off numerous burglaries, SANITARY CONTROL. Pr i Turple (Dem. Wealth Authorities of the State Recommend Laws For Cuba A Ene The Associated Health Author Pennsylvania, at their ciosing session lant week unarnimonsty adopted a rose. ution setting forth that in ones gitence of the eptire negiedt of the Bpanish authorities on the Island Cuba to inaugurate and enforce tary laws that no settisment of the nding differences between the ited States und Spain will be satis. | factory to the sanitarians of this coun- dma 0 BATH Btates the absolute control of the sani- tary administration of the lsiand of Ciba, Inet week: John TT. Perk, Center, Indians. $8. Henry H. man, Gideon, Somerset, $5. nit. Fast Freadom, Bilby, Caldwell Clinton, 36 A Kling ensrith, Pyrrg, Armstrong. $18 to 334; James Fogx, Fheaver, 3% to $5. Isaac N. Rainey, Waukesha, Clearfield. 38 $12: Deoress Behnelder, Jenverstoon, Somerser, $5 toona, $12 Cemmenthia Hoeasly, Armstrong $12. Birah Francis, nullevitie, $8 Catharine Genrge, dale. Juniata, $8. Gerirude HH. Bryant, Biliott, Allegheny, $8, Sarah J. Owens, Johnstown, $81 Loretta MoOracken Liberty, Tioga, $12, Clarissa M Austin, Erle, 3%. Busan BE. Fitelthorn Manors ville, 38. Anthony Allen, Butier $8; Jacob Bryson, Moprershiurg, $5 K|umue! Davis, Evans City, $88. Simeon Epkies, Clarks Mills, $38. Sum man, Alves, $B. Frank Case, Eilat $8. John © Plies Hillsdale, 386. Honey Ji Borchert. Marlonville, $17 Cary Ripewell, Tyron, $30 minora of Gilson, Tyroneville, $12, Chapman, Sterling Ron John 1. Cline, Brownsville, $8. Philip Floray, Asad. Conter Hall, # to $13; Wiillinrn MH. Criine, Athens. $% 10 $0 Samui © Moreland, Mercer, Moto $8, Juseph Barclay, Baffajo Mills, Bed ford, £14 to $17; Jurobh KB Sharretis, Johnstown, $10 to $72; Jarod P. Durant, Oakland, a Evan. AloHnao Martha A. Cameron. $0 that ail the funds CONGRESS. / Senate. of Wednsaday v serslon was the spesch oF Mr Ind} upon the war rev enue meawurs. He strongly contended that a bond issues Was UNNECEERBTY reaguired for the Pre lenture 7 tk» senate , prosecution of the war could be rated through the prope ‘hy the tax on : i eotnage of the giver seigniorage ‘hy the seed inheritance tax by the ard foe rorporations, jswue of legal tender These four means of obtaining money af would yield 1a the goverrment during the next vear Be maintained fully | $300 900.000. an amount in excess of the { petirmated sum necessary for the con. duet of the war Senators on both gides of the chamber gave the speech Cupdivided attention try that does not insure to the United | | mewsion, After an extended debate. part of which occurred in secret legislative the conference report on the : il suspending certain paris of the ex. The following pensions wére granted Marion | Hao David vBar- | Blair B90; Joseph | : the war depariraent | purchase without . ardnance te minors of W. Hague, Al- | made by | thon wel Edel | H. | ixting law relating to the purchase of | was I matching were gnables to catch Coornly | sufering pain supplies hy the war depariment adopied. The bill provides that during the ex- ating war the bureau of ordnance of in authorized and needed for immediate. use to be rmanuafaciured 9 make goniracts without advertisement for such stores, ta be Aelivered as rapidly as manufac tured While several important fn the war raven meksurs paged cover Thursday for futdre come sideration excellent progress was the Renate In the considera. of the bill Two-thirds of the measure ave been read, the commits tee amendments generally having Dien Agreed to. Myr Melaurin (Dem 8 OC) opened the discussion of the hil to-day with 8 carefully prepared speech touching ai of its fentures He sxpressed the hope that the hifi would pass as reporisd by the matority of the Committee an Fi panes, with the exception of the stamp tax, which he thought grits were Fie RRA YY Pittsburg, $8. Cathrine Floray, Center | Hell, $88; Mary Bay, Clover, Lawrence, ns misor of Hugh Ray, Allegheny, The strong surrent in the river cars ried Willlam Wheeler and John Ane glee, miners working at the (hamou Jinew, under the barges moored near the works. Wheeler was rescued, but Angier sank. In the recorder’s office at Rutier a fw days ago the Forest Of] Company filed for record 197 instruments, which present the purchase of an Immense Block of oil territory in Adams, Mid- dlesex, Cranberry. Jackson, Forward The proposition th pla upon proprietary articles and perfam- dries now in stock droused a fively dis. cussion. If was regarded as retrosc. tive legislation, and as such was op pomed Ly many | graph ham not heen dispessad of finally. of the senate the reading of and Connoguenessing townahips. In all 81 properties have been purchased and the amounts paid vary from $809 for a Hi-acre lease to $97.778 for 8 acres of producing territory. The aggregates © amount of territory involved is consid . etably over 200 acres and the total prices patd is §iT4000. On a rush telegram from Washing- Hm the Carpenter Fteel Works at Reading the other night sent 150 3. neh projectilds destined for Bampsan's fleet. These weigh 1.30 pounds each and will go through anything Spanish aflont. Over 800 projectiles of some : hat smaller alze are on hand, : ey xo to San Francisco for i they 3» The 13-inch popularly known here as shad) » peacemakers.’ Portersville, Butler county. the scene visited by robbers and probably $700 “worth of money and goods taken the other day Among the places robbed ‘were the postaffice, a Jewelry stors and ‘& bardware store, In one of the build. At the conclusion of Friday's session the war revenue measures had been completad About severn-eighths of the ameénd. ton Thoms tee have been agreed re | marining are the mest tmporfant in the bili, and will provoke & desl of dis cussion The principal amendments yet to be passed upon are those redat- Cine to the issue of bonds and certiff. cates of indebieadpens, the tobacco tax, the tax on propristase articles, the (§- sue of gresnbacks, the Soi of ihe silver ssigniorsge, the issue of silver ‘eertifivates, the erie tax And the tax on corporations. Mr. Aldrich (Rep. JL 1) ofered aa a substitute for the paragraphs relating to Soin of the seigaiorage. the jesus of sliver Leertificates and the issue of legal ten. was Sgain Inge entered mn man sleeping overhead Was aroused. looked out of the window ftnd was warbed to attend to his oon Dusiness. As he saw a revolver in the nibber's hand he obeyed. The dead body of Adam Kammerer, a prominent citizen, was found at Butler : a few days ago, lying between two hy #% in a yard adjoining the yard of Pennsylvania Halirosd Company, Fils throat wae cut from esr © ear nd a pair of suspenders not his own fore twisted about his neck. A case knife. a pocket-knife and a car coup- Hing pin were lying near the body. : Pennsylvania ; slunteer infantry, are now comfort. ably ineated nt Camp Thomas, Chatta- , and are ready for maneuvers goneral instruction. The Ninth which arrived in the any Yeaterday morning. did not ehapinin said Permanent camp anti to- ! For the secand time within a month vented their spite against Feese, of North Cornwall town. gr suit against the city of Lock | Aven for damages for injuries receiv. od by falling on a defective sidewalk, Mrs. Hannah Quigley was awarded "holler th the Hamilton & stone guafry, two Sharon exploded with miles west terrific force Dailey of Nelson Buon was blown 30 feet away nd seriously hurt William Wilson, aged 1% was kitiea : Kong is ~rowdsd with volunteers who t Altoona o few days ago by treading “Hye” wire. The wire had burned | ff during a thunder storm and lay cross the treet. Ford Serunton, Sut with two boy companions, acei- | who Archie Bimymonds of Riceviile while | throuen the head, killing him instant. | Pifteen applications for divorse were | ine day y last week filed in Lancaster , breaking all records for busi- enn of that kind in one day. ‘hile walking with his mother nen, 1wo-year-old George Bross tacked by a vicious dog and biften in the face. bologna sausage on many of the root! at Freeport and some 15 or 3 , county, committed suicide by ing himself while delirious from typhoid fever. Steck, aged 31, formerly a ¢ tn toe regular army, dropped t Greensburg of heart disenss a at Jermyn, Aer metas the bond provision prepared by the Republican minority of the committee on finances. If the bond provigion should be scceptsd by the senate the amendments offerad by the Demecrats in Beau of I will naturally be rejected. Mr. Daniel (Dem. Va) detivered an extended speeoch strongly opposing an issue of bonds and sup- porting the substitils pAragYaphs pro posed by the Democratic majority of the finance committee, Henne The house held & brief sesxion Tues day. Two important bills ae ting ia bor were pasesd, one limiting the later of persons sw played upon government works and in government service 14 edghts hours daily, and the other pro viding for ths equipment of 8 non-par- tisan labor commission ta consider leg. fxiative problems a®ecting labor, The adjournment of the ressiitions The impression that committees on rales will is ready to yield to the demands for Bill was passed, ‘the late William E. (ladstone. “In the death of this grand oid man” ‘@cter ws a writer slateaman Christian, which has been felt through out the world” CARA NR IA AS How Can Ho Escape The grand jury in the United States district court has found true bills of indictment against William Steeie. the | former cashier of the Chestnut Sireet National bank of Philadelphia, cov. fering 123 counts. The defendant ie charged with aiding and abetting Wil. Ham M Bingerly in misappiying funds {of the hank, embezzling and convert. ing funds to his own use, and making false reporis to the comptroller of the Currency. ORS SS Ho 4 ame NARES The American consulata at Hoag wish to fight for the United Riates The Prussians diet was closed by Em- peror William last Wednesday He | made no reference to the war A great Bre has broken out in the Zolern mire at Doetmand, Prassia. It iy feared that at isast & miners have Money was never so stringent as now ‘in Japan and Japanese importers are | pxperiencing greatest difloulty ia mak- Ing delivery of goods in cable cuttings, The Prussian government has seus! a new decree urging the provincial au- thorities to pay strictest attentions to the inspection of American pork and other meats. person distributed strychnine The German foreign offs has re celved reports from Paris saying France i» indignant at the American ronsidering such art an to be contrary to international law, and that she Intends to ask the powers to protest against it Count von Radowits German ame hassador at Madrid sent a report this week to the German foreign office wo» the political situation in Spain He expresses the opinion that an outbreak of the people is meray a question of time and that further Spanish re verses must launch & revolution ¥ a ork in the Delaware & fackar William Pollard was ed “By falling coal. While cn her knees, praying. Miss Jane Phillips, of McAdoo, Schuylkill was instantly killed by a lash . Reve «old Charles Ray, ¢f Ta- maqua, An in a tub of boiling water and was hadiy goalded, © George Noblit was appointed A postmaster at Pigeon. A snapping turtle caught near » : caster Wetgheq +H pounds. * § $ | “| ‘the sity of Havana Tre members of the new Spanish cabinet took the oath Wednesigy ev- ening Senor Ragasta will sssume charge of the forsign portfolio pending |’ the return of Senor Castillo from Paris The other changes in the ministry ars Renor Anson, minister of marine Senor Gamazo, minister of public work A owing to existing is stther hy gas or electricity, not lighted Gied at Soa. £45 advartizsement such | ordnance stores as are | ard when | Cgpeh ordnance and ordnance starts ard | rwaveful graveyard at joining the church were he was mars paragraphs CAyiader CG indetons " ace & stamp tax on of 2 ~N Rerpstors. The para. ; Pmidet of the uncertainty Mr ments proposed by the senate commit- for Canines oo Now Hoge ! Yihiemd Thursday to Monday postpones any poasible consideration of the Hawalian the provide for bringing up the resolutions next week © is strong. It i» sadd that Speaker Heo] | i CAE | ponsideration. The labor arbitration Powhiek ia in snany case im the opening of the day's session | Chaplain Couden referred feelingly to | i to only Erednt repshile the | “pur hearts go out no gratitude to Theses for his great char- | and Wash i : taf a «ud Bepor Giron. minister of colonies. | ail persons | are compelled to put lights in front of | their houses, WM. E GLADSTONE 34:57 The Aged Premier Surrounded By the Mem- | bers of His Family Quietly Passes Away ~Will be Buried at Hawirden. Fit. Hon William Fwart Gladstons, four times privve minister of England rr, Thursday, at Hawarden, Fre M- practically ull day, Gladstone had been unconscious Bim eriainiy who wan be. whee the phy- She oxen oH Fo wien inoAn which wily incoherent, thows rho 8 good Jeal few words way, words dreamy Their was thal he was not No parcotios ners ad. Caan iation mininteresd Though a rational Tonees! will fra. ably be arcopted By the family, there is ttle doubt that the remains of Mr dadetones will be jald to ret in the Hawarden, nd- ried more than half a century ago During the esrisie My Giadston's tromthing was 38 ta the minute and the sasmBars of Nis family were sgmmonesd Fev. Stephen (adsione DrAYers ard hymns including Mr OF vt ir favorite, "Hoek of Ages When tha WAY ited zy Crigdstone Was heard to murmur “sar Fathey It i= pow virtually decided réraRing shall Iw Abbey It i= Koh Bot Stee gd that only wan thet ke should Hawarden aeless hers urmistekable TRLIOTAS wink for an interment gt the abdwy The inte Right Moun William Ewart MP. P OC. was the fourth the fate Kir John adstonse nf Fasgus, County Flincardine a avll-Known merchant of Liv. and was born thers December Fara f it thant Me interred big raved § Byes fre. in West that the nation's wit ¥ 3g 7" ifstay famin deuire, jaf t¥%ur Ted Barr. i er pawl 2, 1x Iriring his stay st Biarritz YLUATrY, id a lamdon Journal anmoun o8 Mr Gladstone's retirement. bul the report Was contradicted in very goard- ah terran After his return to Erxgland the rumor was repswed pnd the (Flat atons delivered hia ast spesch as prime minister in the house of CHMMOnS, on the first of March the the jords’ amendments io councils bill The next dav hin resigns made public. and the disco that the premier was suffering fim catar. fel im hath eyes was given as the ohief caume for mock a decisive LE March 1 Mr Gladstone, in an awlience with the guess gave up te seals of iT. Rives that period Mr. (Vad ee iy od any part in peblic pfiairs rove for mew Xe Wha hus {mites ante himmwelf in fae AF tlhe Arieen- mre. While at ian Moeeh, 2 ; Pe wrote and putiiebed fre Fr te the Ake of Wegtrapineter bled ng rivpgs of (Ceats snd ros Tarler A stained gis winlow unveiled nn Hawarden ¢hovoh in sgrition of Mr fHadsione’s «Marin in Bekalf of the opnressed Armenians and Mrs (GGladitone was Hresenisd with x rartrait of Kis holiness Mighridith L sunrerns natriaerh of the Atmeniana Mr and Mra Giadeiones eft hair 25, arrived at the lxtier pigos three diva Eater They remained there for nearly clover weaks snd the Romen ied was begun on the (4th oF last Fo ard they reached London on the has since bees slowly dying RBarurday. May 2% has bowen Mr Gladstone's furers With the interment of Gladeio romaine in Westminster Abbey the riehe in Statesman 's dormer has in Feb in Fah a WET Es PRT bat sinew hos #4 against FER Pe Laandon ore RE rin Pei ruary 13 He fixed for Thee (AR Busan ry Brasil es Minister Leaves Far Lishen Hemmer Brivador ds Mendonca wha has represented Dirasll in Washington in the rapacitly of mittister sigce 1851 Wednesday presented his letter of re preparatory io being 15 Lisbon, Portugal. The cersmony. Hrtie minre than ar idle form, vas In this Came resnark- adie from the magnificent tubules “5 By Benar Mendon fa, Whe having occupted the post of yomal seanwral of Brazil at New York for many vears preceding luis progr L Hloms to the legeiion, Nas had me undupt opportunity for just or than falls to the lot of most dink represent in ih es. HA 140 INR SOE TrLxoRAXS TERSRLY TOLD In Bouth Germany the price of hr Bax advanced MW per ceni wings HATY. Husdreils of tons of earth in a mine cavedn fall upon four men at AL town, Pa. a Tew days ag tevon peohile are reported the vicinity of ea xford 1H sult of the aterm las! week, Mies Aura Alger daughter of the secreiary of war, Sas married a? noon Wednesday to Mr Charies Pike Aupgurt Hanke, hia wile children perished at Wagsau sevoral days age during a storm The Slaymuker-Barry look works Cannsileviilie. a, were desicoved tipe last Saturday. lees £5 At Skillman Valley. Til, Mich son. Mis wifes and two dens and Tou Wi Ww? by i Nel. children wers Killed during a storm a fon days ag. Joshua Slocum lone Ypant of a tout sailing around the worki and hail. ing fron Boaton has arrived at St He Tu | jena. Six men lost their lives By the cap- sizing of a row boat on the Aliegheny river a! Logan's Ferry, near Pillsbury last week. A tornado causes! great fisaster al Albion. Neb. last Wednesday, An ox press train ran thirty mies before the wind without steam. The T'nited States and Canada will shortly endeavor io comes to an anders nanding on some of thelr sag stand- ing controversies "jel of Police Meoullagh of New York has been retired on an annual pension of $500 He was not in favor with Mayor Van Wyck A German taller by the John Wenbery residing at 35 ng ton, I. committed sut-ide by driving nine long needles [ats his breast Rey Ix D. iE Geil reo tor uf the Presbrierian general as ast wesk The miwting was Sy 2 at Winona lax Wallnee RHadiiille sm IDO was ef od Ind Mrs, Lema Sporvi wide tiiwinan at Vassar fer te insane murdered clreumsiances | vy wild for; TE Ble RAD axviun 1 Bilitins | probabilities of evil C dustrios that though al times he | i peatned to recognize for a mornent some Lf the watchers about ! he did recognize Bia wife : sid» him all day, ; miclan previtied apon her to res) | tonderiy clasped her Bushand x hand as ghee watched Rita. Apparentiy he siept he pitersd & | were | 3 faves : Bava a ting peed A a : teanatsrred | FRE CBTHAW Wheat FLOUR. - WHEAT Nx 3 rod . P FLOUR... TRADE REVIEW, Dausnal Prosperity in the West Oreatest Output «f roe Ever Known, ; OG. Dun & Cn's review of trade ree ports as follows for last 0 rowing accustomed which are mostly and 8 moving along t=adily | re grasping (he BE AWAY Se TK jrrohitabie i fife 10 nased Westsrn 1G war far from eats nation people & i= throw and ripe Bane mds SRE gow greatly ove capiial That POE ratirosd far May and payments the weal Foam ty tin pide y . earnings promise Tey & month ago for A i, hrough clearing honws in May show a gain of last year and [5 rer while 3 month ago the last year was 33% and compared I2%2 there wag 8 Secrense Hf 7 J Reveral large contradis Bark Tor soos weeks tists, have now wtemd of works ratars - hii ok rE A’ of Furs Gres i Hat i orf Ber oF kry of nf the of Bene in Fa Tor AE pian ig MM per cent cosy gp 19% imc rage TRY as pres emt bret Coming the ROTH WW Flamin Tent B rims with The oF Many “sia Ww ha? get her prem of three ww a Tris fpciuded have SRA ITIRS i873 Partie porte | £8 £37 buskwl Mav wheat oom Taesday faa thw in suena cpm more amily & sitgnt 4 i WR a JF has Po. pre fail ever Ki Jerand Bum rye t Bie i gr non bars and Bs #t § He ands Tor Ale, are abhta adelnkia in Bots are gall strongly sustained by building. tim viats ard other gees [9 vlatos tural form wil he w orite are ployed, and sont he alwead toma of arma Plate Bas beer taken by with Fn har of showing that the export ppite of Bigher orvan fred 5 arrested via By large favre at 13 rents. 3 orasluc iin SoNun i the month 00 eer cong vege with a slight derresse Apr tiom of faralge mines The texte works any FTE Foy # Aare Te ary fay oF nok WOE A EPI. =. tye 3 5 4% A vw: % EL ®1 American iE Diane Loar targer than tant & 2 5 i A 1g fing rather 3 AEE NEE aver-production fa Boe Bye fe of they sutiy started IX resnth in Rave # hy gov» Better, mre iy “RBI, A higher Ne Series shed 1 saree goewin Fatman (81 Baran A TIO ¢ § Sis ey pounds for the Against 30 981 00 the veanuliaciyrems Ih pee dre arders to seni ahieh Ht Al pe »he Tape Ty Few ard with generally, impariancs the the marke? 2 Cu SEE Se Small, % wep Ke mst postings lawl year ve Resple sive sath govern vont Wy aed ie 3 ev HR Seow sf mad not SX prec tod SS grew Dar the walk hi ve Poanpray rite] Srgtes against 23K redy aod 19 in Canada, against I year po Tmt riated by sp defense kd tha if hs ag ARPORICK 8 WE h Af Deer le gininsgre ae the iNian id MARKETS PITTSRUNOG. Grain, & our aad Ia WHEAT No. dred Na J red ; we CORN Nei, § ¥=iouw, oar. No. F ysiiow, shell. Mixed sar CAS-No, No. 3 white as BYE--Na. . ies FLOUR Winter patents. Fancy stenighs winter, Bye Soar, Ra¥-Ne i Gmoray LCiaover, Na. 1. Hay, from wagrias «Ma. 3 Waite Ms 3. Ton Brown mibddiliaygs Bran, bail. oO & ¥ # » wll 'EQES EEL RY i ir rMmplhl ABs an . : 5 TEERESR. Br Bk ae Wee ot a EERE Ont ; BEELN-4 aver, Pimothy, prime Dairy Produce LUTTER—Egla Losamery Lig creamery, Fancy <oRuley row CHERSE -~Ulite, new Mew hark, Bes, Fruit and Variation BEANS ren, ¥ La ia FUOLAIGRES While, per on = LABBAGE ~~ Per (Tate ie NALIN etre h aad EE 2s we - Bua Pouitry, Bua LRICEKENS, ¥ pair sitiail. ¥ iLaaesis. sip Eisen ~ a. si URW, Demis CINCINNATL ARN Sug ia BYE—Na 3 . CEN Rize. UALS Birds. iio a BUTIER- SREY e PRIILADELPHIA 4 CIhha WHEAT Na ites LURN— Nu § mired UA in—Na 3 while “na BUITEL Creamery, exirm Buna frats NEW Tom FLOUE-~Patents WHEAL~Na Td. CORN Na 3 : CEA IW Lite Woaninrs BUTITEL —~ Cossinwery Ean mate of Peas LIVE STUCK. CENTRAL STUCK YARDS, KANT ZISERYY, Pa CATTLE Frime, 1.300 to 1 4% Ds $ a Crue, 1 08 To 1 OUEE fis a s ia + Tady, Leth we L150 Bs, oT % 3 2 Fair Saul sivers, 0 Lo 18 Tis Common, TW io AW ie... Boa Mwlium.. 3 -” Floavy mune and stags. SEBES : Priove, 85 to 103 hs, wetliors. 8 s Choud, 3510 BM BA... ahi i. i poste | i pe sper and wood palin. © the | I for the Baitd BY One tion be rhalsnced aotund PA ferent imesling 8 than ¢ with i kept | de mronsteites 8 avis red the frome | iron, potwithetanding the greatest Bicage Ehewnte Went | ul i the Pla wile | mime of a foo tenon Ast : 5 2 > Aa RSIREY saw BE FEYEEANRUNELILE L¥rec e. } PRRs cur ayer | ; Baitimora, and | Ben 1hag #3 INDUSTRIAL WORLD. Paper and Woed Paip Pant for Erie Preach Goods Boyeotted Ernest BB. Ty of {Germany has rinsed 3 deal ar Erie, Pa, with Fie capitatisty for the ereciion of a FW 040 plant for the manufacture of 3M. Resd has of Pt meres sast of and tne surveys NEE Buk vas Beery srg ann gu unt weed Work on (he palldings will bw begun and the mill will be im operas. gly months The comjsny will apitalized ax 3.000 Him Frances lise wrod the wrath of jabor by her sympnihy with Spain. Ar Fittabhyey Bales- A. FT, of of Wa bereliy © BET #5 furnished =» = the Cily for the plant, ad CEE pennies Axseeniyy i. ka passed him resol ion wre misua linn of a tofare ster republic in ita daatardly aMilating with a barbarcos Kingd: and ite inhursan cgoase, Bnd me here by recomend that a aced Frope® mero har raternrines until } totier sppreciaton of American Saline and and woman the worth of the of Awerican Woot The song rh Bond 08 Su § ary works, subir Jeannetta, Pa, be was purchased hy LHR Sore Thad ag Pregr EA rap sin plovae nt ie 8 teal uetey has a few i x af FVean, patsy pants Inetall gnimirnurn gaa aml tome ToS it thls yoar annual Serr Rlimusl : MTOR ie Bow BGA PY eters art sad TH fe ro Lie rion / er artatio: apie omiy gwar $0 Re ohh Max: = ’ tH her proddyntion Bot Gee {ng The spinners the Apeeder a day and the pended 8% cents on dav % the mill fe 8 Sdveduise, the megroes stoves] 19 dye iy wr The Hosire 8 NOrth Cary Moswwry THEE 8 mak tn. NC RT wit thee STR {¢ hours a the sate of Wher S1atle syd 5 FATE 3 RY uF THE Tolar Mamet is NATIONAL CANE, timely batting is bedng sally ¥ Haitimare, siavitie Wagner and hd Washing fon Warner gre hrot Bers, Tas Io Rha is £ 3 shmagoas Gaes srnasded thi ng seitg. Lion of leer sp porters, ; roaate thes Wasiligions are oA Daas wary padiiag Barbet? hard for the ars of she ¢Jeveland tear, pean Bostoms am redsiving the wale Og the semaos ae has 3 delivery of fama Nirhols of timilar fiat Boastan Swain Lhe Washington gutehar Bas Deen 2 seipond during the last HX montis fren in Flarida Bt Tewnizg gave sean] basen Blerbhmaep ton Saves’ patios his peloase ali] Le wes Saniaief hy la To as Jove the mame of Rey wel The EGR as The rela, War sud went 2 ar Bays siresdy : bsp Dmarbadl partied iy bay Yiow National §. alia Nedthhnr H Was El playing any betior nich Reyne Wf Tag iwvilie wnney of Heston por Davie, of Fe W ed {ie than Tasher i nlaving his geand BRsE Easy in The master of Zelding haat wrens On rod] Liaise ge as BRsier as GW ever, Pilehers Yeager of Brsokivn: Haghes of Willie, af Bostain, ars the 3 3 ER BOYicer 1a aay a sonens fu The Lesguw Meliarr 100 add Clogsinnd tind aevnan, Bas Bonzit the Bow Haven team of Coamnestiont = ate Lege MreGarr captain the team and play rat hase, af {hee Clocigmatd va iy Bis (givers fuer of The Lismvh Wis BH r Rreking 94i be Roel man aghmeit I Yan wiki Int Brash fawmiedd A ANY 0 : 4 of A Large Ia hiv Lim Presi Bow par at Ws EF MRDY mt fheas sew tin 10 Dus The shied Trompe with the Loambyeitie team. An on siideetand the pares and nneertiay ¥ AR tis ak we RB Se x TOA ei Rentgoekinas Ar 3 Lag I 3 adie a Beller Pras § t Laptaia Dobe s il mwas Ballbmaps Ws ve heen in The msiter of postooned gates ig deer pr ia the League, sad asl Ihe tum pecs Sens fa mel Red Tha Ta adi of then in af Massager Loaolanoe at want fnsar 2 Like sexldtesd whale it 5 LE hey # DBappy {oweiat FOakiys wn, ta pat Ther: ix Hitte danbt sow of imate suooess Im his very JiMegit a fuser he Basie rit weil snd atradd 10 take cRhaaces, Bu Batier how ¢ onde Uke wae Twn young ilmmbs will by a Dull grown eagle in a dap. ar Im . ET —— Baffaia Rochester and Pittsburg Hy so sino AE On and after Fetuouary 20th [388 wiil leave Market Street Depot, © trains wear head, as follows | Chae, #0 oa mm Bevpobisviiie Assommmedntion for Carwensyviiie, Du Bois, Fade (reed and B ey monlaviiie Riggway, Ructester, vie, Pa Dots and Fale ini, Cannes ing at Iva Boles, for Bidgwar, Juhusia burg, Bradiord and Baaio Juhinseniurg. Hradiord sad ~ i Panzsaiawney Ex Fas Urmk 6:2 p.m. Du Boisan Frees, ar ba Bais Pr THE Trains arzive, 32% a. on, and 3:00 aad rom For tivketa, thos abies sod ints Cai Gh or address, E Leng & a ak ¥ CB Basidp, Arpt, fenced, Ua Saridigrer Rox Losbiestnr, NX time mE France ! af ele Bas resaned | {oar gafrves ae TI ae he tha Houtedade EW Read Up C Batsey.. LL. Phillpesuryg PR IL traips waving Tyree at MAE are BOW : Art Daeienes. ares of the Tylon WMiLGn be consumed © Hprnislide - | Faller Ran. Connecting oa Da Bois for | Weigel i veda | rw ireaal. Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table Wn wanes CUAREES ZuRENs UYSLUO EP wYuvse ws BERUDED BRINN Fotnstown dy « week Saye cambria snd clearfield i Sonthward Morsiog train for Patton and Cresson jee Fes Cam fd Maba®ry vw 8 BY : Westover iil, Hastings 4 junetion Tov Kaylor ne [arriving af Cresson na Pa and nfo : they $F ¥ E35; Kaylor ¢:48, ale a #08. Northward. temin lmrvn {reesen foe irr Ka Junction 1s: Paluon ao mgw [197 Hastings Jor Mada yay for Mahatley 10% ’ on gas Mata tfey 10 Jom 2 a 23h Af jo and tslen emphed! mvs Crew at ayia wil; Ehenshaey a6 Beadiey X Patton a4. CRE rWRY i attics a Flan a Pew me T A 5 “5 Msba Ber %10. wraiving al Glen at oy i sprhy Ts delet WL PAW BT Fifth avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. JB Barbies tyes Mgr Mors] 3B Wood, CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Is oars December}, 8. Eavrmanp Week Daya AM AN Ramey TH A Hontndain 18 49 Pceddn Mim, TH 45 Eatigmburg WIS AR aR Wesrwanp Weak Days AE. AN PN BR = Lis 148 20 a3 I. % 191 AE a 8 13 45 200 2 18 AG RUsnaY TRAINS 8F Read Dows, x Hames cxwnvevinney BAB esis ewins RES Omenirin Stile... ....... 2&8 Lllipebnrg 545 Pu ru io x2 is #45 ra Sillpetary Omeegia Mlle Hourpiake Hamey. rx 30 113 La Lé ru. Resnary Taaies An dn 4 », 248 2.3% 18 i900 Po Conrscrioss AL Pilfpaburg ( Tuion Stas oem with ail Bese Creek Basirosd trains for mind from Beienate, Lock Haven, Wile Houtednie Dieta 31am iment Resdtog, PaGaleth Bia snd New Turk; Lawreposiie Corping, W (enmv and Lyons: Clenrtinid, Mebatley Patton: J urewmeviie DuBose Pangestaws sew, Ridgway, Bradiond Butte nd Boceiter, A oswola for Houtsdaee asd Samey with THBP KR GoM. KH. BGO Grurenl Supt Beeth Creek Railroad. vO &H R R Co Lessee. Condensed Time Table. Rens Nav, 14 eT 3 | g® pd i » AEE EERNLL LAGER URLE RS RES Patton Womowey gy 3 aad me ah nod RA Gr sash Wikis lignd Bigler Woaiteewbon Worrindale Mines Murs Philtpetuieg 55 vq wedCwe Moura Winhaoes Thon TRBURRERE ¥# 2 - AUERBUEELEYS SHUEUNNBLVE teilitgtaeny Soe He Paowts Sool at Har! Yeowne rELEN NOE eS aR £63 satigh ce 3 3 share Ditsotion Perwmer Whore ROE manent a chew Tw BUbessEENE Hn he » - = Bp a a a wusiy Had Resins RR TE Ap iy ar » z % ¥ a, CO 8 E8iButs 5 | E © s wv th is i WA oeligiai ye 130 eon TH on wo Nas York ENA TRE rm eting vin Phtk $113 p HER a Ep td n fom WH Lhasa tedums hie Ave Phila Ww hha SRE Phil pening we ih Pennayivania mired sed Alton & Pu tii padiarey tna ett ng miirond: at Cieniteid wy I the Bam Rechortet and Prise arg miimuy al Mal fly a Pattas with Csmobris and carted dividon of the Peasevvanin mila ot Maha en Peusvyivanis and Nartheeste sn mien . te Pmiter ¥ E Tier mam, Ru periniens Aen Wem Agent, Ph adel pd la, Pa & Eastern Time Table. 0 TAKE EFFECT NOV 18. 1887. Westward SAE 3 #. ™ Aone P ittsburg ¥ i & Ba v. & Ld Laave P Nahaffi Bpertl Creek Janotion Mabagtey : Labia © Motes Wetgell ©... Words tf aie Sapien 1 Bik lek 1 xf Kd Pomagipore Slates lan pledi Horton Ran f Cees ussena HWE Rha R OM 04 04 T - EEEMNVBECLAZER a REE : cess £ Lave ¥ ¥ 8 Faller Ran Horton Ran $ ison Canapbwedl Phassanory Buresdide Bik liek ©. sundertand { Wore % Mii mies s Latamiliarnsg f Mu hanifer 5 Hhonely Crosk Junction i Union Sution Mabaifes: { ag steilom. Coniteodone— AL Uniom Station, Mahaffey, with Bwesh Uren radioed, © & divimon Penusyivanis meilrosd, aod Pv & read ist Whisker Ran with Motives > padiromd: at Meee with P. &X. Ww. Noriow—- Until farther notice tmins wil ran BE 4 0 40 Th 0 0 00 MR AE RNG HL Ersuatasibusssl BEEBE PG VD WO EIrEEREnENtEn * rx wR EE EELELRGLRBRY Poamdy testwessn Union Statton | Adl tmains daily em Sue Hi mpbeil. _— i 8H. Hieks bali, <r even
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers