#irenlar frame, and the Istest ts the American flag on the the Cuban on the left with | soncede that a widow may retain her husband's name upon her cards if she = desires, though the maiden name is Although the high collar is 8 most ~ ancomfurtable article for wear in hot weather, it is fashionable, and so, of sourse, will be worn almost invariably. Neckbands made of white silk muslin ) and small black | mitted her to express ak ale bon trimmingt of the short-backed sailor bat, with “its stripes of dack blue gnd white straw. Low black bi: eycle shoes, black bicycle stockings, ' turping over with plain black cuffs, { and gauntlet gloves” protecting the wrists—silk back and chamois palm— completed an ontfit seemly and thor: oughly sensible. — Chicago Record, Women in Secienve. To assert that women have had ar important influence on the progress of science would certainly be exaggers tion: but to say that they have always | been wholly foreign to it would be | malaria so long that they don’t mind still more inexact. The female sey have, in fact, been for many centuries contributing to the extension of the field of scientifis knowledge; and now they are beginning to fake a more prominent part in affairs of this cate. gory it seems a favorable time fo re view some of their achievements, and to notice some of the women whose scientific accomplishments have beer most remarkable. We begin with a Milanese mathe metician of the eighteenth centary-— Maria Agnesi, a woman who was wo among the few who have oecn- pied themselves with the exacl sciences. Her precocious intelligence and s prodigious memory, which per Dr a herself correctly in seven languages, and her rare apts tade for one of the most srdnows branches of mathematios—the infini tesimsl anal of which Leibnitz snd Newton only jast indicated the formulas—the saintliness of her life divided between study, prayer, and charitable works——all contribute te { make her one of the most agreeable samphor-water, and four onnces } wax. Put this in a dish set basin of boiling water, and stir i of a teaspoonful. inti] it becomes ocld. “like salve. - moderately rub it off. mough the towel will be quite black. his oil may be used at any time, but is better to use it at night, follow | cleaning | take. pro- They characters which the scientific history of the last centure offer us —Apple tons’ Popalar Science Monthly. Novelty in Round Yokes. The istest thing in round yokes is made in three shades of one color Almond leaf, Nile and bottle greet make a besatifal round yoke. The rale for this is to use least amonnt of the darkest shade. For example, the ribbon aronad the neck and the bow at the buck of the neck are of almond leaf green; the yoke part is of Nile green and the tiny bands that stripe the yoke are of bottle green. These yolks sre detachable from the dress, so that one yoke can be worn over # great many pisin waists. Squase yokes are very English. are made of big plaids, trimmed with bands ol brocaded ribbon. Iz the neck is a very large ruffle o chiffon or lace, with a little front of the same. A great deal of mall in ail colors is being worm for the neck, but nothing looks so well next to the neck a white. The ance of a womar wearing & white dress in a ballroom is very restfal to the eye. One is be wildered by the grest variety of color and seeks rest in the spotless white A gentleman who is very serupul ous in fashion matters recently re marked to s fashionable writer tha the woman who did not wear white pext to her neck made a grest mis “If she can afford it she should always wear s white collar or a white ruffle, or something white to set of her face. This gives an indescribable neck, Tne a ower set — Atlanta Journal. Fashion's Fancles. Large shell combs are pretty for evening Wear. Small ostrich tips are mach worn is the hair with evening toilets. in white sepals.” a Fh gireet costume the hair is gen erally worn high, with many curls ané Ribbons are no longer considered { st all appropriate decorations for the tt costumes, but neither in- boldly as it has done into went with her husband er on 8 two or three weeks’ over the the roads of Massachu- monnted her wheel in a thin, gray serge almost ideal sage it in likely to receive. ir effect in arriving at hotels and square. fronted jackels were with blue, dall enough to Sucw effect from dust, bright egel, ouch of olor, A blouse ot Jewelled ornaments are worn in the The pretty dnck costumes in white or colors, in plain or fancy effects, are in greater vogue than ever this year Patriotic gowns are of blue, the seams strapped with red, with red csp with a visor, and, of course, brass buttons. A noticeable featare among the bon | nets is a bow of velvet ribbon spotted with whilge Bunches of cherries are : also worn under the brim of hats o any color, To bein the latest fashion in millin one should have for evening wea a bonnet turned ap from the face and trimmed with lace and light blue for get-me-nots. Stylish parasols of green and white silk, with silk and satin stripes, have handles of light wood and large knobs of rock crystal set with gems The ebony sticks of the bright plaid silk parasols, with black satin stripe: crossing the black, pink and drat check, bave erystal knobs also, The plain silk ol has no place in fashion this season except as u suy umbrella, for whatever the mates of a parasol may be, it is more «18a an elaborate production of tacks, hem-stitching, rachings, plsitings and insertions of lace. It is made of every sort of silk on the list, and ol kb : | §wiss, mulle and pongee as well and gengleness to the ebin and bair, even when one is dressed ic epaulettes on the shoulders, s red | & woman" mn wi OUR BUDGET OF HUMOR. in os AUGHTER.PROVOKING STORIES FOR | LOVERS OF FUN. i i § ko i i YVietim~Negded, Anyhow Curia of FinancewA Marked Improvement Abhaugt Man's Understanding-in fhe : Subnrban School, Fie, Fie. fhis war bons damp, And threatens me with wreek. : T'4 pay that Bil, but having not a staiep, | I fannot draw a “heok jolt me somewhat 4 seems to strike me in a thousand ways And burdess ail men's hacks J sannot mae a note for thirty days, Being minus of the tax’; There's no setae 80 SURLY SYROUS Far a poor seal alas’ ; Jf only these rad trading stamps will do, | Perhaps my hocks will pass!) ~Atianta Consfitation A Marked Improvement. “Julius has insomne. “How dreadfni!” “No. I'm glad of it, all last week te had nightmares. "Chicago Reeord. In the Suburban School, Teacher “What is the meaning of ‘soclimated > © Pupil — "That is when people have it any more." — Pack. Needod, Anyhow. Rector — “Remember, my young {riend, there are things in life better | than money.” i Young Friend—' ‘Yes; I know that; but it takes money to buy them.” Fuint- Hearted Conguerer. “Why are yon erying, Tommy? [id some one hurt yon?" : “Newn-—n0., I Bad a fight with a fellow an’ I hurt him so bad I feel sorry for him, boo-hoo "Brooklyn Life, About Man's Understanding. He—*"There are two periods in s ‘man’s life when be never anderstands | “Indeed! And when are they?” ““Befors he is married, sud after wards. "Life. A Curio of Finance. “What is a snmque figure, Uncle Tom?" “A unique figure? Why, it is the igure which represents the money you rant, but never sxpect to get.” De xoit Free Press. An Bonest Confession. “What do you find the most 4iffl sult task 7" asked the idle friend. “The hardest thing about my job,’ | he sil-round clerk replied, “is going ® h my work when I have drawn ‘ny pay in advance. Cincinnati Ea | uirer. A Starter. Willie— "Paps has compelled meio go into business with him and Ive ust made & start,’ Algy — “Oh, really! Bought » new ice desk and a safe, I suppose?” Willy—"'No! I ordered four basi seas suits. Pack Lately. “Has young Mr. Niargo been to see { you lately?” asked Maad, “Yeu,” repliad Mamie, sadly; “and he worst of it in that he seems deter pined to ses me that way. He didn? dink of going home yosterdsy oven ng until haif-pest 11 o'clock.” Wish: | agton Star, The Little Brother Again. Little Boy—"‘How soon are you and 3is goin’ to be married?” : Accepted Suitor- ‘She bas vo! | samed the day yet. I hope she doer jot believe in Jung engagements Little Boy “She doesn’t, I know, cause all her engagements have heen short, "— Panech, Traly Feminine. Maude "Why have you thiowr Clarenes overboard?” : Madge —'‘I couldn't marry a mar with 8 broken nose. : Maude "How did his nose ge! broken?” Madge “1 struck him pieyiag golf: —Tit- Bits, What She Missed. : Of course all the other freaks in the minsen were sorry for her : “Too bad,” they said. ‘“"Shemisses haif the fan.” “What's the matter?” asked the cu rious visitor. “She's being courted by the arm fess wonder,” they explained —-Chy | cago Post AA How She Got It. A little girl wha had been told not | to ask for anything to eat at a neigh bor's eame home with a face very sug gestive of lunching. When asked by | her mother why she bad asked for] something, she said: ! “Bat, amma, [ didn’t ask Mrs G [ just looked st her and said: ‘Can’ you see how hungry [ am? "—Trath He Loved and Won. Tom —~— "That friend yon introdaced | at the club last might seems to be: | melancholy sort of fellow. What'r | the matter with him?” Jack —'‘Disappointed in love, I be | lieve.” Tom—* Too bed; got the mitten, }| suppose?” : Jack —**Oh, no; he got the girl vo} Chicago News. : Family ¥vonomy, Unels ito eohildrea whe have ms i had a dose of vod liver oil all around | Well, do you Like cod liver ail? Childfen ‘Ob, no; manne | giver wu Sve cdots for every spooninl.” Unele—"" And hay something nice?” Children—'"No, mamma pats it int the savings bank Unele—" And then you bay soue thing by and by.” Children —**No, mamma boys more sod liver oil with it." —Fliegende tnt Lang gag you ————— A A BN Dlaetter. - | | dust Aer in the | ov i Pin FW Hh Lfriom the se J caped with 5 { house was totaily destroyed; lows, 3,- C0. ¢imsy P dine Biakes, Martinsburg, 35. Myon man i WwW i ia : $10 | home, Farle, $8 to $30 | Meroeruburg. Pow, Johnstown, $5; Henriette M Pike Cane dria, = ! Beeman, manna Yarnai, Coparel Carson id Poa fw | Quingie, Eman, burg, ; Bite | retved a soratoh . Palio ruts Ceticie he re THE ROOF FELL. s Callage Prefessee Bu fried Tom » Purrisg Building With Bis Baby ME Hess prosident of Volant New (aEtie. was swakenwd sriy lace Friday morning by fire, He sicrmaited tn saving all (he members of the family, but was in an Speiaars vy uw aw the roof Legan fo (sil in, A baty In his arms be junped and-stery window and es. | only a few yuries. Te ¥ 38 The Loliowing pensions ‘vere week: R. Jones Beltzhoeover, BW Moses HH. Detwiler, Hopewell Bedford 35 James Eider Neshannovk, 3. Bure ¥ Withamas, DuBois, $8 John Wo Hef Sproace HL Junisia, $19 ta 30 am Lytle Rormstywn, Center $i $17. John 1. Bouffer tn $12. Joseph MoGwan, roldiery Joseph Burgess JRE Lert ¥ 3a Fiudiey, ares neh ure, 53 $8, James Sood $24 to Fig J Flimba Fisids runcans Thomas Hoak, val Went Alexan ronstoirg. vilie, Bia, #& $0 Willian larrison, tor $8 John AL Frapkiin, 3B Lawrenoeviile, : ; Heol, Bedfand 38 Tun £% | City. Mo, for the introduction tamil 3 } rein, BH Elisabeth mason, Tavieria, $12. Nicom Pasyisb Marionviile, Forest, $8. Warren Grae hat, North Fast, Frie $8. Thomas i Jones, Ebensturg. $5. Willam Field. vg Wick, Butier 38: John Dougherty, | edd ier’ home Erie, 8 liver doves § iy { Reynoldton $4: William Barry P Alexander, 38 to B12: C Cooley, Craw fond, BET £1 | Seaburn, Bradford, Mo kK-san, i miles Hil § Nanay § £3 Ya Bria: Xie ia Flun- ! Andry Hays, Plitabore 3 ror, Maiory, Min Iv Hollidaysburg, $B Le bel York $8. Edcoard HH. Beale vide Cambria, XX 0 FU Woitiha Lock Haven, I to $10 Wagner $34; Mary 2 Spraviic Millis, Jeferaon, Kamantha Wyncoep Marion Iositana. $5 Mary A. Belton Holldaye $5 Napscw Berger Hiv | land Center $13 Peier Brewbaker, | Fireencantie 38. Hiram Desry Turbol- ville, $9: John Mo Cam abedl 38: Jomenph A Jackson, Lorry, 2 James M Imbrle Brush Valley, $6 Philip J. Roheaf, Erie, H[ Javah (irene, Woedlavwn, $8 to $s Morgan T:3 Tones Fast Bethlehem, $8 te 38 Juraph i A. BEReiley, Fhenshurg #¥ lo $n Mer. eer Ty Hamton Fannetisburg $s to fig Ome Bundred and forty acuen em | ployes of the Peansyivaria Fatitead | Company Wears arrested at Irwin i syaning last week ely We gaged in teariag up the adding i Pennsyvivania Class Company site and the works of the Fumbaogn Brak { Company tHe rails | wR Fetal, $m £3 Erie, 10 anter, : Fao her, Marietts, | wo £1 Ere Sp ter the | po ; 2 wt About 8 feel of kad Besn torn up When the entire gang | A ep arrested Tow fresh as by ar ter of i Prostitent Kann of the Glass Uampany The mes were taken before Reus Rumsherger and Hyidon Superinien- ; dent BueRaiow entered Dad £ Renny They thea deparied the fst rg tion train A tals of an sxirnardinars by a surgeon of Believernon of from that towns {rr iw siated That jraltan mother brought het yea baby for the physician 5 SXamine car. He probed and wih frie twengera puibnd out» om gest ineh in length He Lead getting out nine fal a id heathy mag | A bBluwfy had a week LfsVOUR j go into the RaRy's agr and Deon tagen ext. bat not the z+ for 1H waggots had been Aeyperaiyod 15. N. Black, of Butler, while iv tn Pros Merser to Shenango Pessenier road recently. lost tantly put of the car. The rab going twenty miles an hour, but plunged headiong oul af the window afiar the ioelh After the (rRin Dvd stopped the frainmen stated back To gather up the remains They met Hinck hurrying hack. He Bad net vee ow tie erin ri i iy Ive aye alid @ AAS Id Yue Finpw rine e ARE Dal 4 SL hin Tales Woke fie i ’ Hed progepnes 5% mnther aid Bary Ber hel the @ tid in father sthver children, four-year-old Florence | I BEANS Groep, ¢ bu Patella, daughter of dis Eisenhower of Rpnenandonh. was (ul 10 pleces ang killed by » trolley car al Pottaviltie lust Sarurday evening. They were going lo Affe on a visit, and Fiarence stepped Between Iwo CATs. Was svar and Bad barh hands and a leg owl off, Daniel Ediburn, of Want Middlesex, aged T4 years Wins driving ac0088 the | Erie and Pittsburg railoomd (racks the other day when a passenger rain struck Riz wWagsn, srnashing it and |! thrawing him 38 feer He aus ploked | 4p anvonscious, but rec geral shor afterward. He sustained ody sw few The horse Fag uninjured . Mon Emma Girish widow, and Lesile Mazer, guardian of the three 3 children of Logis M {irinh Li af Mutisr, have begun Mutual Boenefi Asscoialion for $2000 insurance Earried Ly shes pe gail, whore sigler aise clmims he money. The company wii not pay une til the courts ade wha should gel ‘he insurance Inn order to save the of Tomphkina' Jo-year-old son Taste was terribly burned b aniacy Kitrhen stove §1. Austin father permitted a physician Lo cut AR lRkrge ax 4 Man = hand fro ig tack and graft jt on the mid prey heey of cutivie from Law, Bre Was Alms appiisd ; indignant citizens of Beaver Falls | decorate with Ama Yican Hugs the) plackamnith shop of a man who has iff fate ft te maid, Deen ZIVIOK SRD reRsicn to anti-American 3 pinat : oe bagisting stating that iT vod the Migs Be wn wid ba sum dealt with Tae Hagw 3 3 ar dvi maned against the #3kit at hada har ‘ile frant iw bs with raceriiv, Tie 3 ¥y x seniiments put a 5 the warily #1 iil wave Miss Lanra Pra? 20 vears of whose home 3 pear © ii Huger county. has entered suit against Wii. am {swan of Harrbavile Pa... Tat 35 a8 damages for breach af promise of narriage Vawan iv oa wealthy bach over TO vears oid ix members of Charles ivtehars: 4 family, Washingion taken vig. ently £31 Al except Mr. Driehorst are i sur of danger. They had Deen potsoned By gagper contained ja haakiedd TUAID. : The new State Capitol corner-stons will be lant at Harrisburg on August 14, { if Governor Hastings deciines “ila Pay gegtenant Governor Lyon | ie ea Favs i i 1 : + at ware i to preside will da si The powder mili OF i 4 Foo Bas sey ff I T CERRY iaat Th WAS wf iy T BioAan We fella the Bana, was Hille The Federal ¢ temporarily stayed the against the Carnegie omg vent iia gsing siahuninm priate vRStings. Fifteen Eastonians drank sandemned spring amd had faver and one of them died. ily Tus up RIA and tha OW TRY 2 I in Ma ‘pure af Pliish infignetion | HA TEN i in RTE § i 3 from a tephaoid | and i nirest Britain pinwtess cents per bead pir week i emigration decreased -v | ahangs the general pay day of ail | WHEAT No. 1 ont. . OATS PEFLOUR . - > FEED | STRAW + REEDS BUTT ER Eigln creamery. tRew |} | POTATOES White, # bbl. | CABBAGE Per cram { ONIONS. New Bouthers, © bbl run > CUHDRENS Per pair, smal # EF FLOUR, .... : WHEAT - No. dred whe § a! Welbinter s | § Choad. 1200 to 1300 has... { Prime, 5 to 105 is { drood, §5 to Whe i taming, THE LABOR WORLD, There gre 3,000 000 union dockers, Watervliet (XN. Y.) vlorks demand a Friday halt holiday A Kew York cioarmakers’ union has 1885 members in good standing here are 600000 people employed lo Italy in rearing siikworms Loong Canyon (Cal: miners won 3 strike for the discharge of Uhiness, Boyal Templars of Temperance bave adopted the printers’ union jabed Kansas City sop-union plumbers were pot discharged when the strike ended. The eight-hour work day has been granted (0 the «ity laborers of Saginuw, The of the sight. hour work day. Brockivn taiicrs carniby tesnty-lwo rents a coat. struck when the price was | i Way Pf Jovwetion THe . : {arriving wt {rewsch ai 18 a mm tiger aside ton per cent. of its revenue of | tna fe gn I oCmmapteeil at | fixed at pinetesn cents, Hoe hoster Typographical Union 15 is set. ahorar workday purposes About § 100 000 persons are employed in the coal mines of the world, them are smployed mm the United States Nevantess stove and furnace mannfnn- turers are now using the white asion label of the Iron Moulder’ Union of North Americs The Americar Fsaderation Labor in June issued two charters nations! upiens one 10 a central body and twenly- theres to loos! organizations. Batheines’s Ireland’ municipal ixbor sre paraing from $400 to $0.05 a week etre k for ineregsed wages, rf to the richest township in Erin ; {A new abel adapted (nn Italy requires Eo abi on { thst every employer shall at his own cost, | Fah avenae, Pitta | provida for his workmen competsation for | cnpmeyaences of whieh © i last more than Sve days. : 41} accidents the Te May 131 100 perwons roaeived increased “any sustained decreased wages In The pet inorease was about Pau during the month and perien (ne reamed A movement ta induce thm of working people [ross Saturday to Moo day, ar some other day 12 A pecgiiar case ix reported from Praline, Texas do pot know what to do with him. as lhe laws of the Coopers’ Internations Union | prohibit the taking of an appesatice under | Rftean years. The sipecese of the system of pabiie islor registries and veipioy ment bureans in lor eign cities has lad the municipal overs. asent 4f Moscow, Russin, to establish stich st iustitution io that ity, manths of Septamber, Outohoer and Novym- er JRYT the first theres mouths speration situations wees found for 1000 anplinanty AA BE A AES AOA In some paris of Ching the young intertwined =» right scariet thread The style of or: namentation denotes That warns is marries geshle, nit, with which i» bat THE MARKETS. PITYSRUNRG. Grain, Flour sad Feed, ' No J oresd CORN No yellow ear. a... No 3 ysliow, sheild | Lo. Missed oar Cw wa Na, white Na 3 white Hi ¥ NG i Winter patents, Fasoy straight winter Rye fous HAL Na} uimothy = hover Na 1... Hay from wagons . [5 Ni) white mid, ton Brown middiings. Hiram, bul Wasnt —- — BERBEBLUEST EET on Tw, fe SN . oe a a PONE wor Lim 88 Clover, an he Timothy, prime TOE Dairy Products 8 4 Lilie sremnery Fancy country roll CV HEERE Obie, new New York, new : Sawin Fruits and Yegrinbles cars Poultry, Etc TURKEYS Per h, | FGGN- Pa and Oblo, fresh CINCINNATL # CORN Mixed LAT fo oEGMGN wane. BUTTER Obie creamery. ... PHILADELPRIA FLOUR. 8 WHEAT No 2rd i CEMHEN Na 2 mixed CONTR Na 1 white LC BUTTER Crontpery, vitrs Eutin Pennsylvanian frsty NEW YORK. FILOUK Patents WHREAT No, 2 toned CORN No. 3 OATS White Western, Bi TIER Creamery, PEFR. state of Penn ¥ 13 LIVE NTOCK Central Susek Yards, East Liberty, Pa. LATTE Prime 1100 to 1400 a Wie | NO 0 iH hy cor @ Tidy, 100 1 L180 Tha Fair ght sleers, ®0 to 150 The Common, TOU tu KO he b § © +7 4 4 SHEEN, Weilium | Honvy Roughs and stags SHELLY, ad a i} 5 + 25 a5 $43 3 4 75 Fair, 79 10 80 Mae Fair to good lambs. BufMain, Rovhest vr asl Plitsharg Ry. & dv pcp Tals ww, trmins will Booby 4 pve Depot, Clearfield, as fuilovis an qt after ¥ ¥ » . ta. mn Hovaodsyvine i3he, In Lovronymaslictiion, fog ¥ souk and Reve Hig tors aad Bape TEEN wy bbivin Tur vo Shanske Wie PE stihl Ri %. Bast Box Fran HEL 3 Pay asain fei Vain A CRIS om. om, are NBD and For enll omy oo adios, Uv. B Hyslip. Spent, Ulenrtivid, Pa EE. Tapry, Gen Fandenger AL i Pitesti Faprews i Mat! sd ey I Paethine duily { Johnstown Aven. ‘arpenters are active in Ranens Epson Ome-ffth of | i i Camptell at 106 teers and Cie Camptell eaves Desens $Y 20x Pos : Po Hastings hr xlemn tm Rathmine is oat ap om employers to : the weak das | Ran | inwugarated at a mesting of Lhe Usinod | Labor League of Western Pennsylvania, | Houtsdain. i Osewols Mills. : Philipsburg. They nave un fMuii-fledged cooper | | there who is not lourinen years of age, and {| Phillipsburg P Owescin Mii | Ramey. | &F lead Down. Puving (he | Bn of the | | Philipsburg... ... | Gr Read Up. woman wear their hatr in a long single | Li the young | tou: with all Beech Creek tad HES | oa pm Coan New York paeessrogpers travel i faakstbiars § PE Works f :osunderiamd 1 {Posse d idstem # AE piwell Poe { Ewi Xe 3 fon | Lricets, Tiree tables and full information, i Pennsylvama Railroad Time Table May 18, 1508, Main Line. : Fave {renee Fastweard, Son Bere Express, work days ALoons Aoednimodation, week days Main Line Express, dally Ri ; Altoona Avconumodation, dally Mail Express, dally Phtadelphiin Expres, daily 7 : I asive tres Westward, Johnstown Areas, welt dave Pacithe Foxpro, dally Way Paewrgwr daily WW an Euan ENSBENS CnEwuE CEYEUYER CT 8332838 3EEEl werkt Saves cambria and Clearfield. sorrthward, _Morciog tealn for Pation and rowon imves Glen Caspphell Bie Matas wll os oe Ia Jomo 0% Westover %3; Hastings &1% Gar tor Cvesmcn: G8 Pattoir a8 Bradley Kavior fe Frensbons 5% A Merrion ; Crews aves Glen a £0 poe, Matafley of 200 Ladose Westover Jil Hastings & jn fmrway fw a; RM Patton Sar Hedley Junction E00 Kaye 409 arriving st Crasoe at £5 Nusthwyrd Moming fran leaves reser Mahaffey Parton and ous 4 HE ERE Fleetairy 1000 Ravior Hr3l: Headley I Junetion (0088 Patios (08 i 3 Pobnegwr (1A Mustinps fe Malaa®ey FI Cem Comrway (Bor Hust wiry for Mabaths 10a Westgner 08 Lae Waka they 100% arriving st Glen Afteruonn train er Pad Kavior i bi Freastarg va Enuiley Junetion 5 Patton 480 fir Hastings: 70k PEL TL Carns foe Westiiver 730 Tas omen ving at (dies Campted! tf ammptedd Ee 57, Ma bus thoy SHE ay Por rates) asp #4 Tieim § apply to thee agent War PAW, Bg z. a frites 4 tdi Mes R. Wont IB Huu : Chea Pugs. Haft. re A Mona & Phltary Comectng B. R CONDENSED TIME TABLE in #@et December }, 1097. Easrwanp Weosk Deyn a AM. NOON 1.96 390 13136 737 13 an TH 25 304 Bi0 065 LO AM AMX ru Wivrwasp Week Days AN AN FM TH S90 11.15 Le6 ADS £53 11.31 3201 Ae E0110 118 BN 9.00 1200 138 445 Srspay Tuarws ro Ae craves SE) . Ae vo. ra L0 1.13 po 145 Brxpay Trans, AM isin Teenie 10 18 .. B58 AN Cowwperiovs- At Philipsburg (Union Stas Wilke d New w “ WEE Philipsburg ...... tor and trots Bellefonte, Lock He ismsport, Hemdivg, Phiisdeiphia York: Lawrencevilie LL. (ionevy and Lyons; Clearfield, Patton, Curweasville, DuBols, Panzsutaws sey, Ridgway, HReedlord, Buffaic and Hoohester, At (eomols for Houtzdele and Ramey with PK R trains leaving Tyrone st 7.00 P. Mb G. MB. GOOD, Geuersl Sap't A Beech Creek Railroad. NY. OC &H R R Co Lewes Condensed Time Table. Head down $lonnid 0p Bap Mail wisalT Nes 3 Tay PER i Arey i { ay Bix ek Auy 1h iss Phiten Westover Moa bua they Par CTE Cain ERY Roretipsar Seow Millport iHania WE ivdselis 1 Depa ified ER $15 wih A on ~ : a a el LB gy be ss g= 5 a Bn¥Y ER4ENBES Wows hnand Bigier Wialtmewton Sorrtetalie Mines Mousnimens Fhtiipabarg Mai vwon Winharee Poale wsillintown Mpc Mow Hewes reek Mil Hall jouw Haven Yosingemetnle | Waxes Sore Shire Junetion wpa Whee Wiltinaport ¥ = SER We eta son SUSERUTYSEAREASINUNUTE P REE E REE ht Reariaa®3T RB Lol lagi spamerscBBER a DEBE YNSUARS YUE E8Bswenury rea a. iT ain p $i WD “PAs eT IY ar oN El iY i300 iw vB EWN wm pm “inily we GSB BB ed hd 2 2 t ¥ ¥ iw : ai pm Phii'a & Heading R R po 5 Willinsagwert ty R256 +3 Philndeipbis ar 9% 70 NOY via Twmsagie ar ¥80 NOY vin Phila arbi 58 gm am A 08 pots Runde ye via PHIL or (20 oma tain fan Wil immaspert will harp vars at Huntingdon St, Pik. pnpeclions. 81 WN hase prt with "hile dotnliia and Reading reiinmd at Jerney 3 with the Fatt Heook Ry. =f Mid Tot with (sutmi Hatred of Peopsyivania at Phiipslarg with Penns ivanis miroed and A Lawenia & Dh gsbairg Contesting mae birond; ss Clemrtiolt with the Boflaio, Hooliostes and tatonry abiway ol Mubhafey and Mttos with Cnentats usd Ulesrfie d divisions of tha Penns vahiba maliromstl al Mahaffey with the Progsiin ivan otal Nortiovestersy mmitway, A. iv Pliner, POE. Hesritoan, wag pert 5 begactennt. tien. Pass, Agent, Phi lade plile. Pe. iWewldunys 130 55 nh Sundays mileiphin Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 10 TANE EFFECT MAY 23. 1898 Westward Nai A. Tie §amve Nad Neb - Pot - w oi bs Fooghoss Stniton © Malwmitoy Few hi § pear K J iansetiiey Mou ba (ey 3% 4 Met poem Wootgeil f iGzEL Pik Lick § fharnwiabe EEE PETES CY SATE TRE DR ah el dona ® i ET Bl nls gsr-AkagxrEIen Homo Han t aE LS ow ts i Fulive Eastward N » a Leaves i Fulbw Han Forton BK 0" i wig | LEI ERAN R Tim jim 3 Tas LEER FRE five £30 wiigf bog), Coansei lone «AT Und ag wi Sinton, Matwmiley, with Hewett Ureel teibeset, © & UL division Ban itsrienain milmed, sud Po& NW. mil dd at Whiskey Hun with Motions & News repre miloneady ot Motawes with P&N WW. mitre ® ovtpmer dT tl Mivehier notice tales will ran aris tetwveen Unk Matton (Mshalley: amt viens Capupbell, AH trains daily except Sune day. Geperad Ma : =. H. Hicks, General 3 gf : Mahuttey,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers