Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. BE. Wit (igKEsE, Haitor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advanes, SF Advertising mites made KDown apon sp piieation, No papers discontinned until all areenr : ages are paid, unbees at the option of the publishers. Evtered al the PostodBies at Patton as seednd- clash anil matter, Sun-bonnets y at Mrs. Dartt's. | Get your pictures framed at Fisher's. Wall paper at Fisher's 3} cents a poll. © A big line of ladies’ mnalin under. Wear at Mrs. Dartt’s Thos. Callen, of Cresson, was secu on our streats Tuesday. For coid-fish, mackerel and herring go to the Cash Grocery. As you pass by take a pecp in the show window at the Cash Grocery. Grocery. “iw 81 0 | ! wille made a business trip to the county peat Tuesday, § : | secured a position as book-keeper with i | Sentinel. Mr. and Mrs. LH. Allport have re moved from Spangler to Hollidaysburg | where they will make their futare home. | . We understand that Mr. Allport hus an Altoona business house Spangler The following is the correct pronun- | : nunciation of names thrown into prom- | ‘inence by affairs in the Philippines: | | Fillipino is pronounced Fil-o-pe-no, | March came in ltke & lamb, Leave your laundry with Scheid & . Wilkins. Fresh fish and Oysters at the Cash Dr. W. B. Difenderfer came down from Cresson Saturday. H. Hilderbrand, of Johnstown, was a visitor to Patton Tuesday. Did you see the beautiful glassware given as premiums at the Cash Groc- } jory- For fine canned peaches, apricots, ‘pears and cherries go to the Cash Grocery. The small boy has commenced to pinay marbles a sure sign of approach- ing spring. Dr. J. B. Noonan and John Somer. R. FP. Notley and H. J. Van Dusen, ,of Hastings, were welcome visitors to. with the accent on the third syllable; Lioilo, E-leee-lo, with two scoenta, one on the first, and the other on the third syliable; Aguinaido, A-ge-nai-do, with the accent on the third syllable, and the | first “a” broad, as in far; Panay, Pani, with the accent on the last syll- able, the ‘a’ broad, and the 'V" long, as in file. “We want the news,” says the Gibson (Ga. ; Banner. “If your wife whipw. you Jet us know it and we will pat you right before the world. If you have company tell us if you are not ashamed of your visitors. [If yoo have ‘a party or gathering of any kind bring around a cake, seven or eight ples and | a side of ham not necessarily to eat. ‘but just to show your friendship and appreciation. You needn't mind in viting us, as it may be too cool for our wardrobe. We want the news. that's all FINE SCENIC PAINTING. Ses Praced in the Amusement Hall at Westover «Werk of I. H.C. Warren, of Patton. Between Philadel Philadelphia & Reading Railway. For luxurous, swift and at the same | time perfectly safe traveling the above | | trains cannot be excelled, a special not- able feature is the entire absence of smoke, soot and cinders, the engines fa and New York vin | burning oniy hard coal. The intodae- | tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & Reading was a great boon to the business men of both cities, and the . patronage by this class of passengers has steadily increased as well as that of other persons for pleasure or busi ness purposes. It is a common prac. tice by these travelers to leave home in Philadelphia after breakfast, and spending the day in New York return in time for 7 o'clock dinner. Puliman cars are attached to ali these | trains, and the 7:30 a mtoand 4p. m from New York also have Paiiman Buffet parlor car. To specially accom- modate the gentlemen the 8:30 a m. to and 430 p m. from New York, also have a parior smoking car attached. For time tables apply to any Phila. deiphia & Reading ticket agent, or addrees Edson J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent. Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. Ax the season of the year when pnen- | .momnia, lagrippe, sore throat, coughs, | Patton Monday. Special menting of oid Council Satur- day night to take action on the paving | of Mages avenue. Jas. Allport, of Hastings, and P. B. | Comgrove, of Qallitzin, spent one day | last week in our town. 0 Liveryman Thomas Peach, of Ebens- | 7 burg, drove down to this place Tuesday. Remember if you want to save money buy your goods at the Cash : Attend the Camp fire and entertain- : Mareh 30 ® Han ¥ mig, A. C. Fisher and his corp of men are doing the painting on the interior of | i . he men in the Beech Creek shop st the new St. Mary's Catholic church. | forse troey Shore are now working 168. p McClintock, the hustling con- | ia aday. fectionery drammer of Tyrone, was : cone hot, sent Bandey wi calling on hia trade in Patton Tuesday. | id company of local talent. They expect "You cannot do betier than to onll on ‘to make their first appearance about ‘Gould & Beeser for first-class plumbing, | | April iat. : oe. B timate freely given. 4 The Spangler Sentinel says that According to the Mahaffey Gasette, George Divers, who removed to At- butter retails for only 20 cents per i... City some time ago, hiss secured at that place and eggs only 18 4 hotel at that place and writes that he is doing weil. Quite a» number of Pattonites who moved to New Castle and other towns to better their conditions, we are told, are gradually returning, saying: “Pat Rudolph Trueman and Miss Angie Anderson, both of this place have re- " 8 legal permit from the Clerk of For many years science has stodied liquors. Result the whole world uses whiskey. It has proven the best stim- .ulant and does not injure the nerves ‘and tissues like coca wines and other ‘drugged compounds. And Harper | Whiskey is the ideal whiskey. Sold by iW. L. Daggett, Patton, Pa. . John Danielson, of Patton, bas rented , No. 398, Improved Order of phe, Friday evening. Luke Bebe and Frank Ivory, two berans of the war of the Rebellion, ‘who live neaf 8t. Augustine, are suffer. Ing with a severe attack of the grip. Wm. A. Adams and James A. ‘Whar. n of Lieut. Peter Kaylor Post, | after. 8 part of the Stich property opposite | | ‘the Central hotel and will in a few days {open s shoemaker shop. Mr. Daniel. | SSR an ‘expert shoemaker and is pro- : 2! co of boots and shots at the Towent| prices. Carrolitown News. under the of the soapices an Charles Entler, who resides near Hast ings, had both feet terribly frosen last | Thursday evening. He was employed pe ' Crain, of St. Boniface, U. 8. the mine is febt —ot and In his half mile walk through the y ‘terrible cold they were completely frozen. Fears are entertained that The second elateddfod will be heid ar “"P2I2110" 2 be nucemary. urg, Toesday, April 18th. Much The prosperity of a town, village or! rest will be taken in the gathering City, says an exchange, is not guided | hi year, and it promises to far eclipse by the wealth of its inhabitants, but’ ny former attempt at that place or the uniformity with which they pull | hi ; togetber when any important duty is to | be accomplished. A man with a thous | ‘and dollars at his command and an interest in the welfare of his town at | ‘heart can do more for the building and | improvement of it than a millionaire’ . who locks ap his capital and snaps his’ x away” from Patton. We Jook | a out» “oi Bo awned 14 hen and o one rooster and that he gathers 15 eggs every day. The following new ale appear in the | Singer at home progress CouRiEn this week: (0. W. Hodgkins, “Jack” the pet bail dog, which Patton Pharmacy; Mr Store Co.; makes ite home at the Bankrupt Cloth- | Jolf & Thompson; R. 8. Tozer, the | ing Store, has quite a reputation as a Jeweler; H. Romkos, groceries, etc.; fighter of no mean ability. He has H. 8. Buck, furniture and undertaking, ‘fought upwards of 30 battles and has The Beech Crock railroad bas in view | ¢V6T 24 vet lost one. The cut of| new line from Gillintown to Clear. | J2"" has appeared in the Police field to avoid heavy grades for coal Gazette several times during his career | of nearly nine years of “actual serv- traffic. ‘The new line isto have a small |," | brute is an exveptionally je percentage allowing one engine kind and sensib! imal and quite w ull 40 loaded cars without a pusher, |, among gritty ish ‘they can now only haul 20 | cars up the mountain with a pusher. Miss Bridget M. Dougherty, daughter | of the late John and Rose Dougherty, i of Hollidaysburg, died Sanday morn- ing at 7:15 o'clock at Loretto, this | county, where she had been stopping, ‘with the Sisters of Mercy. The de- | ‘ceased was born January 1, 1533, and ' was consequently over 66 years old. {For many years she was a music | teacher in the vicinity of Hollidaysburg, | {together with the rapid firing of the late war with Spain. stead. The Cambria Tribuoe says that at Starling Hive No. 10, and when be ¢ | | i i - where the funeral took place Tucaday | morning. i The COURIER representative has the ©0lds, catarrh, bronchitis and long pleasure of knowing that Westover's roubles are to be guarded against, opera goers are elated over the arrival Pothing “is a fine substitute,” will ‘of the new scenery placed in the ‘‘snswer the purpose,’ or is ‘just an’ amnsement hall in that piace by their | good” as One Minate cough cure. That | energetic townsman and ‘is the one infallable remedy for all | william Momser, who some weeks ago | lung, throat and bronchial troubles. | gave the contract for painting and pat. Insist vigorously on having it if “‘some- ting up the scenery to D. H. C. Warren, thing ese” is offered you CC WW. now of this place, but formerly of Hodgkine Patton Pharmacy. | Philadelphia, Pa., and one of our pic Camp Vire and Entertainment. ; | neer business men and who in an adept A grand enmp five and entertainment with the brush, bot antil now has nok will be given at the Firemen's Hall : had an opportanity to put in any soen- Friday evening, March 3d, under the (ory in the western part of the State. of Washington Camp, No. 458, It is a work of art and appropriate for p 0 8 of A. Major R. H. Hender- all kinds of shows, both melo-dramas shot, the original drummer boy of the and varieties, the same scence that MAY Rannahannock, and his son, the most he used for the most exciting plots; o nderfnl drummer and fifer in Amer. | | nre painted in such a manner a8 10 joan will be here and assist the local harmonise with the most langhable '(ient in endeavoring to give ove of comedian or solemn scene.’ the finest entertainments ever beld in The front drop curtain presents & Patton. Don’t fail to attend | stands first And bewt, Tor ie balance American DMOPest people who try to imitate and SiTnpia ed rlawasl ty fumicen | counterfeit it. [t's their endorsement one of the most noted battles of the Of 8 Rood article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’'s Witch | Next is 5 street noene, showing a | Hagel Salve CW, Hodgkin, Patton | prominent thoroughfare in the metro Pharmacy. : polis, with a prospective view of two Mow ta Cure » Cold. : milew in the distance. . Bimply take Otto’s Cure. We know | The third is a rich parlor scene, rep- | of ita astonishing cures and that it will resenting the room in 8 modern home- stop a coogh quicker than any known remedy. If you have asthma, bron- | The fourth is a correct representation chitis, consumption or any disease of of an old kitchen where poverty and the throat and lungs, & few doses of sorrow are often | this great remedy will surprise you. If represented. Tbe fifth and last is & beaatiful land. you wish to try, call at our store and we | scape; an old stone beantiful stream in the : , ' showing the wastes tn th Sr ‘and 2%. Patton Pharmacy, C. W. $0 henson of ts moc sealing Shrough Hodulkine | { smmoved his dental ‘pariors from the | Solomon building on Fifth Avenve (0 the rooms . by Dr. : Wilson in the Good building on Magee (AVenOe For Sale! Three good milch sows and a feb] Jersey with a ealf three weeks old. | Apply to Mrs. Geo. M. Tibbens, across | creek from Lingle’s mine. : Change in the Hour of Services. Until further notice services at the | Baptist church wili be held at 1030 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. on each Lord’s Day. List of Unelnimod Letters. Eo The following letters remain in the | postoffice at Patton for the week endl- | ing Thursday, March 2, 1809: Miss Hannah Gabrielson, J. C. Giles, | orders. Peter Nelson, Jobn Owens, Merritt ‘Snyder, Mrs. Maggie Sullivan, 8 J Waldman 2 Peruatie calling toe the shave ictin | % ou buy bears he dbove soil | Are Planets from dark or ii) om gan by corn or ofher adut tion. This flour can be. obtained In fown. its purity Is vouched for by the dny~Niuteraton | League of Millers Shirt Walste worth 53.35 naw at $1. IR 2.00 1.331 i © i is a iw a 5 i EE | she has not good We endeavor to carry the best line of staple and faney groceries to be procured. Our best friends are the house keepers. We truly help them who come and help them- selves, and for a limited time we will offer von the celebrat- ed Pride of Patton Flour at $1.25 per sack. FEvery sack fully guaranteed or your money back. We still have some Jelly in 30-poand pails that we are selling at 85c each. Don’t wait too long as they will not last long at that price. Also somé nice | preserves at Te per Ib. Next week we will bave a full line of salt fish for the Lenten sesson. Get our price before buying elsewhare an we can save you money by dealing with os A WORD TO The Ladie We still have a few Dress » : Skirts, Shirt Waists and Flan ‘nelet Wrappers that we are selling at cost. If you need | anythimg in that line it will ay you to look at these hey come in Browns, Blacks, Reds and Greens. | Dress Skirta worth $2.75 now at §1.79 2% 4% ad 2.00 nes, ee Es LE ve “4 a Foods that always aid Joc fo st and a host of other | must be closed out to 1.08 | ow gooda. If at any time you buy anything from ms that is not as represented or have we would } anything to say in regard to treatment be pleased to have yon come direct to us as we are here to serve the people, and we want our trade to know that we appreciate their dealings with us and are always too glad to right any wrong that has been done. re Respectfully Yours, YOU neat andr where Clerks. are pe 0 where Deliveries are made free of ¢ : above all where you know you are in the market at the ire of |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers