Promotes J ps tio A perl Nor NARcoOTIC. | Be of Ot Tv SOMUEL PITCHER . | ‘ ct Remed for Conshi to Sour Smach,Dioreh + 7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. | Cifice on corner of Lang and Fifth | Avenues. Collections promptly at | tended to. Properties to sell and rent. | R. F. B. EVANS, Dentist, All diseases of the teeth and mouth gillfully treated. DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, Surgeon - Dentist, PATTON, PENN’A. Office in Good Building, second floor, Mages: Avenue, .S. W. Wor ell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, » in Good Bailding, Room No. 8. oneral Surgury and the Eye a Specialty. All will rowive prod pt attention, V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. 1 Arlington bloek, next to PostofMes i All 0 4 Y. i» FICE HOURS:--7 tr el Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, earns PATTON, PA. ES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, in Good Building. -10tf. DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, w/er Ht euils responded 10 fie mr, nose and throat amend I2Ww2pm vom Eto Wim rao Sas DICKERS IN DIRT. Deids Recorded at Ebensburg op to Pate Friday, Jans 9. Gi. F. McDonald, M. D., et nx. to H. B. Sehrer, Gallitzin boroagh; consider. ation $325, Michael J. Fury to W. WW, Amsbry, John J. Weakland to Bennet Weak- mC land, Carroll, $25. A - D. D. Lewis : UNDERTAKER AND EMBALME, | Rarmimivrre, Pa. All = Patten to. John Ha favenue, Patton, will sl i parties rosbiding In Patton an day af night hy "Phone § i Iw Agent, Fie dnily S. A. SEITZ, D | entist! {Office in Young Building, vext to P.O. Patten, Pa. Office Hours 12m andl p.m. tod pon FirstNation'l Bank Patton. A et v : i i i i i § 5 : Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUE, 847,000.00, Asrigints 1 fin atid Huis pve ed Gwen ries ter roe dwelvsiabond with sal Phen ing Po Mtemrpiabiipe tiekeis foe Hares, Foreign [rants CER od thie Od WN eid All eorrempmendones wr i P personal atfention, Interest pala on time dejemits A. E. Patron, Wu H. BANDFORD, President. Lorpsarntions, Fires, Jadivigda. fie trum? fivisra. wiih Pima reat ve $ a 02 Goer aii Lhe Jending yyy data have aur promt and Canhier. The urdersi Patton, Pa. EBENSBURG, PA. All lega) business promptly attended to. Office in Barker Building TOBACCO and CIGARS : The finest line tn Patton it CG. J. FITZPATRICK'S rant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, AHAFFEY HOUSE affey, Clearfield Co., Pa. ommodations fiisteiass, nes at the bar, Mt REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Building, Patton, Pa.~"Phone No. 8, Best of Liguors sop A Young Girl's Experience. My dnughtor's nerves were Lierrihiv ant of r. Bhe was thin and weak tise Jekst ; Startled her, uid she win wakefal ad ' Before she had taken ane package of Celery : Ring the change in ber wis so great That she | eon i hardiy be talker for the sane girl, She is ruptdly growing well anid strong, ber con. re. 4 nigh ; plexing Ir perfect, and she sleeps wali every | night Mra Lavy MeNutt, Brash Valles, Pa, Celery King for the Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is soid in Se and 0c, packages by diusgists and deniers. 4 Fitton Pharmacy, ; C. W. Hodgkins, YEARS’ E Copan ply | sf Roy TIS ory writ of {mila “a m to inthe prineped | vine Daniel I). Miller et ux to Hastings Building & Lean Association, ings, 81. Hast. | WOMEN SHOULD KNOW TT. | Many women suffer untold agony - and misery becanse the na disease is pot correctly understood. ‘They have been led to believe that A ASH A i pose 3 Ll Notice? Notice is hereby given that the part. i i$ tare of thelr nership heretoforé existing between pomon | Winslow & Barton and doing business | ‘ander the firm name of the Patton | Supply Co; has this day been dissolved Program. Following is the program of the a (irange meeting to be held at Wilmofe, Pa, Monday Jane 19th: The forenoon and afternoon sessions | womb trouble or female weakness of by mutual consent, C. H. Winslow re will br held in Boyer's hall and the | some sort is responsible for the many tring. The business hereafter will be cevening session in the M. E. church. : [lis that beset womankind. Neuralgia, nervousness, puffy or dary circles under the eyes rheumatism, a dragging pain or dub SH PRE headache, Fo aches in the back, weakness or bar (down sensation, profase or scanty sup. conducted nnder the name of Patton i Supply Co., consisting of HH. E. Barton cand F. B. Morey, who will assume and pay all indebtedpess of the late firm and will collect ail outstanding ac. sont doe said firm dines the first day of Angust, 1598 4 sconunts contracted prioy to that date have been sssigned | q The meeting will open at 9:30 o’cloek, a. m.; address of welcome by Jos O. Thomas, of Wilmore; response, Mra. C. A. Wills, of Chest Springs; report of subordinate granges: report of J. E. Tomlinson, secretary of P. of H. fire Hastings Building & Loan Associat- ply of arine with strong odor, frequent + © H. Winelow, with whom settle. insurance company; query box in ion to Herman M. Miller, Hastings, $754 Margaret Sanker et vir to Matilda Dougherty, Allegheny, $15 Mary J. Arrowsmith to J, chell, Gallitzin borough, $400, Executor of John Beck to Creek Coal & Coke company, Elder, $120. ; Attorney-in-fact for Barbara Lemon L. Mit. Chest | desire to pass it with scalding or burn. ing sensation, sediment in it alter standing in bottle or common glass for twenty-four hours, are signs of kidney and bladder troubie The above symptoms are often #t. tribated by the patie harselfl or by her physician to female weakness or Hence, so many fail to is i womb trouble, ment can be made, . H Wixsrow, . E. BARTON, F.B Morey. Patton, Pa., Nov. 1, 1868 : Eon HT § The finest raisins and prunes he money are at the Cash Grocery. Windstorm and Tornadd Insurances, Pameall & Cowher the insgrancs frm charg: of lecturer, T. W. Hughes, of Ebensburg. The afternoon session will apen at 1 o'clock. Advantages of os ing cream separators, Frank Deveraux and M. F. Farren, of Ebensburg; recit- ation, Miss Lucy Jonex, of Wilmore; suggestions for the good of the order, E. A. Sheehan, Loretto; recitation, Miss Emily Davis, Ebensburg; Essay, otal. to W. W. Amsbry, Cresson, $2, obtain relief, because they are treating, of Patton, have made arrangements Harry M. Jones, Wilmore, A #fth 800, ¥ + wit a reflection not the disease lep!f with the Hartford Fire Insarance Com degree session will open at 4:30 o'clock. Samuel H. Lemon to W. W. Amshry | 0 the primary cause, which is kidney pany to issue policies covering all dam The evening session will be an open one Cresson, $3,000, Margaret A. Haywood, et vir to Maria 8. Hammérstrom, Hastings, §77. John Sanker ef ux. to Charlies P, Beckel, Cresson, 835 Isaac Goldstein by Sheriff of Cam. ‘ bria county, to Aaron Goldman Spang. “ler, 8300. Aaron Goldman ot ux. Goldstein, Spangler, $300. Vincent Wherry to Joseph Brown, Guardian, et al., Munster, $1. Catherine A. Bradley to Philip Cran. , aner, Gaillitzin borough, $450. Joseph Parrish et nl. to Silas Parrish, Cambria, $525, . Silas Parrish to Joseph Parrish et al, Cambria, $265. : Hepahlican Coaniy Convention, The Republican voters of Cambria to Mm. L. county are requested to meet at their ahead and plan ahead so that when a usual places of holding elections on favorable opportunity presents iteelf be | | Batorday, June 24, 1896 between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. in the boroughs p.m. in the townships, for the purpose trouble In fact, women as well as men are cyclones or windstorms of any kind, at | o'clock. age done to any bailding by tornadoes, and will be called to order at 7.30 Address by W. B. Packard, made miserable with kidney and bad. very low rates. This Company is the of Windfall, lecturer of state grange; der trouble and both need the same jarpest and strongest fire insurance recitation, Mrs. J. T. Jones; address, remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great discovery of the eminent kidney i and bladder specialist, and is easy to | get at any drug store at fifty cents or {one dollar. To prove its wonderful merits you | may have a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absointe iy free by mail Company in the United States. For rates and farther information write to Pagxwil & Cowner, Patton, Pa. i Oysters all the year throughout at the City Restaurant To Remain Here Rogoius iy, ; Ernst Bruer, the photographer, who | “Not all alike,” Rev. 1.T. Jones, of Ebensburg. The exercise will be interspersed with music by the choirs of Mt, Hermon and Highland granges. To cure piles, strike at the root that's the way. Dewitts witch Hazel Salve strikes at the root—it removes the caose, quickly and permanently. Kindly mention the has his gallery located on the corner of | DO0't squander time and money in a Patron CoUriER and send your ad. Fourth and Magee avenues, near rail- | Vain effort to remove the effects, CW. dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamp. road station wishes to inform the publi Hodgking, Patton Pharmacy. “wn, N.Y. . that he can now he found in his gallery! ‘every day in the week to await on Bad management keeps more people those who wish work done. Prices are | in poor cifcumstances than any other reasonable and all work guaranteed. ‘one. To be stovesaful one must look in ready to take advantage of it, tie forethought will also save much ex- : and in Johnstown city, and from 3to 7 pense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep A lite a bottle of a reasonable figure Grand plenie and dance in Short's grove July th and 5th Vaeant Lot For Sais, ; Vacant lot sitaated between the properties of John Somerville and W. UC. Lingle, on Beach avenne, for sale at Call on or ad. of electing delegates to the county Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and plar. dress, Joseph Taylor, Patton, Pa. 4t Monday, June 26th, at | o'clock p select delegates Lo the State convention, and transact such other business as may properly come before the conven: “tion, Attention is called to the fallowing rale: 7. Any person shall be eligible ax a candidate for Hepublican nomin. ation who has handed his name to the Chairman of the county committee, or his authorited agent, who has paid the smessment prescribed by the rules, and | pledged himself, in writing, to abide by the action of tho primary elivdion and ‘oomvention, twenty 2. days before ' the time fixed for holding the primary ‘election, and has advertised himself as a candidate in at least three 3. Repub. | %0l¢ June 13 and 18, good to lam ug sleasant to take, and entirely free ‘Hoan papers of the county for that iength of time. Joux H. Brows, Chairman County Com Johnstown, Pa., May 31. W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa, say: “For forty years | have tried various ‘cough medicines, one Minute cough [Cure is best of all” It relieves in. i stantly and cures all throat and lung troubles. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patten Pharmacy. Announcements. COUNTY TREASURER. The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer sub- ject to the rules of the Republica y, at the coming Prim June 24th and Convention June 26th. Jomtan T. Evans, Johnstown, Pa., June 1st. i ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer sub- ject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. SAMUEL J. McCLUNE. Johnstown, Pa. , June 1st. The SBdersigned respectfully aanoun- cen himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer, sub- ject to the rules of the Republican party at the coming Primaries and Convention. Jacon YRUKLEY, Gaillitzin, Pa, June 1st, POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR. The undersigned respectfully anncon- oes himself an a candidate for the nomination of County Poor House Director, subject to the rules of the RepuMican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. : JAMES SOMERVILLE Susquehanna twp, June 1. The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Poor House Director, subject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. Pairar Hawreono Carrclitown, Pa., June Ist. The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Poor House Director, subject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. ADAM Bowers, Susquehanna twp, June 2. i STATE DELEGATE. { The undersigned respectfully announ- | ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of State Delegate, sub- ject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and ¥ Convention, : WEBSTER GRIFFITH. | Ebensburg, June 2. respectfully announ- convention to be held in Ebensburg on | shoea Remedy in the house, the shiftiess in, | fellow will wait until necessity compels to nominate a county ticket and to i and then ruin his best horse going | Mor a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, Cth other 8 out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor fw get. ting richer while he ja getting poorer For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmaey, Redacrid Rates to 51 Louis of the BP June ® to bata db the e On account Grand laxdge, Lonia, Mo. Pennevivania Railroad company wiil sell round-trip tickets from points on ita line to Bt Louis and nt [greatly reduced rates. Tickets will be ME ah ty the retary, anti June 25. For specified rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents There is a time for sil things. The tin take Dewitl’s Little marly risers is when you are suffering from consti pation, hilllousoess, sick headache, in. digestion or otuer stomach or liver troubles. CC. W, Patton Pharmacy. = 2S Hodgkins, Fresh shad, catfish, eels, bass and “herring at the Cash Grocery, ~ R. F. Notley, «Dealer in ® ® Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Cur Bottled Beer and family use cannot be excelled. aire reasonable. FLASKS, (CORKS, JUGS, ETC, HASTINGS, PA; PATTON STEAM LAUNDRY HOP LEE TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Porter for Prices Avis % + #8 4y 1 pe , Fup rF. Gentlemen’ List Collars, lic Cuffs, per pair, i Shirts, plain, Sc. Shirts, colord, 100 Shirts, open front, Hc Shirts, piaited, 100 Shirts, night, 5c. Shirts, under, 3¢. Drawers, He. Handkerchief, ic. Handkerchiefs, silk. Socks, 3. Neckties, Coats, 15. Vests, 15¢. Boys’ Waists, lie, Ladies’ List Cape Collars, 3¢- Cats, de. Chemisettes, Walsts, 15¢. Dresses, 252. Skirts, 150. Chemies, Sc, Drawers, fc. Night Dresses, 10c. Aprons, 4c. Hose, 40. Handkerchiefs, lic. Underskirts, 5c. Miscellaneous Sheets, Se. Pillow Slips, 4c. Pillow Shams, 25. Coun ’ 12¢. Towels, lic. - La ies ap * og Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal, says: “During my brother's late sick- | ness from seiatic rhenmatism, chamber. | lain's rain palm was only remedy | that gave him any relief” Many! others have testified to the prompt re. lief from pain which this liniment af | fords. For sale by CW. Hodgkine Patton Pharmacy the Eagioe For Sal, : One 45 horse power steam engine is offered for sale cheap. In good con: Call on or address J. B. Wilber, | Patton, Pa. 2814 yo ra $595. vn dition, DeWitt's Little Barly Risers aot as a faultless pill should, cleansing and re. viving the system, inwead of weaken. ing it. They are mild aod sare, small from objectionable drugs. They Assist | rather than compel. CC. W. Hodgkins, | Patton Pharmacy. i Money to patent good ideas may he | secured by our aid. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore Md. 3 i Finest | Sada water In Patton at Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy. Get your pictures framed at Fisher's | Leave your laundry with Scheid & Wilkins. | Ciood tea at the Cash Grocery for 25 ota. per pound. Strike or no strike, the Cash Girocery can save you money. For Lowneys and Sparrows choco. lates go the City Restaorant. Call at the Cash Grocery and get prices on groceries and you will surely ba . Call on BErost Bruer, the photo grapher, corner of Fourth and Magee avenues. You cannot do better than to call on | Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing, | ete. Estimates freely given tf Refreshments of all kinds will be : served at the picnic to be held for the | benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church | of Patton, at Short's grove July 4th and 5th. : i What you want is not temporary re- | lief from piles but a cure to stay cured. | Dewitt's witeh maze! salve cures piles, | and they stay cured. C0 WW. Hodgkin, | Patton Pha To wha drink whiskey for | pleasure; Harpers whiskey adds zest to | existance. To those who drink whis- | key for health's sake; Harpers whiskey makes life worth living Sold at Pal- mer House. ri ACY. Ehret I wus seriously afflicted with a cough fur several vears, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies withoat re. | ceiving much relief, and being recom- mended to try a bottie of Chamberlain's coagh Remedy, by a friend, who, know. ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to | me, | tried it, and with the most grati. | fying result. The frst bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle | absolutely cured me. I have not had as good health for twenty years. I give this certificate without solicitation, | simply in appreciation of the gratitude felt for the cure effected. — Respectfully, | t 1 Pharmacy. § wit Pilea with the | Burnside i Fuller Hua... P sande rtund © | Wetagell New York Central & Rudson River Railroad, Pervsvivanis Division. Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table. Now mn 15s Rend 6 Fxp Mail Nad Nom pm pm wiwy § ox m1 hid mar Bis Patton Woamtayer Mahaffey Kerfmoog Casein Kerrmone Now Milipeart {Hann Mitebwiin t jem rfisld wh . & % 3s er ww BreSunfNMIRNEsUSRESE BRANES WEE yg rhedng wf wf wd wd wd We Lh Gn —i We wd is tid Higler Wa llaeeton Morsindale Mines Miitison Philipetating Him nag (5 ah x # ih 3 iT va » obey ir » 65 iN $n ¥ 0% 3m 3 4d iE aa #3: Oe I ta 3 3 * » 8 2d Mines Winhtirne Posie taiifintawn Mpg how Powel Creek Mill Hall Lowi Haven Yorngedale Wayne: Jomey Shaoee Janwetion Jerney Shire Willnus port a in TaN Tas an am A Wm TEE MLSE ay OEE OR in +4 0 00 fv sm opm "wily » ~ on Phil's & Reading KR WT ha tno rt iv Phitadeiphin wr XY vis Tamagus ar NY via Phila arbi Pm PW eekadays | MOO ooo Sundays LH 55 mnt Mandays 1h" Now York passengers tmsveling vie Phil aeiphiia od 13:56 p oo toads Brom WH hingmsport will chang cnr a Hantingdon St. Phils, met -- At Willman rp With ila. eipiiin and Heading milromd; at Jersey Shore R the Fall Brook Ry. at MUL Hall wilh Cental Bailrond of Pennsyivnnis: at Phitipsbury with Pennayivanis moinomsd and Alton & Philipmbug Connecting milrosd: at nllinio, Rochester snd Pittatinrg ratbway: at Mahaffey and Patton will Chtodirtas and Civartiotd division of the wp REssvewcnn Shad En shah wl od 2 BE BEFFUNCHENEENLSHIEENERESERAESERS .3 2 ed | Peanayvanis mite al Mabaffey with the Penahy vais and Narthwestern WAY, tay, HM, Daniels, W. H. Northrup, Gers, Paws. Agt., an. Agry New York, Witlinmsport, & Eastern Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV. 21, 1898 Westward Pittsburg Time wr Nu 4 - Dd “ - Limve » Pu wk wR ool wl okey t pre nui § Union Station | Mahaffey: Rewer h Crendi Junetion, fabathurst f _— Woks... Sundertiand ©. Eid Lael Passion... teem Cwmphet! Harton Ran © ey al — ae “PEE REaes Lemve | Puller Ha Horton Jaa ¢ Loins Camm yd il Passio © Burnside EIR fdek 1. Works £........ Motion Labathamt Malton Hewels Creel Snnethon Union Station Madaciion Flat station, i Cinnentiinse AL Unlon Station, with Hewelt Creel mallooad, © 8 © division Perey ivania mile, asd P82 SW. mil road) ab Wikskey Huan with Meliss & News far burg riirond: at Mets with P. a NW, oii rogsd Neston £11500 PHY Tawney tedon Uminp ie kay CER ER wR Muahattey, further noties irmios SU} run Una sathay Mabattey and i AH trains dadly exerpt Mane = HH. Hicks svneral Manager, Mabathey, Pa. Buffiuie, Rochester and PHisbarg Ry. ak fr omatal after Jan 1 TNE teins will leave Howl ive Depot, Clemrflebl, daily except muriday, an fdiows 4h a. my, Bevaeddsviile Sooommostation. tin Ulirweensyile, Dobos, Falls Creel and Revi whilsviile. Connecting al Dubois fr Hidg way, Johnsonbarg, Hewmlford sad Row iste Plait i DuBois apd ¥ t bate, fhe Bidgwar, ford and otal fH Xe Boke ant paren, Fae Da Bois, WEL ba Ww hey ia 8a, 8 x 5 Ex and Puany. nxsutiovney Pin reek #37 Tratns arrive, 2490 Ww er bist (aii an ©, BK Hysiip, Ajpernst, Cleartieid, Pa. 2 ¥ fle kety, Dine OE ail pion, i seem rat FLARE sa hear OR AER XB SRL Hiatidn Eo Lampe faeyl Passenger Sgt. tochesier, N.Y Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence, Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. { Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Claremore, Ark. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion, For saleby C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Ripans Tabules cure dizziness, Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers