rm ia ti 4 ig Fuset] seb} a pastor. Mass | aoats, ete. _— foe your rye flour, corn meal, THE PATTON COURIER, OCTOBER 13, , oh. A lb ins ms tm cc map ist wer oe AR RG A AS H. J. Hinterleiter, of Clearfield, Pe] casTol xa. transacted business in Patton Friday. | Sen 9 The Kind You lime All harness work fully guaranteed at | Langbein’s harness shop, Patton, Pa | this week with a bran new advertise. | On Wednesbay morning, October Rearare 3 te-Rey. pom an no Bary. ment, and it will pay you to glance at | 5th, 1898, a pleasant, vet sad reflection dnY school at or their prices of clothing, shoes, Indies’ passed over the mind of Mrs. 8. J. Luther, of St. Augustine, when she ‘realized the time had arrived when she should celebrate the 57th anniver- at Am. Sanday at2p Tn.and veepers at 7 p. m. Joseph C. Rowand, representing the en Aernare Sin Dise, pastor. Preach- | Seltzer-Klahr Hardware Co., of Phila- at 130 A om. and Mirkin & Kusner are at the front | Celebrated Her hiny. Seventh Anniversary, i Wen, AR Sb 17 ndays ‘sary of her life. The venerable lady Ra Seip in, jones after bis trade in expected to celebrate her birthday in, i the nsual way by performing her dail or, + hms he BUTA%| Mine Rachel Anderson, who 8 41 tan bor in she, morning he prea t 6: Bn Prac ng ery Weanes i teacher in the public schools of South | oy requested at & quilting not far | ; ing at 7:45. Fork, made her parents at this place gp... por home, which was agrecably | | a visit over SundAy. accepted. While assisting at the quilt- J. B. Denny, proprietor of the ing a goodly number of friends and Mountain house, Ebensburg, stopped pelatives assembled at her home to in Patton Sunday while en route to his | greet her, should she be present, how- home from Clearfield. | ever she made herself conspicnons by | | My and Mrs Samuel Bell and son, her absence. In this case they were of Kane, Pa., are visiting at the homes | surprised, but Mra. Luther's presence | of W. H. H. Bell and L. 8 Bell, of was requested at home to greet a | Beech avenue, this week. |long-looked-for friend and upon her Both Posmaster EQ. A. Mellon and Arrival there the amembly gave their, | Geo. 8. Good have completed new brick ®urprise to ber. Of course when every | vements in front of their places of one had a tag at her ears she thought | J on Magee avenue. the dram of them was torn from the, body A torn out Sat rday | i eustachian tabe and that she would be | Every BoE . | obliged to live A life of deafness, but afternoon to see the foot ball g ‘the writer thinks that since her ears Satarday between our home team | farther from her head she can Altoona. It will be an exciting game. | | hear all the better. The portion of the | Miss Emma and Edna Nicholson, which is seemingly most pleasant Mrs. D. 8. Rice, of Hastings, and Miss a each one ng! y special work | { Hattie Sharbaugh, of Carrolltown, i, 4, wyme measured the refreshments, | spent the first of the week at Pittsburg. ,i),.ry drank them; some prepared the Mrs. J. D. Ritter and little dsoghter, dinner, others ate it; some lectured on | Margaretta, came down from Barnes- the delicacies of the season, some ren- | boro Friday evening on a visit to Mra. | dered the music, some skimmed the | Ritter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert milk, and we suppose a few told stories. | | - . Musser. — Philipsburg Lodger. Mra Luther received many presents ha Tere. | The COURIER has been reliably in- | from her unexpected visitors and she eye Bot hve nad Jd up Maken formed that Frank Markle, who was a sincerely thanks the doners for them | : ‘student in Tozer's jewelry store, but and the pleasant time shown to her on | all Butarday. whose home is at LaJose, is to become da: mong those BE we a “benedict” in the very near future. t owing: Lawrence Mi an Santer came over from Aficons | John Delawder, who has resided east | Re: lawrence Wyland and wife, H. J. w : mm and wife, Albert Reffner and VW. Jigiat came up from of Paton; for the yi dow yours it {0 Mrs. Jas. Reffner and Mr. Albert i ] he expects to make his fotare home. | Hobble, of Spangler; Jno. Bearer, Esq. , & fresh Jersey cow by Ed. po oo will depart for that place in | 80d wife, L J. Bearer and wie, Pa SHOES ilo Patton, Pa. ‘a few days. ‘A. Bearer and wife, of Cymbria; Fhensha Michael Lantzy and wife, of Hopper _ George TE Te Valley; D. A. Luther and wife and Jos. candidate for governor of Pen Iva | Steich, of Carrolltown; Ww. D O'Hara, ‘nis, has promised to make a ps ati Fallentimber; Thos Gittings, Jas. Wilson isiting | Hinstings bef: at F. Davis and wife, T. M. Sheehan and Van y -y Ni | Faatingt be ie election. The | wife, CC. IL. Luther and wife, Herman 'P. Dishart and James Kingston, of St J. W. Lapfer, who is a member of Augustine. Mrs. Luther longs for the the Knight Templar Commandry of oi, when it will be repeated, but she Altoona, accompanied by his wife and | only asks for a previcos warning. won, left Monday morning for Pitts | ANGN ‘burg to attend the Triennial conclave [of Knight Templars. John Boyce, W. I. Thompson, Philip A GR EAT Detrick. B. F. Wise, Frank McTigue, | GAVE! PF. L. Baker, M. B. Cowher and FE. Will | (ireene were among those of Patton : : | who witnessed the Knight Templar John w. Leinard, of Ansonville, parade at Vittsbarg Tht Pr Bascted business in Patton Monday. | © v0 0 xo the ecient clerk for i H Burns, of Frederick, Md, | the Miners Store Co, had the mis it Thursday of last week in Patton. |p, 0000 to accidently fall one day last Bloom and H. Brown, of Ebens- week, receiving a severs cut on his horse collars of all kinds go to bu Were visitors to Patton Batu ar chin by coming in contact with a crock, : McGuire, of Passise, XN. J. | which he was removing from a shelf in friends in Patton this week. the ware room. Tillie Campbell, of Carrolltown, | A flock of wild geese passed over y in relatives in Patton this week. Patton Wednesday at 12:30 p. m. south- | Jones, of Port Matilda, is vis. Ward bound. Those who witnessed brother, Stewart Jones, this their “V'' shaped flight remarked that {it was about time to call in the few the foot ball boys by attending | #ra¥ bate that some people persisted game Saturday — Altoons va A OPOR Wearing. E P McCormick, of Patton, and Go the Patton Feed snd Buckwheat | 800theT gentleman interested in the oon! trade, were op last week making | an examination of the coal drift on Dr. | John E. Mauches's land near Spangler “with a view of leasing it. The coal Tiof excellent quality. — Carrolitown News. An exchange perpetrates the follow- "ing: Botler is strong at 12 cents and in able to hold its own; yeast cakes are rising steadily; bananas are slipping playing Horse. We are not “play- along at the old price, with an occasional ng horse’ with our customers. We { drop; cheese is lively and stirring; syr- yr awake and alert to the interests’ ups are sticking at the former price and 4n4 wants of our trade. Their wants are about a pint more to the goart than g.. car wishes. That they get them at they were last winter; green apples are th. narrowest margin of profit is gradually growing less; dried apples penred. are swelling the market; chickens are picking up a little. M. F. A. Dodson, of Nicktown, on ; Wednesday, at Cresson, miet his brother | You Cannot Richard Dodson, of Chicago, whom he had not seen or heard from for thirty- eight yearn. In 18680 Richard went Jo Do Better the war in defense cf the Union, and nothing was ever heard of him until a few weeks ago, when F. A. Dodson learned that his long-lost brother was | Than by calling al our a resident of Chicago. Correspond- store and inspecting our im-, ence resulted in the brothers meeting mense line of at Cresson on Wednesday. - ~Galiitamn | Tones A Dysart correspondent writes: ‘C A. Pierson appears to be the favorite of : CLOTHING. the community for postmaster at Dy- sart. George started out a few years ago here as a barber, then a shoemaker, GENTS and finally storekeeper, building up ee reais exception. be FURNISHINHS, fectly temperate in his habits and cor- SHOES, Eve rect in his business transactions, we have reason to believe he would make an excellent postmaster. At present he is the Justice of the Peace of Dean BE WOLF & TROMPTON casTo PATTON, PA. : mas the first of the week. | (ka 5 % Good Building A Cure for Constipation. 1 have bien troobled with consiine on for | Roo. it was ruining my be wih, my coms 1 and my complesion and | angi tosay that Celery King has restored all (hres, and | Shit after ug any other medicines thet i be pond, bol which worse of no —— tn I would like 10 wii every Fog me ills Gould, Meio Kine bas done - » - * a + ¥ ii You can fool all the people some of the time. Caters Ki iia Gould, Media Ola, fiver jon X ey 2 % sold in He. and 8%. Jeo kages You can fool some of the people all of the time. drugrists and dealers : Patton Pharmacy, But vou can’t fool all of the people all of the time. C. W. Hodgkins. The same old saying applys to our would-be Sompetitans off PATTON to-day in trying to make the people believe th CART] aS 1 SmSwse he Jame peryos: and “ WOODEN MANUFACTURING Y yr Now for instance take the Shoe Market of to-day, there is more disaatis. C 0 M P A N Y ’ faction along this line than of any the writer has any knowledge of. The upw re Mts Bre rere of nd Dewbors ino ' and downs of Shots are many and it will not pay you to blow your Money Lomber of all Kinds Planioe SH in the purchase of Shoes just because they are cheap. So when yon peed m We rk. 1 a Being a a pair of good serviceable and stylish Shoes call on the O ‘Reliable Shoe Houw: = oe Kone Dars 0 Patton where you always get a ina { WORKMANSHIP AND LUMBER GUARANTEED Prices and terms reasonabio, We have just received a car load of doors and sash to which we call your THE BEST. Now we have jost received a new OFFIC E line of Children’s School Shoes, Naish py “a At Mill and In Room No. 7 of Good are giving elegant satisfaction. ter io . drop in oe soe them, EY s Building. Ask to see our Waterproof Shoes. {They will turn the water, insuring warm dry fees to the wearer, Wa think wa have some money savers for you in cur line of Shoes. Hastings Furniture & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Have you seen the JULIA MARLOWE ETC, For Ladies? They come in all | widths and Styles of Toe. Those Who All calls promptly attended to. have worn this Shoe pounce it the ; $l at \Ue : ’ ; Bes and most stylish Shoe on the snl Office in Cornelius building, We bave a tice pow Hine of wool: next to Commercial ho lined Shoes and Slippers for cold . tel, Patton Pa., and Spen- weather: also a new lot of Men's Your Choice of Toe! ve building. H pe leather and patent leather Sh cer bundmmg, 2 astings, which we are selling at a VE CLOSE MARGIN, Pa. Also office in Spiece If there is any particular kind of a Shoe you want and you will let as building, Barnesharo, know we will gladly order it for you. ; The same in Dress Goods. We have made arragements with one of the H C. EAS LY, large retail houses in the city to order dresses in patteros by sample. So if you need anything in the Dress Good Line see our line of samples or let oi Xuow Manager. what you want and we can have yon samples in short order. We are hore to Pleas vou and will be glad to do so if you give nus your order. Ve have the Thistle Rrand of Rabbers, for men, women and children, . that we a If they don't give perfect satisfaction your money refunded, Fine Wa have on sale a special Robber-lined Coat for teamsters and nun who are ont in all kinds of weather, which is WaleFprcof.- -the rubber lining is sewed between the goods and the regular lining, making it close and warm. Ask see one. The price is jow for much a cost WING GIN #Y Don't forget the fact that we allow von a discount of 3 per cent on al 1 In every eonveivable parchases at oar store. Are you married? We mean to any particular story. tern to suit all tan -. A shor iH so ccme here asd get a divorce and buy where you can get the best. goods time spent ooking over our ine for the leant 1 oney. will canvinoe yeit) that we hive thes gored and sell at prices that Omir Fight half back in the Shoe Race tor supremacy is sateh the prives. ; ‘ Ly y 3. p yp a { you think of brightening up honorable fair dealing; Our left half back, reliable Shoes at £ yiurhouse a bit with 4 new poe lowest prices: Onur full back is the people's confidence; Onur ¢ of Furniture, or a whole Suite of rus] ba dv Pst Ww t ’ vd stil] retain the any kind, come here and see YO iS SCH Cals, £2 WwW in a ey ery po nt an h tak i Sih what We can do for YOu. championship : Undertaking, Embalming, Etc, Etc, lL ipply . 0 . Promptly attended to All modern methods used Ail niodern methods used. The best of satisfaction AsmTTI———=.YS guaranteed. £ The biggest H. S. BOCK, V LU He S Next to Hotel Patton, cver offered tO consumers 1S NOW: THE CENTRAL DISTRICT & waiting your inspection at PRI I NG TELEGRAPH bl. ry Nr NN § Of course you can THEBBAZAAR! get along without a telephone. The time - Compare these prices with those you have been used to paying. was when we got along without the tel. Fine decorated chamber set, $2.75 Cups and saucers, per set, 4c. graph, electric hight, glass pitcher, 100. kerosene oil and even Large glass berry dishes, 10c. Good shoe Try Us for bargains. mg pk tallow candles. brush. 10c. But nobody likes Nice decorated parlor lamp, $1.00. to do this and it is Common mp a Ee globe, Me. the same way with 2 Galvanized water pail, 20c. telephone. Pl He. It you are in busi Round dinser pull, Je. ness, people think UTE you should be up-to- date. To be up-to. date you must have a telephone. Qurs is the only one that works. For rates, etc., apply to La L. BAKER, Manager, PATTON, PA, You can look at any part of our store and see a hargain. We do not just have a few low prices, but ALL are low at THE BAZAAR, > G. O. Brady, Prop'’r Patton, Penn'a. ay dl M—" TT —————— SS 7 | Telephone 100.
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