r Vat ton Lo « HISIRESY HintLIUNT. Burton House, Burton, W. V.andone Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, : oN . ; : x ; PATTON "PUBLISHING OF. Proprietors. | — wo oni fami fos ons of the most widely known men in the and for relief took your Karl's Clover FE. Wii Greexe, Editor. i]. VAN W JIL.SON, state was towed of rheomatism after Roct Tea It quieted my nerves and sr Ee j three years of suffering. He says: “1 grongthened my whole nervous sys * ESTABLISHED “ie 1893. : Surgeon Dentist. have not safficent command of lan tem Iw 4x tronibled with constipation, THE HAWAIIAN QUESTION, Gradorte Phlladeipbia Dental College. guage to convey any ides of what | suf- kidney and bowel tronhie. Your Tea! . ge iy ue ¢ UR ¥ : " It is now Hettled by agresment of the | won of me assum. teeth. ATCA recrve fered, my Physicians told me that wn cleansed my system so thoroughly ‘house, after a large majority, including | speciality. fant Building, Patton, Pa nothing could be done for me and my that 1 rapidly gained health and members of all parties, had shown its DR. S. WwW. Worrell, friends were folly convisieed that noth. arength Mm 8 A Rwent, Hartford, | power, that the Hawiian annexation : ing but death would relieve me of my Conn. Sold at Corner Drug Store should be voted apon some time this PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, anffering. In June, 1884 Mr Frans TW. Gases. Please Sih. write No. 3. the FL or the Wheeling rug # v, Pierson, Mich. writes week. lta adoption is certain. Speaker |Ofice in Good Building, Room No. 3. then salesman for the Wheeling 179% .hwWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is coring Reed's frinnds are trying to square him #& General Surguny and the Eve a Specialty. All Co. recommbnded Chamberiain’s Pain 3 s rrscugie tlle hese tonatao 5 rhomey all sigs vmdin will parelee prom ii areata ; A : “is time my frst ged | ire ry ¥ BELORNE WAT A with the friends of annexation by de- I Balm. At this ti 3 De el. Ii riven wom & 5 claring that he has been misrepresented | were swollen to more than double their, 0 0 en lees Ws that od never had any idea of allowing DR. Ww. . DOW LE R, normal size and it seemed to me wy eg Be Rey 4 ay ew his personal opposition to annexation Physician and Sur rgeon. wend borst, bat soon after | 1 nga es A to canse him to try to stand in the Way (Office in Mellon block, next door lo using the Pain Balm the swelling b of a majority of the hones ge iting to a Postoffios, Patton, Pa. to decrease. the Pain to eave _ amd vote on the resciulion Some of the ois iI cutie day or night, preva pry rev prtied [ consider that 1 am enlireh leading annexationists assert that the — For wae by Patton Pharmacy Speaker has killed his political fatare, Dr. V. A. Murray, Hodgkins. + but wise politicians are pot yet invest- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. The human machine starts bal ance ing any money in moarning for the | Gffee in A Artington | bork, next 0 Postofon ung aap but once. You can keep it oo alleged I hse prom iv. fa a the ar pose xrse The going longest and most regniariy by frase Fi . hottie of thE A GIVE AWAY, SURE. GFFR » Ho Re Stofa mand Wiodpm Saag DeWitits Liste Fanty ere : 4 sro season. We have Ha nw with! The New York Journal “stole a = amos little pills for constipation anc 1 three of our children and it has | march” on the New York World Mon. JAM ES NOLAN. all stomach and liver froables. 1 W ar faliod 10 ore mot suvply top] day by proving that ite large con Attorney-at-Law, BE pain, but core aheolutely. It in all] temporary scknowledged the fact of “There's no use in talking.” save W. ri aht, and any one who tries it will find : “Pilfering the News.” ed. Reflipe Ww. Patton, Pa. HH. Broadwell, droggist, jaf yEne, Kas. it wo" For sale by } vy Pharmsey | ¢ Thennz figured quite conspicaonsly in Office in Good Building. 10tf sChamberlainn’s colic cholera and CW. Hodirkine She mages. Je wan 4 good omen li Diarrhoea Remedy does the work. Hondredi of thepsands have been in. and of the COURIERS econtemp- WM DAVIS, — After taking myelicines of WY OWE pre Aciced 1 tee pop : Ct anthartainis Cough oraries better wok a Hettle ond” or Attorney and Counselor at Law. | paration jon and those of others’ | took a Rime ty wading what is oat ona for Shey might accidently ge acejtint i TT papsesree, pa. dose of Chamberiaind’s and it belped gee and ha Ang tested its merits for with Guilsets Lacol Rettam, the 8 Span A11 teal business promptly atiesvied tr me. a asncond dose cured me. ( ‘andidiy £5 ammnblves are to-day ite warmest ish spy of Brazil, who is reported to be {fee in Barker Rotiding. and conscientionsly 1 can recommend friends. For wale by Patton Pharaney circulating throngh Cambria county, TOBACCO and CIGARS * itasthe best thing onthe market” C W. Hodgkin eR where the large iron snd _ 0 Patton af The 25 and 5 cent size for sale by Pat i steel and coal and coke plants are G 1. FITZPATRICK'S ton Pharmacy C. W. Hodgkins : Restaurant on Magee avenue, nBOAr. Care that cough with Shiloh’s cure. 0, all a trial package of the great BRETa ne Ato (hus Anewers the P. R. R. depot. : The best cough cure Relieves croup harbal remedy, Bacon's Celery King. | critics of the War Department: “Ido MEALS AT ALL HOURS. promptly. Ove million bottles sold 1f sdies suffering from nervoos dis not believe that history records an may need Inst year. 40 doses for 25 conta Sold | gpders and constipation will uae this instance where so much has been done Your Watch y at Corner Dryg Store. remedy they will soon be free from the | Regn jook al it. Nocha in a military campaign of this magni- or Cotton a te attention ri Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant headaches and backaches that have | ow Hb % itis tade in the brief time that has elapsed 00 REET ropaiar charge ond laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri. | (ansed them so much, wffaring. Itis fies the blood. Clears the complexion, i jon, ern ions of | « Patton Jeweler. Eon fo make and pew | he nl al Mood diseason. S04 4 Corin Drag Sore "sizes 25 and 50 cents. ou can always find CERIES - and of the very withaount headquarters for everybe Prices are as low as St A Cioant Med due Glywy AWsy © W. Hodgkins is now giving free EE T— a Sait Corbell ro fortnight st the most, the required Penmanship kg Rees Fa ered to the troops. In two weeks! | S every man in the army will be folly (ARE YOU READY equipped for the war.” For winter® Tews your heater give ———————————————— | ntintaetion® Fant pot up with tron blew Patronize your home bakery and soeoyed yo ist Foor ZoRSTLT pe avout pening your hoo dither by botguir, bat buy UUY ie Palrer bread from Dao, oppo: | walter or sens, Ca give You oetimeles =] » Jpn and root mt Gov LD & BEEZER. PA. beer on tap at C. W. Hodgkins, Pharmacy. w (CREST S SPRINGS FOUNDRY. yous Bot and fed at sha Patton Feed Casting. 3 Hinery, ron kein, ove. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. pairs. Our charges are et he _ Thet Is what It was made for. ° (04 roetal taken in cxchnage for new work : | $-dyr CHEST RIRINGS, PA. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParTOXN, PA. en i . . . jOffies 14 the Good Building ['o offer an article at a price is one thing; to give value is another. We could MAHAFFEY HOUSE buy goods to sell, say for one cent a yard. It would spund « ‘heap to advertise them Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa | Acevmmodations Srstclan. Best of Liyoors at that price, but the aw ake ‘ni ng Comes with the showing of the quality ; : without and Wines at the tar Stabling attached. ; GroRoE PERGURON, quality nothing 1s cheap. There is no neglect of quality here. That's why the 50 Prop'r. : Parn ents w bought here is worth the dollar sold elsewhere. Parnell & Cowher, cents worth ought here 1s worth the S( else ere : - : : - | rn eee INSURNGE. Linen Skirts Lawn Caps. WHINRAR ; 2 aN ACCIDENT OU INNIL pes’ QL; 3 Infants’ Lawn Caps, real value 12 riday Sal int pi po xo Ladues Tan 13 1TLen Crash Skirts. extra wide, : sta’ Toawn Caps, read vane 12, F 5 3.8 { ding. os. we oe @ » : 3 > Es a SUperier finish, wt ould sell ordinanly at 730 ai er Handkerchiefs Rustieins ™ n | ngs. Tis 8 5 Vurkey Rid Hate ikerchiefs, worth 1c. Fridav the vard § 1-4c¢. Rit : S. Men’ S Shi 3 iy S. TR IHRPLOS IAN, 4 GIISL SLO of ol i hlack A ar rits Sk WIND Ia 3 i fe 3 cnt rs erate i a ea Nt 3 » : i Ed re tang % niawds AIG 200 Atrmer yall ike ent to clowe B © This tx tw opporiaa gy ; serra phd Y 13 % : 5 5 i 3 rd he 8 & 3 BO ? tw fr a hastler Flor . = 2 ba 0% =~ he a gir ' IE 45 teh ig wide, wisrt h fry ITY 2 3 10 3 > Powells Miner's quite per “box 0 ] prion ins add pews wide of woven x adras finished with oe art Bi . % dud Se .- ac w " yeduoed to e- wringers a8 POWER CYCLE Co., (VTE AK yrth 1 3 * i . 1 a : 1 4 3 S. D. . “iy ¥ ba 3 He « . ae i) doors with hinges, ete. 50 IXDIANAPOLIS, IN alf the regular price. Ladi g' Hose. gion doors, complete Get Your g - 100 to put u; Americos Bicycle, the beauty at 28 5 I adie” Sentnleds <od Cray doubl e hee New style fancy decorated din- | a 7 : — 5 . ; ed a. ner set, 100 pieces, WAr- : ranted to not craze cover BP PERE mene Hammocks, vis: a“ James Mellon, J. P. “ . : . 0 Good and reliable com- Tr as panies. 4 Sh a ls iv hid Tics Raab nliis Fishing line with bobber and p : : 6 ] c. Rey's Heavy Rebbe Past DACa , spliced hook for Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves in sided hen at Te. Fr Wi nree 0c i. Table oil cloth r yard - | pe Stain * pe 3 atton, a. Dr Pale & Leese, Lad La = eh hg Ladies’ Uegsts. 1 Ri oh ET a i anal ies’ WA A ALIS 0’ | se, worth Sc, Friday Sale price, Fe dros sl made of : UNDERTAKERS, 4c pair. Ladies Egyptian Ribbed Vests, nnished with EMBALMERS, heaid, short sleeves, well worth 12¢, all day Fri- ‘® FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Tri d H A rimme ats. Our shoe stock is the greatest oo | money saver for customers All calls promptly attended to. | 38 Ladies’ Hats, trimmed “hath that we have. To examine {Office in Cornelius building, swers and nbbon, worth $2. our shoes means to be one. next to Commercial ho } dav Friday at $1.49 cach. of our shoe customers. | tel, Patton Pa., and Spen Call and see them at cer bullding, Hastings, ‘1. | N i naa Pa. Also office in Spiece 11 3 i 71 building, Barnesboro, | ’ IL DREANNl, 1. c. EasLy, G. 0. BRADY, Prop'r. Manager. | % gaan ody & ARE send Sur MW. By Popular Rust! LINES, Cy ular iin ind wg oo Fi) . r EL wy FANCY HOSE. dren's Fancy Plaid Hose, sizes © to dig, 3 ro. gn ny 3. u > colors, always sold at 25c, all day Fr-
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