me doinrm at the A 1a ef i ertoek the right mp write a chec! want to be That wish I yb mei iE wished 1 Hee my wife oi some “angels food.” The actor smokes a cigarette, And ‘tis the prope & For that's the ne des ee > belt £ A good © nthe paper, Our Game is Business. Cash Grocery. “Remember the Maine” The first gun has been fired, The Yankee is in his glory now. : Roe shad at Kinkead's Restaarant. | ' Every Pin a Bargain. ¥ Every Ball a Strike i en Pin Game. We want the young men J. Watt Miller is at Tyrone this week | (and old men tool to look us on business. ‘up on prices on Suits made to If you want roe shad go to Kinkead's | Order. | Restaurant. "Phe miners strike in Patton stil re- We make a business Suit ‘mains unchanged. for 812.00 that yon can’t buy | C. D. Payne, of DuBois, was in town elsewh ere for $20. on business Monday. Jobn L. Tackitt made a visit to: South Fork this week. Miss Maggie Ashoroft visited friends can’t put up for $23. Our $20 Suit is as good as can be made for §; more. | W. O. Rankin, of Pittsburg, had. The beauty of our Suits to business in tywn Satarday. Order is the fit and styles. H. C. Rehn, of Huntington, was a They are made by Tailors and | visltor Yo Patton Wednesday. Cutters who are artists in Rev. w. B. Carr, of Latrobe, called a a on, day. their profession. Jas. Mellon, Esq, made a business | We make three times the trip to Ebensburg Wednesday. Clothing to order that any Luke Bebe, of St. Aaguitios, spent other concern does and the day last week in our midst. | ..00n why its plain. Our W. E. Weaver andlaay, of Wemover, | 5, styles and prices tell yon that. The old prices of 20 years ago are played out and the ™™ Fred and Wm. A. Mellon 0 2 getting their eyes | Hastoms Sunday. | OPP t0 the fact. = nici. ot Coto Tara vires Look in our east window Ro James Biches; thle week. for patterns. Come in and Dains, & g salesman | see coc, more pieces and youn of Se louis, was in town Wednesday. 111, ve an order. | Ladies’ wes the pew line of shirt Let 0M Glory wave on every busi- | { a iL Monday. a Our motto still remains the same: Penny Profits — Big = THE KEYSTONE CLOTHING MD SHOE CD. #@r-Directly opposite the Bank. Jr., of Pittsburg, was with his friends in Hom. James Kerr, of Clearfield, was in Patton Monday looking after busi- ness interests. A. B Day, » traveling salesman of Philadelphia, transacted business in : Patton Monday. as i : Jacob % ry shaking b Call at Cash Grocery. : Patton Tuesday. Fresh fish at Kinkead's Restaurant. 8.0. Daggett, manager of the Palmer Finest onion sets in town at Cash bose, in visiting at his former home in Grocery. M. M. Nolan snd wife drove to Car ‘Qa Ww. Plakerton. a traveling sales. roiltown Sunday. man of Pittsburg, was looking after (ive the Cash Grocery : (Sede in town Monday. : you will enll again, J. Ralph end Geo. 8B. Good, Jr, of Ebensburg will have another news- lock. Haven, were pleasant visitors t0 paper Democratic in polities Patton one day last week. The next Democratic State conven. o Wm. Zeigior, representing Ren & Coy tion will be held in Altoona June Zh, pork packery, of Pittsburg, was a 4 (0 oid that the Cresson summer ly visitor to town Tuesday. ‘resort will be turned into a pionie "The familiar face of Wm. H. Denlinger resort. ‘the popular oil man of Philipsburg, Cabbage, apples, potatoes, onions, Mua oun om tur ireots Tusaday. ips, carrots and radishes Paul Biller wears an excadingly Cash Grocery. broad smile over the arrival Of AYOUDE! sttend the Epworth League anter. {blacksmith at his home Wednesday. | yen0 at M. £ church night. | N. L. Shoop, who is looking after the Admission fiee. Interests of the Allegheny Crayon Co... gp; gicerin and W. P. McBride of Pottsville, Pa., Is stopping in town oy gondiay and Monday with friends for a few days. ‘at Curwenwville and Clearfield. Jobin M. Click bears the distinction A young man named Geo. Hammell, of securing the first Cuban flag in Pat- run down by an engine on the ton. It was floated to the breeze early | poy pyyivania railroad at South Fork Pranin ay Ta Saturday night and killed. The Mandolin club of Patton enter-| yr. . Gallagher, of Allegheny town- tained a number of guests at the rei | gpg Canbrin county, has caught 28 dence of W. C. Hubbard on North, .., during the past winter. He if avenue Tuesdzy night. | wells * ‘coon oil as a remedy for rheuma- tiem. —Coalport Standard. | John F. Thomas, of near town, who ! | While js a special agent of the Agricultural re be was the gest. of Hon. J. J. Department of Pennsylvania left Mon- ‘day for Pittsburg. He is making his ‘annual tour for the inspection of phos. 1 phate for the western part of the state { F. B Morey, of Patton, Pa, Is in town this week making arrangements to remove his family and housebold goods to their new home at Patton, where Mr. Morey is engaged in mer- cantile business, being a member of the firm of the Patton Supply Co. Patton is such a thriving town that Mr. Morey has been unable to procure a house since he went into business there early last summer. Mr. and Mrs. Morey have been residents of Punxsutawney one trial and Dr. 3 B ‘Noonan reported to the OURIER the serious illness of Jobn ge, of West Palmer avenue, who is in this We make a Dress Suit, Clay or Serge, for 815 that others | guesing contest on May 16. 'g% Model Bicycle, fined to his home by a severe attack iar rheumation. His speedy long enough to make many friends who are genuinely sorry to see them po Fred 8. Rely, of Johuaiaws, made s business trip to Patton Monday. Ladies, for fine millinery go to Mrs. | "Anna Dartt, next to Bank, Patton, 0 Pa.-o0tt ~ B.F. Cushard and M. J. Tripp, of Ebensburg, transacted business in Pat- ton Monday. J. W. Pyle, a traveling salesman of Philadelphia, was looking after trade in Patton Taesday. E. P. McCormidk, of Patton, was among the visitors tc our town on Sunday. -Carrolltawn News. Baffaio Bill's Wild West Show will exhibit at Joh n June 28; in Indi ana June 20; in Pitisborg Jane 30. Mrs. Mary Holt and Mm Belle Hir- linger are home n from a visit to friends at Patton. ¥ agree to refund the money on two 25- We, the andersigned, do hereby ‘eent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake | Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, | billionsness, sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it is recom. mended. Also will refond the money on a 50-cent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if it does not cure any cough, oold, croup, whooping cough, or throat or lung difficulty. We also guarantee one Z-cent bottle of either of the above to prove satisfactory or money re Philipsborg Record. H. B. Reilley, representing the Al toon Gazette, was looking after the interests of that paper in Patton Wed. nesday. The Gazette is on sale at Morgan's news stand. The (Glen Campbell Comet says that the members of the Glenwood Cycle Club, of that place, recently met and made some necessary steps toward the construction of a cycle path. It is thought that the new Opera House will be in a suitable condition to hold the festival in at the closing of the bean A miners mass meeting was held in Firemens' hall Tuesday night to con- sider a proposition made by the Pat- ton Coal Co, which was to the effect that Spuratien at the Ashcroft colliery would be suspended indefnately and that the company woukl pay the district price at the Reilly and Flan- igan Run colleries. The proposition, however, was not accepted. Ringltag Bros’ Excarsions. ‘serve you is to have a look for yourselves rrangements have been completed NS wish to attend the performances of Ringling Bros.’ world’s greatest shows in Johnstown May 11 ‘oan secure special excursion rates on all lines of travel. This will be the only point in this vicinity where the ‘great show will exhibit during the sea of Suits for the younger members of the fam miss the grandest amusement event of the year. Binoe last season Ringling Bros’ famous exhibition has been doubled in size and is now beyond all or doubt the largest and best combined cirons, menagerie and hip in the United States. The Podrome is given by over 300 i salaried specialists, in three rings, on two arr mi in mid-air and upon A Te Sar track. free streer r-mile hippodrome funded. For sale by Patton Pharmaey. W. Heddgkins, Go to Daos’ Bakery for your ‘17, 1596, he writes an follows: a man stands 1 no chance ot Yong elected to the mayorship of a city uniess he enjoys the confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is the popular mayor of | Swantom, O., and ander date of Jan. “This is on of Chame Aly family to certify bo our appmic berlain’s cough Remedy ‘and neighbors have tested it, and we know it is an excellent remedy for coughs and cobs Cleorge 'W. Ham' phrey. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, ( WwW. Hodgkins. Fish, meat 1p, Vinegar, flour, potatoes, apples. red beets, radishes, sour and sweet pickles lard, syn sv bome, C. what cared her fresh bread and cakes — OUR SPRING—— CLOTHING STOCK IN FOLL BLAST. Serciceadble Business and Elegant Dress Goods. Spring Clothing for Men and Boys. UR ASSORTMENT of Business and Dress Suits em- braces such a variety of styles and materials that the only way for you to really know how well prepared we are to Don’t buy your Spring Suit until you have seen our assortment and our prices. ‘BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’ s CLOTHING — Parents are pleased and children Selif hted, with our Sus Splendil Sana exhibit plete and the most attractive showing in Patton. SPRING HATS. son, and those who fail to see it will Make up your mind We are sole agents for the Patton Special Hat pou here for $2.00 to see them. No ase payin $3 and $4 when you'll find as and $2.50. DUNLAP and YOUMAN styles in the latest ws FINE SHOES A SPECILTY ~ 54 Mirkin & Kusner, Next to Bank. Patton, Pa. which ore Grand at 10 o'clock on the morning of the exhibition is the most . magnificent display ever sven, Don’t it. 30 Klondikers Killed and others wounded by a land- slide alongthe Chil- Coot Pass. We are having landslides in low prices. Every thing goes prices worth $40, at 529. ries very low, wil nickel . - 15 Bicyele Sund Por instance, we sell a plated Bike Pump Tinware at lowest prices. We wiil sell you a 10-quart pall for 0c i : a ng PA By PE Ladies’ new style trimmed hats and Children’s caps and Tam O'Shanters at Greatest Bargains, Shoes! Shoes! Men's hea vy work shoes Men's dress shoes, worth A1.25 at . £1.00 Men's bax calf shoes, worth $3.00, at . £2. Ladies’ tan or black dress shoes, worth 1.25, at $1 Q4C All you need to do 1s com- pare our prices and goods with others. Money talks, but our prices shout. ; Get your share of the Bar- gains at at one-half the regular ‘away, and Patton gains a good family of a recovery | is hoped for. | when they settle there. Mr. Morey is LL A. Gray, son of ex-Sheriff Gray, is | public spirited and always takes an now editor and proprietor of the Car- | interest in the morals ahd commercial rolitown News, having purchased the | advancement of the town where he interests of Mr. Foley last week. The | lives and Patton should not be slow to 'OURIER wishes the young editor suc- extend to him and his family a warm in his new business undertaking. | welcome. «~Punxsutawney News. #0 G. 0. BRADY, Prop'r. 00 ot an Be YOUR MY = 3 ENEFIT 2 3 UNCLE SAM'S = MAIL SERVKE AND "E - x go 2 El 1 it 4 A 5 * Corvin 8 ¥ {pounds ntericy Penravivie makes SHOPPING prompt rved Nrw rey " BY Mall for the lnibhes safe, of Central Pennsylvama, pbmolitely pleasant Shia Tory We prepay Postege and [pr ou all goods ordered by Mail, but for Cash only. or new Booklet — lw for Samples you wish 0 see. vour Moaey Back # you want it. * Saeed fiw &i¥ ; at AEX sn muy oo # ~ = a7 A It May be Possible That a Rumor Has Reached You That We are Going to Leave Altoona, If so it is the truth for we have purchased a large Dry Goods House in Harrisburg and as soon as we can dispose of our present stock wat are going to leave Altoona and resume business in the Capital City To quickly move out oar immense “too k we have PUT PRICER DOWN lower than you have ever known them to be on Standard Goods, 1 verything in stock has been heavily rednosd su oh 1 an Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets, Millinery, Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Men's Furnishings and ail Sorts of Household Goods, Cat Glass and Silverware. We want every one within reach of os to come here and bave a share in these Wonderful Bargain Offers and 10 come soon as the goods are going fast. Immense throngs are coming daily and vou will mie the greatest chance to save motey ever afforded if you fail to juin them before our sale closes. Come to the Bargain Feast we have spread for you in this Great Removal Sale and vou will find that it will richly repay vou Lin specialty, | 6-Gonersi Surgury 0d he Ere 3 Specialty learn Oar stock must be closed out at any sacrifice and cur patrons are reaping the benefit of oar losses. This sale will continge baz a short time, $0 come as soon as possible to the Big Store. . Opera House Block, Cook, ALTOONA, PA. Mm. A. Inveen, residing at 7® Henry street, Alton, TL, suffered with months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, nosing various remedies recommended by friends and was treated by physicians, but received no relief. She then used one ard a half bottles of Chamberlain's Fain Balm, which effected a complete care. | This is published at her request, as she wantd others similarly afficted to know The 25 and Shcent | igen for wale by Patton Pharmacy ©. W. Hodgkins. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant Regulates the bowels, puri ‘fies the blood. Clears the complexion, laxative | Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 ote. Sold at Corner Drug Store. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. Cemadamte Poiindeiphia Dental College. spin! attention given wo ihe EE of the natured teeth Aifieial fell a Cmand Butliing, Patton, Pa. DR. S.W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofer in Good Building, Room No. 3 31 coulis will sevetve prompt attention. ‘DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon hioek, next door to Posto, Patton, Pa All omdle day or night, prosnplis LE) Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Cffiew in Arlington block, Bet to Postofos, Pattom, Pa. AH night “alin Nuptse th promptly. Demme Pe cur, nose and thmet given speefial stlention, OFFICE HOURS - JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, | Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. 10¢f WH DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Erexsntvno, Pa Ail fog) bosiness promptly attended to, {fee in Harker Building. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZP ATRICK'S Restaurnnt on Magee avenue, near P. RR. depot. MEALS AT ALL IT I Your Watch may need Bag whistling. #8 nelowill at it Nn hangs fir vinminatiog, 3 seeds wlfvftivah wel wil ve, aed of veo wail Bave aapnl B " shape we'll dos [0 well a1 a regular charge hel Sos Aon otieet Ta. EY ree paeetadded oy Twa mand Wiodpm Phe Patten Jesoler, 'B {Business Education Tie hori igherine mic dy wid 3 Busines § owes fa. Tha its a sidram td SUEY gm Phew Ri ep we Shey aay fer Tx pieirheg Pe seas $3 = bade TA phe Tees ad he 3 bos ¥ Cw HANH Te he FRYE }. SEND FOR CATALOGUE a «9 READY ee Al RE You Pew yony Baw i th road hn thst faN=t"1T ga wEweat ES TA thai iR § Way pest Sieg 8 Tr 8 Ew * £3 Fang hw Wak terd a widen 1am tyres oll ANY OTK GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON Ein ig PA. CREST SPRINGS FOONDRY. We am prepa wr} to do all Kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron kettles, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our Shargen are ressonable. FOERY metal Hagagy Bir Sew wor, ho IRR 01» £5 ivi PHENT BUHING, TA Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Partox, Pa. Cfo in the Good Building, AHAFFEY HOUSE Mubaffey, Clearfield Co, va tinada tions Aretolian. Best of Liga Mtahling situohed, Pa. L484 arnt Wines at the hap Gaonar FERGUSON, Prop'r. HE MEAT MARKET, MCALL & JOHXSOX, PROP. Is the place to ranging in np. Al 1 be fresh quality. HONEST WEIGHT! hy your meat < from A cents 1s ranteed to best x a ioe 4 »y Tig * the 3 ta money's worth OUT motlo. And your i only Nx SAaie, > 5 HAVE YOU TRIED US YET McCall & dohnson, Patton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers