TIE DEADL Y CREESE. HT WAS IN THE HAND OF THE H ALAY | SAILOR WHO RAN AMULK. Six Dead and Two Wonnded the Ricord Made by the Wild Mans In Ten Minates, ~errible Sorne Described by & Sailor Who Was an Eyewit ne Se “In ferry voyages to the U two of them to Maly; but one netanes of th ane called running sdk Il saw it from a po safety. bnt the sight made toe steve elear of ol ward and any vessel that has dham en board. said Erdix Dw who as bay ard man siled pany wuter ships ID was wn 1805 wis oo bey on my Brat vores, ahip Harry Warrin, whis'ge Boston to India with a gf zo of We wers Iving af anchor fa the roads off Madrag onload Ing eur mid tlle deek cargo into Hghters ami 100 voetls oF all mations were anchy sre ators ns Cis charging or ass board thelr car Ries The ship pearst os abont vy cable lenoths away. was the British sbip Mobhratia which bad come from Singapore in ballast with a crew of Ialay lzscars It was cue day at noon that. os opr erew lay round ondor the awning in the forecastis wating for order to turn to, ane of the sailors ting on the capstan sung ont: cH, mttes, just look over Hme juicer! They re having « af a ramp thera. fine ° em Heve it's cue of thos amuck.’ We all jumped to onr feet and Took at the Matar a, and soe of no ran vg 13th the rigging to gota better view From the — yard J eonld sw all that was going in on the deck of 2 3 u v a vy wis Itt de wien | fal Tass Sy Ey =~ Malays running a sed tae British ship Amidships a lascar, said G0 the wala, was slashing and stabbing at a Earopezn officer who bad tried grapple with him, while everviody els in sight on the ship was ronning fare on aft or taking to the rigging (mm the. quarter deck the captain was harrying two Ladies down the COT PRUION WAY Into the cabin, supporting in his arms one of theses who bad fainted. As the officer fell lifidess wo the deck the Malay] Poanded past him, following three end i. i ers who had run aft, along the port sangway. upon the poop As he ran he! swung before hun a long, slender knife, | ite erooked blade curvisg in and out! like the writhings of a snake. Heo over. | A0uk the rasr 0st man on the poop and cut and stabbed bim, as be bad done with the officer, ontil the man foll Meantime the second man leaped over. hoard, preferring to take his chances with the sharks and water serpents to remaining on boned, and the third man ran across the quarter deck and up inv the mizzen rigring like a cat The ig in the water swan for our ship md tome matives in a lighter picked bim up ahead of the sharks “The Malay left the man he bad killed | nod looked around as if for fresh vie | | sixteenth of an inch thick. but after tims, Lat be himself was tho culy Hiv. {ure and aft, searching, but found no wd on wheels which ran on 8 traek oor, bat jt to reach every fornaes one, snd he tried the cabin was closed fast : mirzen rigging and started up the rat lines after the man who bad taken refuge there. When the Malay had git ns fur as the mizzen top, the nian he | was after took to the topgaliant fore and | nit soy and began Wo go down it band | over hand toward the maimmast The Malay kept on vp to the topsmliant urosstrees and began to follow the man down the stay “There was something frightful the relentlessuess of his pursuit He 5d Wot abate ten feet down the stay viva] she captain appeared on the poop with | Ww revolver and began firiog at him i two, three shots be Gred, and the Malar | pt on down the stay. He was two thirds of the way to the {oor when at the fourth sbot the arm that held the | ervese fell helpless Ly bis side. though bis band still elute hed the weapon cinng to the stay by ons aod and kis feet and kept cn dows it almost as fast as before. A §0:h and sixth si | apd at | the Jast the Mulay stopyed »1i then fell like a lump of putty to the bd K. full 40 feet iow. Whother be wai dead when he etriek the deci | Go nen know, bet the mate, who in £m, YE ng i iF MAY HAVE MEANT WELL. Ms a vist ext fer: ti cova { iri in th oF evn ed | th member yo 53 work and how (ite pi you have, j hired thst Pace pn ‘Wail wiewiy ¥ EAs a TNR Mora eh rad i fat Per Forts [nd Not Meet With Maoh Ku: even, | Ore an. Wore psy d rie raed you recived ABST 5 "Zz went LY ton Hy me nash gitis Aone 2iad ys tuiyyw 3 of . CER Ek us © Was Popes EI od i Ye do The eartal vencoringy mast bo hp dily bE a ER Pid Bes foal ’ : heaprial; sre An Operation Ltn MAKING Ei ot Fait A visit i pathing perhaps more fiver ou plate g LER Ast {EG erintel Tams the Fy st kn this o fos The Beaty nips of iron on of "Bax ot whe the 43 Poe rs { dimen # tab 1 - & ihe {perhishang ing person in view on the decks. le ran grisea t thx All casting tabios are mount Then he went to the eit is fifi OCHO poured quickly on the table ‘A heavy iro end to end, spree form thic Bas to ba dune as the baviling glass, HET WS feeds very ov {prices has been ¢ Live ¢ Onl A¥ KEL alma 14 inte 5 tivis day she stand why the ivr fvaares with fri wid d why her visits to the pleasinl, ~— - Wash- ty haw I an ou PLATE GLASS That Requires as Donal of Shi mand Carve, toa poate gl rsd factory, Lert SEY titooes of PE ps = iis ssinent ars BEN tne 1% aie ard frou ; sitlhyer std ford a bearing Tor the aryiinse the Chicknem oF Kidss To Bee Suey 1% commonly nine wl of 8 Sih plate tae we ix reefnond 19 SIX Or seven | rial Ateasiing GAVIDG wud wane Tha FER ¥ did fiuliian + wind Bol ten rine and 8 2 of wens of A crane ti K Des Th ON giing i wien 18 conwas etal of the tahishe, t thn ith the cid dei hn FEIN ip of thee ann PR The wn Ring oven is if 8a (a peones wives Bian been watching from bis roond ran ooslf from the cabin to wine the Mal with a haodshiie aod foals Lr of the fellow before be conld rise the lascars came rannis gis ri: Lh castle and down the tipo capstan bars, belaying mroek and throst ot th dead til 12 bv had hal a ss they wonld have been hammers his fondly before thé offiorrs could strain the excited sailors : “Oar captain pot the full story of the affair from the captain of the Mul: ghe nest day The Malay bad brooding aud sullen for days bef though no one knew what his gris was. Un this day as the men wary wed to dinner Be bad pone ito the for castle, pot the eros ro he Pionsiy jars ant Ma Hs 3 3 i Fav RAL a3 Fo La Fig ®Ey py sore Dla had it cotsocaled and bad {uo attacked his mates withoat a word They rainsd the ory amunek! avd sesttered, but not onl three of them had been Killed or moe: | tally wounded and two more of them serial ent by the orevse Running | forward, he had epeountered the secoad | mate, aod the rest of the affair | saw | Five men dead apd two badly hurt by | the Malay and bungelf kiliad at the | end was the record of ten minutes | business in running amuock. Malavs in mine after this? No, thank you. ''—New | York Sun The Paris prefectare of police has s wooden horse, harnessed, and all candi. | dates for the position of calman show that they know how to harness and uobarness him and pass an exam- | nition {n whatever other tests the pre. foct may propose. : An Amuek, | wou % Ahn BRA 3 Yo Wigs als EG DENT 000 4 LEE Loach Cn franit 0 ete occasion th vata ; * A8 [PEAT a8 possibile tO the its | roller then passes from | wisiing the gliss 0 a poy: | ETAT bv expert hands gory, | nn nes Water, po y- THE CLOVE TRE one # Pow the Duds Are Prepared For the Uses af Conumirre, ofthe No. tox the far. DYale wars al i the | ner fav Hat ff unites TRV { euboy Pov, pueh The fh tr ane fre at buds redsian gradual nr gael cluves ame htew bead i. fron #4! 5 i% 5 ts Wire n penis potissd thet | Lean of 3 Phe arn Wiel Bara, fen Taken Por the Foeniys Fire, They Led to a Pitebed Hattie, H Pu is is A prong 1 Bo od a shen two ar “fF was L&T Mr visit hen fina In at sapet dis ovired Wir one Bight in New Hoge Churels, Gm ghtniug bogs re plentiful than wa riia are termelots 1 Ang ost Uy several mitiiions be BIE SY gave the spare olds, Of gs trouble Abn ¥ oo cael a BIOGEN ae the ny iny ju their respective works 404 yards apart a nest of buge hove mn sighs, we afterward Jaarned The arin tows chose for plekets Nuddanir t Hash of Light thought ¢ her bad opensd Die fpsterions way, and we hee Rag to aboot Wa Glazed away at obe anche for an bogr or mone and Bed. lam reigned with shot and shell The ginber Detweets the Linos was all killed ord with ap ax Fortonately uo Jive wars ost tha Twn Biles As OWE ETE Was a Fas ne Fach side Lire 1p Mh tie ther day that I af thes danas tated of Lighten bogs | is sule was fin OIF Arann five amie fix, and pNerty in thie would have fouts Repub. cw Wolo said ant 1d Wa we bowty fv : re ih if 1 hae 1 Posin wy fe een he nr Same ie nt fatal —t Ceriain Irivh Stories, A Rowman deacizy was sent for to ap tize » baby lu the cabin be conid find pot of tea “Ten, be CE LALO Water, the pest is but acokdent, and proecesded Hut i was Strong, search Nhe asriatiie and wea of 150 Li Wa at there Was i rons, 3 Sueg Movs % +e Liver LARAY WI by £3 1% CRESEIRLOe, BRE 2 srior It found F Bin Ry had fee arr Wo ¥ A Tak Lowa 3% Bava Gan, wy tut Lar pla Hera ssa & brreayioul vo aerig 8 dortor of coplolenos tn * 3 3p EE ARR > rid Remarkaliie Mirages SIE ws WARY. SW ix a iM Mesdll Riiim cof af ROM sicn wis beightenad foals, WE a asst vi ag vin . AAR IRI Proady Mal feat Lue BE Lp Ud aA & ty x ratierr than dio Disa 5 ars tha ore thas ss - - TAA EXEC Se TE. tat Bnonf fis vi Pam wp fast « 5% wid aL gers Towed yk Die mmigns og trembil + wd favs sper Ww aad rat ing fay = Bissand that he sword for his cnase of ba £ ds his orig is dar To Sir Walter Scott's Mail lag. 3 % vo Sena Jord in tise Pair wex caged Sir Water mest at beast as minch amas £m, Rat TR fn bis carlier years atzit Alnwick,” md plans, first ex: Him oa goes for acharity » anusrript of a court publish in was fo Cay BAN she YaLe ax from Sent gE ane SE rte fe was ik be mt sted] io gweld rane far fread if Herullike Lie tha Bonor 2 the lady Feoeward of {ileratare tures Was aT | peanhes Enews wa barst in : than JOHNS BON! 5 BOSWELL. Alleges of Scnree of One Brnowledos of Euziivh Literature. vr, indeed, OX 1 repress nate tl 1 i of Ti Y al Origine! WHET Funes Are ARonsn PEENIM TE eel days when We hiveamie men doe Bos Baye or iden It therofore (a a te alee sir Later ano in sa pra hae sinay have tras Powwall gave A ET TE RE Te rig aw a wtpnedan poeoant wail £ aE Foo £5] & £3 o Fioiers to 8 1 y Onr wWhaode es HA retaristice Aalst 14 iy RTA ERE ER Ph: CRIMNIIAILY rns nbkers Cole Mystney Motith's ed yee! rink ing eed at the No Phauis to Haw iar arte ceffinial 140 TE ia ats jn fay $ fees Coys ed preait of Haer mater Ai film as are | TEs on wid Hawkins and Mra LITAYE With the Wi Boswell |] bor {ft LET spLd we Hered 0G 11% Hrfiy AM pre Jillered 1 have parol SCORED #] i Lats t atiog= lay sete Ya aa er inmorarate. wid ¥ 1% fry thie wpectab) LE rsie | fe Oo consider win ther ws oneht mot to re pnt f Mean [FArfiny saw which was nog ma wo aot diss awn TO oi HY Amin weary Aints in the fhe atienipls in National ans tr Reb Havieow Disenonds, Profopsayr atial iv rovilees, in his reeent i El re dia mandy that alway ox galer sibioet exaning under polarised s blag af the priaryses Ar spot 3 wilt Aran 1x RoTvss aiid a partion wide of tha peed Boge ! tition seen, al an norinans | which is sot ap iu fort if the ax tn quently removed andy by the of the pony it is not at all aneommoen fur a dsmorsd to expliede a after 8 the surfaces, and sow have been pwwncts of the the warm hand pares WH and 18 have Tegags ti Ta hgh 1 Pang vo hve xr 1 the ins wautal and ¥ YH ORR. Axper and ALE: Ware. el with ppd ria etynin by the ef 4g. hg with a i 3 Bh x wer 8s rare UY ME ERTS Cigar we we ifr SH nit explosion as thin mitners or when held lo Large crestals are more Bahl Valnable = have been destroyed in this way is whisperid that capning dealers foarse a Sundin str snalier plese Wien ness by allowing » iii clients handle or Parry in fiir warm barge crvstain frosty from the ny way of dea lors om lea J Peni ie win Fad of vi eid $53 waren | % ih SRIENRAYIE Gakiiiad Dice] dl = i NR of td Po Hie dian Lads mri ratoes to inedre wife Fossa Crookes showed that a dine asdel metuallv be too hard, Foon vind of hosatifally » white dine Nowe movieh Wales great things When a p art at BY came to Eaoglamd, 1b was sey Baad OR A Re Qs, sified for & Iai Ty = » Faas mis Irie tEiiens ol =% shikAtbaat whew] was nlgosl on Er By an exter WwWitaiaut wii tus ded rog NH SAA Pismshioss Cotton, AVET and Ge frwpiped ana cilia asia HE WAS POFTTAL ING Se losin i thw AT LUCKN( A CHICAGO CABMAN WHO WENT THE RELIEF OF HAVELOCK. Be Tells In Hin Own Way the Wery Which Has Often Heen Told Before One of the Famous “Light Brigade” Though Not st Balak! T J. McNally, driver with » mation at the tot carger of Dear berg and Manros streets, is one of the survivors of shat regiment of British ecldiers who west to the relief of Luck- pow He is a hardy, rugged, stout built man. with a medisl of hopor on his cab . breast and a memory of ten years’ serv. ice in the army of Great Britain, The command with which be served in In. dis was composed in part of that little bend of heres loft from the famons fight at Dalakiava—that imme “Charge of the Laight Brigade And he shared with than the splendid hon nf passing fren beleaguered Lock. now the English women and children, and the Fuglish wwii] wha had fooghs for more than ife grainst the savagery of a sepoy rebels hon Gd was Bor in Sentiand, hat of Irish paren eit 3 MeNally, chatting of rho puimeriy mea rete aul the men he und y and fonght Sunder in those seisibied so clossly the if England's ftoation tam Dy i, 1 enjisted a cove months of ity volunteered Fel Si ly tried ar Suthe were sintioned here tris oontiasal cut to the China adventure and val soldiering those dass fo seul there It was or Aetonses and had been f sid the castie is Fyn AETie at Spitkead June sina var sod sai, wint coast of Afries ur at sen we spoke 8 agree amd beard of the st of conse onr duty. China, wheres we had It was pretty bad ‘a wanted 10 get up co they oceded us teed Hope a lighter fared overtook os and snr orders We were sept fro orm with ail haste to Cals cutta and landed sept 30. 1857 Think of that’ More hau threes months get. toy the pga? “Them were so ratlrosds, and we gtarred right oot and giarebed op coun- trv as far as Cawnpar, 650 mile 19 was 3 hard hand march, bot we made an godet rinse as British soldiers ever d’ soywhere Abd AWDPUT We Wabe Jor by General Hope tirant and Sir Chnptwll who had beens waiting enfircrtnents 0 they ooold hb Lucknow Thin we besdogol city mies tn osx thon vow] gonna Tis Pues 3 wont on and reaches. Nov. IR 83i——over 700 on 50 dave We had but 4 001) men even thon, and there Were AG O00 native soldiers, armed as we wera ar fr they bal been part of British army, but they wore nob enmmanded so well, and they did pos have 0 rooch 0 Sgt fir i owas ouiek work——all with the havoned. They would pot stand the rushes. We furwd aur way to the cit adel: apd the thisd day we took ont the word a and children and what vas Jefy Phen we retired in the old nog realize wo had and they sanld aot bes withilrgw, but we wore enone’ to hold the place ctedd a position of our own at shy threo miles away If they wes going to slip away prmad ther foroes, ered, snd heanined ro away aud ready for Riew iL Havelock died of dysentery the lief He wounid aul a week before We came ? dare He had to de “hildren. andes at the Lockunow pomnt to moot the time The bullet ad 1 gor along Na Yon get a : peusion ; in the ritiah cr alter being positively disabled. wily ten years om UH RETVION 1 carte to Anugica=—to Chi. had woeney and am geting viet Medal? Yes | wear sument ws the only dal on its calor fought af Balaklava god at Lockuow too Many 5 time the Fatiows ald me of hut 1 did pot svutitnanid at the thine insnrostion Broke ont on May 30, 15357 sir Haury vad fortitiset the resideney aid ATE Heilish tronps WHY WAR Senteped July 4 "a waonnd. Three army heat hack mmnltitadinoas ene k captored Alum inter reached the Horio (EOOTR, WES Then came ited, alinost little Kary seal, Penge af ler var Benen (U fa din and « : a1 Ail wis oxthaciond ther arr ariny, ] was «r thas ya Fah Loin rrvcsting Wears aig ek gue BE ikaw ‘5 a 1h i £8 Lia i 1 ast} Fen Ww 5 LXER Effective, + prosperons looking that the Gash. iim for all badily iy -~tHat 1 HAs ree ivr which I bad suf. vay y » Bak officers and men as thie dunt with © §
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers