Se ling your further patronage, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA.. Tr THURSDAY, MAY 2 3 1899. $1.00 PER YEAR. S TO An ER f Tnport @? Ritls Held Gurr i Yery Little Hustneis | noted i Patton Borough Coane! met in regn. Har session in the council chambers Monday night with the following mem- bers present as per roifeall: ‘Ruban t Anderson, Mod ‘ormiek, Blair, Cordell fand Campbell. The minntes trailer meeting held Monday night, May 15th, i were read and approved i The burgess was instructed vo notify (Mr. E. C. Prown, Seperintendant of (Chest Creek Land & Improvement company, to comply with Ordinanee No. 17, relating to the laying of board i walks in the Borough of Patt On motion of Anderson iby Campbell, it was carried replacing of the bridge on West Mage Lnvenus left in the hands of the CBtresd Committes, | A communication was read from | Messrs. Hagerty, of Coalport, stating that they would not tap sewer on Magee svenve., The communication was placed on file and clerk Instructed ho acknowledge receipt of same, | The following communication relat Vy dnd the and secon that ws y Patton Pharmacy. from Borough Solicitor Somerville: To the Burgess and Town Council of Patton Borough, Gentlemen: 1 have prepared and | i herewith sgbmit to you ordinances re. y lating to the issuing of $12,000 bonds, and calling a special election to to obtain the assent of the electors of the Borough for that purpose, and thought it wise to call your attention to the fact that the outstanding bonds of the Borough are not redeemable at this time. The first issne of bonds was made ‘and dated the first day of February 1895, and are redeemable on the first day of February 1805, same bearing interest at 8 per cent. per annum, pay. ing semi annually. Minute book, Vol. 1, 56 aud 57. | The second issue of bonds is dated (the firet day of September 1808 and ‘are redeemable on the first day of Beptember 1908, same bearing per cent. interest bearing bonds, interest ayving semi annuslly wok, Voll, page 78 I would suggest that before vou go to the expense of issuing bonds or holding an election relative to the {same, that yon ascertain who now | holds the bonds, and whether or not [they will be willing to surrender the aame at this time upon their pay ment You will understand that purchasers of municipal bonds are not required to Ssarrender the same until matarity, and (he time for which they are issued is often a factor in their sale, | Bevel SoMeErviLLE i The matter of bills Lwere held over Hl next regular night, | Council then adjourned till Monday, May 20th. Headquarters for , Chemicals Drugs, Medicines Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Opposite School Building. SEE OUR LINE OF All sizés—at all prices. Every lady in Patton and vicinity calling at our store will be presented with a souv- ~_enirof the Spanish-American, in the shape of a beautiful fan. Call early 1 before all gone. C. W. Hodgkins. they aro of disposing A Miracalins Escape, What might have proven a more tgerious accident, but fortanately did i not, ocoured at No, 6 Colliery of Pat. [ton Coal company about noon Satur. day, when a can partly fliled with | powder, exploded in the blacksmith shop at that place, severely 8 the following who were present at the time: Mesure. Packer, Scott, | Monteith, Wilson and Mike Walters, i Sell 16 different designs to select | the blacksmith. The aceldent hag from. Also the latest in Carpets Rag ened by one of the above mentioned t 25 and 30¢ per r yard; cotton In. party thoughtiessly taking an open Carpet # & and 35c per yd; Union |, of powder into the shop where he PAL | ot 35 and 45¢ per vd; al In 30, 80 and placed it on the floor, wells from 0c: to $1.25 per Hy ro from a red hot piece of iron, which the finest and in town. . blacksmith was pounding, fell the aod Jel ble place to buy YOUF un. The shock received by those fami r Toney. present threw them to the floor and apminst the walls, and escaping with as little injuries as they received, is con- shlered quite a miraculous. The most severe injury sustained, was that of Chas. Packer, who was badly burned about the fuce and arm. The finest designs of Mattings at the following prices: 108, 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢C, 2 and 30c¢ per yd. in fouse Furnishing, Tio and Plumbing Dpts, i. All kinds of tinwork will I attended to and guaran-| * Mining Hate Advanced. The Patton Coal company and Magee | Patton, posted the : Tuesday: Notiee to Miners, On and after June 1st the price of ck mining a! our collieries will be cents por ton. Loading alter ma- chines 25 cents. Day wages in pro. portion, The following will be our leading | ‘stoves, which you very well know are’ 3h hest in the market. Quite a va- ie Capello Sunshine and Sielio, si Ranges, The Garlan toel | These are all guaranteed. | Licensed te Marey. En an A complete line of shelf hardware, | The following persons have been mints, « ol varnishes, ete., sash and granted a legal permit to wed, by Clerk a full line. ‘of Orphans court at Ebensburg: r descripti : Er ay i CBCrIPUON = | Pshins Yahner and Miss Mary Rager, LTE lows, etc. of Hastings; Joseph Noker and Miss douariees for miners’ tools - | Mary Folger, Bi Spangler; Lawrence Yahner, of St. Lawrence and Miss augers, powder and | | Agnes a. of Chest Springs. Saaiing you for all past favors, | Episcopal Services Episcopal services, conducted by Rev, | Cole, Arch Deacon, of Pittsburg, will | be held in the Goldstein hall, Patton, | Very Respectfully, d.E.Kirk Hdw. &Fur'tCo., oo es C.C. GRENINGER, Mgr. 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. offered for sale cheap. In good con- dition. Call on or address J. B. Wilber, TIS :. . ing to passing an ordinance for the issuing of $12,000 bonds was received Ordinanes : burning Andrew when a spark | & Lingle, operators of six collieries of following notice i the Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock and at I Of North i Cou 1 Ron. ; a%1 hrs ar1d Year AT PATTON JULY 31st Wil he vied Elder Exams Made fir Pals Hasiing Whore trornim fares, Township Fotlowing are the for holding the Teacher's examinations of North Cambria county for 1589: Patton for Hastings and Elder, July 31; Rt fort'learfield, Nicktown for Barr, June 23; Rpangler for Spangler, June 23; Barnesboro for Bnsguelnnna and Barnesboro, June 24; Anzustine Loretto for Allegheny, Chest Rprings, June Ashland, Dean and Ashville, Monntaindals teade, Beaver Valley for White, oh, June 27; for dune 29; Kt. AWTRNE fir Carroll and July 1; Noel for Munster, Special Examination at Septemler, 6, All written work must pany mal ink of Number, ment and Berkey's Mannoal and Guide should be especially studied by appli- ecants, Teachers should also become familiar with other books recommended the on Professional study. The Mapual and Guide has Carrolltawn, August 15, Ebensburg, town be done with cont tee been republished and can be purchased | front BL. 1. Pa. year's Myers & Co, Harrisburg, certificate with an envelope stamped and addressed for a report of the examination. Applicants from other counties, not having taught in Cambrian county, will not be permitted to enter class until they present a valid certifioate from their own Superintend- et Extract from Bchoul Laws, page 2 Bection CCLL “That it shall be the duty of the county superintendent to examine all the candidates for the pro fomeion of teacher (in the presence of the board of directors or controllers, should they desire to be present, In order that directors may this privilage teachers must be amined in the district where expect to make application for schools, This portion of the law will be strictly observed, and teachers presenting themselves for examination In other districts than where they expect to make application for schools will not be permitted Lo enter class. have “x thay Examinations will begin promptly at | Sam All applicants must be present at that hour in order to onter clas Uniform examination paper will be furnisiv«l applicants, Certificates will be sent to teachers not later than ten days following the date of the exami nation. Secretaries of boards will kindly soe that school rooms aee in proper condition for holding the wx. ammations, and open by 8 am. T. L. Ginsonx, Co. Supt. Saturday Excursion Tialn and and through the months of July August, the New York Central Hudson River Railroad (Peonsylvania Division : will run a special excursion | train every Saturday from Williams- port to Pation, leaving that place at 5:47 p.m, and stopping at all stations designated on time table as regular: stops Passengers will thus be enabled to go enst on train No. 30, which leaves Patton at 6:30 a. m., and arriving at Williamsport at 12:20 p. m. and remain. ing there until the time as mentioned | The round trip from Patton to above. Morrisdale Mines and all intermediate stations, including Clearfield, will be at the low rate of but $1.50. The sched- ‘ule time of excursion train will appear in COURIER at a later date. Quaricriy Mecting Services, The first quarterly meeting services for this conference year will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church next Sabbath day, May 28th. Communion services will be held in the morning and continued at night. Kev. D. 8 Monroe D. D,, of Altoona will preach in the evening of that day at 8 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited to any of services, Strangers specially invited. Quarterly conference Friday ‘evening after the lecture, Festival. There will be an ice cream festival held in Goldstein’s hall on church. Westbrook’s ice cream. Cake, and sandwiches will also be served. All are cordially invited to THI ... TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS... ty for tral system in phices and times | Laretta sind Dysart for’ June 25: book and Aaditor’s coupon. ar Chest, June 30; Carroll. MoClelland's Pays hology 3 White's School Manage. | (Creek railroad, Applicants will present their last . Bewerh CWS emp foyed uy i has, down a tree, Sunday afternoon after services in Memorial | day, Tuesday, May 30, for the benefit ‘of improvements made on Baptist One 45 horse power steam engine is coffee you until after Decoration day. S PAPER. AS 10 MitEAce BOOKS. Acceplunce of the Rome on ths Penn's Div NYU. EH. BRR New York Central mileage books have been furnished to all agents form- erly selling Fall Brook or Beech Creek mileage books. 500 mile books are sup- plied to agents in the state of New York, to be sold at the rate of $10.00, and will be accepted for passage be tween all stations on New York Cen- the state of New York. They will not be good on the Pennsyl. vania division south of Lawrenceville 10060 mile books will be sold at rate of $20.00, and will be good between all ‘stations on New York Central system; (they will also be honored for passage June 16.0 on the Philadelphia & Reading ratiway Atlantic City ralirond, Central railroad of Pennsylvania and Altoona & Phil ipshurg connecting railroad. Agents selling 500 mile or 1660 mile books will inscribe thereon only the name and address of the prrohaser, and only on the inside cover Conduact- ors will accept book under the same regulations as apply to Fall Brook or Beech Creek books cerning method ments, Miueage books issued by the Fail Brook railway, now outstanding, will be accepted between all stations on the Pennsylvania division, Mileage books issued by the Beech pow outstanding, will be accepted between all stations on the Pennsylvania division, and between all of making points on connecting lines printed on face of the books Mileage books issued by the Fhila- delphia & Reading railway will be accepted between all stations on the Peunsyivania division. Mileage books issued by the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railway will be accepted between all stations on the Pennsylvania | owance ST Creek district, division, until further notice, Wo. HL Mier Remembered. Tuesday evening the employes of the Cambria & Clearfield division of the Pennsylvania railroad presented Mr W. HH. Moore, former supervisor of the north division of the road, with a handsome leather covered couch and & patent upholstered reclining chair in token of the high estewm in which he is heid by them. The employes as. the Buck hall where the speech was made H. Curfroan sembind in proseatation HEtation Agent Geo tent who came from Harrisburg where he is now located, ation from those who so kindly remem. bere Kim, Mr. Moor whom he years, A Great Music Hox. As often as the new moon makes its appearance, C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, gets something new stare. This time it is one of the new : Na celebrated orchestral coronas, the first Commencing June 3d and continuing and only disk music box made which is provided with a mechanism that anto- matically changes the tune sheets, plays any tune and will repeat as often aa desired. In brilliancy and volume of tone, it excells any music box ever made. It contains two steel combs with 172 tongues, tuned in chromatic scale embracing over seven octaves. The mechanism is enclosed in a highly polished frame of mahogany which stands six feet high. The dimension of the tune sheets are 27 inches in di- ameter. It is a great evidenced by the many ready seen and heard it aa als attanction who have Jars Relly Rillod, James holly, of St. with a horrible death while Frid Lawrence, met Working in iy evening. Mr. Kelly ‘nesidy on the Matt Wo Patton, hopping as it was about to IAL r, driking the head, caasing i i in- stant death. ‘The unfortunate man was aged about 45 years, and was un- married, His remains were taken to the home of Joseph Wentz, where he has resided for the past 20 years. Interment occured at Bt. Lawrence, the the woods nhwer § wh als of of « $b and where he waa Mo Mur TRY tie mils inn the when, it split in BOE orpe-half east act fall, him on Catholic church at that place. “Rex” Photo's Are still the rage. We will be with Still the same, only 10 for 10 cents. _Hard shell crabs, deviled crabs and | clams at the City Restaurant. of the Head carefully instructions printed on the books con. | detach. Ularran, ‘and wet by and gracefully responded to by the recep | apon special invit- | Lwatial property, $8.70; read estate, greatly | appreciated the courtesy which tends | to strengthen the friendship between ‘him and those msociated with a St tw evar reia Ist 3 fat ikaain 1 has buen i late of Elder Township, decesed during the past six’ officers of Patton the ensuing term; of the financial secretary; which attracts crowds of people to his | by ward lLeisch, H. Bennett, W. E. Pro Lilly. ‘Jones and Henshaw, Elliot A. Murphy, Miss Liz will please say they are advertised. TRY IT A WILLS PEOBATED URDER SHERRE'S HAMMER As Appeared in ihe Caiobiia Tribanpe of Properties to be Disposed of at the County List Week. Seal, June Si of Chest Springs, The followin Pennsyivania’ bee Cambria county will be offered at tenements Sheriffs sale on Monday, June 5th at to his son the Court House, Ebonsburg: The right, title and interest of John Weidwald and wife in lot in Gallitzin 34 Ori Sane, The right, title and interest of John Lemdon in 15 a of in Eider 9 to township. House The right, title and af Spicer 11 R& hose de Joseph Ropp, Cambria county, queaths zil his lands and situated in Chest township, Michael, during his fifetime, and after his death his wife, shouold she sur. vive her husband, After her death or Borough. ber remarriage, the lands are to vest in Michael Ropp, Jr., son Michael Ropp, and said Michael Ropp, Jr, pay to of his fall brothers and rs a reasonable ! money according to the said Barnestaro, farm at that Riis Michael The right, title of John Ropp, Jr, not live afer the death of J. MeCann in tot, fold bidding, bar his father and raother or his mother’s ber shop and other buildings in Bland- remarriage, then the farm is to be sold ourg. to the highest bidder, and the money is. The right, th ta be divided equally between the sar. Harvey ia hou viving children of Michael Ropp, Sr. burough : He directs that the surviving The right, title and interest of Lacas children of Michael Newbower, with Moyer and Mary BE. Litzinger, terre his daughter Barbars, should receive te ot of ground equal shares of eight handred dollars situated io Clearfield township. which is loaned to different parties on The right, title and interest of Philip interest. Dated Novembwer 16, 1595. Schneider and wife in 6 scores of land in Chest Springs, Pa, April 24, ’90. Cambria township, I, John T. McClarran, being of sound | The right, title and interest of Wm. mind and anderstanding, do makd this | T. Fortney in a house and jot in Reade my last will and testament, revoking township. all former ones. [| will and bequath all | The right, my property to my father, James Me Knights of the Golden Ea Sr, after my expenses are tuindale castle No. 424, paid. [appoint Rev. J. J. Ludden, of balding used for hall Heads Rt. Augustine, as my executor, with. ship. out bond. Probated the 9th day of Of Chariex F. Lather in 41 acres of May, 1899, nnd in Susquehanna township Of Frederick cand one Callitzin borough, wing narned Appralsemonts of Prop 340 three RET. of ground i Gain erty Apprased and set apart for Wid. Porough, aldo one lo having erected owas of Decedents ander the Act of Ass | | Spon it a store building also situated in embly of the dthof April. A. D 1881, CCdlitzin boroagzh, also two ots of have been filed in the Reg rister's Offios ground in : Pinon Lawnahip. in and for the County of Cambria, and | Of W. Go enn 4 in two lots and will be presented ta the Orphans’ Court in | Bs of sald county for Confirmation and Al- June? A.D. , ® properties of North 3 1 tir 4 3 End of TH interest of Ce wit iatesd ins ort each sisty amount and fot valos of and interest pine, said and interest of E.G. and lot in Spangler also nant, ina house and title and interest of the aie, Mouan- int and LOW. in in ni rie PE wa iw # ype Widows Appraisemants smeltzer in two lots Notice is hereby given that the fol. Bouse in serfire me hiotise aretio baroag Intoicnting Loetude, Iv 8 Monroe DD. will deliver “Methodism church of Patton on May 28th, at TA iviesion fee will be varyhbogy welcome and section will be lifted to 3 . feng EX La RsR on Wednesday, Rev gs : his interesting le Inventory and appraisement of per. |. Methodist sonal property and real estate appraised Friday evening. apart to Henrietta Keataor, |, o « | widow of i. M, Kratzer, late of Clear charged. F field Township, deceased. Personal oq property, $144.25; real estate, $158 75. Inventory and appralsement of real estate, appraised © and set apart to Sarah McManamy, widow of William | MoManamy, late of White Township, deconsed RG. qHre On iS Gel in Line and wear one of Diasmore er They have just re- ceived a big Hoe of black woolen goods Inventory and appraisement of per- for soitings which ali the go now. sonal property and real estate, ap Don't fail to call and examine gonda praised snd set apart to Fila Hileman, a perfeet fit Pre rem bap widow of George O. Hileman, late of the place. next to Post. Barnesbors Borough, deceased. Pere $100. Inventory and appraisement of per. apprabeed and set apart of John Beck, 2006, feet in Line Bro's sum anita Are Ka ragieedd Mow Proper f1mervatieon There has been & tendency of recent Fears turn Memorial day from a haly day to a holiday to indaige in races and games and merrymaking of ae timents Are Lue this can only caose profoand There is a time for everything, dance 8 not at & Memorial day calls ap myriad partings and shad- it is the tine for holy and chastened reverence, 3.0 VETERAN. 3 Stylish Millinery sonal property, ta Louisa Beck, widow New Fire Co. Ofcers. Call morta. But to one whose elected 1 for Pain and { fans ral ‘ hearthreaks, F owed Hives, Following are the newly Fire Co. No, Thos. Lowes, presi Lower, vice president; secretary; R. A. Lilly, | Paul Biller, treas urer; Ed. A. Hunter, chief. John Scheid, fureman, Hobt. Monteith, assistant foreman; Frank Anderson, trustee; | John Boyes, manager of hail Follow- | ing are the appointive officers selected | Chief Hunter: Nozzlemen a “he tirge 45 dent; John Joseph Gill, ad bert, John Boyce, Jewse Fox and KR A Plogmen -F, H. Kinkead, W, J. Fisher and E. Will Greene. Barand | Axemen -Papl Biller, M. Tate, 8 E Little. Ladder and Ropemen Thos. Lowes, Joseph Gill, Ed. Simmons, J. E. Hunter, John Spangle, Wm. Martz John Lowe and Wm. Smith. Fire Police Tram And- erson, Stair and T. N. Nagle md. Harv. Atlenibon! Lt. Peter Kavior Post No. 833.0. AR. will meet at Post room on Saturday May 27, 15890. All comrades must be present to make arrangements for) Memorial Day and attending church | Sanday May 28. Post will meet in the | ball at 8 o'clock a mm sharp Sunday | morning without fail and proceed to the where a Memorial | #erinon by Rav Father Edwin We have ix |r enl the largest Millinery in Peansylvaoia, out. the larger cities. We sell Millinery, mcluding ready-trim- hats, at lower prices than any store we know of hesides ving you the advantage of the very latest styles and gracefulness in the trimming. We sell readv-to-wear Hats as low as $1.98, while you van get onc at most any price from that up to $25.90. > GABLE & CO, 1320-22-24 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. ie church delivered Calin side of wii be syed W. HH Beri, Post Commander, The Memorial day program was re- ceived too late for pubdication. Last of § nolaimiod Latters. : The following letters remain in the poatotiice at Patton for the week end- | ing Thursday, May 25, 1599; Geo, W. Barrett, Charley A. Dalat, | Pat. Ford, Mes. A OC. Harris, Henry | zie Smith, Miss Nellie Thuton, Mrs. Mary Wilson. Persons calling for the above letters | : omy " E. A. MELLoN, P.M.
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