—— RAPID CHANGES. New French Executive Quickly Named—-1s Said to Favor Dreyfus--Hopes for a Re-united Republic. mod The death of President Faure, the dread of a revolution and the election of Emile Loubet as the ruler of the French Republic were the stirring ents Which bappened in France last Friday and Saturday, With the death “of President Faure, the Royalists Banapartiste and Nationaligts hoped that & new power would come inte J existence which would protest the ar my from investigation and the desire for the release of Dreyfus Phe pewly elected President his 7 promised to devotes hin best efforts lo fulfilling the wishes of the country and to “reunits the Hepuhlicans who have drifted asunder by the current ‘of unhaopy events” Those parties who =o pitterly op posed Loubst are confident that he Is 8 Dreyfus man and thar if ever the ~ exHe is to receive justice he will ob- fain @t from the newly elected exec: | utive. » Last Saturday 80 senators and de. “putes went to Versalilee for the pure ur Poise of electing a tiew president of the republic. Guards were stationed shit all of the pubdic bulidings to prevent hostile demonstrations The first ballot resulted in the elec Hon of Al Loubet, Be having received 483 votes, M. Meline received 209, and 00 votes were scattered. The Premier, M. Dupuy, the formal. ly transfered thes executive power to M, Loubet and congratulated bm upon hia election. The President. in thanking M. Du. pur, expressed the hope of having the support of the Cabinet. The Benaiors and Deputies then filed past and shook hands with the President, who after. ward received a deputation of newspa- per men. and through them appeaied to the whole press of the country to work in union There is every sign of a campaign against President Loubet similar 10 that which drove M. Cssimir-Perler to resign. Clearly ‘La Patrie Fran- ealse’” will leave po stone unturned to achieve this abjcet, {ts chief ground of objection being that the president is a Dreyfusard. The street dernonsirations which ocurred Bunday have tot been © gpontanenys, but were evidantly or- “ganized and so far they have been ean. J r Suppressed. "he new President comes from the part of France where the Roman swer lasted longer, namely, Mar- sannes. in the Department of Drome He gives the impression of remote Latin origin, and looks to be a solid teal man, who sees the facts of Jife Just an they are. As President of the Renate he has had official and ther experiance that will be useful to Rim ae President of the Hepublle, but he is essentially a plain, middie ciaes man, Whose mind was sharpened by s practice at the bar in the provin. lal tov of Montsiimar, in the Houth | rapos, Obliging to hie prighbore, he Ix as accessible as General Grant or Lincoln was, and not less unpre fending. The President is thoroughly omen. and disiiken showy society. He ies to spend his thae at Bom, and is great reader He ls not rich, bor does he covet wealth amd hoanore Fie 1s strong In financial questions. For many years he Hysd In oan unpreten- tious fat. and dined off a white oil Joth Instead of a tablecloth, His hands, figuratively speaking, ace clean: but his beard and clothes are untidy, thus contrasting with the late President. = ~~ UNCLE SAM LOSSES $1,000,000. Fire at Brooklyn Navy Yard Dewroys a Eig 0 Building sud Valuable Patterns, Over 51000000 worth of government perty was destyoyed by fire. which ried In the large tanchine shop of the Brooklyn navy yard, known as machine shop No. 28, Wednesday night and the workings of the pavy yard received a serious setback, Many is and patterns of battleships rin and plans, have been des p mad some of them can Hot be abtatined seain except by going over work mapped out in the bheginriog y steam engineering department of the yard ls practically wiped out, and the work will have to be thrown tem- porarily upon the department of yards nd docks, and that of construction repair. An extra force will have put on. Elaborate plans of the agineering department and re- the battleship vere destroyed. The loss to the is placed at $350.000. that on achinery and lathes in the build- t $400,000. The cost of the models patterns is variously estimated, officials in the yard put the total £ a little over $1,000,000. The of the fire will be the subject of wiry within the next fow days. AN EXTRA BESSION, The President May Call One if 8 Satisiactory : ‘Arey 13 is Not Passed. Congressmen are in dread that the President will call an extra session unless they pass a satisfactory army Bill. The President does not believe the Cocitrell bill, now before the will afford sufficient relief. #wgrees that the strength of 62.- srmitted by the Cockrell bill, merely extends for two years present army establishment, ald probably be sufMeient. Hao is satisfied with the existing army fon, however, believing It to be especially weak because of a defic- fency In staff officers and the distribu- tion of their duties. administration believes insufficient army staff or. kas been responsible the criticisms against the con the war. The President is un- , therefore, to zee those limita- and imperfections continued the critical period of the next imper- —————————— Bee! at Havana Good. on. Gieorge R. Ernst, of Maj. oke's staff, Wednesday com- samination of between 060 rations of beef in ‘He found that there cent. of bad beef, the same ship- ns were tn éach box. Eight of beef constitute one ration. speedy | fain Faorsgard, for | cans. and 12 and oq | aside the sentences imposed of his j | week “TERS TELEGRAMS The recent cold has been disastrous to oysters. They were generally froz« en and are now worthless, Mrs. Edwin Gould has a second son. This heir to the Gould millions will be christened Frank Miller Gould, Senator Mason ‘was hissed for saying in a speech at Washington last Sunday that the Philippines need a Lafayette Senor Agoncillo, who hurried to Can- ada when the recent Hestiiities broke out 4 Manila has departed for Furope. President MeKinley last Friday ad- Aresssd the joint session of the Masss- chusetts legisinture assembled at Bos. | Fawn rotebrnted |; fom. | Week han heen cans | ton Richard Mapsficld, the goto, x HE His engagement 1a for the present celed Mintaking poison for med Renney, aged 8 died ut Nev 3 Tussday after hours of terrible fg Twenty.ons nt prisnners sve vogeel jail ag} hin f¢o i= naw Saating into New Orleans, pever been Known lo before The flunting slevator, fire at New York kt Mionilay, honts deluged the structure $500 awa Ramon Guerra, president of the new at Texarkana, Texas, : the gulf at gomething thant has have Bente of (Juaricn has siarted a revolun- | tion against President Ignacio An- droge, of Venerueia. The North £ legislature adopted an amendment to their con. stitptinn, frooed to disfranchise the Ignornil negra voters, Sareantos Ferrontos, a Greek, who had undertaken {expose a pumbsr of countrymen for counterfeiting was murdert in New York a few days ag, Philip D. Armour has given §¥50,000 winre to the endowment faml of the Area institute of Chicago. This makes his total gift to the institute $2,250 bli, The bicycle factory aralinn and machinery shop of 1. Bilverman & Bros, at Chlca- go was partly destroyed by fire Wad. nesday morning, causing a loss of ubhout $75 000, . Colonel Alex Hawkins, of the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment at Manila, wrote that he would stay by hie regi pent and not return to take his seat in the Rtate Henate, A mtone found in Minnesota, now at the Northwestern University fal Chicago bears date of 1362 and tells the story of the death of 8 Norseman. Suupleion that the stone is a hoax is BLEONE The Star theater, Chicago, was bad. iy damaged by an infuristed mob iast Runday legal procesdings had tied up the seesiory and the rhanagement re. fused to refund the money. After the Be une hd besn weesrked the money was rolurned, William Jennings Hryan, in a speech at Ann Arbor. Mish, said that the FPillpdaos should Se given thelr inde. pedends under an American protector. sta and that all American traditions would prevent their subjugation by American primes It ix anpnoupred that a company has teen farmed with a capital of HOGER ti erent a factory at Oresnsborn, N £*, far the manufactures of cotton flannel, This ig the frat factory for the manufacture of these goods 10 be watablilabod in the south An express train from Calais, have ing passengers from Landon on board, Ide Badurday with a stationary gt Foret, near Brussels. Tweno ne persons were Killed oulright pnd 190 ywern miore of jess injured Thos were Ho Americans or English mrsotig the Yitime. MO Jackson of Atlanta, Gs... and Fred In Forbes of Ypeilantl, Mich, were Killed, W. A. Ethridge of Micon, Gia. was perhaps fatally injured, and seven others weirs hurt by the wep k of A construction engine near Charies- ton, BC, The viithus were telephone finsmen going to make repairs, Chalrman James K. Jones, chalr- rain of the Deanaeratie Natiooal come raftted, said that silver will be the is wis in 1a snd that the chances of victory are gosd because the Hepub- thean portly has thrown off the mask af favoring Mmetallism, by which it won many votes at the last clection The cold snip may prove a greal Pissning 10 ths wadhiern sites noxl ema. Vit hae Bled the last girms af the yellow fever” HEYS Burgeon fieneral Wyman, of the grine hospi. tal service at Washington, “anid it is not probable that the dreaded post will how itself again for some time to come,” The steamer from Bluefields, Ni cnragus, brought news that the rebels gnder General Feyes are being organ- teed and led by old American fron tiersmen, among them J. ©. Kennedy, of the Louisiana field artillery: Cap of the Heelley Rifles, Galveston, Texas and Burt Umstant, an old Indian seoul Siot Machine Victim, John Brady, of Brooklyn, is the first vietim of the new automatic gas mets er. A quarter is dropped in the meter and the gas burns til the money's worth is consumaad, Brady, after en. joying half of his quarter's worth last night left the house. When he return. od the gas was shut off at the meter ‘and he retired, forgeliing to close the pack In his room. Other peaple in the house later dropped a quarter In the slot and the gas Nowed into Brady's room. Three hours later he was found naphyxiated, ins Mid €cenes of Disa pation. Mrs. Charles Fahrenkump, aged 53 years; her two cnlidren, Florence and Wiiltam, aged respectively 10 and § years, and an unknown woman, aged about 35 years, were found dead Bune day in a room in Mra. Fahrenkamp's home at Philadelphia. The gas wus tupned on, and life had apparently been extinet for several days. Scattered about the first floor were rémants of pigars and cigarettes and empty beer and whisky battles. Muts's Terrible Struggle. After a terrible struggle In his front vard with his eldest daughter. who is mute, Willlam Cory, pensioner, committed suicide Tuesday at Ypsilanti, Mich., by gashing his throat, The girl rescued a razor from her father and three it as far as she could, but he raced nhead of her, got | the weapon and quickly sank dead. Iii heaith had affected Cory's mind, Mercy for Volunteers. The acting secretary of war has set in the cases of Privates William Johnson, Silas Smith, Hartley Esque and Bar- nard Sweeney, of the First West Vir- ginia volunteer infantry, convicted by court-martial at various points in { Georgia of violation of the articles of war, owing to technical irregularities. Minister's Liberal Views. “(olf and country runs for the boys rish who cannot get off on va is advovated as Sunday + by Rev. W. 8 Rainsford. rector t. (Geurge’s Episcopal church. New [time ped | Within twa hou theaugh a Bole in the brick wall of 8} Mon. | I Be sawn {ih fae tirred | ainmbin, took | 4 Fire | {oan | a veteran and | So pA A Sr FOR LOCATING THE FOE The Hero of Santiago Cannot Understand Why the Commander in Chief Should Now Criticise His Conduct. Admiral W. B Schley, who until this July, is now compelled to come ta defence, The oof dis. procesded to do. | the firs tht sifu $y Hy R124 RE » “What possible ground of crit ¢ samy |) atl 1? id stot BULINE Un tne entire dlaore 4 gi npn 4 that the Peat was fn at Clenlueg Haoguntes from thedispatoh eof Maer gon of May 20 in se latter says Hohley should TF oat off (Glens friegns { any of the apinion thik the Bakt chance 16 caplures Bpunieh ships will be to Clepfuegos and Havana with the & OWE CRI MIN ter, 0, Until we, then, receive more positive information we shall eontitiae to hatd Havana and Clenfusgos.” Az to the slow progress owarnd Ban: hoa aeoount of the Eagle the on which Admiral Sarapeon had seen B21 to werd Bim and he had no right to standon her Bpeaking af “ike reteogats ments’ which the the vuguage of Admiral Bampson, churacteriges ne reprehensible con. duct. Admiral Schley says that in $2 years of service “pever was such lan. guage used (4s characterizes conduct tf mine, and 1 ses no reason for it now He suys he was told by seouts com. marded by such officers as Higahes, Jewell and Wise that, although they had been off Rastinge for & WHeR, they had seen nothing of the fleet. sind knew nothing of ith movements or its whereabouts since it had fof Curacio; after having been assured by Rigshwee that he did not belteve i was in San. tings. and by the sinphatic derlgration of the pilot, Naneg, and knowing that fax the son and weather then were it would be impossible to coal my sgand- ron off the port, 1 deemed it bist to take the action 1 oid the final result of which was the Nwation of the gne. mys fleet in Santiago harhor A® to the hatiie of Santiago the nid pilral says the facts of that contest spenk for themeeives, Me asks the enmmities th contrast his reports hind thane of Smmpecn containing refer. ences to Bimeel? and adds that “Hampson has never, tH this day irs any manner or Yu any exient intime ated to me any disapprobation, or rade to me any erie f my tune duct of the Oving sguadran.’’ Detailing the events connected with tha battle of July 3 be maye that at X44 a mo «of that day Admiral Barns wives made signal from his i CiHaregard movements of minnder ino Qiat and he sastward to Biboney, “Thin” says Admiral Bohley, left me the senior officer present, and vec. casnrily slethed me with the respon. witifiity of the command.” Continuing, he dicdared that when the enemys vessels came out of the barbor signsi vas 1aade frign the Brooklyn (his Hagahip) ti the feet ta “clear ship for getion Then followed the signal “elase petion” dnd this by the signal ihe SlEEnY sRCapinE ta westward In conclusion Admiral Pebley cone tends the turn of the Hrookiys in the Lattie of the 3 was “the cracisl snd deciding {eature the combat and a decided advantage” He cites the fart that the charts of the beard of navi gators shows that the Broakivn was fiearesl when ib emerged from the har ber, pearest al every stage of the hat 136, and negreat the Colon when §8 ur rendered, and gives many oonfinmas tury details of hiv Sagship'a active and effective participation in the bat tie. His last paragraph reads rs May 33 1 received BR telegram Aer fhe PLE the HEB wy og ained #if Hen IY success in eRe ¢ and hve lading the enemy's fleet Bani hn if wpaation al 1} underatand Brown inla refre 1 sande, wigEoated by Adin if etter of July 18 169% sone 8iX later.” at a jess at time 1 am $ erica Hii Pei we a= SKN Congrsiuistions for Laubrt. Hesrotury Huy has pert the fulliwing | tail vablegram to Ambuassudor Porter Paris “You will appropriately Canvey to Prestlent Laoubet the president's most copiial congratulations on his elvntion to the ohtef magistiracy of the Fronoh republic and the sincere wishes of government and people of the | States for the continual welfare of the French nation,” German and English papers are well pleased with the election of M. Loubet ns president of France, ial OUR NEW POSSESSIONS. A body of Cuban troops for a band of 60 Bpanish guerrillas { Cuban soldiers at Bantiago are rap- | iy disbanding and going 16 work They are all generous in thelr praise | of Governor Wood, Archbishop Chapelle last Sunday urged the Cubans who had assembled at the cathedral in Santiago to forget and forgive the Bpaniards Apologies will be tendered Maj Gen Prooke by the Cubans wha withdrew from the Garcia funeral procession. They now regret their action. : Enormous frauds have been discov ered In Havana, Over 2000 housihal- ders have been stealing water from the water mains with the connivance of the alcudes, a loss to the city of $30,000 a year. Efforts are making with every pros- pect of success to reconcile the radical | efement among the Cubans to the pro- position of the United States govern- ment to pay the soldiers of the Cuban cause $3.60 600, Gen, Brooke has received many com- plaints that servants in Havana wii! not work since rations are supplied to them by the government. fy the worthy poor are supplied. Major General Elwell 8 Otis, command at Manila, in an interview by a lot of corrupt natives, Aguing painted. £ Negroes In Havana are refusing to work, claiming the United States will Gen, | up by Mr. supply all the food they want Chaffee has called the department commander's attention to the matter, Toone | « C the water, the | Sarthe |g {eniral D t tna the firm! piece he | states that she was a part of the fores | workmen sof §1 secretey sdiopting | corn nder inchief conra- | it wae worthy of com Him rite | {monarchist attempt ‘ Are now searching the province of Mantangas | in : | ast month are now in Washington, #n- said that the Filipinos are ignorant of | what they are fighting for und are fed | A REBEL HUNTER The New Addition te Dewey's Squadron Hee Many Advantages. Admiral Dewey informs the navy department that the gunboat Helena arrived at Manila this morning with all well on board The Helena left Boston November 3. The Helena ix the first of the nited Ritates vesuels built particularly for service in Asiatic waters tha! has reached that station. Her remarkable { ight draught enables her to navigate time has remained quiet gn to the part | he took in the battle off Santingo inst arranged altogether Pid 3 TR prewnrving narrow and croaked sivdams feet In depth, while her ary wit eight was Garda wd military # Ens Are ye Thene 2 4 aunt. esperialy igh banks who within *® % Fox Ad with RB ORrY POW Ld % booROEERY wey, mrul ow reach him in the next twa weeks THE NEW MAINE. Firat Pisce of Hor Kee! Laid Cont Price Wi be Bs Bie on The of the blowing anpiversary of the battleship Maine in Havana hare | & be sg orf | bor was marked with the work on the pew Maine, whi v4 Biiilit by the Cramp Shipbudiding {om pany. At 11 o'clock Wednesda yVmorn- of the kis] of the af 1 vessel wan laid, and 8 great cheer was | given Ly the crowd as the group of in place (ther of the steps] Rep] mors speedily hinted and placed hy the side of the fiemt, The Maine will be a sister ship to the Cilio and Missouri the caniract prica for each of which is $2.580.000. Fhe in to have a speed of 13 knots, With a Iength on joad water line of 383 feel, and a Beara of 72 feet 1% fnchen he will have a normal displacement of 12.- S00 tons and a draught of 23 feet & inehes, Her bunkers will be large enough to Onrey nH tors her complement of officers, seaman and marines will be about 8 men. The Maine's armament will consist of four 12. inch bivech joading riftes sixteen &. inch rapid-fire piffes twenty G-paundar and four 3-pounder guns and few smaller pisces The bullders will en- dssvor to have the new batileahip réady for launching February 15 ot next year. and toc have her ready for service on the third anniversary of the sinking of the Maine in Havana har- teot MORE TROUBLE FOR PACKERS. Gieremiany May Apparat Meat Inspectors af Lhd | da ago and Kassas {ay Yio! Images tion bill dehated tn ihe fiertian ¥ are predict ie are ie fnapettion, but this hy the sen@rale rednons sch Aas BLED hax deteriorated ity first § Bio rhe bree t ban BLP RAG fir inte CRE Furey trent the pare The importa! WRN meal elricied sepimin poris and froantisy staiione, apdear to facilitate inspec. reent yar, foreign #8 ay af § suse Te 4 in tian, CF make themselves conspdencus in fos tudls Ping an , 3 Ciundalbte chureh LV ot Makes. E odes 3 bpm frown San FY | guide, ng pigoes i right. ei of cond and | AAS A AS AR RI SAIN 1S OR TE # a i ” ~ thie real GF whiteh mun we nade NO SHADE AT MANILA. Rebels Will Not be Dislodged From Their Jung. len. Fired Upon by a Warsh p Which Lo. cated Them Wah a Sexrchlight. The Philippine fire shotn Bt ambush rable Aontinuys te ¥ niinn LE adrasionsl thee Arnerican | troops from but hesitate io sine i The (ality cw aharndondd arsine, mau sites beer ser on Bre and Pode Maint The ygntry in the vio- Pasig and Patero of the gunhari f jungie on ia Increasing {rr Smet ’ prov idle erin Jeaaris fey sie pari Ring a f ricky Bx mime EX den Marval to 0 joins yverabiine sw birds i # CR. where it Me Hivpins CANS EET Hariia 4 yo ralieoad iw the hetiowed | although no | LIVI brine Febery ey Febirumry 5% He Mr ¢ 403 glinhmen Bx fF by inrues family srPEE tals the Bn ther, distant #1 Free NEHER ne 8:1 that the anany | hd ahtre! ory the Ame an | Rank, prajparsiions wer 1 wdny night ro gies them reception in the event of attack. rn Orverahine’s conxiating originally | of the North Dakdta volunterrs, Four. | teenth infantry, and tw troops of the | Fourth cavalry, stratohing from tho | each at Camp Twaesy ta fier. King's wan reanforesd by two hattiai- | of wregan voluntesrs and hive i trong of the Pourth eavalry as in- Tine, unusually active in the evening, for permission and, this ing granted, be the snemy's trenches The only effect of (he five erly to drive the rebels het signatind fo firs s 10 sel R he flagship $ them fnefoctual volleye which were re with intereut, the apeeny mide featban sng ai lak ; fine fred hex, sha : Gon: Pla | rhapied the relies arm in & wlinx. {ey Montonegrs ip tm edged at fen “I a Agra : BIVTe Known in each case in a uniform man. | Pay The Center being the dominant fa tir, will propose an amendment to effort that Germany Appeint a of ta own meal inspectors 6 go Chicago, Kannag Clty and other great mn exporting centers, hess inrpec. tore to examine all meats destined for fleripany, and axge certifieates which will be accepted Bs conclusive by the hone government POOD FOR BUIEZARDIA Cen. Mies Appears Before hs Bes! lnguiry Board. Gen. Miles appeared ys Yast Monday before the the bee! Inauity ComRIRisEOn insinted that the cendiaries eacaped, the =tand gard fanned by x aN hreoga the apposite direction & the rating of the church AGAINET POLYGAMY. Ames dments to 1he Constizatiay WIL 5s {nbs mitted we Leginiarurss awed SsomEtiIgtion woo dni tamen of 1 = He stil; boat was had and | that there wae fo necessity of sending | refrigerated ment ta Puerte ico Cube, He asserted that live should have been Killed iivis meal in slaughier Aen, Van Harms that ares Suarntities of { tid out upon the Bil as food for buzparcds. ratatable #8 hours ¥ ine] h sr Habef Many Volunteers na hargrd wie wi Alacharing all Ghlewrs FEN § nits ef mn se ¥ ug Yay ee LR FG BES reducing the army strength to 10. , ; wre luntesr froops fire Filler a the 4a (EME ser. waar we in Unban Porto Hic charged fre thee mired Fares of % thketn With 15 onfigress roeRayiren for regular army Preparing ‘or a Fevo ution, The Dukes of An% unex grrivesf ut Brussels 1 8 rege considers the moment appari 2 rly of his wii and | cattin on the RPO | and that expericients have shown that | after | i testified wape I Lhe | stationed | iP Wheeler 8 Parniges), hut Ree § Lire fi ake all thin Articles vie Prue ifis i] the senate by Senator Frye increas the annus subsidy {0 $075.08 per year j Enh ite vin Medal oe Helen Gould. At the opening of Wedpealay's res. } if the senate a hill on the military affairs snd pasred, extending (fe apprecinlion vgrens 1o Miss Helen Miller Gould § services daring the late war, and providing that a gold medal presented to Her by ihe president soe Hear at first oblected beonuse ther Indies (pe expecially named Gen, rental i Krwivwn for MacArthur's: a4 ; pear AR NEVraus, 4 i WES he the members ¢ formed of thir | poy A warm os {pees t getieral | tire began a continpous arrival i pulitie HHOn | i minister of i ditected all § retarn daath ulet © y Lo the spopletic seizure agonizing a | [8 au reported red Was reported committee | daughters wore nol rec. withdrew the uhjec- | Ew “PRESIDENT FAURE DEAD: Deceased Suffered From Apoplexy «nd [Expired After Three Hour's Hiness—All Medical Eforts Prove Fatle. I i A M. Felix Faure, president of the re- public of France, died at 19 o'clock Thursday night from apoplexy, after gr iliness of thres hours It had been some tine that his heart wha weak but the first intimation that Be was sick was given when a mes. enge was disprtched to the premier, M. Drapuy, anpouncing tht the presi “nt was ii M. Dupuy immediately yopaired to the Elysee, All medical efforts proved futile and the grresident died on the Stroke af 1. Abarutr 8 civil M. Faare, who Was then in hig study, went 0 the door of w of M. Le Gall, his private sry. which fs contiguous to the ard said: “1 do not feel well x to poe” Io Cealt tote went (oo the w to oa sofa snd iced, general secretary ‘w Roarenobhi MM Hion- secretary, and Dr. avpered to be at the Elysees nity g a rolative. The president's condition did sot fw Hambert, he was rapidly gels Fozt Wrveiying that | ting wares, telaphoeed for Dr. Lanne. who arrived Posuy and were joined inter Bergerey MF Paomgne and De. hegriet, with M ira Ati retained cone doctors 860 IEC case was hopelsas, but until peariv f vel k that tf the family were in- the real state of sWalrs care to the sofa where the © wan after he began to RR et iim thew tha faridy and M Taupav. AM. Dupey communicated the sad In genes ta M. Loubet, president of cha servis: MM Paul Deschanet, presi Aent of the chamber of deputies, the members of the cabinet and other nigh functicraries after which he ad- | drosned a dinspateh to all prefects asd eutiestas of France, 1 was not until 11 o'clock that the be san to Becomes Known to the publi in Pariz. From that of men. Strict orders. however, wpe isdued, and only members of the pahinet were admitied to the Elyses, The president of the councll and tha interior, M. Dupuy, Ras requested all prefects and sub- prafarts BOT to eave thelr posts, and those wha ars absent to frranediately M. Loeckroy, who wis present at the thinks if was painless. Dr. inns -Longae shares his opinion, but there wae in the sarily stages n. The Goetay ativibutes the breakdown nthe president's health te Fashoda, conmaguent anxiety ;. M. Faure. had whee Maj, Marchand aan seat te accomplish, and he WAS At ite posible CONSSGUETHICER. Hx Faure Bad bean president of four years and one month. The sresflential form IR seven Years. sixth president of the and 11 is worthy of note see, MM. dnlen LIveVy, of Bis term, 3 y frapny asked the artlom to wots TT0.008 for M. Faure This was tod for Prestdent Care Preauident Loubet, fole stent wet by President } tha obsess will affend cxtimated that 20 0G pare thinka that the ip his the - A # vad in MORE FRENCH EXCITEMENT. L Bonaparte Try Secretly to Learn ths Army's Sentiments. the league of. i-ireyfuxites, In send- ards In officers In the wos left binnk which rod to 81 In with re- aeorae yd promised, aE Eide 18 Leljeved to flevapartints to they can piace g a mp J etal, Ai sighiiah- evteninal Ham tl ; CPS avaine say "Pein ctieal ig alleged (0 Bave CO» iz Paris ime Ia t republicans sesk 19 avert an averihrow of (he government on Kd» corn af the inminenoe of a foreign War [usput-hes from Toulon say there fn extraordinary activity in the narhor there. The French Mediter- ranean souadron is constantly at practices, apd there are frequent ship ments of troops and ammunition tu Corsica, Algiers and Tunis. Admiral Fagrnter. of the Mediterranean fleet, predicts war with England within two yore. yife 5 A A ATR MAINE (MSASTER CLAIMS. ear From the Disaster 333 Cansew Hid Bern Filed, A statement prepared by the anditor the mavy department Wednesday Witria Doe - i fete anniversary of the déstruction of "fame 11S & Maines shows that the to- Auke's § 3 Seagal. 4 In regard to the recent order of the navy department prohftdting the sale of heer on ships of the navy, Secratary {ong in an interview today = i<1 the order was fssued neipalily for the protection of apprentice toys tn the service. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Alters Hitchoook, former ambassador to Bussia, Tuesday assured the Bee of secretary of the fnterior to suc. coed Cornelius Bills, The National Congress of Muthers and the National Council of Women, in session at Washington, passed re. solutions calling on the United Siates Congress to refuse to seal Congress. of man-elect Roberts, of Utah, because | i war investigation commizston he is & polygamist A statement In admiral Schiey’s be- half, regarding his prize money rights 4 { gecruing from the Santiago Hght, has Gen Lud. | low has been requested to see that on- | teen preparcd and delivered paval commillee af the senate, ftelatives of Frank Pears, of Pitts- burg, who was murdered in Honduras to the deavoring to f= evuads the government 1 demand satisfaction from the south- fern republic de. he said, is not so bad as he is Voss on for payment te Spain under the provisions of the treaty of Paris was | A separate bill appropriating $20. passed Monday by the House under suspension of the ruies. Is was called Cannon, chairman of the appropriations commitise The Yara Ping frat Tad Cree | CABLE FLASHES, The Prussia firw: diplomas to & Ww Fisa Neuman Preinsers have sgovesded beyond ex. | with wirviess telegraph a- | round the forts at Homs Barnabe, formerly nnive granted Frasglelr WILY GAN, peciation Benor Spins minister to the United States, has been | : | Wadnesilay by the Spaniards at Santa i Clara, sad ¢ards appointed minister to Portugal A high suthority at Madrid estimate that the next Spanish badge t will show | a deficit of NEWARK pessins The London weekly press ynited in scaring the whitewash of Becretary of War Alger and his minions by ihe The RKihedive of Egypt, who in the tuiher pf three daughters, has been | presented by his wife with 8 son. : rush for Bamum & Balley § in Lond is enormous, the | capital, £40.06, may be subscribed many times over. i La grippe prevails in all Mexican | cities. some 188% people being flown with it at Ban Luls asi. apd fully | thrice that number at Mexiva City, ke Spanish Cortes regasembled at | Madrid last Maorsiay, Count DD Almenas | dexived to know why the Spanish gen | seal whe sarrepdersdd Cuba had not : been shot. Another stated that Spain's | army wis sn army of lions led by | agseN, The wha rom with | tenis 1 s Rwalting « { 15 be that | killed and MM osurvived i el I me and have i pualicy of peace, Lahich 1 am advocating. The common- Daeal and our mutual interests demand ¢ black Crane coachman directed a negro stable i Hicks ral pumber 7 c disaster, under the act is 323, amounting tO ctaima for Indemnity moaning to 335534. 304 Gre vy claing -LETegating $5, - a Twe nrg.nline aime are NOW an hand cidence. and 3 cases are yet The records show the total pumsiber of persons on boagsd the Maine at the time of the ex- 4 (3 these M1 were heard from plosion was Fah Gomes and tne Dans, A dispatch from Havana says Gens feral Maxima Gomez 0 answering a3 aiditrens of welcome tendered to him on “1 realize that the Span. sf this city. like those of other +s which 1 have visited, understand tull gonfidence in the unity and concord that we should forget the past Cue rans knowing the nesd of the policy independence, will gratefully accept sur co-operation” of Pres dent's Coachman Knocked Out, Frederick Douglass, President Mee eoachman was painfully ine on Weidgasday afternoon, cpt intended to take Mrs. Mes vy aut fur a drive and ordered his horses harnessed to a eutter. man named Hicks 10 Barness the hors os. "he stableman resanted the man- per in which the order was given and struck Douglass with a pitehfork on the head, who was knocked down, was arrested
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