| Just 5 so evil in the blood comes out in shape of scrof- a, pimples, efc., in children and young people. Taken in time it can be eradicated by sing Hood's Sarsaparilla. In older people, the aftermath irregular living shows it- elf in bilious conditions, a heavy ‘head, a foul mouth, 2 general bad feeling. : pp is the blood, the impure blood, tiends, which is the red eause. Purify that with Hood's Sarsaparilla and : ness will reign in vour family. Polson 1 lived in a bed of firs for years owing to bead polsaning that fol. Jowed small pox. It broke ont aif over my Hehing intensely. Tried doctors aml Bospitais in vain. I tried Hood's Rarsapa- sill. Ti helped. 1 kept at it and was en tively cured. 1 could go on the housetops d sbout boul fr” Mus J.T Wineians, . Ps. Scrofula ; Sores - “ My baby at two mosthe bad serofuia ory on theek and arm. Local applications and physicians’ medicine did little or no good. Hood's Sar stparitia cured hin permanently. He is pow four, with smooth fair skin” Mas Waores, Farmington, Del, = Hood's Pills care tives ih net irrinting wri the uly sutbarile to fake with Hoot * Farm pariiia By & vole of the “alifornia Bennate no wing, beer or other spislinaus ligooe was served at the insugural ball. Cure Constipation thon Forever, WERT i Cathateia, lop or the money. In Russia you must marry before 30 not st all, and you may marry only ‘* times, Oh Ey Pretty Underwesr, The variety of pretty silk and wonlen underwear to be had nt such reason- (prices, is very tempting to dainty women, yet misny refrain from pur- chasing such on account of their tia- nitty to infurd in lsusdrying If the is perfectly donnée this trouble may he avoided. When ready to bee in fill a tub half fall of warm water Which dissolve a fourth of a bar of Baap, and wash the articles ugh it with the hinds, rinse in warm water. and sguesse, but do not wring. Hang on the line and press while still damp, Eliza I. Parker. Senator Haker. at Kansas, Ie a con- tinued smeker and is rovely sen with out a cigar or pipe. BR fi or a, ~ Beanty In Mood Deep, means a clean skin. No pe og and keep it clean, . mies liver esi, to i. from n ¥ ; es Bol: ite inciieads, SHORIY “biliwus com Kl 3 *, beauty {or ten cents, Xi ay guaranteed, 10c, y $c. Aware the Same. ; Romebody kas uncarthed 8 book ‘written by « Barthomolew Anglicus, , 1260, of which one of the most chapters in oa the children of F dread no perils more than ting with a rod (he writes), and jove an apple more than gold, make more sorrow and woe for 2s en sys they cry and jangle. at is, unless: they be still whilé"they they n. When , and put withstand “Two years ago 1 was a great from womb trouble and pro- tumors in two years. | went through W$reatment with doctors, but they did eg to get stronger elie and 31 4a well a8 ever before. liad div sot ve for Lydis EB. 4." — Many A. ) PIxKnax—After follow- ions given in your kind the treatment of leucorrheea, fhensso Lydia E. Pinkham's and wil Sadly recommend ) my friends. akin, Es FIFTY-ZIFTH CONGRESS. " EEVENTY-FIREYT DAY. The Nicaragun casal Bill was offered in the house Tuesday afternson as an amendment to the sundry civil appro- priation bill by Mr. Hepburn of Iowa, chairman of the commities that re. ported it. and the ieadirs on the re- spective sides sire engaged in a des. perate struggle which involves the fa's of the measure at this dweason gress. After Myr Cannan, the commitiss an Hpprog served notice apt week that the of na times for the consideration « anil bil at this session, the ers of the msaniire determined Hoon fo the sundry civil bi as HH possinle BEVENTY RECON] The house Wednesday fate of the Nicarsgus canal bit in grees hy refusing 14 wi rf the ir in the whole, when the: oanal bill ofl by Mr. BHopbhnes The friends of Were Yoery © triumph, hate the of Xir Haile ah ? miade an argument in that the ath Groagvens B Tha DAY Retdls ABecialon omic Frente > ihe brunt ment In hahgif of this Menara Mondy. Dw kery were pitted spninst him The reading 4F the sundry then continued The apr 1 for the danh waterivavy on was increased from 365 00 t ps gn wetion of the appro Committers REVENTY FOURTH DAY ge a Wc; 3 55 Thura i irl Are civil WE ft: the Ross the paraeranh carrying td gppr Hon of PMOG0GH for payment 1h under the $ of the peace WAR striven of upon 8 pwint tinder rales Bl omiade by Mr a8 Kentucky Deppaerat. whe that he opposed! the princinde and waoul : technieslity tn defegt if Congtderation was begun office arrears hittl, gigels was the pogmiitra providing $101 09% for facliliting on the trunk York and Wastingia New Orleans and § ily to Newton, Ki fRep, 949 opgwsmed tinne, Aeclaring that only the influence had ayer Congress Af Guay. charges of the HI sald that the sures ld straw had been threabesd me bain threahed for veses Ha defended the appronristinn The Amendments were apres A fi § 4 ta 18 BEVENTY-FIFTH DAY. The House Friday panded the sundry civil appropriation PIR with oo tant amendment. The speakers pg apap the aetion to oer Bill with Instructions to incseporate in the Nicaragua cana! amendment was sustained 155 to $8 The naval appr printion Bi was taken up and kaif completed Bere was ho general onosition. to the measure, uithoueh it earriss $44 568 B00 RR 4% SHE mare than the largest naval aporopeiation Bi av. wr passed Low Cimgress, bat BOE a0 lems than the safnates REVENTY SIXTH DAY. The HMHuaee Saturday spent honre tipon the Nava! bili withont maliing any Auviotod tha rev vs ind to enlogies ura the weevicen of the Lite: ry iste gE - Terste. EEVENTIETH DAY At no time senate Monday was & guoriing body present 8 majority of the mem wes being srw BoB: 1 mt ihedr Boonen, Por the first ting In MANY Years Yor tion was pronoued al the frig of the sessisn, nelihier the Tarn Whe darinred § “or aler of the powt. Pilon We arly oh. reail Now meen l Hyvim Tram soy tron My Woolen _ appro rim. ire . ¥ 3 =% tha the a Irn peat Ful lat thw tw priggyess, and of tive Hee and pod Hepragontative able to reach the capital eansent nErevinent #fternoon ti Vile On ihe cipitated erly in the session, feeling was roanifested by right be their action, with the consideration of the resoiu- oelock Tuesday inorning. A bill removing the certain persons in the civil war was BEVENTY-FIHST DAY. The unanimous consent agreement reached by the senate last Hatorday to vote Tuesday afternoon on the reso tion of Mr. McEnery declaring a policy of this government in the Phil. ippines, was not vacated, In accord. taken on the résolution at 1.30 Toes day, and It was edopted, 26 to 22 BEVENTY- SECOND DAY. In the Bennte Wednesday, Mr. Me Enery, ns a question of personal priv- lege, made emphatic dental statement that his resolution, adopted Yami wilted tion, and that, ar a matter of fact they wire known to be oppose] as a body to the ratification of the Pees ireuty. A Bill was passe providing for admission to they Naval cndet of Owear J. Delgnan, pa. He wmidd he had mot cone the Merrimas heros REVENTY-FOURTH DAY The ariay reorganization bill nas re ported to the Eenate Thursday and Mr. Hawley (Hep. Conn, chalrman of the miliary affalrs coanmittes, gave notice he would move ta proceed to its consideration af the earliest possible time. When peices trealy ratifioations were oxchanged the situation he said, would be pericur, as existing law gave the President no alternative but to discharge the volunteers and 10 reduce 27.000 men, SEVENTY-FIFTH DAY. There was a pronounced movement {n the Benate Friday looking t¢ a come promise on the army reorganization bill. Beveral Republican senators ad- vanced the opinion that & corapromise was preferrable to an exira session of Congress. The Cockrell bill was ac- cepted by them as the first advance on the part of the Democrats toward an understanding, and many feit that they would go further in that direction in case the Republicans should indi cate a willingness to meet them half way. The movement was participated In by some of the Republican leaders. REVENTY-SIXTH DAY. The Senate spent most of Saturday on the Post Office appropriation bill, but failed to complete it. After ani- mated discussion of the prneumatio tube system, Mr. Cullom’'s amendment, increasing the appropriation for this purpose and designed to extend the system to Chicago, was tabled. An echo of the old star route develop. ments was heard when several Sena- tors criticised the method by which a combination of speculators secured the star-route contracts. of ron~ chairman of try ffoveoe ter | hem strong, Dioddd pure. i Ris heh i fens y Po wiathons | raring the cons deration of the san- | row Spain i treaty ov? order : Ort t nendwment | . gorgeons white waistooat which was i worn by Kansas | He called the colored man and said to i Rim | rotnat you want of that west femtadd ! : anda 5 in ® | good deal of guffawing and some hes had xirongly | : Phe wold i the Harv ‘ard man. and be pulled oat a P85 Bill and gave it to the negro, {yo i dent. { me] Just f awed aver | student called to him i { “What you want, boss?’ The student | Ceniled the negro up { own fingers into a plate of cranberry | i ssues that he had and with them pro Leended to mark a bg H Abpropristion © the middle of the front of the white § { walsterato~h t woman | bles, cgtokeh : . tion during {he senmpleny of tha | Lion of the : place where £8. when ifs upehe | regaiar 8ST. JACOBS OIL Rheumatism, Newraigh, Seat, Lambago, Sprains, Bruises, Soreness, Stiffness. for W £¥ Ng a HiGIing vane of the warships lates NAVY ju S47 1% 152 Fonte hy Americans Wo-To-Rae for Fifty Conta Guosraniesd tilgess habit sure makes weal) ¥r, $L. All drags Pronto Max Mi iy] af hte car Syth veh Killer Fas Mit gn Col a. a bootie, A rod he No. ir egal fxr A New FLTX, —— ET Pres Rn Pope y th FH in f has grants g . To Cure A Pe ola ™ One Pay. | Droggists ref: vcd money fit fais tocure 3a F > i BUTTER In China, where post $Y6R AY Bar. and Jong. a small round eye is comsidered sn extraordinary. beauty Chinese girls pluck their eyebrows make them very fine Painted the Vest. While a crows! of Harvard hovs were | celebrating the Pennsylvania game in the cafe of a Boston hotel! one of the students heeame fnfatuated with a one of the colored walters buy that wailsteoat ” bens 77 “1 just want to uy It Alter a “% want to gaid the man. What will you take for 7° ation the colored man allowsd that take 55 for it. "Done sald whe vegan to pull off the walsteoat "Oh y peedn’t 40 that,” sald the gta. “1 don’t want you to give IL 10 wanted to feel that walstcoat” FEED F RTRAW I BUTTS 1 ! CHI Yap i BEANS FPOTATORS | CABBAGE | ONIONS | WHEAT the : REF THE mamKETs. rPITYSHURG Crain, Flour and Feed, WHEAT No. 2 red | r=wiil WHEAT No. 1 new. CORN--No 2 yellow, ear....... No. 2 yellow, shie!iad Mixed ear... .s OATS Xo, 2 white No. 3 white. BYE. No § ii FLOUR. Winter patents, Fanoy strataht winter Rea Pour HAY -¥a | Cinver Na Noo} drown nid Fran. balk Wheat athy i Fite mil, b+ i wh 3% i SR £131 CER ay » Tim ERY thi, y 50 1h Iniry Products: Figin creamery, Ohio sreamery : Faney country rodl new Sr nN pate {fia Now York, new Frofts and Vegetables. gs #3 fireen ¥ ba Fapmsy Ww ate, P Par 100 heads fo fyoies yellow, # by Etre, “mail Ey Foultry, Per pats, Per in in, freah CINCINNATYEL FLOR... ........... 23 Na 2 red rE Nn 2 | CORN. Mixed Take faxative Pron Quinine Tahistn AD OATS Ohio creamery PHILADELFHIA | FLOUR. to at a RA BIR $4 I NOI a that 1 The negro went to walt on his table, when the! ix wain coat! %o Compsrivan snnpose,” sald U the hottest place on sare} a irom baltieship in is hotter © Allen Sparks & young carves his «Ihirolt Pree Press nt a 7 Pes. i the ¢ eof 8 “Thers parked Uncie Bi alee re Subang rut zits * He fis tompany.”’ A sharp debate over the unanimois | renched Saturday lo MéEnvry | tenciution Toesday afternoon wes pro. | Rape Senne | who obiset to the adoption of the reso. ution but none of them indicated what | In tounection tion the senate deckded to mest at 11 # drabilitien of ance with that agreement tne vote was | of the 1 Ly the Senate Tuveday, was introdigeed | in the interest of the suger growers of ithe planters about the resolu. | Academy as uw Ge Of the | the regular army from about LE oe to chapinin nor any other m inliter being : Shout help, while dark Bais Tape becomes gray when will bring back to your hair the color of youth. It never fails, It is just as sure as that heat melts snow, or that water quenches fire. It cleanses the scalp also aod prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour. ishes the bulbs of the hair Hor from falling out and gives a fine soft finish to the hair as well. We have a Dock an the Halt and Beaty ih you may ebisia free i St ra da mat obtain all the benafity Xo og pete 1 the uve of the Viger, wei the FTOT ABunt it AYE Lewe i, A coop CARDEN a profit. Gregory's wend beak A hat a Rt pried si Ore ory wn owl ime the BY soos al Tong Shed Lee wool Bow 18s from dames. H Geegorr 830m. Marbcueal, Mass. FEE Co. NewYork for 1¢ mmunies and Fp BRE “Come hera'" | ciome, dipped bie | i Good to shove yeariings .... sib : i Medium : . EXRCLIY on : The Crone iomt on 5? 1 “It's the | turkey for | Tomo that . ruary 1 was The average i in the 1 5 WHEAT CORN No 2 ated. ; OATS No. 2 white, | ive BUTTER Creamery, sxtea EGUGR-FPennayivania firsts NEW YORK. FLOUR. Patents... WHEAT No 2red, CORN Na 3. OATS. White Western BUTTER Orensery. EGGS State of Pann... LIVE STOUK, Central Stock Yards, East Liberty, Pa CATTLE Frims, 130010 1400 Be Good, 100 to 1500 the Tidy, 1000 to 1150 Ba. Fair ght ster, *0 to 1000 os Common, 00 to M00 Bw BAA res 8 3 09 500 473 4 00 15 Fes 4 #5 Madiaom Heavy Koughs apd SARS. aE vay xa ia toe Price, £vomnd, Fair, foe mon, wd A LE de Bert BiteT. SXtEA. iia pringrer, goood to ob shee “» ps enon to faly Friern yenriiags, “rg ight EE a a LT a oR we TRADE REVIEW. W" routs foe the Tinie Heing Stim lsten Huownes, Ben Wengly & LHR ont} Fast woe: is HRrRer. Bot baad nh ; vies it HR ex panel in ene there subeliantiand de the L# te 1 “ basslines ineXaim $ Tom erty Bra Te Werk '® output on! Hp irom i i, against 243 and au Pecembmyr | weekly production thus! indientad was about LS tone greater | in Januury than in December and the | unaoid stovka were reduced $3471 tora in January, against 31 48 in Dember, the apparent consumption manufactures was In January 1. tone. against 1098178 in December The stoppage of several furnaces for HeveRRa ry repairs af A time when the demand is most pressing has caused sures Teir of famine, although quite a Bumber of other furnaces have started gies Febraary ar are about to stars Pig ron has advanced, but the larg Rt consump pi ever recorded In any piomth in 16 pert due to the hasty pur chases of products about fo be cone trolled or advanced In price hy a come binatian, There are so many of these in the ron and steel industry that the presont market does net clearly indi. the magnitude of 4 Si8 January 1 “Rte demand Qian pe tntmen if same Drang hes feext y sa bly Par the rise of § wheel entire capacity alrer Jui pass hie much mare inagiry Anniacta 3 Begvy-weiaht hye om ry ra thoy pow le the Bessy man FEE Ea HY wn roost ty Rave Gey VERY pera herr week have nited States IR in ix In ¢ 8 for thy Hews 1 Year und Year. tianada Agen to Europe Renor Agonel'lo, the Fil pire commis sioner, at Montreal on Wednesday sald there would Bo let-up in the efforts of the Filpinos tu force the Americans from their country. He said be was not at ali surprised that Haile had taiien. bin ARB ENEE | to a college boy, said: Ivory Soap, because of able for bathing the skin children Particular care shondd dren's clothing in Ivory Soap. and sweeter. whiter, cleaner clean. IVORY SOAP IS on Emeveon on Sewepsgere. : Many years ago Emerson, in a letter! Newspapers | . have done much to abbreviate expres | | ston and zo to improve style They | are to occupy during your generation ‘ia large share of the attention and i the most studious and sagaged ma san neglect them only at his cost. But | have ittitie to do with thems. Learn to get their best. too, without getting yours. Do not read when! Bow their ‘the mind ie creative, and do not read 5 Remember, ? body, asd don't LRuote from a ReWSDADer, HITE. wing popula | Feb © in | e079 : slaw a them thoroughly, column by column they are made for every try 1o get waa! jen’: The mizeellany for instance, should not receive your at- tention. There ia & great secre! in knowing what 10 keep out of the giind | a4 well as what to put (a : meant for you [Ake some insects, it diad the day 11 was born Bdacate Tour Rowels WHR Jasssrets Candy athariie, cure Sanstipation | foripeer. Wee HCCC fail, druggiets refund mines bid from Agent TON ot Lown ivary, ALREin HRaliros fhe part oe i anes nd de pure ve : EN # and wimp HRegry Co Foarirs of the Toners murs and sale of J the Baltimore and! tail te . Atrwetily in line with i eat gation proceedings. the tha Por Whaoping Congh, Plan's Cure 1a g me. peanful resnedy. M17 Trees, 8 Throop Ava, Brooklyn, N.Y. Nov a. There is no oil or gre “2 PER Ouprght, TR. by The Haver B Gamble Tx aes You can’ Chipago | mm p £8 Mead. | Bie Ban, pr its purity, is especially valu= of infants and very young be taken to wash the chil= The garments will be The lather of “lvory” is ase in it. CENT. PURE. How He Won Mer “AR” sighed the rich widow: “how do 1 know that you do not wish to marry me simply for my money™ “Darling!” cried the man whe wae young enough to be her son, “have | not writfen poetry for the magazines? And did you ever hear of & post wha allowed money matlera fo ester into Bis calend ations *" wre Those Loving Girls Eila—Clara is certainly a locky girl She must have Deen bors with a gold | spoon in her mouth, Hattie Yes, and team all indications ! should judge it {was a rablespoan Chicago News, Pon’t Todaro Spit snd Smobe Tour Life Away, To quit tehacen casily and forever be ma aetie, (ull of life, nerves aad vigor, take No To | Peg, the wander worker, that makes Sask tien {strong All droggiste 300 or Bi. Cape gears ised Booklet asd sample free Addoess | Sweriing Kemedy Co, Chicago or New York populate snrrielery hmton's fiat a3 {ta rovers Is & DD Mssant Aaburn, Cll rinents 8 How's This ? We flor Oma Haondred Dedlops Reward fos any once of Catarrh that casnat be cured by Hall's Catareh Cure, Fl tCuegsey & Co, Pops, Tulmis O We, the undersigned, have k sows x 3. Chee Bay or the let 15 years amd belleve Hig pers foctly banerabie ta all business Can: aetions and Sonnclally able to carry ool any oblige | Eas me de by thelr Sem, v mr & Tavax, Whalessie Druggisie, Toledes *, w a prwn, Kiva & Manviy, Wholessle Deagutate, Todwio, Ohio. Hall's Caterer Cours ln taken iniemaliy, sete fog directly spon the ood and saeous sir. tain of the apstem Prior, Te per bottle, Sold by ail Dingeiats. Testimonials free. Hall's Familiy file are He Dasat, a a : i ! {Mrs Winslow's Soathing Syrup t Tiare hil remy 3 ter thing. softens the gums wv itoes alsa ae ius ian, alinys pain, stares wind oolie Be a Lint, ‘When Hamlet Exclaimed: “*Aye, There's ~ the Rub!” Could He Have Referred to wih” sarpid | Teme, which produces whi ! found CASCARETS to be ail forthem and sadured such relief the ret faim ‘ that | purchased agother supply sed wis sony : ghetely cured | aliall only be too glad bi) ree. { ammend C ARCRTE LA whsevel the ny | and CBO West 22d nivesty A SmiTne Bs presented * Philadel pin Pa 820 Susqosbason Ave CANDY Pleasant. Pslatabie, Potent. Teste Goof eosd, Novar Siphon, Wenken, ap Getre lik «» CURE CONSTIPATION. Moving Romy Entipany. Phim, Snmt—t, wil bud Ho-To-BAC Da ae Bid mint Mn. £25 ‘RE ankioad § seperate ERY ro CATALOGUES OF THOUSANDS OF ET: AX»! SENT FREE « Vwsnetmpemt be # Base Gr Hoos Asami herd Plain Just Gewasd Dhacmdes, Meeiters UB rie Piaen Loalotwmn Mos Jetier se "Sas Fisss Paper swesnery, Plays Se Mal Chere . 15. Tabtewive Viewnds Wate fp Maderinis Amatens's a Gr tee Braga, elas ta ebecting Flap © Tow fe Mek Up =AMUEL FREMU UH, New York (itr. rN EB 8 Tovstitints od Roum BEL Auk Bi. Milne in i. Wie. dae or Know iA Menamiee pamphlet bra anashtarisn al nt wad bad , ns ete {This ls ig Viste Moeum of Medloal Selines Mor MEN ONL whcther tarral aamartiel, of PORERSHEL Go IRARTY | Yosh, ethibidle gpa cr oil, Pries 1h ponte By math, wabod | went fee tie ® Ak Cbreas The Poaboty Rotient Tosi, Cy DL Tatas, Wael, Chief Com ankles reloing, jfpratuate #f Haren? Medtiags ear, Sam Br Ldpate Surgeon 5h Wass Reg Vols ment eciatiot in ALWAYS € TH RES CS merics whi WW here hors Fall, Coon “ation in genes. oF by al Institue hus ate : lest wp, Tron 4 tad Sundaes io The Dame the Pentuaty Wott: tas ham al Hroged TE Sem best while only ETE ris pn htt Tom emi andveger oo Beading Satta Thaw Paatints Modioad [atten fm §oukny LK le ors, ait Bo Sit il Heraid, ot ain RS we Srrcmemann § naranteed b by afl frog Toksooo Xabi | D JRO PSY corr Sestumoniais and 10) din yo tonatEmend HB GAREN 8 3088 Bas Free. Jog BR RE Sam: re MATIN er ar ALESANUAR DEMRLK Uo, FP arse liog Ag yy NY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers