DOES swe LOVE ME! Does she Jove He? That iz Greek Far too deep for me to know, Do the sweet Tow siways spenk From the heart's deep overflow Can 1 wll ane gentle sigh Is the breath of answering love? Are the glans of her oye Fore be Cupid or by Jove? Onls thin to me is known Tort | owe her, her nlona Emily this 1 clonrly me- Bhe 13 roore than earth ean he Amal foil hall of boaven to ma Does hve Lave met Dol know Chriss hos ren from the tomb? Or whe re roses, when ey blow, Got their onlore and perfume? Faith would bode no mission hers, Hoge #tiil in heaven be, It I ded niet soit the dear Pledges of her love for me Thoagh 1e eanmet prove i sine By an wl s tien, Yer, ax lave divinity grows, I: todiovis and fools and knows Thus throtph sonal and avery sense Her trove oes gives evidenos, And | elonr and clearer avo She Boras thaw earth can be And fall bail of heaven th me wf iharion M. [nekinson, A SA EI eA AN A WOMAN! S WIT. She Draved Yer Hasband's Anger snd Boosted Him te Succes, “Rew hing?! aaked one of the two men talking at the corner as bo nodded toward a bandsoane old gentlerann just | passing lw, “No? Well, sir, that's Dr. Blank, the noted smrgéom ve known | bim ever sino: we ased to frequent the same swimssing hole Just how long | that was lofore the war I'm not going to may. He beat me in the ree for the girl that he married, and if be hadn't the chances are that the doctor wonld still be driving, night and day, (ver a Little back county, attending to a prac. tow that conkdn’t pay if it wanted to “When they were tack there in the | woods and he was performing opera | tions that no other member of the pro- | fession had thought of undertaking, she | gathered frou thw talk of friendly doe | tors in the eam section that bo was original, daring and soocossful She | begeed him to advertise his abilities, | but he sternly rebuked her for asking | him to trausgross the ethics of the pro- | fomeion | ** Bot you know how it is when a bright | worn sets her wad, The doctor's of fice was a shabby Dhttle den without eurpet, window shades, pictures or any- thing cise but the plainest farniture. | He resisted all her efforts to change | this & 36 hours’ slay with a patient to find | that oflice so transformed in velvet ear- | Pet. tapestries acd pictures that he flat ly declined to enter it wway on a visit. Men had been thers, tone the work and disappears There | wera no bills, the hime merchants knew | nothing, apd the doctor was so mad that | bo advertised everything for sala The | thing was told in the local papers ss a | kuge joke, and incidentaily there were weldated somo of the stories of how he took people apart and put them togeth- | ar again. City papers copied and city doctors ridicsled. Thisriled Blank. He proved that he had worked greater wot ders than wore crelites) to him, and be was farms The means and the end were the work of the little worsan who had figrared then ont before giving & se eret comunission to furnish that office. s=Diitroit Free Prose ——— OA Ome evening be came home from Herrmann and the Client, A charncteristic story is told of Herr- mann. The incident took places at a weil known London club, whore ecarte | was ene of the favorite games indaignd | fr for stakiw by no mioaok jasignificans, It wns chan Fred that on thes: aocasions a certain wen ber slot invariably ross on cnaderable winner. At length 80 Yanrkeed be the frond fortuna of this Best ber that antler deterinipned to frie the watior tthe Moltomn. Ome EVENING, SO re cir, at bis own rovans he inirsduoel Berrmann un fuise Baie th a edict panty of miles, 5 {Ee vine es niet 2 Pads vad I AER SEH RR 4 0 Rina : dase nar, 1 punish yom, vse il FE Se a love papa at all? paper a young mmnrried woman of asks £1,000 for the dis pharge of fhe dativs of a chaperon for the space of three months ir ai St et - No fewer than 7,638 patents on kitch- en utensils have been taken out as Washington. i < for," he sid i. A man y ab { the night : bevy went op and tore & leas were ! yisyioy to tha CIV pail the bill, | marked that that was the fret Smee he | e His wife was { the inhalitan : My, ihe shonld sell all Cmoon w GUESTS FROM WAY BACK. Some Amusirg Stories of Their Tlunders In Hotels of a Big City. The ¢lerks at several of the hotels tell amusing storios about ome of the guests who emma in from the roral distriers An aged couple came into the Moser and When infornisd that the woman torped to wanted a room. there was none, the man and spaprod ont: “It serves us right We will have to walk ihe strects tonight, When asked for an explanation, the man said that they han arrived tha morning and pavd for 3 room ar seme honse in advance for the week, He sad they forgot to tke the nomber and street and bad blind for three hors for! the house and then given it op They bad not the slightest dea where the place was A man from Arkansas told the hones. keeper at the Moser that he was potog ont and might not be back for supper, but she nocd nos watt for hem Another man cams into the Bt James and, weing an advortisernent bictter in the register headed, “A frivud in nosd 2a friend todeesd, anid | for the address, “That's the man I've been locking “Iwas robhed Tar taht, and | want to borrow money to get home on om tha Rosier apologized to clerk for keeping bins op nn tiiito ‘sloek Hn seid be hadn't noticed how Inte it was A well dressed man at the St. Nich Fan told the el ri tht Whe 1 i im his jas jE "tlhe. Al bell the incan enhd the goose that be had wick, He a t} Np nidn and foraetten To know bodied A man and at the Mose Lgshe wi ? bp then up ir “Why ¥ are you? asked the man. “Rupe, cried the hackman “Didn't von ask us if we wiunted to Fgh wer piri staring SLMmar (ne a®a ¢y jor banding | 4 Off Static, 10 Charge us, nH oan Lpide?! demanded the man The hackman vaid lie bad SCWell then” exciairn the man, “what do you want us to pay for? The clerk ¢ xpiained matters and the Ho rag! ad had over known of any one Iwisg invite ¥ i aed to pide and then asked to pay for it { —8t Louis Repu bile. AN NO POLICEMEN NEEDED. ns Ko Only Two Thefts In leciand tn a Thousand Years, there ame no prisons honest in their habits that such defonses to property a8 looks, bolts and bars are not required, In lseland fd HBTO NG Lpcr are there any police in the wiand, | | Yet its history for 1,000 years records Of thea twa | Bo mors than two thefts cases ane was that of a native, who wis detected after stealing several sheep, but as he had done so to supply his fam- wha wera saffering for want of fooed, when be had broken his arm, vixens were furnished to hue stigma attac ta.) ¥ Lrertnian, The other theft was by a who stole 17 sheep Brut as he was in comfortable riroum- { stances and the robbery was malicions the wntence passed opoas BHim was that his property, the wvaizce of what had stolen and then be ava tha er vxer uted, Bo be le fE an cree Pout thm erie I rare in eland sind ite inlu Panta stinguishod for hiaesty and puri: Tals the af ene provi tha ad dnistration of justice, wt of wiry $a Ph Ege MONTY Bl 3 ty of Rea ba thu by grrwsin 1G kuivik, the 2a nes at of : part TT 2 igh Liver. L ~1 should think the uid hava Vian X —~Why? De L —DBuocause be lives so high —De troit Free Presa Eras mia in the the gout. the | pro | them and P work was found for him when able to do it, and meanwhile Stas placed an. | i der medical care, but fel tO his cringe Tras tine i sufledent | | punishment Be | yomtiire | tha sod CRYING AS A SAFE TY VALVE. Scientific Decluration That "a Good Cry” | Is Banefleinl. lar belisf that “'n goed ory” times a yaiatary relief has a tific foundation. A writer on ti Jeet sav Rivew at gone Hoja distress that mans ustural € to put a ston to 3 posi Wa should not erer, that it | wi | Campbell bas recently shown bow oot plex are the goeed ory’ in the sheddin with tinct § ii 13% ais g of tears, bot muscios that the whole body may be cone valwscd In childrin also a great « hatsitr takes place during erving in the manner | in which resnirstion is ee Expiratums a longed sometimes for as much as hall a piinute and are in. terrupted by short inspirations During sxparatiin th inttis hat the intrapuinagary Prossure 1 somsidernbly, and th Put yt the pra wr Ma 3 ka Pes oun Faas iis rh shi incrimesl adr the whala of the dilntation of portions Bave bere more I the mpl Afation hich fre “Fy predate chest leading oo of the Tatu v the | ary geile nea of rent itn from i Front be crying ii) ¢ the sss whieh ao He be Eh and of i vi ren may ot infanh discharge o often foillos very bla da ded rosa rat restore the cireubatio dition than before i cmienuenss larger up rendered avaliable In wotnen the topeficial eFect CTY is proverbial Partly sane Lise re spiration and the improvement fen haraid oireniation there dived bot ro a Ire extent it is thn fait of the minsenlar exercise by which the general vasenlar and especially indeed predsnare in brain, ars minch pelneed Th gow of tdars no donbt also ofr thie oppebeal ther redoing mMOveri ents, agnin apn the venond oirond doing} and gwlvie exhunstion produced { alonp and thus wo give the ne ry i | tem its Test chanes of rocupe ration should pe, th IV iutervin wr NOD A woman frien having ont her Perry: IY we can remove hier trouble, hy Fall means let us do so, but if the trouble is te remain, lod her ory fu i This is far better than soothnog drafis argo TILEY Wea uri sys, hurt 5 hiv ang on ap] 3 ory EN} 4) 3 aL Bier Lie Tet is Wh tir ad Ye iy my (* tages | Tipe yee, pened oem REY fy aT NetARtre gq: eirenl SELON 3 eRe terson TE oe sehibdng CRN A pw in ilyn ; i i { } Ti profess FR Sf * Wa ys EEery, hugs a Fe pelea ¥ {sera iv whens pe and | AN AFRICAN POISON STORY Mteange Phenotsenon Witnessed In thi Novihenst of the Dark Continent. Charla M. Breen of Chicago, who r turned fo this city after ; throng nortssnst Africa, to ! Su angical olver {he ower vest an a distr of “The vegetation in thas Inxoriant, sabi be, “and the plant I must give off an snosusily largsaoen tity of carbonte ach] gos At least that wax the canelosion | reached afrer ing thre natiees die and four or fe Qos. : . “The moment the animals pat Wr we to the pronnd they wanlyg | fail Can and gasp dnd div 11 abogt i minted The natives who died slept on | tho gronind netend of 10 hammocks, as fathers did I saw hundreds of birds My theory 1a that a stratom of | the deguily gan covered the gros for a : F don th of thes or f fpches, and ady LHving Ligfat in that aréa wets be anche is : =) unig pot Revo th | thin sar layer ; | pritew for a whl Band ovis hwy deathy of Jonrney of un cur ates wi i abled Cowallinhs region is very 2¥ a fia vl ar things SAR Wa cayread 4 if it iw Wie Peas An [aitanoe. said the prosy Y oat sald the OR Young dial wild much sarnests “1 kn w what are exactly tha cor taluge iu clothes, but ain't able © buy,’ or V—=Cligeinaat E The Hospital declares that the popn. | “Crying is so commonly nescoiat td [I plisnomenn involved in ‘a This Ades not,oonxst merely iciuddos so | gone ral pond wie dew aread an action of the | Bi « wtrantied so rises little that 12 18 thy equal distribution of | throughs ut that br loss ool inpeexd, that NEON | ; Fasnunepan © su | thet ‘e® dead oy Beeen (Creek | HY.0O&H RR RC Lees OON DENSED TIMETApLSE, Read Up | : [Exp Mull May 16, aeT. i No ¥ No. 3d TTT Ya WN. [ pS AY. Patton... . Westover Maarfey. - wo Michelin... rai Bi Clea riield June... Ars 15 EF 31 3 Llenriaid. ar Aeurtield June Lv 4d Wont inn 5 11H Ar. #11 ie £2 11 06. #7 0 0 5. 210 aL ¥. a ded SE a Dil DiArS Phat pabang {Lve Vin iu oa Aw Munsens.. i 3 Bicone Winbirne. ... .. . 0 tu sso Aaliintowss. Bes Shon — ch Unpel,........ SH HEY. Lock Haven... .. Youngduie t Wavne). 3 mu, eruey hore Junetion. dereey Shore... Willismepogs.. ATT ama He —e : dusaes asl comes, he ens $ 1 Llaul “al aa al SEY¥SI2p RUBY $8 FREESE EQN ESSERE aY BR i i ; BEEEBIRNE CE RCE EE IB LL, x i Pa ing “Pritia, and Heading HR a ! SAY Williamsport Lyin ay ef) iy Fhilsdeiphin Ar 4 Le NOV. vii Tamague. Ar sa 2 Lv. New Yor via Phila. Arb 3 Cam pom “i = wa inranssin -d | ® ow my omam Imii tWengEays, BA pw RAnnduse 1065 A ¥, Sundays. “b New York pes sengees Trmveiing v is Phi Fndeipin | an 0X RB, twin from Willnaseper bodamnige oars at Colombian Ave, Ph Letist pos i i Coo teotions— At TY Liat pots wits rulinge i phils wend Hewding Raliway. At Jersey shor | with the Full Brook Ry. at Mill Hall with : on Fuel Enllrm® of Penneyivanin, At Phil i ip jetairg with Penn's. RK. Rand Altoons and ( Puilipebioing Uosinesting | BK. AL Clearfield wn ob Boftulo, Hochester ard Pltubarg mil | way. At Mniintey and Patton with Cambri Land Clearfield division of the Protieyivanip mil rom sud Northwestern ral way ’ EH HEP MIAN, AGPALMER, EL, ¥ aden y his, Pa. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY, in oentert May 18, jr, DIVIRION, A. VV. RY. EAST BOUND. A.M. . MAM AX. Pu » @ i LOW GRADE Pitisbnry Heal Bank Wa {5 New Het it% 510 Brook vi Sith adit iE sig Faller tw 513 Hopkin, . #54 Hevnoidaviibe Ea des Falls Cove 5% Fa Poin May baila Wintertuirn Protieid Trier Fh moentooniiam Vo Bea Th pn Wo oe Mix Ros fied wronnl Gi BE Bw WEST AM. A.M. PF Mu, hE Bin Na HOUND : a Piri Moarwnd Mix Ban Twat a Ban Ben vemstin, Moetiy air tonin Tyr. Pen ield | Wit tere ro. Ses brerim, PuBaolis Palle Cronk, Beyooldwiiiie, Hopkins nie, Horiwali vii has Now Hethlatw 0 Hasd Mani. Pitisharng.... Hal Bank with Miver inv ik WW oewl Fails « mw With Limi w Hadywia yy pit wid Foy, PH KH. and Hatha lis, Buow liemtasy wl Pitasbirg, Gor Puna Si Lam sel Chertield Aq bd Fait rw wivh ve its The Phtladeipbita and Eres PH Willis aspors, Rimi ait HM Ls Trams aonpeet at MON Slams awe ums Seti AMY, FL HOB el katy Ava dpREoals, hy Fay it Fane anly shed PAViDBM ARES fen Waist JAR Fo AN LERAGN Geen Pas 240 Fite, Mental Wialaidies Nie CREATE a the Dud. Railroad. LERkE At Mabiatey with the Ponnayivants | Faintn die nl #19 a i j 2 3 it i | Rivowar AND CLEARYTELD Ry ind conpections WEEK [DA YS. WUTHWA Ry, TNONTEWABD He Driftwood Emiariom HL Marys ii ansal aBEn _dobuwiubuang Ridgway Iulnniit Mili Haven Uroyinnd nari Mills ww Hoek ve we Lrrher Brock wayville Lana Millan Hurviys Run Falls Creek Te Bante Falin «reek Beyvanldevitie Bropkyilie New Histhila bean Hed Bank Pittsburg “edi ww HEBER WAR THA INS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Eantwyrd Wentwand Train 4, 717 a. m, Train? side wo. Train 4, 12 10 pa m, Train i 13a, ow Tray 4, 7p. m Train 15 86 pom Susie nnn and Clearfield BB. BR, Trans dre run on Toss v's, Toureiay ‘sand Mata day's south id. ~Train 7 lewves Kentingut 9 0 mend arrivie at Karls ate Li Wa ms Mokehu digo Train IN leaves Karthaus 2% pom. diy arcivem ut Kenting st $06 p. 0 Renovo at Bip. pa THAINS LEAVE KEATING. Want swig vel | Went ward, Flaite 8, B00 6. m, Train 4 #8 pm. ruin 8 45 p Hi. "Train 4,2 ida mm. TER Le DL te tUmin ia, 518 p.m, Trin 2 fier Renovo Hy. Weel Inve ? Tues ave Thurdnys atid Saturdays. . IB. Hutelsbuimens, 4. RR. Wood, Gen. Minazer, fen, - Ax * imi'y, Si EAGLE YALLEY RL R. Wow fhoye dv iy, Prajus bamvie Tyo fot Helletnte and Loek Haven at 4 0a. wm «iE Mand 7 I5 pom, Trine ars ve st Cyne from Look Havens! Phim mr ened 2A po mand 409 pom, pr SH EFGNTE Be HXo:'W SHOE BRANCH Wonk have Ouly Train maven Hellofints T am arr vi Brow Mew mre w fomve Mow rie Estrrwention {He # eo myriying i appt Wo TRE $e 1 Trath Lom view Mriovee Mince am. arriving Mies Slewd Loti ree tion # pom lewve Reeve Sipiwn 4 Lip SATE Ving at Bellefonte SOME oa » rites med | i —— Traine Lim ve Cmewirdiy for Heotgtedale snd TR wun al ALF and MH a om and 808 pom. Trains arrive 41 Gmelin from Helwena and MAB and 850 pom. Train moon Morrisdale for Helmena and why slash lon (11 4 0 i in. . an arritae al Morrisdale fon Beleens at 43 13 i Main Line Ponueylivania Hatirosd Tralus leave Triome ily for Philadelphia wre Shoe bag ng Mila om, IW, 148 FE po Fur Baltimore and Washington 7 2, 78, wrdd DL ha oe S30 an 0 RB pn, daily. For Hattimore only “Rp. sa Amity, Foe Harristiong ony 4 pom, daily, For Huntingdon, wank days, pom Pruius weivr Tyrone daily the Altpons, Pitts. aurg ated the West #06 a, m., and 5 i 8, T Mand ep Hi. Wil dave only, | fia. m, RB. Hi Fee NugN, tea’; ME amar. ? Aad J. 8, Woon. tien "i Paw, Ax prrnTiraia x RAILROAD, IN EFFECT AUGUNT 1, aoniiadainhia ‘and Kris Hatirosd Timer Table, Tralosienve Driftwood ART WARD. $A A. MM « Train 8 week days, for Hunbory, Wilkeabarre, Semnton, a tony Potteviibe, Harrisbary and ilernradine ste - thontam, wrt ivity wl / {Fladeiphia, 8:13 Pp om ow Yoru, = p. “in. Baits 1. Washington, 7: lo Pullman Pa reas 3 Hiarnspor, GU Phila iia, oassenge? cosches rom Kane to Phin SP. M.o-Train 8 week dave, tor Hur risty med intermediate stations, sins. io af Philsdeliphie of cB a m., New Yord Uw ms Pullen Keeping oars from Hs Anbar Hy Philsdelphis asd New Yord, Lat gals Lin prmment recon retasi bh insiesy aya a Tre om. - i.e, Biviniga Simoury mad ntermed istestations, arriving st Pht neds pilaie, Ha. ; New York, ison week duys and 0. om, on Sunda =n 4 » w Waaditn pio |, n . 1, rd Sagat A ES | a To on Frheo ommige & ated (BT Warleinarin Pan enpers 2 aly By EE ty Cyn prb rue Fok muee§ ey * HIET CREE tom rie Jai wa aw edt La Haile WESTWARD $541 A wel ad way Bl doe, 4300 HON Eales ad Rh wim teens, WEE AL hon own al Brie sie rave Alpe slatbonin ye. MM. Trem fF peer ott mle af iT HNGU GH Ha iv fare, Ne vm k 3 for Firde andl pata week duve, ef ¥ i TRAIN 1H ¥ Kane uo FOR DRIFITWOO! ANT AND sll’ TH Pon; Fht's AB nom TAT oil 8 3 3 4 Das eigen #3 3 tikisring wary, HRY Mow YOrm oo UG oom in Washington, ie pom det y arriving af ®. a, Pullsesn seeping owre thE i SHAS. RAH Wim ime mE sabes GOT commen Prose Philade. Ho timers toy WY tHasapney PIAS ii mesa ihe i Bad bl noes tavse, iv Van i Wh week id rifts at VE Bon. wot thr our from Phiimdel phe fa KERR wer 3 3 EE TRAN adic hin, (ion op Toke ! Plitle Pein: woRkl al i; Bis 3 REMY 8 wide § | Wiliiaansrart. JOMNBONBURG BRAILRGAD Wool nye.) HAIN 10 snwes piagway sl 205 a. 0. Join. SEE Al GOs gL Sl, eT YIGE al Clerunont at BE woe FRA 20 emves lernpont al 408, me. wr Aving ab Jahvesteieg wt (Lah wm, Ride way ar 1001 pw Pug BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURS ) wai Bors noand after J ae AMET passenger Leino will mrrtvs aon dopa from DaBolw daily es Sept mutelRy, au foilowas THAINR DEPART Pride Ie 5 Vif aie w iio ee Hesnoidsviiie ’ shia oid mid Hochester, Pr ARIUS WHEY, Malle pen, li rwe nis vile and Clearfield Pian wind YH adi Hip Han sud Pal asutawiey $4 im grad Punxesihwiey, Ewa He and UU emer Seid, Wag ied Trek “Rip Ran snd an xsalawioey TRAINS AKMIVE, El Mn, i’ BREAN WaY. A Tvearfieid, "Uns ARtaw rma iard, prwensviiie snd Cieartieid, Plarssninwary : Ie Creek mand Revnoldeviil fils lr ox ad Hradtond. Jicnet renter i 121 KER OW ney and Hig tareetavilie ; Find ls reek. fam, sursaand mide th si] AtRLions al Jiminy pier i Heels HH tative Road call anor at rinse, MM. Lundergan, Agent, Do Bots, Eo, Lanpey. (hens ™! Pass, Ament. mile, iui iw ¥ wR P.M. Train 4, dally for Sosbury & Han wang Het pod Tor passage Lat wien Hdormation © THIS BUFFALO, ROCHESTER. s PITSEURS tr £, & M, DIVIRION Loss) Tine Pulite | in Etiv June TT. 19 EAST BOU Ni, AM. ¥ Agviile ; Hi un in fs HY SR Malo. Af. lapetion Sate... Peres ity. MOCK C0 And ren V ind tet, fioomom $s: 1 pert iv emsviiie Centre Jim esd, Marsst at a Semyvesd B.C. Depot Ar sdf Wo anid he hi aad ape men BEE ¥ Paar Emi x BRENT JE SREASSNLZLCRES wo lhe kw. . - 8 idevil'e Mandy Valley | Falls Creek Duties Das Bets Junction adem Latherstarg, Howkwoa : Anderson Visdnet Blooms Brigegepery LRarwensyilis Centre. Clomrield, Market st Clemrfieid Bc The puit Ar. BERS Eh RESENARENE RES » k i whee FE a or ho T~ B BARBO RB ert edad GHMIEORET Cue x Tin 71 connects at Dallas fisy Jobiosoutng. Hend ford apd Rochester, aad a Xe 23 oesanverts at Dh Bors for Headfom tae Palimen sleeping : phis to Witilem Ee % Sur irom Fitindel- Train No. T¢ connects at earfieid with h the Pewah Croek alive for Pron: Haves, Jerw vy shoes, Wi Hare eh Leck phia and Now York Passetigers are oo uestod to purchase Uekets Dar LO Ot wetng th © IMIR AD ER rvas charge of NOENTS will be coliseted by Condon wipn Gres are goa ied iy vraltin, {rom ay Where us Lolo offlew os or ary -t ay EY, Ger ann. A wivwter N. Ye ons $0. UFFALsy =T WESTERN HB ATL Hoa TIME To take » Bret t Monday, Aug, milly, exrept ¥, AYN AND Boyt hrwrn rd RTATIONK, is Clear A Termont Jani co Wildwood | Nort Pook Kay Pork Gay Gables i i URW EE i per ot te fo VRE EPRICIDVQ CITC BN Bry i oo Rabe, Hyde... Slos wont STE a ee we ee de BE Be G0 a 0 Ge AO BD AD SECBOENENTIERIESY FESOSEERNINNUZICLELE GO aE FESAIERLNNUT EES Pe EE Thome conreetions at Xt. Ma Ee RH. BK forall file evant Ble mont for all points on WN. Y, thei r sen nt lonis, and on Toby Branch of Erie | gp nn? » RB 1 Hyde in = Tr BR ¥ BFE WELLENDORF, Gen. Supt. BE CAPTWEIGHT Gen, Pas. Ag". 0 x f “|SUMMER TIME TABLE North Bend and Zeottle Crogk RAILROAD £0, : Taking fleet Monday. March = Wr Ge Nv NORTH. : . Regn TT jUoING soUTH, i yw, i} TATIONK me Narh ed a ON lemsariion., i i Howsnivilie... Met: 3 2 iL w w Ca hoa 11 iw Li = CEen® SBA P| | EREY sasssE EB a. Bl See Spring... Grund View lets Hun. BES: SREUYNS a3 — ee FEBS BER Tren Nooo Saturdays Only. Ad other Tenlne dally 2 aeepd Sunday, FIA. RLACK WEL fel Ma's i’ ¥ BACK WHHL be in’ MAN rit PATENTS “janine EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Solicitar and Attorney in Patent Causes BC Pasa. Agl a 53-N cy al A Ww LHS EED IG Charge can sdrace Heguested HRN LN PICK BE of ad ; ak OB - PRINTING OFFICE .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers