a BTR SO ois mA Semi Sn pen See PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1898. $1.00 PER YEAR bres CS JAA ha an Lo and Overcoats. to Order 815 up af the KF LY STONE CLOTHING CO. "nil Bait ara iIrnst ur | THE QUALIFCATIONS Fon YoTING | URL LEB RE : | Some of the Prerequisities Demanded by (he Elveiton laws, : i Ever voter knows that the privil oge | Gieaned Here and There by of casting his ballot for the candidate : LE " the Conrier Repo Ter. | plisnce with certain requirements of | the Constitution and laws of the State, ‘TEACHERS » INSTITUTE. | but the persons who are not a little — clondy on some of the points demanded ony and County Imstractors Wili Unite at are not very plenty, even among those Fbensturg This Year. . who have been voting a good number ~The teachers of Cambria county in of years. Hence a few remarks on the | general and of Johnstown A will subject at this time will not be inop- {again unite in holding the annual portune, and may keep someone from ‘Teachers’ Institute, as they have for |oming his vote. ‘the past two years, and the union The general election is held on the | gathering will be held at the county Tuesday succeeding the first Monday (seat from the 21st to the 25th of No- of November in each year, whwh in vember, inclusive. The plan bas tie present case is the Sth This year proven very pleasant and profitable 10 |, § is one in which there is a difference ‘all parties concerned in the past, and between ‘‘the first Toesday in Novem- there is every reason 10 suppose that ber” and “the Tuesday after the first this Fear will equal, if not surpass, Monday,’ though they are generally in u season previous gatherings. the same. The first Tuesday of No. ty And that The instructors secured for the week vember, 1895, is the Ist, but the Toes ok the most ATe Among the strongest men in the day after the first Monday i the Sth 5 n eurlng Us a cold, country, and special attention has also The qualifications of electors, as the possibility of doubt. | heen paid to the talent for the evening defined by Section 1, Article VIII, of of relieved sofferers Can | niertainments. On Monday evening the Constitution are as follows. 4 | William Hawley Bmith, aothor of “The Every male citizen twenty-one yeurs Jot « evug Fas Bow, |g volution of Dodd” snd ‘Walks and of age, possessing the following quali Get | raiks,” two of the most popular teach fleations shall be entitied to a vote at er’ books ever writlen will lecture. aii elections: i c Cough | Tuesday evening will be filled by Dr. First. He shail have been a citizen of TEM ‘Frank Bristol, of Washington, D. C., the United States at least one month. Cure who jectured to the 800 teachers of Under this the time for naturalization Ee Washington county last year and in order to vote this fall expired peeded. pleased them so well that he has been Frida on hand sd vies » freah recalled this season. On Wednesday rad. He shall have resided in te y efficient pre- evening Mary French Field, daughter State for one year, ‘or if, having p ‘of the late Eugene Field, will read viously been a qualified iM or a he Ero person OF | {fromm ber father's works, and on Thurs. native-born citizen of the State, he mn lanaay day evening the Smith sisters six of shall have removed therefrom and re. wt amount will get the them said to be among the best enter. tarned, then six months |, immediately T Organ now on exhl- | | tainers appearing before Pennsylvania preceding the election. our store. | institutes, will give a concert. Third, He shall have resided in the . Prof. E. O. Excell, of Chicago, will election district where he shall offer to {conduct the masic for the week, and vote at least two months immediately will sing at the three first evening preceding the election. enitertainmenta. Fourth, If twenty-two years of age or upward, he shall have paid within Mrs. Cathariun Fos. two years a State or county tax, which Catharine, wife of Henry Fox, who | shall have been assessed at least two lives in Carroll township, a short dis | oo paid at least one month yn Pharmac on h cy * tamoce south of Patton, died at her before the election. [The last day for | home Monday morning after an illness payment of taxes was therefore lust (of but a few days She was born in prayy hut a vote must be granted | Germany about 72 years ago and came upon taxes paid last year. | ewteemed and much respected lady and | | besides the many friends, she leaves a written order from the taxpayer. | ‘husband and the following sons and | The process by which aliens becotne Heury and Alex Fox, Mrs. Mary H. = preity | Hoover, Mra. Tillie Dietrick and Mrs probabil : ’ : . y as many citizens bave been | Maggie Dumm, of Carroll township; cated in that manner as in any other ; ery, Confectionery, | of his choice depends upon his com- It should | 0 this county 45 years ago, where she 4 eo that according to Medicines, Chemicals, ‘has since resided. She was a highly a taxes most be a ‘sonally or by some person bearing a y . i Sheridan, of Conemaugh, the two lat- CANCERS WNT T0 KNOW, Questions Asked the Various Candidates for Assembly. | { i i i your questions just as plain “ possible, | and hope you will understand them. ry Truly Yours, H. L. RopGERs, Mr. Sheehan, one of the committee, ' delivered the queries to Messrs, Lingh | and Bheridan personally, and reported | i that Mr. Sheridan stated that be was H. L. RODGERS REPLIES not prepared to answer the questions i | without having stadied them, but that The Following is Taken From the Cambria | : he would be glad to meet a committen jof Grangers at any future time amd The Grangers of this county evi- lly explain his position in regards to Tribune, of Ehensburg. dently want to know what action they | may expect from the men whom they help to send to the Legislature this fall upon guestions which effect thelr inter- ests. Their Legislative committee rec dates for Assembly questions: In the event of your election to the next Legislature, will you oppose the repeal of the oleomurgarine law? 2 Will you endeavor to secure the the following aid down in them the questions at issue. Mr. Lingle gave affirmative answers to all of the questions, the propositions meeting with his hearty approval ently addressed to the various candi- | Mr. Yothers, the independent Repab- | lican candidate, has not yet been interrogated, but he will also doubtless passage of a law for the just distribu. tion of jocal taxation on its species of taxable property ? 3 Are you in favor of the reorgan- ization of the State Board of Agri culture ® 4. Will you continuously ose your best efforts to crnsh ont of existence in your Mate ail combinations formed for the purpose of controlling the neo- esgaries or comforts of life? 5 Will you ose your influence and vote for the continuation of the present amount of annual appropriations to schools from the State ? 8 Duo yon favor the repeal of the special act fixing the compensation of the Treasurer of Cambria county, and allow the general law of the State to appiy ? 7. Do you favor the enactment of be given an opportanity to place him. self on record. GIVEN A HEARING The Alleged Counterfeiters of Cambria Connty Before the Justieo, Eimer Kough and wife, of Van Ormer, this coanty, who were arrested on the charge of counterfeiting in the vicinity of Reade township and Coal. port, were piven a hearing at Altoona Monday before United States Commis. sioner Moleod, T. H. Greevey, Esq. of the Mountain City, appearing as counsel for the defendents, Mids Wanted, Bids are requested for laying about Lone mile of 6-inch cast iron water pipe Cin Patton, Pa labor and foruish all material Contractor to do all piper. Bids close October 13, (898, at noon. Right to reject any or all bide reserved. For further information call on Hr address, Parrox Water Co. Patian, Pa E. CC. Brown, Sup't. TRIUMPHANT TAILORS. Our line of sults, for quality and work defles competition. They are The information had been made by Jost what you Have been ooking for. the Secret Service Department of the Government, which stueseedied in mak. As to style, they are away up; an to rice they are moderation itself Be- ore buying do yourself the justice to ing a pretty strong case against the examive onr offers accused. It was shown that Kough had been in Gallitzin previous to his arrest, aaw making the maximums railroad fare two cents a mide? 8. Will you favor an amendment to the bill passed by the last Legislature providing for the erection of soldiers’ monamenta permitting the Commis. ers at their discretion to substitute children to pat out counterfeit coln in mwtnorial buildings? These queries were presented in writing, either by mail or personally, to each of the Democratic and Repub bean candidutes. Up to this time, replies have been received from Messrs. HL Rodgers, of Spangler, on the Republican ticket; W. C. Lingle, of Patton, and Thea T. ter pentiemen being the Demoeratic nominees. No reply hua vet been re- familisr in Cambria county, where ceived from Capt. Taylor, the other Re- publican candidate, who iw said to be sick In Westmoreland county. The ‘John Fox and Mrs. Catharine Gruber, territory of similar extent in the State. { letter addressed to him was found at of Pittsburg. The deceased's remains | becomi ng & citizen at least two years | etery Wednesday morning after high | sion, and then receives what are known | mints in S1, Sb At least two A New Tipple. tion for final citizenship, and if he can | the Moshannon Coal company, whose five years and in the State a year; that {short distance north of Patton, informs character; and if he can pass erected at the works and when com- necessary as a prerequisite to citizen. able hereafter to handle the coal busi- entitling him to all the privileges he {ness in & more desirable manner. Ever would had if his people had lived here (since the tipple was consumed by fire for generations. Children who were 1 the shipping of coal st this colliery bas under twenty-one at the time their | been to considerable disadvantage. ‘parents were naturalized become citi- ; Beliding & New House. | sens on attaining their majority, as do T. M. Sheenan is erecting a new those born outside of the United States tens. Women may be naturalized as kftel iti ‘well as men, but there is nothing to be | axis oot. To will be om uy ina ‘gained by it where there is no female te, | time and will be d for 4 suffrage, ard so it is seldom done. . men purposes. Died in Carrell Township, | Wanis te Wed Fifth avenue. It is a two-story struct- Spangler Sentinel says that a North bome of her parents in Carroll town- ' with a view (0 matrimony. Address death was caused by consumption, and | Lo Laver. care of Samuel Taylor. followed au illness of about three yeurs i ahold Pe ‘duration. The funeral occurred on The oa oy the Sorella Tuesday morning at o'clock, inter popularity ment being made in the Catholic ceme- | is well established by ita great Min Patton and vicinity during the ro 8 er Lon on eased wa 3 15, So 6 past your. B 1s sold guaranteed to] 200° JURE acy, ane ter GGHEMAy by J. BE Kirk Hardware | 2°8ih haa shed gloom over the large soo tol a y family of which she was a member. : pany. 1 Bea Mrs. IL BR. Suvder Dead. go le o Chinchilas, faewy |, Mrs lassc BR. Suyder died at ber, ersey, to, °G a. ‘home in this place on Wednesday, Helin serge Y pail wool = aged about 60 years. Her remains lo COI were taken to New Jersey on Thurs i . Doone BRos. day for interment. Cambria Tribune, : Ebensburg, Pa. Suits $15.00 and upwards. Bear in mind our woolens come direct from the mills, are cut and made by us for style, | jpeics, fe and wrvice They can't be DiNsMORE Bros, : IT |p Langbein’s barness shop, Patton, Pa years subsequently be makes applica E. P. McCormick, superintendent of prove that he has resided in the country | * coal mining operations are situated a | be is regarded an 3 man of good moral | pleted the company will be abundantly ship, be receives his “second paper,” | dwelling house on his lot on South of parents who are or have been citi. Miss Jennie Kirkpatrick, daughter The Barnesboro correspondent to the of James Kirkpatrick, Sr., died at the ; | possible, and that the State should see McCurdy * B. ee Barnesboro young man would like to ship on Sanday morning, October 4d, correspond with a lady of some means, at 4 o'clock, aged about 21 years. Her i support the local schools, and would | of Philadephia, and Mrs. Lena Fox, qu. sien most declare his intention of | [8 home ia Johnstown unopened. Mr. i Rodgers’ reply was as follows: the hearing she and had thers passed a counterfeit haif- dollar on Mrs, Donahue, who conducts a grocery store. Later, in the same town, he became so bold in passing the bad money that he was arrested by a railrond officer, and a bad half-dollar wis found in his hand, Mrs Kough was show to be Little, if any, behind ber basband. Witnesses testified that she had passed spurious coin in Coalport, and had osed her the vicinity of Van Ormer. During became hysterical, bat cut her performance short at a wond from Commissioner Mcleod A sud feature of the hearing was the presence of a baby belonging to Kough and his wife. The infant watched the pro- oredings with mild wonder, not under. standing the grave charges that ite parents were answering. An effort Cis being made to have the child plaewd in care of the Children’s Ald Society. No molds or tools were found at the Kough residence, though the Secret Service officers believe the bad money was made in that vicinity. 1. In regard to the repeal of the pearance though it will pot stand the cleomargarine law, so far from favor ing its repeal, | will advocate additional restrictions to prevent the public from being bumbugged by bogus butter manufactured by unscrupulous persons The money alleged to be passed by the Koughs was cleverly made bright and shiny in ap- weight or ring tests. The defense ol- fered by Kough and his wife is ignor- to the detriment of the farmers and | fault of $600 bail each to await trial consumers. 2 There is no doubt that a more | local tax burdens could he devised, and I would take pleasure in aiding such a reform in every way possible. 3 I must confess a want of famil- larity with the organization of the : Board of Agricaiture, and | ance. They say that if the money they passed was bad they did not know it. Both were committed to jail in de- before the United States court at the COURIER that a new tipple is being examination the Judge may deem Jost and equitable distribution of the Pittsburg. Altoons v=, Patton. The strong Altoona Ragby foot ball | team will meet the Patton team on iabould in that matter be guided en- ‘tirely by the wishes of the organised farmers of Cambria coulaty. affecting necessaries of life are among | the greatest evils of the present day, sod} Ishould certainly always oppose t > In regard to school appropria- tions, | believe as long ns the present Tem system is in existence, that the local school tax should be made light a8 | Barckiny the Patton grounds Saturday afternoon | and an interesting game is looked for from the fact that this is Altoona’s best and oaly team and the players will put | every effort forth to defeat our boys. L Combination and : : Poliowing is the line ap of both teams: Position. Patton, C. Wherle R. KE. : Detwiler Woods BT Weller RG & entre Henaling {Cochran McCloy that farmers and others should not be overburdened by vexatious taxation to vote accordingly. 8. In regard to the repeal of the law fixing the Treasurer's salary of Cam- bria county. |[ take it that the people of this county desire the law repealed, ‘and [ will therefore honoetly and earu- ently use every effort to secure such a reasonable law as will secure the ap proval af the farmers and other tax- | payers, whom | shall want to consult i when the remedial is to be framed. Raoilin 3. Citllioon McEwen Sobstitutes: Altoona Wherle, Allo- | way. Pattton — Fogerty, Meehan, Orth, Gibson, Dillon. Said His Tuieresis. Aaron Waeakland, of the firm of Weakland Bros, liverymen of Patton, | has transferred his interests to his brother, Samuel Weakland, who will ‘on Fifth avenue in and about the stables, besides the ° 7. Ino regard to the railroad fare, | : which will place this livery among the will say ves 8. I believe that the Uommissioners by the wishes of the people, and would should be in a position to be governed therefore favor such an amendment as would permit them to uwrect memorial buildings with the funds appropriated for monument purposes, as such build- | ings, besides being monuments in pot, TT any other) Ed pin § hervafter conduct the business at the same stand, oppasite the Patton hotel Several improve ments have been and are being made purchasing of new equipments, eto. leading ones in this section. The pro- | prietor is well-known in Patton and has had years of experience in the livery business, which, with his genial and obliging ways, will win success for | him in the future. ! ; The Evidence. T A good many people in Pubion am] using the Cinderella Range, which ie | Dear Sir—1 have tried to answer | guaranteed by J. E. Kirk Hardware Co. | the best evidence of merits. font We have our full line for fall and winter suitings We also carry a full line of samples of the most desirable goods in the market CALL AND SEE US, Dinsmore Bros. PATION. PA. vid WHR Gi ARANTEEL STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, Heating and Cooking. You may be in need of & Stove IY so you'll find the largest stock and PATTON AROWARE C0. FJ DIRTRICK, Mar. Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa. A full line of all kinds of Genersl Hardware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron DON'T buy a Stove until you have seen our stock and learned about the LOW PRICES. be: Rew When vou are thinking of choosing the new gown, write to us for sampie sieces of some of the STYLISH PRESS FAB RICS which we are show. mg this season. If you Hn give us an wlea as to the color, style of weuve and ahout the price you want to pay, we'll send you a liberal collection, some of which will be sure to please you, both as to style and prices. @olored Dress Goods from 1212 10 $3 a yd. Black Dress Goods from 127°C 10 $5 a yd. Dress Sills from 374C 10 $2 a yd. We show vou the largest stock of fashionable Dress Goods in Central Pennsyl- vania to select from. GABLE & CO. 1320.22 AND 1404 11th AVENUE ALTOONA, PA. "nee
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