to sti k . i oe is i > ail advertisers in the UoiRikr will be [hose who cangot come to : 4 Ce al ON Rh wire all persons Gate ivilaxl 10 SRC ¢ 6 sone, parsing in to thw 3 : Sin Hg DE gh . £4 EA : oh i world, he op to ne a Rit Wives ged attend 1 : seam The % ey a : is t charged for subscripiion iy this paper. ti glare oan ass the Mail ves and Ra nges the great featares of thi place is only ; = . ; 3 I a dered hin UI he price for advertising will te mame Order department—we wall a ¥ : ’ needed to make 1 the most popalar Dated at Patton, Pa, the Lith day of cotiatious, Hi wis discoversad hy a : 3 i wo ER tally = a ht 1 ; ; Ee \ : te LN 4 : ? “ = an its own hakis after that date and the LARLY send a liberal lot of place south of the! Adirgndacks of dew Dcteber, 1388, farmer shortly after the gochdent paps j : ig . camsles. embracing a large York or west of the famous “Lands of WI DONNELLY satad Vas ft Bis | subscription fo the COURIER witl be samies, emaraanyg a aArge ert Fob ET eso : cde PMORNELLY, wid pra was eioveld by Dae I > rey raat as Le | the Sky" in North Carcuna. ALEX. Mi TEE I y viding Tes : oj . i made a separate account, charged for enough vanety to enahie ; dali ARAN I 5 BR He ag 3% capri asness +3 \ ¢ ii 1 ii the Jargest line in town. CHG yevigrpi or iy all . x : . : 5 . abe SU LE . ULE PIOT 10 A gb the rate of BLE DET FONE, his rude TOR ROK hoose intelligently Very Respectfully grail aliraslion 8 ¢ pei tit of di 4 HICKER, unital Saturda: fet wan had {Eyres a oy : : foe ry re tu iy, sre ; ; i E : oS its DALY IDR «l shail be applied To lurelgil a8 will as We will offer the best talus in cape cities 88 New Orleans, baa ET Viewers the hoa : : £ Dalle. ete. aud thy people of th fa jocal advertising. stylish dress godds fhis season irk Hdw wisi horn tor Ulphoisiering : Ciniibiain Hay is Killed Metio Vol oer san. 3 \ ¥ ; SP asa APY baal NA EE aR Saw Pag oe SELES od il $3 ; 2% i oi ish es A BAA A i . These are sone i Lara iad Lops mlerangh Witlinms Block, Magee Harsy, the W-valio sob of Mail vy wee A mall GIGETR prom go 3 > by gs ihe 3 x of the Fl Paso snd Northeastern mil oop 3 a % ; a ia duplicate for 1808 taxes, of iLL. Eira of ot Lhe Fl an» id 2 arth astern avenue, Sofas, copehes and chairs Carver Barkett, of Gailiizin, whie out er des 3 wR are way. With many othisrs that i have . County. State and Poor, 1s now in my pa ; TR i agen Ea be Tomas aver bo look fe good ae new Wanting el. Fo wien en IY AR ; : | y ! pot tine to speak of, § radlroad onter- A151 Be on : hy Sov » » - aa enliy Anat, hands for collwetion. AH dellnguent GABI by & CO 1 0 prise ie destined to be ope of Lhe Hest Wb Hays from the effects of which bo died Lav 1 tit witli i : : : taxes must be paid within 30 days trom aise : & - s Cx ; * £22 ». 3 i ¥ Ir ; : : Fiver {date of this noties. WI! JACKSON, 1320-22: 24-1404 11th AVENUE, i C GRENINGER M Sf want to say firther that 1 ander For good guids at the right price go Fresh sh evbry Thursday and Fried ~Collegtor. ALTOONA, PA. i eNO 3 ye : : Ti BCL ily ot 2 aa 4 y . 1 Le > 2 § i go ; den C. — CONING INK, MEY. stand a movement is on foot looking to to the Cash Layoeery. ] day al: the Cash LGriwery. Patton, Pa, Out 10, 1818, gone : *Y ever projected west of the Mississippi Upholsterer. next say
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers