PATTON, CAM GRIA Lo, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 22 , 1899. $e 00 PER YEAR. 0 ADVERTIS E IN THIS PAPER. TRY IT AND SEE. For the We're going to cel “| ebrate in our usual yvle. Come and sce! the many attractions Sat, oq a te very eet Jind Tom Sh known. ho h Corona Regi ina Mygfe Box, she feet | | 5 tl Bras outside t e large cities. i for mlles' ) July. every description and! hing else in the 4th of ne. Call and see all. | 3 THE ING REPORT Of Patton Borough School District From JUNE 13, ‘081 to oJUNE 5,00 sOHOOESN, bole pamber of Schools. Avomge number of months tanght TEACHERS, ber of Male Tenchers employed Arora Blartes oF Males por faonth tries of males per month. TeMIAX AND RATE PER CENT. | Numbey of mils jevied for schools, my Nam br of mille icy ied for baritding, iy Lie N Jon milin levied for intermt Sand Samonnt.. vine ETH it A =~ me #00 § mittee 10 mills were recommended to i i ou ¢ SoAgURH ry FROM NEW MEXICO. - Tn j Proceeding of Meeting etd Monday Night, | Sane 19th, Patton law makers met in regular ‘session in council chambers in Good building Monday night with the fol. Rullding Railroads in that Country, Alamagordo, N. M. Eorrom COURIBR:- Campbell and Cordell. The minutes that never comes. Sth and special meotings held Jupe August. In the'teport of the Finande com. the three of us, “Goddy,” McEwen Letter Written by Wm. Prindible Whe is Mr: and Mrs. A. and myself would like to keep in tonch hus been one of the WiLL 60 TO EUROPE E. Patton, of Carwotivilde, | Wil Leave in July, A. E. Patton and wife, of Curwens- | June 12, 1809. ville, will start on a four months’ trip : ~I have searched through Europe on or about July 5th. lowing members present as per roll call: through every mail that has reached ns | Mr. Patton andoubtedly deserves this Hubbard, Anderson, McCormick, Blair, looking for that “War Cry” of yours much earned vacation and the people Mr. Walker says he | of this place as well as those of bis + of regular meetings hold Monday, June has not seen a sign of it ever since ldst home town hope he and his wife will You told me that you sent it derive much pleasure and profit from | 13th and 14th were read and approved. out here every week. You know that their sojourn through the great sast. Mr. Patton, for the past 20 years, mos energetic and | the council as follows: four mills for light and water; three mills for interes o 9 debt; three mills for street and ® running expenses. On motion of Me Cormick and seconded by Blair, it was unanimously carried that the report. with the old Burg so be sure and put | hard worked business men in Western | me on your list next week. The more I see of this country tbe in some of the greatest producing coal | better I like it and the same way with fields in the state; and within the past MoEwen; ; he wants to marry and settle | three years in the constraction of rail From Frm ijiate j¢ Soprupriation id Fores of Collector, Si - Treasurer's i it d on the morning of the a ; BE mii #1 a And recommendation of Finance com- mittee be accepted. ’ 4.81 32. The matter of laying board walks on south side of Magee avenue, west of Fifth avenve, was taken np and in ‘structions were given to notify owners ‘of properties along same to comply | pif ordinance No. 17 relating to Total arnount levied | REC EIPTS. all inde 0 1 i #4450 9 ; iz ™ te, Duptivate, Mmphiente Uv peated lant, - aps oh Total EXPENDITU RES. Fe steko ios Janitor's sais ATW wll bb lgaae Feedba us with mma | i The Btreet commissioner was in. strooted to proceed at ance to remove Roe LE L101 00 i natitate.. - 5 street leading to the clay works The Street committee reported that grades, etc, given by the Borough Engineer on the paving of Magee ave. | mae were not satisfactory and recom. } mended the removal of said officer at -! Sy i » BEN. 0x3 2 sdudnnes it was unanimously carried that report be ac- cepted. The Street committee was pas | them instructed to meet with tho street 4m Paving contractor and take the matter re —— S208 n ss Al 18 grade of street at of near Fourth ave noe. Council then adjourned. Tl 4 Rana Dale Wedded. ho Wm. H. Rumberger, manager of the + % DuBois Produce Co, and Mim Sana sme © Dale, daaghter of Jrone E. Dale, of FROM © this pince, were married at Erle, Pa, 2d eorreck 10 the best of ou Wednesday, June 14th. The DuBois Merion, - Lanai Estimated Vadise Seton Property | A We, tiaving find it trae and Keowirdge, j SAYS: : Ae ‘the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. Repuabilean State Convention, W. Kerr, formerly of DuBois. Mr. A dispatch from Philadelphia suys Rumberger is a young man well known FECsrs. that Republican State Chairman John in DuBois, having held the responsible P. Elkin bas decided upon Thursday, position of manager of the DuBois Pro | | August 24, as the date for the Republi. duce Co. for several years. His ability can State convention, and if a majority 28 8 young business man bas been fully of the members of the State committee demonstrated by the success attained | agree with him, which they undoubt- by the Produce company in Shia region. | edly will, the convention will be held Miss Dale, now Mrs. Rumberger, is ~ | on that date. Chairman Elkin will pot accomplished young lady who has a call a meeting of the State commitien | large acquaintance in DuBois. They to decide the question. He has writen | will return here this week and estab- to all of the members asking them if | lish themselves in their new home on Angust 24 will suit. As soon as ama | West Long avenue, which Mr. Ram- Jority respond in the affirmative which | berger has had furnished and set in is expected they will in a few days, be order for the coming of his bride. will sind out the formal call for the Many friends await their coming and convention. their time will be pretty well occupied ' for several days after their arrival 1 Grund 4th of Joly Pleuie. acknowledging congratulations and A grand 4th of July picnic will be beld in Shorts grove, Soath Patton, | nomerable friends.” CoUnikr in speaking of the wedding “The ceremony took place st jan tndustrion. receiving many well wishes from in- down bere, but I am trying my best to roads and the building of stone work. | to convince him to send back to Pat- Last year he paid out thousands of ton, but ic. has a pretty desperate dollars to the laboring eloment through | , ease on A Senorita here, so | can’t tell these two channels and employed | how it will end. Although *‘Goddy"” hundreds of men when lsbor was hard | has two or three Senioritas on the visit- to procure. ing list, his thoughts often stray back | Bea ressident of the Fires National, to Patton. Bay Bill, I will write you a long let- Curwensville bank and looking after! { bank of Patton, vice president of the | ter about this country the first chunce | the details of that institotion, com-| I get. Give my best to the people and ' bined with his other outside interests, be sure and send the CouriER or | Mr. Patton has been a bard worked ye,” wo beware | | vacation for almost a quarter of a! | centary, be richly deserves the laying | aside of business cares for several | Wa. PRINDIBLE. Ctrendur Cali To the Miners of sub-District 1 of Dis. trict 2. life. There will be & convention of miners Mr. and mine laborors held in Hastings on busi June 27, 1899, commencing at 9:30 a. m. | oll ‘ to reorganize sub-District 1 of District 2. Representation shall be one dele | gate from every mine or jocal and shall | | come instructed to vote for officers to ; foreign travel and quietude of private Patton is a close observer of ness affairs and this foreign visit profit him. greatly in a business i community will be as a anite in wish- Patton, Hastings, Barnesboro, Spangler and Carrolitown. i By order of George Dawson, chair man; Mike McTaggart, secretary; Joe tarn to their native land. KILLED IN THE MINES Sm —— he log house standing on a portion of shall subscribe for the Patton “Bulls man, and, as this will be his first real sense. The business people in his’ A county will miss him, bat none will be- pp iA ha grudge him bis vacation trip and this ing Mr. Patton and his wife a safe re- Manufacturers’ Sale! Not whether you | Pennsylvania and is largely interested Can AFFORD TO BUY ‘but whether you can afford not to buy here during this sale! "Because this is a Special Sale at under the usual prices ‘de not jmagine that inferior rades make possible the re- need prices. The same stan- dards nr excellence that mark [our usual stock will lift this [Special Stock to the same of prone, Sedacd Q 3 o Bloe Calico, Bb Sr pl market Hr lon, on regular oe nr. ar Panel Chintz, the 7¢ kind, Sale Price, Hie yard Yard. wide Bleached an, 8c ‘quality, Sale Price, 4ic yard, Heavy Unbleached Muslin, full yard. wide, would be cheap at Sic, our Sale Pres, 4lc yard. P Ghaitro, Barnesboro; Owen Garrity, Emil Mertins Met Instant Death ot Pardee Ge Wilson, T) P tt Pat | Colltery Wednesday, ton; Joseph McCoy, Alesc Brown, Ed. Emil Martina, an employe at Magee Walton, William Bennett, Hastings; * I4ogle’s Pardes Colliery met instant Committee, death while engaged in the perform- - : i ‘ance of his duties last Wednesday by Fine Bond of Trade Editon. The Altoona Evening Gazette issued the mine. He was an onmarvied man a special board of trade editon of that of Belgian nationality and resided with city Monday, June 19th, which was his parents at Reilly Mines certainly a credit to that enterprising ment oceurred in the Catholic cemetery printing house as well as to the organ- Friday afternoon. Haunce Haug and being crushed by a fall of the roof of ya Inter. ization it represented. It contained a | Charles Walf, who were working close | complete history of the Altoona Board by when the accident happened ran a ‘of Trade, as well as a history of that narrow escape of being caught, Mr. thriving mountain city. It was printed Haug receiving slight injories. “lon a fine quality of paper and pro- | ‘ fasely illustrated with elegant half. tone cuts of the city proper and its im- | portant buildiogs, public institutions In brief it was the i day hoping it will ind you all well as most complete journal of ita kind ever imued in this section of the country | see loaves we in the best of Health. | ‘and much credit is doe to those of which it was in charge. Another Letier from Jobin Jenkins Cavite, P. I, May 1, 1899. Dear FaTRER AND MoTHER: —] take Fourth of July Festival Under the auspices of the Ladies of | ‘given, We heard that the generals of the Knights of the Golden Eagle of the insurgent army wanted to know | on Tunsday and Wednesday July 4th and 5th for the benefit of the 8t, Mary's Su. Catholic church of Patton. An elegant on | platform bas been erected and a grand by the committee of the Epworth’ to and guaran. will be our lending ory well know are Patton, a grand festival will be held in the Goidstein bail all day July 4th and also in the evening. Launch, ice cream, cake, hot coffee ete. will be Entertainment Friday June don, Arrangements are being upon what terms Gen. Otis would ae- | ‘cept their surrender and after being told “a complete surrender or nothing’' { they Jeft and we have heard nothing - {dance will be beld. The best of mesic League of the M. E. Church for the 1will by in attendance. Refreshments holding of one of their popular musical of all kinds will be served on the grounds. Dinner at 11:30 a. m.; supper | iat 5p. m. Everybody is invited to be | present and have a good old-fashioned | time. Ls Now Advertisements. The following new advertisements’ appear in the COURIER this week: John (Gants's “Cheap John Sores Adolfssn & Forsberg, groceries; L. w. 1, Cook, dry goods; Toilettes Pub, Co; Miller's White Shoe Store; W. P Main Co,, Jewelry. Lost! On the road between Patton and are Carrolitown Sunday night, «o ladies’ black rough cloth coat with plush cols insure you a good time, lar. Pinder will be rewarded by leav- il | ing same at COURIER office. Barber Shop For Sai. At a good bargain. For particulars i call on or address the COURIER, Pation, . for all past favors, your further patronage, Attention, Citizens! All members of Patton Board of Parnell & Cowher, the insurance firm Trade and others who are interested in | the welfare of Patton are most earn- estly requested to meet in the Gold- stein hall Tuesday evening, June 27th, | for the purpose of re-organizing And taking up such matters as may be brought before a board of trade meet- ing. Fvery business man as well as all citizens are requested to appoint themselves a8 a committee of one to see to it that they inform bther citizens of the meeting and be present. Let us have a good representation. E. WiLL GREENE, 5 ae Assistant Secretary. and literary eotertainments in the church Friday evening, June 30th. An served. Everyone ix invited to attend. In Goldstein's hall all day and evening | ‘ of the 4th of July. A Fares Boxing Contest, moved farther from Malolos toward Calumpit taking that town and a couple of others. There aint a thing on this ‘side of the water that the American *® from them since. The lines have elaborate program is being prepared According to reports of several who and a pleasant and instructive evening attended the boxing contest in the Fire | may be spent by attending same. Ad- men's ball Monday night the affair | mission free. A silver collection will must have been considerably of a farce {be taken np. Everyone is invited to from beginning to end the end, of be present. Granger’ Plente. ’ A grand picnic and dance will be “held ander the auspices of the St ‘ Augustine Grange at that place in the {afternoon and evening of Saturday | June 24 Refreshments of all kinda will be served and a big time is antici- Everybody is invited to attend. : Young men bring your “best” and will lowed; those who attend oaly ask for their money's worth and no more. RESOLUTIONS Joeal Union of United Mine Warkers of Ameren. In memoriam of Brother Emil Mart- its who was killed at Pardee mines on the 14th day of June, 1509, aged 22 | years. WHEREAS, It has pieased God in His infinite wisdom to call from our craft Lone of our worthy members, Emil Martins, and inasmuch a8 we sadly mourn his loss and shall hold him Passed hy Vacant Lot For Sale. ; Vacant lot sitoated between the properties of John Somerville and W, C. Lingle, on Beech avenue, for sale at (#4 reasonable figure. Call on or ad- | | dress, Joseph Taylor, Patton, Pa. -4t Windstorm and Tornado Insunince. : Resolved, That we, the members of LU. 842 LU. ‘his parents our heartfelt sympathy in tireir bereavement and that these: resolutions be published in the Parron Courier, the Mine Workers Journal, Pennsylvania Grit, Lilly Sig- nal and also spread on the minutes of jorge and. stonge Company | i the this Local, and a copy be sent to the . Compan nited States. For | family of the deceased, and that our | ran and i information write to charter be draped in mourning for PARNELL & EN | | thirty days. F. MITcHELL, J. R. Broyn, Oysters all the year throughout at J. Golesi, the City Restaurant. ‘of Patton, have made arrangements | with the Hartford Fire Insurance Com- pany to issue policies covering all dam- age done to nny building by tornadoes, | cyclones or windstorms of any kind, at | i - Committee. Great reduction in all trimmed hats The finest raisins and prunes for the at Mrs. Dartt’s. 29-13 | money are at the Cash Grocery. i | ‘oourse, being announced as a “draw.” ‘Sach fakes as this should not be al soldiers cannot take. I was out on the | Bay this morning, and this afternoon | we went out to the Monterey, Petrol | and the Callso having quite a time. Dewey was to have had a parade to, day but it did not come off for some reason. We are still in Cavite and I hope they will keep us here for we all in loving rememberance therefore be it MW. of A, extend to a copy of ! | | 2 ulen ve die elsewhere, I can, like this place better than Manilla, We do not have drill any more as a large number of the regiment are sick caused from being in the trenches »0 long. They are, however, getting along’ well Geo. Cook was over from Ma nilla last week to see me. He is a mem- ber of the hospital corps but would like to come back to the company. No more news this time so with much Jove I remain. | Your son JOHN JENKINS, Co. C 10th Penna. Vol, Card of Timi bos, The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. | church wish to express their appreciat- | ion of the generous suppert accorded them by the public on Thursday even- ing of last week, and to return thanks | te Mr. Goldstein for kindness and fav- | ors shown us and to all who in any way contributed to the suscess festival. Mes. W. H. Saxororp, MpNIE SPOTSWOOD, President. Secretary. It makes no difference how cheap ( still save you some money, quality of goods considered. THE CASH GROCERY. | of the § ya White Lawn, India Linen and Vie. toria Lawn, extra special value at 8, 8 10 and [40 yard. Cross-bar Nainsook, satin finish, sold lar at 7c, our Manufactures’ 4j¢ yard. Corded White Organdie, you know value of these Our purchase of the Manufactures’ enable us to sell these goods at Se y Scotch Lawns in a pew assortment of up-to-date patterns, all the latest obmbinations of coloring, worth 8c, at 2ic yard Fine Domestic Dress ghana, all new styles in atri 10¢ gaat, daring a Dia plaice, Joe fo yard. Men's Black Socks, Macofadtures’ Sa Sale Price, 2c pair. Men's Seamless Soxs at Se pair. Ladies’ Gnuose Vests, catoh-stitched, | pleasure in writing you a few lines to. '°¢ quality, at 3c each. Ladies’ Linen Sir, cut full, worth | 79% Sa Sus P rice, Te. orset Covers, tape bound, V are still in Cavite and there are no | Er. worth 15¢, at So each. | more signs of going home than there A variety almost bewi | were two months ago. We are all be seen in our millinery | patiently waiting for the word to A | Cotnprining choloastin hss, flower ote: Twenty-four pairs Lace Curtains 3} = long, worth 4c, Sale Price 29¢ Thin Summer Dress Goods are here in great variety, not only as to the large selection of handsome pat. terns, but in the assortment of weaves and colorings as well. The designs in the colored goods are almost as natural as though Nature herself had exercised her handiwork in developing such exquisite effects. A newspaper description couldn't begin to tell youn of the many handsome dress stuffs that we are showing—a collection of samples would aid you materially in making a selec. tion for the new Summer gown. We will be glad to send them to you if you'll tell us just what you want. GABLE & CO. 1320-22-24- 1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA.
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