i OUT ARTE, means everybody Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, riages, line of Rocking Chairs, Etc. self at ~ VOL. IV.—NO. 30. ATTON, CAMP RIA CO, PA, THURSD!: WW. COOK, Successor to COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN, A 4 Ay PE] Here we are again Largest and Finest Ine of with the DEAL AND ENERAL NEWS (Gleaned Here the “Courter” MINER'S BACK BROKEN Is an Sechdeni of Fhaonugea: Hus on Friday Michae! Reisle, a Slav aged about 25 years, who is an employe of the Flan. nagan Ron colliery at this place, lies in the Memorial hospital at Johnstown | with a broken back, the result of an ‘accident that happened on Friday night. Redsle whose business fa to tuke the cars into was employed as a ear boy the mine after they have been emptied, aYou ever laid your eyes upon. "It surpasses anything we ever had before and you know by that that we have the largest line that has ever been pur- chased in any town in Cam- bria county north of the City of Johnstown. We have everything you may ask for —-try us and see. sar FREE TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS Any boy or any girl brin ing ta our store cash register ticke acounting to the largest number of sales on ew Years Day, 1898, will be ted with a ‘handeome decmme proscin, vie: The boy will he jue with a bran new $10 GRAP JAPHONE and the girl with a $10 DOLL. Call and ask for particulars. Remember the amount of sales, not the largest amount of tickets. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for . nes, Chemicals, Drugs, Medici Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars iP Tobacco. our redit is Don’t worry if that means it does. It who wants you. 'Cause Beadwear, Pictures, Baby Car- Office Furniture, full The best at the very lowest ice. Come and see for your- HARDWARE CO.’S Where you can also get one of the best Parlor Stoves or Ranges made. A complete line to choose from. The Crystal Sunshine at the Furn- iture Store and the Cinderella Air Tight at the Cinderella Store are the specials. A full line of Horse Blank- ets, Robes, Harness, Whips, Etc. Sausage Cutters and Stuffers. HARDWARE CO. Friday he was thus emploved when the light of his miner's lamp was exting- anished. He jumped off the car to put A sprag in the wheel to stop it, when he was caught between the roof of the mine and another car, which was on the same train Reisle's body was eanght and his back broken about the middle. Through the advice of the at- tending physician, Dr. 8 W. Worrell, he was removed to the hospital at Johnstown and Monday's Johnstown Democrat states that This Monday afternoon he will bw operated opon with a view of having part of the back. bone removed and the spinal cord re. lieved of the pressure upon it. Dr. J C. Sheridan is the attending physician Another young man whose nam: was not learned, and who was with the un- fortunate driver at the time of the accident, had his ankle badly sprained and braised about the beady some A New Passenger Train, On Monday morning, November 15th, A new passenger train schedole went into effect on the Beech Creek railroad The morning train, west hoard, will leave Williamsport the same time an formerly. The morning train, east bound, will leave Patton at 6 o'clock Am, arriving at MW a mm, making connection with the Philadelphia & Reading train bound for Philadelphia and New 1234 p.m. The evening train, west bound, leaving Willlamsport at 41 p m. wil’ run through to Patton instead of but to Mabatfey, arrivisg here at 10:25 p. m. The train, east bound, for Williamsport will leave /Patton as formerly at 4 p. mv, arri ving at William. sport at 10°00 pom, making cone tion with the sleeping car to Whiladeiphia Detailed information ss to\train time at other points can be obtalged from "the ticket agent at the Jifferent\tations along the Beech Cronk milroad. 53 Tihiammport at 11:50 yw - Y rR Al Thacksg ving bes A Thanksgiving Day i. Y., on Wednesday, November M4, over the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittaburg railway. Tickets will be good for four days. The train will leave Clearfield at 11.43 a. m. and the fare for the roand trip will be only £2.30. Splendid attractions are pow being offered at all the many places of amosement, and the above “rates and time limit affords every per. 800 an opportunity to spend Thanks giving Day in Greater Buffalo, the Queen City of the Lales, and the com ing Flectrie City of the world, or wit ness the great fost ball game at Athletic fleid, University of Buffalo vu Hobart College. New Fostifieos. Shazen is the name of a new post office that has been established in Susquehanna townaslip, with Adam Bowers as postmaster. The new office is between Hastings and Cherrytree. The papers applying for a new postoffice at Heed's Mine in Carroll township, have been flied with the Postoflice Department at Washington, and it is believed the office will be es. tablished in the near future. The Clgarstie Law. The following was approved: hy Go- ernor James A. Beavar, May 7, 1885. Be it enacted, ete, that if any person or persons shall sell ¢ igarettes to any person or persons ander the age of 18 years, he or she so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenesd to pay a fine of not more than $300, Warten! A reilable mam to sei Teas, Coffees, ‘ Spices; Bte., on-commission. Will pay han per cent.’ Liberal trduerments given to the trade. Address The Great Atlante & Pacifle Tea Ca, i105 Eleventh avenue, Al toona, Pa. 453 Small bond required. At x Bargin I now have left yet several capes for | ladies and also coats for children which will be sold at a bargain. Call before they are all gone. ALICE A. ASHUROPT. PARNELL SMITH Wedding at Tapion, Fa, y Fyvening wr Of The I parents, Mr John South, at Tipton, Blair, iay evening, 1th, the scene of a very Bev, J OC. Walker of aptist church, nniting Vimvdetta Smith and J 4 prominent and em Pa. wason’ Fation wore a gown of white satin and carried a beautiful boguet of roses, The pteendants were Miss Nell Rtcwart, of Hantingdon, and MB Cowher, of this place. and the wedding march was played by Miss Lena Strunk, of Utahville, Pa. About 3 invited guests wore present and the happy conple received some very handsome and useful presenta, After the ceremony was performed and a sumptoous dinner served, the bride and groom were treated to a serenade by the Bellwood cornet band Me and Mrs Parnell, accompanied by the attendants, drove to Alteonn from which place the bride and groom left They will re. turn to Patton this week and take up the duties of Parnell's new residences on Palmer on A brief bridal oar. honsekeeping in Mr VERS The CounRien many friends of in wishing the happy matrinyonial cage together From Rinsloe's Flame aie Roeo od There is litte of interest to note in either the {leprtield or Bewodh (revit coal rgions. In neither is the oulpot ap to what if was al the same Lime sly year, sliminating the cont from Cambnia and Jeffores oounties Passing Oval Beech Creek milromd, and wrongly erediited as being from the Beech Creek coal region by some newspaper editor who onght to be peated. An inoredss Boshown (0 ast week's shipment over ! Clearfield radiroad, as i with the sume week last year JALBURLY, As Coan pared sae Lute in Hing off of ap In tis compar mop Lhe coal | panning aver the Umbria & Ulsartiel account, as it does 8ot some from what i® known ax the Clearfield region, and more than dees from Walston and Advian mines, near Punzssutawney, go from the Beseh Upset region, wards of 1d %Y tons, radirond iw got faken into Welaonmod fo Every Rowe. 5 if vou want sometbing that is de- cidedly usefial and ornamental come in and examine the celebrated Cinderella Double Heater, one stove, one fire, heats two rooms, po coal to carry up- stairs, no ashes to carry down, and the gp-stairs roca can be made an warm as you may want it, without affecting the temperature (0 the lower room, and it keeps fire all night. Sold by J. E Kirk Hardware Co. Sermon Mach Appreciated Rev, Chas. WW. Wasson delivered a special sermon to the members of Patton Lodge Noo 1088 Independent Order of (dd Fellows in the M. KE church on Sunday morning, which was very much appreciated by all The members attended in a body, and nam- bermd about seventy-five. They wers all well plessed with the reverend gentleman's reonarks, Moved Lo Pation. J. L. Kerr moved his shooting gal- lery to Patton on Tuesday. Mr Kerr ran his gallery in this place the past two months and made many friends while here. He is capable, hovest and treats everybaedy alike. He is ably assisted by Jemse Spencer Clearfield *ubite Spirit. trratititede fs Friends. The immediate relatives of Mem Charles Casalidy, deceased, wish to an nounce through the eplamns of the COURIER their sincere gratitude to those who so kindly assisted during th illness and death of Mrs Cassidy o which they are very grateful for Rondddinee For sale. A new resiceice, just gfently built, and beantifully situate on the corner Palmer and Sixth avefige, Patton, Pa, fur sale at a bargain? For particulars call on or addres EB. Will Greene, Pat: ton. Pa Au Owircomi Offered. “Are vou attending the shooting school in the Yeager biock on Fifth avenue ? A fine overcoat is offered as # prize this week. The contest is get- tiog to be quite interesting. Frew, Friv, Free With every $25 worth of goods pur chased at our store you will be pre. sented with a beautiful piece of silver. ware, which ¢an be seen displayed in our show window. 33tf MiRKIN & KUSNER AN AWFUL RIDE TO DEATH. Engineer C. M, Be ea th ony By grt ras: TE 26 LOADED COAL. CARS Samp he Track ao Y and 64080 Tone of Lost Was Smaitered (hver the fired The Funcrat of Mr, Gray, “About 5 o'sliwk on Friday evening, November 17h a terrible pace occurred on the Beech Creek extension known as the Cambria County railroad, which rans from Patton to Spangler, when 2 loaded cars of coal and Beech Oreek engine No 81 were wrecked, Engineer Chas. M. Gray, who bravely stuck to his engine was instantly killdd, being buried beneath the locomotive after it had jumped the track Engineer Gray was bringing a train af 35 cars down the heavy grade from Carmolitown, which is considered one of the steeshewt in this part of the country, to the Beech Ureek yards in Patton, when his train broke, leaving DiI Cars in Lhe rear Newtigigr the ron. Away cars gaining on Bim at a terrific spweescd Be farted Bn more steam in order keep out of the way, when he owt comtrod of bis own train and frightful ati reaching the YY his eames down the Bil with weloety, and sngine broke loose fom the oars, at track indeseribable which time they jeff the and pried Hp in xy heap while hin engrine sped on until to renee wat Ja shieatyt JEW vards ahd whem jumped the track and ran an the Les anti] it had crossed plunged over wide when 2 was considerably micbistiend Daring all this thos Fogineer ia practiced eve qaw that probable death awaited Rin Digring the terrible rice, the Pardes onl watt decided to jump, hanged in mind and 5 ir The go 4 i i at Fans ing the alarm of 4 ranaway b ; ) ake ew bistie PL foen aml ar ones climbesl ane Hp nd iS Hyd Fs 4 woah ign #4 owing the whistle he hin the hodler where he continuged to warm setitig his fate the people. bat before he went back nto the cab and put all posssilile efforts forth to check the speed and save the lives of other erews which he oo doubt thought wears if the vicinity of the station, bul be- fore he could aceornplish his brave but daring undertaking, his life was sacri fied in a manser which will go down in the Bistory of bravery in rairosdiog, Fireman J R. Tribléy stuck to his post antil he poached the Pardee col fery, when he alighted, and therefore saved hin Life Brakeman Rarrett jamped fram the train at the Fifth ave- nue crossing, and Brakeman Wm. Jackson, like Engineer Gray, remained at his post until the loaded cars began to besve the track, when be allempled to jump, but was thrown quite a a portion of Pat road distance and landed ander a the debrin, receiving but slight injuries. It was 4 miricaloos escape and many wonder that he was not killed Conductor Lo M. Deleaier, who was on the nine cars which broke loose, managed to keep them under control and they were brought ta a standstill a short distance above town, Those who saw the runaway engine and cam’ coming into Patton declare that the speed they attained before being wrecked was aimcst indescrib. able. It is stated by several old rail road men that they were ranning at least 530 miles per hour It pod rained during the wo track was quite damp, which no doubt was the {rue reson for the cars and engine becom- ing beyond control. The brakes were all set and the friction on the rails caused quite a display of fire works, and the people who saw it state that » day ans i they pever wish to witness such a scene again from the fact that the life of a brave man was crashed immediately follwing. Both the Beseh (reek and Pennsyl- Vania wreeking the seene, and spent CIR WHEDE SOON On sevarad davs in clearing away the « Ail bat four of the wrecked cans were badly demol- ished, six of which were piled in a heap and a bonfire made of them, mated that the wrecked cars cuntained ¥ il in esll- si tons of coal In short terms the wreck was a frightful one which will never be for Engineer number of guiten from the fact that Gray, who had a vast friends in Patton as well as everywhere he has resided, lost his life a trying to save the lives of others Chas, MM. Gras Charles M. Gray, the dead engineer, was horn at Ralladasburg, Lycoming county, Pa. in 1863, and was aged at death 33 years, 11 months, and 12 days. His parents died when he was a small boy and bis early life was spent at Corning, N.Y. He is survived by one brother, ¥. B. Gray, of Ryravuse, N Y., and one stater, Mrs Martin Joiner, of Broom cotinty, N.Y. Before com. ing Ww Patton Mr. Gray lived at Roanoke, Va He was a member of F.ooand A M of Rosnoke, of the Instherhoad of Locomotive Fngineers he Leagoe of WaH 3 Young chapacier, a good Il ; Ye Ha i Te uid citizen, a faithful friend] and being of Jersey Share, and 8 American Wheelman, Ha man of cxeelle thoroughly unselfish, was loved by all whe ¥oew him. His cousin, Mr OC K. Walcott, of Corning. N. YY, arrived in Paton Saturday afternoon to take charge of the body At 3 ololock # pn $i sryvass were held in the funeral paricor of the Comuwercial hotel hy Hew, Chas W. Wassan, pastor of the Methodist HY Drs ve Episcopal church, after which the body was carrisdd to the Beech Crvek train and taken to Corning, where the fun. eral oorurnwd Monday affernoon at 2:30, The vine members of the Masonic Lodge iad charge of the fun. eral arrangements in Patton: Lo 8 Ball, Alexander Monteith, J. R. Cor neling, Dr RK Ww. Warrell Hetuben Mo. Pherwo, B FW ise, J. E. Dale Bea). Bog ver, Ashoraof and M. Evans Fare is’ Local Institnies © The attention of our farmers = called } J institates, fo be held in thin county this winter, by the State Department of Agricaltam, sisted by the local board of netitale IDADAgers for the county. Thess meetings are in the intersst of ail onr fmrmers, and are sen G0 iil. The ex pens Of vandact- hy the Nlate. No “we and verti (lame Disagae iw ArPAnge your Sith en vo attend ard Dake part in the faeries “1 fears ¥ 1 Sills ns are Weloannm, amt intemwmiing ors METI DAVE Tween srerpe sed ahairman sw J § ve 4. Thomas, of Patton, Pao who will be The county Zimd to send programma or athrmation far BBY OM Wo Will aie Lhe feglest The Nate speakers who will he present are: Col Waoodwar!, Secretiry Edge, Hon 8 Gandd, of Ohuy: Dr. Freear, of Riate College, and Drs Warren and othriwk, The institites will be held at the following dates anid places Eiton, December 3d and 4th Loretta, Decwmnber ith, and Spangler, December th, Come ont to thew meetings and bring our fSaunilbes and fiends. Lado are especially invited to atta Moadurn Housework May be done more casily, fnore con. ventently and with less expense on the many others: ail the old objections lo ranges removed, [8 will sive you time money and hard work. It is a god baker and sold with that andertanding. Sold by J KE Kirk Hardware Ca. Clndereila Range than with Arm Poisoned. While James Martin, an employe of Columbian Colliery, was out hunting in the woods one day last wiek he res ceived a «ight seritel from i bash on his arm in some saanner, which bas developed nto a severe case of blood poisoning. AU present writing his con- dition is quite serions. Anve Your Eyes Aitensied [ao J. L. Libbherman, the regular visiting optician, is at the Palmer hoose this week sind will be foand in rom No 3, and will remain sat Monday morn. ing, November 22, Eves examined free of charge. BS 0% Laon, A FLO bill wus osl Detwesn the postofllos and Boyes's grocery, Finder will be rewarded the sum of $2.00 by returning same 0 John Bove RESOLUTIONS OF AES#ECT Passed by WMommbers of Lo A. WW. an the Death of Chas. ML. Geay' At a meeting of Patton Club of the League of American Wheelman the following resolutions were ananimousiy adopted WHiREA®, [t has pleas the Als mighty God, the ruler of the uni. verse, to take Dymo oonr midst oar beloved brother, Chas. M. Cimay, and that as a tribute fo his memory we tender the following resolntions: Resolved, that in the sadifen, but brave death of our beloves! brother, Chas. MM. Liray, this celal of the League of American Wheelman loses one of its most honest, respected» and sincera members, and he it Resolved, that we deeply mourn the departure of our brother who has been called to a higher League above, and be it further Resolved, that we tender to the friends of the decesssd our most sin. cers condolences in their beredvement, and that these resclutions be published in the ParroNy COURIER, Fhensburg Mountaineer ‘and the Pennsyivama Crit. Wa, Ustasun, R. 8. Tozen, E. WiLL GREENE, Committee. Patton, Pa., Nov. 1 1847, CLIPPED FROM a v " >You wi f et ad SY a 5 [tems of Interest Culied From MAY INTEREST YOU. Cont ii 0 Bown Pattee Politien) (omument, by Pitlsbhurg Poa Gallitein on the boom. The Tay- lore & Meloy Coal and Coke company has, at present time, has 35 coke ovens in fall blast, and workmen are busy re pairing old o List have not been fired up for Three ban. “aa riets vans for ase, Years dred men are on the company’s pay ,- roils at present, a larger forve than bas been employed since - Atoona Tribone The Parron COURIER hastens (oO shake Hands with itself over the result of the election and says, its holiest opinion is that Mr, Wertz is an honest man and will not ran off with the coart house of (ail daring his term of office. At least that's abont all anybody can make out of ita election comments. - Pittsburg Post A ramor reached Altoona Saturday evening that Alexander Doner, a man who lived the life of a recluse on the mountain above Bellwood, was thrown from a carriage and killed near Bell: wand Saturday afternoon. The story gows that Daoner's hore ran away, throwing him ont, and fracturing his skill aguninkt 3 stone Altoona Tribune The exalter] Ruler of the Elks gave Fitgwimmaon's lodge a solar plexus Hify Pittsharg Chronicle Telegraph, 17% a wonder women never think of sitting off a bit of their skirts instead! of wisding the time of one hand hold. ing them up. Pittsharg Times The borongh of Huedings hae divcidesd to oemtablish a svslem of water works Mabuhay a still in Lhe dry and likely to be laid in ashes IF she DRppens to get fire. ~ Mahathey fanpotte Last Friday night the Rev. Father mottedl of Loretto leotard an farm per ape in the Orange hall nn Cambria township, a Ebeasbarg, and the large sudiencs present declared if was one of the best jectares ever delivered in that section of the county. For many years Rev. Kit. tell has taken a deep interest in the canse of temperance. He has made it a study and his etare was instenctive and interesting Johnstown Tribune The farmers’ jastitutes will be beld in this connty the coming winter, one at Grampian, one at Sanburn and one at Trootville. The dates of these in- stitutes have not heen decided upon. Curwensville Review The Tyrone resddence of J. L, Mitch. ell, who santrols Inege coal interests in this county, was damaged by fire Sat. urday morping to the amount of $8. 200. The occupants were rescuxd from second story windows Spangler Rentined The Ebensharg Fair Association has purchased the fir gronnds from Mr Elias Jones, a fact which overybexds interested in the fiir will be glad to learn. But for the hard times of the past several vears the sssociation would have made even better progress than it has, although considering the genegpl depression, it has done very well, and of one thing it may be proud--every premium ever offered has been paid in full. Mountaineer. — Aa Lan FALL OR WINTER Suit of Clothes OR OVERCOAT rdered vour > ana) R Init N WOOLEN sampies, ods ready The work we have already Jone speaks for itself No soit or wearing apparel made by as goes sut of our shop unless it fds perfectly, CALL! Dinsmore Bros. Next to P.O., PRTTON, PA. spoils of mites east of N a pO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers