Priday, May 20, Shaffer, Reade; consideration, $550. cerned. That is why the hourly romor ,\ Thomas Nagle ef nx to Charles Ben- finds beleivers no matter bow wild it der, Clearfield, $3,000 may be. There is news important Nicholas R. Friedhof! to William news-—-but it is of contemplated move Biter, Munster, $033. ments rather than of batties fought Howells, Gallitzin borough, $1. concerned, Kearns to Peter W. Kearns, ship which has been established by the ing to give us a very general idea of the | Washington and Munster, §1. government and is not allowed to be attitnde which the other nations of Bu-| Nicholas R. Friedboff to w. Ww. made public. It relates 10 the move rope would take in the event of such | Amebry, Monster, $551. _menits of our warships which are try- an alliscos being entered into. The Nicholas R. Friedboff et al to w. w, ing to get that Spanish Seet which is Intest expression of opinion comes from | Amsbry, Munster, $1,952. dodging aronnd Cuban waters con- Russls, the Novoe Vremya, speaking Peter Kearns ot ux to Ww. Ww. Ams cerned where it will be bound to fght. semi-cfficially, doubting Whether we | bry, Munster and Washington, $532 and there are reasons for expecting the P. B. Comgrove ot aux to H. J. Van success of the efforts Dusen ot al. Hastings, $3,000. Talk is again, prevalent of postpon- H. J. Van Dusen et axel alto M. B. ing the invasion of Caba nntil fall The | Courtright, Hastings, $3,000. reas ns given are that the rainy season Celestine C. Piatt et ux to Ww. w. will begin in Coba about the tenth of | Amtbry, Gallitzin township, $1. Jane, during which it will be impossible Philip Cronaver et ux to Ww. Ww, "to carry on an aggressive campaign, | Amsbry, Munster, $442. and that it will require several months James Sherman Glass ot ux to W. Ww. time to manafactare the amount of neotrality during the present war.” | Amebry, Munster, $248. ammunition that will be needed by the All of this comment seems to be up in| John Biter et ux to w. Ww. Amsbry, army. The fact rebuke that this talk is Allegheny, $1,258. semi officially encouraged, instead of John Hertzog et ux to Ww. Ww. Ams being rebuked, makes it probable that © bry, Allegheny, §795, it is intended to throw the Spaniards United Stites, it would be followed by | Aagustine lilig ot ux to Charles F. off their guard. It is only the Span. the salo of the Philippines to our ally? ( ¥ Donnell, Loretto, $130. ards who have contended that military | meta | John J. Weakland to James Stratton, operations conid not be carried on in Carroll, $710. Coba doring the rainy teason; the in- Washington Doogiass et ax to F. X. sorgents have proven fo the contrary : | Stolta, Clearfield, $2,200. by making their most active campaigns will net be assured. to the quetion | Jane Wills et al to Dr. H. Somerville, during that season. U. 8B. troops may of an alliance, it is nataral that Rosia Allegheny, §1. be landed in Cuba any day. What else should regard the possibility of an | Frederick Beckel to William Beckel, are the troops being hortded soath for ? Anglo-American union with disfavor; Carroil, $105. Prsident McKinley most have sue but the consummation of such an al-| John A. McGuire to Mrs. Regina oceedod in getting exceptional men in Hance does not depend upon the Marks, Gallitsin township, $1. his enbinet. When every body else is approval of Rosia or any other conti- Regina Marks et vir to Lizsie M. engaged in trying by hook or areok to It rests solely between Burkett, Gallitzin township, $500. get & pointer on the plaza of the army SOUBIEY | and those John 8 Dumm et nx to J F. Long, and navy, the members of the cabinet Barr, §700. decided that it would be best to confine Rose Ann Nagle et vir to Mary Nagle, such knowledge to the President and Barr, $95. the sncretaries of War and Navy, and Mary A. Wills et vir to w. w. Ams in sccordance with that decision re bry, Allegheny, $1,813, quested the President not to discos in- | | Veronica Willsetal to w. Ww. Ams. tended movements at cabinet meetings. bry, Allegheny $341. The pentiemen who have thos cot them Emma Rhoa et virto Ww. Ww. Amsbry, selves off from opportanities to know Allegheny, $982 everything going on and to go on, say don D Bradiey tow. w. Ambry, they 8d ck do wo from any bck of Allegheny, $534. interest, but from fear that they might, | Josephine Hoffman to w. Ww. Ame. if they knew the plans, in an un bry, Allegheny, $553. iH! i 7 il § LE pi IH fee | Allegheny, §50 | estion that might result in frustrating ’ Susan Waggoner to Jacob Wagner, those plans. A fractious Congressman | Allegheny, $41. | says the members of the cabinet merely | Joseph Trexler et ux to Jacch Wag- advertise their ignorance of war plans ner, Allegheny, $114. to eicape heing questioner by. thets Henry J. Miller et ux to Charles friends and EE : { Aship et ux, Hastings, $300. wives. b J. M. Troxell ot ux etal to George L. may ba soma truth Glasgow et al, Reade, §1. : George L. Glasgow et ux etal to J. obtained in half that time by the ose of M. Troxell et al, Reade, $1. One Minute cough cure. It prevents Perry Troxell ot ux to Assignee of consumption and quickly cures colds, Joel A. Gates et al, Reade, §1. croup bronchitis, pneumonia, Ia grippe | Assignee of Joel A. Gates et al to aod ull throat and jung troubles. Cc Perry Troxell et al, Reade, §1. ‘|W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Casper lied ot ux to Susan De Haven, | —— $. Anderson Fowler et ux to Alvin, ‘New Shoemaker | Evans, Barr, §700. ; W. W. Amabry et ux to Glen White ‘Shop. Coal & Luomber company, Gallitsin township, $113,500, Elizabeth R. Good to Anistalia Weak- lin, Elder $83. Joseph Knelly et ux to Philip Cus: tanso, Susquehanna, $38. i nen SOS John Nagle to Thomas J. Nagle, | Store Clearfield, $1,000. Susan Hasson to James G. Hames, and am now prepared to do all kinds of work, both in new and repair, on short notice. A trial will 1 have secured a frat-clans jemce and ha chen 3 shop an ve a the rear end of my James G. Hamon et ux to Jonathan bili Jones, Ebensburg, $500. waar, of Owe. Henry Fox et ux to Edward Papon, ola, and music by her brother, Richard Carroll, $4. t 25 50 BA Blanklsy, of Huntingdon. Also buy | Dictusich ward “My Home in Ireland,” words by Mra. Papon, Carroll C. A. Wheatley and music by Fred 8 C.P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes: Wiss, ‘of Osceola. Both are for “I have used DeWitt's Little Early sale is Morgians news stand, next to | Risers ever since they were introduced ‘here and | must say | have never used ET {any pills in my family daring 40 years i | of housekeeping that gave such satis- Solicited. i ’ Tastory Rr ie Se ou | All Work Guaranteed at in neatness and work- manship. Pharmacy. Cyele Cad Orpniaed. it beta The | ! eh. =, ‘borship of 20. It is expected hoy it | will be i incressed to 50 within a few WEDNESDAYS % | days. The cub has for its abjects: (1) i Te To sociability, (2) the ad- We have just received a line of black | vancement of cycling as an amateur _ and tan shoes in B and C widths in sport and (3) the promotion of good roads. The following officers were we ask nobby dressers 10 call and sve. elected: President and captain, M. H. The price $3.48 is actually $1.52 less | Anderson; vice-president and lLieuten- than they should be sold. fant, Fred D. Barker; secretary and Tri KEYSTONE Croriing Co. treasurer, F. .B. Jones; membership Lost. | committee, M D Kittel, W. R All the month of May W. FL. Chaplin ot ux to Hannah C. Weabington, so far an the public is con- | Robert Howells ot ux to Francis H. and things accomplished; consequently | #7 See Seon Be it comes ander the ban of the censor. of EUART CARSIAGR AYP NARNESS WFC. CO. W. I PRATT, Sery, RLEKRAIY. IND. ' guanied moment say something that Joseph Trexler to Jacob Wagner, would serve as a foundation for publi- | RTI I I \ Ome Minute is not long, yet relief is : convince you that we lead A Share of Your Patronage Miller's Shog Store SRTORDAYS ; Cm ee, wee: wd ra Y ou can always find FRESH GROCERIES and of the very Our headquarters for At our store best quality. store 1s everybody. as the low- Prices are as low LIMITED. If You Doubt US! You perhaps have some doubt about what we can do for you in our store. You are not certain, maybe, how we can sell High-Grade Goods at the prices we name. The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter wh al your Prejndiee may be you will be convinced, and it will be to your advantage, too. We are Beadqu: rters for bre, mm. kept In a first- Call In fact everything 1 5 = class up-to-date General Store. A binck cow with white spots on | Thompson and Jos. Henger. dollar's on every whether vou wish to purchase or not. : he and belly strayed from my prem- Large Lamber Contract, _ ises on Monday, May 16. A liberal re- ward will be e given. MIKE BosNOK. The human machine starts bat once * and stops but once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by - nsing DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the | famous little pills for constipation and | all stomach and liver troubles. . W. - Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “One Minute «cough cure is the best preparation I have ever sold or ted they Have cut atid peeled the bas¥ frous | andl can't eny too much in te pram.” Lo M Kennon, Merchank, Odell, Ga. worth of bought The Clearfield Raftsman Journal says goods Ll 8. and C.. R Richards, of Bower, have just taken a contract to cut and deliver y "10,000,000 feet of logs for the present Mr R D ‘season. The cutting has already begun PS. nna art S ‘and 100 men are employed to peel and ‘pile bark. These gentlemen have been MILLINERY STORE. Inmbering for Col. E. A. Irvin for four ' successive years, and had a settlement last week that covered $100,000. In ‘the four years they have lumbered Repair Work. « Platt, of Patton, i» now prepasd toda | ail Kins of sewing machine svpair wk in ; Arstclass style. A speekalty is mule of the : { Low Armed Singer Sewing Machine. 5 |£3,000,000 feet of logs. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thet is what it was mede for. All goods delivered to vour home promptly and without charge. = GEO. 5. GOOD. {ity Build : BR. S. W. Worrell, PHYRICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3 | Stews Sugary snd he Ere + Specialty Al | onlte wD reewive prompt attention ‘DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffice, Patton, Pa. Fo | emiie, day or sight, promptly Tad Dr. V. A. Murray : PHYSICIAN ira on. fhe in Artingion Siete eto 10 Postofiee, Patton, Al night is rwaponded 10 prosapiiy. {vemmme of Lhe var, tows wind Theost Cgiven spertal attention, OFFICE HOU RMT wa mand Rwipm JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Bailding. - 10¢f. WH DAVIS, — | Attorney and Counselor at Law, Pa. AJ legnd Business promptly attended So. (fone fon Harker Ruallding TOBACCO and CIGARS | The few line tn Patios al G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restuarant Sa a ved, near MELA AT ALL Rosas ur Watch may need as ook at 8. No a ato rs | ARE YOU READY Far Sinsers {wwe voor CREST SPRINGS FOONDRY, We are to do all kinds of Citing. , iron stoves, stove re plow re pain on Bow Lied tnetet taken in exchange Br sew work. jay CHENT SPRINGS, PA. | Atoraeyatlaw. Patron, Pa. Off tn the Good Buding AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa Acocramodations Sretetnm, Bost of Liquors asd Wines at the har Niabling attaches. GRoRGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. Parnell & & Cowher, : FIRE, LIFE _— ACCIDENT HSUUHRY REAL ENTATE AGENTS, i od Buliding, Patton, Pa. Phone Nag To agents axe wanple, This is the oppertnn iy ors hadler. For partieniars add ness POWER CYCLE co., Ei IXD. Your FIRE INSURANCE emi EPR er James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Office commer of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. RT Notley, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family ase cannot be excelled. Prices AVE TRAE ynabie. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, Sa au HASTINGS S, PA: 8
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