VOL. V.—NO. 36. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1898. $1.00 PER YEAR. AN Ur ARAB BON TON FOR GENUINE BARGAINS, PATTON, PA. a a thickness and 3,200 feet long. Save Your On January 1st, will ing t Cash Register T ickets a PARLOR ORGAN, Of Standard make, “int, 1808, Description: The insiruinent is jnatiafuctared by ‘unsafe condition, ve |i 1gdn 4 So, > oe oak, a. thre ply finish, hand mirror, raised carving on contains two % ll panels, Tre! » it (122 reeds) named as fol | age. The + 1 ia; loate Nox Hariana; 10, Tesla B a og knoe swell and grand organ knee sop. | _p@rFor further purtiesiars call at rmacy. * Headquarters for The Largest Emblem in the World, ~The largest flag in the world will be suspended from au cable stretched be- tween the summits of the two moun. ‘tain ranges at the eastern entrance to Tyrone. This huge American flag will | be 680x100 feet in size, and will sostaln 11,000 seinare yards of bunting. cable supporting it will be } a in Satur. day, Aogust 20, is the day fixed upon i when the stars and stripes, Tyrone, in su h glorious and hitherto unprecedented immensity and prominent, will ba floated above the fair Juniata valley at It will Ie 1 seable sion. Preparations have for several weeks that CRA Ceeeerh IGNITE will insure a grand celebration befitting the grand. eur inf the emblem in whose honor if will be held. It will holiday, a day of patriotic expression, celebration and thanksgiving. Prominent speak- bat a (ers of Nation and State will be present. Checks! There will be masie, parades and fire 1899, 1 day ive to the person return- Liberty. e largest number of my! § iworks. It will be an American festi. val, a congress of patricts, for the people of a happy the Land of i May Erect a Now Chareh The Catholic people of Lorelto ars discussing the question of erecting a new charch or repairing the present building, which was built ip 1845 and is which will be on, exhibition at my store September | now badly in need of repairs. It is one the Inrgest church stroctures in Cam- county and while in course of erection the brick tower, which had reached a height of 80 feet, toppled [over and demolished the front of the £ i i § § church. The tower was never rebuilt. The building is now in a weakened and To properly repair will pecessitate an exdenditore of nln hard oil | about §5,000 and a new and modern Jnarp Brackets, | strocture will cost $25 JK or $50, 000, A Handsome Present. The editor of the Cov rien wishes to Sore '5CDS 3, Dul- | _iretarn thanks through these columns {to Hop Lee, the estimable proprietor of the Fifth avenue laundry, for a very ‘handsome fan presented on the 9th inst. The fan is compowd of the feathers of a pea-fowl, mounted on carved sticks of sandal wood and hand. | painted, an importation from the Orient and one highly prized in the ‘household of the scribe. During Hop "s Lee's residence in Patton, he has, by his diligence and industry, acquired a isteadily increasing patronage, which, | by, his pleasing manners and thorough Dive, Medicines, Chemicals, ability, he is quite sare to retain, Stationery, Confectionery, Copare 2 Tobacco. nr Woere to boy al vem ff sien 3 J E. Kirk How. Co's oo ‘When to buy Se 3 Bg swevessisasni sn TRE mmo While the Stock is Complete. : Howtoluy Dead Easy—For Cash. Whatto buy What You Need. hid Jars in pints, quarts ers and 8 t. Lh q line or Cooking Stoves ET § i about three weeks. | Pittaburg, transacted business here There is 4 Hinisun i Why some stoves and ranges are better ‘than others; good materinl, careful construction and a knowledge of the wints of the housekeeper are all nec essary to make the kitchen stove a success. The Cinderella Stoves and Ranges are made to meet every re { quirement, they are even bakers and perfect roasters. Special attention is paid to cleanliness, economy and dara- bility. Bold by J. E. Kirk Hardware company. Expired Saddvnty Mrs. Adam Sence, whose home is near Hastings, died suddeniy at Pat ‘ton on Friday daughter, Mrs. Jonathan Nicholson, a while making her visit. She was aged 61 years and to mourn her loss. Her remains were | taken to her home Friday evening and | interment occurred at Hastings Sunday after funeral services, which were held in the church at that place. Jennie Wolislagie Dead. Jennie, the little six-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woleslagle, i formerly of Patton, but who now re. side at Barnesboro, died Monday evea- (ing of diphtheria, after an illness of Interment took | place at East Ridge cemetery near that place Tuesday. Arnold, the second son of the bereaved parents, is lying seriously ill of scarlet fever. Fighting at Manila. Apother battle has occurred at Ma- nilla, Philippine Islands, of which full particnlars can be found on the inside pages of the COURIER, besides all other news pertaining to the war, such as the inside pages of this paper. Arrived in England. | The COURIER received the following brief letter Saturday, August 6: Liverpool, Eng., July 25, 1898. EDITOR COURIER:— Would you please state in the columns of your valuable newspaper that I arrived at Liverpool safe on the 24th of July. Give my best regards to all my friends. Iam Wa “Scorry"” FYFE. CH Adams, 3 commercial man of | ‘and James Mitchell, ‘county, Pa., for the purchase of their capacity of about 20,000,000 feet, PATTON BORD OF TRADE, ‘Let a Meeting | be Begin Work. the Tromsarer's Hands Which Can Tard at Cini Adynutass , Mowniy in ¥e § § i os ££ % asf emf Of the WER Board of that a mio i Epa $9 peared i iE ©5) Tra he made to al Fr atian ¢ .% sted i vif Frais aT ¥ ig £3, Fo an effort to in indastras in our roter ways RX 0 new Ge, Bnd Ee heron parties 16 Laoate town. Thi haobd of the in the (oo ing bas never Cane stated Neth turned up here yet, nor will anything tern up until there is something to turn it up. There must be some power to do a work of this kind, power is srganise into a all work for the same end On Friday night, 8, 1598, a Board of Trade was organized in Pat ton and the UoURIER of May 14, 1506, published the following io regard to it: “Like all other good Bsn Jowns ant cities, Patton now has & Board © Trade with &7 members who 3 of showed their Wiliin gueus % tO wsint in making Patton tier town than ever, by paying in their one dollar initiation #0 and putting their shoulder ta the wheel. in is one of the best moves the citizens of Patton ever made and it i= gratifying to know that so Inrge 8 number have consolidated to make the movement a success’ Al this mesting a corps of officers were elected of which many have since removed from Patton to other places and it would be a wise act A meeting and elect & new wel of of flgrs, ones who are hustlers and who can and are willing to act Following is a list of officers elected st the above mentioned meeting: A, E. Patton, president; E. C. Brown, vice-president; 1. M. Patterson, secre. tary; BE. Will Greene, assistant secre tary; Wm. H. Sandford, treasurer. The executive commities consisted of the following: Major John Wolfe, J. R. Cornelis, H. 8 Gud. chariem, PF. P. Young, Ed. A. Mellon, Reuel Bomerville, Dr. 8. WW. Worrell, Jease E. Dale. The directors were: James Mellon, is thy ) 5 5 Ee as SIEGE that $ v antl to got % heady and L ¥ x ay ¥ poe TT fe! 3 ERA LAST OF THE SEASON { Pennsyivania Ralirond FExeursion jo Al inatie Uy, Fie, Thursday, Aagust 1%, is the date of Called and | the last of the Peansylvania railroad | low-rate 12-day excursion to Atlantic | City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle FCity, ELECT NEW OF FICERS. Avalon, Holly Beach, Anglesea, Wildwood, Rehoboth or Ocean City, | Maryland. A. present and preach. 8. M. Wilson, W. I. Thompeon, ico. 8. present at that time Good, H. E. Barton, E. FF. McLaaghlin, John Ashoroft, W, Donnelly, J. A. Myers GG. J. Fitapatrick, E. C. Brown, W. J. Weaxland, F. E MecEifreah, John A. Cordell, Lo 8. Beil, Wm. H. Sandford, 8 Watson Eddy, Jas, Kerr, M. 4. Lewin. a committee on rales and regulations, were appointed: Mart G, lewis, 1. 8. Bell and H. 8. Godcharles, Ax far as nances go the old Board of Trade is in as flourishing condi- tion as on the day it was organized, from the fact that &7 was turned into the treasurer's hands where the full sroount has since remained. | Now is the time to act, and let ox act in ime. A mweting should be called at once. Don't let it drop, as it means much to us all, | leaves a husband and several children Large Lumber Purchase, The Williamsport Gazette and Bulle- tin states that Weis & Hall huve just closed a contract with Col. E. A. Irvin of Clearfield timber on Curry Run, estimated at over : 100,000,000 feet of hemlock alone, with a | large quantity of hardwood. This is one of. the largest bodies of hetnlock to | : be found anywhere in this State and ithe quality of the timber ia the best. large modern saw mill with an annagal and commence sawing as soon as the mill ‘can be completed. Pied ut Philipaburg. On Friday Ms. A. H. Rhock, pro- prietress of the novelty store, opposite | the Good building, received word an- | C. Habbard, W. J, A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts. £473 enantio date at 8:55 Als dpm Far dinner made, abo sel arriving at wing 12 € Bop will be $i dan 6:25 p and ¢] iadelf Atlantis (7 mn. ty, vis the Dela. ware River Bridge route, rail line, at 3.40 p.m. Passengers may Philadelphia, SuGre OY any regu- from Market Street Whar! Broad Street Station on August 18 Tickets will be sold from the stations at the rates named below: Rate from Patton $8, train Am. Cherry Tree 86, 5:56 4. m.; Hastings $0.25, 613 a. m; Ebensburg, $835 T7894 m., Uresson, $88.50, 11:45 a m ; Altoona stops for dinner $8, 12.35 p. m.; Clearfield, $8, 8.31 a. m.; Philips barg, #8, 10:12 8 m. Tickets will also be good on regular trains leaving Pittsburg at 430 and 8:10 p. m. oarry ing sleeping cars to Phil adelphis, and 7.0% p. m., carrying Pull: man sleeping cars through to Atiantic City. For detailed information in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agenta, or Mr. Thomas E Wats, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg 3 teu the only Kii- Tu 8 » Rin night in spend the a i > a 3 * ol Aldi proce 10 tne iar train $53 Eaves 8.5) Ra ME. Chareh Improvements, For about three weeks the Methodist charch of this place has been undergo- ing mach needed repairs. The interior ROW presents 3 very attractive appear- The pews have been carefally varnished and furnished with book racks New singing books have been furnished for League and Sanday school services and new hymnais for the church serviees. The walls and ceiling have been beautifully papered, and the charch carefully cleaned. All this has for a time interrupted the week night services. By next Sabbath the repaire will be completed. That day will be observed as reopening day. Bervioes morning and evening. Rev, Dr. Deavor, of Hollidaysburg, will be All the friends of the church are cordially invited to be ance. AF the Hempital 8 KE Jones retarned on Monday i from Philadeiphia where he had taken hospital for treatment. his invalid wife to the Pennsylvania An operation was performed upon Mm. Jones Satur- The following members, conntituting day which was very successful and at | present writing word from the physi- {a fair way to recovery. cians at the hospital state that she is on Mr. Jones speaks in the highest praise of the kind : treatment received at the hands of the that institution. physicians and officials in charge of The friends of Mm Jones trust that she may soon return to Patton much benefitted in health. Pack From Germany. The Johnstown Tribune says that Mr. John Endler, of St. Boniface, ar. rived home Wednesday from a month's visit in Germany, where he says the condition of the laboring classes is ‘anything but good. Mr. Endler was ‘born in Germany, but has been in DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Held at El enable Monday, August Sth. W. C. LINGLE CHOSEN As a { andidate far Assembly ristriet Atlorne: Martin for The Democratic SOuNEY a ‘met at th, ecmnty vention Movi Ties virkaug Ebensburyg bay, August wiping & for at the Chsirman Joseph for the purpose of i tio ket to he coming November, A Cray Cand heed fhe COnBVELTIOYN Wh order 1:10 J GRANIOuRY at Ylonnor, Esq, of the VM pasrs Johnstown: Blair J. F. Sheehan, of Hast. lovil, of Ebensburg, and i, of Portage, a commit tee on resolutions. A. PP. Wealkland, of Loretto, and WW. 8. Krise of Box. bury « Were elorti SECTelArien, The chairman then announced that nominations would be received for Assembly men and the names of W. C, Lingle, of this place; Thomas T. Sheri. dan, of Conemaugh; John 8. Foley, of Carrolltown, and Thoms J. [tell of Johnstown, were placed before the con- vention. The first ballot resulted in Sherdian having #5 votes, Lingle 38 Foley 27 and Itell 40. As #4 votem were necessary to a choice, Mr Sherdian was declared nominated and a wecond ballot called for the other nominee. The Messrs. Foley and [ell then with. draw and Mr. Lingle was unanimously nominated, For prothonotary the only name sug- Rested was that of H. A. Shoemaker and his nomination was snanimons For register and recorder Dr. George E. Conrad, of Johnstown, was 2hosen in like manner. For district attorney FP. Martin, Horace R. Rose, of Johnstown, and J. F. MeKendrick were proposed. A bal- fot resulted in 53, Rand 13 votes respect- ively and Mr Martin was declared the choles of the party. Martin's nomin- ation was then made nnanimoos, The names of 8 WW. Miller, of Joi town, and James Campbell, of Hast. inge, were mentioned for county surveyor, hut the latter withdrew, Mr. Miller wan chosen, W. A. Krise, of Roxbury, WAR BAT hi ching RET convention, who appointed the E. tt. Eailey, hort, of Lilly: ings: Harry | TPR tras phil | of th waa the {18 Have You Tried C. W. Hodgkins’ Fine Soda Water Yet? For fine caltes and pies go to Daus’ bakery. “ven the children insist on going to the Cash Grocery. All kinda of fancy cakes made to order at Dane bakery. 27H Pare rye or corn chop | ai Feed and Buckwheat Mil Go to the Patton Feed and | Mills for your flor ete. Mel : : the Patton gr df nt wh wheat rr meal, rye LE Call at Gaglairdi's store 8 for your nice fruit and green grocers Always fresh amd clean, ON THE PROMENADE, Two and Two. When yon come to balance up your aceounts and make things even, you'll find that what you saved in buying cheap clothes you will lose in having to buy more of them The good tLulor suita wear twice as long every time. Yon see you save axtes trips to the tallor's extra bother about a selection of goods and really pay lesa if you come to oa. 15. CALL. AND =FEF¥F Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Wolf & Thompson. only one suggested for coronar and he waa chosen nnanimonsly. For poor director two ballots were necessary. Jobkn long, of Ebensburg, has 20 votes on the first and 15 on the second. M. LL Leary, of Cheat Springs, had 41 on the first and 54 on the second. Ed. FE. (Neil, of Johnstown, had 10 and 5 respectfully and F. B. Rheininger had 3and 3. Mr. Leary was selected. The convention then selected James M. Walters, of Johnstown, ua the chuice of the Democracy of Cambria coanty for congress, with power to choose him own conferrees The report of the committee resolutions was then received adopted as read. Mrs. Thos. Eaton, of Philipsburg, and Miss Nan Page, of Ph silacelphin. visited at the home of E. W. Cowher on Palmer avenue over Sunday. A prominent exchange says that so long as wagons abuse highways by cuat- ting them up with parrow tires, so long ought tire tax for the privilege. Gf America 28 years and says he would not be a subject under the Kaiser: again under any consideration. Bridge Letting! Sealed proposals will be received at ‘the County Commissioners’ Office, Ebensburg, Pa., until Tuesday, Aug- ' Weis & Hall will immediately erect a U8 rd, at One o'clock P. M., for the erection of an Iron or Steel Bridge over the Clearfield Creek near Flinton. Length of span, #0 feet, width of road- way, 14 feet. Separate bids for masonry and superstructure will be required. All bids to be accompanied by bond | with two sureties or the bond of a surety or trust company to the full ~amount of the bid, as a guarantee of nouncing the death of her grandmother, | good faith on the part of bidders. peace negotiations, advance on San | Mrs. Anna M. Harper, who resides at ‘ Plans and specifications for masonry | Juan, Porto Rico, etc. Also a short | Philipsburg. She expired at the ad- | | will be on file in the County Commis- | {story, agricultural, good road and Vanced age of 94 years and leaves five, ‘sioners’ Office. Bids on superstructure | fashion news, etc., can be found on the | | children, two sons and three daughters. ‘to be accompanied with plans and Interment took place at the Old specifications. Successful bidder will (cemetery at Philipsburg, Friday, at be required to furnish bond in double 4 o'clock p. m. On a Long Journey. Harry, Ralph and George Good, sons | Thursday for St. Louis, Mo of George 8. Good, of this city, left on | From there they will go to New Mexico where their father is engaged in rail- | | Attest: — road work. They are bright young men and will enjoy the trip they are making —Lovk Haves Ryprom, The Cash Grocery in headquarters for everything in the grocery lines. we | | the amount of the bid for faithful per- ‘formance of coutrget. The County | Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. BENJ. JONES, ABRAM HosTETLER, THOMAS HOOVER, County Comm'rs. dno. C. Gates, Clerk. Com’rs Office, Ebensburg, Pa., Aug- ust 8, 1898. 362 OT A A WwW. V. Weaver, of Shamokin, Pa, Seapaacied business in Patton Mouday. J. I. Liberman, the regolar visiting optician and specialist in lenses of the eye, will be at Palmer house, rcom 2, August 17 to 20, inclusive; will be at Commercial hotel, Barnesboro, August 22, 23 aud 24; at the Central hotel, Hastings, August 25, 28 and 27. Parties | wishing to see me please note the ‘above dates. [ correct all eyes with the | proper glasses that glasses will correct. The best of reference from good re- sponsible people that [ made and fitted glasses for in this part of the country | | for the past two years. I come regular and will do the right thing for you at | the lowest prices. Eyes tested free of | charge. I warn all my customers and ‘others from peddlers going sround from house to house claiming to be ‘doing business for me. I have no | agents or peddlers representing me in ‘any way. Thanking you for past | favors [ am | Respectfully yours, i J. Li LimEnMaN, g Regular Visiting Optician. and i such vehicles to pay sa of Sclling—is ended. The game 1s over. Prices are down. The whole story o ‘their fall 1s told in a few words. ‘We have too much stock. The season is going. ‘So must the goods. So Prices must carry them off. WOLF & - t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers