P V.—NO. 13. IT LW. COORD Save your checks. On January 1st, 1899, 1 will give to the person return- ing the largest number of my Cash Register Checks Of standard make. Will be on exhibition in September. Full Particulars Later A r Strong “My mother Bas Deen using Fane's Crigxy Ooxrorsd for Dervous nd by melancholia, eto. and It has Sone ber 5 world of good It Is the only madd othe that strength ans the nerves” . G. B. Bezsa, : Ortisonia, rs EF pndiions fs bin Bilger bas wonderful .r sets peculiar si Patton Pharmacy. par Fifth and Beech avenues, Oppo- ite School building. In the front rank of Hard- ware Dealers is the J. E. {IRK HARDWARE CO. ready with a spring line of Ranges and Cook Stoves. Can get you any stove you want, but keep the best in stock. The few remaining heating stoves will be sold at Bargains. A full and complete line of Floor Oil Cloth from 1 to 2 yards in width. 40 pieces Table Oil Cloth to choose from. Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. A few plush robes to sell cheap. A full and complete line of almost everything kept in a Hardware Store. Send in your orders by mail if youn can’t come, Haven't you a room or two ready for matting ? The cleanest, cheapest floor covering ever made. We have just laid in a supply of new fresh China and Jap mattings. Also a full line of Carpets rang- ing in price as follows: 25¢, 35¢. 40¢, 50¢, 60C, 65¢ per yard; also better grade. Come and see for yourself. J. E. Kirk Hardware Company. PATTON, CAMERIA : A CYCLE PATH Could be Pusilt fe wn Patton tw f own Very Eseiy Now that the time for bic will soon be at hand, the wonld soggest that a club of riders and those who expect to become riders be organized fur the special purpose af considering the ndvisibility of building acycle path from Patton to some of our nearby towns. The sxpense wonld not be great and the ty pograps of North (Cambria is much favor. tained from Patton to either Carre town, Hawiings or Chest Springs distance of four miles to each place The path could be made abwmt four feet in width and coversd with cin from the act that it would easiest provarred and at Jess ool Cycle prths have been and sre being made in all parte of the oouniry &36 why not start the “Dall re ‘here in Patton? The COURIER sug. gests that « mecting be called and the matter thoroughly 2 Funds could be procurred in several ways One enthisizst has soggested tut entertainments be given and ithe p pends go toward the expense of build ling path, which is & very good ies ‘and could be carried oul with ‘little trouble aud expense. the matier drop here friends spoat it Fiurrah for a cycle path! Amy Nearbw wg 8 # at Th € wat Riya a BJ aE rir * 3 & Por nod wid Bow # ety WF Bs ¥ #i Charfield Township Eleelion Following is the vote polled in Clear. field township at the recent selection: Justice of the Peave Patrick Ford, Democratic, 75; John Martin, Repub- lean, 44. Supervisor John EE. Me Gough, D. : John Hoover, 1y., Wi Milton Douglass, B., 14; Geo Cassidy, R. 63 School Directors Bart Hob bard, D., #8: Alex Ivory, D, 106; o. KI Messenger, R, 61. Assessor T M Sheehan, D.. 161; J. J. Donabos, Auditor--8. M. Douglass, 132 Clerk John 8 McCoy, D., #8, Art Wharton, R, 30. Judge of Election 8. A. Ryan, D., 81; W. IL Adams KE. 01 —~F. J. Nagle, D., 79; Jom Zerby, R., 39 Er > dd foe ireniest Wonder, The groatest wonder of the age ' Bdison’s marvelons projectoscope will exhibit at the Fireren's Hall, Patton, Pa.. on Friday and Baturday evening FPebrusry 25th and 26th, for the benefit of the M. 1. Society of the Lutheran ‘church of Patton. Living, moving animated plctores projected on vase life like z# the grapbaphone, distinet talking Tickets are for sale by M inger at the hardware sad storeof the J. E Kirk Hardware Co, Rode 25 Xi a £ 3 ® & anda life s Ay STVRRT the odes and nis machine © garth, - i ri, OC Larenie # Tn FRInGAare and by Mrs. E. M. Smale at Good's store only 25 and 15 cents A Besntifal Law Dinsmore Bris. , the merchant adler ‘have just received their ‘spring and sumuner patterns for sail ings and trousers. It is ihe Soest Loe ‘ever brought to this section of Cambria county and you should avail yourself of the opportunity of sclecting from the pick of the lot Mircrs Moss Mecting A mass meeting of the miners and Ww mine laborers of Patton will be held in : Firemen's hall on Thursday Evening, February 24, al 7:50 sharp lo re port of delegates and take action there ion. By order of COMMITTEE hear Muking Ten Hours a Day. The Beech Creek railway shop men at Jersey Shore are now working ten hours a day, instead of as has been the case dunng several months past. Lost- -A bunch of keys. Finder will please leave the same at Kerr's bowl ing alley where he will be liberal rewarded. Nodkee 10 4 eight Toe "3 * * Ju ding Contrasion Sealed proposals ‘until 8 p. m. March 10th, 1x68, for the materials and work required in ihe repection of thw 81 Mary's Cathode church, Patton, Pa. Plans and speci fications can be seen at the store of Jobn Yahner, Patton, Pa, and at the office of Geo. Kreuger, architect, Hat Block, Johnstown, Pa The right reserved to reject any and all bids F. E. Farasauvan Sec. Building Com a i 8 > sd % 3 wii Fes rey VER ¥y a i» Clising Out Meck. We are closing out stock in our store at cost in order to make room for cur spring goods. Don’t m tunity while it lasta. Call at once. MIRKIN & KUSNER. this op 9 Ins Fatton Markets, Subject to market changes: Butter. Leena per ves tek Cabbage... iO . Btickwhent! Pian | Potatoes © | ONION, ses $n = i (haar bashed MINERS STORE Co. [Limited very Inspector ivy 1 LOGAL AN add AT SHERIFF'S SALE. toy Wher IY Lowes, » M. Wertz adver lowing desoritesd properties ivr fog 6 tha Pondiay, FN. 8% 3 or elon i Ea JriteTeet and Building FE PETE um $ {ory SCETTsE barongh . interest of he sae a idl RS rw ks $y 3 Lo Be TE RAIA Elen Hs TR 7d EEL 5 rolitown oroURh ana partly oom pas Be ap Fe ran CPW eRe, SAV IRS frome ny -~ dwelling hose Tipe BR TWIK containing i} TOOTHR The interest of 7 Annis 8 Weskiand & #1 perches having thereon 8 TWO-SL0TY plank dwelling house and plank stable. The interest of JF. Marks in a bot of ground in Carroll township, now Patten horongh, bavipg thereon & story frame dwelling house sontaining sight roves and outbuildings Tiw itterest of Fimer EE. Nagle } interest in & lof cand in Hastings borongh in KOTEN OTe a having thereon a dancing paviiin outhaiiin gs. wpe wove J WR eka are) DATE 4. WY BRe (RIF, (uocsrge Baker, ol or enunt, in £4 ta 5 : - Ra LATE I tw hRhi 5B EW 2 Wh & 4 % PY edy Gt al! or jhece of y : Lae uni on tan or “5s Hartman feonard 2am ne interest of Teresa contractor, and roastand, in wironeh of Hastings { Oe ROTE IaoTe OF bes, With a two-story frarpe hones thereon erected, iw wed Harto:an, the © PRET ber A ot A Girard Saovess. The masquerade tall gyn by ton Fire Co. No 1 in their hall on Lang avenue on Friday night was a grand seocess in every particular aod all present promounced it aa being the finest ball that has ever heen Patton or any nearby town . $4 weeny TRE JiR: by Pas Fe held i Trove IRAE R stroke besides a The We Wore and costames In 4 large namber of speiataors grand sroceeded at S30 to The weet strains of mos Neg * A on LEW for ished mn different styles of comtames worn by of which many were gorgeous in display, presented an inter. eRLLE Span La br '% Imperial orchestra, and tbe the dancers, Ad 12 o'tiock, mid night, when wi nomasked them. selves, & DOGOISGGS Tepast Was served, which all enjoyed. Miss Lagra Noonan was awarded a prize of a ladies’ goid ring. &s having worn the pretiiest and most unigne costume. She represented Pocohontos, the Indian princess Quite FIRIOTR WEDE [TEN ent from Barnesbors and Spangler. The Patton firemen deserve credit for being first-class entertainers, and when they attempt to do anything in his line it is not by halves Riya *e & eps Tom 5 RGR of rr. Flasaigen Expins On Monday night Ex Burgess WJ Donnelly returned home from Raiston, Lycoming county, where he attended the funeral of a very close friend of his. Dr. D. C. Flannigan, who expired at his Friday, Pebraary 11th, at the age of 44 years eral was held in the Usldbolw chareh al Ralston on Monday morning at lo. o'clock. The following intimate friends of thwe Dhowtor acted as pall bearers ane on ds A - ine fun Mesars. John Campbell and ton, of Cascade; Chas unin Wil Tq. Root dines: H T lLesnasd of Ralston 4 Do Was Oe Arnspart aneliy, of Patton. Dr Flannigan of the best-known phys ing ™ and arred Uopober 15, IS, Ww Ualharine Chan. J, Esq, Hohn Reilly, who are all well. Known in tis and threw {ren in Lyoom anty, Was ARRRan ¥ a sister of Joep and Palton wife SOs 4 Bui ven 5 ive 810% oven to RL 6G FE Cash Manager Kerr, of the bowling alle has kindly consented to turn Lhe pro ceeds of on Friday Patton Castle No M2, Knights o gy x . Eagle, and couseque ¥, bis baz od es Leinart oly on pms of" SLANE of alleys will be in SOT Everybody 1s and exercise their muscles members. wmvilad Ww “drop in” At Home All who are interested ia good house- keeping should examine the Cinderella Range. It bakes light bread. and roasts meat deliciously. Sold, recom- mended and guaranteed by J. E. Kirk : Hardware Co HPARTM GENERAL NEWS EEENSBURG LETHE gor tarig News fupthe=dl 8° CC ovpety’s mye inl ¥ Fotruary oe TET FR hw 1 a” i APPEARS om fived by Le The limes EARS TOT alt posers beagrimning om ed Marsh ad GE ES Pa 2 #1000 spent a few Foenel Scomerville, Patty Aitorney spent Frida 3 ; attending i Wr Liens Sug tirg, stent part wowk &1 Hs former bs rer Irv Te Pn. upd A ROTpTINe DRFTY Fevers of Mise Jnl ws? gh A Ss | « of that plas the pO ar the i wr Tp feed and all who Wok : : sas roves hwy a » RIP am, EURTIID ge credit for Ue Vik On Satords A was De ff Mins Hat phiodd fever after a F evening word i the maint va r she bad died of ty boot inwss. The faneral took place at Carrolitown to-day obmeuies being Peart Carron, &% held in the Cemetery there Mis [he hart was a sister of Mra John McRreen, of Ebensbgrg. and was well-knosn Las peso, Son P84 New ¥. WM. 1 Covised A namber of members of the Young a, wecatedd by at Loretto, rganiaed a new their order af Uresson. The wing Moers were elected and In- Prowdest, Jobin W. OU Donoell; vice president. TJ. Cooping: we. } re Fi srrreNpoOTin Men's Iostitote of Allon erent i ¢ a * e % gs A ” Randay sflernoon EC ang i ol § CAEN OH rr: rerd- H J Faolwers - tL fianciai SCYRIATY, M hae! RX treRsaTIThT inttery marshall JW. Billetdenux inside sen tine, Robert Stevens, onlside sentinel, Sgn tive oot W. Bilesdesux, and John {somes kl Wiliam tow, Willian Hen { 4 {rutwall fax secured cosy SHArTers i ie A 1 torancd Rank ey Tox an 3 oadee dn # BARN { Bes Fp im Patton Na relay Re aa with + 43 es 4: ag PERE Eg OR 1 organiwed a TRAN CEASE & ES hal 5 « we ppdge wll kh aac of aver 35, and nesrly aul he tel {£ which there Are 5 penbers of the ans a nemriy 3 RET TELAT eX on ainadn 5 Port dwn Mee Gng CHEN PRIY a #5 r *% Hl LPN Aas sei ta ty atlemnd the distrmol ctmiven- PA i’ ob Pon bo wd fF Van " ” ory 3% wa tion to be held at Curwensville dornng ot t bs wisatat PE ed Pag the month of AGgust ang feems ££ gormn farm in arder to nevessary Wo Dave xu kewp pace with the many alle BROOALY % pRoies tial wil he citizens should andertaking. Will Mat af Bradley in ndanoe the bays ter of Pomona at Bradley NTUATY Neh, The execntive commitiee Grange Noo 531 will nest am on Monday, F Lhe 3 the grange, Canaty and Poor Tax Rate The recent meefing County Combissuorers, al a Bxed Ihe county = Lhe v to Mio all X Peooies Mea: Market, Pail thaireh N X ww The usaal services will be eld in Me go » Bi i A Fi 0 oe PRS » thoatint Friscopad Chamh ext San day’ Preaching at 10°00 pa atl TO 3 al Samday schon n%. { ss hee Li nh 2% » al WL hoy wrote ¢ ot Ale = Tis KevsvtoNg Crary our pd ass windows Cennd Rewaling M wn pn wn Bau Tank RM Pails £3 hand a large i ” i} 5 40 4 T he Eps oral Leagues, of FE charch, has on of religious . newspapers of diferent wi i wi “I: SE a8 1071 i, CORNING Most 1 those who pablicati eXoeiiend ading natier, wold like to dist wish good reading Please call on the undersigned. E C. Browx, Pres. Epworth League. whieh F Bon # * wile TO ro 3, NEWS FROM WASHINGTON ed we - Fis Log NO HURRY FOR WAR. Pinmemy “Buon id Ty 22 qt Ge perhaps that the pon rd Al OETA War * tae yELOw ioe LavE Ing op Tv Thon 14 Sead rhe Barbe 10 the ex aling SR ing sensational masala WA Again vilify Par 2% oiReam CASIO ee SOoeTaoInn Thal (hers was with s 4 Bx Te HHA The rmly Loca t " a SCE: PERN C0 meta] ap of Lhe et Wars Has bewin poe 3 Freya? by the BITRG MERI Wy agai LelEFTarn Krad news of 13 tree Maine intemmdie Avett Theses Wks ww PYCEL TG * tis ” ; ith In fat TH he Exargtive wend Eo BRIG this delicate and trying ons was shows hy the manner in which Senalor w Fai an » £5 rem aon, ana ar provehding a FALLON, WEE re WARK Tha Mason's tone COm@ETissonad invest ewived, Renstor TRAIN ovina 1D tae Wh DAA &0W Havana lake part ¢ * ws Won & WEIR RA bee oorsGueted bs LAR Ie. 5% Rl pers he saves De bar wise ow AE An Len ¥ pie, and oousequently not ailow Trelghers Baxve anvih we sole i “ adn ah a WHA SRA enough wild vsding sensaiional AY Mosc mn War if fowl wt FORAY i. Therefore All trying Wo rath tT Periiiny Wii J wld loin in - antic the Xs DWT i bekat of Americans |! f foreign forgodien and every Amer. of abioaider 5 4 Sn Taal ? Wh k Load wl RT i A A & i abu SATS Le tite overs yellow journais, which have oo ugber mission than inoreasing their circuls. ton and making moey, should pot be change the condition now Moss PERKINS Fd wom Phim graph Wises Phonograph Co wu al Trimmer of Alloona the MM. E church THIAY Lahey 4 will exhibat Patton ons F (83 & 3 be on “ # 2 #h, al CHING ag it. Wie Mare - : . os wh i Ge Ps ot a 45 refined] MIGsioRl ANA BleTiry stlecliGns Coral and iInsiriseetilil ss, GX Lente HANG msc, DAINGTUOAS whistling, anal spwen lion RIT CATES, BLO PHC, el Lege Partie tll LH sna Xe 3 The on TW A X FENAREEE BN WE ena Hat 2 the MM aox oT 354 maarning aks ie wl Wom Jones, of Kerr iy ins a ¥ * Ctmed TORY AWA Avele, * phe od # : = . a x emaghit fal 4 I (aaa WAS ACRE NTOY A a broken poe a ont on Kew was badly A Darrow 1 het pla face, while Up on ame S. Win CIREENE, Pa F gmt white feet, Cees DY (De Parma, Loaddims SRT I have a full line of ladles’ skirts which [| will sell at $1. 4% and up. Also ladies kid gloves at 50cts. while they ast Mas. A¥Na Darr, «x: PER YEAK LTOONA, PA. ATRL ow RY Preeris Reco ded 31 Fhonshurg op ie Date Friday, iavusry IK Jomo #1 ax W0 Ebeseser commie rales Wiliam B Mores 2.50 Martin Farsbuogh to Mary Helos {dimer Spanier, F900 Axrrans Mall ax 0 Joseph Sehe. pass: Carr A EIR Bry or of ax of a8 to Cambeia avy, Spangier, $1080 st ux We Joseph Brows, Cambria §1.9% Jomenit Brow 0 miata iE Yar be Josephs improvensal Pat. CRAnpAnY riwsily way, Fh Max Frcs Reads, $50 ax 0 Mo Prank Erthday Paty A surprise birthday party was ives Baribet’s SRE of town February ITth goests prewent EVenIng Was T he Lome ant reed wien ad de with the wish SVE Wo enjoy br: mame af Mrs Jabn ay we wy gt Joi Tomsk ag wast pet 3 Sl daca Sl 3 YEE THITTHE WEYGRE STON A Sule pn Thursday sv and Lt are abet * Bn Rae LHR vary THOM ana Dana Was pose 23 diaconreed some snares] mass. Popp rn IR WEE sarted for loeir hones that Mrs RKaribeam 7083 nappy birthdays lke fdas The folivwing goests from 3 Sie Mr Mrs family, Mm ten chidren re Presses 3 and Sohn and Helena and Henry, 43 Peter Karlbeim, all of Alloa Yours Traly, Ete The Patron Corser » booming the 1 Rector Greene = gnoes what tw to we AGW n Lone POSY “Se agtard ah ve rrveed road preg a bsepoie rider sad wave Lhe wend ITER heedrs when au ar his silent oe it aditaon paper Wo a discUsaon The ofiticn was - ¥ 5. iff 4 vam POT $ Fa 11a voted a JRrge perion r Drreene Cee of Bis exelent sf the road problem the mansgenrent ie a Grand Exsainalion of Miners A eXanuDaiaen 0 and 2r - formes rertificates roves of reonth Bom the Ist to The aie ort Beales Pu esos” 5 the Cen oaeil evamination hes Bags dev 22 530 2 OW Perwons wha wish to be examined for Are hom certificates only need sot be on ham? anti The Examining Board consists of Mine Inspector J. T Patterson, and John frit ran Pestiew Reipers, ing aids 10 the comfort of hose. wn « Pad . pt FAR al = a if vou the {inderelia Wives As 3 wid fie DERer i Lames % SEIN rei indie at wan spel Iti oRrtain in its restits and lasts well 4 by J E Kirk & TROY and looks weil =i Hardware Co AVIVA VVVAVVIVIAVAAAIAD $ Merchant Tailoring mel “ We make You a Fine Suit of Clothes rang aml perfes Wen | KIS nt hit and if ewtadd eh hal vou gel i, J ice fron $18 ap dr guaranteed i oadow Cou the argest finest line of Spring Conds ever brought this section of the 3 to ws WAP CURR EE HERE Al soit repaar, cleanest and Kept 1 presse<i for one vear after they are purchased. DINSMORE BROS. PATTON. PA. Next te P.O. YEU PHL VHVIVIN “ agin m asd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers