% o ree a of therapid diminution in the number of songbirds in| Mussissippi during the last decade. 3 Mocking birds are actually becoming | mearoe on the coast, where a few years | ago they were more numerous, per- our COUNTRY. One sountry--besutifal as one From s2a to mogntain cites, Tie somthisnd deletes seek the san Tha! rims Xow England's roses, The stne usdarkened lights of God Khia on us from the snyisnds, And cider ewery breathing lod Froop lowland vais to Mghisnds, country. Wood -thrushes and brown | $hrashes are hard to find; binelirds, : _ emee so abundant in winter, are rarely | geen; and the same scarcity is to be | noted of nil the other songbirds, deh rg oS Snes Ta The buying off of he nders in the iste Philippine rebellion was not a Saved From shaster-stroke on the part of Spain is simply induced other speculative pa - triots to go into s war venture, and now thers is a sew rebellion uiider : way. 80 long as Spain has bribes to ~ disburse it will have candidates for them. It wonld have been cheaper for 3 that country to make friends of the people of the Philippines by giving them good government, but that is the | mort of eecinomy the Nation of Alras, 3 sidenpizon nod Weylers never hae | The Jopanese Government is inter- omed in a plan which is now being | pout {into operation by the Japanese Houth Ameridan Steamship Company, bring large sumbers of free Japan. laborers into South America. The pators of the scheme have picked Ee aly: conditions in Brazil in conjate. pan, India, Basia; Pinland, and, in- , most other conntries in ordering 0 State milway, aking schioes slong the slumber. Hear Joudl enough to rouse its mum- I Pharsohs and awsken anew the ywing of Osiris, suspended withon! ye thousands of years ago. Toe i ean now travel all over the rid with the patriotic consciousness he is being drawn by the iron wees of his own native land and that ere are none to outpace or outstay , and no likelihood of any in the rn, and the time will come be- | han the navy will be off | 1g aad thiough bY Ameri: | in the Morgue, relates the | Commurolal Advertiser, is RTHUR JORDAN, hanter, trapper, miner and Klondike _ guide, has played ‘the role of John Smith, while Pore bovias was imper- | sonsted by Annota, 8 beantifal maiden "of the tribe of Chil. | kat Indians, says the Bt Lonis Globe-Demoerst. Like | John Himith, Mr. Jordan is sn English- | man. While on a hunting expedition | in British Colambia just ten years ago | he was captared Ly the Chilkat Indi- | | ans oxi Bkeena River, on the old Tele trail to the Yakom gold regions. emus snbjected to many oranel tor love with him planned his escape, and to her skill and strategy he owes his life. Not only did she save his life, i but she saved a buckskio bag of gold dust worth $6000, In trath, John Smith's & | with Chief Powhatan in Old Virginis is ned “in it” when Arthur Jordan's Chilkat Indians in the frozen north is told, So let the bold hunter tell his . own story in his own way. | sixteen summers, living with my fath. er, who is proprietor of the Jordan | iron works, in Bristol, England, and I Amarica,” experiences to i Globe Demoorat men. Jordan was attired in 8 common blwck i suit of clothes, with bisck slouch hat, bat wore high topped boots of yellow tarned lesther that lseed up to the knees, They are the boots worn by all the miners of the west, Mr. Jor- dsn is of medinm beight, and of strong build, and his raddy cheeks are Mronsed by Joars o of EXPOS; 4 ve spent in wt isg and trapping, Sern years Iu hen mining, in the Northwest erritory, continued Mr. Jordan. ‘“In the spring of 1885 ] was at ths head of Stewnrt river, 250 miles east of the spot where Dawson City now stands. My sole companion was a Chilkat Indian of the name of Seeta. We bad a cayiee apiece to ride, and we slept in a tepee | made of caribou skins. At the head off the Stewart river are three small | lakes locked in the mountains, and as | we saw some oolor on the surface there we pitched our and made some washings forgold. Webhad only one gold pan, but with the additional {| washed out $6000 worth of gold dast We remained in that region nutil 1688, and bad fine sport in bear hunt- sources of the Pelly and Liard rivers, wiles northeast of | ing st the time were the lite nothing about it. | wining the seemed a I was I de: 8 nature was I vas somprusaiuting Indisn villsge, at the smplatis, ‘as an Todas deg | . barked savagely at my coming. Sad. | | desly a hall dozen stalwart Indian | an old woman who died, | i: backs darted from the brush at either bet Ze was Cathar. she. ‘was able fo work. ha; longer, before T get mar ried In the meantime I must pro- vide ‘home for one who will be my nion in life. It takes money to “you a wife aad howe, and if not begin to lay by a little, why, ever be able to have a home. 1 m abou tired of knocking about from ¢e to piace, I hope you will con- the position I am in, and not le me with calls for hefp, for 1 help you at present. 1 haveto y own way as I go to the posi n, und fae position I ean occupy es t way an 8: exepeding! 'y hard {ince had side of the trail snd covered Bieta and me with their muskets course, discretion told me to make no resistance. It was only a moment until the bucks had disarmed Seeta i snd me, and had taken our ponies Them, as village, we fully realized that the episode meant our captare. i “There were about 300 Chilkest ‘braves and squaws in the viliage | They were in their war paint, sod had . been giving war dances. As Seeta could | spank the Chiltkat language, and as I could anderstand some of it, I learaed | for the first time that the tribe were in fighting humor becanse the pale on their hunting ! and me with great will for one week, alt! us ander guard constantly. and good they kept Then our pegited us to the groannd, flat on our backs. The thongs were drawn so that they sank into the flesh and in’ blood, and I suffered the most exern- viating agony. Every night Seeta: I and J were tied down in this manner, two or three young bucks unable to move, the Indians threw mud in wy face and walked over me. tures, butan Indian maiden whe fall in | Noe | tele of love and adventure with the “Twenty years ago I was a lad®of ray away fromm home and came to! began Mr. Jordan, as he sat | (in u quiet corner of the curridor of the Laclede Hotel, and narrated his use of a frying pan the Indias and I ing. When we left we crossed the and pushed on to Lake Telsa, 140 “By the summer of 1838 we had | Same 44 242 south as the HSkesau river. Chilkat | One fine Seeta and [ rode into . ei valley that lay be- her ragged nnd | | Shore ier'sy OT Suddenly Seots, | | whose Indian mind was keen snd alert, | enlled my attention to the fact that wé ik are ) nearly all Amer | 58 led us into the Indian | { still. e Indians treated Seeta | They tied our bands and feet with thongs of buckskin and : She led the way, crawling ‘on her tightly around my wrists and ankles terfured with the circolation of the Then Annota led us quickly to the i pnd a strong guard Kept over us by | While I: was lying thus flat on my back, and | ~ Oue soastry! 304 her fag w3foried On heights of high endesvir I= ke 8 pariand round a worid Where Fresdom jives forever. Hall to thet soustry! Strong she stands | Far loyal hearts that love Lor With Freedom's falehion in er hands And Freed: ve Bag 400ve Ser, KF L. = is Boston 2 Press hut Roatan Death by Chilkat Maiden. imight for six weeks, then I was (doomed to a mew form of torture One morning after 1 had bees un- | pegged from the ground the Indians held a war danos sronsd me, Then they tied » buckskin larist around one of my ankles and fastened a soft car. {ibem robe over the ack of my head i and shoniders. A big bark monsted . pony, with the lariat iz his bands, | aud started over the rough groand at | ‘ & lively galiop, and I was dragged be- hind as if T was a captured fox used {in making & trail for a pack of young hounds. The Indians kad tied the caribon robe on my bead to prevent my skail froma being fractared snd {my brains from being knocked out Oh, 1 tell you, those Chilkats sre devils! Of oomrse, 1 had not been dragped over the gromnd bat s short distance aptil 1 was kdocked insensible. was late at night. back, pegged down, and | was weak and faint. A beastifal young Chil kat girl, net over seventeen Joa old, was crouchisg near me She whis- pered in brokem Eaglish, aad in- formed me that she would try to s- range a plan for Sesta and me fo es- cape. She said that the Indisos hed considered me almost desd, and for that reason only ome buck had been i detailed to guard me that night, and be bad crawled into the brash to sleep. She told me to ‘play sick.” so that the vigiianes of the night gasrd would be related. She suid that she | bad bitterly denounced me in ensup in order to ward off any suspicion that she might aid me. In ber simple way she axpressed great love for me, and saidishe wanted me to escape, and Tthat when the Indians quit the war. path and pesce was restored I oomid return and marry her. Of eourse, ander the circumstances [ could not protest agsinst even an Indian masden POPPIng the question to me, and I male a 1 engagement then and there in a. hasty soguiesence to her proposition. By this time my I head was sebing. from the bruises, aad the fover was making me suffer from thirst. 1 asked the Indian girl for a drink of water. Hbhe crawled sway quietly on her hands and knees in the dark, for disc wonid have meant death. In due time she re tarned in the same way and brought me a leather pouch fall of water. She had carried the pouch by a string | 198 the night she kissed mie, and said that her name was ‘Annota.’ How appro priate! The name means “laughing nll’ my bruises, and 1 did not have to do | the Indisus uspegged me from the ground | pretended to be too weak to "walk but a short distanne. 1 was pegged to the ground again for tem nights in succession, and so was Seeta alongside of me 1 played sick. Every night Aznnots came oa her bands and koees and wrought ex- tra food to we when the guard had Inge. She told me she was » niece of the Chilkat chief. “Oue night she informed me that T was to be killed one week from that day, but that the braves in their coun cil had not decided by what form of torture they would kill =e. Then Annota informed me that if possible, a whe would have two of the fleetest u | sad tied in » secret place in the brash ,. | the next might, and that Seeta and I | must try sod make our escape. I told her that on the day I wes captured, and while being led into the village 1 had thrown » backskin baygfal of gold dast into the thick hrush ot a certain Annaota that if she could flad this bag of gold she conld keep 1t for the as sistasce she had given me. “At 10 o'clock the next night As- nota, trae to her word, cruwled quis. thrust my rovoiver, my penknife, and, dust into my pockets, She hastily in- formed me that two saddled el bridied ponies were in wilting cut the thongs that bomad” then ent the thongs that bound Seeta. The night was inky black sad deathly The village was asleep and the | silence was ouly brekea now and then by the howling of a wonls wolf that was lurking in the timber. Annsota i said she did not know exset! | the Indian guard was, but & und that we very quietly. in the brush near Ly, would have to proceed hands and knees, and Seeta and I fol. onr feet until we reached the brash. Lpontes, Jast as I was throwing my right leg over the saddle «f my pour i sound was & familiar one to me, The Cuilkat Tadian always sims wo shoot a man in the stomach. They have old- fashioned muskets that fire but cace, imever forget © When I regained consciousness it I was flat on my with a around her neck, Before she left for “The next day I was very sore from | mach soting to ‘play sick.” Batwhen walked to some other part of the wil ponies in the camp saddled and bridipd | { place beside the trail and that I had not been detected in doing so. I told ly to me on ber bands and knees and to my sarprise, the little bag of gold | where | he was | lowed in the same way across the ‘green sward, and we dud not rise to! heard the ehick of a musket, for the fares myself ou the ober side of the | pony jast in titee to satel three buck- | shot in my right thigh vhen the In- | dina gasrd fired 1 roshed towsrd { him and fred three shots from my ree | volver, sud be fell dead } “Now same the Sight snd ¥ shall Annes sviride the pony snd I behind ber and she led the way slong a secret tral, Seeta followed on hae pony. The somnd of | the revolver and musket shots aromwed {the whole village, and the Indian dogs were howling, snd there was great | sommnoAion. Abpots hed prepared for the fight by yoatly slams pending ail {ihe ponies of the village eax] lier 1u the wight so that they would ros 10 » ; pastors some distances sway. By this trick the Indians sonld not get ther ponies immedistely, and we bad a | pore] start. Annots led the way alomp a trail straight wp a sloping mountain F00vy feet hugh, nutil we stopped on o level platean on the backbone of the ridge. The reguler Indiza trai was around the bottom of the binf and to the top we elnded our pursuers, Omoe on wp of the mountain Annots kissed me good-bye, and said 1 mast some back and find her again. Rha said she would have to work her way back to the camp sgain quickly, before her absence wna discovered “Seeta and J rode along the top of the mountain all night. At daybreak following the ther trail in the valley below, They followed us for three days. and then we saw them retarn in disgust. The buckshot made my leg swell and the pain and fever was severe. The second sight I picked ont the shot with my penknife Annota had fortaastely given washed my wounds in Ps water, sam bark and tied it around my leg of my shirt. The balsam red tha fever and swelling 1 couldn't beer uny weight on the lame jog. 1 traveled for ome week and side of the mountain, 125 miles from where [ was captured, sud thers Seeta sud I found a lodge of friendly Chile oolin Indians and an old clntehmsa inquaw; nursed me a short time Heota left me here | finally rode my pony to Fraser river, and was surssd by s French(t-sder st Lillooet, s soall mening town, and then I rode to Lytton, on the Canadian Pacifie railroad, and tock a train for Vea doctor, one month after 1 had been shot. 1 then went to San Francisco sud spent the winter thers, and spent the $8000 of gold dost that Anncts bad saved for me in seeing the ‘ele phsat' I never saw or heard of An- nota from the night she kissed me good-bye on that mountain top. “Y went buck to the FPelly river country in 1890, and brought out 815.000 in gold dust sad $300 worth of furs and buckskin I sold them in chance Miss Clara Collins, whom I had known back in old England whe she was a little girl. She was living in Vancouver with her parents. To make a long story short, Miss Collins | became my wife, and she is to-day vinit- ing her parents, who are sow livisg in Spriogfield, Maes.” The Traassntiantic Outtie Tradn. That cattle-carrying bas attained the dignity of a science is amply illustrat ed by the returns recently published by Mesars. Allan, & statement covers the yenr ended December 31, cattle, sheep and horses—carried and lost from Canadian asd United States ports. In this trade zo fewer than thirty-one vessels of the Allan lent took carried being 74,137 omttle, 37,034 huge total there were lost 6061 cattle, 2%) sheep and Sfty three horses. The peroentage of mortality works ont sa { follows: Cattie, 0X10; sheep, €.789, and horses, 1.640. In assessing the valine of these low percentages of loss, it must be remembered that the total pumber of voyages on which Live stock were carried was no Jess than 191. It is also worthy of note that practically half the cattle losses waa the result of two of the Allan feet being canght in one of the tremendons gales which raged over the North Atlantic early tn 1807, — London Syren, Limenin's € a Five Erigade, **The fre hose company of Sprisg- Bald was very proud of ils weil equipped fire apparatus, sad desiring to procure some extra supplies, sab- seription papers were seut around The small boys, mysed among the namber, were given a share io the work. I went to some dusty rooms over the grocery and entered the law offece of Lincoln. berless questions and I had to sell him all I knew of this fire brigade and its members. Then be saad: "Well, Til tell you what I'll do. I'll go home to supper— Mrs. Lincoln is gemerally good natured after sapper—and then I'll tell her I've been thinking of giv- ing 830 to the brigade, and she'll say: Tweaty dollars is quite enough.” So to-morrow, mr boy, you come aronnd aad get your Fo Chicago Tisies- Herald Phonographic Reperts. A phonegrashic apparatus is to he installed ia the ball where the Mum cipal Coanril of Etampes, a little town in tha forest of PFoentaineblean, i ! France, meets to take down the oficial recard of the procealingzs. The wan who advanced the scheme charges tha erty only for the register cylinders, which are to be xept How the names of the various speakers are to be recorded by the machine is | not stated, mt the French official’ | stenographer are looking forward to . “After 1 had bzen tied down every aad they load them with buckshot, I the experiment with some interest | of the most reside by going up the side of the mountain we jooked downs sod saw the Indisns . and I and then made s pon 4 # a tice of wild bal- Missinsingd home hy ome of the Missle went down into the valiey on tise other somver, B. C, where I first found a» Vansogver. While there I met by C Pace oar (wa, 1897, and shows the namber of animals the total live stock sheep and 3,213 borses. Out of this He asked me nam- ‘Abe, will you never have any sense? BX a m Reynoideviie in is archives | He Won ie War ron a Cotnmanding § Powition in American Life. The career of Blanche RB. fiones, oe dled] reavemily in Washing, was he | wo Bary Bnd Uw HET Rietory. ef to The Se ified In Bw EN , Log IES PRETTY, Althongh he wis ape of pears 3 sieve, sawed 2p Fears gl 1 NEY reed Regt Mempgts fn ng sored 8 Toll te Wr. H7ed Be aleeativ me. guired 5 comfortabde fortgmse and ow na low peddisivw mal poli. ry. Peper wha wis hen 2 ive a Vim ene igen SF Tice BL sxe ji pur en. pins, in ine, rettmved with Mis mas per te Mame! a Fle before the war aed in ISAT Joigend the Tnlem forex Afar the war he doweated ia Misses ET Fe pies wa Yogl. | : Sensimnp Exgrom.. Fohigitinr Acooms. WeSk SAT... Pacille Expres, Way Pusenger daily SA RI Sha Mai Pastiion. antl __ week dave. Cambria snd ClearSeld. fomthoward a i Sor Patron and Ornos | Teen ma © Masha ley ea & BY Foe Sogn: r $58 { # ; Sd a sncBea EUARPRL CURkus NEYYUES wuuEA ¥3DREDD pRBBRN TE BH . a where he prospernd aod where, in 1574 | B38 he was sheeted to Ron te. In tals sommectian a pod story 6 tobd. 11 was snooapend (hat the Rens pr wonld go to Waehingian fron his sip stenmbonss, at least ay far as St Loiin, on Bis way. # the Ualited States | i Ea la OA : 8 Anda The capiain, & man by the name of Lathers was & typead | Miswissivnd stensndeat captiin, aad Be was reoorted fo herve sald would show t gor aboard of the leat thet be would | BRTe to Reet his place on that teat, and If he put on any Kirs Ywcause be hap be a Revmtor the fesdels Bite Nis manners, ws penton would thet be | bop Dela Senator whee Be | wo black Senator when | Susipstany § mnie Mim | Botadinke 3 { Baaner. ; CRPIALS i | SHC Best Down. Ax soon sx Bence handed the steam. | Foam to Biss “Captain Leathers, | wo Wiiahington, and a part AE DERG Zeer Sin POar pry i Se mare is Broce sed possiBiy pou may have hward of me. Waal 1 wanted —_— the fowling of many peotdy har SOUT Phe rapraln wind be said | going | ua the way | My ! far Real Un 2 Bane, va d le EE sar is That 1 koow perfectly well what | whe ave | teu vader reganding persons of my calor : They SHO Leip ”. szel 3 is =. CRB ln Cand T sm godmg to give them | as oergsion for aay annevsnes while § | Bak That vou see ta it th sume vou that you wi for complaint.” The hu i simply i t 1 aw mowde | ss comfortable ss possible, and I ax | 00 I hate oo reason | ge) then eld out his hand and sald. with | rent empdemsta, “Ry oo 10 ale] ot at my talde: you shall 7 gon my right | hated on the en ive rin, amd IT *3¥ man Starts be wil Bare wm S20? me” am that emilee tris of mone Uh the capis zn made race Xin grows! ive of imstresaive sights Washington during Sie anata Heuser as 9% sew J mobos gue, the aristoeratie Launar, walk ing Sally together wn the AVP To the Capitol. Lammr, (he scholar the orator the fine trpe of No paltivarse, and the ¥ Fe AIR And | Redd oa days af imwiusdeey of 2 wm oand hw Sern Avvairy and | resect Tor | ; + i & Brave god preforms] Be companionaliin | in the daily walks to and from th Bal to thal of any other Benga Afrer bis redireurent Cron (he Ses te, ny INsLL ¢ Cap Reser was sppoeinted register | the Tremsurer by President Garfield, | amd 2x ment his Befare Him death Presi | dent Me Kinky reappointed Lim 0 same offen Aveeat and Pronuneistion. SERRE germ tom AIR Ce at . 2M Triple oat, wR Maw tnd nr Most Slvpaies abt a af the wh Seward Seay VRe home ting Toiug different (uvts of Ihe | My prosuneietion ay nol be tin «fect, hat ar all Az En . [VWI porta wo ad wae ST don't ip 35 i fash 3 Loud sh Ehish & SLiomps gevent Tod ertiel Asn thinks he has an ¥ iby Boren digs 3 Take Threw sire tod : England ¥oagadg in cs 8 im hg avian asl hed Dros % 1 writer the. CT how, for oe Pears AERA 2% Tha tans. we ORT 28 1 dag 1 «5 a IM erenew wil bo MAAS ¥ “ i. RE gly Tien sgain. propde often we mistake of ceundaring ent Bf An educated pevsan ny place with thas piace © “Tera STE it felt ond = make 14 & ot her “To Ey BEN ATs the lode, “ie Hie saviag the Londoners all oue of | their pute resarts Lde Park” will save Market Street [eput, Coarfeld as follows | Aresmmadation, for Curwanseiiln, Di Bais. Falls Creek and Beypuidaville, Conpeciiog ot Du Bos tor Ridgway, Jobhsscpiurg, HRmdtord sad Riseheter, 1343 am Bofalo Express lo viiie, Du Bows aged Falls Creel. © ing at Du Bois, for Bidgwny Johssos burg, Bradford snd Bullaie MES 2p m Da Belsand¥ neve, For Ua Rata wae yr momiawsey Ex Fails Creek snd Sakis, Trains arrive, 530 2 =. and H02 ant £412 Pom For tei ota, toe tables and Chon, ond ui or eldress, oh ¥. Hvar. 1. i Loa a 4, Pu Lape, Pnsmtnger At Rosester X. | in one | af an eduwsnted one in | we eall ux } Mahahy hg co Laeid : prea Taste amt | Nivst iad aved | oe r Curwsss en captain stepoand boek 8 PR looked Broce over, and | CON DENSED TINE TABLE. fn a December 3 sm. Eavxrwaen- Week Devs zB an rx Ed an Ennis (mri Bide, | Thiipmtinurg. ‘aoe Ree 133 Aes Sewnar Tharve y 5 A HEATER EER $0 51% wn an 58 2.3 rE Lid 13 iy ERT at | te Rrenay Taares AR IAS owen TR Geman Milas... ie tis Plhildpsiuryg sa i rx 16 P38 18 any FIRE aw 4 AH A = pysrorsosee- AS Piliipsbarg (Talon eS vg with a Beary Creed BRalircad Droid cr and from Belwiosas. Leek Haves, With mast Beadle, Priadeiptin and New Lark Lamrwgeon ii 8. i sang. Sed Gevgervg and Lyons © arse Parton: Corwspewiie 1 ladgway, Bradions gg Sos eealder, AA mate for Hogtetas asd Rumer with : cg Trrese mT PM . Geuersl S2p°T Beech Creek Railsoad. XYC&HR R Co Lemos “3 Rewsy ail ART Ya @ 1% ® Ex a Now . ¢ Y o § fe in BY - PHT IMEBINIGUAZARGESLASENERHN LER UgER 4 LANE {94 = Lan 8 ponEnvEsHS “ Was ARR wo Hy Mon rita be Mia Masa: Fat elites "ae FALUsknE Moma A 3 a BREE Asy BESRY Teri t wry Si a Coat sn Saree Nhe Namen Phifa dk Heading B BR Tr WL Thee pa, ¥ Pe duty wh Tu NYvatl . +N ee i 5 3 2 oy WEL AR wn y oe EW pk Je 4 oh a wii? ¥ UE be ed i ee * wey a my Naw Xa wake ba SEE ONE x on Train foam WA Fis bg Toa av Sars BY 4 win sta Ave, Pati : «meat Wk Pain Zing Talipomd al Fees Sho Brock Ry «8 Hat ig Bat rood of Penmecivann, af La Teh Milved and Ta a Ber $e per ntenden? Fh adi Pintshurg & Eastern Time * Ba | af the wowlber will be 87 oficow | Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV 1S. 189. Westward 7 = { a 9 vv jamve § You P ‘wie Slaton Mahafey: Tewnr 1rd JUnetion Lanse T GrekessosndRnel 0 TR sELUNRRIEUSRAR A it TN aR i Wh faces users’ Wl EE ago Rea + f “- ? » ¥ 8 ” » : 4 ht Ee Elwreenter Fy ba Run arity Remy : x Os I RR Rc sai Pass iise ue § CORBY RE 8 Gs Wh BG ERED EERE BZilivanv ease pr v EEE EER Blan? he wo Graton Maba@es a Pm Ai Unie ry Madar, Bees eR radioed, 3 division ey vaain miirond, and Po . S Ww. Dal Whkow Ron with Motions & New mtieand: st Mess wa P. AN. WW, ow 2] ad Noten T neil Syrther wolive tmainx will mn gly between U is Sinn Matai i Ee Soe it. All teins daily Hicks, Gener Mahs fey, Pa a WW g = L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers