es J BA VOL. v. V—NO. i PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA.,, THURSDAY, DECEM SER 23, i i 18G7. $1.00 PER YEAR. LW. COOK 9 ESENSBURG LETTER. Importam News “Gathered »t County's Capital, A large number of teachers left on {the 7:39 train Monday morning to &t- ‘tend the annual Inititute which is being held at Johnstown, | lester Lurimer, of this place, at- tended the funeral of his niece, Miss | Rds Wallace, of Pittsburg, on Mon- ‘day last. Herman Apel purchased the square of ground on Julian street formerly owned by John Blair, 8r., for which ot the aE he paid $700. Senator Stineman, of Scoth ‘was in Ebonsbarg last week. Attorney Somerville, of Patton, made a business trip to the county seat on Taesday. Charles Evans has returned home from college and will spend his vaca- tion with his many friends here. | Messrs. Walter and Donald Shoe maker are expected home on Toesday lor Wednesday. They are attending Cambria 8 sid i i, Fork, 3 For your mother, } father, son, daughter, 3 grand - parents, friends, 3 wife, band. yes, for your best ge! or lover. ‘spend the holidays with their parents at this place. | George C. K. Zham, of this piace, had a stroke of paralysis on Toesdsy | Inst which rendered him speechless. His many friends are pleased to know that he is improving. i about 8 o'clock. The train which leaves | here at 7:20 was unable to reach Cres ison until after midnight. The train | | from there arrived bere about 3 o'clock | | Tharsdsy morning. | Miss Minnie Craver arrived home from Chest township, where sbe is teaching school, on Saturday morning. ‘ She left on Monday morning for Johns Two large stores brim b full. ing you wish 3 for from one penny, up. $ Our store is well-known gto syesybody- ‘and Emma. oC Pomona Grange Meeting. The next quarterly meeting of the ‘ Cambria County Pomona Grange will convene on Monday, January 3d, 189%, ) at 930 o'clock a m. The forenoon session will be devoted entirely to the | business interests of the order and in hearing reports from the different Sobordinate CGiranges throughout the county. Tho afternoon session will be i CW. Hodgkin Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for - Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ‘Stationery, Confectionery, rd called to order at 1:30 o'clock. Pollow- jes ne program: Report of secre. of P. of H. Mutoal Fire Insurance Election of directors of Fire In- ' sarancé Co. for the coming year; Famsay, | Edward A. Sheehan, of Fairview Grange; Recitation, Katie HR Lilly; [How to make Subordinhte Grange . meetings more interesting, Hon. J.J. Thomas, lecturer of the Pomona | Grange; Fssay, Wm. Beiter, of Mon- Cigars ® Tobacco. i aA Mt te A Valuable ‘ster Grange. The Grange will ment in | Afth degree session at 4 o'clock p m The evening session will open at 7:30 Lizzie Garrett; Self education at home, 'W. FE. McGuire; Fasay, Mm H. J. Bannan; Discussion on the question Postal Savings Banks, to be opened by | H. M. Gooderham, of Concord Grange: | Solo, Miss Lulu Bannan, of Enterprise Grange; Essay, Banner Grange; Recitation, John Gann, of Cresson Grange; Fssay, Mis For a fiend and ud prety ‘as can be wished is a han some lamp which can be bought at Me | : The proceedings of each session will be | music. All fourth degree members are cordially invited to attend. By Order Executive Committee. (ino. W. GARRETT, Sec. A Russway Trails. A terrible wreck, in which three men lost ther lives and five were injured, the Univesity st Philadeipbix, and will program as follows: Recitation, Miss Joseph: Farsbaagh, of | Anna M. Beiter, Sane ay Successor to COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS ae ATi (leaned Here the “Courier” Reporter. THE SOFT COAL TRADE As Beporied by R.A Kinsioe's Eilami- pow Beoord, The output from both the Clearfield and Beech Creek regions show a con- tinned increase weekly. Dating from the first of the year, the shipments for the same time last year From the Beech Creek region or to speak more sccurately - the tonnage over the Beech Creek scales shows 0er 8 guar: ter million tons increase as compared with a corresponding time in [596 The car supply is improving. The report in circulation the fore pari of the week that #0 men were 0 be withdrawn this week from one of the operations of Thos Barnes tarns oat to have been without foundation, although it is no doubt troe if that many men could find work elsewhere there would be better earnings by the few who would be able to do the work. Mr. B. says be will give all the men work pow employed as long as the On Wednesday evening s coal iran pine juste ‘on ita way to Cresson was wrecked Ollie Bishop, of Cold Stream, was admitted to the hospital this week with a broken collar bone and a thambd so badly crushed that it had to be amputated, his injuries being the resait of a fall of roof or coal in Pardee mine. George Harris, one of the organisers of the UM. of A, was at Morrisdaie Inst week and organized a local anion. | town to attend the Institute, and was sccompanied by ber sisters, Misses Ida oper This week he will be at Lilly and other points along the Pennsylvania railroad. Erected 35 Drweliings. . W. J. Donnelly & Co. have recently wd two more new dwelling houses to the Rorongh of Patton sand are con- tinually making improvements etc, on those already erected. The above named firm has evected, daring the year 1997, over 25 new hoases in our town, which adds wonderiuily to is appearance in size. The buildings are good substantial ones and are either sold on easy payments or rented at a nominal figare. W. J. Donnelly, who jocks after the firm's interests in Pat- ton, deserves muoch eredin efforts in the advancement of our thriving town. Constracting an Ineiine. Among the many improvements be- Clay Manafactaring company's works It will be 900 feet in C ; . ‘the legislative, for his a iil be x CR ing made in snd around the Patton © Wik no. OSES PERKINS LETTER Bogs rk Law From Washingto! Wop Ty Sor Wassisaron, DO As a party man wha hae followed bis party oftener than be has lod it, Pres dent McKinley finds himael] oc fronted with some hard party aula, one a1 beast of which must be cracked before Jan gary Sth, when Congress re assembhos Thin not relates 10 the civil serve, and consists of 8 plain proposition sobs mitted to the President by some of the leading Republican Senators and Rep resentatives, which may be briefly as follows: Will you in your anqoestioned asthority, issae an order annolling all extensions of the civil service roles made by your predecessor, and thas save the party in Congress from the impending factions] fight?* There is not the slightest doubt that the Repub licans in the Honse postponed the debate om the civil service section of executive and judicial appropriation Ui ootil aller the bodi- day recess solely for the purposes of giving the President an opport take such action ax wouald debate an eoessary Notwithstanding Mr McKinley's fiat-footed declaration in his annoal message in favor of present civil service conditions, many of his party expect him to do what is asked of him; they say that when he wrote his message, we did not realize the extent of Repubii- ran sentiment against the wholesale extensions of the civil service ries made by Mr. Cleveland. The men whe ask Mr. McKinley to do this, told him that if he failed to do so, the fight over civil service smong thee Republicans in both branches of Congress wonld make it impossible for the party to win in the Congressional election next fall, and would probably result in the repeal of the entire civil service law, as the Democrsis in cancos decided that they woald vote solidly for repeal, but would not vote for any hill proposing modifications which wonld only resait in replacing Demo- erate, now in office, with Repoblicans Mokes PERKINS Boewdwed Ann ver Comirae: : (wo, R (rood retarned to Patton on Monday night from El Paso, Texas where, 28 was stated in the Cor. KIER previously, be was looking after the interests of (wo RB Good & Co. in the constructing of 165 miles of railroad in that state. He informs the writer that before leaving ihe soulb- west he closed a contract 16 construct Dw. XW [ATaLY Wo make tat | another portion of railroad in Missouri, which will be 40 miles in length This as the John L Blair road, which will give Kansas City & direct connection is a large incline plane running from y the high hill south of the plant to the with ' what is known as the Frisco line runsing from St Louis to Paris Texas The terminal points of the new road to be * bait will be Bolivar apd Owceola, Mo. of | is to convey the upper clay to the plant {without the use of teams as formerly. The capacity of the cars will be 1,900 In order to Jet the “Devil” and the jolie cat property chenrve the olidays, first appearance at Johnstown. The paper pext week. Al Great Reduetisn. DEPARTMENT Hao, A Oomfortable Home in the Gate to Contentment, Jf De re h anyving & We will also have for the hoidays a + OaTpel, We have it Give us a call. "HARDWARE CO. occurred at Altoona at 6:05 o'clock Alice A. Asheroft has a few of chil- Monday evening just outside the shed dren's coats and ladies’ capes and of the passenger station. Extra freight trimmed hats left, which she is closing 004, east, ran away at Gallitdin, and, out at a great reduction. You are in- after whirling down the mountain st & yited to call and see what she has rate of speed that sometimes exceeded whether you purchase or not. Don't 60 miles per hour, crashed into Pg 2in mim the opportanity. -3t3 front of the Logan house. About forty | freight and half a dozen passenger | cars were wrecked, and the following persons were killed or injured: Sam. uel Kastner, a drover, killed; Chas. J. : Sc. | Numer, brakeman, killed; 8. G. Corbin, Fiber, Patton, Pa brakeman, killed; Engineer Burket, Country Baottcr sad Kg injured; Fireman Levett, injured; John For nice fresh country batter and and McFall, Jas. Prentice and Bert Halt, eggs you should call at John Boyoe's . who were riding on train, injared. Cash Grocery, next to postofiice. Bil O° Fare, The Bon We are still on deck, the Kinkead List of Umelnbumedd Litters. Fe will find the The following letters remain in the Oysters in all Styles Fried Chicken. Soups. For Sabs A good pool and billiard paricr, res taurant and cigar stand. Will be said at a bargain. Call on or addres Sam’) Ton for underwear postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, December 16, 1897: Switzer & Limberger Sandwiches Mm. Patrick Butler, C, Bedell, Mrs Sauer Kraut and + Sarin Maggie Brown, Mm Ann Devers Pigs Feet. Ham and E Hot Coffee. Henry Hutton, Alice Irvin, Harry Soft Drinks, Etc., Ete. Maacy, John J. Stoutenbarg. Persons calling for the above letters * fine line of Florida and California or- _ please say the are advertised. anges, grapes, figs, dates, and nuts of popqye name and address of the all kinds, Saclies and Sigs. eve sender should be on emch letter or | your order or ice cream to be ver- parcel before mailing. This is to ‘ed Xmas mating “R Rix feceliate a return to the sender in the : INEEAD RESTAURANT. event of misdelivery. The Bon Ton for handkerchiefs, E A. Meuox, P.M. That New Road. Several neighbboring newspapers of Cambria snd other counties continoe to boom the so-called extension of the Beech Creek railroad According to the different reports it is quite difficolt to Jearn in what portion of Cambria county this “great” road will pass over. No doobt it will tunnel through the .¢ the paper, had no ruling to follow, are ae straight as it is ponsible to write, ‘and while they frequently converge or diverge at one end or ‘the other, this The Bon Ton for millinery. that the Beech Creek company Das _oo.oech to a straight line prevails whoie of North Cambria and make ite nothing whatsoever to do with the building of the “proposed new line.” Grand X-mas Bad. A grand ball will be held on Christ mas eve, December 34 in the Firemen's Hall. Patton, Pa, ander the auspices of Patton Fire Co. No. 1. Frof Sev erin’s Imperial Orchestra will furnish the mosic. Tickets $1.00. Lunch will be served at i2 o'clock, mudnight. Om December 29 and 31 a public dance will be held by the fire company. All are invited to atiend these datos. Married a1 Mastings A: the residence of Mr Sheehan, in Hastings, Pa, by the Rev. GF. Boggw pastor of the M. E church, Willam H. Howe Miss Dorothy Roxby, both of Patton, were in marriage at Ip om Decemaber The COURIER extends congmlalatans A AlAs ao we 2 Souda tend is 3 Laveen Ta i8ani. £ , 2 adlies of Ye Patton apd vranily to cau at the & KNosper, Dexi Wo lank. and examine the oe fine Line of fall and winter capes and coals They are Aandi al Pre wi TRG BE Pram & to $35 gtd The Bon Ton for peas farnisnings. All thw are prespecilall store of Mirkin Here You Are For a Christmas present. Dolls, toys, school bags, leggings. ladies’ jewelry, handkerchiefs, pocket-books and a fine line of ladies’ wrappers Mes Rook, #2 Next to White Shoe Store. The Bon Too for dolls with that of Father Kittell ‘signed his name “Dem. Aung. Smith.” with the pen, doubtless by Gallitsin trunk and roots; but as the writer has ™N di ALTOONA, P I INTERESTING SKETG . . gg iT (raiiitzin, IN’ A The visitors were shown the remains of Fates Ceslistzin, which now repose at metallic oasiket, provided a oo. ; years ago by the exertions Late of Father Kittell, in a sepaliher of solid Loretto. Pa masonry of large cut stone, built in LT 1547, bat which has never been Snished | Owing: to the bomidity of the slmosi RE 1. ics SAV ED. pivere at the tine, howerer, barge drops off maolistare had ooilected on the glass onvering of the casket to mach an x temt that ail that oonid be discerned Om a recent visit to Loretto, I, with by the ight of a taper were the out other gentlemen whe were jpuests of lines of the bones of the right hand Rev. Father Ferdinand Kittell, was and the frontal bone of the skall shown some interesting relics of the It is Lhe purpose of Father Kitiell Ww Russian Prinos Priest Gallitzin by Rev. bold, in 199, a centennial celebration Kittell, whe is well-known to the hit- in memory of the lite and labors of the erary, as well as the religions world by ploneer priest of Cambria county, who bis ‘uvainable contributions to histori- Was in ile poe of the most remarkable eal literature and his snselfish and men the workd has ever known, by public and so far as it was which time he hopes $0 have the means pomsitie, successful efforts to preserve provided for the completion of the from decay the reflow and works of the monument or the erection of a mote Apomtie of the Alleghenion suitable ane to commemorate the ap Om the walle nf the stodio of Father selfish devotion, asnboanded charity, Kittell, which is in iteslf & marvel of and remarkable religions seal of De- interesting Mstorical reminiscences, on metrias Aagustine de Gullitein, Prince s buttress opposite the door as you and Priest and Apostie of the Alle enter, you behold a large sted engrav- phenies ATi ing of Father Gallitzin, and ranged Fei and Cartmts in Meet Spel in order clear around tive Teds, begin- | wo rding to a dispatch f nie ning with Father Lemike and including § Hugh aod Joseph G cago, dated Dvoember 18, Fitasimmons thar Sm allaher, _.d Corbett are to meet again im the Mitchell, Morgan, Lambing McHugh, with many oilers. amt edi prise ring. Tab date of the hattie is Busk, : ¥ ow DE indefinite, the lanky pugilist de iared on Fein that be han changed Bot the most remarkable of the ‘ y his mind and will give Corbett another relies of Gallitzin is the register of chance. Martin Julian, the champions baptisms, marriages, and dew Rept manager, confirmed the statement in his own handwriting. This is writ. “Some day, before very long we ten on plain white pajer, something will give Corbett another chance,™ like that on which the Tribune x now J dN Bat printed, with probably a smoother ulus ne ao minty; bot before long. How long 1 finish when it was new, nearly a oo, ov Asked if that was nob 8 centary ago. The entries cover A space ion on the part of Fitasimmons, of forty-one Years, or | fram 1799 WO Jalian replied ol it was not, as that 1840 The writing was dome with a Lo SL gt 0 ins the mi of Bob for » quill pen, and the ink was of a quality long time. black in color, but not of & jet diack which flowed readily, did pot spread over the paper; there un nol a trace of Mr and Mra Prescott, of Kerr ave difference in the shale throaghout, if ROS, gave a reception to the Mandolin we except a few places where the Clad of Patton on Saturday, December paper has been frayed sod the ink 'S. The din was passed by play- worn of But what marvelous pen. ing games ete, and x very ecjoyable manship’ Were the most expert en. lime was —" by sll. Among thas gromer of the present day to make a Present were Mr and Mm Prescoft, PY of the work Hom beyrinning Lo Misses Mand Y eager, Minnie Ardell, end With the same evetiems, Deatness, Asnie Jepson, Hilma Johnson, Ia and general characteristics of penman. Adams Bernetia Brant, Agnes Brapt. ship prevading the whole, his exploit Mrs Hester Weakiznd, Winifred J. would be justly considered a remark. Radcliffe, Wm. G Jones E X Yigg able one. The small witers are in the Ing EK J. Severin, FP. MeConnedll. style and proportioped like those of Wm. L. Jones, Sr. Supper was served the present day. at 12 o'clock, after which a guests | = The scale of writing is that of sev. departed for their homes. entha the stall Jetters being about Church Natio. oue-twelfth of an inch in height, with The revival A Suteaha d's sand t's about foor-tweifths and the Episcopal church closed Sunday night. loop letters above and below seven. The meeting was spe of anusual inter twelfths, except o's and q's, which are og aud power A number of persons OLD An Premer ted by 8 Caresageasdont om Pre Any’s Jodovetown Triboo. Fe spared, Mondodin Club Swami | about the same as the down stroke of gure converted and joined the chareh, the p, or about fourtweifthe The yng the church was much belped apd main slant of the writing, which does The services next Sun- not vary a hair's breadth throughout, day will be of & special character. The ms about 42 degrees. There is a8 8D Sunday school will render a Christmas sence of Sourishing and hair strokes, ' gL vice at 10:30am The pastor, Rev. the writing being executed with AD cae WoW asec will deliver a Christ- almost ohiform evennews Of PresSGI®, oo. sermon af 7 30 p.m. The annual the capitals not ualibe those of Be Carignan treat will be given io the present day. The lines which as’ members of the Sunday school on Frl- may be inferred from the description gu. evening at 7 o'clock. Goto Kemier's bakery for your teh | bread and cakes throughout, and it is doubtfal if a ruler placed on every line of the book | would anywhere find a bend of the twentieth part of an inch. At first, as the missionary priest was known as q Father Smith, or Mister Smith, be but after March 2, 180%, we find * ‘Dem. | Aug de Gallitsin, Principibes.™ but | the word Principibes | Prince is croswed himself, wherever sotived, with one ex- ception. There is not jo be seen a single blot, a single anuniform pressure of the pen, not the slightest trace of tremor or pervoustess of hand osuaally incident to age or infirmity or numb- ness by cold, the last entry. in Apml 1540, being as legible and ae neally exe. cuted as the frst, nearly forty-one years before. From this register and sabeequent ones Kept by the successive pastors Father Kittell has oompiled a most wonderfal work. 13 isa clust by refer. ence to which vou may fod the date of birth, baptism, or marnmage. and of thome who have posed away, of death | af all who were ever memnbers of the congregation. and trace their family conpections on both sides almost as readily as you may follow by view ul branches of a symmetrical tree to the But no use wasting it You're going to buy a Suit ar Overcoat, perhaps buy hoth, We have told you oar story many times bat it will hear repeating. Clothes of the best. cut by artistic cuts ere, sews Oy “alpilbed tasiors and finished as only good | razors can fnish a | From pow antl Christmas oe sell a $02 Sais at $M sad a $20 a4 $18 and so on The cheap, ready - mada man en set yon has for jess than we can, bat i Fron want genuine tailor-made « holt oe lock over our stock; if does not appesl to you don’t bay. I DINSMORE BROS, | Merchant Tailo PATTON. PA. Next tao P.O. been courtecusiy invited to examine the work when cumpieted, which will ‘be in the pear future, a further de scription of this invaiuabie work will | not be attempted until after that time.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers