Tre bladder was Feroated for one pur- namely, a receptable for the 4} 3nd ar stich it i2 not liable to any at ie Bo iE ericct . WA: ym imperfect tn of the ay The second way is from careless Fal treatment of other diseases. HIER CAUSE Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- . meys is the chiel cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and _ #f not doctored too much w not liable to woakness or disease, except in rare ones, Tt is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or Jneonveniencis mani. Lo fest ed in the Kidneys, pack bladder or 1 urinary passages is by mistake, Si atteilsated to weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is uit mada and may be as easily | To find out correctly sect our urine aside for twenty-four hours; : + sediment or or satttin jndicates kidney : id and ex- Hi - 1 Kime great ¥ is soon realised. If ; yon should have + the receipt of three T-cent over cost of postage on the Mention the Parrox COUTRER our address to Dr. Kilmer & BRE Saree of this offer = stam fr Children and adults tortured by sorema or skin secure instant relief b t's * With Ham! Salve It remedy. LW. Hodg- LV AN WILSON, | Surgeon Dentist. irpdonte Philndelplin Dental College. Apecial atlention given 10 the proatryas Fars of thee stnral feed Artificial teeth uo speci fy. Cond Briidineg, Patton, Pa + S. W. Worrell, : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offx: in Good Building, Room No. 3 maessrst Surgury and thé Eye 3 Specialty All | wails will resedve prompt attention. DR.W. |. DOWLER, | Physician and Surgeon. (Office in Mellon ioe, next door to Patton, P WM calls, duy or night, mpl revpridied | Or. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. a Offer In Arlington Week, next to Postoflics, E Patan a All night oaiiw $0 iv paly Bip of The cay, ome and Uhrost | pecial attention, COFFE HOURS: wily tod nom and n wo? p m! usiness $s Edenton} Sieve yon of Baste, Sy hy are flying squadron, . people on earth. imued nearly 600,000 than one-third of all the patents ined wg | | says: WANG FOR AnOTHER SWF. - When the Texxs Arrives the Flying Squasl- : rest WiLL be » Completed, Commodores W. 8 Schley om Monday | notified the suthorities at Washington that with the arrival of the battaleship Texas, the firing squadron wonid be ready to move in an hour's notice. The most formidable squadron of fast fighters ever gotten together ix oom. | picte with the exception of the Texas. The cruiser Minneapolis began at noon of that day to change her coat and the painting would be finished Tuesday afternoon. Her bunkers are filled with coal, and like the other vessels of the fleet she i folly amunitioned. Come modare Schley expected the Texas | within the next 48 hours. Despite the enforcement of the Sanday law in New. port News, which has stopped Sunday work on the battleship Kearsage and Kentucky, the three divers continued work on the bottom of the battleship Massachosetts, and made such progress that Captain Higginson believed they would be able to finish Monday night. The work on the Brookiyn has been fally completed and ber S-inch tarret guns will throw a much greater distance. The Colambia has finished painting and coaling, and it is in splendid condition. Fort Monroe is being improved rap- idly. The big electric search light is now in operation. The emplacements for the rapid-fire gun and disappearing guns will be finished this week. The Brooklyn, Columbia, Massachu- wetts and Minneapolis, the ships now bere, are superior to the best that Spain can do in making op a similar squadron. She has the Viscaya, In- fanta Maria, Pelayo and Almiranto Ogendo disposable for such a purpose. : Their combined displacement is 34,000 tons against 43,100 tons in the Ameri can squadron. The average horse power of the United States vessels is 142,500, and that of the Spanish 11,750. - The average rate of speed of the four "== United States ships is 21] knots per hour, while the Spanish fleet bas to 3. content itself with 12 knots. There are five 13-inch guns on the American while the whole Spanish navy has not one 13-inch and ‘only two 13-inch gums. Of 134nch guns, our squadron has four and of S-inch guns, 14. Spain's Jour vemsels ; ‘have five 11-inch gans and the rest are ' mainly §-inch. are the most inventive | To them have been | patents or more Americans | in the worll. No discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit to mankind than chamberlain’s colle, cholera sad Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffer. ing. J. W. Vaugn, of Oakton, Ky, “f have used Chamberlain's The Kind You Have ~ Always Bought, the Fac-simile = - un reer NARCOTIC. LL ——————“—— THE KIND YOU HAVE The showing that 18 here { 2vDt 1 4 perior, i ize and vanes of uch PRLS hat as Centra When the cash accom panies the order we prepay all charges with- 1} joo nites of Altoona. of Roose from bee 1 ¥ cry exer , x ; Wyn ral Penugy ivan uc . Ey Pa. $e ¥oy 4 olen dress a 3 brick ; spe iy adil latest Altoona, = ow style, to any stoc k sow 0 } 5 and i Patton Mirkets, | Rabject to market changes: i Batter. 5 cents per pati {able Broekwihnt Fev : od £52 1 howen © 5 traded i me Mixsms Sypoue Oo | Limited] i A man stands chan of belug elon to fe mayorship of & city a confidence and fas W no the yg Fgthbir Hompbrey = the popular ! $0 TT 3 wpeiton we fi hoy pmtunpry wy iw mayor ate of Jan. This je speereciation of cham My family tested it, and we exorilent remedy for fwowge WW. Hom Patton Pharmaey, C. 17 ING. ha to certify do or SIRs heyiains tegh Remedy. and nelighibass have . koow it eonghe and colds phrey. Sold by W. Hodgkins i ash {et Y ounr FIRE INSURANCE i SPH BY James Mellon, J. P. Good and rehable come panies, Office cotwer of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. WALL PAPER! We have the fost complete line of Wall Paper in North- ery Cambria patherns to select from. Good White Blank 30 wr roll, 3 yds long. Nilverotts 4 5 8 and Git from 5¢ op Pictures and Frames. All styles sod sigs We o 4 large stock of Motld: ings and can make any sim Crs work life ize with 8 inch frame only $00; others charge $4.50 (vive as a oall and save money, - oth. Store ou corner Magee and Fourth Aves, PATTON, PA. of All new | For Sale’ Two-dtory frame dwelling, within ished basement, seven rooms, on Magee Lvenne, Patton, Pa. Owner will sell wt purchaser's prion. No reasonable offer refused Two-story frame dwelling on Lang avenue, Patton. Four rooms; stable om lot. Will be sold at 3 bargain. Two story frame dwelling on Beech avenue, eight rooms. All modern con- venienoos, Two-story {rape dwelling, eight rooms, on Palmer avenue, erected in Res, fitted with all modern conven inom. Owner is leaving town and mast sell. Will be sold cheap. All of above properties are in good conditi 0 and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capitsl to mvest ParseLs & COWHER, Good Beikding, Patton, Pa Auditors Nether, In the Orphan's Court of Cambria County, Penn’a In the just and final acconnt of BW. Litzinger, Exscentor of George Rose fue, inate of Loretto borough, Cambria , Pa, deceased, Se now to-wit: March 16th, 1888 on motion of Kittell & Little, Bags. Mathiot Reade appointed saditor to report the distribution of the fund in A.C. Fisher. st my office, in the Borough of Ebens- the hard of the Execntor. Notice ix hereby given, that T will sit harg, Pa, ont Thursday, the 14th day of (April, A.D 1988 at | o'clock p.m of said day, for the purpose of attending the duties of said appointment, when and where all parties interested may appear, if they see proper, or be for Lever debarred from coming in on said fond. MarHior Reape, 173 Auditor. Ebensburg, Pa, March 21, 1998 Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulstes the bowels, purl Easy to make and pleasant to take. 35 cota. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Anditers Notes, The undersigned Auditor appointed ‘by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambris county to distribute the funds in the hands of Joseph Hopfer, As signee of J. J. McDonnell and wife, as shown by his first and final account, hereby gives notice that be will sit in YO ae Attorneys’ Room in the Court House in Ebensburg, Pa, on Tharsday, April 14, 188% at 10 o'clock a m. for the purpose of attending to the duties of sald appointment, at which time ‘and place all persons interested may attend if they wee proper, or be for ever debarred from coming in for a share of ssid Sand. Revel SOMERVILLE, Aunditor March 19, 1808 «5 : nost pop 11a went as well as all the new colors are iucinded m this magnificent artay of ) The farmer, the mechanic and the : new Spring Dress Stuffs! wil bicycle rider are lable to unexpected il : 1 \ cota and bruises. DeWitt's Witeh The very inwest rice sale on them, loo, a ; . P tor tl tL. : Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on 1 line « my 1 x ASKIN i full line of samples sent for IC asxmg and is a well The Easter Gloves. sisi Whatever is new and worthy in the Kid world has been gathered here for the E astiertide shopper. A he | in their bright prices: At 75 cents. Rid Gloves, green hlack At $1.00. Gloves made sinh akin, two clasp of tan. brown, mode. green, blue, grey, butter, white: se!f and white stitehing. valte in these At $1.35. Bea! Kid Gloves in tan. brown, made, black: either self, white or black stitching values at this price ka heli colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy | in my family for several yoars, and find it to be the best medicine 1 ever ased : AR RE YOU READY for cramp in the stomach and bowels.” ure winters Does yar heater give yon For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Post's put ap with testes ths! Just yenr. CONSULT ae siwwl Hodgliae. i : Aether Passes . Away, : ; yr howvee, ofthis hy tr, heat a min. Cit give you estimalis an : ny x GOULD & BEEZER. : On Wednesday, March 30th, West. nr PATTON, PA. ‘over lost another of its oldest citizens Clin the death of James KB Westover, v CREST SPRINGS FOONDRY. > W%, years, 7 montts and 7 days : Cas a Mich ry, iron do all kinds of Mr. Westover was a great sufferer dur. ie Hg ling his illness, which extended over pair i ze quite a long period of time. In 1866 OM etal taken In exehange for new work. the deceased bocame 8 member of the Myr CHEST SPRINGS, PA. | Westover Baptist church, and on the Go | 8th day of December, of the same year, Reucl Somerville, ‘he was united in marriage to Mim Attorney-at-Law, Mary ¢. Pardy. Five children were born to them, four daughters and one PATTON, PA. son, viz: Van P, Mrs Emde Keirn . Office : in the Good Building. and Mrs John Kitchen, of Westover, : Mrs. Elmer Pry, of Texas: one dangh- MES NOLAN, ter dying in infancy. Besides the Attorney-at-Law, ohildren living there are nine grand. children to sworn the sad demise. i Patton, Pa. Offior in Good Building. - 0tS. hand. It heals quickly, known cure for piles kins, Patton Pharmacy. A Groat Mediciee Given Away. CW Fodgiuting & is now giving free to all a trial ngge the Is the place to buy your meat herbal remedy, 's Celery Ices from O Cents H adie so : from antvons oi iranteed 10 remedy they will soon be free from the best headaches a that | MEAT MARKET, MWCALL & JOHXSOX, PROP. $ glove . : Easter shades are here This word as t y the 11 #3; cg ¥ ah ii sik $33 : yi ng i y 8 NEWICSS. % {rey ot and of Ye much suffering. Tadigrtion,"erop pity of sizes 25 and 50 cents. two chap style, wn colors of tans, browns, Thousands of sufferers from grippe WEIGHT! five been stored to health by One Minute cough cure. It quickly cures af dan bi why le tun FHL SHA Eh wal Paan % LE 3s {5il : 11: madill, butler. white : Extra good lung troubles, ton Pharmacy. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. in Eminest Now York Chamist snd Scieatis! Makes a Free Offer to Or Boaters The distinguished ew York chemint demonstrating his WE YOU TRIED US YET® The funeral services were conducted ‘by Rev. Patterson, of Jersey Shore, Pa, interment being made in the | Westover cemetery. The bereaved children have the smpathy of a large | community. A little boy asked for a bottle of “get | ap in the morsing as fast 3s you ean,” : i the ie] a household | he Tie Ares: Hae bo Patton a! | NAtRe Jor “DeWis's Little Barly Ris- a ¥ITZ R ers.” gave him a botile of those m+ gn pe seve, we i, PSP #. BR. depot. sick headache, liver and stomach a MEALS AT ALL HOURS troubles. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton a | Pharmacy. | Your Watch may need ; y's * Bo A barge | a eh wet: would have au put fin | : | to : ovr At $1.75. McCall & Johnson, Rid Gloves, nn white shadia, sixteen button length Chamois Gloves. In the popular and useful washable Chamois Glos we have a very com plete showing. At The white natural, with sell stitch Hog. At £1.00 White and pearl, with self and black stitching. Misses’ Kid Gloves. AL $1.00 Clasp wy be green, with iid atitehing. inn read, with fancy stitching First Floor Left Basement Stairway. W hen ordering gloves kindly be sure and state size and color wanted Gable & Co, Altoona, Peniva. sae Ah tsguetaire 3 Patton, Pa Diffie in bin riker Buitding. TOBACCO and CIGARS in colors of rd, tan and At T5e. Two clasp style, Moar iam Hedse lowed, : The Johnstown Tribane says that ‘word from Cresson says that the ‘rumor published some days ago that the Mountain hoose would not be for the season of "#8 was con- PamioN noTEL EXERT arnell & Cowher FirstNation’ | Bank Firs aecommodation. Fable supplied | | authorizing the sale of all the stock, | FIRE OF PATTON, q % > ret-class with the best the market affords. Chol | vehicles, etc . connecled with the fan. | TR Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. LIFE AXD SIRES aud I rons ious resort ill the empioyes but two ACCIDEXT writing for them. His “New Scientific Treatment” has cured thousands by it» timely ase, and he Ee “RV Patton Jeweler, professions] duty to bh to donate 3 tata) ny his in cure. v develops new wonders, great chemist, pad ex- Great Bargain Sale at QUINN'S, JOHNSTOWN. & of Ladbes’ conts and furs will be sold at a great sacrifice in price resales as Dem to : humanity as can be claimed os any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is proven | “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” fled in his American Eu isbra- tories in thousands from those cured rts of the world al experts concede thst bron- hi chest and lung troubles lead to i canssmpminn, whi uninterrapted, ans speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloram, M. €, a% Pine street, New York, giving apd office and express address, “the free medicine will be prostptly ut, 5 pomition. Sufferers stould take instant vantage of his generons pro Please teil the Doctor that you saw his offer in the PaTrox CoumiER. The entire remaining stock and Misses We will not keep any of these goods over. They mun bee soid, and it is iD a everybody’ » business to hay as cheap as they can come and get a bargmin, We sell the Paenet vard- vide hitachi miuniin Bd aA ¥ Vain. Outing & cloth ab va, { Ginghams at 3i vard. Cat prices on ladies’, misses’ children’s underwear, the lowest made free “= QUINN'S, CL at the br | bee The ho ol bie ve 1 discharged. two who 5 M2 Y HOUSE {are retained are watchm a- i: fey, | Clearfield Co., Pa. | might and one for day dats % adntions first <luss, Bost of Liquors | §s said of the report that the since wiil CAPITAL PAID UP. $50,000.00 atthedar. Biabiing attached. j be turned into a military ac «my. SURPLUS, 830, 000,00 sears Siw oof §% EE Hanks reer pt vend te fers potsiaie nl we Geonar FERGUSON, { } | A torpid liver robs you ¢ e and ruins your health, DeW Little Jeti Barly Risers clense the liver, oon. MOU III De eacnaniip tickets for sale fis ol tg etipation and all stomach . liver ; fiw, ¥3 HE Drans pura’ Bie A CW. Hodgkin on Loans and Real Eslate. icon ion et sve dopaamiis, OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD'G. : Telephone Connected. appear iions Fim yp PE rbition again The MONE Yom. * —_— £34 wa ie nnd er R live i aterint paki 2 aes 15 A. E Parron, President. Wa H Sasorori, | Dewnr's Little Early Risers, Cashier. Wie aman ete pit, :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers