he VOL. v. NO. 14. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1398. $1.00 PER YEAR. mini SAA Save your checks. On January 1st, 18gy, I will give to the person return- ing the largest number of my Cash Register Checks Of standard make. Will be on exhibition in, September. Full Particulars Later Patton Pharmacy. and Beech avenues, Oppo- | site 8 ol building. and see our new line of Ranges and Cook Stoves. The best stoves the All guaranteed. market. We will carry a full line of plows, and re pairs for Oliver, Bissell and South Bend plows. Fresh supply of gar- den seeds. Floor and table oil cloth at all price. $ J. E. KIRK HDW. CO. 1 Furniture Department. We have just received a large line of very fine natties, which we are offering at the lowest of holde These goods are prices. close woven and will we: well. the latest, Rugs for the mere sum of and $2.25. Carpets from 25¢ to $1.30 PCT caf dhort by the use yard. ¢ J. E. Kirk Hardware Pattbn Pharmacy. Compa ny. The patterns are of INTEREST TO MINERS r OMe of United Mine Workers of Amerie, Tristrice No, 2 | (iallitzin, Pa., March 1. At a con. vention of miners employed in that portion of the bituminous regions shipping coal to the Eastern and Sea bord market held at Altoona, Pa, Feb. roary 15-17, the interests of miner and operator were thoroughly discussed andl in order to bring abont better con. ‘ ditions for all ecmcerned, it was nnan- imicmsly agreed by the representatives to said convention to invite the oper. ators, shipping coal to said market, to mut the representatives of the miners ‘of the territory above named in joint ioonflerence in the city of Altoona on Taewday, March 22, 1898, for the pur pose of formulating plans whereby the interests of both miner and operator may be advanced by matual agree. ment and thas 40 away with the s Land nneertainty that have for years disturbed thie coal trade of the district \ You are therefore in- vitex| to be present or have g represent. Btivel at said conference. Yours respectfully, GrorGE Harn President, Jaurs W. KiLprrp, See Treas, PaTrick MoGowan, EowarD WOKS, TioMaz FARRELL, JaMER NAPIER, Execntive Board District No. 2. | Direct all communications to James | W. Kilduff, Gallitzin, Cambria Co, Pa. wucH Ex EXPECTED f Prom the Cond Miners Convention at Al toona. Mareh #2 President George Harris, of the State bitorsinious district, number two, was Lin Altoona last Monday, looking up a suitable location for the district bead- | quarters. In conversation with a Trib- ‘une reporter Mr. Harris said that Phil- strife | lipsburg would likely be selected as the officers’ headquarters because of that town's central location in the district. . Spuaking of the miners’ mecting, which will be held there March 22, Mr. Harris said: “We expect a great deal of good to { peemlt from this meeting, since we de- sire to meet the operators of the district { there and talk things over. If then they i § i ¥ £ { refuse to accede to just demands, the | consequence w itl be their heads. | “We have been doing great work since the convention of the 15th inst. | Many new locals have been organized, and many more will be in good condi- {tion by March 22d. National President Of OWE Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia form a strong triatate organization. “By April first we will be in position 4 way.” Wood Company (hrganiz-d. Manufacturing Company of Patton, Pa, was organized and steps were {taken to procare a charter, tal stock of $12,000, and will engage in i the handle and spoke business and also iin the saw and planing mill business, They have procurred from the owners ‘of the patent the exclusive Platt Patent Machine for the mann. facture of spokes handles, and all irregular shaped articles made of wood, {the owners of the patent also being ‘members of the company. If these i ventares are successful the company ‘will branch out into other wooden ‘manafactares. The company has ar- {ranged to buy the B. F. Wise saw and { planing mill near the PF. RR. station ‘and will thoroughly remodel and refit i this plant to nit their needs. When the piant is in full runring vperation it | will give em nent to about 6 men. | The following are the officers elected at ithe meeting of the stockholders: LL M. Patterson, president: 8. W. Worrell, vice-president; J. E Paul secretary: 3. WW. Lupfer treasurer; LL.M. Patter ‘son, 8 W. Worrell, M. B. Cowber, B. PF. Wise, H. 8 Lingle, directors. The follvwing are the principal stock I. M. Pattermvon, 8. W. War. rell, iy F. Wise, J. WW. Llupler, J. E Parhell, M. B. Cowher, W. C. Lingle, H. 8. Lingle, W. C. Hubbard, Geo. E. Priridible, all of Patton; Geo. 8. Good, of Jock Haven; J. IH. Parnell of Houtzdale, and others. | HOYT ir $2 Ww hooping cough Is the most distress malady; but ita duration cau be of One Minute the best known all lung and W. Hodgkins, in 2s cure which also ‘remgdy for croup and ‘bronchial troubles. CC. ro Cure Coustipation Yorever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 1c or 35a. | fd a e. ! 1; | | For Grand tardy; Ratchford has sent organizers into the | fields and enconraging reports come from all these sections. Representatives from all these flelde will attend the icoming convention and we expect to to enforce our just demands, should the operators refuse to meet us half At a meeting of the projectors of the company held on Tuesday afternoon in office of Parnell & Cowher the Wooden | Berg ume of the —— iy; CRIMINAL COURT TRIALS Cases for Regn] Term Com- mencing on MONDAY, MARCH th. Prosecntors and Witnesses Mt he Present iy raves Sei Forth The criminal court calendar, as sab- mitted by District Attorney Muorphy, for the trial of cases in the criminal eourt. commencing Monday, March 7, 1588, will be found below, he follow. ing announcement is made: Prosecutors and witnesses for the Commonwealth must he present on the days named below, when canes will be presented to the grand § ary. Defend. ants and their witnesses red not be present antil the day named for tr al of pases in which they are concerned, Jory, Monday, Murch 7, 180K, Common iweaith ve. William Ringler, nication and bastardy; prosecutrix, Mag: © Grindelsperger. William X. Devinney, battery; Maggie Devinney. Edward Reininger, assanit tery, W. H. Eckénrode. Frank Wet mare, fornication and bas- tardy. Matilda Elli John 0. McMillen, assanit and battery with intent; Eliza L. Valia Baker, fornieation and bastardy; ar and bat- Maiinda Farrier, Albhort long. fornication and bas. Filia 6 rearge. Hugh Corrigan, fornication and bas. tardy; Mar san hammer, Robert N Mer, fornication and bas tardy: Laura Harbangh. Harry Hess, fornication and bastardy; fornication and bas. Mary Sloane. Ralph Ritter, | tardy, sednetion; Lilly Williams. Broce D. Cramer, fornication and bastardy: Mabel DD. Merritt, Harry Janowitz, false protense; Max Lowry. W. Reigh et al. entering with intent; ‘RH. Boekman. Edward Fleck, larceny and receiving: James Fessler John 8. Pank, forgery, false proten- ses; John Brown. Mike Vallenta, larceny and receiving: Co $10.15, Samnel Lowery. Anna Lavely, larceny by bailee; TW Foley, Lena (PY Neill et al, tery: surety; Jesse C hriztner (3. BM. Foust, assanit and hattery surety; Joseph Garrity. 3 Tursday, March X, 1898. Commonwealth ve William Lomax; murder; prosecutor, Robert Davis Jip Fox, assault and battery; H. Wonmer, Es Fee ard Kelly, H. K Woonwy John Stramp, H. 8 Waoomer. Peter MeGiaire, James Hoover, Andy Greenwood, assanit abd bhat- For Gurand Jury assanit and battery; assanit and battery, assault and battery robbery; assault Lari baitte ry; John O. Hay. William € aulfivl, sssanit snd battery; Ww. We eisentery. A. C. Gray, sssanit and battery; John Younkin. Charles Boppe, false pratense, Otto Nickel. F Kirkwood et al; ceiving: E J. Dunlap. Danie! Mahoney et al, robbery: Joh larceny and re- | MeClackie George Dugend, larceny and receiv. ing; Jessie D. Coleman. August Meir, assault and battery, Elizabeth Roscko, M. Custer, et al, assault and battery; Susan Knee, Henry Hose, burglary ; Fred Goebert. Mike Christaff ef al, malicious mis- chief: Riehard Cowen. | 2 H Roshan, Pelka, Kate 4: int ian larceny ; The com. Stray er. pany will be incorporated with a capi- | For Tria Momslay, Mareh 7, 15398, Commonwealth va. Chas Goughnour, desertion; prosecutor, M. i Myer Andy Rosko, surety; A. G. Myers James H. Maloney, desertion: Maloney Harry Hess, fornication and bastardy, Mary Sloane. William Ringler, fornication bastardy: M. Gindelsperger, Robert Miller, fornieation and tardy; Laura Harbaugh Hugh Corrigan, fornication and bas- tardy: Mary Beanhamer, Albert Long, fornication and tardy: Ella Geo Vaiia Baker, fornication tardy; Malinda Ferrier Frank J Wetmore, bastardy; Matilda Elli Neil Black, larceny and recwiving, 8 J. Mardis Edward Reininger, assault and bat tery: William Eckenrode. J. C. McMillen, assault intent; Eliza J. Reed. William X. Devinney, assanit battery; bigamy; Maggwe Devinoe: Bruce D. Cramer, fornic ation bastardy: Mabel D. Merrit Ralph Ritter, fornication and bas- a sednotion; Lil Hy William -B. ML Foust, assault and I ers Joseph Glarmty. Letia O'Neil, ot al, tery, Jesse Christner Anna Lavely, larceny W. Foley. Harry Sanowitz, false pretenses, Max Lowy. Far Trial Tuesday, March 8 Commonwealth vs. W. Reigh, et al | entering with intent; prosecutor, 8. H Rank te PIAL, Edward Fleck, larceny and receiving; James Fessler. John ¥F. Funk, forgery; sew: John Brown. Mike Valienta, larceny and receiving; Sam Lowery. James Fox, assault and battery; H. S. Woomer. E. and has. has ang haa fornication and and hattery it Addl hat T assanlt and by bailee; I NON, false preten- Continued ou Sth Page.) W. COOK'S DEPARTME assanit and! tition from the Keystone Drum Corps is E Jones, $840: WP. Jackson, $1.50; Gh $1.50, Will Elison, §1.50; Geo. Yeager, that Reilly, false pretense, Mine tunity while it lasts, = th, NT STOR. REPORT OF COUNCIL MEETING i Wedd uy Er Ordinsner No, 47 Passed Patton, Pa, Feb. 23, 1888... In par. suant to a eall by the Prexident, Patton Borough Council met in Council cham- bers in special session this evening for . purpose of transacting regular routine ORDINANCE of business. Al Field o coing, Febhroary 23 inten bot the Courier’ Reporter. NO. 4a. al event . An Ordinanes Sascaning % “ewnge Tax on The follo mng members were present the Properly Owaers Adjacent 10 the as per roll call: President Hubbard, Sewer of Peel Avene in Patton Bor Ieisch, Meanteith, Dixon, Jones and ough. Blair SserTion 1. Be it enacted and or- . dained by the Burgess and Town The minutes of regular meeting held iP re iain s Wodneadav evening. Japuary 10th Council of Patton Borough, and on -. . al RY : ee ap d * is hereby enacted by the anthority of and special i # a 0 Ti F Ae] EP 2 n AY: the same, That whereas, the actual January 21st, were read and approved. Sr } : coat of constrocting the sewer on On mation of Monteith anda seconde : be K re : B x . Saath a he ned Beech avenue, beginning at an alley by Ressler, It Was unanimotsly earned near Fifth avenne and ending in Chest fine Borough Enginece E. & Bivwa on | Creek, i is ascertained to bi $448.98 ro i To nen 8% otic t > OUR along which line of sewer thera are ‘ouncil with a tracing or blue print | v0 any. font Jots making a pro giving streets, alleys, number of each .... Lu of twenty-two dollars and lot, water line, water plugs and sewer forty-five cents for each fifty.foot Jot lines, up to date, Febroary 23, 1868 so adjacent. On motion of Kessler and seconded | yo 0 1p ufore enacted and ordained by Monteith, it was carried that the sewage tax be and is 4 communication from Geo. 8. Good apon the following (being all the prop- accepting ordinance No. 41 be accepted by the Borongh and placed on file lor line of sewer, to the following b oa ctrl Moutehh _- Jecviuled i amounts and that the Borough Treas. Y Kemmer, h Was oar " Pe Carer be authorised to collect the same according to law and to apply the same asking for permission to meet in old ito the sewsr fund to pay for con- Council chambers on every Tuesday structing the same: i fed WY feet, pEEsEEh Eas anna CHET OEE HIG feed, {of February, A. D., 1888 i W. ¢ HUBBARD, : President of Couneil, { Attest: E Wil Greene, Clerk. Approved by the Burgess this the 24th day of February, 1588 Geo. E PrixpiaLe, and Thursday nights be granted. Mrs Wd Orla 0 fd: On motion of Kessler and seconded © e a a by Blair, it was carried that the bill of | ¥ ¢ Mo A the Patton Clay Manufacturing com. (op Firpeifck ov, pany he referred to the Rireet Com- Michael Omelvand (toe eh On motion of Montaith and seconded "1 Benin i by Blair, it was unanimously carried | (eo R, Soot 3 i= that the following bills be granted and | Me ¥ Mei anni], 9 feet Clerk instructed to write orders for | Yietar yout She L 33 fous et same: A J Gill SRoeenta: H. A, With. | (C3 Orel Land & Tovpiny arow, $1.35: Patton Pub Co, $650; Geo. R Good, $853: Patton Water $83: J E Kirk Hardware Co, Howard Woomer, $50.00; E Will Gireene, $10:35; Enoch Short, $1.00; E Rrown, sewer account $7.00; E. C. Brown, $4.00; and the following for street work per 8. BE Jones’ account: W. Blair, $150; Fred Kinkead, Burge Bw img Contest, 35 cents An interesting ten pin contest took On motion of Monteith and seconded | place at Kerr's bowling alley on Wash. by Kessler, it was unanimously carried ingtons birthday, and notwithstanding Ordinance No. 42, assessing a the fact that several of the playem have | RW age tax on the property owners on ‘never rolled but three or fear games Resch avenue in Patton borough, be’ prior t to this ane, an exceptionally large passed as road, score was made on both sides. Follow. Council then adiournad. of the players {ing are tle names and LF my . Officers Iostailed, | the score On Saturday afternoon the following newly elected Sees of Peter Kaylor iy Post, No. 833 i A installed: W. H. A gp wie N aR Wolf BH. Mao . R. of Patton, were = Nehdil ~~. Te H. Bell, past com. {. X Bei : iN 1. Tha mander; George Cassidy, Sr. vice E A Sapa. sn commander; Samuel Barr, J. V. C; dota tanist . > A a - § LARRY V. Damm, Ajt; SM Wilson, (3 M.; Frank Lite Jomeph Hipps, surgeon; John Gants chaplain; John Staire, officer of the day; Adam Heist, offoer of the guard; : val ! ¥ ahha JW. Miller, sergeant major: Jas a, a bined i) » =. i Fah {ES Moore QM : Geo. M. Tibbins, | 0 Todd trustee and representative to depart | BE Will Greene } J Van Wilson me to he held at Oil | Frank MoT ET City during the month of June. Tistal Mile Nex, 2 mt encampment Chas, Waite ; fen. BE Prindibie Harve Livagie Fy vis FEN ai 8 “4 - Ae Ww 14 w as on A New Firm. C. 8 Smith and A. 8 Lent, of Tioga Toil. enunty, have leased . Myers moon opposite the Commercial hotel and will ihe Cusil Patterson, pastor of the church of Patton, has in- COURIER that QL eeeplot Rev, N. (1 at once open ap a first-class jewelery First Baptist store and general repair shop. They formed the he bicycle repairing and will also deal in Frat bicyeles, sewing machines and musical Share, instruments, fleld of At present learned who place. the Baptist church of Jersey Pa, and will leave for his new iabor about writing it stieoeed Appropriately Obseyvol ¥ i3t } 7 at Washing appro- Wiki iim at chwerved by the pupils of the The tastes decorated with and flags, and the pupils Methodist Episco patrons with songs and day: Preaching at 10:30 a.m. m., class meeting after rons Birthday was priately Clark school, Clearfield township 9 Yaw bak hh fully Chnreh Notive. Ws fvergTRens pai shurch and entertained the recitations ap to the memory Po of (paras ¥ 3 ¥ PR < 3g pHa Wie hing ew Epworth League at 630 p. Will The S, Giooad has gathered tT the be entabliahed in Patton nuanggement Lani dw wl NeW Men. NSCONRATY plant to the con 4 add " ail the 3 E % " 18 only The vide od, data for electric light Fhe Een Pati wi najng the MANY penple il Range, gd Alu tracts will be at the arrival Cinderella which is Mr be in about a week or ten days given oul & : iene of the west, which will tu and guaranteed by J ware Co said E. Kirk Hard- Bp ey Yah $r%g , ype of sood from Demt evi Ha ners Household PVopiiariy ” > Revi yg BH orvisx The of ‘the Crorost Reading ¥osw, Range is well established ty. daring the FE. church, 3 popularity Epworth League, sumer different has hand a newspapers of iarge of sale in Patton and vieinit It 3 vi Pp iy WE ssf mosoid guaraiieed tae by 4. E Kirk Hard past years Mego Nns bake Sadd ware Cao. excellent reading matter, which would lke to distribute to those who wish good reading. undersigned. Wan ies A gousd second ha a apartment re frigerator, suitable for meat market business. Apply to McCall & Johnson, Peoples Meat Market, Patton, Pa. Closing Out Stock. I have a full line of We are closing out stock in onr store which [ will sell at $1.48 and up. at cost in order to make room for our ki ladies spring goods, Don’t miss this oppor- las Call at once. t. MIRKIN & KUSNER. Please call on the E. . BrowN, Pres. Epworth League. - Ladies Skirts. ladies’ skirts Also Mas, ANNA Dagrr, The Milliner, Gleaned Here and There by erty owners | adjacent to to said street, | {subscribers for one year at one dollar . Rochester University. ; has had wide experience in this field of ‘art, and his work has always proven “wm Enacted and ordained the 2rd day i tions, | lengthenad by {affords much better accommodation to i $ 5 28 i. Nyt 439, P.O. 8 of A. of Patton, wish to © tng, lie will be prepared to do all Kinds of aecepted the call to the pastorate of i the first of April. | has not heen this | The usual services will be held in the | sex? Sun. 7:30 | morning preaching, Sunday school at2 p.m. | m. Morn ing sermon to Improved Order of Red Patton are of Patton M, publications for 1887, containing most it fond ; well Cine Desi oaatetae © d gloves at d0cts. while they LTOONA, PA. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS YOUNG MAN’ YOUNG WOMAN Here is a Chance for You to Become Aw MUSICIANI BY PROF WP McBRIDE A B® Don't Forget to Read Fyory Ward of This Valuable Offer The young lady or gentleman who will seonire twenty new cash snbaeribers for one year for this paper at one dol lar $1.00 will receive a free term twenty. four lessons, which each, (viz: ‘are valued at $10.00, each lesson being hour Instructor. of one Masical from the above great Trial subscrip- tions for dix or three months st 50 ote or 25 ote. may be taken and counted § r i, but all must be “ New Subecrib- ® By Subscribers” we mean persons not already on oor lists If you will sectire us 75 new cash Bra. “ New ($1.00 ench, we will pay your tuition for three terms, muking 72 lessons. Send all subscriptions as fast as taken an to have the names entersd on the lista, “ 4 Prof. W. P. McBride is recognized as ‘one of the best Musical Instructors in > the State in which to become a well learned musician. He is a graduate of the Erie Normal, Erie, Pa, and also of Prof McBride satisfactory and «ffictual in every way. Sample copies of the Covrier will be mailed if desired. For further par- | ticulars write the publishers who will be pleased to answer all communica. Parron Pun Ca, Publishers. Room Enlarged, J. J. Donnelly, proprietor of the Bon Ton stom on the corner of Fifth and | Kerr avenues, has enlarged his store POT considerably during the past week, in onder to make room for the i large line of dry goods, ete, which is arriving daily. The room has been several feet, which | hin trade as well as sllowing more room to display goods, Reiura Thanks The members of Washington Camp, return thanks to all who so kindly as 1. sisted at the festival held by the camp #5 on February 2 and 3 Commitiee, Aitrastion Radios! Sometiiog sew at Commercial hotel the French and tailor system of cut. fitting and pattern drawing. Come and jpvestigate. In hotel par- lors from Sto Wa manditoT pm Harrie Hitesax, (General Agent. Library Day The parents and friends of our pub. schools are mvited visit the schools next Friday p. m. from hritig a book. We ihrary, and foe! an increase in #xercises are be. cardially to 1 to 4 o'clock and have a small bot select vary much the peel of hooks. Approperiate ing prepared, : VirGaiNia Day Minx HoLTER, Waiter MElLON, Committee Admired by his friends. A wed] dressed man osdmiined By Bis friends psnyvied by his caps flo condi Hsthes Tas are desiree You Bing clinbes ant have he best 1: gad Coal pace vony anders sith US su, ba as well as in Dinsmore Bros. PATTON, PA. We plonse von in styles of gos LOW PRICES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers