PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1808. $1.00 PER YEAR. d Hurrah for the Head fire LE Ww. COOK O DEPARTMENT STORE, ALTOONA, PA. BORG COUNCH. MEET en Womduy Night 0 Paving Mages Avenue. as Beem To be Hela st Monster on Mondsy, Jone In Spent Semaine i The next regular meeting of the Patton Cambria County Pomona DE will special session Monday night for the convene in the hall at Manster, Mon- purpose of Talking farther action in | day, June 20th, 1898, at 9:30 o'clock. regard to the paving of Magee svenue. | This session will be devoted to the Every member of Connell was prowint, | interests of the order and in hearing but very little business could be tran. | reports from Scbordinate Granges of sacted owin fo tie Fans m3 Tom. county; also report of secretary of cations of Mages avesoe bak % Motaal Fire Insurance ok being he Jayor by the Borough Neer. : EO hewtioon semsion will be called io eA erro oi Slock ‘the program: M L. Cari; trip to Curwensville, Clearfie Initiative and am, Alex Stritt Philipsburg was read to the body matter; Essay, F. H. Kirsch; Commer. and a mn motion it was accepted and fertilizers, Jo cial . 0. Thomas; pi on file. Essay, Mrs. Annie Biter; Care of farm The following resolution was also machinery, John 8. MeCov: Fssay, adopted: “Resolved, that the Counc ‘Bdward A. Sheehan. Time of speak. thinks from the report of the visting : ors limited to 2 minutes on all goes. committer that sand or cinder cushion | i for discussion. Fifth degree 8 80 that =» wipe for Magee ave. m. sue and that the th between curbs will ops st 5 shall be $0 feet, Rewita- fully ask the Be rough Engineer, 1 BE Brown, to prepare pian and specif - Miss a man; tions in accordance therewith und p high scoois, Prof. T. L. Gib- nt same to Borough Sciicitor, RB som, rE no of public schools rithe, on or before Monday night, bof Cambria county; Lizzie Garrett; What the Grange has said EC. Brown's office as Borough done, and proposes to do for Agri- Engineer vacant and proceed to seepre ¢altare, Hon. J. J. Thomas, lecturer of Pomona Grange. at euch session will be interspersed with next regulsr songs sod music All fourth Seg. June 20th. i | members cordially invited to at By order of Gratitying Condition: { EXpctTive COMMITTEE Dr. 1 8 Monroe, presiding elder of | Geo. W. GARRETT, Secretary. the Altoons district of the Centra Joo Pennsylvania conference Methodist : Excursion to Seashore Ep i church, bas reteroed ftom bn Council met in nd that we res - indostrial parsde at 146 a mo Recitation, Miss Jane 2k, or the Connell will ciclare whl grounds, AT PATTON! Following is and EC. I of their isvesigaiing Come to Patton and Have a Big Time as We are Going to Have a Good Old-Fashioned Celebra- tion. The program will consist of cannon sding at 4a m Grand civic and Pacing of all kinds, Ball games, dancing, Sre works snd many other sports Fagrasing at 2 p mA 116-foot ster] flag pole will be raed in Lhe speakers will address thie sadienoe Patton Fire {n. No. 1} 5 hold a The proceedings Council then sdjourped to mest st grand picnic and dance in their bean ti- meeting night, Monday, fol park east of town, both afternoon and evening of the 4th. Mase by Prof Maitinnd s orchestra, of Gallien A grand display of fire works at 8 mm. wii one of the features of the buss Thomas E. Watt, district passenger hin quarterly visit over the district und See Lhe Parron CoURiER and small gent of the Pennsy smnguine that the travel to Atlantic condition. (City this season will be greater than the support of ministers have increamed Lever before in the history of the busi- 8s follows. Joniata, $24; West Clear. mess. He does not take any stock in Oeld, $200; Hastings, $156, Walput the report that people will be afraid of Avenne, Warriorssiark, Allegheny, : ih invasion, sod, if necessary, ench §100; Kiarthaos and Utabville, ench the colonel will give every purchaser $50, Clistont Avena, Roaring Spring, of a ticket 8 written goarantse that Half Moon, Howard Lamber City, | they will bear Bo explosion lomder than New Washington, Wallsceton, Shaw. | m firecracker while ab the seashore this mul, Patton, Oentre, each $56 Madball. ‘summer. The P. R. company will run fey and Martinsburg each $35, and if | excursion trains to the seashors on the 8 new change is formed from Morris. such following dates: July 7 snd 21, and dale which is almost certain: it will {all | August 4 4 and 18 The train leaves pay $400 an increase of $306. The [Cresson at 11:45 a m. sand the fare advances amount to $1,900, and one or -| 8 but $8.50 for the round trip. People Iwo others have pos to the in this section shouid avail them- second guarterly sonferance Sxing sal mity of taking aries with expectation of advancing. advantage of the extremely low rate. New churches are in course For particalars inquire of sation besides the Gillingham Du just ‘agents on the P. R. R. line. Ashermaft, Kennedy, Nee Spt Distribution of the Sehiool Fund. Hiberna and Sandy According to the new distribution of rioremark i" Y | fide Oot: feted last week by the pew pamonage the state department, Hastings are arranging to parchase or a oe, get build passonages. | 972.46; cg Be aL Cambria, 9 Rowson Aecident at Westover, treat 565.55; jana, etn rset, ay or $47.453.91; ana, S73 ‘$140, 1832 {Last year Cambria‘s share was $64 1744.76. Tt will be thus seen that the county a pr bo Lhe and ant af i 17,800.77 or the pew system. Most : of this gain | is expected to go to the makes hi the Kitchen fim- county districts and will nora the Wes In ihe at cleaning rifle, amount of ex district cue third more | prepanatory, io Joa og trip than w was under of distribation. = snetratin bi ter, who. % Saturday OOrning. Ea ® Boa ar Bash ; raat bn Loe tnrelsms a Bd i ig of { fro aryas. Lainel Snyder, fortunate Indy, ho 4 is ¥ fim rau seated | fatal. of six children, . and was rock- she wan sdiot. y the may be worked for Kitchen is the yours, Was & poor | whom are "constantly remarking the fact that ite Pages t the war news in the most : That's What, x The Cambria Tribune says that as ‘will be seen by remarks credited to portant Mapping ol in of the da ay ‘him elsewhere, Hon. J. D. Hicks says Fost Toe 1 that be has been abused by new pers other paper in ya Epos Last San- until be can’t stand it any longer. day's sve was a good example. No who get abused by pew other paper any where made such a doe extent are generally scoundrels display of the describin PE En er: and they sel-: Lieutenant Hobson's heroic feat g | dom improv e matters much by sueing sakin og errimac. Not an es 3 | the newspapers, ei and the ac es fa were vo: that the reader Notice ot Letting. out of them. , Seater most teuben ville | 0.) Daily Herald New Demtint for Patton, Dr.Chas. Ernest Chase, gradoabe of Pennaylvania University, is located Solomon " City Restaorant, where typographicaily, and in addition reader is able to iad there aH the © of filling teeth, crown and bridge of the extracting, etc. te. Office In fitted throu | out with all mudern appliances. | hours will be from 34 I. fo 12 m.; 1p SSP mand 7 pm. 10 8:30 ! hr work guaranteed and a BH or Oe Band Tournament. Account of the annual Tournamsnt . of northern Pennsylvania and western New York Band “held at Phili is 2th the Beech Cr k R. R. will sell special excursion tickets at redaced ‘rates from all points on is line wo | Philipsburg, Pa, Jane 22nd, 25rd, and 24th, good to return anti Juve Sith, Found. An ambrella was left int. KE Camb Pa June su Sth 1998 Ee Call and 8 See Me. {liberal share of your patronage solicited. GARFIELD WiLKiNe, Just in Time. A well- known iad in town exclaimed : the other day: ve been wearing wy l life out He effects of nervous n, neuralgia and headaches. My attention was at last directed to Hardware company’s Burs | for the the Commercial hotel. By ™| property and paying for this notice, owner can have same by | above store. State and County Tax. Rirk proving be at the First National Bank of Ladin our vow shirt waists are now | ton, July 2nd he will in, Call and see them. PATTON Surrry Co. . of erection show 8 vontinged War. mach ia of that pdt, it die m br hing I oe our streets, lock it ap; w jo " Nira * 3 uality as work progressed, so Both her brother and husband are ‘on SPyouie the We hoid the pemas w all kinds of dental work, such as 10 te taken work, jo ie Am tom § Association, to be Luke Durbin, , Pa, June 23rd und visited friends in Patton Monday. store opposite Misa Floren Wood, of DnBuods, ¥e |e * i fvania railroad. is finds affairs hang erywhere in a gratifying bills for program and fall particulars, The salaries estimated for po oooione on all roads. AE Maxrsrrs, Pres IL. 8 Beri, Sac'y. Parton's Posi Ole. The Cor pier has been advised of the fact that the - offloe authorities at Washington DD. C. have potifled Post master £4. A. Mellon that $100 of an increase has been added to his salary to take effect Jaly ist, making a total salary of $1400 per year. This ix the third increase within two years and goes to show that it is certainly » good indication of a steady growth in every line of business in on. from the fact that the recipi of the post foe invpease. Post. master Mellon bas put forth every effort possibie (0 make the government office bere rank among the best in towns than Patton He bas ad avery convenience of nuodern poo 5 tnd Himes to it and deserves credit by pai- rons who reside in and around town. Where is Our Pound * The Covrnier would like to know w town of Westover wan the sone hy one of our councilmen is so anx- lous in regard to having the Borough enone relating to freworks en ced when he Roows 1hat hw ordi : i bores ranmng al ver the public thoroughfares in 3 a ix of far more importance, sepecially wm regards to the safety us when | pedestrians pasauianty tlie hall Who cannot very children, easily get out of the [ASS Fa When 3 it goes =p sad down the : Er er rT win the Eagle discovered to be ra say you * Married at Allens, Vous. Barret sid Musk Ani Vion, | two well-known young people of Pat Readers of the Pitisburg Post are Ear Coming. Coming ' itos Jones big one ring and stage shows. More amuse- J. An elev the ment for less motiey Luan you ever saw Every armer a star. Grand street | and free exhibition Will exhibit in Patton rain or Admission Cond daily. shine Sataraay, June 18th. 15 and 2 5 cents. We wish to divine the patrons of ‘the Patton Water Co that the use of pave washers for street and lawn sprink a special charge, and bills | ‘will be A the using water for these pu Tposes, The attention of all our water con- public at this time in when produnent | “let § at large on Pr oni Te ea Johnstown Chenp Exenrwiim When the patriotism of the peopie is aflame and ihe movements of Lhe army and navy of paramount intervwt it i» EDEN 30 Cn sayy that oonid more posertully appeal to the way of amuse. ment attraction thar Boffaio Bili's Wid West and Cy : the world. It » po mere show intended ride diversion for se aflernoon evening. and vet as an entertain. ment it is bevond all means the most diverting. Ie resi valoe les in the Snot that it is more than anvihing ese an inter national military arament. in it YOu can see veterans of the Fifth U8 Artillery handling a double light tat- Jory axhcily ms iin front of an ener: Cavairymen, from the sorties of Rows, Fogiand, Germany, Mexico, Cob, Egvpt and other bh lands show how soldiers of those naticas bande themselves: their manoavers and tatics in fighting and thelr sports and pastimes in playing Ts will be at Johnstown Jive 35th Aitraethve Windies, The Keywtone (lothing sompany can sertainly be congratulated in the Last y front always presented io the poble gaze. The window deorations sre ander the personal care of LK Beli and that acrounts for i, ss Mr. Bell has had 8 large experience in this woric This week they have one window Sled with ladies axford ties and to close ott their Boe of thewe goods they offi them at half price. _ Ladies think of that. In the west window ao attractive ne of men's straw bats and shire meet vomr gare yo thaws sadvasiossd times the show windows ss an sdoer timing swedinrm are the eye of Ube shone: throogh which the goods Jomak w0 Sempt- ingly a2 hi my that you generally bay of thoes. IF not at fhe tise, ister. The Kevate ie pany is enjoying & very good trade and any one who trades there always finds frenh neat goods will be presented 16 them by the afliable pent en in clvarge. Erieiing an Addigion. The Patton Hotel company Bas cons. menosd the rection of a one-story brick addition 3c the Palmer house, fronting on Magee avenue, which will be need for a barroom, «te. It will be Ex feet, and when completed willl afford betler accommodations to the LY patrons of that popalar bostelry. The SO pany expects Lo make several oti dnporiant changes and improvements in and aboat the hotel vory soon. Anyibing Vou Wak’ Everything ic the grocery Cash Grocery, viz. Mackerel, codfish, salt sid, ham, shoulder, | fast bacon, lard, potatons, A GRIGES, SYTUD, Vinegar, tea and colle, cakes, soaps, canned goods, sphosi four, corn meal, brooms, wash boards, swewd and sour peekies, maple syrup, canned meats: in fact evervihing ket in 4 Sestclnse grocery. Call and mw for youre ne ut > Ce Fable Sehumls { Sosei. Our public schools closed a nine mouth term on last Wednesday. A mumber of ions were or trapping of any bird of rE rg, bird or aay pecker, blne-bird, yellow- other bird not a game bird is indictab as a sriminal offense. Any person cois- victed of such 48 Sane wounid he subject to conta of prosecution sad De OF nit a Tha Lo ao dy Notice is hereby given that on May 21, 1898, the anders: purchased st Sherrill ’s sale all the wing describad by, taken and sold as the prop. erty of J. A. Park, and that the sasie is left by me on the premises in care of J. A. Park, subject to my order snd of Control All fled not to are hereby noli- le or interfere e wid the sumers is called to our rules in regard to the waste of mitting Jit = obtain and use walter. ” t of same. ATTON Water Co, E C Browx, Sapt Warning. I hereby give warning to all persons that if they tre on my Land they il be dealt wi according to the law. Beware, as [ mean Hesry Fox of Beaver Dams Chas. E Wilson, of Philadelphia, Fas looking afer business interests in Patton Pric You can’t help bat see the large ad of the Bon Ton store eivewhere in this paper this week os the guest of Misses Suna and Virgie Dale an Magee avenne. calling at at Paul McKenrick, one of Ebensburg’s young men, was a pleasant th tor to Patton Monday. County Treasurer E. F. Spencer will E D. Vandeling, of Jersey Shore, * of Pat- 3 Lb Sp on THbiy wr vy 1 Apacity of engineer on train the absence on a ten days vacation. parties who ‘sre not paying 2 thelr premises perry Thumm ; sett harem, 2 pign. 1 sorrel mare Axvurew Lavery. Hastings, Pa. Jae 36, 1568 23. AGENTS WANTED in Every County to Supph the Great Popular Demand hr America’s War for Humanity TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY Coampiete asl wyitiva by SENATOR JOAN J. INGALLS, of Kansas. The most brilliantly wrilies, profusely and artistically illustrated, and most intensely popular book vn the subject of the war with Spain. Nearly 2% SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS : work. ents are ig 00 a week ing i. A ven for tive CRIIVASNeTS. rey for description, terms and tent tory at once to N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING C1. ST. LOUTS, MO. OF NEW YORK CITY. of Rough Riders of moet ‘mouey and wi fen Photographs | takin specially fir , SEE New DENTIST FOR PATTON Dr Chas, Ernest (hase, graduate of Pennwvivenia University, Iemeated tn thr Sodom Dolding. cpimite Ooty Beatmania, # Serv Be ie prom G0 do all Kivedw od Tegitel war, sacl as FILLING TEETH PLATE WoRK. CROWES AND BRIDGE Wilk, EXTRACTING ETC, all tEreorteelt SYR Sl nealiens ape hen bevew WEE ee Dru Fn. Me. Ge oe Rope meh wed Top pe bo SUB We od meds Biber slaene of 1 3ffiewe Med Jase. 3 wg TRE AS weak JE tyme - DRE gentry ge dived ME Great Reduction in MILLINERY You will be adds to Sore sonte lea of prices when jou get a glimpes at oar SHOW WINDOWS and yet this s only an ides what we Rave in Soek, The midsummer tomch is certainly tempting Sorne Very New Styles in saliors ust come in oat Mrs. Anna Dartf’s MILLINERY STORE. - a ve Fine Feathers Mum mt ales vy mite Sue Wnts bat aes wil Bad a ind iad alwate Smells moe Bvaraibe ovicie 5 Lam LHe sae reis Ww H Xi IT? wm the feathers Ys not to look the best you can It coMbe Ba mone bave your clothes made we 2 and fil Yoo perfectly when ron consider the satisfaction and sere we they give vor. We aim So pie and pat Un 1 best pr wg bbe Jiothes £ hy the eant possibile 1 oscar bee Ba we i ayaney. elegant line of suits at $17, Ji —~ = Dinsmore Bros, PATTON, PA. CALL WORK GUARANTEED Should not prevent you from taking advantage of ‘the EXCELLENT BARGAINS ‘we are offering mn CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS. you will need your it to your 2% while the If rious prove se xii and advanta: ge to buy saving prices are om. Wolf % Thompson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers