eae thal 1 C$ 00 PER YEAR. _ PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA., THURS DAY, JU LY 28, 1868. tit tc or EE NERC GENUINE BARGAINS, PATTON, PA. General Miles Landed at Guanics Afters Slight Skirmish. Port of Goanica, Island of Porto Rito, July 25, 2 p. m, via the Island of ho Thomas, Danish West Indies, Jul Thursday last, ay tor #1, wan Innded bre sucessfully to-day after a skirmish lw tween a detatchment of the Spanish troops and a crew of thirty belongin to the launch of the United States au3- J. Pierpont Corsair. : Save Your : Checks; 1 On Jenvmy 1st, 1899, | 1; : wl ive to the person return- : largest number of my . Cain Register Tickets a | Cincinacd, i & Cowher, insurance agents of Patton, hard oil Bl Vox H Treble 1, Base Comper” Als a Morgan's steam vac t Four of the Spaniards wer killed and no Americans were hurt, The American troops will be pushed © forward prompily in order to capi the railroad leading to Ponve, which |» gely ten miles sist of this place. J 2) once there is an excwilent militar Ponce vad running eighty-five miles to San rel whole of General Brooke's fore, ‘with the New Orleans, Annapolis, Leyden and Wasp, ia en | pected bere within twenty-four ho urs. Stal} Adding Basiness J. E. Parnell, of the firm of Parnell WILLIAM ¥ KINLEY. SPAIN SUES FOR PEACE Appeal 1s Made to Presi dent McKinley Through hess i FRENCH AM BASSADOR, Who Was Empowered to Reprewnt the Sper ital Govern! Washington, July 26. - The Spanish government has sued for peace, not in- directly through the great powers of - Europe, but by a direct appeal to Pres ident McKinley. The proposition was formally submitted to the President st 2 o'clock this sflerncon by the French ambassador, M. Jules Cambon, who \ ‘had received instroctions from the for. The companies already have quite number of agencies in the field which eign office at Paris to deliver to the United States government the lender of peace formuisled by the Spanish ministry. At the conclusion of the conference between the President and French ambassador the following official statement was issued from the ho White Home thewe com panies in all towns | in th is [ariiary, warsunting it, which has not | Patton and vicinity as they wiil stil devote their personal attention to thy agency and make their general agen office in Patton. Joris Nuss Clearfield in conne) tion with the Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg railway. | { J.E Kixx How. Co's ee OW re e Stock is Complete. Low Rates to Niagas. On Tuesday, August 2nd, the Beer , Creek railroad will run the firet of | popular Niagara Falls excursions; tie An opportuni will also be given to visit Buffalo, 1h Queen City of the Lakes. Niagurn ‘Falls never lose their attractivenem, but on the contrary, the wonder of th) 3 Ln work of creation, impresses of) | beautifu . greatest cataract of the world in antici- will certainly indoce manly Dead Easy—For Cash. | people to take advantage of this lo What You Need. | EE a Io ‘neighbor is n i jars in pints, quarts n | and § Ee Sh | d Stes dinner pails 1cta. | double sheets 5 cents. i a oe te » Ar Cooking Stoves | rat | rate excursion. The rates are as f{o)- lows: $4.25; CGazzam, $4.25; Mahsfley, $4.2). For further information apply to Bee) Creek railroad ticket agents. On the Banks of the Susguehanina. | On Sunday the editor of the CoUrigl had the pleasure of dining with en A. V. Barker's camping party ay “Camp Greene,” situated on the bases of the Susquehanna river below Ma baffey, Pa. The party is composed of i the following who are certainly enjoy ing the full comforts of a life woods: Mrs. Plank and the Misses Gertrude and Ethel Plank and Harlin Plank; George H. Roberts, Miss Bird Rob erts, Miss Julia Lemmon, Mrs. Griffith and daughter, Mary, of Kane, Pa; : Miss Florence Evans, daughter of Alvin | Evans, Esq.; Miss Gertrude Kephart, of Cresson; Miss Florence Harbison, of | | Killed a Rattler. On B Sunday while Jas. Gillieve and P. what is known as the “bur. | rena” north of St. Lawrence, a large rattie-snake crossed the public road in front of their team. Mr. Gilliece at once alighted from the carriage and in ‘a short time had killed the reptile. It measured four feet and contained To Become Sisters of Mercy. Miss Christina Wills, of Ashville, and | | two other young ladies were received {into the Order of Sisters of Mercy at the Mother House, Loretto, Tuesday and several priests participated in the ceremonies. Mitchells, $4.25; Kernmoos, in the Judge and Mrs. A. V. Barker, ‘and Frederick, Helen and Lovell | Barker, their children; Mr. and Mrs. | C. H. Barker, and Allan, their son; “The French ambassador on behalf p of the government of Spain, and by direction of the Spanish minister of foreign affairs, presented to the Presi. dent this afternoon at the White House a message [rom the Spanish govern ment looking to the termination of the war and a settlement of terms of peace.’ This was the only official statement made public, bot it sufficed to put at rest all conjecture, and to make clear taken the inibiative toward peace. Was tienen in Terms. The proposition submitted the President by the ambassador acting for the Spanish government wal general in termes, and was confined to the one essential point of an earnest plea that negotiations be opened for the purpose of terminating the war and $6 arriving at terms of peace, nor was there any reference mads to Cuba, the Philippines, Porto Rico, or other Spas- ish possessions. The evident purpose of the Madrid acthorities was to first earn whether the United States would treat on the subject of peace, and after that to take up such terms as the two parties might saggest there any suggestion from the Spacish Rovernment that an armistice be es tablished pending the peace negotia- tions. It seemed nevertheless, however, from the proposition, that formal peace negotiations be entered upon, that pending their conclusion a cessation of hostilities would occur. New Dwellings. Geo. M. Feed has recently completed | a neat and comfortable residemon on East Magee avennoe. 8. E Jones is erecting a new dwell morth of East Magee avenue. It will | be & two-story structure 2x38 feet. G. T. Bradley is excavating on his | lot on East Magee avenae for the pur- pose of laying a foundation on which to erect a new dwelling house. | Gen. Young at Ebensburg. General Young, who was in com. | mand of the United States troops which united with the Rough Riders in the fight at Baiquirs, and was wounded in J engagement, is at Ebensbaryg re- cuperating while his wound shall heal. oo is the guest of Major G. G. Phillips of Pittsburg, who has a cottage at Ebensburg. Marriage Liconses Granivd, Thomas W. Smith and Mis Jane Hicks, and John Swank and Miss He- lena Hosenants, aii of Barnssboro, and Albinus Warner and Miss Matilda Otto, “of Chest township, were granted mar- ‘ riage licenses at Ebensburg last week. Pocketbook Lost Saturday evening, July 23d, between ‘the home of Jas. Mellon and C. W. Hodgkins’ drug store. | at CouniEr office. Wear ‘with « quite Neither was ‘Saturday of ing house on his lot on Second avenue, ‘as the Sheridan Troop, to proceed to the ring, wet It contained afternoon. Rt. Rev. Bishop Phelan between §5 and $9 and the finder will! My house and lot on Fourth avenue, | {be liberally rewarded by leaving same Patton, Pa. For information inquire | of Joseph Taylor. 4t WANT A GENERAL WOVE Virginos a Theme ves. Gallitzin, July 25, 1898. have re tarned from a trip through Jefferson, Elk and Ciearfield counties, and cannot speak enconragingly of the men in the places visited, so far as organization is concerned, with the exception of Dagos Mine, Elk county, where | had a splen- did meeting and the miners seem alive to their interests There are those throughout the district that would win piace, power and profit at the miner’ expense, who regard the present move indifference and it wens wonikl rather throw obstacles in the way of those who are fighting for the miners’ best interests than end a hand to help the good work along, but they may only be sowing the wind to reap the whirl-wind. But it i» only natural for man to be selfish, and as long as the miners refuse to unite for their own protection there will be sharks who will profit by their Gisnnwon. harped about the necessity of having Maryland and the Virginias in line with this State, and now that the efforts of the United Mine Workers are being rewarded by a growing disposition on the part of the miners of these states for a general move in the competive ne IF CHi84 feild shipping 10 tbe eastern or sea board market. The miners of the Pennsylvania por- tion of District 2 seen to neglect their duty and allow their Jocal onions in many places to go to pisces. The miners of Maryland sre restless, while the miners of West Virginia are anxious for a joint convention of all the states comprising District 2, shipping fo the enslern or seaboard market. Will the miners of Pennsylvania fali in line snd saint in a general movement that cannot fail to bring success? | cannot predict what the resait of our present move tony be, bat if the miners do their duty, the final rescits will be of great wosfil to the miners of the entire district. Jasin W, KiLipuwy. Is Usimg Wile Tires, Lake Bebe, a’ prominent farmer of pear Bt Agustin, stoppededn town Tuesday while euroule lo the county seat. Mr Bebe isi frm believer in the advancement Ir on his wagon for the wide ones others would follow his example in this respect, we would soon be enjoy- ing the benefits of goad, smooth public roads There is no disguising the fact that wide tires are the proper thing now. dave THE “YANKEE I~ sod Maryiand A reusing | NIE ers For 12 years certain people of good rowsds, having recently exchanged the parrow tires and definite that at last Spain bad HINGTON WIA LETTER itten by the *Courier’s” Regular Correspondent. PFACE NEGOTIATIONS. Milos Mas landed in Porte Pico Watson's Trip Fosiponed Washington, July 25, will come before peace does ™ Wr anid a member of the Cabinet, when aslied if | there was any truth in the statement cabled from Europe that Spain had Spain has | and for the purpose of effecting the made overtores for pesce. not made any overtares for peace directly to this government. and even if she had, thers would bw no inemed. iste prospect for peace, onless the idea entertained by our officials, that Spain would refoss at this time to accept the conditions of peace that we would exact, is wrong. It in the opinion in administration circles that we must take Havana be- fore Spain will be willing to acces cur terms of peace, and the campaign against Havana is not expected to open before fail. The advance guard of Gen. Mile’ army has landed on Porto Rico and raised the stars and stripes. The fing will remain permanently on that island, whatever may be Some witih the others. This ix official. Within ten days or less it is calculated that ail of Porto Rico, except San Joan, which is heavily fortified and garrisoned, will be in our possession; that will come later. By order of the President, the de partare of Commodore Watson's fleet for Spain has been postponed aatil farther notice, Although there are plenty of men anxious to fight, there i no scrembile to enlist in the regular army, which i» still more Ban 12.000 men short of the number to which Congress autborised ite increase. Some account for this by expressing the opition that men Desi tate aboot enlisting in the regular army because there is no certainty as 0 whether they will go to the front or to some army pel. An army officer, who bas had 2 band in enlisting mors than Z5.000 men who have gone into the regular army since Colgrews anthorised its inerease, says the only ress the ranks are not vet fall is the high physical standard required, and to prove that he was right, pointed out that the average of men enlisted had scarcely reached one out of every three who had been examined. Whether the United States shall an- nex the Philippine Islands is a question not likely to be decided anti] the war is aver, but every time it is semi-officially announced ju any European cupital and cabled over here, that a convert of | European powers had decided that the NT Nl ee From appearances be has fared quite well with the haughty Dons--He has got all he be rooted for--The Phil- ippines, Porto Rico, Ladrone and Carolines, and Free Coba, aa well an avenging the Maine The Sheridan Troop € on. Orders were received at Mt Gretoa of last week to have the squadron of cavalry, 50 men, known Newport News, and thence to embark for Porto Rico. Captain C, 8. W. Joneg, of the Sheridan Troop, who was the ranking captain in the Pean- sylvania command, has been commis sioned a major by the governor and will be in command of the Pennsylva- nia squadron and probably of the five troops that have left Camp Alger Will Lecture Here Rev. A. A lambing, L. L D. of Pittsharg, will give a lecture in Patton Tuesday evening, August Sth, under stspices of the Young Men's Institute of Patton. Rev. Lambing i» the historian for the Catholic church of Western Pennsyivania amd comes to the people of Patton highly recom. mended as & speaker. Evervbody i cordially invited to attend this lecture. | Laws © On Saturday evening a child's gold with torqoois and pearl Finder will receive a liberal reward by returning same to this office. For Sale. ‘Pa Phillippines shall not pass ander Amer- an control; the number of Americana : whe Savor Philippine annexation is a believes that any conoert of | Baropean powers will dare to attempt ‘to dictate what this government shall Nobody in Washington ser- do with the Philippines or any other conguered lerritory, and oobody doabta if such dictation were at tempted, that this government would be forced by the practical unanimity of its own people to do just what be forbidden. While there are Hite. eal, about other things connected with the war, there is none about resisting European meddling, It is an open secret that President McKinley is somewhat worried over the attitude of the insurgents, both in Cuba and in the Philippines. Augui- naldo’s conduct in declaring himself dictator of the Philippine Republic is regarded as an indication that Gen- coral Merritt will have trouble with him when he takes charge of the [Philip pines and establishes a military gov- ernment. Friends of the administra tion are openly blaming General Shafter for not having had tact enough to prevent General Garcia removing his troops from in front of Santiago and announcing that they would no osger remain sa our alles. Those who know {weal are pre. dicting that of tact will eats satisfied, so long wed to plander in the situation no amount Beep the a8 they are got alia - Mein ii i i me Sapir berritary. : ’ if hile Baruesboro irved Catiolies ue The Greek Catholics of church building on Church street. There are a large number of adherents of the Greek faith in the community ‘and the church will be a large and s commexdions building. Wanted | A guod cow, by Jas. Mellon, Putton, A fresh cow preferred. 1868. -- “Frost. nominate roanty ticke: and feans half shell, clams, ete, Bemorralic Conary Conventhmt The Dessucratic Fesers of Tuesversl will nt at TY respective polling | places on Satorday, Aagast € 1997, in ‘the townships from I until 7 o'clock pom. and in the city of Johnstown and the boroughs from 4 until 7p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to which is hereby summoned to mest at Ebensbarg on Monday, Aogust 8, 1808, act other business as may be brought to ite attention. The delegates will assemble at the court house at 11 oclock a. m., to present the returns perminate organization of the convent. won, after which an adjournment will be had antl 1 o'clock, the hour fixed by the rales for the convention proper to meet. There will also be a member of the Democratic county committees to viet in sseh district at the above mentioned primary election. county, which was the rok producing county in Obio, is not working more than one fo two days a» week. The Cambridge district is doing better. Hocking Valley quite dull; while vast trains of coal from Thacker, Pocshon- tricts of West Virginia, go plunging across the state to the western and northern markets. The Miners Nao tional Union has never been able to organise the miners of Went Virginia The Avolias Quartets. The residents of Palmer avenue were treated to a beastiful serenade by the Aeolian male quartette of Patton Mon- day evening. Among the pleoms ren- dered wan one entitled “Remember the Maine,” which was much enjoyed by those having the pleasure to bear it The boys are sweet siogers and deserve much eredit for the interest they have manifested in the musical line in our town. A Modern Prowm The Altoona Evening Goasetle is certainly kewping pace with the times The management has recently added a new Hoe web perfecting press, with a capacity of 8.000 complete | printed and foided newspapers per hour The Gazetie in about five years oid and ite many improvements in that time is positive proof of ite enjoying the prosperity it 0 richly deserves. 130.00 Organ. Have von read the grand offer of the Patton Pharmacy in the first col- umn of this page of the CoUvRIRk? A $130.00 organ i= to be given away to the person returning to that store the largest number of cash register ticketa See the ad for particulars Patronige your home bakery and bay your bread from Daus, oppo site the Puimer house, Try hard shell crabs, oysters on the at the City Res {aarant A SLIGHT DIFFERENGE' IMPORTED Both the tramp and our new suitings are imported--one from the reflise of the old world, the other from its highest civilized centers. As com parison is between these two, 30 is any and vicinity have decided to erect a | SOmpArison of our textures or meth- ods with those of any other We handle only the best goods. We do only the best work. JUST RECEIVED a very fine line of suitings of medium weight. CALL AND SEE US. Dinsmo Bros., rg os A. | ALL WORK GUARANTEED
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