% ne io ree or Sa AT “VEIL W and offer LAL MD ENE NWS Gleaned Here ad There by the *Conrier” Reporter. on Save your checks. On January 1st, 1899, 1 will jve to the person return-. ing the largest number of GOOD MEN AND TRUE “my Cash Register Checks Cabra Comply. Below will be found the list of grand | and traverse jurors drawn from North Cambria coanty, commencing the first | Monday in June, 1598: Grand lary. Berteam, Pelix, Iaborer, Carrolitown. Brown, George W., laborer, Reade. Bearer, F. J., farmer, Spangler. Traverse Jurors, Firyt Week, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, COOK'S DE PATTON ARS LE Creer TO Mes gh Werk om Momday in Besponse i 5 Call On Monday over 700 miners of Pat tom, employes of the Patton Coal company, soppai work in pormant to resclutioms adopted at a meeting bedd in the firemer’s Hall on Priday. This means that every ooiliery in Patton, with the exoiption of Pardes Draws fromm he Jury Wheel fiom Nerth ooiliers, operated by Mages & Lingle, in idle for the present. It was decided at this meeting that the mines of Flanpsgun Rem and Mo shannon collieries, together with the work until the district price » paid in thee two latter named coileries and the folio ressintions were adopted sevewdingly: Remcived, That whereas onder ithe existing trouble. we are snabde 10 oOD- trol the men of AsherotY's and Uolombia , ¢ mines, without the Flannagan Ran and . MeCormick mines joining in the fight, or stapdard make. Will be on exhibition Septeter Traverse Juvers, Second Week. jawin, Oiton, etipestet,; Basses therefore be jt Eemoived, that we all ay down our tools until we go to work at the dimtrict price, suspension 10 op we arday evening April 8 be i further Remcived, that a committer be ebactecl at the mans | which wili be farn. ished with to canvas the | Dunegan, E. R. merchant, Clearfield Kohn, D. C., mason, Reade. ' McNulty, Oscar, laborer, Carrolltow Ros, W. H., Carpenter, Reade. ar | property owners along Magee avenue for the purpose of mscertaining the possibility of paving that portions of ‘Magee avenue with brick and the COURIER is pleased to stale thai the | project was met with very good en- § coursgement, with a few exoepliona | Already enough have signed the peti- y harmacy. tion to warrant the progres of the Beech avenues, Oppo- | same, and no doubt those who have ad Da | mot already signed it will “fal in line” ina few days. IL is a wise act and | the COURIER predicts that it will be bt a short time till more are laid, from the The tale of the , greedy Ostrich. . “Onpeian Osttich named Miss Jensie inion Hardware Svan. ways than one, besides giving tone and valuation to the properties adjoining it Hurrah for paved streets inn Patton! Look Here! . The United States Photograph Gal tdery is located on the vacant ld on the | corner of Fourth and Mapes svenues, Patton, Pa, and will remains bat & ‘short time only. All who desire to have a good and chemp photograph of ont AD | themselves should not jet this oppor ot Te : pass. Bring your cross babies 1. | ange mgt Jeo She could of finished up on uggies, Harmess, Plows, _ Tools, Cinderella (Away. Jeary in the shortest time possible Cabinet size photos from $1.36 to §L%0 dosen. - 22 U. 8 Pavro Co Yo tw Palit al Ome ~The Pittsburg & Eastern Railway | company will baild a road up the Sos na Biver from Bamside to ‘ queban Co's j Cherrytree and then up Cosh Creek via ‘Pine Flats to Smith's Sommit and thenoe down along the banks of Yellow ‘Creek and west to Saltsbarg, Indians ‘ county, this summer. There have been leased about 20,000 acres of coal land Joy esstern capitalists in thal district No More Sebooncrs. In grant’ - licenses in Blur couaty a few g the honorable judge admonide « . Lords not to sell beer im “schooners, * to stop the free lunch system and to close their establish every night at 11 o'chuck. Beil- i EE Kirk How. Opposite Commercial Hotel. g uy will go dry this year no having been granted there. Now Ads This Wei, The following new advertisements appear in the COURIER this week: : Wolf & Thompson; J. E. Kirk Hard: ware Co; C. W. Hodgking: Geo. O Brady; Wm. F. Gable & Ca, Altoona J1* will pay you $5 lack thee up, autre Shoes at - — You should not miss seeing ihe large table. full of shoes of all styles and sises at the store of Geo 5 Good They will all go at a bargain Don’t miss the opportunity. shall, a son, on Tuesday April 12th. : county, license i $ § ¥ i % 3 i : 3 3 2 i i i { i 3 1 3% 2 f fact that it will be a saving In more tunity Don’t Jet cloudy weather keep you All photos @nisbed at the gal. eamp will the fourth largest town in the ear instead of paying the district price, B45 cents per ton. Two weeks ago the company attempted to start ite Colum. bis mine by the sarne system, resulting in the above sospenséon of ithe mines. As the COURIER goes to press word is received that some of the miners have retarned to woirk at the Asborofl Ought to be Hopped. One of the most obsoxicus sad offensive practices owrried on in Patios young pent emen ls the congregating 81 or pear the entrane to the diferent churches in town on Sanday evenings while services are being conducted, osing the most vioknt and cbwerne | acs we have & sample of pared stents | EE SAGE, making nemarks shoot per sons who mas chance to pass Dy, snd last, but not least by any means, the pulling of cigaretie smoke in people's faces. It should be stopped and the make it his special bosiness 10 arrest theme parties and male 3 good example of the offenders, which in all prob ability would put a stop lo the same. It i» » shame aod disgrace that if most be tolerated na civilized eo muRity wt Besamed Operates, . The large saw mill of Hunter & Baughman, esst of Patton, ressmed operations Tuesday sflerashat down of four months, in order to stock up for the coming summer. A large foroe of men arrived on Monday, who will work on the mill, and over 1,000,000 feet of hemlock snd hardwood will be manufactared into nmber during the season's ron. The scene aboul the be & Dosy one during the next six months. OF Tatars is Ladies Ott Sigtors, om Beedh aventoe, opposite ing, have received a fine line of spring and sammer millinery goods, which will be sold at astonsd- ing iow prices. Hales from § cents up to $LTS; sailors 10c and op; Sowers §o and up. Ladies you are gurdlaily in- vited whether vou wish to purchase or Bod. Reertved $3,300 Damages. In the suit for damsages by Michael P. Moyer, against the Pennsylvania Railroad ecmpany, which was ried &2 Ebensbary last week, the jury rendered ‘a verdict of $3500 for the plant? The defendants filed a motion for a ‘pew trial and in all probability it will gv to a higher court. John Gants has compbeted the erec- tion of a set of weighing scales in front of his place of basiness on Fourth avenue and wishes to inform the pab- lic, and especially the farmer that be is prepared to accommodate them at all tires. Rates ressonable. Ladies Who Value Good cooking, shesld examine the Cinderella Range; ii =» a good baker, * t- stands service well, and in style and , action is asequaliel. Sold by J E Kirk Hardware Co. [The lending Qaosthen ww. Whe! Will Com ‘at peony Monday in THE LATEST WAR House Committee on Foreign Affairs Ready to Report. SITUATION CRITICAL. Paton Cond oy he 18g8. PARTMENT STORE mG EPROVENENTS Mining Mochinow amd Other Waders Wa Wiwiry far the Patios Wises The work of potting in sn ehectrioad mining shine pant at the Fanos gan Eas ocoliwry, operated by the Co, was completed Toes. day and the two machines. which have been placed, ate Sow realy 5 86 WOEk Washington, April 12 — A largely as tended conference of Republican mem. bers of the House of Representatives was held this evening favorable lo the independence of (obs and armed inter vention Assurances were given by the conference steering oommitios Thad foreign s¥uim committee will re The resciotion will declare for inde tion snd the establishment of a firm, stable and independent government by the peop of Cuba. tis now Shmght be’ adopied before adiourumest Wr morrow evening Achsson, Hicke Arnold, Bromm, Robbins Kulp and Kirkpatrick represented Pennsylvania at the meting. dered a serenade, and in the preseson of thousands of people, declared a flag from Americas scii. The sireets are fall of pmrades with banners, all bearing inscriptions relative to the foes of the Maine and the freedoms of Coda. LOOKS LIKE WAR. As the ColRizs was about to go to ceived at 1:30 Wednesday: Washington, D. C, April 1X The commitioe on foreign affairs offered a resolgtion to the Senate for armed intervention in Coha at once and upos s ballot it carried by a majority of 3 votes. The resolation wus then refermd to Congress for setion. The Flying Sqoadron will leave Paint Comfort onder sand ondary at Ip m to-day. Rareeis od Aidit € wutirnet, George 8. Good & Company, have been awurded a contract for building twenty-four miles of railroad mn New Mexico, The road will be 4 branets of the mun line they are pow ballding in New Merico and extends from La Las Wo the Secremento mountains to a elevation of * 0 feet above sa eave, It will opes up a valoable ares of timber laoeds Kite a Thr Wises Joseph Goodyear snd bis son, James, both of DaBois, were instantly Kile! the Mend Ban mine of the Shawmut Coal company, ‘by a fall of rock and coal They wer experiecoed miners, and were engage in the dangerous work of removing abandoned part of a beading whet they were cagght by the fall meeting with the above resuil Flos 52 Hastiogs The bouse and store owned by William Haywood, of Hastings, caught fire from a defective flue Saturday morning. The fire company soccedeld in petting the flames uoder control, but not until a great deal of damage had beer done. The loss is estimated at from ope to two thoosand dollars Bryan © Passes Thiwagh. William Jennings Bryan and party, other promisent Pennsylvania Demir crate, passed through Johostown at a late hour Monday night on their way to Washington to attend the Jefersoin- jan banquet to be beid in that ey. — Johnstown Democrat. Charter Granted. At Hurrisburg ast week a charter was grusted to the Patton Wood Manufacturing company to manaimt- at Patten, Pa; capital $12008 The directors are I. M. Patterson and G. | Good, Lock Haven, M BB Cowier, BF Waeeard S W. Worred, Patti. Thought sed Avtion. Until there be correct thoaght there canpot be right action. Therefore, think right and bay the Cinderella Range. and right action is sssured Sold by J. E Kirk Hardware Co. The Presidon: s Mosenge. President McKinley's message W Congress in full appears on the inside pages of the Covsins this week [iis jquite kmgmy, but everyone should read it of Philadelphia, spend billy goat, which i» about three weeks itazed by the Beit MieBine Co. of Chicago, and the power » obtained by & 15-borse-power Penerstor and more machines will lw added a they are peaded The stesr in obtained from two J00-bhoree-power boilers and tbe cogine which peopels (he penerator, or dysams, # I bores-power aad are stationed in sabslasiial baildings erected for that purpose 3 sbort dis Lane from the mine. A eet has Dewi made and lhe ma chinery has proves wo be salisfactory. The company expects to make the sume improvenments in the Colombia snd Asberofl eodliers ia the pear fotare. Magee & Linge, opermiing the Par dee colliery, are at present puting i» SCALP Y of Chicago, i» furnishing the machinery. It will only be a short time anti every mine in Patton, with Soe e300 1 be equipped with modern machinery, | such an coal digging machines, moter Mra W. B Potter, of Barnesboro, visited her sister Mr Wan H Sand. ford, Tuesday. Droggies J. A. Wolesiagie, of Barnes. Busines in Patton is EE A Kasioe of ibe Philipsbarg Record, made the CoUI0ER 8 pleasant visit Saterday. Superintendent A. (i. Palmer. of the Beer Creek rilroal was loosing After business imlerenis (a Fation Teesday. Hon Jax Kerr came up from Clear. feid cn Momday to look after the interests of the Patton Coal company. JM. MoUemb, a raveling salesman Monday = a ALAR aa a A Ah Ah A AA AA SS Sip Sh Si SRE EA RE AAA AAs Patton JW. Lapfer and family spent Sun. day at thew former home in Gallitmin, Pa County Soperiatendint T. Lo (abson, a pleasant visitor to Patton Monday. Archivect C. M. Robinwon, of Altoona, transacted business in Patton Mooday pertaining to the proposed addition Ww $1.00 PER YEAR ALTOONA, PA. AX OBJECT OF ADMIRATION. A wt ledremsend san pdm bral aia erwin the nigh. dw daw.” sans mewpeerd huey 80 We abedy oad wear and Lia owrEilariten, set the ete: Li WEL meer Wie phoma vom (3 styies of goods as wll an ve LOEW PREES Dinsmore Bros. PATTON, PA a goods 1 and Carpets Sedd Wm Murals Bos & Co. Ab more than thirty vem been con sidered and joutly toa, — TRE BEST QUALITY. TRE NEWEST STYLES. TRE LOWEST PRICES. Out of Town Purchasers are invited to correspond with ze if 2 I» pod comvesient Lips Wo Lhe lore, We can supply VOUT Wants promptly and save You money. ow Ter bien of HH yo + whake ame of oar om _—" EI wike WN NURRAY ALTOONA. | SON (0. FA MVNA MAMAN IIR NAAR NAAN AANA be erected Wo he Paltoo public school building. John 8 Miller, of Petersburg, spent Morday in town WP Rar Monday 2 rame over Troos AGS Ladies, for ne millinery gow Mm 8 Asma Dero, Pa af Chicken lhwves appear lo tw gelling in their work iz certain portions of wws. E W Cowber bad the mis fortane to Joos 20 mice birds one night lat week. Keep your chicken coop door locked ~thieves are «in the sowunt in Patton. H. Remkos, who is stopping && Port age, spent a few days in town this week, looking after hin business inter ests here. which are im charge of his capable and efficient manager Jalios Mogodia. Aarop Weakiand the Fifth aveuue Hveryman, has ion his possession & baby Bank, Patton, next: Io old tis a fine speciinan and will no doubt make a very weful acquisition to the stabie in the way of banishing the huge rata, which are quite numer ous in that vicinity. Mrs Matids Nieman, of New Wash. ge, 34. le'vasiting ber vigter. on. J. ee catia daghins or Wb Mrs Jobn Cordell, received a injuries Mooday morning by aoci- front of her home or Magee avenue QS Reed, of LaJose, Pa, was the guest of Howard Dimgnore over Sun day. J. Dhsad BH J. Karbeim will leave to-day Tharsday' for St. Louis, Me, where they will be ungaged in tele , phooe construction work for the Amer. ican Telephone and Tniegraph Co. ON THE PATH!! The man who bas been ‘poorly supplied or has been given poor material is sure to gv on the war oi for the arm that “sold h We do ‘business to retain Ee We make things nght m the start and if by any accident they are ‘not right, we night them. Its our method of makimg friends and retaining them by selling ‘the best and latest style _,/CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS. Wolf &T hompson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers