Fis : bey ; § : 4 § 0 5 $ NS a teacher at the Elms school in Lori ng- | 8re very small: have deep. let in points THEOSOPHY TICE, Fivt ben: Xedd | ; : vy | fold. Mass. : . of velvet outlined with bruid, and a flar- | i fx na itite le Bel wre of Pein FOR I ITT] EF Fi | kS { . | “What is the college woman's prob. | ing cuff of velvet Thiscoatean be worn A Believer in Reis i £ : ne fave thers 1s Bn] ee fo vs i" $13 i ada aie 4 Fmibiorsin.y i a : ig DIANA CF THE SIERRAS WHO | ability of happiness in marriage com- Ver a faa or mein wiist and ie so in. : y5i 0 i 1 Lagi 2 : a $ \ A DRESSES IN BLOOMERS. : | pared with that of her less highly edn. | Cterlinad with fanwel ander the mon se frend ral mes i . if sbkieben Ih A QUEER PET. cated Astor? “he ohonsi ber ht yahand | Cpctored EArTIn Hang that it is Gui ; ? ' 4 ¢ : t ; . [later She is mere developed She Warm enough to wear in the soldier ost Er : : Fost tof the iw Pstvicuial |The Stary voli: tere tab ote pen and Wi | weather spr of tho oo £5 { ba ua is Sty 5 pater Pate, Women In & Club Latest Tallor Gowns, | | She stands in better chance oft® ot select. i Another black costume ix of ronrh SB 1s £1 by : te i iy Coin AH ‘Evolution of Scuthern Women —Spread- | Sing oa hife companion whose tastes and Yievna shots i is {rimmed with Bet tng Discontent. { hers will prove hopelessly antagonistie | lack braid, i an in five rows down Sera : ; i ; | the front and then toned of at either De 1: ’ i : rennin a ixhi4 foi | alligator ane wed hire as dearle 4 al perertann } ; ‘ $4 ia dua isagl hsp} ator and loved him ae dearly s Toulumne county can truly boast of a | {And this 1s of especial importance in ts : He. faba Sy wi i j athigatar f s dearly as if : America, where girls and Lovs are | #40 at the foot: of the skirt. extending pied foros Ww octder the eliin on tt be bad been a grat. The ‘pntor was new woman of the most modern type | : A th idth The ecat for them She is trving by bor fad in <i grat, we a thrown so freely together: where they | FOBNA the entire w ihe coat for ; called Pete. and nrvndiv soak Hers in the depth of her black forests Brian tions with] perfrrt Bow winl ar bir Li Shen . jonni Ghd POY NM en f marry whea and whom they wish, and | this 18 one of the Hassisg Blonses with | porieet | + } ie is , ‘ aint er riou fo hic he ; ond dark canyons lives one of nature's a o lines of she will Sed oo wdobbn RE oi |r rng ah Ris heed as where the parents IH many enses Appar: an inside yout, Off wi Biel ave ee i tid A Forge | g § : spied +d od , ss tic, ; own products—a specimen of woman ; : i brad § tb SprR fee Blomes The artfgraiaey " Ly yk : : 4 i who knows tricks should ently have little alse ts dn with the | Wak, Any this Rapags aver 3 Dis ‘ - Lk ila i hood seldom ta be found anywhere Her : i +4 1 Efashitemy There is no 5 Bon] abortions Uythn Vimy wie De Bus home is i vt matter thon ta pay the Bills and fry to! aia : a one of the most remote and : : < alana Yd : ova dl taped ¢ shield the youn hasband and wife fromm | C0At. but the sireves, whic ne : secluded Epots in all the Sterrus, Bar his SOGSCGIIRIES of th hein folly i cops shivwns have Po boytend pallu barwid rounded by high mountains and dense | i “The Soa hes a irl - - : The fronts of the sacker ares ined with : forests. Accessibje oniv by mans of a nah Wm Be son volves — Farier's Fazar i =e has a beauniiul bone a Day married when she entired oo rescdn green velvet farper's Haear ; : $21 ARS 10 Lay parrsw, winding trail for a distance ” wy 41 why : : two miles from auy traveled road probably noe the 288 Whom he want | seetos that sho past have exercised ol MAITy when she is gradoated from oul : os the encrgios of mind and body delving lege. This may result in the breaking 51500 then wen abont for a home free from the infla. of seene carly engagements, hat an of lion Widen : 8! : . ences of the mavinge, sotive viarld, A EAZement tint ean tee broken wrmid bet £2 sod in ge 1} pore {ts, almos gy ¥ " a i : aViake'h tris ar $ Bast Fag disappenirad and k { riheen Years Yodo but of thre small rooms for a TTD bral The ‘college rod woman | whom were omen and gurl a Ny er a ar ! } domscile. pravided with the plainest vg uy ie ry : a fr m sup | in th fact: lo th SRL, En; lat / ; SNe x Li Tl ik, x a CE ay b ray fro £9 1 RS * FERRI fw a v§ Ls cosrivinnile } find rn after she jeaves been fouod sont fyi ye 4 : ; : : 41 eur han ied rte Sarin RUE Ol sOruiCoes ane Difed In ovis. Onrpanions—sach oo sistitute the Tot | eolloms 1 shir “has PEARRPORE ithe n hersolf | line n this soar will bie oa LEE EY CF cores the auesy nart of chosen by Flora Braddock, ; i i i he 4 She is pot bors to dream away the whtthe the peu | Ihe Story tant recalls the interposition oares of oa cold and heartless world nos drown the sorrows of disappointment, _- ‘Happine no "lege omen --Swedish | knows better what she is going to ba am Simeon, who lives at Pine es i Castle, Fila, near tain Marie, has a i soall boy pamed Hob who tamed an cis rm verre es | ah Evolution of Ranthern Women, Ph LE prada vst anys Lindigin rugged cut 1H PEN “x5 ‘which can not only provent life from are 5.000.000 waze ear i avian iy fe iW + v ; . 1 peeiaily tn mand nos becoming 5 Yeire, bat which can make Eyre country of «Tye eny $1 vely Maw i Ts BE Kits Bh 9) = “rs 8 Egg pol iF ¥ $5 Sf ivi fin sop five of fairy godt pd hin §4 ay mia king it rich and atisfying Neither will she full proportion. Thus ev odnti on bad ws be likely to so] herself for the sale of a! incention whos wa P heme She ix better conipoed sopport | conth bx. ¥ ps [herself if pocvstary. and sie ha prob. | $0 batify un Au ee sity : hp y oh “ir : Ean To BY Dis pgrvors v4 the nik Lably joer id stily whens sha may have | : 34) 006) el aig Lo Barmy ot Poof ai BER i ‘ re} s AAY'Y Irae Arvompiidhment, f time another Lator anpearsd and the | had sbont the prin. Ay itkenoss of honest | werkingmen dead sr di blel snd ba rE > Xa AS ‘Beveral of the grog educational 0 | fist gator had 4 Sehr on his hands, work | fair women and their ohildeen half = yt 8 Rd rp Emtens Hor Surly antioticd thi | When the fiuht was over, Reb discover. “Finally, whesi she los Been wen | naked and half starved bors pee | Ls , / | for the Seer tieae i their Bistory od that his alligator ally was the long she stands a mock better shance o, , keep | bad been rears bry thee byw inzary : : fuk Baily 2 Len lar ohe : 3 WAT ing her hudband 's love and respect, be and wero distress ie had : Ianignic Sha } anti Files BuuamI ® Sine cagse she stands a better chance of in | and dependent Th west serestine hrm befr solf dopendon: i "Men don't eto in their homes une | to raise and od} lows they find their homes entertaining,” | they shrauk from: said a married wenran of wide experi | they bad tf to doom ence in the world, m talking about the | necessity that sonic ! education of her danghter. ‘1 tell my | uroved a blessing ‘ daoghter That MH she te dver to marry The evolution Pah needy to know something for two which the wnthor : fo. tor hold her hoshand’s in | bas rosdited 1a ther | povest orned eevcarl fo have within hep. | ar | self resonrees that will make Ber hapri- | CRs. to a Certuin extent andenendent of Phim in which ruse he will be mined | : {more likely to gray in love with her men They realise their Howth a tose 3 OYeiams to a big allisooor cow dav snd : i Yee pind nl op f the marian ane ar Bim with Kis large. . 24 ponuternaseee, and the i v dui ae 4 ik 3 PR he 1 5 his : “Mate the sdnonred woman wy the sao iF oAas are ty | eftneated man and yon have a prot rab i i gout ar dissipated and ty that they will continues fo interest with PITY OF canter it MISS Fravita RBADINNK : ‘and love ench other: that there will be sovermsl 51 then van 3 for of those sho Euows 1 tle Fut thers inteliectual companions between | which they bad never d 18 romance hore and she coves if. por as them, and thar each will have sufliceont | doy 's Magazine the sentimonta: creators who reveis in THpect for the other's mental amily | i day dreams. Cor Flora is practical al. and moral sanity to male possible 8 Spreading iseontent, mest cynical Nhe loves the chigse hee. BOYernment of the home and the chil ritt Sehulrath ( 1g 3 ter than the oomaquest of haman bears, dren, pot bY managing’ each other, | the progressive we and ber daily climb to the sammy of keeping elear of a pandermg to each | gh. roceted her ys the neighboring peak gives her mors Other's foibles and prejudices. but wil pall Smith, pleasure tin all the tes parties in frank and fo ariess disogesion as to what | 12 PRAY da hei 3 Christendom She 18 not bore thewph Is reamennatile and righs This is oor the : ha 12 aii ears force of cwrcamtances either. {or ya ooBdition of aur in most homes © nh tore has been brad tw ber sod she is Crp riEny ; Five Warman To Polite Betther fricndios nor deprived of the Cri Eno ri , Or. +] Why de Frise aud throw off : es eomforts 8 tore cheer! ome | © no beusts the only clabef Swed. |, LT i Pook! in libel is i a — ish women 11 the United Seats Thera | a . i - od > : . + oe i 5 | iw by virtoe of her own swe ary BOW Ih LIS conutry aboot 3000, 000 1 try . ae will © x fives the moantains, she ix Swades. incinding these bore herr of | “Phems anne thorn ieee perro one} . : qneen of all she surveys. and ane tres i PR Shims Sully WL mud Mrs snunh. and Frao Case Los) Mr riven haw reached the cone Me slates : ; : Llualiv : trive & Weed. Theesch a Cap passer, be it homan or animal. who ea ? ame residents of ¢ BIER, MAKING 38 | yu cndeamiring to do Si Aver sino irs: that Polish verison a Fs of ee HE Ge re mm Tonite FRETS A Copper Cali erraches with evil parpose pom hep Teally the cv Wwe! psi eiry i the pa = ie > ai) i : iat} i 3 y oh is " o Lo k hi bi : bei 1 0s Ham i » ! Pye gas RE tov pied pss ids doennin dees so at perl of its fife wiirld, rR Sing Hex toy Stoekbolm An {mores oui ant i it % i ~ “x 2 i : hi Lip 11d 3 1% wan afer a doug and tedions hor. cording to the Chirag Tomes Herald | Mary Wit 4 bly buck ride over a marrow, scrpenting LOR Of thea are wonem, sud catada | nt A sider 1-1 trail, spand down guiches sod anyone, Of He SORing selction ARG BUST Led Gh be ss that The og correspondent firal. sobs! wesce nln conneoted with tha aid iw in hey ly reached the qoeer abode of Che sign - Bwmlish chine Lc Ihew La%e civ oo : pont horsodt iar youog woonan Her cabin, a rongh TREIIZIGL of their ows. the Swedish | Ls oy win but subutantiol structore made af hewn Aeneas Wonen's Egainy cei : boards, stunds alone ou a litle far fn WOR WECh poinddaes selin i the deep carvou of the north fork of the lst lutsn x The Swed BIne river, threw miles frogs (og. T08 Bow papers and preseliors. ou Agence, Tordmmno emmy, sureotindod em generally. ook on thes weiety of wa mountain and a dense growth huge Sh, THOGRR he TW Yours of i all plaes The promgecsarenn thiyy Ce fice Bate Doel fost saocessfsl | SUE MAVIting, 8 Pouch Somer ¢f pine poles LDR IER CRUG Bewoetate 3T with th 7 veer shia + ind brash teclosing what 1s ensdently | Jol anantry iden of & woman's place in | rhs Som a ntended for a garden. fide. ower the world j Bavie iat ctf Chm y bois thar te hay Tan BS Shits dl ie ems ons. ade the | Thaw PF es wpe oF the plat 8 Tra slain . ai : = : i 5 fot BET 8 baad Vita tudied and careful sremngemose Geos | 107 306 Sv alish American woman wider | Chics teosrd,. I w . sensing to the ove ns the first extort or F opgprtaniry yf i wAvapoessnt, sore ual ThE MB i A Staen Orpsnicing O08 Companies, iow §s repulsave. Three rooms are par. | 88 tnreliootanl caitare ond social prog. | Tate FB. Fraser tioned off a Eitohen, a bedrooms and | TO It aioe to wivite wamnen of dider. | re + emalter spartment that contatus her ott aden, eluent ion examines and de | vi Mon Rate BE ‘ Frawre f{oemserte Fi Jonting quIpmIOntR The repmter was irom. in cue spire of equality and teve | Io Tare Ov Kimball's weweetate au velnomed at the door by a comely young | woman lines, to aber for silences ned 1 i - di is fer Amersay gts x Tear ady. who 1u asswer tu his question re. | SRROCEmELt of the mer | Amernopg | Bn dud BET werk wu bare died that she wis the one whose be WOURS sowadiys think ve core of or | the 6 Ory Afiatiiin re BE ought. A yooug woman I9 yemrs of | FRIAR 4 club than ther fo of gouge | VF DOlgeme di Re. of tall. muscalar frame, fade cons: | 98 #8 shoppang expedition. Th * sat | pd Te doxion, with beavy trewss of patpral | WOE ther bw edit LE They Baye Tm Breas ; dond hair and a Srmly st chin and | POH 16 contend with in tie pregodises | PISSIIEL pole! work ewwtobed. apo smth, she is in physigoe well adapued | OF HVE Old country am to the richie af | 2% carrie a = maalaliy ay Wr » & place where conrage and daring are | Wom 1 Kimball a Va Mise Frise wild f Lois. (hat surrounded) thee wor i } | i i $44 Lode tnetailers of Lie 0) sg | ites to a Life of hist prs ness wid clalr bad 10 erent fhe pec judices ofl Bia cranny Fear foe ros bo ent Modest in manner, she ix their mmmediote fanuiiies, enpocially | Aekoad Wr ROT molelud Wok Im enleulattng in spo bi as sie thot with bustands Evia now they | Iv — Sh a SHEL ool the lar { § : ¥ slming at oo bear wotiid aot dreasn of hold ur Laer ret Tewen and Tarmnta Unieereity vassinn Medios] Stadepnts “arAren t you i little timid about liv. {PRY Wm a hotel or a public all b it It week! appear that tin if bere alone: was asked Calte together £1 the Bowes of Lenbers |g or out tn Not mm the desst.’ she replied The clint bas carly 50 pieriiors, ue rare Sener. ti ia Bave nn cccamionil prospector strap. | ese Abe Tepresentative wonwd, and | Tou ety = a ars sidan comme in bere, aud, ux for they intend to trauch out aod make woalsr aga Aid suiiuais. they will not attack one | HOF ote zation a nnclens for sinulur | fia ar € # loug as thors are rears in the cab | SOUS 1 pat culy their ety, bot also in seticiod g oe E i | tear noting all cities where Swodes are to ie fond Sd pei Plat oe “I shock some of my neighbors ag 1} 18 Jaree oombers The club meets] TN na EY de about’ the mountains, but then | | WOMthly. When a paper i read Ly a wit ro. ® Sha shige : oe iio Wi 8 bely it The time will comp when | Tener and is followed by a Setal | fcr tll mp =p sanity tut of the tigil | 9 tratis wple will cease 10 shake ther heads dimcossion. Last year all of the topics LLG per a at of Al a inky es Hef iy ik FRE dime the fell noniter allioved by lawl He 1 to the Max shar de stead § Loh akdd Shasta Ti hen they see a pair of bloomers They | We on the hone. child education and |p 000 (O00 C0 B00 BS aiteadanse. — mply nigst be educated to it, that’s | SUblects interesting to Mothers. Tae; 0 0" LL 1 used to wear men's clothing op | Y98r they take a wider runge, being of | ” Ye | A y hunts, and they were very comfort & more literary and educational natome Ww et f DN. ir ik ef Berlin Ness de. bat then | prefer the bloomer suit | Was tx Russia a few wocks ago, a dupn- 0 additive Uy tee Work as iclisead cnnse it eoribines the featores of conn Latost Taller Gowns. ; tation of weten PhyseCIans visited hug @ t 5 vu GRY at Lhe dU ailoge rt and durability. and thén it looks Two distinctive styles in tailor gowng | 904 thanked bin for having thrown of Phoacions sud Sargeons, asothe iu are feminine. you know Are to be seen this season. the elalorate | PB his leetnre room and labortory to stitution Which barred Eowomen till **The powicfice at Sugar Pine is oniy vad the severely pli The severely ; 3 Russian WAmAn when the Garman its al cranes with the {Hom Stato ree miles HWHS #0 Tou ree ‘1 am ue dain sre made of either smooth ta od | RA ye Sill dud not admit fesalo BER. WLEVOTNEDA bois oy tat ta pote thay The xis tirely out of the world The Exam | OF Yieona cloth. Of coarse there are on: } cenlx ize Hus Glents hive peeved DE acrpemols er comes ro me regularly 1 atm very mmber of different poaterials which are Walking Wits apd ail . . och interested in its Klondike expedi ‘ashionable as well Lat these are the of foFt ave ETCH in rope - on 23 shade | = =o 3 ols ® Houswin lin ne : 4 rery smartest There ure njany different . 3 Tavastay, m, for, you know, 1 bave acquired thy ions. = : : } i: expeditions, while the black velvet hat nt Pata dd fever | bave same claims op th ors. but black ix the test A faced |" shapes as require the an y= Toney of ich, and piaybe they will make me | 10th costume has the nes shaped skire pC 0 ie naan ; ae rex 4 don't & &1th the raffle stitched on the waist, or v ames will do service for CHINE, CAP pha saad) i GPOBLH Des Hs i +t xnow A rage wear and afternoon social fune- re ¢ p or Liam wa NUY pate or Uripdebowrns amd te fo, SENS + sin ¥ HR ITAL LG fe i3 i § ; : £3 14 Chien is the ig Lane Doll carr ry rich some day Then | iat I shail do—Dbuild mea fine new | ather jacket. a viedinm length boas ne | siobs. — Woman's Hoise Comin EL pnt d SRLS EIPHONt is bottled wits in oo hip odd bin, I suppose. Yon kuow it's s bumar § 4 which opens over a’ warsteoat of | Fann LOI pajuon. | the Atlantic eons HE RING Os 50 On see band of Banidsome i Fifer Liha Bug the plac ture to be discontented, and 1 an | DOWse colored velvet embrovdered in| : RIT la a vontiunen atial shaft stapes bave shonlder uid riches would spoil me That’ told. The fromes of the erat are faced | The Women's club of Waterbury, Gutinaous stream of grain is Sup: | with rows of 1 1 iy J don't work my mines "—8ar | F1th white satin and so made that they Conn. has passed resolutions to adopt pred to move 12 Gilewan hour. Thed po and edired with mink cr Alicba ancisco Examirer. an be tnroed back or buttoned over, as short skirts for street gowns, Itisex. owor dations a » De 35 miles apart, | blo Ne ~ ¥. fk Pont. WHIAK oF Alaska sa “Pa have ‘1 been assassitintod?” 5 lesired, and the bottons are small gilt pected that another year miny see the he sootins teing that length, aid th asked my little nenhow od bis ws Foelestirate Brat Askussinnted! of College Women. mes which fastea into loops of black universal use of a skirt as convenient fHcaten of this trnnsportation 8] Needham, Miss. nas a ten and toast] Aus the teacher CHITIN CO why 5 i he AE extracts are from ar | aid. The entire cont is covered with 30d comfortable as that pow worn asa 4 conta Lue iy RIG LO UIRCE ) elub of 15 members, who mest in each | 9780 10 schon ‘vet ade by Miss Clara Boetwick | ‘raid of different widths The sleeves bicycle costume le : jeu tatmagu tide ; other’ s homes civth iy 1 SORES | d Baten, wt x ar 3 Jide i Px
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers