VOL. VIL—NO. 15. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA THURSDAY, MARCH o, 1599. $1.00 PER YEAR. Have Your Clothes Tailor-Made and be Well Dressed. Our Prices are the Lowest. DINSMORE BROS. No trick about JA MAG C COUGH URE Except that it helps heen out in opposition to a reduction a cough. No magic about it, except in the selection of the right drugs to help those coughs, which are dry and irritating, with little expectoration. It has some things in it that quiet those “nervous” coughs—the kind that seem useless, except to worry other people and do the sufferer no good. It helps this kind of a cough wonderfully -— loosens it up and quiets the nerves A large bottle of it costs 25 cents — more cough medicine than usually id fur this price, and we positively guar antee it. is Patton Pharmacy. Opposite Bohool Building. The finest designs of Mattings at the following prices: 10¢, 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢, 28 and 3oc per vd. Well, 18 different designs to select from. Also the latest in Carpets Rag | 25 and 30c per yard; cotton In- grain carpet 25 and 350 per yd; Union Ingrain carpet 35 and 45¢ per yd; wool Ingrain 30, 60 and 65¢ per yd; Brussells from 50¢ to $1.25 per yd. The finest and cheapest in town. The old reliable place to buy your furniture. The best for the least money. Hardware, House Furnishing, Tin and Plumbing Dpts, All kinds of tinwork will be attended to and guaran- The following will be our leading stave, ‘which you very well know are in the market. Bite A va. : De in the from: ‘apello Ranges, So Sunshine and ll, The Ranges, The Garland Steel Ranges. ‘These are all guaranteed. Give hie & trial, te line of shelf hardware, _yarnishes, ete, sash and ultry wise. it pL of 39 Ye lows, ete, uarters for m ners tools - ovels, augers, powder and | ape you for all past favors, soliciting a further patronage, of every description- Very Respectfully, d. E. Kirk Hdw. C. C. GRENINGER, Mgr. COAL MINING Hong time past been our public alls LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. (GGieaned Here and There the * Courter Reporter.” by NEWS The feurfloid and Heoch Fromm ond Trade Jorg free Reghons #1. The miners wha have far a ioading conl by the Car, ar gr anting ¢ sions in weight, either or all methods being equivalent to a reduoet ruf- ning from five to ten conts a ton below what is publicly known as the district prive, to-wit: 46 cents a gross ton, give strong indications just now of being checked, and all the operators, small and large, may be compelled to pay the rate named. Over at Urey Ridge, In- ‘diana county, where the plan of giving a concession of a couple of cwt per car fimst originated, the men are on a strike for a return of the regular price; at Glen Campbell, where the men have any or by the day, HANOeH iO cof five cents a ton, the companies con- ceded the old price, and all is serene (again. The operators contended that | they could not longer continue in busi. {ness and pay five or ten cents a ton more than competitors were paying. In Clearfield county, the men at Royal mine came out two weeks ago for 46 cents a ton, they having prev. fously permitted their employer to take 200 pounds to the car, and on Monday, the miners at Forest and Acme mines came out in sympathy with the men at Raval On Washington's Birthday several daylight mass mectings were heid, at which much enthusiasin was shown, local branches of the MW. of A established, and a determination mani. fested to get these regions thoroughly organised again, Cleorire Harris, No. LL MW work organizing the miners in this sec focal tion, smd is being assisted by Chris Evans, Natioual organizer, promised additional assistance for the next few weeks by the National organ. Cleation. The district convention will be held along sbout the middle of ' March, and it is expected that at the canvention there will be a unanimous expression in favor of stopping all mines at which the full district price is not paid. Thieves in Oar Sehoais, For some time past the teachers of schools have been consider ably annoyed by the reports of pupils to the effect thai money which had i» ard been left in their clothing hanging in the halls had been stolen had been said about the matter until Monday, when $1.10 was taken from ‘the pocket-book of Miss Mabel Whar. | ton, largest amount reported missing and Very little This appears to have been the Profs. Fulton and Jones have inaug. Curated a diligent search of the guilty party or parties by $8.00 to the person who will produce the necessary proof for the conviction ‘of thethief. Suspicion hak been placed on certain ones and thelr movements will be keenly watched jn future, nd if found oat they will bie nerestod and made an example of the al owe Continel Let, If the Lord is willing and the rest of the population of this earth are satisfied, work will be commeaencad on the paving of Magee avenue about the of May, 1806. The contract was awarded to the Keystone Paving company, of Clearfield, Saturday night, March 4th and on Monday morning, March #th the contract was signed and the bod filed for the commencing of the work by the first of May or as soon there after as the street committee may deem expedient. firnt Peie Notices, Hereafter the CouBtER will be pleased to publish all programs or notices of festivals, concerts, entertalnments, ete, for church organizations, societies, or “benefit!” gatherings FREE, providing four tickets are left at this office in appreciation of the courtesy shown; otherwise such notices. will be charged for at the rate of five cents § wor Hine Licenses Next Monday. It is stated that the license decisions will be handed down by Judge Barker next Monday, March 12th. Many were under the impression that they were to ‘have been handed down Monday of this week. The applicants are still more anxious than ever. It makes no difference how cheap . you can bay groceries elsewhere, I can still save you some money, quality of | . goods considered. TrE Casll GROCERY. offering reward of | buildings. | 15412 SOPHIA LEHMAN tapires at Her Js ane on Palmer Avenus, Friday, March 3 Death entercd the Mex FX. Letiman, of Palmer avenue, Friday, March 3d, when their daughter, Sophia, passed away after soffering with dropsy three weeks. She was sged 18 years, § months and 1 day. Besides Ler father and mother she iv survivea by five brothers four sisters, namely: Charles, Joseph, Frank, John, George, Helen, Mary, Gertrude and Rose, who were all her bedside when the sad hour arrived. Faneral services were held in St Mary's Catholic church Sunday after. for about and at noon immediately after vespors, Father Edwin performing the last sad rites Interment occurred in the Catholic cemetery about 4 p.m. Heartfelt sympathy of many friends is extended to the sorrowing family. New Fire { 0. Officers, At a regular meeting of Patton Fire Company No. 1 held Tuesday evening elec tad for (iid, the following officers were the ensuing year: Joseph presi. dent: Jas Jr. viee-president; John chief: Pope . 3. A. Lilly, recording secretary; treasurer; Harve Stair, foreman, Boye, Harry Davis, Edward Bim. mona, assistant foreman; Frank Ander. trustee: W, E. Probert, The appointive offices will be filled at next regular meeting, Tuesday even- ing, March 14th. The company now has formed a relief association with John president and Fd Hunter secretary, and will now be entitled to the appropriation made by SO, manager Seheld as foreign fire insurance company Bopper yard of the “The atid west Pennsylvania radiroad earnings of all the lines east of Pittsbairg aLing eX CAFE, with JNUT, 84,501, 881, 3 Ra Rrims Teste £30 GG 140.78 CC ompuarred Ces BArDIOE PHT <4 fhe gr windd the ned Ere lg fered durin Im < go 3 Sy HEF % 4 " i 8 venr. 173,741.32 tonne of fresght ove, BI OTe lees 14.55 20a tans, yi PASSE HOR srrieed, an increase of 2 43 ae Tings MAOGD {ial A b nahey, pir, wh aemiatant poslmaster Wr WAR arrested on the charge of being short in his accounts Ball in the sam of at of aver &4 (24), 88 iN for pave hin appearance ¥ United | States [strict court at Pittsburg May | 1st. He was also charged with open. ing aod destroying letters sont by the | P.O. Department to the bondsman, This, in connection with the other charge, will no doadt result seriously for Mr. Donahey. Killed in un Wreek, A coal train ranning from Windber to Bouth Fork was wrecked near Salix Monday night. Several cars were de muolished, one man instantly killed and two others badly hurt The dead man’s name was Edwerd B Myers He was gnmarried and lived at South Fork. The wreek resulted from failure of the brakes to work on a heavy grade. Many More Bag oes far Peavey, The Pennsylvania Rallroad company has decided to add 150 locomotives to its rolling stock the present year lis shops at Alcona and Juniata sre cap- turning out about 19H in the given time under normal and instead of roshing their capacity, as heretofore, the company will give out contracts for the extra number re- guaired, "his will prevent the fluctua of men employed able of conditions, tion in the nunmdwer iy ite shops of Thanks PF. X 1a i: wish, through the col COURIER, tO neighbors and friends for daring the sick. Cmrid Mr Mrs. Palmer avenue, umna of the thank their their kind geist pose and death of ad ran gincerely BIT hoir danghier Attention Mins fine be hall fm. Kk A mass meeting of miners and laborers of the Patton district wil hedd in Patton, in the Goldstein this {Thursday evening at 7 p. the purpose of discussing the sibuation, National Kay, District President other promine h ting. All miners are roguestod ir Tne if ming Organizer Me Harris ahd il speakers will address ¥ 42 bosipess of in ypartanos Ly order of Hangis, Dist Bee'y ¢ ¥ & % ¥ alien as will be transacted, Lika, Pres JT CLINE, Property for sale A valuable property, consisting of a good 2-story frame building used as a store and residence, with first-class base. ment, situated on Fifth avenue. Splen- did well on premisess. Also good out- Will be sold at a reasonable Call on or address JOHN GAGLIARDIL, Patton, Pa. figure. wmbinaster's | : : - } La written contract with the said Key (stane paving Co, { Borough of Patton, said street ‘THE OLD AND NEW COUNCIL home of Mr. and Proceedings of Meetings Held March 4th and 6th. STREET PAVING A GO. The Burgess and Clerk Aathorized to Make a Contract With Saceesaful Bidder New Policeman and Street Commissioner ari Fireted Boro Engineer Held Over Patton, Pa, March 1899. Patton Borough Council met in special session this evening for the purpose of taking action in regards to paving of Magee avenue in Patton Borough with the following members present as per roll Monteith, J. D. Blair, DD. PP. Jones, Frank Anderson, John Scheid and W, CC. Hubbard, The bor oagh engineer reported the following bids: “Charles E. Patton, of Curwens- ville, Pa, accompanied by a certified check of 81.000 00, wha submits a bid as follows Patton Clay Mfg Co. make, square yard; Bricks, Pat Mfg Co. make, $1.20 per square vand;, Carbing straight 4 fineal curbing straight cents per lineal foot, corners, 5% cents per lineal eal President Blocks, $1.10 Clay jar tan font: : Conta peer wt 57 carbing, foot: curbing. corners, set, 8% conta per neal foot” Paving Ceo, of certified “The Reyvstons Clearfield, accompanied of 81,000.00: Curb by a furn- Fai 4 } ued = Sr... » whew and set, 55 tenia ger lineal f pal] 3 i ANT. MET SOTHRG ALIGN, § 8 Ti iy or Cian title Paving RET pris, fits, paving complete, sand founda. The bit eu following bids fol revived as Hennook, of of 0 K wore snbimiiite $4 wm & Co, Haven Cr motion Hubbard, sec Biair, 1 was resolved “That Fagineer of Pat. & ried pAEEE TRY aril pnanimonsly | carried, TE Hx, $ Borough srivde 3 gh oF Lica oP FOUR IRR RGVETIINeL] Tor pels Magee : % BEEF O for the pur; sv avenue in aad Borongh, wey (Of fre HE i Hh an ordinance gated gy i day of Jone, 1588, and in pur toa restintion of Council dated 24th day of Pebruary, 1568, 5 Pei $n {rancid the of Clear sMEPATH the hia and ossived bids purstianos the same and submitted them for that porpose, and Keystone Paving company, field, has submitted the lowest and best bid for that purpose; it is therofore re soived that the Burgess and Clerk of Counedl, of said Borough of Patton, be and are hereby anthorized to enter into teu wherans, to pave and curb in pursuance to sad ordi nance and the plans and specifications prepared by the Borough Engineer, Land in compliance and pursnance with [the Bld sobmitted by the said Keystone Paving Co, at 55 centr for each lineal foot of curb so furnished and set, and Le pave. ment 80 laid with sand foundation and $1.05 for each square vard of pavement foundatic neinding comb of excavating That enniract work the Hl of ak {he wr conta for each square yard of #3 wid) on stone sk, and filling. ander terms of the {he shall commence on ru? May, In Street C0 it % fay Or as soon lherealler sraities shall deen expedient. That said Keystone Paving Co. shall be regained 1o give a band to the Borough thousand dotiars $6,000 00: for the faithtal per thidr the Ww eontradt, with weeurity to of Patbon in the sam of five formance of duty, ander terms of th he approved by the Borough Solicitor maid Kevstons Paving to shall be re. quired to guarantees the i laid and the curb »” the pavement so sc wit for a period of fron date of competion the of time shot Patton. That pavment shall be made by orders EAELe year of the and shall repair for a Like wilhiont com tor the ILE, Kewp Te i p= riod Horou of the Boroagh of Patton, third in one payable one one-thurd pavabie in hind date of Ver, two vears and the balance of one payalsis inn ti years from toe completion of the contract, with inter ext op same at the rate of sig per cent i frther resolved, that the . w oboe yalaotie diliv eReciied and ¥ 1.4 ALOE RE] of mehebd sided aed med iW Ghraib carried Terk be Le check to nnsgecessaiil bidder 5 vii % ’ ® that the tel to PELURD Laas? Wark of Od cuneil Patton Borough's old law makers met in regular session Monday night with all members present. After ap- proving the minutes of special meet- ings held Pebruary 24 and March th, the annual report of Boroogh Treas curer Wm. H. Sandford was respectfully i 3 i : submitted, and on motion of Hubbard | and seconded by Anderson, it was car- | in the name of the ried that it be referred Aunditors, On motion of Hubbard and seconded by Jones, it was unanimously carried that James Mellon, tax collector, be exonerated from taxes for the vears of 1898 and 1897, to the amount of $28.51, and that an order be granted him for that amount. On motion of Scheid and seconded by Anderson, it was carried that Jas Mellon he exonerated from 1888 taxes ta the amount of $276.55 Council then adjourned sin die. to Borough Now Cotonctl The new Council was ealled to order by the Clerk and the new officers, H. 0. Winslow, Frank Campbell and John RB. Cordell were sworn into office by Burgess George Prindible in doe form. W. C. Habbard was then elected as President and James Gilliece as Clerk for the ensuing term. On motion of Campbell and hy Winslow, it was resolved that Couvn- cil go into executive session for the election of officers, Wm. H. Sandford was re-elected as Borough Treasurer for the ensuing VEAr. The next business was the election of a street commissioner, which resulted in the choles of F. X. Lehman after a second ballot was taken, The question of employing a police wis then and favorably acted upon, fixing the salary at $40 instead of 0, an heretofore. After four ballots were taken Harry Brant was duly elected for that office anconded od ime gpsedd Renel Somerville, Esq, was anani- motsly elected as loronugh Solicitor for the CRY The of Engineer was held over EnSUIng 5 Borough I pre xt regan matter ecling an lar meeting might, also of Health o Prosident EPR Hut ei! at next mesling shard stated that Committees would Eby appointing : Fai myacie A commamcation received Wm. injuries of Dir FUREY Pravis, Emey. regards oo J in H in NOwifiian, sus. falling hoard walk of Vth and lang and Ulerk in Porat nt it tained by on the corner AVENGER Was read + stracted to soknowledpe same amd advise Mr Davie that owing ization of . deferred untii Monday, March 13, when a definite reply wonld ber given him. The following bills were passed apon and ordered paid: GD Holes, 858.10 tor the organ the pew ounoil BOLE WAS for police services for month of Feb. raary and March, Jas. Mellon, $1450 for lumber; Patton Pub, $1.00 for printing; John Yahner, $2.24 for hard. ware, BE Will Greene, 8574 for clerk services; Geo 8 oad, 81.50 for team: Altoona Tribune, $100 for advertising, Raftaman’'s Journal, $1.00 for adver. tising, Curfman, $24.00 for two years as secretary of Board of Health, Fatton Water Co., $0.00 for water rent: $04 92 for electric light to March 1st, Council then adjourned to meet next Monday night, March 13th, RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE BH. MM. No Morgan Spars, (o., (eo. Of Rill Back Trim. 1. ©O A Wan. na In Mewory Winneas The Grea? infinite wisdom has in His fir 8 higher and better life brother, Wm. Morgan, therefon Resolved, oe beloved with reverence and aabmission to Him, Who yet the takmg of ig Bife from our midst leaves # vacancy that will not only be felt by members of tribe and his thal while we Bow doeth all things well, Soh LA & 3 t bu thin family, he amd that lived, oar been spared to those who pewded him vet a few more great suns, Resolved, that we recognize in (he calling of our brother to that council in the Heavenly wigwam the hand of the Cireat Spirit, that He may make our hearts brave that when our time Come 10 Joan in that may lav down life's whee Hes down on his coteh Lo pleasunt wa tutemic circle we dothes liRe One dreams sy mpathue with family in this hour of ng his memory we : : ; amc vent, thal we the bereaved sarraow, that cherishing respectfully recommend that a page in of our tribe be set aside in of Brother Wm. Morgan and that oar charter be draped and the brothers wear mourning for the period of the revornis the memory J mins Resolved, that a copy of these reso- lutions be printed in the Parron Cou. rier and Williamsport Grit, also a eopy forwarded to the family of the deceased Wu. TUrsBULL, J. URAMER, F. H. KixxgEab, Jommittee. A SA See our special lines of serges at $15, $20 an up to $35. Dinsxore Bros, (we, 8. Good Eleetrie Light Co, | tut by the community in which constant prayers turn ever towards the fervent | Aish that Brother Morgan might have There is Danger In fooling with the business end of a bee or tickling the beels of a mule There's also danger in taking advantage of a low price offer without there is 8 guarantee of quality. We guarantee all our goods ta be superior. Others may but they are cheaper ; SEE US FIRST be wold cheaper, Wolf & Thompson. E4000 BUTLDING argains GUNS « at La m PS a bargain. Heating Stoves, best quality, at prices that will induce vou to buy this year, Ranges, the Jewell, Dockash, Etc. —None better,and prices awaydown. PATTON HIRDNAR C0. ix, Mow Pa P 4 IETS Yeager ra Pa. tam, wit Swing Machines at casy 10 pay prices. a eo] A An Aa PA A Ain Pn Pon a 0. 5B Pn PASS AS NA We can sell you a se wing mach ine-—the EQUAL of any that is made—the SUFERIOR of many at prices that will allow you to save from $10 00 to $25 00, Space will not allow us to go into details to tell vou why eur machines at such low prices are as good as the higher priced ones, but iH vou ll come to the sture we waoald be glad 10 explain every- thing to veu—we know that you 11 bree i of all we clam for them. Good machmes that vou can depend on and with which we Rive a ten yeur guarantee, at $18.50, $10.50 10 $25.00. Delivered free within 100 miles of Altouns 10 your freight depot, GABLE & CO. 1320-22-24 11th AVENUE. ALTOONA, PA. FF ar
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