iE co. iis =| E Wes Gnraxs, Editor, ™ | person served, fifty cents. : of a pauper, seventy-five cents. five cents. | two dollars. dollars. tenant proceeding, fifty cents. | an execution, each item two cents, _emptions is claimed by defendant, four dollars, ont of which the Constable shall pay to each appraiser one dollar. ship, ward or borough election, three | dollars, “which sam shall include pay | for serving notices in writing to the : persons elected at such special, town- PARSNTY COMPLEXION. consraBLES' FEE BILLS. 1 "1 It does not require an expert to de. | {Continued from First Page.) Kin os SARA or For putting up ‘notice of distress at | mansion, house, or at any other place | on the premises, twenty-five cents. For serving scire facias, either per. sonally or by leaving a copy, for each | The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes | the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, Lindiontes it A physician would ask if you had For executing the order of removal | back or over the hips, stomach trouble. | desire 10 urinate often or a burning or jon, fifty cents. i : : ; Foueeving Eee of > Bons oF scalding in passing it, if after passing ? mak § yeburs ny wilt, t t there 1s an nnsatisfied feeling as if it non est inventus, on any WenlY" must be at once repeated, or if the ‘grine has a brick duwt deposit ¢trong odor When these symptoms are present, no time should be Jost in removing the cause, Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of ‘the bladder inflammation causing stoppage, and sometimes requiring the ‘drawing of the urine with instraments, or may run into Bright's Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney troubis Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases Ita reputation is world-wide and it is so easy to get at any drug store that no one neand suffer any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merita, mention THE or For executing writ of restitution, For executing writ of posession, two | Por serving summons in landlord and For taking an inventory of goods on For holding appraisement where ex. For attending general, special, town- ward or borough elections’ Provided, that, where any such election be held in any township, ward or bor | election district or precinct, and a ' tend elections held at each of such dis. | tricts or precincts, maid Deputy Con | stables shall each receive the som of three dollars. | formance of any duty or service re- quired by law, each mile going and } from points and places where said | Constable may reside or where he 1 Necsives any paper to be executed to | | traveled, whether that route be by highways, railroads or otherwise. | vided, that in no case shall more mile age be demanded or received than for the miles actually traveled. vided for, the same fees may be charged and received as for similar services. inconsistent herewith are hereby re & _pealed, but this Act shall not be under- @ stood or construed to repeal, modify ) | or affect the provisions of the following Acta: PATTON COURIER and write to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.Y for a sample bottle and a book telling ail about, both sent absolutely free by mail Not one child dies where ten form- erly died from croup. People have jearned the value of One Minate Cough care, and ase it for severe inng and throat troubles. It immediately stops coughing. It never fails. kins, Patton Pharmacy. Wanted, Ladies and gentiemen suffering from throat and lung difficulties to call at our store for a sample bottle of Otto's Cure, which we are distributing free of ‘ough in which there are more than one Deputy Constable is appointed to at- For traveling expenses in the per returning six cents, to be computed by the route usually traveled in going the points or places required to be as a care for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption, and ail diseases of the throat and lungs. It will stop a cough quicker than any other known remedy. | We believe it will cure you. In croup For services not herein specially pro- Section 2. All Acts or parta of Acts instant relief. Large sizes 50c and 25¢. ‘Bold by Patton Pharmacy, CW. Hodgkins. If you have a cough, throat irrita- tion, weak lungs, pain in the chest, An Act entitled “An Act for the tax- Jal —— olut very strong. town’ erection of a new pass- in Patton if the new ¢ recently laid in the old depot is criterion to go by. How sad! if wach is the case. We need it badly. THR EI kU. 8. Senate passed the River Harbor bill, with tne Nicaragua amendment, with only three dis- ing votes Pettigrew, Rawlins and | or, and friends of the canal in the se say that they have strength to prevent the amendment sing voted out of the bill, and parli- mentary skill enough to prevent ite & juggled out. Comanpsemax Jonsson, of Indiana, who made another highly sens thonal speech, attacking not only the policy of the President, but his per- C integrity, did not receive aa attention as the first speech along lar lines, the general impression g that Mr. Johnson is trying to get pn with the President be helped li real or fancied personal Tae NEW Council of Paton borough | need not want for plenty of work to do coming spring and summer, such @ fixing up board walks, repairing the in all sections of town, studying Wold me to be sure and get her & bottle n regards to damage suits, etc. | C. not saying anything about elect. A and strest commis er who will meet the approval of body. It is no easy task and they | juld'nt attempt to please everybody, ut try to Sk the offices with the beat material possible. Some people will Riek’ no matter what is done. ™mr MANAGED HUSBAND Ks WORTH. LEAS. Helen Watterson Moody befieves | that the husband who can be managed | is not worth managing, “and there is she aflds, in the rh Ladies’ Home Journal. “for both ind and wife to adopt in adjusting | ves to the new relation than! of trying to do each by the other men are accustomed to call ‘the Many a woman dhe dow doing the square thing | jim, and many a man anderstands 2 s doing the square thing! 1 who would he affronted | be told that, judged by | own he habit- dealt unfairly with his own wife.”! | Geo. B. Secord, the well-known con- tractor of Towanda, N. Y., says: “1. : » used Chamberlain’s cough Rem- n my family for a long time and found it superior to any other.” ay mare fot ab th Cl ow, than any place in ® ation of dogs and the protection of thistle,’ . March, 1862," approved the 24th day listle dapghter was very low with | sicians bad failed, only by using Ome under. The most flattering testimonials have speedy cure, and because they have found that there is not the least danger by Patton Pharmacy, C. W.!in giving it, even to babies, as it con- | | tains noting injurious. Sold by Patton | | Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. New goods arriving daily at Mrs. | Dart’s. ness, Jet os suggest One Minute cough care. Always reliable and safe. C. il * approved the 25th day of May, W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ne Act entitled “An Act making | Constables of townships ex-officio fire The wardens for the extinction of forest fires and for reporting to the court of quarter Claims stsions violations of the laws’ for the protection of forests from fire, prescribing the duties of such fire . wardens and their punishment for fail. ure to perform the same and empower- ing them to require under penalty the assistance of other persons in the ex- tinction of such fires,”’ approved the 30th day of March, 1897. An Act entitled “An Act to amend ‘An Act to provide for the destruction and to prevent the spread of Canada spproved the 22d day of Our Upon your interests are manifold. In every way pos sible we try to make it an agreeable place for all, espec- ially to the ladies, to do their shopping in. “Sawing Wood.” of April, 1885, J. Sheer, Bedalia, Mo, conductor on electric street car line, writes that his croup, and her life saved after all phy- Minute cough cure. Patton Pharmacy. ; “Htopped the Sirewt Car.” A wellknown gentleman said to a street car condoctor the other day. Please stop until | get off. My wife (. W. Hodgkins, One way to keep a store 1s to say a good deal about it. Another way is simply make a store as good as pos- ‘sible. Give the best materials that can be sold for the price. Give attentive service—treat people right — say nothing and “saw wood.” This 1s Ihe sort of advertising we ‘best and follow most ry WE KEEP EVERYTHING To be found in a frst class up-to-date general store, such as Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc, Etc, and at prices to suit your purse, to of “Celery Wine.” She has been’ ‘troubled with sleeplessness and nervous troubles and can find nothing that has | helped ber like Celery Wine. 1 think one more bottle will care her. Large bottles 50c. Sold only by C. W. Hulg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. For a quick remedy and one that is | perfectly safe for children let us recom. . mend One Minute cough cure. It is | excellent for croup, hoarseness, tick- | ling In the tiroat and coughs. C. W. Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy. Chamberlain’ s Cough Remody This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. been received, giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persistent coughs it has cured; of se- i vere colds that have yielded promptly to is soothing effects, and of the dang- erous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The ‘ extensive use of it for whooping cough | has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous consequences. It is es- pecially prized by mothers for their ‘ children, aa it never fails to effect a If You're in a Hurry For Groceries, to you. Oppo. Hotel Patton. | fect the sufferer from kidney trouble {the sillow parsnipocolored complexion | phoamatism. a doll ache or pain in the : C. W. Hodg- Pr- charge. We confidently recommend it | ‘difficalt breathing, croup or hoarse there's al-| ways a free delivery wagon at our door ready to bring them ‘Miners Store (o., } Wo tuve yout rived full line of Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions and Groceries, ! And before purchasing elsewhere be | sure to eall on ne--where Prices are the Lowest. Goods always fresh and op-to-date, and delivered free to all parts of town. H. REMKOS, Next to Baptist Chu: E or By ki. \WALL PAPER. \WWALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria. Over 100 new designs to select from Prices from 31 to 50 cts per roll. Room Monldings from 3 to 5 td a foot. We also carry a fall line Wall Pockets, Pictures, Frames and Mouldings. Can make any size Frame desired at the Jowest prices Old Frames cleaned and renewed, The Patton Wall Paper Store, C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PENNA. Boarding House. 207 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Sqoare. or whooping cough it is sure to give Cambria and Clearfield ‘county people visiting Phila delphia will ind this a con- venient and central location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. 13-8 [ sell solid filled case and a 20-year an American move- ment guaranteed for 1 ve two years. © | you my guarantee with this watch and it is also gnaranteed by the manufacturer. * it. Come in and see TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. * TO THE PUBLIC D. D. Lewis, undertaker and ephal mer of Barnesboro, Pa. wishes to announce to the public that he has secured the services of John E. Radcliffe Kerr avenue, two doors above Bon Tou store, to look after the wants of the people of Patton and vicinity in the Undertaking business and all calls left with him will be promptly at- Mr. Lew:s a the Massachu- setts School of Embalming and thoroughly understands the business in the most mod- ern ways CALLS Day or Night by 'Phene. 18 tended to. | graduate of of sheep About midnight be was awakenad by | FAMOUS SHEEP DOGS. i THESE CANINE WONDERS CAME FROM | NEW ZEALAND. ' A Bateh of Stories, Niustrating the Rare Intelligence and Falthfalness of the Snimnis Time Calorado Sheep Man The miowt eolebrated breed of shep herd vor fun the west sid Jud Brood the old time sheep man of Fort {oliina tla those heed from a pair of Now Zealand dogs ght 2a Caliradan ws (3 "qtr in 18%H 4 of HY ranges and ith of wd raatifalness in nurticalay abd when be re dos ta work on the rage At night when the herd was bronght np to the corrals wa saw at once that a part of the herd was piss in There were 1.808 head in the bunch when they went obt in the morning, bot when we pit them throngh the shoot we fonnd that 300 weps mise ing The pun was also missing. “Well. ail bands torned ont for the search Wo hnnted all the night and all of the pext day. and did not find the Temes p until along toward night But there they were, all herded in a tittle draw slont Sve miles from home faithfnl dew standing erat of the instapoes »3X FOIE Oe abe and there was the gourd The wolves were vory plentiful in those days and the dog had actnally hidden the sheep from the animale in the draw. The poor fellow was nearly famished as he had been for 36 hours withont food or water. From that day be became & hero, hat was so badly af fected by hunger, exposure and thirst and subsequent cverfeeding and petting that he died not long afterward “This same pup’s mother was an es paciully fine animal One night the herder hronsht in his flocks and harried Ce Biv cabin to cook Mmeself some sap per. for he wae shore than neually ban. Rry. Bot hi aniseed the dog. which nen ally followsd him to the cabin of an evening to have her supper. The herder thonght rather strange of it. bnt made no search for the dog that night Bat whet he went down to the corrals the pext morning he fonnd the gate open | and the fuithfal dog standing goard aver the fecks The herder. in his hante | the night before had forgotten to close the gate and the dog, more faithful than her muster had remained at her post all night. though sffering from hanger and thir “fm another occasion this same dog was left to watch a flock of sheep near the herder's cabin while the herder got his smpper After the herder had eaten hin sapper he went out to where the sheep wore and told the dog to put the ‘sheep 10 the corral. This she refused to do. and altiough she had had no supper she started off over the prairie ss fast as she could go The bender pat the in the corral and went to bed the ond harking of a dog down by the | corrals. He got ap, dresed himself snd want down to the corrals, and there fonnd the dog with a hand of about 50 sheep, which had strayed off during the previons day wi thont knowledge bunt the poor dog knew it and alu knew that they ought to be corraliod. and she did it Another good story of this sae dogg. One day she was sent ont with a pew herder to an ontiving ranch some 15 miles distant That night she came home, spd br her actions told as that thers was sunething wrong at the ranch Well we monnted onr bronchos and went over fo the ranch, and very wwn foand ont what the matter wis The new herder was stinply a tramp. who as soon as he had got a good feed had lit oot and left the sheep uncared for save by his more faitifal compan: wins, the don Sime time we Bad a tenderfoot come to work ? and the hove had filed Bim a full of hadr raisiog stories that he never went out on the runge without expecting to he o Ather saten hy bears or yr alped be Ind Ce day ha came runnine no the honse all cut of breath, declaring that he had seen a bear Wo fancied at him and sent him back to the range A few dava afterward he came in ALRIB seared than ever. amd sand it was a that time sure. Well, ws took one guns and a foxhonnd and went ont. and sure enomgh, over on a hill we saw a large black animal [tt wasn't a Bear but we vonldn’t make out ex actly what it wax We sent the hound and the shepherd dog that was tending the herd ont on ite trail, while we fob towed on foot. The dogs chased the ani mal uver he hill out of sight. Soon the shepherd dog came trothing leisurely hack and took ber place with the herd again. Over in a gnich we found the hound standing over a dead animal examination we found slack Mexican sheep Now that shepherd dog as soon as she found it was nothing bat a sheep. had given ap the chase and ratnrned to her flock She knew if was not game and of no aeeennt. while the bound had follows the tras! and killed the sheep Len vor Piast r ax RGN ¥ are PARE which upon wh bes mn Ditag HK new Her Business. Lady 1 wish to get a birthday pres ent for my hasband Shopwalker How been married, msdam ? Ten vanes “Bargain connler to the right. mad am Boston Traveler Some Advice. “1 would advise the young man,’ said the corn fed philosopher. “to form his friendships among men cider than himself By the time he is at middie age they will all be dead and can’t bop: row his money. Indianapolis Jour: nal wong have yoo a a The Christian era was not o intsoduesl -— reckoning time until the . sixth century. Told by an O14 I had the herider's | Does Recorded ot Fhensbury op to Drie ¥riday, Februnry 24. John Asheroft et ux et al to Henry J. Eberly, Cresson; consideration, $600. Constantine O'Neil to Robert E (O'Neil, Munster, $1. William J. Dawson to Cecelia M. Blackbarn, Gallitzin borough, $100. Administrator and Trustee of James CC. Fisher, to Webster Griffith, Black- Hoek, $194. Gallitzin Bailding & Loan Associs- tion to D. H. Burkey, Gallitsin bor ough, $400. J. B. Dill et al to Jonathan B. Dill, trustee, Spangler, §1. Equitable Loan & Building Associa- tion to Mrs. Helena Gray, Eider, $95. W. W. MoAteer to Delia A. McAteer, Loretto, $1. Execotrix of Augustine Durbin to August Shiber, Munster, $2,500. Aagust Shiber et ux to Francis A. Clronaver, Munster, $3,000. Michael L. Marphy et ux to WH. Sargent, ot al, Munster, $435. P. H. Edmiston et ax to Max Frick, Reade, $2,500 Frank McAnuity ot ux ot al to N. J. Sinyder, Barnesboro, $127. © “Give me a liver regulator and [ can regulate the world,” said a genius The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fam- ons little pills. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton Pharmacy. Te Florida. The 2st of the present series of pop- ular Pennsylvania railroad personally vonducted tours to Jacksonville will leave New York and Philadelphia by special train of Pullman palace cams on Tuesday, March 7. Rouond-trip tickets, valid to return on regular traine nntil May 31, 1899, and including rail- way transportation in each direction, and Pullman accommodations, (one berth | and meals on special train going, will be sold at the following rates: New York, $50.00; Philadelphia, $48.00; Can- andaigua, $52.85: Erie, $54.85; Wilkes- barre, $50.35; Pittsburg, $53.00; and at proportionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and full inform. ation apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 1198 Broadway, New York; Thomas Purdy, Passenger Agent Long ark, N. J; Thos. E. Watt, P asenger Agent Western District, Pitsburg, Pa; or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pamenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Refore the discovery of One Minute cough cure, ministers were graatly disturbed by conghing No excuse for it now. C. W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. Pope Leo XIIT Befoare the Riograph. Despite his dislike to be photo- graphed, Pope Leo XIII has permitted himself to be pictured by the Biograph, and a number of the most interesting portraits will be found in the March Ladies’ Home Journal. They show the venerable Pontiff in the grounds of the Vatican, passing along his fav- orite walks and drives, attended by his secretary, guards, or members of his household. The pictures are exceed. ingly interesting in showing the Pope ax he lives at the Vatican, and his sur- roundingn, and are doubly valuable because they are the fimt pictares that | have been made of the Pope in a great Many yearn Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the Eng- lish Baptist church at Minersville, Pa, when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Baim. He says: “A few applications of this liniment proved of great serv. ice to me. It subdued the inflamma tion and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Baim a trial it will please me.”” For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CW. Hodgkins A Curd We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a -cers bottle of Cireene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure vour cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. . W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. 2126 [ have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. [| was able to be around all the time, but constantly suffering. [| had tried everything 1 could hear of and was at last told to try Chamberinin’'s Pain Baim, which 1 did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. [ am happy to say that it has not since returned. — - Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. kins. Ww. Hodg- Noties! J E. Kirk Hdw. Co. No. 2 has located store at Windber, Pa. Therefore would like to have all accounts settled by April 1st. You can call one door below Commercial hotel, formerly J. # Kirk Hidw. Co. No. 1, now J. E Kirk Hardware and Far't Co. Rranch ii Patton HH. J Easley, undertaker and em- balmer of Hastings, has established a branch at the J. E. Kirk Hardware company’s store, where all calls will receive prompt attention. The very latest and most modern methods used. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers