The vaine of the churches and the ‘Yand on which they are erected in this | country up to July 1, 1897, is esti- mated at $680, 000,000. In the Clerman Reichstag recently, Herr Hammacher =zaid that in the com- ing century Enropean Nations will be obliged £5 co-operate to preserve their existence in the struggle with Amer. ica. An eccentric Londoner ssserta that with & machine he has just completed he can write the entire contents of the Bible fonr times in 2 space one inch square. The writing point of the ma. shine is said to be a diamond so samail a= to be invisible to the naked eye. Over 100,000 horses wore imported into Belgitim daring 1896 for food for | the poorer classes, 4000 being killed in Antwerp alone {or the twenty shops where this meat is sold exclusively. Large quantities sre sold in Paris, both openty and in disguised form af heap Testauranie Shronghent the eity. The expense of 4 medial education in Great Britain averages more than in America. To obtain a degree or qualification in any medical school in England, Scotland, or Ireland, acourse of study covering a period of at least five years is compulsory, and entails sn expenditare of a no less snm than $2000. The Baltimore American says: “There has been daring the last two years, and there still continues, a very marked movement from the West | to the South. Handreds of indus. trious and tiirifty men, sfter a» hard and unsuccessful struggle in the ‘West, have given it up and come to the South, to find good homes and splendid opportunities to make a liv. ing for themselves and their families. They are pleased with the change they have made, and the smecess of | the new Maryland colonies has far ex ceeded even the fondest hopes of their projectors. fh SI STO ——— 3 Beware of the Klondike. This is the conclusion that has been reached by John D. McGillivray, an expert on gold, who sends a letter telling of the conditions which gold seekers are confronted with in the Yukon region in Alaska. Mr. MeGillivray had been studying the situstion in Dawson City snd the mines for several weeks when the letter was written. He ealls particular attention to the fact that all the claims on the richest of the gold creeks have already been taken up, and that new comers must prospect for themselves or work as sborers in the mines already opened. Wages at $15 a day are » myth, he | , snd for the poor man there is | i i : | : Buti Lyddy woul OH WHAT 1S THE USE OF A SOR. ROWFUL SONG! OF. what iu the nse ata sarrawial sora! The world knows enough of sadness, Cares press WORT: . Er sibhies thr yg, Toth fa Bitter and 2 And never is oo ny af ta ole Ph, what js Be ges of When wa might ding That Thon T y never a wind = 1 Y VEAPS Sra hea imply To Yr ih | i. what That } ad Te There's owns Padi « . Jenin Jat hope in some ox Ener WAY Boyd And Bloom rev ine aiden a 118 into swat bw is what i the use 2f That eases pit The hears that are For mirth is headiess anid joy is But if bidow in the Ay tha iw breaks . ~ Emma C. Dowd, in Dat a aarrawing eong weary es whinge pans if alos oe Bap inet shrine “ILYDDY.” HEELERS MM. wea New Your's in Potiasiile Foar Corners; it was all over the world besides bat that does not afee Gur story, it 0 He Pottsviile yt that V armant scarcely a families $i peas wfnl hamlet Leave realize an hing of the cheer and the | sparkle és | tenderness and hope that ererywhere on New Year's Eve. Lyddy remembered it, however, though not with a happy heart. New Year's Eve had meant hdr, ever sitine that one five yrs he. fore whan Tom Brown had shyly, maafally told her of the love had grown ap with him from boyhood, atid she hind promised to be his wife Bhe was twenty then and he was al ¢ that burned themselves tena § in, , drew ont A week id newspaper | Irom her porket and read “Marriot by the Hey Bug, to ¥ ‘Br Ad, [210% ‘Yn Bre Papinsier XS irbus iy ahs HEA ET ¢ Pia iat Bat self rospest an 3% 3 Arik 4 or oR ; 2 *. Er ves Fama waorgyond GIATN arid for mid not read her, hut anid stand ont $3 $3 od to hr jt ees a Garr eRay thew ) letters of Bre letters, and mond never, Miss Andros althongh wax } never fade anay did not stay for t wepmed to Ly idy tia #4 vist BP ak He 0% On Perk wanld have iv the stepmother sompreien: id imat, Lydddy's Ere % \ ienath at that not aliow her to jeave the room, took % 3: 5 did HAtiAY very mine ho on For 3 dozen | i tr] ; Ri #1 § something to eames sudden t dropped her head, and leaned agminst that | maple | i for 3 Rey 3 twenty-two, snd New Year's Eve had been a happy ANOIVErsAry ever singe, | and had always brought some sumpde, dearly loved token from Tom, that same nig make his fortnpe in New York ety Bat to night there wonid be happy retaembrance. ne ains beyand thers comld lhe For the serpent had eorept into Eilen sinnee the last New Year's Eve, und left it, ns he always leaves it, fivsalien and desolate It had been hard enough for poor Lyddy to bear all along ging months of anxiety when BONS Totus | semi-weekly letters had failed to np tense Jonging to hear from | okr; the ) whe | bad left Pottsville Ponr Covners on | the t, five years hefore, to) Lyddy remand. | B98 ed herself looking across the brown fields to the range of gloomy mounts te d pa tand reed at tae 3 The drag | Fed ith; the growing nameless fear that | hal possessed her as the weeks rolled inte months and still no sign. Bat the worst had come that morning. Lyddy was a sensitive, loyal soul Har stepmother thonght, it was he. casise she was so “‘nppiah” flat the girl nttered mo word of her growiag | tronble, and gare no sign, beyond her | white, thin face and listless manaer of the doabts that had, at last, forowd themselves inside the citadel of her heart and were laying siege to love, have died rather PA A Sa Pointe and in SE AIA ST . than say a word that seemed disloyal to Tom; and her love for Tom had not © FL arners, A writer in Seribner's s sys that the Western Powers are beginning | to view Japar's activity intavy build | ing with amazement. A generation ago she had literally no navy. Even | _ at the beginning of the last war with | - China her modern equipment was con ‘fined almost exclusively to a ball’ dozen unarmored cruisers --the best of their class, to be sure—and fifteen | gunboats. The war brought many substantial aclditions to her nary, and mow she has no less than forty-eight sea-going vensels in commission, in cluding two first-class battle ships of 12,800 tons ench. These figures are not so importing, absolutely consid. ered, except as au evidence of quick | growth; but the additional modern | war vessels that Japan is building in England, Germany and the United States are of such magnitude and ex | cellent construction that Charles A Cramp, our own famons ship builder, pronounces Japan's progress to be more notable than that of any other country in the world, except England It i is quite possible, admits the N New | York Observer, that in devoting itself | mo generally 10 scientific pursuits and | neglecting metaphysical studies, the | scholarship of the age has deteriora. | ted in intellectaality. A writer in the London Spectator declares that the in- tellect developed by the stress of modern life is a mentality in the mass, | people's, ' out in « day. ( to 8 neighboring farmer's, | fields. with o uly the ghost of & he | love left to hanot it { house again where she had City for loving, [sone WXty summers whose | ealled "the news” | ‘ tionisly as | disabilities would let her Accordingly, Lyddy had no sooner | d i seated horself in the old-fashioned, for {8 5ho STOrSES may, Yhote it dow nck | exist in a profound forma. “What ing the modern world,” says this writer, ‘is, first, the growing dearth of the rarer and deeper kinds of intel. | lect; brought to benr by the rising, eager, | democratic mass on the few finer minds, We do not produce to-day n Kant or a Spinoza, but clever critics who write | about these men, who have read every- thing, and can give us all the latest wiews. We have not the deep, con- ‘structive mind wliose operations move in a vast orbit, but we have seen eager minds which, comet-like, and, secondly, the pressure | {AZIN Yery 5000, any wa) creut | | dart info sight, astonish by their lustre and | $ yuickly disappear.” | been a thing of light weight, to le bandied about from her lips fo other | | tering houses an § spire of Neither could she east it Much better, she thought, could do that: for that morning the blow had fallen whieh had - girl benumbed, stapafied. if she | they bhrougnt {eft thie! : wmenied, She had been out on some simple | errund which took her across the (ots i The mors | ing had been a bright owe asd warm | for Decmuber in Vermont Lyddy | RYO, had walked briskly, seross the brown | metdows and remembered that golden-rod had been in blossom acd Town's last letter lay in her pocket the | | last time she walked over them the © Bhe had been happy then, cunfident | Hat ne And this 1 are letters had come, life now had come to be as bare brown and echeerless as the winter; QOH When slse reached the iow, rambling | of the love that was always to brighten | : and protect her life i tiie oo, bean barn | and had lived and grown into a wong- | an, with ull a woman's mteuss capa: loyal aud trae, walked straight the Kitel there sat Miss Andrus That personage was a p11 t4 #0 maliden Miata in fife was to obtain and having o tatzied it to proceed to disbinrss smong the Pottevillians as exped: her rheamatic | ject 6 ¥ ¥ fom higis-backed chair that had bee years her grandfathers post of hinor, s most obvious to us iu consider: | uni Miss Andras proceeded to the business of the morning. “Hain't heard the news Mehbe you don't bear Brown latel y¥ “No,” answered I. yddy shortly, i poring the last question complete! *Wal, you prob'biy won't hear +." and the an. & high. from Tom PA v, matden bridled 1cto | priestess of propriety, Liddy made no answer. “The long and shins | tinued Miss Andras, © Lyddy made no sign, face grew a shade paler mother dlled up tae sation with — “You don't sav!” Where uron the elleriy woman who Rad never kpown what honest and | SLi anid | that wiiat sie | : pt ia ‘ gi ber head Lyddy looked at the ghosts of the : golden. rovda and told herself that hor and 1 the girl and sent her AX TES Liddy bad np to her little chamber an. pe roof and thrown herself on tt How sie never eared youd i thie a throsieh sows when she finally to the old opened apstaira strated i flor £1} 34h white bed jong she to remember rn fiarraw i thers The from Kut ¥ went wind the 15 cheat hid or i . he snraer. Tie foormoat Lar % i ova draw er, negliv tied int view, thos As the piles of iy frame of sappart nappy Lyddy 16 PASSE, now x Ty whoa the the “hard save” Tha memor paxt rashed afresh The five happy years so short seein sl to SATE Semele r seemed to ws of w 3 fae fafa TTR X ineked herseesll! int Wiad baal Hi What 5 thie host 2 $ fue ed ince sive had ct Jit i thasa lottars chamber meant bo hey? vimana of contents vex, of perfect bliss I ap’ How tneke fiat | 3 “, drawn ant, re TERA 8 weeRiY arid Soyrse sntil the sean fad fresh appearance EA foving resting place in Lyddy conld not bring at one of them ta take whi Dye thems dowasturs and tack them the kite buat, went £43 tie ton drawer’ gr bavapld 18 lonk Khe i fae byg¥ hen stay pee 4 in bl snadeniy to seneate byes ox 4 they seamed cit something ka ifs a part of Ton, homself *I ean't, oh, [| vean't,” mokned Lyddy. "‘Ionght to. He's fal me, but-woh, I can't do it And then ahe shat the ¥ ow Ty drawer len derly, looking at the old letters asi she | a eofined face from her far wand bave jooked at that was being shut on? ever, the aun as they slanted across the dingy haulet koown as Pottevilie Four The red ravs shot athwart the elua 4 Lighted up ehnrch, makiog Ow and Apnriie ¥ and Lae 0 Lae Fiisten amid gl pro sella coming hapoiness to Lyddr, instend, to sed a i ob wet Es N foun OO Miner; SrinInatel ¥ seemed that faded, stretohing int Already polied by since that morning NEAT TE EAR when N » A dras had called REWHPRD AT less longing be ad heart, RR 158 8 rest ia oan 3 fae YS open fields, t¢ be whers n to ber. al sat siipped quietly aad throw: passed on ui anetiond Somew ler Zan Aacroas deserted road that mean river, throngh the brown mead “Valerie Manneriag, Valerie "ale repay todd to Bersel? Lave been beantiful, a girl Beantifa v's i Miia Ber do eh ? WR Man VS Hau oi $f dL Ww Valarie Man near named Lydd ite Bag never heard ber name, ronounced as It 1s sp elled; there was a girl with a name | plelry to be bad?” aad other! * jife, with Lyddy langhed to hersei! alie koow about poetry? kgow about agyihing? rr The mustake bad heen supposing herself envagh f Tom Brown after five wears of $3.0. pn i” x Yon} . ox its roarvelnous possiiidiles Noth- in her gown | and sdvastages , hare you? | anat bear it! Cheese 7 she exclaimed alond adder banks which laang darkiy the deepening tw eh, aver the | Bowing river, i There mav he a 43 oar ends; there “oy I a » * ® ab rigity that shapes CErtMInIY IX # genias that watenes for the despot nt moments of car broken lives nnd PEGs | urges us ou to pumipietle Our own Y ratiier thad to pe HE thr=ads and patiently strin togretiier our bit of t He whispered in Lyddy's A shiver ran ov t stopped, gazing, | (quiet, noiseless river. Why not? She advanced towards it, 5 fae wall 5 rer a fas quiv 25 ing j Fos Po atithihy Wop IA i ner pean ant rest and the inte her hrun ( R rar, i! fires | of such indefinite , hey {after tne retreat: pride would | cas if exultin Po mada a gift to ( wonld so reciiessly have thrown away. L Fiostyad Y strug roel reinsine oil i Hnaily REONUS and 3 of drawers 15 | apon her haaed nitend. They seme Dike | repent you way | same | ply And then she went over by the window and watched the last ras of | was | yoars in ! AE Ny i thas fin | But TIN iR afd SE | : Boaratal, shard y if o¥ - i Faviiey with | Wihat ar ty ty ! plection, Sanl he Rhie had loft the © 11 al, and was on the brown, meadow, Saddenly her foot that gave forth a metal. { hat leternsined, BOW, nun 5 « DEreR veel grpihiinn winks than sid A with t A ¥ In Ns , % x Anather ahiorl sharp whstie Narar Ara igi arr, wi nearaey fie Sh W PEN Throw ng ive. abd aha! close , Eovd k Arps tl ag rt hd 8 Je ¥O33 by ivow nel down ariel fad that just her ha ast sloal 4 of the Bend lav shin Fain Oniy at instant then —- burden of the The rleanied fiory ey and jarger, shrieking Loser R04 dq ¢ “foams larger fier, ing co down noon and whist. Aye Ing, oom Twa nonntee later Lydidy arose from aud ne iran position, ataried in the histenee that it had the girl of the Life she anid langhed in the fart snorted & nian. the old ER muer 7 Lyddy “This was they only 1 “Tes been a § side track 4 Ha tl ve heen a fool ann Whe stand wateliing the train nat i dusavpearad. frotne shia and aere inst be someth sand TH find wine sensible rena mantiy nane inte the “T'va Ive Ie said, riay (np sid fore ing lofi tn what it is,” with whose Zo Parad Ty 3X fos + lira cir , tha mivl Lyddy man ov toward home Iisryenn I and % As 2H ¥ £8 hriskiy - % +. ¥ SORT ANOYe Lhe trees and fonely shmdows ger the path; but knew not fear She he AWN CRY RH gonntry girl id, bgt then barry Hers SRPDHORIAL r dengie belgted farmer from the Corners, He tremble] when A Dai Ele Ri dle TORT ify AL ELD. Hse fail rw : AN Tol my # Hanis mors he hasn't denrast gn } sriid hands se id VYaiarial i 3 aie gaRped whist? mean prosiess he had fo arikod and wad erin! Valarie. “What do you wid than 80 niesnela bation “ Tom ASST dear, ari neal jew wy “Hat your wife, “Jas, | nope 2 Let mie tall 4 1% « was all the re Na Y fra Lave Ler “Tom, aren't yom mary Heras to grow cobhwrant ‘Married’ Well T guess not.” 3 Yankee stil, 10 spite of Now York “But wa will dear to-marroy. if yon * $ * 43 Tam five i ha xt weak. OF was ia the New Yao Mannering, To probended atakin o srertgr. white l was in the that ofd Japey 4 aid the mw nations of How wh name Ha wie Has it i and Valerie In a flash Tom: rhe VN wl $i ‘4 I ronyen: her ak § gh K DADar, $i. el CA ERE begin Hi »2 ®y 1 ge » BRING AR a3R th Bist 3 | & 3 * § SR Oey. Wak aw a fo Sone Prvcioad Pom. Sept i suid ite oe ie was Was Ho of fasta Lak wa wW tian £3 ary last of var, and tbs Ys Wer 4% ck 73 11 Lt ant i wi f tio £1 werna of mae myvsell enough to and then, Onda at i weg after writiesl, wien i I was coming, 1 id Ris wa shin 1 hi i shad pe PLOT TEDVW Cehrnary Th a hme and snr , dndn’t Weil and Say. Pine fre AFT i ¥ i aren town Led Calle Duns ‘ sree asked Tom, Desgnse “Why? teil : And that was ail the expla wea Ta Be Kept Seeret, a4 a great bore, and was talk eroaid ghint tae wo rad pbs 431 a good nest, feay Lisi ming i pEES. IM § § via ins ith ha 15 capal race tious : z Gf representative mane the Was He Wiis Deed Br ved my Ppmrtne joromotiva | an it bord | oh helplessly | pent et The pngine | Ue Ber etn! fore fe | we iat Fay HN HARDTO FOOL rn NCLESAM] AY MONEY FOR BaD, Redemption Hviston of the Tressury De. partment the Specind Ohiject of Aseanit Brat Prighen it Sine Vitemiple to Serindis Wii Revises Faey, wiih Motes Een BRN ey ary ¢ Bonest di Tot adi te Lyayer af tha 3 wrt sr] a «8 T4 hopes afficaale at Wasliingte of th donist that aititinde toward Lhe prahlesny wine {he OY Lien HINT oa rik San 13 1% 3 resparidant wt 30ers 38 (hs This ony pity! PETE I The BRE TY § hans AT IIe SOR Iaare fTam 4 than an of and of the Treasnry redemption division gets a [2 1% there that 375 O04) FE rrr earn t ei POrY renersi, ies on t Hey Fria ghee Beer. RED! (E1hs amr. Your io wy Frosh eri “1 gresnharke or Rilye Sk. Ld i ard torn a § Sr nIens AVRrY hes shining whi Has VERE £3 . : Aivinten placa to stady human oF Tey rs iin wer plion whole note for three fifth of They limid A Ite of 1h grogtor than tao Afths three-fifths Finally HOW evar of tite sine denon nation Fiat hoa Fos vale of ile Bah Lens hia they ronimee 4 note antireiy i +131 Went fivr ¥ Faest jour ip can whew te tha wept. oe] Fea anal His meats fur note (Retire aris that the reaamin ciflentaily mind fons than twos-8fthe of 5 810 Lill i= wothing : if can he proved f thio hil the remainder of stil war ae these facts in wrk ly BH ieAR was dea 1 i 1 a aH AT AHS Lian worth 25 hint falfllied ois Id is worth S18, a Alabaive Ge by division soeninran ted while on a fas an for aries the inner Have wen the realvrnntion 4 i Sivas. ad within twenty pa bank SHilie Hote Urapsury official bowed fas ran of the Eas Tiint wr bpd wats BUYE weet haa sP PALE ERIE RIANY Pathe bo Bel wrested half of 4 had ine § = PendaRi Wada Mon i t thin the daspeinler | ha bank ana 3 § toolar, respveriug Gis i +) 3 Bail ses iH bei Yh Oebiiwr Gamal 38 Bin eet, amid st OWAD sosrey, hal SHE Lae mide fi tg to Jose hi sre el vad tha plan uf MENT of the note and saying the Badd bad besa dealt syed, somtaitted periney in oan by Uniele San of 85 A short UG Mo alriiiavit almily ny Cry wis an to the Treasury we gorapan Ying the singwl b and one R10 ball This affidavit typewritten and in perfect form stated that the deponent was a coto hiile it mercial traveler: that SieRIiE ont mamsivertenty fire an tind, 1% and if aftld ike 3 Hn thin shesvage & jouraer, i Limd Dheal whet iH tpige 350 1 A » § sider anh #1 tang i intila: with Verzisiae 3 Bik Wa Ae any flaw of tha sgeh a date he w ts have the money restired © The slerg who brogght mont to Mr. Relesa Last hess aly commented ou ils 31) sed {or r nunafaral,’ I ap the olan ii. re i ee wf nis iy Rely tingle 431 ¥ Kp Ya, ® at (Choad thors wer vasury aid if # ANY allay eu ig A aa %Y oi 134 ninller REE wan sent fon the affidavit that it ist the Tony mad who thang h wan mmie 11a. Ha tisiid the rai ie AONIAry to the that Wiki pd Set THRILL der B IRAN WAM a venly- HATE CRS0N the mo tidid to pientity He 4 agen ae ney wars in fomra acdmatiedd Las fRERAY BELAREE 8 te the maxer of the pnt sF Jivg 31 | x Yast, Ak ws slay wax of Je. atlduey hi : arrest, and tl $118 4 4 Bnuey ae had fallen ato bind persaiaded sheer COPA arid pig sistas mend Sang Haney tH tie money They Lie tact $ + ¥ Hinged aMfidavit the fled. aem nia Aled ee Wak arrested rrass rot oof tde » eonld not ba anid in tevin fo heat of thi Aran forferted his fiberty sen Ore than >. the Goveroment the young man a year and a Tg 33 t 2% or 1 ML MANY Yoars aim a bank ro sent in for redemnpion a Slgar seraps of money, He made they ail that Has money which had been it tonk the ox that tay wach Het wit tial WN arid dgsuty ‘ peri tes Tor Tari § ; Ta APONN 4TH od smIng Lim Lroverimueat Or Garves of (Hurent men in the Hier GAY th Porat #® > BRAN feet Paarge By MANY VAIN EFFORTS TO GET GOOD | hand ! mud buen ty FOTEPH 13 an sud Danger: oa pent ix tthe avening, fo not eat think | can safely adv that {ter than long sleeves in to put a enough to interferes any way RETO HE EEE gO OF J Are toe gal gown, i wh ; red are anuoved roost by dreams. Che gltached Wo iy pier ; ant subyeet, 1 Cmomelitaes Eive sate Hohe # Hamil 10 ivi § WEY | heartfelt : trates the ustter on this occanion was aif of two 820 stopped mast Cwhat [ean do with your winders anid the sister, hat firmly, thers was Bill, It was pasted on a pisces of heavy brown paper. In the lower loft the serisi rumber was ei: in the upper right where the same Sonres sppearad, the note had &% ta hidr the nim. atiemnt Et with In tie un othe number hee Ere tently ied Alone neither SOriiey : ly clon define rner ave alge i 3 3 3 Ira 3% % wR IIR NW & wrak Avi freien levy tao fthe @ vaneless, ir of the or. Om per oad them appesr to belong pote and so get 87 506 for stternpt at frund was wenly HATE RE x nate: together th ar aE We Ife to Prevent Dreams, a sare of experiments on if and others” ventured sn ex- perisnced physician to a Star re “1 we ronvineed that giany weving dreams and, which 19 many Fob of ach of its aml benefit can be pre contend 1 f persons will take the trie - bie to do so There are dreatax a hick are produced by an overloaded arovnaeh and indigestion, These sun be prevented by aot overloading the stomach and taking care, especially ig that whieh 18 Vase Ju FE Rit re instances sieen vey Farrel er has demonstrated nit easily digested A Filed stomach 1s, however, less conducive to dreams than an abasintely smpty one if theea mueh by pErianee & * £5 nr tary persons wi hey are tranbiled (dreaming, will wear sxtra long slew ren fo they night gowns they wil Hud 5 remedy thereby, What 1¢ even het. ti ihe { the sleaves =o they will not slip up on the arm. rithber acrid shoald not he tight with the sironlation of the blood in the arms, bint snail tight snaagh to keep the anda ob the sleeves well down on the wrists Ta the bachelors and others who can have their properly ar ranged, the sarge «Teel can be RR | by wearing a wristiet on the wrist or hetiar yet to pull a scesk over the hands and pin the leg of st to tha sleeves of In addition pre. dreams this simple arrange will be funnd extremely com foriable during the sold nights of the nest eonple of months A Little in. fairy will sonvinee any one that those se wrists amd forsars are fncov- ber cord (nn the hen thint The fit WivBEvaR 2: yeuling ment ha wove seal ax a hind of extended glove sffectually stop them, but it must the sleeve of the might work np Wii gown, otherwise the slosve wi din Cthe arm sad the desired effect be lost inep the 3% ered Sil My remedy in brief is, tw Gand, wrist and forearm well «WW wehington Star. RR A Home Savaery. emoving a splinter from a 4 i, hand may not be a nice and pleas- bu home surgery may a feeling of Tlie sufferer who lines. Ther FE& 344 oY a cnrpenter Ha was working st bas trade st an institation over whieh the | sisters of the Baman Catholic Chareh : prasided, returning fron day he broke off an aly splinter in his hand and conld aot get it out. He went home at the shone of has day's work feeling no an- novanes from the woand, but by the nevi morging the hand was in a ser ans comdition and so painful that WOrKing was an Epeusiility On his the doctor's, the carpenter ty tedd sisters why he delay his work, “Let me ses Hand before rou go to the doctor.” said one of The man demurred. “Yes, with gentie wisstence, “it will do harm, auyway Rhea gaiekly filled within an jaeh or so of tie top a rather wile {i hottie with steamusug Hot water, wehil it another sister pressed tue we stud part of the inpared hand gently soening, | Nuch a pe Is the hand wi a tne fe Way the 3 ¥4 ¢ 30 xg cowy yd ATA en anid as she fla A IW aver Ms eullar sensation! seated 0 va that bis whode rn with great force inte the t Ha wonid have taken iI away, hat the sister was holding 4 gentlv Then thers was x feeling of relief: 14 seemed as if the inside of that hand bad beeows [guid and was ponriug ua aapleasant contents ute the battle, Thal was almost exactly what was happening, and with the hguid went the oem: splinter, I'he band was bathed and bandaged, and the carpeily’ pontinued his work without furthe Naw York Times. 3 33k » PRS bast sg sil Hag aluvenielioe Selenium a Curious Sulstanos. hitherto pRpriant part in oonmrnets siries. it las Gaofly known in the chemists laboratory as # curious amd interesting subsiance possessing no specially useful prop- ft hus recggtiy | roy employed in the glsssmaker's pot for produsiug colored glass Rose tinted slass ie made by adding selenium directly to the ingredients in the melting pot, the depth of tint depending entirely on the quality used, and also to some extent apon the character of the glass —whoether it be hard or soft. A lovely orange red color is pro. daced by mixing cadmium sulphide with the selenium before adding to the contents of the pot. The intensity of the vellow constituent in tis case depends directly apon the proportiou of eadmimm suiphide made ase of A practical ssivantage attending this process 18 that 11 18 Dot necessary to reheat the articies after being mamas {actared and arp them Oring maktura as an the ordinary of Seleninm has not plaved “EY J any wv RRA RNG : Deel Hriies, Ina places 3 3 IGRRIDE read RIRSS. fearing rigged Liles an affice, lim, rehiagt’’ af “twas box it bron ear to Tote Ks Lim or Yes t night.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers