Wheat has jumped to $1.70. Restaurant. "| you will eall again. The most up to date muslin ander- wear at Mra. Dartt’s | The Courier subscription list con- tinnes to grow large. Old newspapers for sale at this office at 10 cents per hundred. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Douglas, of Hast- ings, drove to Patton Monday. B. 8. Crain, of Philipsburg, is visit ing hisson M. M. Crain, of west Beech | avenue. Ladies’ see the new line of shirt waists and drees Supply. Mrs. Howard Fry, of Westover, vis- jted friends in Patton Monday and Tuesday. Jas. Hough, is happy-—a young dsughter arrived at his home one day last week. | Chas. Walters retarned Monday | from few days’ visit among friends at Clearfield BE. E. Brillhart, a prominent citizen | of Cherrytree, Pa., was seen on our | streets Friday. At any rate, we have demonstrated ' that Yankee pigs are harder to hit than Spanish mules. Patronize your home bakery and buy your bread from Daas, oppo ' site the Palmer house. J. L. Liberman, the reguiar visiting | { Optician, will be at the Palmer House, | { room No. 2, May 17 to 21, inclusive. the rainy season has not | ‘set in in the Philippines, the at-' | mosphere there the past week was very | | Dewey. i Apt of Heaven Pe auf Sar The the a : honor and nar ion men have died and South, Fast and West, way, a hat not a8 foes, Pe ar: a. | et 10h Gash Gro Pay the printer. i For fine cakes and ples go 0 Dsus’ oun built warships. Russia has placed nid | an order for two. Finest onion sets In town at Cash po cong will not have vo dari to Grocery. | the bull fights for excitement. Besides, me paving of Magee avenue is &}the high ‘price of beef wil make the certainty. | bulls rather scarce. Dr. H. Somerville was a visitor to! W. J. Tackitt and family moved to Pelion Tumday. | Big Run, Jefferson county, where Mr. _R. Somerville transacted business at Tackitt has secured employment from a 5 ‘lumbering establishment. Michael and Patrick Burns, of Houts- dale and Mre. Richard Bowen and Mrs. 2 : for 'Hogh Hand. of Barnesboro attended to Jue ' the funeral of James Fogerty Sunday. eH made toon] N that find it to \ ewspapers necessary 3 : ghictormice muds . bus attack the President of the United Clearfield m de States at the present time are very RH Shaw, of Pas | hard up for matevial for attracting at- E. J. Severin’s orchestra. which is ‘now one of the finest in Cambria County, has been engaged to play for ‘the Base Ball club dance at Hastings | next Wednesday, the 18th tor everything in the grocery lines. Spain's board of inquiry will haveno difficulty in ascertaining how it hap- pened. ~ Work on the stone foundation of the Tom. Valentine, formerly of Patton, new Catholic church is progressing | —— now of St. Marys, in agame of ball | sehiich he pitched for 8t. Marys, vs the John Boyce, of the Cash Grocery, Jamestown N. Y. club last Saturday made n business trip to the county hub gave his oppnents only six hits. * ' Prof. P. W. McBride, the leading 0. B. Straw returned Monday after 8 musician, and BE. J. Severin, were in weskevist with his parents at Anson- | (‘hest Springs Monday. The Professor ville, Pa. bas organized a music class at that George Seymore, of Loretto, this place and will visit the same two days ral a pension of | 8 week. - - per month. | Mrs. R W. Dinsmore, of Punxsu- _ Exelting war news has been scarce |tawney, mother of Howard and John during the past few days. Something Dinsmore, the merchant tailors, and will drop soon. { Mrs. John Dinsmore and young daugh- The official report of Dewey's victory ter, also of Punxsutawney, are visiting | | can be found on the inside of the Cou- In Patton this week. | Jas. Mitchell, of Clearfield, is a can- | RL Duckenmiller representing a | ididate for the nomination of State music hoose Johnstown spent Sat. | Senator. Mr. Mitchell has many az ot friends in this section who will be pleased to hear of his nomination after | ' the primaries of that county. The Grand Jory in the United States District Court at Pittsburg last Tuesday | returned a true bill m the case against ; William H. Eckenrode for fraudulently master at Carrolitown, Cambria county. | The citizens of Patton are indebted {to the COURIER for all the latest war dispatches, which are received and placed on the bulletin board in front of ‘that office. The dispatches come through day and as late as 10 and 12’ o'clock at night. Patton Correspond- radishes at ' ent to Cresson Record. : 1 hop was held in the Firemen's | ds Rf Bight, Quite a number of Sacro * aud written piece of poetry this week en- titled “To Dewey at Manila but the! composer failed to sign his or her name hence it does not appear in print. The [Tus ot of this Ww ¥ signed by the writer if a is expected. y io Sof the President. Mr. and M oo. rs. Alex Nagie, who lives J a Ee ee near town, died Friday of The burial took place in the Catholic comentry east of Patton on Sunday after services at the home. The bereaved parents have the heart fii sympathy of & of ora ond in the loss of Ata of the stockholders of the Clearfield Bituminous Corporation, hela in Philadelphia Friday, the follow- | | "Kot fo i ys Boaght 2 “uk Tell Them that — Saw | Eb If you want roe shad go to Kinkead's | Give the Cash Grooery one trial and | skirts at Patton { ‘The morning matinee at Manila has Dewey is certainly a “peach.” | natarally created a demand for Ameri- issuing a money order for $100 as post- | The COURIER received an elegantly per is that all communi The one and one-half year-old son of | ors, | meets on Thursday evening, May 12 at EBENSBURG LETTER. uporssus News Ciuthersd ut Cambria i County's Capital. Ebensbarg, Pa, May 9th — Through the efforts Dr. T M. Richards. the Btate Dental Society will be beld here on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of July. Wm. Lantzy, «of Spangler, paid Ebensburg a business trip Toesday. . Ebensburg schools. except rooms 2, 4 and 5 clowed Toewday. Rooms 2 and 5 closed Wednesday and 4 Friday. Ed H. Craver departed on Tharsday for SBandaskey, O., where he will re sume his studies in Sandusky City Business College. His sister, Miss Jennie, accompanied him as far ae Pittsburg, where she will visit friends. David Davis, of the West Ward, who, 1 ‘ etry : a short time since sprained his ankle, here IS poet ry in had the misfortane to break his leg what we are saying. ves suki 2 mw ud g Bak. Not metered hincs Or Snow covered the ground here on Saturday morning. lyrical sentences, but Prank k Tayior, the groceryman, ye Atle ng business in town on Sat- homely expressions of arday. practical helps at this recovering. season. Y ou will ap- Normal school will open on Monday, .preciate the goods we May on. | Nottie. sell you and the cash We, the undersigned, do hereby , agree to refand the money on two 25 we can save you one i mm the a ad ( i Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, little or big purchases. Li ie to Sune Swatipies, ! ; ‘the diseases for which it is recom- LET US Say a word about imended. Also will refund the money Men's Suits. We offer {on 8 50-cent bottle of Downe’ Elixir, if you a good all-wool suit'js does not cure any cough, cold, for 86.18. Just think of croup, whooping cough, or throat or it. It's nice looking and 18x Gilcoity. We also guarantes |g iherette lunch boxes, - well fitting and ac well’ one 25-cent bottle of either of the above yr. Leavy work shoes, . 4 Be. to prove satisfactory or money Pe sry dress shoes, our undersell- age as can fanded. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, ing price . . We also have a suit at puion Pharmacy. | Ladies shoes at ; . 7.48 that is a regular Ladies’ dress shies £10.00 quality. Children’s smail shoes, The omnes we sell at WE A 9.98 are actually better hs have ever used (Otto's Care. than others in Patton Gorman remedy AE a | and Altoona ask 13.00 large sale here and is performing some and £15.00 for. 'wonderfal cures of throat diseases. CC. W. He ns will give WE CAN Show you an ele-' Jona Jous ssmple Nottie gee. | Na Saat gant line of Boys’ and ty Otto's Cuore. large sizes 35 and - Children's Suits — all ¥™™* prices and dollars saved One on every one. JA Spine Star dinner pail, beavy tin at Oval dinner pail, best quality Fancy Jappaned floor can, holde 50 ibe, at - - - I-gallon galvanised oil can at 10-quart tin bucket goes at Large granite wash basin at Granite dish pans, 25¢ to Granite kettie 20c to los cream freezers: 4 ‘ . ‘ Screen doors, complete, hinges, knobs, ete, . Sereen windows. nice goods, 2 for Large 3-day clock, oak, at - Nice gilt frame mirror, 7x10 inches Good, fall sine wash robber sat - “Americus” bicycle, best valow ever offered, . - BR 13-piece chamber seta, decorated, ’ vw E. Moore, who has been seriously ill the past week, is slowly a4 2 hot & 2 he Aa 7 NS ASRS I A PORN EL TSA SO A RAN SH “i An Important Questions, If your friends or bors are saf- fering from coughs, sore throat, or any throat or lung disease | includ- ing consaomption : ask them i Shey | Bargains; also just received a nice Black Brilliantine, figured at =5¢.; and a nice lot of Solar. Plaids and Silk Skirts Minute Cough Cure, cures. unheard of low prices. Theat hd what " was made for. The Coban question and political WE CARRY A Fine line of issues sink into insignificance with the the Celebrated Sweet, Orr man who suffers from piles. What be & Co. Pants—from the desires, in relief DeWitt's Witch, 8c ones ap to $3. o8. Hazel Salve cures piles CW. Hodg- | kins, Patton Pharmacy. WE ALSO Have the Over alls —-— and Jackets that we sel | Always safe! Rlways the Plain truth! Rlways satisfactory! or Shc, regular prices #3 EVERYBODY ADMIRES each. : soc ( ver OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF +H CLOTHING & SHOES alls and Jackets at WE CALL Your attent, ion to FOR MEN AND BOYS. » An a Ra each. our elegant line of Straw f 5 » ON HW EN «PE » # Pio rm w gow . 4 on Hats Jom the $€ ones wp USINESS IS CERTAINLY BOOMING IN OUR to $1.68. BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Xs pe + . ly We're selling Children’s Suits very cheap no ow—cheaper » RRR oJ Completely, we ever sold them before—much cheaper than they can er 5 ¢ A0E A he.bought elsewhere—and that's the reason of it. People PERRY PIONLS. are bound to trade where they can get the most for their » 8 § + ¥ ‘OUR FURNISHING Goods money. Mothers who made selections from our Boys’ and and Hats are always Children’s Department during the past month, were ahead of the procession. vinced that we exhibit TH REE Suits to every ONE © AE} ros y be seen in any other stock in Patton—and that all our groods SHOES, WELL, Yeswecarry! bright, fresh and new. We also make the boys happy the bigges : ad te ft ne by presenting them with Base Balls and Bats. neighbor. Ladies’ ‘COME HERE First or and our motto still 1s G.O. BR ADY, , Prop'r. “ine Shoes and Dry Goods a Specialty. Mirkin & Kushner, | Next to Bank. Patton, Pa. L. W. COOK. It May be Possible That a Rumor Has Reached You , That We are Going to Leave Altoona. last, , Penny Profits—Big Sales. THE KEYSTONE ATH COMMER. i | Sr Diseetly opyesite the Busi If so it is the truth for we have purchased a large Dry Goods Hone C. G Frasen, of Hastings, made a “business trip to our town Monday. in Harrisburg and as soon as we can dispose of our cent stock we are guitig TE A otic Ty ore Caples 0% J. J. Kreig and J. E Logan, «f Ridg- were visitors | To quickly move out our immense stock we Bar PUT PRICES DOWN | Wa¥, to Patton Friday. wt an you have ever known them to be on Standard Goods. Everything Mrs. Burk, of east Magee, avenoe is in stock bas been heavily reduced —such as Improving fier 8 serious illnem of Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets, Millinery, Dress Goods, Chas. Herman, a traveling salesman Domestics, Fancy Goods, ‘of Johnstown, was looking after trade in Patton Tuesday. Miss Emuma Byrne, is confined to Men’ s Furnishings and all Sorts of Household Goods, Cut Glass and Silverware. her home on Mellon avenue by a severe We want every one within reach of as to come here and have a share in attac at Wao Offers and to come soon as the goods are going fst. x of th trobje, Immense throngs are coming daily and you wil miss the chance to { E. BE. McClintock, a hustling travel- save money ever afforded if you fail to join them before our sale closes. ing salesman of Tyrone, was looking (ome to the Bargain Feast we have spread for you in this after business interests in town Mon: (reat Removal Sale day. and you will find that it will richly repay you. Patton Castle No 82 K. Our stock must be closed out at any sacrifice and oar patrons are reaping the benefit of our losses. This sale will continue but a short time, 80 come ¥$ soon as possible to the Big Store. L. Cook, ALTOONA, PA. of G. E. 7:30 o'clock p. m. All members and | visiting brothers will attend. Those people at Madrid who sub- | | woribed to a fireworks fond for the | purpose of celebrating the captare of ‘the steamship Paris are contributing liberally to the howling sow in pro- i | progress in that town. Opera House Block, w/the best. 00 . % cheapest prices, lot of ladies’ Skirts, | con- You always give us we don’t want poor stuff at the but the best on the market, ‘and your price, too, is have some big Umbrella all night; what you send us makes the quality of our food and our people like good * things to eat. we need not tell you to hurry, because you are al- ways prompt. THAT'S ALL! GOOD BYE! They Bear Close Inspection. Onur extensive line of SHOES for will bear close Inspection An examination will show that the extreme care exercised in every detail ¢f matenal ip workmanship 1s what makes the excellence 1m our stock. You cannot tell by the appear- ance in these times. Often the shoddiest shoes looks the neatest before they are worm It takes close examination to tell the difference. and the difference is there. Patton Supply Co. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers