i a ——— | States Legation in Berlin. & : Fhe United Hiates government has peen Inquiring through the proper channel as to the cost of purchasing or erecting ts own buildings for the ear barssies and legntions and several of the large consulates-general in Europe. It may astonish many to learn that Ber finn was found the most expensive cap tal in the world, so far as the cost of real estate and of buildings wax con cerned. The only really suitalde bail tog found thers for the purpose would post $800,000. The Russian embassy | puiiding in Berlin, which is located Unter den Linden, and which Is. in deed. a veritable palace, so spacious | wined stately is it, wonld cost about $4. 000,000 to buill to-day, ground and all | But it 18 too, roomy snd elegant enough | to have served repeatediy for traveling | quarters for Russian Czars passing through Berlin. What a miserable con trast forms the excuse for an office which the United States embassy occu ples in Berlin, in Kronen strasse. a In the basement | gtreet of small shops. of the building Is a barber shop, on the ground floor a wine and schnapps shop. : and above the cmbnssy offices reside a store of private persons. Sn i AB) WR ASA SPAS Possibly no man is 2s anxious to go © war as be o tetends to the Feporters. : Had Five Runnive Sorew-Could Mot Walk Without Crutches. 41 gu fered from hip disease and had five panning sores on one of my hips. 1 could fot walk withowl cralehes, wks On. fined to my bed for wonks at a time. | began taking Hood's Sarsapariiia and it bas aesomplished & perfect sure, I am now well and have no trouble from impure blood.” Annis Bobert, 43 Fourth Street Fail River, Mass. Romam bey Hood’s Sarsaparilla Be Ameries’s Greatest Medictue. $5 wx for » | RRR ET Hood's Pp i FRR, aT WN HR a care billoassess. indigestion, > a Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to stake in the shoes, I! yon have smarting fest or tight shoes, try Al bins ZoatE Rane. 18 soaks fhe fest apd makes waiking Cures swollan and swastiog foot, Bi ort and enlious spots, Believes corns and unions of pais and gives rest and eomiort. Try it lo-dny. Roid by all drugrists snd ahios stores for 3h. Trial packaje FREE. Address, Alien 8. Olmsted, Leo Boy, N. ¥. do od Gn SM £45 LS ROH RTE pe. Winslow "s Senvthi ™m forchidren | ss 1s i pam a= on, slaps pin, tures wind ne oho entiyosred. No fitsor nervnas. ne dngs sof Liv e's Great | wk LA. 98] Arch Bt. : Pa free Dr. RH gacisne pad Al me np, Iw Pe ov 3h, I, ALPE ERinG, : RD SA 3 BH AA ‘A Michigan pastor recently surprised his congregation with this announce. ment: “Remernber our quarterly | meeting next Sunday. The Lord will ren atari: win Pe with us during the morning service | hand the presiding elder in the evens ig.” api & Sheer No-To-Nue tor nny “Conta Guarantesd tubaces hatit cure, makes weak wet strong, biood pure. Me, $i. 4 All draggists a pl Vacant Land in the United States, "The report uf the Secretary of toe In- terior shows that only a little more than one-half of the public domain of ihe United States Is either reserved or J yriated, The area still remaining saeant amotimnts to H01.343.008 acres, ‘without Including Alaska, which js supposed to embrace nearly $00,000,000 in At Bographied © Forsamples send ents Al LOA jer SEWED FRE y FREI YOUR STATION. $3.95 Rurs this ero Soild Ok Refrige ator. Our 1 Caml He of | tore, rrckery riagen, hy Car Lamps, Hedding. Mireors, Pictures, Ko, is mowried to ail whe: ask for (t Buysa Made to yrur Meamoce ii i Cheviot Suit, ® DHE ’AlD T0 YOUR Lr 8 1 Dataiopne and @ sravic A ane Samples ¥ E 2) ® JULIUS HINES & SON . 305. BALTIMORE, MO. ~, e 'e) LIVING RENT FREE. Phitadetphia Man Who Went Broke Because He Did Not Pay. A Philadelphia man hus lived ten years in a house for which he paid no rent and no taxes. It belonged to the gas company, and he had pald rent reg wiarly until the property of the compa: ny was transferred to the tity. He says Simeelf: “i don’t rememlwr bow long it ts since 1 stopped paying rent. It was when the gas office was on iii street. 1 went there one day with my sent and offered It to Mr, White, who Sad charge of the gas company ‘s real sstate, bot he refused fo take if Bnd tld me that {tf was to be paid at the sity treasurer's office in the future. 1 took ir up there and a young man there sald he could pot mike if, 4s he couldn { find record of any such a house. He told me that they would notify me when they were ready take iy motwy. 1 went back to Mr. White and he advised me to go hore and wait un. 151 | beard from them. Well, I waited.” | Nobody came to collect money until re. sently, when the city discovered Its title and sent a man to collect. The ten ant got a day to consider and promptly | ikipped. Hut his experience with a tree rent does not seem to be satisfac. | | tory, if we may trust to his wife. “Yes says she, resentfully, “he thought it) was a soap, and look where be is now | ~no money, to business, jooking for a fob, and s family fo support wouldo't take my advice and move to where business was good, but he wugged his snap and stuck bere In that stagnant peighborhood and spent motley on repairs for the hones and 2idn’t make any money.” Revord, ti Misinformation in Aastealia, The following account of the proper | way of reaching the Klondike is taken | from an Australian newspaper. “The | real starting point for the Klondike is | Spokane, There the travejer takes a ! sanoe, by which be voyages to Van souver, B. C. Al the latter point he iakes a sailing vessel direct to Dawson | ity" scres more. The entire aren of the | Cited States is placed at 1,830,017,002 | meres. Of this, T4LT02,365 acres 8 now owned by Midividuals or by corpora : tions or by states, or has passed out of | ‘the control of the general government. | The amount reserved for schools, In | Blanes, military and opaval purposes allroad grants, parks, forest reserva b tious, ete, focluding all territory re served from sale {or any purpose what moever, amotuts th 132441.7H acres, &o , taking the reserve land and the racant land together, only about one hislf of the area of the United States | has actusily passed out of control of pri the unoctupled aren is lirger BOO.000,000 acres than that which is Jeupled San Francisco Argonaut, DUTY OF ‘MOTHERS. | W—— Guided tn Berly Womantood. An What suffering frequently results from a mother’s ignorance; or more quently from gp mother’s neglect to ly instruct ber daughter! Tradition says ‘woman must suffer,” and young wonsen sre so taught. There is a little truth and a great deal of tion in this. If a young woman ‘suffers ‘severely she necds treatment and her mother should see hat she gets it. Many mothers ‘hesitate to take their 2 to a phiysician for examina- but no mother need hesitate to about her daughter or Mass. The following letter from Miss Mami Tn. Centralia, Pa , shows what neglect will do, and tells how Mrs. Pinkham helped her: “My health became so poor that 1 had to leave school. 1 was tired all the time, and had dreadful pains in my I was also troubled 1 was | and lost so much flesh that mds became alarmed. My , who is a firm believer in your ec ies from experience, thought per- benefit me, and wrote yor gave, and used Lydia E.Pinkham's gets) Compound and Liver Pills as and am now as well as I RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning Notes Calling the Wicked to Repeantance. 2 EAR and lovers foes. wnyy bites 3 keeper. : Gpportunily way trip a giant, flunger and ambition are hard to rock to sleep. L anbellel’n morning star pe ver rises, its made, bot Lee Public opinion 1a never tongue tind, The abuse of health fu veiled sulcide, Every heart has a thorn and a throne The man who thinks leads the crowd, Carmel faith leads to Carmel victory. The grumbler blows out his own amp. Bmall boats shore. If you can’t be a sun, don’t : sloud. | Heart wisdom is ahead of book learn ing. Man never makes truth; he only dis- savers iL The man above suspicion lives above the stars, ; Ignorance triends. It ts hard for bad motives to drive good bargains, The farm and the garden are the best | gold diggings. i Compared to eternity, this life is as | the last gasp of the dying. Discretion is pot cowardice, @ blatant volubllity courage. Exuberant patriotism Is often used | as a cloak by koavish politicians. A prayer for guidance on election day #8 quite as appropriate as on Sunday. Weeds thrive best In richest soll This applies to churches as well as to fields and gardens. Lot not only "pitched his tent toward | Bodom,” but be was foun: living right down town when destruction came. =Consistency, thou art a Jewel” lm. agine a saloon keeper harriied at the desolation wrought by Spain in Cuba. Through the cloud of imminent war, “x prudent man forseeth the evil” but that does pot hinder him from doing his dutr. must keep near the be a | and witchcraft are fast | neither | § § fio B ; BavaAnIages iin 7p een ge “ie 1 oa iP At fate i thronghk Mr tduy rep i the Para t Pavie inp the f but an F ours unt @ Dept § the resoluti ©9503262°8586C tianal CB PTOR {Beal Upp ns ye § FeNe RR He the P RAVE Cesk Lar A good name 3 Combs ! Bosrdd slaughtering women and LOBED, { The natives Mock to it and bring every Sania t fi amusement i & ball an the strength {even hurry their i guard their so beon M AR K — PITTSBURG. Grain, Fivue ana fevd WHEAT No. | red. 8 Be 83 4 Ty 0 41 1 ub 3% x3 af private i erofy i pase ‘ 2 yeiiow, ear. 4 yeilaw, shelind Mixed Rr. ro Dri 3d wit ¥ Xi ITwhie BYE Na. i : “nine FLOU B-- Winter patents, Fancey stonrht winter Hyw four 309 HAY- No. 1 ttmotny ; LD Clover, No. iia a Hay, from wags RL | FEED» No. T Wntte Md, v4 Brows muisidilogs Bras, bail RTRBAW...Waeat Oat . REEDS Pimthy fen by : 3 4 Aa forent soi} Fy ; od py Frumt paged 35% sere : sr ned bays ® wh 3] geepu tit As} fon Hawaiian hy the Hi the supgesiion o the reso) and frittes The hE : 84 i annex aver. BO Hes prime wo GA Dr La RAE ¥ oO gw i Dairy Products. BUTTER Ein { reamety io creatnery.. Fancy conalry rod CHEESE ~Onio, new New York, new (21% foreign New! of ERT ye “A fhe Friite and Veretabdies , #n ¢ i W bite, per th Pur crate Wow songtbers Ghd >» #5 i BEANS PEOTALOES CABBAGE | YRIUNN f Peat, Songs Monday FIR 481 : Pouitry, Eto FL CRICEENS, ¥ pair smal CAL BREIN. ¢ : Eaten ra. atid Uae, CINCINNAYI Mtl ad Amerian Re with (he congress oh has afar Bart of the west mts wf wa a Moto I “Fey Fhe rpora te Bank mn rest frie FLOUR cua WHEAT No 2 1d RY F--No 3 . CORN ~~ Mined CARS Erinn i : FE PHILADELPHIA a vats Few iely | dtd t ORN No Ua is Bi lil 1 Eta ni LL: »E ph LIVE STOCK. CENTRAL BIO4R TADS, Easy LIPERTY ATTRA. 3.6 Ha HE a ey Mm dpgut pres RE Lo EF Lo Ww ih P0500 10 186 Fria, we Lan Ad je re 3 s FOOD Tha, Madinm bi Heavy | Boughs atu a Farah FOL wart ut pp prhisti os i he Base or Pri tak id REx. Frime 38 to 108 ibs, wets Good, AS to 3 ha, Fair, 780 (0 80 he CLommen. Logis Fair to good mms RES roy . SE eX HE AVY WAR EXPENS Defleioney Bill of g224.698 53 Reported fe the Benes An Emergency Fors Fant err al aes fen F AREreRBLe f $104 200 portend in the Botan & fo9 £ Los weer el Soh in Tar war theme ordinary hon as of TRADE REVIEW Bxperte Exresd lmperts During May Oiviag 15 Tuitad Suto 8 Lodge Parvign Snianee ’ EL FR Weel] JLo ow Og 2 : {oi for ast week eX Wi The TEE we Philadelphia iy ude ER BERT ORS 4 rsaking In all © the fre sent 1 thin fiir if deer iF RPE? war idee Sent saval and 1 t cree In Rath th Vanme I RS The yehent 3 and subwiegiaent arthe Bae Aine i devin ENT RAT eXpenae 1 nn Regis ” Conwy Remit threat 4 mers 0 | have bean i This, thelr Eniiats C The crews on they Ea He he cRoRLTIES AT MANILA fasergeots Killed the Men asd Childrens Whea th Spaniards Were Delraing The following letter. dited fas been received by Charles of Civveinnd, from the cruiser Haltim "The natives Rave ed i. Te Bunule the Bal! they sutra Brienne sverytiing Killed th and any Spantan Us mel BowWorme rey We pant city. 23 has fim ERE rhe from ws and want to oral Nim a ho “The Bpaniards they wore going to WA of i favitations far anoibsr one but that one we attended, The sights to be seen ashore sickening The Spaniaris wives seat HRGE At the iieneral a Ko ving hy the al Ber haby was 1 {eho wy the was mu £4 ha ¥ rox worxom soLoizas Ample Provisian Mais t Care far the Troops Now Gring t» Cuda side nn wry Loy must he ro © ATI fark sabi that th made for wi teded is way to Cubs Ph hospita: corps ig Of this x 10 hospital stewards and ass including trained nurses, sated © transports. Dr. Brown has shi south Loo 00 vards of hand ages be- sules jarge numbers of Bespital cots and bedding. | fey strength ae is ite od farains a 20 in Canada, Ke Ate a YEAr. Year, ~ § & : 7 wo sj } : wed yey wien and Fo ter of a short 1h F whiat «| Wk dr anarists wad 3 Phos and « A PataVity Avohied, Prom tha Democrat, Goshen Ind When neuralgia is nesompaniad by a dull, Prary pain near the heart, freqaentiy be i | eoming intenss, it generaliy terminates | 5 | tad ¥. Mre Nagey Viyon, wo lives neat | Goshen, Indians survived such an sttack | | and her advices is worth Heading | “lathe fall of "917" she said, to have trouble with my heart, breast whith besame 4 4 Thera was pain in ny wares, The me gender the i A sharp {rapidly astor wis puneied | | and pnt inf aspea 0 opiates, | | Thess sharn attacks foflowsd | at tatervals and I besame weak end had a i was sosnatattiy in Mant no Bog 2 Af the end af 19D Vers { was canfinad I $0 ay Ay shen Tye tine werd tina dius tore sgreat that my death wis oily 8 mat. ! hag gard Jask Pan sk {ha wy Coit aft “One day { notiesd ir & npewspeo an itn abosat # woman hay > jag been x ~ ~.tBred of osm mis ralgin of thie heart by Pr. Wii gms’ Pink Pills fea Pale Pueonle wed 1 eon sluded to fry them “When | and Aniahad anes hax [ noticed an impr ronan? 19 ny condition aud when I hat takin tealiee oxen | waa rom pletaiy eared hare dots for you dn’ said one of my ‘thay fuse ¢ svt pir tile, 1 Pima, ; Lhe sy began i Trin i riper i ral ie anol or Matter a Aialing. ane pound on moon's surface f transferred { earth would weigh six pounds, Beauty is rad Peep loan blood moans o olean skit Xo beauty without is Cesnrete Candy Cathurtie clean vour Wad and ¥ees 8 clean by stirring Op lary Hyver wnd driving ail impurities tee Body Bein to day to bank pisiple, Benita, Bilt knead and that hel Wiions TaN. twignty § 30 iaiagrnthon funTAN ped. Ee he Enay Foye Z the retephone COME pe syste; 4t Vere fobd that ths XDNeR. “iam. Helin” used in pegpotse Oo» $1 ie irapolite. The osperalors have buen inetracied to ask the subscriber who rings op the central ofive: “What do yor WaRt; The managers pany fpr Tee aidies France, To Cure s “Cold in One Duy. Take Lexstive Bromo Quinine Tabieta AT . Drogwiste refuld money Sivas toe Ne. A cub netrmaker an Frankenbers. in Hy¥ony, now 54 years of age housts that Boas helped butid Goethe's coffin in 1837 and saw the port's body aid away i: A I SS BI rR eee Eduente Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Usthartie, core constipation forever We, Se 0 CC Tail, 4rougists relupd money Filey years aE the population of nrope was aboul SEG 0. It is toe tay considerably Ov 160.000, 00. i phyaisians “Ehal was has pot Trae X57 i fa to Dig, Haus Hiok : GIRaERT 8 ge gars geo aad my ear i wiievs | owe Pills for Pale i Tay £9 aii img a8 ia mand 4 5 astrealyin are | vate goalie y ef rin fy WOlgme’ fora Modes Tdi pe ¥ wm and Troan TELEPHONING AT SEA flow Commanders Communicate ny Wire from Shin 1a Ship ois wg tepinnes THN) the westem of flag slgnaix a syunication Delw ful exper 2 Favs hy Commisnder R (1 British HOPE adapted Papper neal and this mesne, that elipnly oust HTB means of SN, heen i 3 i Nurses midge fof the prove that Lae parry a Bile In } seers to ani iT Hae Rite need wis an of differed mt slightly from taose Amertenn bows in the spring and fall, except that I had no talk. The kite wan pix foot long and three broadest part Town Jase Warp tached to the & ordinarily hare heen, Ope of these Hoes was retained of Boar? of the Dar { hr wil» £ i Ble expr be the nt Commander Tupder's It was found that with the Tween the Two letters or even a Lhawser ship. and (nn this way fo estihiish com. | giunication. When this experiment Lad | proved snecnssfal Commamler Tupper | made use of a Wike Cpeire which the Bite bore awiiy from the i ship was dropped upon the deck of HH. {3 N Dagntless, where of nis screed Ly the electrician of the slip ami ats | meted to a telephone aplmratus R waiting. The other snd, wiich had re TRY RriaNING FROM SHIP TO SHID. mai aboard the Daring, was also attach to a telephone, and as soon as thie task bad been complet ind the com feation between the two ships was a sod cr. Kecured by the tao lines, the 3p four hours, commanication bes nterrapted, | mate a report 1a ined suspended 1 # inring which Lue eet the tivo Alii Was UO nmi nder Tapper fas his experiments with teclgres that Lite pe tha Kite tele ‘t means that method of wit 24% WwW; il Bevan ahsaiete Lk niane | wires sun be employed, he sees no reas | gon why telegraphic comununication | ghoul pot be made in a similar wt 5 gipaling 1 s if 2% 3 the present Lae hl old Didi er 3 1 ased by | wide nt ts ite wheres the tail would ing. the torpedo boat destroyer unites comand. from | whic: the experiments wera condnctad, wind be lines It wan ensy to drop Bn another The end of the © velo rma 1= : Buia | THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FS js due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bot alse tos the care armel sicill with which it is masafuctnred by scientific processes known to the Canrronyia Flo Sysue Coo vmiy, and we wish to inpress pos all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is man the Catironvta Fie Syvare Co only, & knowledge of that fect will asst one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pare ties. The high standing of the Cary rorvia Fie Syuve Co. with the medi- onl profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes tae name of the Company s gunssuty of the excellence of its remedy. It far in sdvasce of all other laxatives, as it nets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken~ ing them, and it does not gripe nor aansente. In order to get its beneficial sooty, please remember the name of the Company ~~ CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISO®, Cab XEW TORK, X. V. by BETS and 8 perfeet. Lwin Sat 2 - nave aed thers Yor nome | tor digestion and Bt fouatiens Sud ANE NOSES eta iy rrent. Revosmanend them. $o : fe Tried, Fou will never be withonl the Ami. Ew. A MARX, A HT FST A RB fo Pas Jute, Sot Jr Gant, Neroer Fala) a . fhenting Remedy Compan, Ebioats, Sentrmal Somtreet. Sow Tork. HO-T0-BAG Sia & NRE ZA Chainless Bieycies MAKE MILL CLIMBING EASY. Columbia Chain Wheels, $73 Martfords, . . $0 Vedeties, $40 & 38 POPE MFG. CO. Hartford, man- per, and the shipw of a fleet be placed in : communica ion with cach other, GR ve Wr IE ITIAs NY ME i] Proms) A vRilon nn Das, PEED Das, Tehaces Spitand Smoke Your Lafe Away. q cihacon sally and forever he mags pr Tif, merye mond Vigor, tue No wonder wariey Ail drag ki ot. Fong int 5 ing 1% mie y ih, Hoar SUH tani ple Ee ple tin > terli at Heater The ARTron Papa my of ipriven ig 400 shaervwd since their discovery are prac Lie mily bowl, HUN Ber ide Known To Care Constipation Fiarever. Ting vp ls rosrimicderad miinen wy Fair Face May Prove Plain Girl | BWEraens recently placed hy | wire several amounts to De uned Fie | thal makes weak ©] Relid room BB sr Now York to Bome off them have | Antes - Aum earn 18 30a ew wip nt J Freie Ln nee tana IY Sr ws vei for vi Maul ARTY Ton hare. NIX GNIS, Tisrd Ave, X X. ; 47 alc test wii | Thompson's Eye Water BP Je, we #0 detcimental ; Foul Barzan.” i She Uses
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers