mi ARID dsb To throat yields to One Minute cough care. Harmless in effect, touches the wanted, It acts at once. CW, Hodg- bine. Hatton Pharmacy. , will convince you that we have THE PATTON COURIER OCT OBER 20, 1898. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Lins the largest sale of any salve in the world This fact and ita miérit has led dishon- est people to attempt to counterfeit it Look out for the man that trys to de. ceive you when you call for DeWitt's Fitch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure, (1. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A stubborn coogh or tickling in the right spot, reliable and just what is TPA Yr ov: Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thnt te what it wai meds tor, THE GENTRAL DISTRICT & PRINTING TELEGRAPH CO. Of course you can get along without a telephone The time was when we got along without the tel- graph, electric light, kerosene oil and even tallow candles. But nobody likes to do this and it is the same way with a FURNITURE In every conceivable tern to suit all tastes. A ne time spent Jooking over our line fhe gods and se and sell at prices that If you think of brightening up your house a bit with a n SF Farivar, ot a whole Baie of ; some ewe can do ere ie ang Embalming, Ete, Etc, telephone Promptly attended to. If you are in busi All modern methods used. §, ness, people think The best of satisfaction you should be up-to date. To be upto date you must have a telephone. Ours is the only ea a ’ 5 re SAMS a a BRA Oot Fhoty Woney's Worth, American naval officers who wees in China during the late war tell of a day they spent ashore looking for sport. For s few yen, amounting to about 4 cents, they secured the services of two Chinese to fight for their entertainment The first fight went on bravely, and as fights go in China, not being ap tc the Amer! can hippodrome style, one of the Chi- nose was whipped But be was angry As he moved sway from the scene of combat he found a stone, and, torning apon his late antagonist, strock him a blow that kilied him The murderer was spewndily beheaded, but the authori ties decided that it was no ecomecern of od from their plan of amosement. One | of the yonnger officers remarked : “We | not only got a fight, but a killing and an exeontion, all for 4 cents You [ewan t heat those rates. Sentenced to , Sfberia. A nobleman onoe entered into a oon: opiracy against the Rossian emperor and was sentenced to Sitwerin. His éyes were bandaged, and he wis put into a dark carriage, and for seven days and nights they traveled on and on, only stopping to take food At last he felt . they must have reachen Siberia and in the ntoest anguish he perceived that the carriage had stopped, and the band age was taken off his eyes, and —he we in his own home! He had town driven round and round St Petersburg the whole time, bat the fright cured him, Young Ladies’ Journal A Fortemate Accident. “) am leat 1’ the prima donna sobbed “My years of hard study have gone fer pothing '’ “Alas, what is the matter?’ asked ber maid “My prospects are ruined, all throagh a wretched accident. Just a0 | was ap prosching the end of my aria a horrid bug flew on the stage awd fit ou my peck.’ “And you screamed 7 “I did What else conld I do? It was my last sens and I had no chance tore deem: mywif The bell sounded and the maid an. pounced a man from the theater “Show him in," said the prima don. aa ‘I may as well meet my fate st onoe. It is my dismissal freon the com- pany. ry 8 “Bouse me, ma'am, for disturbia you," maid the visitor, “dat de manager wants to know did yon run away from your curtain recall ‘cause you was took sick. “No. 1 am perfectly well “All right. That'll esse bhix mind He says that screech you let ont st the wind up was the finest high hes peard in years and yom ve got the tows crazy over you. ''—- Washington far CASTORIA.. The Kind You Haw | ne How (0 Cave a Colt Simply take Otto's Core. We know ‘of its astonishing cures and that it will stop a congh quicker than cuy known remedy. If you have astima, bro | chitis, consumption or any daease 7 “the throat and lungs, 8 fed doses of this great remedy will surprise you If you wish to try, call at our store and we ; will be pleased to farnish yom a sample bottle free of cont. Large botties 5) and 25¢. Patton Pharmay, © W Hodgkins one that works. For rates, eto. apply to F. L. BAKER, Manager, . PATTON, PA. ‘Telephone 100 — BUY it is ¢ a Great (Cinderella Stoves and Ranges. TO A TIDY HOUSEKFEPER TO HAVE A GOOU STOVE. the American officers if a murder resnlt Haren Sn ni A oP OT, Fy When you oll for DsWitt's Witch Hazel se: FirstNation’TBank ems re the great ent lle cure, don't accept anything slse. into accepting a substitute, for Jou, for sores, for burns. C. W. Hod Patton Pharmacy. (ret Your FIRE INSURANCE wns TIAN James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Office corner of Fifth and Mages Aves Patton, Pa. OF PATTON. | Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.06. srounts of Corpomtions. Firme, [adividn ats and Banks received tpn the most faviora- Bie Lerms consistent with of and conservative | chaning ow eminehip Piekets for emis for alt he Tend ing Lepem, Foren Jean * avalide in the princi Shon of thee (il We - Ali sorrepondence will have one pest pt and perdenial attention loiter paid on time depiwite A. E Parrox, M. H. BannroRrp, President. Watch for this space next week as a new ad will appear GEO. S. GOOD. LW. Cook, Still a few days for Altoona, Pa. Our Great Offer of 10 Per Cent: Discount On all Regular Prices. You can have your discount on all these necessary ar- ‘ticles already at moderate prices. for household use, ever placed upon the market. All the latest and best klvas are incorporated into its construction. Every feature to promote durability, cleanliness and ecomomy has been well plagued and developed, Produces the Greatest Heat From the Least Fuel wm. PREVENTS CoLD FLOORS The cold air is drawn from the floce, and dist through the sides and top thoroughly heated. This method of circulation And establishes that much desired uni. form teasperature in all parts of the room. Witt Burn Any Kind of Coal! i Will Keep Fire T EL four Nours' Dowble § For Sale by ! velvet collar, pearl Ladies’ Jackets Our stock shows all the newest styles and shades at prices more than satisfac tory without the 10 per cent. dis- comnt. Here are a few lead- ing styles: One lot of jackets in black and blue shades at $4.25 each. Black cheviot, strapped seams and figured linings, $6 each. . Astrakhan jackets lined with black} satin, i with broad cloth and steel buckles, §7.50 each. Navy blue cheviot jackets, Scotch plaid linings, large pearl buttons, all sizes at §7.88 each. Biack Astrakhan, with satin lapels, battons and new cut front, $10.50. Yale blue and tan Jackets, velvet eollar, full corded sleeves, lined with ' red silk, at $14. Brown and green Kersey Cloth coats Twi” plaid" and striped 1.50 Dress Skirts Among a new and elegant line we note the following: Hack figured mobair Skirts, fail width, velvet bound, $1.95 Navy blue and black serge, well made, $2.95. Beautiful black figured silk Skirts at $5.00. Navy blue Skirts with cironlar flounoe, at $4.50 Plain Maobair, beautifully trimmed with ruffles, §5. Crepon and Mohair skirts, plain and trimmed, two styles, at $5.98 each. Black cheviot skirt, appliqued and with folds of back satin, rd Plain black silk, cut flounce healed with three folds of silk, $15 Beautiful silk and wool crepon skirt, folds at $16.50. at $5. collar and sleeves at $5.98 Cashivr. virenlar founnce trimmed with satin We now have a full line of silk waists in black Taffeta with full corded fronts Black and colors with corded fronts, learnad that DeWitt's Little Early Ris- Jette Miahic Wolo plis RE Tequlaling the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. C. |W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, Surgeon - Dentist, PATTON, PENNA. i Mee in Rolomon Balldh te City Restaarant, Fifth Er DR. W. I. OWRER. Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffice, Patton, Pa. id All sails, day or night. promptly repoiiied ‘DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 8. , SrGenersl Surgury and the Ewe i Specialty. All sails will poreive progipt sttetition. Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CiMew in Avtingion Bhowk, next to Py (Patton, Px. All aight exile wprnded promptly. Disses of the ear, noses and throst Chive sperinl attention, GPFFICE ROVER. Twb%amand Rwlpm Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parton, Pa. | Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Offs in Good Building. uf AW DAVIS, ~ Attorney and Counselor at Law, Eanwsntne, Pa. All legal busines promptiy sttendag es, Offices tn Barker Building, ; TOBACCO and CIGARS {hee Sneed fine in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P.RR MEALR AT ALL HORS, Your Watch may need i Let gu jook st it. No for Braun If it pods allention 3 and if vou wnnld Balee os put It in you, we'll do is well at a regulsr charge that you woR't objet to TOZER. The Patton Jeweler, MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mabaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa Asoom nue ations Sratelam, Host of Liguors | and Wines at the bar. Stabling ntheched. Georor PRIGUION, Prop'r. ‘CREST SPRINGS FOONDRY. We are to do all kinds of very ron ket ae wove ™. pairs. or charges are pointes plow i (Hd metal aiken ln vxohnnge fi new work. | S-lyr UHENT SPRINGS, PA. Parnell & Cowher, | FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT ; REAL ENTATE AGENTS. | Good Raliding, Patton, Pa. Phone No. 3. COMPANY, Lumber of all Kinds, Planing ain Wonk, Sus and Bossy of WORKMANSHIP AND - . LUMBER GUARANTEED. Prices and terms reasonable, . We bave just received a car load of . doors and sash to which we call your special attention. OFFICE At Mill and in Room No. 7 of Good banding iy Hastings Furniture & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, BTC, All calls promptly attended to. Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho- tel, Patton Pa., and Spen- cer building, Hastings, Pa. Also office in Spiece building, Barnesboro, We are having a special sale of Tap. | H- C. EASLY, iA Fd line of a) ew Shades audi cisy Curains dnd 18peNiries of ! : 70, the right styles, from $15 up. at prices that will please you. Manager. J. E,
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