Sh Bs ONE OF TWO The bladder was created for one par pose, nameiy, a recopt table for the grine, and as such it x not lable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. Tae first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys The second way is from careless local treatment of ether diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- neys is the chief cage of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not lable fo wenkness or disease, except in rare eases, It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any , disease or inconveniences mani- ested in the kidneys, back. bladder or urinary is ofter, hy mistake, sttributed to emale weakness or womb tronbie of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly set your rrine aside for twenty-four hours; # sediment or settling indloates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and ex- traordinary effect of Ir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and hiadder remedy is soon realized. If yon need a medicine yon should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention the PATTON COURIER and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. XY. The pro prietors of this paper gaarantee the grentineness of this offer. ¥ Go to Kessler's bakery for your fresh bread and cakes : One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is whet it was made for. BUSINESS DIRECTOR DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3 Qr-Genvral Surgury 30d he Eye 3 Specialty AT enlis will pherdyve prompt attention J. VAN WILSON, Sufgeon Dentist. Gras oate Phitlgdeipt i Dr. Vv. A. Murray PHYSIC AY - SURG EON. OMe tn Arline gi ven pet fal atte OFFICE Hod Bs THRE oF RE DR. W. I. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon Office in Solomon Bid'g, on Fifth Ave, near Palmer House, Patton, Pa. Add emis, As oy igh prop) Few et ow a A CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron ketties, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re- pairs. Our charges are reasonable. OAS metal taken in exehange for new work ir CHENT SPRINOS, PA Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, 3 * wi ISS dp PaTTON, PA. Office in the ( sood Building. WH DAV IS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, Enpxspura, Pa. All legal business promptly attended to Office in Parker Ratiding, MILLINERY, And uptodate novelties for women. Auything gkpewiad will be ardent open shat notice. Prices moderate ALICE A. ARHUROFT, Oppemite Commercial Hotel, Patton, TOBACCO and CIGARS Phe Anest Hine in Patton al G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near . - > Fe MEALS AT ALL HOU RS. CHAS. F. LEHMAN, Hair Cutting and Shaviag Partors, Good Boilding, at Main Entrees AIRY AND ELEGANT ROOM frve Bim a enll Your Watch may need Reguiatin Tot as look at if for examination. If it needs sttenthon we'll tell you, sad if voir wold have ns put if in shape we'll da it well at a regular charge that you won't abject to. TOZER. The Patios CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prog'r Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. wu bin Ba ren ws PATTON HOTEL, WM. A. MELLON, Prox, Noy charge i Jeweler ‘Tea Co. First-class secommadations. Table supplied with the best the market affords, Chotow WINES and LIQUORS at the RBar, MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations Arctclass. Best of Liquors and Wines at the bar, Stabling attached. GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. | { i and plainly tween the DICKERS IN DIRT. wi ded al Ebounsbarg uy to Pate Yriday Nvoember 10 Mathiot Beade of ax to 8S et al, Washingion, $18 Margaret E. Ellis et vir to Mra. Mary A. Myers, Washington, $1,200 Susan MN Yingling to Albinus J Yingiing, Washington, $700 Albinns J. Yingling to William H. Baker, Washington, $400, John Foscnhamer of ox to Thomas Peach, Cambrian, $1. J. WW. Puanwiddic et Charles DD. Loraine ot al, Blacklick, $471 Richard J. Thomas ot ox et al to Rachel Roberts et vir et al, Cambria, $1 Rachel Roberts ot vir ot al te John H. Jones, Jr., at al, Cambria $1. Richard H. Roberts « of nx to WA Lathrop, Cambria, $1,170 Eimer Roberts ot ox et a to W. A. Lathrop, Cambria, $1.49. Abraham Reese ¢t ox to W. A Ja throp, Cambria, $767. Robert R. Jones to W. Cambria, $838 sane DD. Jones et ox to WA la: throp, Cambria, $5,263 Winfleld Roberts ot ux to W. A throp, Cambria, $1,124. Joseph ©. Thomas ¢t ux et a Lathrop, Cambria, $2,011 Richard J. Thomas et ux ¢ A. Lathrop, Cambria, $916 (Chest Creek Land & Improvement Janet Hels, Patton regain A Myers gx ot al to Jackson and A. Lathrop, ito W, talto W company to Mrs $75. ‘Mary Niebager Kutroff et vir to John Kutrufl, Chest and Patton, 83,000, Thomas Clark tf ox to W. W. Ars. bry, Munster, $484 M. I. Eberly et ax to William A Eberly, Munster, $150 Administrators of William W. Rob. erts to Ebeneezer Williams, Cambria £50 Chest Creek 1. & 1 nell ot al, Patton $175 AF Patton, Trostes, to J FE Par nell et al. Patton, $106 Peter Hall et ux to WW Allegheny, F258 Philip Pritsch et ax to wn, BY George Lenz to W. Wo Amshry, Alle- gheny, $24 Co tod] E. Par A rishiry, 2ohwert Laws, yof J A. Jahn s sihie hf Lh The three year-old | son, of Lynn Centre attacks of croup Mr. fo LAG KBR For ix satisfied that the tin ols gue of Chamberlain's x daring RoROVErE ALTECK, savedd i 3 little bay'w life. He is in the 133 poh Tons member of the firm of hi of tBu } : many patent medecines fi hing die ex. He hid all thes from, an rwpond Co his cdl, but named y family at whess Dos oR Life wis in dues skied pravy sicians reaay sedvar ton for gee in his catine he knew it to be superior to any other, and famous the country over for ita cures of croup. Mr. Johnson wiys this i« the best seiling congh ropnd. iwine thet handle, and that it gives splendid cutisfactinn in all cases. Sold by Patten Pharmacy, OW. Hodgkins, Tia Diforenec, The following rounder clearly defiom states the difference be. wtropolitan daily and country newspaper: “It is your local paper that records your births, pab. lishes your marriages and chronicles your deaths To the forty page com. pendium of the happenings of the world you are not even a mere cipher, To get the least notice from them you fminet steal $10,000, rommit an atrociogs crime, or have half a doen living wives. But your local paper watches over yous with solicitade at all times, If you are sick, it in sorry and hopes you will soon get well; it tells when you come and go, when your honse burns down and vou build a few one; when Johnny has the mumps and Mary hea the measles, and how much Pete weighed when he arrived. Take the city paper if you are interested in Africa, but if vou want local news take the local paper. — The Country Publisher. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach cansed by hillioan- ness and had to take medicine all the while until I esed Chamberlain's coli, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. Mrs F. Batier, ' Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bil- fous colie can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon the fmt symptoms appear. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins. Wanted! A reliable man to sell Teas, Coffees, Spices, Ete, on commission. Will pay 20 per cent. Liberal inducements given to the trade Small bond required Address The Great Atlantic & Pacitle 11656 Eleventh avenue, Al toona, Pa. 491d J. C. Berry, one of the best known citisens of Spencer, Mo., testifles that he cared himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years and had used many kinds of so called cures, but DeWitt's was the one that did the work and he will verify this statement if any one wishes 10 write him. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. No-To- Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes Wwenk men strong, diood pure. Se. R Al Sara | The (Ceuntesy Editor, Verily the life of a country editor is # path of thorps, His bread is promises and his meat is disappointment. His creditors chase him by day and the devil rringeth at in his dreams by night He ue ory credit and the snbseriber paveth adieth the paper to a subscriber him pot. Then paper, amd the delingoent ian? and borrow it of & neighbor One sulworiber payeth bis snbeerip- le stoppeth the belingoent's sngeth tra winwsxi and behold it is rotten ind soggy and of short measure He woth ap the towhship poll tician and the politidian gets lected and knoweth him no more He poaffoth the church fair gratis and then attendeth it and paveth his quarter and receiveth twn aviders He hoometh his tons and all things therein, and yet reciiveth no support and is 1 man withon! honor in his awn country Two young people marry, and be giveth them a great paff, and they go to hooseleeping and taketh not his paper Yes, ha bx hound deswn with woe and his days are fall of grief and trouble and vexation of spirit Bot sorrgw eadureth only and joy cometh in the morning, He plodideth along and endareth in patience, and it is written that he will receive hiv reward at the judgement Fx. . The delivery hors belonging to the Miners Store company became fright end at the cars on Monday morning while standing at the station and at templed to ran away, but the quick work of the driver Dennis Nolen, as sistend by others, prevented what might have proven a serious wreck. In the attempt the wagon was apturned, the shaft broken and several boxes, which outed] were tombiled were alrsady apon the ground, The Idelipealor Ix the woman's favarite magazine, and iv ened. by the famons Jwhum pub ishers. The Batterick Pablishing (ao fimited at 7 to 17 West Thirteenth Nivwr York, at the remarkable $1.00 for a year's subwerip- street, iow rate of thors OF all family rangasines it the caterer to domestic reat needa, and aan be recommended for heanty, ie Bi Rpriess, sume Ty | no, frosulineas and tity JM Th ‘Hays That whe he has a spell RIE EIT iF §ogoiea lwo y and Ssels bad and sing PmWitt's ald Flisers ab night, and he next oorning. Many Bers do the ame hiag £1 Ww Hodgkins, Paton Pl pias mw EHO takes wis if A Givcat Maodicine Given {Ww too all a tring herbal reanady If ladies suffering from nervous dis orders and constipation will ose tals remedy they will soon be free from the headaches and canwsd them so much suffering Its un perfect regulator. It gulckly cums iiliousness, indigestion, eruptions of the skin and all blood diseases. Lardy izes 25 and M0 cents Hodgkin im Ow package of ine ge Bacon's Cele Th his backaehes that have You can’t afford to risk yoar life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu. monia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute cough care. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can “e Cured. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes s Free Ofer to Our Readers The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his dis covery of a meliable and absolute cure for consumption Pulmonary Tuber. eunlosin and all branchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES all differ ent of his New Discoveries to any afficted reader of the Patron COURIER writing for them. : His “New Scientific Treatment’ has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional daty to suffering humanity ta donate a trial of his infallible cure Reience daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex perimenting for years, has produced resulta as beneficial to suffering humanity ss can be claimed by any modern genius, His assertion that trogbles and consumption are curable i any climate in “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed in his American and Earopean labras tortes in thousands from those cured in all parts of the workd Medical experts concede that bron chial, chest and lang troubles lead to which, aninterrupted, means speedy and certain death, Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C, 9% Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the lung proven Gy consumption, | free medicine will be promptly sent. Sufferers should take instant ad- vantage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Dewtor that vou saw his offer in the ParroN COURIER, Get Your FIRE INSURANCE ¥i Gor wl DANES pan Office corner of Fifth and Mages Aven Patton, Pa. FirstNation'IBank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, 850 000 00 SURPLUS, 3 000,00, OE rwtn thomsen FO . prweiy aed reer FOTEY ran anal tiene dermis s Patron, Wa H Saxnronrn, President. The Front AND SIDE, ol ST Patton, Pa. Cashier, | COATS & FURS For the FALL SEASOX We prmsent good lines of Ladies’ Coats, Jackets and Fors. Nothing the then in the city for style, now fit and low roe M pss? and Children’s Coats and Fars for the Afferent sizes Fall Hats and Ponnets at peti prices. The larg. est amunrtment of Millinery at Quinn's, Johnstown. PRUNRENNESS tawter foud ar Tk 1 CaN BE arnell % Cuber FIRE LIFE AXD ACCIDENT INGURANGE Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IN GOO BRUTLIY GG % ‘ ¥ sxe fg § gpg PONTE CONTI & Eastern Table. TO TANE EFFECT NOV 16 1897 Westward wy fi reagal Ran, wing at Met fisrthor notlee tradne wi man ow tiny Station Mabsfey: aad Leledy Casnpibwdd, AL femins daily ouepd Ban lay = HH Hirk= (yeiernd Manager t Muhatfey, fa The Kind You Have I ~ Avege table Prena aration for rs similating the Food and Reguba wig the Stomachs and Bowes of ANTS (HILDREN | | -— 1 | Promotes Digestion Cheerful- | | ress and Rest Contains neither | jo ‘pium, Morphine nor Mineral. i HOT NAC Dr IC. ; AT A TTR 2% Jr SP Les = ti werben Sowid as Ar Pwd iii bony ~ ak aid» pos vial - od ad Floss ih {. ndind Hugmr Foal ve Furr { Remedy for instipa- | 3 h. Diarrhoea. £3 70 ns Feverish- 11.0 55 OF SLEEP — of rr — Pee wo ma £30 nel) Son * 7 OF WRAPPER Always Bought, | Bears the Fac-simile Signature WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT. Sing ° Hdnenee Voaiir Meets, Wath Caarnrets. iF Phas care TER O0n Inraver src refund money DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Berns. % aad Sr] ein Beech Creek Railroad. NY UC&H BR E Co Lasee. Condensed Time Tuble, Hest Sawn Exp Ma, Xow Noe AR & mn 0 OE) Hae “5% i oS - 1 : TE Powel a Tay Mii Hadl fami Haves Wayne Fane ive ees - Fig ree «WX Ba pvpageart Py Ey We Ie NSM 3 a1 ALD 8 SY Ad Pom Saninye 5 Ao; SLEEP tea Veding via Mls ; yah ga frst Wil aan wre? 1 changes nn % dumbass Ave, Phils Cynnsetions.. At W rt with Phils et pbtan and Hesding cabtingud: 38 Joos Xhous Ww ths hye Fail Hows Hy: st Mit Hall with {enti Batlroed of Poassyivenia at Plait pmbens w fi smiled and Ajluwwa & Ph Xap srw tong oaliremnd: at Clewertield with Pn Jiowhwestor and Pittatinry railway at Mahar and Patton witsy {ambris and Cewrtied Bvtaten of thw Ponnae vanity rmiirosd: at “Mabattiy with the Peomayivania and Northeosiorn reliwey A. Gr. Pubes, FE Herriman, Rupert atenddent, wn Fass Agint Pol indetphiin, is vania wviroad Time Vili November 15 1887. Pennsyl Main Line. Fastward. fs wR <5 ow BENE 5 frm ve {rose ds x $i 3 iE § fares $y Bilsadeindiia Box prews dati Loma ve Crews Ww nt ward Sy EPE wivw dav ox Be eh Few LEE cambria and © Learfield Fa thes ier Eatin fr. Plwiasbearg il in mM AQ raw Fermin uy ee Lard ( To BN Ta Tea | bw. Fisatitigw AE tamer ny fae tq foXE Bes Hey Bo Fieve PEER IRE ATT Troan gt Nort hw ad rive ity Bw Ma bat ghar Its Foageilea Srsetlonn he £3 ixnrway for Mae fig HT § or Masbate: 1150 Gar way far Mah “wi ie TR owt Todds iy Ider Mo vo Paty arriving at Lerner tmin for spade ll shew 1 THN nt 3 Foes Bradiey I ton rns for Hastings on 1 3 : Mabey slic preiving at tiem 4 arte! i xd RTE 11 i theket ager WwW. jh, ww ¥ KR Wont, ven Mgr - ipeg, Pass. Al * - v = - BR & P Time Table. The Shon Line twetwven TuiBods, Hidgwas, rage fin Nas ibs nen, shullaa. Heohester Nie MET alle atl seeints 6 the appsr til Heg lon : wound aller Nov, I NEL peaesenger Tiuito arrive aed depart fron Palis Oneek wadding Aily ¥ Rept =usuitay, as lows INA wn. no fin Mali pred Haw Hintor want Far Hrs kway vite, nity Jubinsesnbarg, Mb Temidt. Hnutfind, Sslamaves, Ruffalo, and How hoster soto ting at Johnents with R&B train 3 Gor Wileax, Rane, Warien Fawr snd Vet Wed oa omoE SH prem fron Hrealfioed, Jobson. borg, Widgeey Hnwekwavsibe, and intee mediate stations fur Dollis apd Pants fay ry Hutehinee es A owes eons tho Pr DBs, Sv ke. Big Han, and Pusassitawiey. PR op om Resdford Aoooinmodation. Foe Heerhtrve, now kwavy tthe, Kilpaent, Carne, Ridgway, Johrsonburg, Mi, Jewel, aad Hrd ford ER foo rnd Foe Dhabas, Sykes, Hig Hun Punxsttawney, amd Walston Toulon arrive 00 a Walston arsed Pharias Wiss tar fren Headlont and ttermeddiate dations 8p ii, sever phos tow Tron Pun Ksatawiiey: rh Express Teosn Pos gst AWtney £8 nom, mail fron Hoa and Hoe lweder & M Division, FALLS CREEK CLEARFIELD Fas! reek Prag Haste Toga Flavin Junsetionta May fern Pasthersbiurg Howkion .- Aredia Visited a a iW 1% Mamas ~ 3 7 Hrtdpopwart 5 i 5 -~ a 4 1% Acne Rghs TF areas Ww 3 1% Ww righita a ilo HE empty’ #3 vg a i 5 Ag ae & a Ad Market M4 Flewnets + reel [hegusd §8 The : 5 iis Ar am pon ¥ » 2s 235 4 i pager B® » “3 Lai TAkRI: Rg Wan Lis Trin Nao 71 somnoeisnint 0 Hesis for Ride way. Johpeanborg, Heads sel, Hauffido amt wifitsewta at Dalal Ge Irs ford rg 3 Neo 78 omamnacts at Ukarfiedd with Hewett reek railroad fos Philipebmirg, Jawk Haven, Jermey Store, Wiiksinspert, i ima te the ets at we oosils per table Qowml Tour PRA Bet wenn gil stations shwardd 0 Laswy, Coons, Pies, Agt.. Hoehewter, NX y 8 Vase ngs are ren tiesto to prirchase tek ds Leefiary efter ing (He ons {1 exes Charge of tots conte will he oodlaeted ny conductors wives Seavey paid om trains, from adl dations where i eke offer be rsintained. R. F. Notley, £5 ihsaier in Wines, Liquors, 8 Lutz & Son's Beer 2 Specialty Our Botlied Beer and Porter for Prices family use cannot be excelled. are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, Cb HASTINGS, PA. \ + Beer, Etc. 8 Bd Pn 00 pep 5 gi EL Faint 5 Ai 0 |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers