ris WS si VOL. VINO. 14. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1899. Ba Do Your ST of Dress Goods, Millinery, la i Furs at J Bs TRICO Ul] Johnstown, Pa. LOCAL MND bENERAL NEWS. | Gleaned Here and There by next District Miners’ Convention be | held in Patton, appeared in the Lilly the “ Courier BOROUGH In Special Session Friday Night Action on Street Having. Patton, Pa... Feb. 24, 1899 - Patton Borough Connell met in special sission this evening for the purpose of taking action on the street paving question, with the following members present as per roll call: President Monteith, Hub. bard, Scheid, Jones, Blair and An. derson. Reporter. Take the MINERS CONVENTION IN PATTON, An Attempt 10 be Made tis Scasion Here. The following letter, urging that the | Hold the Next Signal of Inst week: “Patton, Pa, Feb 23, 18% was postponed until March, which 1 believe gives general satisfaction, but did not state where convention would be held. My SRI object in writing this time is to draw to hold a convention than On motion it was unanimously car. ried that Borough Engineer EF. C. ‘Brown be istructed to advertise for bids for the paving of Magee avenue from Fifth avenue to Pennsylvania | railroad in Patton borough, at once, in CAH Cl to the attention of the district officers the fact that so far as location is con- cerned there Is no more desirable place Besides being easy of access to dele- gates and reducing the expense of “one Jobnstown daily paper, one Al toona dally paper, one Clearfield paper and the Parroxn Courikgr, the bids to | close March 4th, at 6 o'clock p. m., and | that the Clerk be instructed to notify Except that it helps a cough. No magic about it, e except in the selection [oy mail the previous bidders on this work of the action of Council and also | that paving will be done with Patton | { brick. of the right drugs to help those coughs, which are dry and irritating, with little expectoration. It ried that the Clerk be instructed to has some things i in it that | notify Borough Engineer E. C. Brown quiet those “nervous'’ of the desire of Council fora prompt a »t compliance with resolution of said Solphy==tne oo body, calling for bids for the paving of % Magee avenue, and ascertain of him worry other people and that he will promptly carry out maid do the sufferer no good. It instructions, and in the absence of a helps this kind of a cough satisfactory reply from the Borough wonderfully — loosens it Engineer, the Clerk is directed to not ify the President of Council, =o that nee up and quiets the nerves. A large bottle of it esmary steps can he taken by our body. costs 235 cents — more On motion it was nnanimonsly car. ried that Council adjourn to meet on cough medicine than is usually sold for this price, Saturday evening, March 4th, for the purpose of taking action on bids: sub. and we positively guar autee it. mitted for the paving of Magee avon Patent Car Fondo Lawrence Platt, of this place, wha is ‘the inventor of the handle and ape machine, which was destroyed by firs | when the plant of the Patton Wooden Manufacturing company was con. sumed, has now another Inventioh, ‘on which he has already applied for a patent. It is a car fender and the | manner in which it is worked, appears, | to the observer, to be a splendid idea. | Patton Pharmacy. Opy fi School Building. { factured in a short time and placed on raiiroad fare, it is in the centre of the most disturbed part of the district and where trouble will be experienced in bringing all rate. At Hastings and Barnesboro it is reported that miners are working at a reduced rate, and it is desirable that from such places as large a representa tion as possible should be had, and to do so inducements should be sent to them to send delegates. Coming from the new Scalp Level! field and from Punxzsutawney it is about midway lo. On motion it was unanimously car- cated and it would be imposing a hard- ship on one part of the district to ask them to go to the other end. “Hoping, Mr. Editor, that you will publish this and that the question will be given consideration by our officers, | remain, “Fraternally Yours, “A MINER." Fe gressive Bilton Patton is bound to beabove the aver. age in regards to modern improve. ments { | Mr. Platt expects to have one manu. | a trolly ear in some nearby city where Lit will receive a thorough test. | principal feature of the invention is to | pick up or throw off objects ahend of | the moving car by means of a revoly- ing cylinder. ; Young Travelers for England James and Thomas Barckley, aged {about 8 and 10 years, sons of Mrs (James Barckley, departed Tuesday | morning for New York, from there they will sail for England to make their | i Well, 16 different desi to select | | future home with their grand-father, frot ao th ink in Carpets—Rag | {Mr. Philip Barckley, who resides at yard; cotton In. | Winget, County Darham. The two per yd; 3 flon, little fellows are making the trip with. fc per id; out any company and no doubt great ‘anxiety Is felt by their mother until she learns of their safe arrival on the buy Jour, other side. 106, 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20c, 25¢, 28! and 3oc per yd. Celebrated Washington's Birthday. The members of Concord Grange, ‘No. 1125, celebrated Washington's birthday on last Wednesday evening at their hall in a very appropriate man- ‘ner. Mr. T. J. Poley gave a talk on the topics of the day, which was very much appreciated by the audience. An kinds of tinwork will Prof. T. L. Gibson, of Ebensburg, then | be Jttended to and guaran- gave a very instructive and humoristic talk on “The Life of the Farmer.” The Grange band was present and furnished our leading “muse for the occasion. well know are Thy New Council At the regular meeting of Borough | un 2 Good building Monday Ent Mare h | oe are” al guaranteed. | | 6th, the rewly elected oficers, Messrs, | je line of shelf hardware | H- O. Winslow, Frank Campbell and , varnishes, etc., sash and John R. Cordell will take their seat in poll I 1 line. place of Alex Monteith, John Rcheid ht Joncing of « of every E Jeseription- ~ and D. P. Jones, whose terms expire at All ple an] oui for plows, ete. ‘that time. Among other business to. ~The } arters for miners’ tools. - be transacted at this meeting will be augers, powder and the election of a clerk, treasurer, chief you for all past favors, | of police and street commissioner. soliciting your further patronage, Very Respectfully, Pi nd! ! A gold filled ring at the Firemen's certified check for $1,000.00. Hall during the night of the Masquer- ade ball. calling at this office, proving property : and paying for this notice. A Heavy Porker. Joseph Wentz, who resides a short | Qistasice north of Patton, killed a hog | | you can bay groceries elsewhere, 1 can when dressed weighed 515 still save you some money, quality of {euday Mr. Wentz, 80 far as has been | | Boods considered. c oe ENINGER, Mgr. Jenrned, holds the medal. The (eight hundred | The Borough Council met in special session Friday night and di rectadd the boroagh engineer, Mer. E OC Brown, to advertise in the leading papers of John and Altoona, as Parion bids fur the paving of Magee avenoe, the prominent business thoroughfare of the bids to close Saturday, When this work bs secomplisned Patton can then be classed us an up-to-date town with her electric lights, elegant water works, fine sewage system and the best public schools in Cambria county. - Altoona Tribune. slow well as in the ot rien, for tial place, March 4, at 8 o'clock p.m. Favor the Snowman iil, The executive and legislative com- mittees of Cambria County Pomona Girange, Patrons of Husbandry, held mectings at the Anderson House, Cres. ing the salary of the treasurer of Cam. briana county, If advised by their lawyers { that the same is constitutional. Bon Nockal A box social, dance and cake ‘will be held this (Thursday ) evening in the Firemen's Hall, Patton, Pa, under the auspices of the Improved Order of "Red Mon. The Indies are invited to go and take a box and the gents to buy them.. Dancing will begin ut 5:30 and continue antil 10.30, when the boxes will be sold by a competant auctioneer. Cake walk and dancing after suppor. Go and enjoy yourself with the boys They need your as- sistance, Joined the Regrilars, Hamer Martz, who left Patton Mon. day of last week with the intention of going back into the navy, changed his plan and joined the regular army at Pittsburg and ix now at Columbus, 0. In a letter to his parents Le states ‘ that in all probability he will go Ma. ‘nilla in a short time, Brick Strect Paving Sealed bids addressed to the under: signed will be received by him until 8ix (6) o,clock p. m. March 4th, 15399, for paving Magee avenue from Pifth (Avenue to the Pennsylvania railroad in the Borough of Patton, Pa., accord- to plans and specifications. About (500; feet of paving, Each bid shall be accompanied by a The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Owner can procure same by By antherity of the Borough Council, S.C. BROWN, Borough Engineer, March 1, 1589, Patton, Pa. It makes no difference bow cheap _ THE CasH GROCERY. In your | - : DADS ME I last issue appeared a communication BECAME A LAW FEB. 18. 1 God, the ruler of the universe, to take from BSecretary-Treasurer Cline ex. plaining why the district convention time in in Patton, places up to the scale cents ; : ‘the arrest or confinement of vagrants | aon, on Saturday. The exocative com- | ; | mittee decided that the next quarterly (meeting of the Grange should be held ‘at Patton the first Monday in April, | and the legislative committee adopted | a resolution requesting our representa. TY BftY cents, tives in the Btate Legisiature to work and vote for the Stineman bill, regulat- | Cis afterwards entered betore and mileage as herein alter provided.” | ery (dollar. walk nts, each additional witness served, manded, each item two cena RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT , | Passe by Patton Fire Company Xo. 1 on the Death of Wm. Marga At a regular meeting of Raton Fire The New Act Sizned by Gov- os company No, 1 held Toesday evening, ernor Stone. February 29th, the following resolu ‘tions were unanimously adoptad: ; WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty | from our midst, our beloved brother, | The First Bill to Be Signed by the Governor William Morgan, and that as a tribute and a tid One. to his memory we tender the following | The following is the text of the new | pagalations: constable's fee bill, which was signed | Resolved, that in the death of our } by Governor Stone Saturday, Feb. 18th, brother, Willinen Morgan, Patton Fire | thereby becoming a law which will (q. No. 1 loses one of ita most honored | govern the perquisites of constables and respected members; therefore be it | elected for the term of three years. | Resolved, that with deep sympathy The bill was forced through the Legis. | with the bereaved wife and relatives of | latare largely through the personal the deceased, we express our hope that efforts of Rapressntative Robert K. ever so great a loss to all, may be over. Young, of Tioga county, who secured ruled for good by Him, Who dosth all | a special order advancing the measure things well: and be it further out of ite regular order, in that it| Resolved, that we tender 1» the might go into effeet for the constables widow of the deceased our most sin. | elected Tuesday, February Zist. This cere condolence in her bereavement is the first bit of legislation presented and that these resolutions be spread to the governor for his consideration. | | on our minutes and be publisbed in the | An Act to regulate and establish the parrox CoUvriEr and the Williamsport fees to be charged and received by | Grit and a copy presented to the widow Constables in this Commonwealth. of the decessed and the charter of the | Spcrion 4. Be it enacted by the Company be draped in mourning for | Senate and House of Represeniatives 30 days E. WiLL GREENE, of the Commonwealth of Pennsyiva- JOHN SBoHEID, nia in general assembly, met and it is | En. HUNTER, hereby enacted by the sathority of the Committee. sate that, from and after the passage st of this Act, the fees to be charged and | received by Constables in this Come 1 monwealth shud] be as follows: Paal War Badge The COURIER is in possession of Vol. | No. 2, of the Bt. Paul War Badget, published on the Cruiser St. Pual, July For executing s& warrant on behalf 1st, 1998, while at wea. It is rather a of the Commonwealth for each defend- unique but neatly printed jittle journal, ant one dallar, 10x15 inches, made np into foar pages ¢ and was published at the time the Marts | boys, of Patton, were in service on that | great liner. The following taken from the Badget: “F time in American history, {‘uban flag of General Garcia was saluted by the U, 8 8B Marblehead a2 Goanta- guilty of namo Bay, Caba, Jane 16th, 1898 in . sight of Fort McUala, the fire Ameri ean fort erected in Cabal’ For conveying defendants, vagrants in jail on rant, for first defendant one dollar, and for each additional defendant fifty oenta, and in addition theretio the actual cowt of transportation of such defend. ant or defendants, EXO mittimus Or war ptract ix or tive frst th Foor arresting breach of the PEEFROTIA or dis artherty Gor Who may be engaged in the commission of any unlawful set tending to lmperil In an interview at Manilia last Fri the personal security or endanger the day Admiral Dewey said on the ques property of the citizens or violating tion of “1 wonidn any ordinance of any borough for the the nomination for the Presidency. | violation of which a fine or penalty is desire no political office, because | am imposed], or offending or saspescted of unfitted by education and training. 1 offending against the laws of this Com- am grateful for the sentiment of the monweaith protecting timber lands, or American people and desire to retire in the violation of any other law of this peace in old age. The Navy ia one Commonwealth sathorizing arrest by profession and polities is ancther. | Constable without process and bringing am too old to learn a new profession. | such offender before a Justice of the | have no political associates and my Peace, for each defendant seventy. five | health could never stand the strain of “And for every act in or about a canvas.” Ppreoe, nnlous condi, drunkenness Prem ov Nod in Podities polit: Ave 3 i A New Mining Town seventy-five cents for each vagrant so | i a teed i arrested or arrested and committed | The new THE own of Florence, ‘near Punxsutawney, which will be . : built next summer, will bo the largest For levying a fine or forfeitare on A | mining town in this part of the State, | ‘and the mine will employ more men { than any other single bituminous mine | in the United States. A vast coal ter. ritory will be tapped by this opening, and when the headings are driven in it! lis ox pected to give employment to over | [2,000 men, This will add pertiaps five thousand population in the county For taking the body of a defendant | into custody on a mittimus where bail | the deliv. to the jailer, one of the body For executing bail piece, one dollar, For exectting a search warrant and making return thereon, one dollar, For making return to the court of quarter sessions, one dollar and fifty Free Nitieos., Hereafter the Cotrier will be pleased to publish all programs or notices of festivals, concerta, entertainments, ote, for charch organizations, “benefit” gatherings FREE, providing four ticketa are left at this offlee in appreciation of the courtesy shown, For serving summons notices on soften, or referves suitor or tenant, either person. | ally or by leaving a» copy, fifty cents for each person served. For serving subpana, fifty cents for the first witness and fifteen centa for for at the rate of five centa per line, Infant vat, Alexander, the infant son of Mr. and Mra. BC. Dawson, of Fifth avenoe, who was aged about three weeks, died Tuesday evening Interment took place at Barnesboro Wednesday afler- noon. The sorrowing parents have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in Patton. For executing attachment, fifty cents for each defendant and garnishee served For arresting ri arrested an a caplax, one dollar for cach Jere For taking bail on a caplas or for de- livery of goods, fifty cents, . For notifying plaintiff where defend. ant has been arrested on capias to be paid by plaintiff, twenty five conte, ioe to Manua Frewd B. Kerr, son of Hon James Kerr, of Clearfield county, and i recent graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, started Friday for San Francisco, thence to go to Manila to join the Twenty second Regular In. fantry, to which he has been assigned for service. For serving caplas execution, one whallar. For executing fifty cents, For taking item two cents For levying or fifty cents For selling goods levied or distrained, exceeding one hun and for each landlord's warrant, inventory of goods, each dlisteair gross ing Next Poanona Giaage Medting for each dollar nol dred dollars, three cents, dollar in exvess of one hundred dollars, two cents, For receiving and paying over money paid after a levy without sale on each dollar actually received and paid over by the Constable to the creditor, two centa, For advertising sale of goods levied or distrained, one dobar. For copy of vendue paper The next Pomoua Grange meeting of Cambria county, will be held in Patton on April 3 and 4. The members of the above order are always pleased when they know they are to cote to Patton, as they are always very well treated while in the town, The Lingle 8:11 luredoced, In the House of Representalives at Harrisburg Tuesday Hon. W. C. Lingle, when de of this place, introduced his bill to! ' repeal the Act of April 8, 1872, relating { to the colleetion of taxes in Cambria (Continued c on Fourth Page. i | county. Lamps ci es A There is Danger In fooling with the business end of 8 ‘bee or tickiing the heels of a mule, | There's also danger in taking advantage ‘of alow price offer without there is a | guarantee of quality. We guarantees all our goods to be saperior. Others may be sold cheaper, but they are cheaper. SEE US FIRST FOR Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Shoes, Etc. Ete. ‘Wolf& Thompson. GOOD BUILDING. bargains GUNS «= at a bargain. Heating Stoves, best quality, at prices that will induce vou to buy this year, Ranges, the Jewell Dockash, Etc.—None better,and prices awaydown. PATTON HARDWARE GO. FJ Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa. DIFTRIK, Mar, Sewing Machines at easy fo pay prices. otherwise such notices will be charged A Pn IA A An Po Pann AS We can sell you a se wing mach - tne—the EQUAL of any that is made—the SM PERIOR of many— at prices that will allow you to save from $10 00 to $23 00, Space will not allow us to go inte details to tell you why our machines at such low prices are as good as the higher priced ones, but #f vou'll come to the store awe would be glad to expiam every. thing to vou—we know that you'll be convinced of all we claim for them. Good machines that you can depend on and with which we give ph ten R year guarantee, at $190.50 10 $25.00. pens Hp Kl within 100 miles of Altoona ta your freight depot. GABLE & CO. 1202224 11th AVENUE. ALTOONA, PA. 5-7 2? we Co — TWA gn rw
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