Al 0 i 8 We i reinforce the German feet in Chinese Verdict of Murder in the First Degree in the Guldensuppe Murder Case. SE ————" LAST SCENE OF THE TRIAL a] ¥he Jury in the Sensational Murder Trial mt Lomg Island City Returned a Ver. diet After Three Hours’ Deliberation ~The Little Barber Displayed No Emotion When He Was Convicted, New Yonx Crry (Special). Martin Thorn was declared by the verdict of a jury in Fong Island City, at 5.35 p. m.. Tuesday to be guilty of murder fn the first degres for the killing of William Guidensuppe at Woodside, L. 1., Jupe 25 1807. The yor. diet follows a long series of horrors and surprises, including the confession of Mrs Wack, the accomplices, and the adjourn. sent of the first trial owing to the {linens of Juror Larsen, which began on the day following the murder, when a fragment of _ mhuman body was aceidontly found float. "ing fn the East River ut Eleventh street, (hy oity. The verdict was followed by gaother sur. prise when Thora, after leaving the court. room, apparently strong, cheerful, and hopeful, suddenly broke down, confessed his ail, nnd declared that Mrs. Nack bad rath. The prosesdings of the day fn conrt were | pod by businesstike colerity. The 5 ‘wvidense baving been ended the avening be. fore, the jiary visited the seene of the trag- " id the arguments for the people pnd the defense, and pave its verdict after _thres hours of consideration snd balloting, faparsad, The fate of Mra. Augusta kK. jointly indicted with Thorn, remains doubt. Justice Maddox ended hic charge to the jmry st 2.95 o'clock p.m. The jurors were nm #ly dismissed to consider their werdiet, and a recess was ordered. Bo Ip- tonse was the interest in the outeome of the trial that, weary as was the wait, not a individaal (aft the coart. The hands of the sloek were pointing to the half-hour After five when a stir was noticed at the oor of the room to whivh the jary had re. Bt owas signaliod from the inside that Jarors. had agreed. Jastics Maddox ae summoned from his room, © Thorn, who had already Deen summoned, was stolid to the last. During the three Jong hours that the jury spent in Jeithera- wn he was kept in his esll downstairs two flights below the Supreme Const room the Gueens County Court House, Out- ” v he showed no tease of worey, and Bis calm was in decided contrast to the evident nervousness of others who had part in the trial, and whose Interest was Joss direct in the résuit. When Police Captain Methven want to him at about half past five o'clock, and told him that the jury had agreed, Thorn pressed pleasure at the pews, and said Pe hoped the result was efther conviction of murder or an scquital, He put his right hand forward to recsive ie shackles around bis wrist and then he Married up stairs, through the jostiing, " persons who stare at him avery time ex and who make comments that anno fail to reach his pars. There were women who east languishing glances, tit. tered and giggled, while men who usually jo susey corners of barrooma mut. “Gentlemen of the jury,” said the clerk,’ “stand up and face the prisoner. Pris The jurymen rose to their feet, their toys still on the floar. Thorn, too, Azone, hers was no answer. Not 8 word same trom the jury box. The it), bat still Thorn looked atraight id, with not 8 musels twitching, ealled tha slerk again. the answer in a shoking od a Baron von Bulow, the German Minister gave the United States will be sent to : k ence in the matter Sy the of nited States," States eruiser Marblehead has been ordered to Haytian waters, L- es a a. Blanche K. Bruce Gets an Office. + Blanche K. Bruce, of Mississippi. who has made his home in the District of Columbia for many years, has basen appointed Regis- ter of the Treasury, vies Fount J. Tiliman, of Tennusase, Mr. Bruce came into prow. _inence in recomdiruction days, atd served aterm in the United States Sepsto {rom Mississippi. Maxim's New Gun, Hiram Maxim's new quick-firing gun was tried at Portsmouth, England, with remarkable * results. With twenty-five of cordite it showed an effective ’ sange of 16,000 yards. | wies.pail and steel.rod interests has al heen Jost {8 the storm and had perished | tion Nkinner against employing Sisters of | | afflosr accused of writing the letter which TE —— ttn — THE NEWS EPITO | A NEW CABINET OFFICER. MOTHER M'KINLEY STRICKEN. Washington tems. i . i E ha Er The Administration Bas deelded to vend | the North Atlantis squadron fo critise near Cuba. ’ , i The wives of Cabinet «ffivers met and joined in dvnonneing the gluttony of Wash. ington society. [It was dowided to serve no | refreshments horeaftor at Welinesday at homes’ and to regaire capls of Jdmigsion from: the persons attending. President MeKinley has asaurfsnnes from lenders in both houses of Congrind that Suis saggestion to await the development of | Spain's proposed reforms in Cuba will be supported, Negotiations for a treaty of reciprocity with Fern were begun, Representative Dingley sald he thought Congress would not pass a currency reform measure this winter, AAS Domeatye, Thref persona were killed ontright ina sedlision of trolley cars going at full speed an the Detroit apd Oakland siectrie road Ruperintendent John Savage of the road was one of the victims George BE. Blodgett, who was shot bv a hirgiar at bis home, inSchanectady, NY didd the next afiernonn, The proposed combination of the wire most been perfected: it is sald that the con. | trol of the pool will be in the hands of J. | P. Morgas and his sasoiates, of New York | Cny. Martin Thorn, the murdersr of William Galdensappe, was taken from the (usens County Jali, Long Island City, to the Kate Prison st Ning Sieg, and plased in the death house, The ronv¥isted man seems 16 have retained no desire for notoriety, and avoided the sarioos ones who tried to got a glimpse of Rin The I nited States gunboat Newport sailed from New York with the Nicaragua Com. wisnion on board, Information reached Cheyenne Wyom- ing. that James Murray, who earries the mail to the Horses Cresk Postofftes, had with sold, Benjamin H. Child and Edward C. Hux ioy were appointed permanent redeivers o the Kent & Staniey Company, limited, manufacturing jewelers of Providenpe KR I.. and New York, on the petition to the Suprema Const of the Rhode [aland Nation. al Bank a oraditor for £32330. At the hearing it was stated that the company owsd #1 800 000 and was hopelessly insol- | ? # 3% rent. i Benson Cross. of Datesit Ma. while | huntiag mistook Dana Geay, of Plymouth for a deer and Dataliy shot him. The Maine hunting weason has sivsed. A total of B50 deer, thirty moose and six earibon heads passed through Kine during | the open time The number of deer killed! dxopnds that of previous years A Baht earthgnaike shoek started the | citizens of Kansas, Thursday, Mosssges from Wallington and Hunnewsll, Kan. de | serihes he earth gaake ax guile severe in thiowe Sif bos It reseed sonth into Oia Boma Washington Bemingtin, the net af the | famons Remington triplets, dind at his! hogwe in North Smighfieid. BRB. T.. of soute | hronahitis Ha was sighteons vexrs old | and had been ii] bat a few days : Mrs. Jacal Rupe, of Frosh Ponds, N. J | srmmitteg saislde hy hanging lierself to a bodes, She had boon safferipe from | pereons prostration for a long time, and | her aot was probably prompted by Ler apferings, She was the wile of i viaripst player in Sanea's band and the mother of seer ohilideen, The grain receipts af the port of Buffalo, N.Y. for the sensor of 1897 to Dacember |, fncicding 11.000 0 barrels of four est) mated as wheat reached the unpreso dented aggregate of 30 000 000 hasbhels, A Pennsylvania Railroad train made the eastward ran from Chicago to Pittsburg in 383 minutes, If is expected to redagas the time of the limited between Chicago and New York to twenty hours The Yala crew fins shallengsd Cornell to | A race at New Landon, Conon next June | and arrangements have heen made fora | sonferenes to settis the detalls. Harvard | has bowen invited to send representatives to the conference, with a view to arrangiog for & triangular race. The Poughieapsia (NY. Board of Eda. cation has refused to recognize the opinion of Riate Superintendent of Puldie Instn. Charity to tanel if they wear thele religious | garb in the sehoolrnon, The Yukon Cariboo Company, organized by J. Edward Addieke. and the Northwest Company. the products of the Kiandike Boom are retiring from Duciness If ie antl and will refund sobseriptions tn its stank, Alexander Owens, nn marble doaier wax pincing & manumen’ aver a grave at Terra Haste, Ind. when Alexander [awrencs, an employe af the cematery suggestad that the base was aot in good sondition Owens resented the eriticiam and seizing & heavy oaken rolier strack Lawrences on the head. Lawrence's skull was orunhed and he was completely paraivasd, He dled soon after, The steamship Miami bailt hy the Cramps. of Philadeiplia,. in her trial trip made a speed of 17.20 knots during = six- hones’ continuous ma, She broke the rec. ord of rosstwise steamers, C. W Spalding. the Chioage bank Presi. dent was sentencsd to an indeterminate term in the penitentiary for smbemziement Yale derided to row Harvard at New | Losdos, Conn. next year, : Foreign. Diplomatic relations bet ween Creat Brit. ain and Veneanela were resumed alter ten years’ severanee Monsignor Schroeder, formerly professor | in the Catholic University at Washisgton, has been appointesd to the facuity of the Catholis Academy at Muenster the capital of Westphalia. ¢ The greatest labor struggle of tha sen. | tury is about to take places {on Great Brit. | ain. The Berlin Post says Hayti's refusal to pay indemnity in the Lusders case will he | fatiowsd by a bombardment of the forts | and Port au Prince. General Saudsier has ordered a : aanre. martial to try Count Esterhazy, the French ied to the convietica of Captaln Alfred Dreytus of high treason. The General ac quits Esterharxy of treason and declines to | reopen the Dreyfus case, The Dreyfus Fase was the subject of a debate is the | | Chamber, in which the position of the Mig | istry was sastaiaed, $ The Standard Ol Company bas got con. | trol of the ofl trade io Germany and will | pul fn operation the “factor” system of distributing its products among the deniers, | A committer of Americans waited on | Consul General Lee in Havana and asked | him to make a request of the United States that warships be sent to Cuba, as there is | fear of an cutbeeak against Americans. f The omimous mutterings in Eu rope may easily presage a tremendoas sonfliet thers between the fares of popular and dyoas tic government. The British punitive fords an the Afehan frontier ia meeting with fepes resist an wr from the trivesmen, and asothies British officer has bean killed, M,N. Miliiard, a Neaator fron tl i partment of Eure bas been sinned Ministre of Justice ty the Freach Cabinet ta sueesad M, Darian woo resigned, The Emperor of China declared that he would forfeit his crown rather than agree | ty the ‘German demands; ba desires that the dispute be arbitrated; Japan is mass oR troops on the Lsland of Formosa. PURMARBRIN JER A AEE Governor John W, Griggs, of New Jer- # sey, to Become Attorney-General, HE WILL SUCCEED W'KENNA, I br OMelal Announcenient of the Coming Change Made by President MeKintes The Appointes Will Take Office Wien MeKonns Enters the Sopreme Cor lee To Resign as Governor on January 1, Wasmxotoxw, DO (Rpeciali ~1t was afeially anounced at the White House on the peturs of the President to Washington from Canton that Governor John W. Grigas. of New Jerpey, has accepted the son of Attarany-tisasral of the United Keates which will br vacated by the nom. ination of Attorney Cenarai MeKenns to ba Associate Justice of the United niatos Supreme Court to 11 the vacancy caused hy the retirement of Justice Stephen J. Fish, Governor Grigess announced son afterward at his home in Paterson NJ. that he had received and accented ihe oes of Attorney. (hhneral. A — i — / SAYERNOR 1. OW. ABINGN, OF NEW JERRY He will in January sucscend Joseph Me. Kanna as Attorney Ceoneral of the Uaited Riates i As to hin resignation of the Govergorship, Sr, Gerigas sat © would sot be ten ierad anti the sonvening of the New Jersey Log. ainturs on January 11 pext, This action iw made sossiide by the Taet that the aon af Attarney- General will prishably not be wreant before that time as in die sonra af events Mr MoKeniua es confirmation as Assorigte Juntioe af ihe Ruprane Court will poressitnte deisy. In that vvent sone of the soanplications peldent to the lmmes dints resizuation 2an happen, and the pro. visions of thes Constitotion maipg the President of the Seats arting Govergor aperigld Be carried] oul, When asked whe be (Sought woudl be the presiding oM ear of the incoming Senate, Mr. Griggs remariod that from reports nublished Ranator Foster M. Voorbess of F nion County, seathed to Linve promises for the majority of vistes, —————— Jahe William Grijras was born in New. ton, Rassey County, No J. dn Joly 10 1849 and was graduated {rom Lafayelta Collinge in JRAR Afer leavihe colisge he beonme 8 student (nthe law Mae of Robert Hamil rate svn. in Newton and to 3871 removed fo Paterson where he tesumed the stady of law in the offices of Boos rates Tuattia He was admitted to the bar in 1871 Four pars ister he was alestad to thie House of Assemildy from Passals County In 1577 he was again siestad to the Hous of Assembly, But the following year he was defeated, For several years he devoted himself to tesiiding up his private practies. In 1883 ho was elected State Senator being re alectad in 1884 and again ten years ialer in the Senate of 1850 he was clotted to the Prosidaney Io 1895 Mr Girlie was #ected Governor aver Abegander T. Meafiiil by a pluraity of WW A00 votes, belong the frst Bepublioan Governor alestad in New Jersey in twenty five years, Governor (iriggs Is a keen inver of ath jetion, and fs eapecinily fond of spart with rod and gun. He is bonides a good golf player, being a mumber of the Patarson Gail Club, At fadogr amasements be ls as proficient ax in outdoor. Ho has lor years playsd on the srask team of the Paterson Chess Club and taken par! in suSearous Stats whist tournaments. He {= a member of the Hamilton Club of Paterson and of the Unton League Club of New York City, Governor Griggs is 1dentiflad with anv. sral business ipstitations of Paterson, be ing President of the Patterson National Bank and also of the Paterson Safe Deposit Company. He {x married and Las six ahil dren four daughters and two sons ane of wham is a stadent i Lafayatts College, KILLED WIFE AND HIMSELF, The Marderer Wanted Wis Vietim te Support Hing: She Refused. Louis Zoengler shot and killed his wife at Milwankes Wis and then killed him. self by swallowing o dose of carbolic aold. Two years ago his fest wile procurad a dic vores hecguse he abused hor. SBoon afier Le trim to kill Der nnd achieved suoh aoe toriety that he changed his anme to Albert Rruager under which name he has been livigg aver sinoe, Last Januagy he married a widow at Lishfteld Wis. and soon after he de manded that she support him. Heveral waeka ago she refupmt to longer provide for Bim, sod ordered him to eave the house, She began procesdiogs for divores, whersnpon he got lato her Bome one nighs and tried to kil her, but on her promise to Hye with him he spared her He again sntersed her house while she was preparing breakfast, and without a ward of warning shot ber dead. He then drank carbolie arid and escaped, but two bBioeks from the house fell ta the ground, anable to procesd, The polles found him and took him to the hospital, wheres he died at noon. He was fifty-one years old and his victim was fiety-ve. Itatinn Cabinet Resigns. Ia consequence of the amendment of the fail dealing with army promotions, General Peiloux, the Italian Minister of War. in- sisted uvon withdrawing from the Ministry, whereupon the entire Cabinet decided to resign. Pitiful End of an (id Man's Bomarnice, aus J. Parks elghity-four years id, a tioket shoppes on the Brookivn Els: vated Ratiroad, shat himsel! because his fw i girl br riste of a fortnight refused to lve the sane Gouse with his ehdl fainted Hina a House of her mia is twentytonr vears old and a Eo ageat on thy Rings County foal, 3 Fmperor William and Dreyvines, Empeares Wiliam has deciiael tha ra. paest of the family of Capgthda Dreyins to topess bis bejief in the {attor's ignocencs Presldent Hurried 1a the Cantor Home of His Yenrralile Pavent, Nowe of the arabe of naraivsis wiieh Mrs, Naney Alllson MeKinley mother of | the President fell a wiethin to a2 Cantos Ohio, reached the Chie! Exerutive while Imsily angaged in pregarineg for the open, ing of Congress and it wae of aneh an alarming natures (hat ha iomedintely Mopped work on bis Message amd Bast sned to hr vensralide parent's hodeide The President srrived at Canton from Washington at £45 o'rloek Friday morning and spent the day at bis mother's bedside, It is balieved that she realized his presences though she was anahie tH give soy poss tive sign of recognition, : President MeKinley decided to return tg Washington for the apening of Congress, notwithetundiog his family sslamity. Iv is nmeessnry {or the President to reseive the joint committee from the two hogses and until this committen has waited on im and reosived his communication the rogaine business of Congress cannot peo In view of thess facts. the President felt it his duty to return to Washington, wo as not to dainy the opening of Congress at the regaiar time. He arranged to isave Can. ton at 205 o'clock Saturday afternoon io the special car provided for hla, reaching Washington Sundsy morning and bis im. perative Executive duties over to return te anton, MURDERED AN ENTIRE FAMILY, A Colored Plantation Hand Kills Three Steals $700, and Fecapes, At Warren's Stone near (resnsbora Hale County, Ala, John Singley, a wealthy planter was sssanited and his throat sat by Bill Seott, a colored man employed op the platitation. The miscreant called Ringiey ont of the houses ostensibly to eateh & horse which had bosoms loosen, A hundred yards from the house the salored man felled Singley with a «lub an then cut his throat. The murderer rety to the houses attacked Mew, Ringiny slashing her to death and almost severing her head Dallas, the ten-year-old son of Singley was next killed {8 the # sme manner, Singiey was found by a neighber and he ved long enough to name his assaiiant and to tell the story. The colored man robbed the house, stealing #190 which Hingley revolved from the sales of corsa, BURNED ALIVE BY ROBBERS An Aged Woman Tortured and Then Mardered With Her Grandson Aged Mrs. Caroline Norris was rst tor ured and they burned alive by robles at per home pear Cumberland Md. Hor tan. pear-old grandsan was ales muriered Mrs, Norris who was known to be well i do, lived fn a small well-furnished sorpes near Littia New Orleans with har rrandenn Hho 34d a snr of trading basi sis anid The hogss ras ig Wi Har. Sandise. Tha robbers lrokse to the {welling oariv in the night and aller vaio. y apdeavaring to make the woman reves die place wheres they stphodedd she famal Bids Jan her money tied Der (oa aot stave, While the poor woman shrieked and arithad in agony the poblers picked $Y he grandann from the Bed and Killed 3 sy erpshing in bis head, They toen ran winked the hones bat Igiled to And any soney ae Mes Norris kent her money in a wank, They then byraed the house and Pod, : Condition of lows Banks, The oMelal reports of thes 168 saving fan is and M00 State Banks in lows show a toatl increase iG chispropitn sie Jane 8 0 thie wear of $5 08% 631. The inereass ; inppeat evar Bnowh in the Stalls ib a Jile period, Tha total deposits in (hess basil amounted to more than $50 600 00, Hallway Stanghter in Warsaw, A terrible raflway accident hay oscurred it Warsaw, Polagd While a passenger rain was standing at the forminns a loavy right teain frashed into 1 owing to fhe ror of a pointeman. Pievsn parsans wore titled outright, and twenty two others sere seriously {njured ‘Meury George Wedded, The wadding of Henry Goorge son of the late single-tax advocate, sud candidnta for the Mayoralty of Greater New York and Miss Marie Hiteh daughter of Captain Ebenezer V. Hiteh took placa at the resi. dence of the bride's father in Clilcago. Emperor William Ozens Reloehstag, The German Emperor opensd the Releh- Mag in a speech from’ the throne for the Trut timesines 1894. He grged thostrongth- sping of the German Navy NEWSY CLEANINGE Japan buvs Toxas cotion Bow Zoalsod hans one woman phvelelan A Unton Paeifls train recently ray 5 miles in 5300 minutes New discoveries of petroleum have heer migsde in the Crimea. A Stats Ieee of Stagle Tax clubs ls to be fonnd (0 Michigan, Nt. Louis has proiected a tne of steel barges Lo ran to the Gulf Annivsis of sugar besty grown in Stark County, Indians shows a percentage of 23% per cent. sugar ta the jules David Christie Murray, the novelist, has start a movement ta erast 4 statue of Girarge Washington {a London, Daane Doty, of Chicago, bas completed the model of a steel ring gun whieh he be Heves will do away willl ex petsive casting ¥ FONE Jahn W. Keely, of motor fas, has al. most compbdad a two-tun iron and steed flying machine, He saws thie machine wil pantralize the power of terrestrial gravitas. tion, the Canadian Government (a declining the proposal of the United States to sus pend pelagio sealing, says thal sash action enii be taken only by the British Pariia ment The {familiar short, undress stable jacket anid round forage cap so long worn hy Bag fish savaire scidiers. are to le abolished and replaesd By the froek coal asd modern finld cap, The offisial report of the Unites Slates bimetallic proposads showed that if the oo. operation of mora 2000INHes Wire secured the indian Government sight reconsider its duninion, Plies great (nerease (nn diphtheria and eholers infantam in Loasdos during the fast Tew months, has lod to the Balin? thet the drainage tha oity is, af present groatiy ig faut Uhers was a drop of hnif a cent in anroast ed soflen; the rorsted artisie is solliog at pine cents, the lowest price on record, and thers im ao trios in sight betwoeell (he Ar okies and tas Havemeyers, : A dust evelone swept aver the partion of Yictorin, Aasiracia IT wus the Winners district We Rs i ¥ 5 ! i Ai aim and bho sbhrang if brook, where with «ones from the bo be drove the beasts away. ‘THE NATIONAL FINANCES. Ae AMMAN BPSD IAI 6 te Ee Statements of Treasury Operations For the Month of November, PUBLIC DEBT SHOWS A DECREASE, | The Pecripte, Enclasive of S18. 10.618 From the Unloan Parvifle Sale, Were | BES 10K 987. and the Dishursenents B15 261 470, Leaving a» Deficit of BR O02 AR 0The Amonut of Colnage. Wasmimaorax IFO doesn) The Do. spre her statement of Che able debt shows that gt the «lose of hasloesy November 50 189 the nubile debt lees cash lo the Treas. ney groounted to 8] 000 TE #48 a deoreass | sind Gietoder 3 of 811 45% 138 This de. | - gp A ind NS INP} {Bm fs i SA sii fA ORDER REI Mob Awed by the Quick Punishment AUSTRIA TO HAVE ABSOLUTISM. | Emperor Wonld Act AloneCampromise Bill Will Have to Be Prolonged by Iwmo- perinl Decrees Without the Relehs- rath's Consente-Rioters Sentenced to Twenty Years’ Hard Labor in Prison. Vieswa, Austria (By Cabiss The pro. mulgation of martial jaw at Prague has basa followed by satisfastory results, The swiftness of ite opemtion awed the gerdly. Rome Crabs made an stack aon the troops, but were guleliy dispersed. and bE ma AEE areonpnted for iw a8 invrenen in i tony of the ringhanders were capinred i * : - the cash due to the Jenasit of an bpsagils fent of the procdeds of the sale of the Gaversrment 's interest iy the Union Pasifia Rr : ¥ | spoeinl tribunal, tried, sentenced 10 twenty yonrs' penal servitude and conveyed {o the | They wore immediately handed over to the Railroad. Bat for this transacting, the § guaftentiney withie three hours saad in the Treasury would have been | FIT1 400 foun than inst monn i however sontinus to The town is consequently quiet. Troops, parade the agin Ihe debit is rosapitulated as follows: In. | sywets and occupy the publie buildings, ¥ terest hearing debt, $047.365.620; debt ott | gud the whole secte is sch as one would which interact hay senwnd since maturity, | expert to see after a bom bardment. Thers #1 231 0: delit hearing no interest, $381. | gen whole streets of wrneked hooses, burnt 199 195; total #1 000 50 03% This amount, | however does not ipeiode $570 000 838 in adtbaildizgs and broken windows, roms are littered with rabbish. Men gas certificates and Treasury notes attstand. | into many places showing the trail of the ing, whish are offset hy an squall amount | phanderer and of the incendiary. of cash in the Trogsgey Germans who fled in terror from Prague The cnsh in the Treasurer in classified an | follows: Geld, 3154 088 5h silver S507. B50 IRE paper, #115 706 18); bonds disbars. ing oMeers’ balageon, &e BOR WT 951: toe tal, S840 496 070 agninst which thers are | demand Habilities arasnnting to 8685545, SI jenving the ner cash balance $300. : 808 S58 The comparative statement +f the oy. during the riot and plilage are now re- turning, and {1 is 26 be boned that ia a few | days order will so far be restored ab to per- mit the repeal of martial inw, fa other parts of Bohemia sericgs son- ficts have accurred between the Csechs and the Germans, At Kindno the Czechs 3 i blew up Germiin notary's honse with dynamite. At Bessun the rioters looted srnment receipts and expenditares shows | aloenan and Jewish honaes and had to be that the total pweipts for the month of Norsmber 1897 were 8473 358 835, of which SIN I0¢ AIM were received from the He. | srganisation Committes of the Union Pa #ifle Hailrond, making the aorlipary pessints for the month 835 168 987 The total sypenditars for November ween SIT EINE of which #4540 388 | wins ~ash in the Toton Pacifle sinking fund tprned into the Treasury and repaid to the aporanriation Tram which it haul bean oste. ingily drawn fur investment. Hones the month's dsharasments insiode this sum The orlinary recodpte for the month thee. fore spore 2% 168 39 and the ordinary dis hoarserments £55 WH 450, leaving a deflalt of ER AE cma were BO ASD # LENS (WX aw corms pared 4 Nogensbhey (8 The peseipta 2 i x BEG SEY 64V. B gain of abvgt R400 OW for the month. lie renin the Director of the Ming shies that the coinage exerted at the Tait Hiab ? The recente from 04% a Inline off of hbwea Freie HEAL TEre nie Tavember Es pl wid 8% Sag (00 wil vor %77 1K (ey cir ania BUR BE paral BA TTR UID fH rhe sliver onited, 81 E80 00 was in standard RACE RIOTS IN BOHEMIA, Troops Frgaged With Ceerh Mabe in the Gierraan (hanrier of Pragoe, Prague, Boheniin, was ovartun by toda of angry Creche all day, bent on wxierml, nating the German clement in the city Pilorsa attacks wore made on the Caras prtianls cates and other insitations Ly spvaride of Suswling Useels armed with AY fens sfiafem HEY firasrme. The dis. sgvhanes aineat amounts] 0 oa re Be liton More than =ighty German were (ninsest ani st least XE grovats wens side. The Chief of Palise who aided they rioters has bean suspended. | 11 was Uoally pecassary fo onter oat troops, who werd aimead [a virtual control of every street in the “dry Many sieounlers gsr reread has tween the soldiers and rioters, and fo tha Bring which followed several rivters wer kitted and domes Injured {n the sfterpooti the rola increased Tha syvpagogue windows were soishad and the windows of the houses of Hebrew tisplnving German trade sigos iu several strentn of he Holirew quarter Tia wf posts wer held hy taalve hZaittaliosn Sf infantry and 8 sousdron of bussar. All raf was susnenided apd the shops and trawl ness Bonses wens closed. : In spite of the military a isrge Cae mah made a dearent in the avening apon (he German quarters and plgndersd houses and shops in seversl streets. The fural core af 4 walle Endaw German cafe was plied 4p in the street and set on dre Thousands of Ogeshish miners streamed into Prague from the surrounding village bo sxaist the rioters, The selentifie tustra. nents in the German upiversity and high schon] have bean destroyed, and vainabis archives preserond for a long time at tha Kinsky paises have ban buried. It has been dangerous fur Germans to venture into the strsets, as any use of th German IBnguage meant certain assault. The constant cry of the rioters way ‘Drown with the Germans!” “Down with he Jews!” Women venturing on the street wore obliged to wear the Slav tri. solor in opler to avold belong attacked German slgnboards are Being remove hastily by their owners asd replaced with Upeeh fnseriptions. Nobody dares Lo utter » word in German. JUSTICE FIELD RETIRES. My. Harlan Pow Seniar Associate Jastion of the Supreme Court, Justioe Field's rotirement from the sa" preme Court, of which be gave afoial noe tien to the President inst April took plac in Washington, Wisdpesday, There wera po formalities. Tho Justice was not fre apt bn The oonrtroom, sad as he had not sat with the court since the Spuning day of the term, the proceedings did not differ in any respect from those of ordinary days. Justice Harlan, #ho now besomes Lh sonior Associate, will change lis seat from ee If to the right aide of the Chied Jus. ow taking the seat vacated by Mr. Field, and Justion Gray will beeome Chief Justics Puller's neighbor on the left. All other Tustines will move ap one chair oearer thn whet, 1? Justios Pleld's term tumd sontinned ua. 14 December 7 his would have had forty. four vears of continuous services. Under the law he will drow Tall seiery satil Liv fnath. a General Ordway’s Suvesssor, Tha President appointed Major GOOrgs i. Harries, compander of tha District of wiumbin National Guard, to succeed the iwte General Urdway Bedridden Man Burned to Death, The residence of John Wright, at Clyde, i. Y.. was partly destroved by fire. When patinguished Wright's body ground oor, barped ton Hand Deen bedridden for fre wems adone in the House wher the {, Hoowas sinty-soven years of form gute weaitly, OW: wer Of cannibals, Talnahle Meamer turned, Tou lives wears Jost in a fre at Escanaba, Siok, which destroyed the steamer Nahant vd wn valuabiy dock, osusiog a loss of “i uearty $200,000, | dlwpersed by the zilitary. Rimilar exceses ogenrred at Plsan, while at Badesnbach, wines the Germans predominets (he Cuesta were brutally attacked. The Caesh inhabitants of Gatlong have sppesind for military protestion against their German tallow citizens, Reever! German newepaners suggest that the riots in Bohemis were instigaled by the Oneal Doapatios (n order to (otimidete the Government, Certainly the tone of Lhe re. cont articles in the Narodul Listy, the organ of the young Caeclis favors the sasplielon. Tie Coach papers biame the Germans, and the anti-Semitts jouronls attributes all the responsiblity to Jewish inflyence, ore 1a really little to choose between the Germans and the Creche Jioth have bien squally guilty. When the Crechs pre pondersted the (Gertnans have bess at- tacknd and plunderasd. and when the Owe. mans prodominativg the lives and the prop- erty of the Oxechs have heen assailed. The Nationalist sentiment in bath peotdes is of a rabbdly violent character and threatens tlie existenee of the Austrian Eapire. Raras Gautsch stiempts to brisg shout a compromise between the majority aml the opposition fa the Helobsrath have proved anes inl Dir. Krsmarseh, the ViesProwident of the Hedebarath. bas informed the representative af the Budspester Tagebiatt that, anlike Connt Badeni neither President Abraham eles aor he wouald resign beeaiiss the mob was trying to intimidats thes. He consid. arad it impossible to carry the “Adegisioh” bil in the Beicharath, and the pressat ar rangement Datwiwn Austria and Hungary gronld probably Lave to be prolonged by fmperial deores without the assent of Par lament, This probably means thal the Heicharath will bw prorogued for a long period. and that absolute government wil) te inaugurated, ‘ There are sow in Prague teenty-six bat. tations of infantry aod two regiments of savairy. Cripple Creek's Gest Mining Record, ” The pold catgut of the Cripple Creek distriot of Coloralds [or November was 81. i 250, and for the sleven mosths sading Despmber 1 311, 351 000 The November roa. vind exceeds that of any previous month in the history of tha camp, Gladstone's Study of Our Revolution. Gindstone, in nekpowledging the gift of a history of the American Bevolution, writes that tor pearly hall a century Se bas been an admiring student of the American Bevo. jution, and believes that he owes thereto alr appreciable part of his own political wifucation, Sentence of an Fmbealer, Bx. State Auditor Bugene Moore, of Nee Chiraska, who emlessled 223000 was sen- tenoed to eight yoars in the peailoatiary, PROMINENT PEOPLE. Nev. Dr. Charlis HH Parkhurst retorned flores Europe after an ablwence of six wonths, Secretary of fHtate Sherman and Mrs Riserman will celebrate their golden wed. Slug in INS, | Pormer President Clovelend has writin the Texas Alumnd Association that his son | will be in the class of 1015 or 1916 at Prince tan. {Mir William I. Drinkwater who bas | remignind the position of Desmster of the ‘fale of Man, ocsgpied the office for Hfty Vita, i Lafeadis Heans, who has lived many ‘yoars in Japan, savs that the grotesque | pletures made by Japanese artists gow seam to hm to be trae, Lieutenant Peary. of Arctic Tame, bas gone to lecture in Losdon asd Edisburs, aid 1 so to charter a whaling vessel for his | next expedition to the porth. Gladstone, it is sald, welghs only 117 | pounds, and the Marquis of Salisbury, the | present Promier of Great Britaio, tips the | males st 208 pounds, Peter A, BD Widener the Philadelphia [pest cnr magnate, who was ones a bateh: Dwr in that sity, 5 now being mentioned aso | saadidate for Gavernor of Pennaylvania. | When Mark Taain was recsally gives a | dinner by the Yienas Journalists’ Club be mode a speech hall in German and hail | Bngiteh sud kept lis hearers laughing ail the time. . i Bersard BD Grean. who built the new | Congressional Library io Washington, save thie regson why Thomas Moore's DATS Was i not inscribed on the walls was | there was no room for it, Charies HH. Haokley, who has riven about CAMO ON to Muskegon, Mich, west to that { ity when he wae fifteen years old with 3 Fin his posket, and when he started in Lost P mess on his own account luis capital was #59, Senator Hawlev, of Connesticnt, an. posnees through the Hartford Times that he will he x candidnta for rocsiestion to the Senate, when lite term expires, two years Bence, The Setator 3 aow seventy-ole an the English tai? HE sportsmen WED Gb ivipe He Googie the Hotel Cent, un H 3 t fan doiden Ulirele, 9h0 Was ar srgey, ona of the selohrated 1 wl in leddisnos ih 1884 On suspieion of conspiring to all the Confederacy, is dving in she asviam Tor the poor in the Hilstowe of Shoals, Ind, forgotten by friends and Sg: AE fk elvis,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers