Cute THE PATT ae pi oA nk N COURIER, AUGUST a os resin mn rrov PUBLISHING co, E. Wry (inzewe, Eator. CHURCH NOTICES. BPBCOPAL.- Rev. Ir. M. Cann, pastor. Serv. | bicyclist. The mines in Patton have all resumed oes at 8 o'clock po mn. every Sunday. day school a at 0a. m. Cationic Father Fuschins, pastor. Mass | every Sunday at X and Ha om Sanday at 2p. mand veepers al 7 po m. LUTHERAN Rev, 1. 8. Dise, pastor, Preach. | Ere Lf mdRYK 6 rR 8 om. and | m. Shandy sehoo! at 230 a.m, HC Eat fig pon. cach Sanday. METHODIS: prea L— Rev, B, H. Witman, I ae ied Lom.and 7TH p.m. school at 2 Bn Epaanh re: Lew m. Jan : “ - * v a Propristors. ! Ban { and | meeting every Wednes | ei the place-at the Cash! | : Showers are e welcomed. | Groce | Shore has a operation. i the youngest | : + Even the children insist on going to | the Cash Grocery. Bellefonte Tuesday. ‘ order at Daus’ bakery. 27tf “ have been raised to two cents. Feed and Buckwheat Mille 26tf had business in Patton Monday. Jas. Nolan, Baq., for his own use on Fifth avenue, borough were in proper condition ? | T.R Dubbs has moved his family back to Philipsburg, his former home. Sash ribbons in all the desirable ‘shades at Mrs. Anna Dartt’s millinery store. E. C. Brown made a business trip to | All kinds of fancy cakes made wm All the penny newspapers of Chicago Pure rye or corn chop at the Patton Dr. W. B. Diefenderfer, of Cresson, is erecting an office ! Who said that the board walks in our | M. J. Carroll, a pleasant young man You Tried C. W. Hodgkins’ Pine Soda Water Yet? Lawn fete Friday night. Read the COURIER for all the news. | : For fine cakes and pies go to Daus’ | bakery. i Lecture in Catholic church Tuesday evening, August 9th. Go to Dans’ Bakery for your fresh bread and cakes. Ladies’ wrappers for the most fas- | tidious at Mrs. Dartt's. Daniel Frits came over from Haet- | ing» on business Tuesday. Chas. F. Kurts, of Clearfield, tarried | in cur town a few hours Monday. All are invited to attend the lecture in Catholic church Tuesday night. The Cash Grocery is headquarters for everything in the grocery lines. Councilman Frank Anderson made a business trip to Clearfield Wednesday. | - Go to the Patton Feed and Buckwheat Mills for your rye flour, corn meal, " Jobn Fox, of Philadelphia, is visit. ! og Senives this vicinity for a ph , of VanOrmer, alt Patton a pleasant visit John H. Parnell, of Houtsdale, is! visiting his brother, J. Edwin Parnell, | this week. ~The extension of East Palmer ave ‘nue, near the residence of Mr. Henry, is budly needed. Call at Gaglairdi’s store for your - lew tril and grosn groceries. Always | : Des» Mellon, of Nokesville, Va, n ed by his mother, Mrs. John , Is visiting relatives in Patton 0 ar attention is called this week 0 . mine Kane, be. of Johnstown, Mondsy | Patton. spent in . Sampson Hewlett is confined to bis ; | home on West Magee avenue by severe | illness. Vietor Quinn is all smiles over the {arrival of a little daughter at his home ‘Sanday. § Cool soda water and refreshing root T he beer on tap at C. W. Hodgkins, Patton | Pharmacy. A ocorn-cob pipe foctory is among | the list of industries shortly to be ad- ' ded to Tyrone. The freshest and nicest line of green {groceries and fruit in town at Jobn | Gagiairdi’s store. Patronize home industry by buying Wolf & Thompson. of Selling—is ended. game Is over. Prices are down. The whole story o their fall 1s told in a few words. We have too much | your flour and feed at the Patton Feed stock. : and Buckwheat Mills 26tf Jas. Barckley killed a black snake at | he {the Columbian mines Friday which | | monsured four feet and four inches. lying very low with cancer. It is | thought she cannot live many days. Attend the lawn fele Ladies’ Aid Society, of the M. E. charch. . Mrs C. C. Holter, accompanied by | her daughters, Edith, Carrie and Mary, | are visiting relatives at Philipsburg this week. Patton Pharmacy. The services of J. Willis Hall, drug- gist, of Williamsport, have been se- ‘cured in the store of C. W. Hodgkins, Mrs. John Travis, of Barnesboro, is So Friday night, to be given under the auspices of the WOLF & | “Yes,” soliloquized the editor as be | Jooked at the pile of exchanges, ‘the ‘ne per owes more to the inventor | of shears than it does to the invention of printing.” During the accident at the Patton clay works incline Monday morning ing to stop the runaway car. and Recorder F. B. Jones, burg, and Pred Krebs, superintendent - of the Gautier steel department of the Cambria Iron company of Johnstown, were visitors to Patton Tuesday. Reports from Nittany Valley in not near as large as last year. The crop on Good's farm near this city wiil , be large and peaches fine. — Lock Haven Express. The members of Prof. Hancher's {dancing school at Spangler gave a doighifal hop ak the Biasion hotel at, that place Tuesday night. A large * were present and report it as being the "ball of the season. Several from Pat ton were in attendance. The Spangler school board at a | recent session fixed the rate of taxation | for school purposes at thirteen mills ‘ and for building four mills. The wages ‘of teachers were placed at $48 per | month for Principal and $30 per {month for the other grades. to the big circular saw. He was cut: for a distance of eight inches in the abdomen but the incision was not so | deep as to be fatal The badly decomposed body of John party of Altoona berry pickers in the mountains oear Gallitzin Tuesday. . Brett disappeared from his home sev- | eral days ago. He is supposed to have died suddenly. He was a miner em- * ployed by the East End Coal company. . Ebensburg has the prettiest band in the state and if their present progrem is say Keptup’ Su ‘out on Wedncoday evening Tne new ance. Whoever selocted those uniform ele soar shrs rnally goes with ‘enthusiasm for band practice, and while Wm. Banks received slight injuries to his left side and shoulder while attempt Register Commissioner Benj. Jones, of Ebeus | referance to the peach crop are con- flicting, but all agree that the crop is Lioyd Gulich, of west Clearfield, was Ladies’ night gown, weil made badly injured one day last week in Pull size wash board . . Dimeling’s mill in Union township, | Pocket comb and case for . Clearfield county, by getting too close (Child's sets, knife, fork and spoon 10 Brett, of Gallitzin, was found by a trac season 1s going. So must the goods. Prices must carry them off. THOMPSON. See these gold-saving nuggets: Table oil cloth, fall with, - Ladies’ pear! shirt i worth 25e at - 10 Good tooth brush, bristles, Te 3 POWR of » 3 Children's Tam O'Shaaters, were 25¢, now - Nickel alarm clocks . Waterbury watch, warranted Men's overalls, our price : Ladies’ belta, were 10c, now . Men's socks, double heels, for Ladies’ biack hose at . Ladies’ biack hose, betler, at Men's dark color work shirt Men's linen collors - Men's heavy Suspender, wire buckle . , Ladies’ corset, “Leader” a. o“ for EEE 8uREBENSE on We make prices that will win your le and court vour conhdence. Your satisfaction after buying is part of our profit > and of the suffering Cubans. ‘Eponse to most touching appeals: the appeal came and the Society was ready. It bas besides made a large number of shipments of goods, provisions, cloth- ing, medicines to the Cubans “ably by the people of Philadelphia, bot also by those L Rtate and of Na tion was necessarily suspended, bot the Sorvdety was not idle, stores continued field six ambulances, with their proper appurtenances and a properly equipped field hospital by those wretched, suffering people, ‘it does not cure any oough, lung difficulty. | one 3B-cent bottle of either of the above onions, syrup, vinegar, tea and coffee, (in a first-class grocery. for yourself cursion ticketa, from all points on ite fare for the round trip. Tickets will Powers, R. W. Peddegree, Miss Martha Bates 2. GG. W. Bates. will please say they are advertised. pe ne area of Pennsylvania by ihe Red Cross Society, The Associate Society of the Red Sr ‘To the People Cross of Philadelphia bas, during the ‘present war and the distress in Caba, which preceded the breaking out of hostilities between our country and Spain, been actively engaged in its humanitarian work of ministering to the necessity of the men in the fleld It has sent many articles of comfort, even of life-saving importance to our troops in their various camps, sometimes in re- Zuilitiidtadiidni iia tistasta o 4, i In all Y - ite work it has been nobly upheld, not- \ Oil Can always hn dd FRESH GROCERIES and of Our headquarters for everybody. of other parts of the w Jersey. During the blockade and the seige of Santiago, one branch of ita ministrs- to be received, money to be collected. Among other things the equipment of a field ambulance and hospital service | has been andertaken, and already has | so far proceeded as to be properly re. garded as an accomplished fact, and the Society will be able to put into the At Our store the VETY ‘best quality. store 1s The fall of Santiago reopens the Prices ATC dS low a8 the low- opportanity of mercifal work in Caba. The Society bas already made arrange ments to forward several tons of stores, which have been only waiting a chance to be sent, and has appropriated in addition for this shipment $1,200. But this is but a drop in the ocean of suffering. More most be done. The Society proposes, therefore, to charter a steamer, to sail from Philadelphia about August 15th, to oonvey the | ambulance corps and equipment to the | front and to oad the vessel with stores, | such as soldiers may need and which the government doss not provide, and with clothing, food, and medicine and such other things ss may be required ETT ETT EYEE TY EEO TYEE TY ERO IY FRATTON FOOTE YOO OY whom we encouraged to resist Spain and to make a struggle for liberty, and whose soffering has been fearfully and necessarily enhanced by the war upon which we have entered. The Society, therefore, appeals to what has never been appealed to in. vain, to the grand oid heart of Fenn- sylvania, the grand old Commonwealth whose foundations were laid in love to man, irrespective of race, and asks for contributions of goods and money to enable it to carry out its project to save lives to relieve suffering to feed the starving to clothe the naked. The Society makes this appeal in all confidence. Pennwyivania has never yet failed when called upon in the name of patriotism and humanity. She will not fail now ! Contributions in money may be sig “ i to Whilliam Hill, Treasurer, No. =O) D J J! AN } Walnut street, Philadelphia; contribe- | 0]! 4 YR a tions of stores addressed to the Amo ciate Soiciety of the Red Cross, Philadelphia, 15301 Chestout street. Notbew. the undersigned, do IS. ’ m| We, hereby agree to refund the money on two 25- cenit bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billionaness, sick headache, or any of ‘the diseases for which it is recom- mended. Also will refund the money on a S0-cent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if cold, eroup, whooping cough, or throat or We also guarantee to prove satisfactory or money re funded. For sale by C. W. Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy. Anything You Wish. Everything in the grocery line at Cash Grocery, viz: Mackerel, herring. codfish, salt sid, ham, shoulder, break- fast bacon, lard, potatoes, cabbage, Have you been to see the fine hne of Dry Goods At G. S, Good's We have them. Moderate Prices cakes, soaps, canned goods, spices, flour, corn meal, brooms, wash boards, sweet and sour pickles, maple syrup, canned meats; in fact everything kept Call and see store’ L.A W. Meet, Indiunspolts. For the annual meet of the League of American Wheelmen at Indian. apolis, Aagust 9 to 13, the Pennayl- vania railroad company will sell ex- line, to Indianapolis at rate of single A a Aeon “look for nowadays. tarn until August 15 when property 2500 Jugem 13 ian Fopny value come to us and get it. at Indianapolis. Bicycles carried tree. Special arrangements for clubs travel- ing as a body. ist of Unclaimed Letters. The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, August 4, 1898: James Price, Wm. Brumbaugh, Thos IT'S PRACTICAL ECONOMY ~~ . To buy ficed to price, and vet prices are never high. the best things and sell them as close to cost as we Geo S. Good, ua Ruggles, Mrs. Leonard Riters. Thos Shields, James Mahew, Mrs Geo Persons calling for the above letters E A Mion PM Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Are what most people If you want GOOD Groceries at this store. Qualities are not sac We It
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers