| haw been savid by this remedy. Buch . | parsons selddm Jet an opportanity pass Ito recommend it. That is what makes it the most popular medicine in ome for | | bowel compliints. Mr. LE. Shumaker, of Deanville, ¥s., is » large general loounty. Hesys: chamberiain's colle, my Hf. 1 hive used it sevirsl years for cramps colic and it bas always ing better made. For one troubled as {1 have been it is life iteelf.”” For sale i by Patton Pharmacy, U. W. Hodgkins. ¥ ron’ VEE 3 AY Te JY Re cE BASE SRR meh peatiy ge “ whiney .. Heer ut bea vole, We want to maxe it 80 Be AERE, Ansel onids, x i Ena ei ga tik dk, es A al | onstipation : m our store and SO ALIA you STC © ida; 10, 48 rent, Honiand to trade bere that you will not want | emrantend 10 cure by oll draggiow. to go anywhere else. We want your | Dont thie) yous loot with staat own experiece to teach you that you | Matare by using DeWitts Little Barly may have con'dence in us, | pation, bilijusness and stomach and | The best possible way to live troubles. They are purely vege . Pharmacy. 3 Font Tobaces 3p nok Banik ious Life Aviye a Cit Soka as fon ily pnd forever be ; of patie, ull of Lobe peeve and Vigor, take Jo ier Pine, the mono mda er, thing pala eal pon strong. All dtucencs, oor Bl. Cute gassune Booklist and sample free Address | from piles and then have been quickly 0) Witch Hazel Salve, the grest remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. | (C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. AEA AH Is to have what he wants, and not try to persuade him to buy what we want to sell. We want to sell everything, one as much as another. Yours for everthing that is kept in a first-class Grocery and General Store. % to : § FR RESERV ALICE A, ASHCROFT, Opposite Commercial Hotel, mun and sell both very cheap. GOINEL. before buying elsewhere. - i RETR SE i RA WAR A a SB EN or RT Giant Portland, Rosendale Cement and Hillsbore Plaster, ‘which is the best grade of Plaster Paris made. ALSO Phosphate, Farmers’ Dissolved Bone, which is ‘made by the Baltimore Guano Co. i _ Clinton St., Johnstown. I have just received a car load of Attention Is called to our novelties es in both No. 1 and No. 2, iwhich 1 am selling at a very low price. VAD SAA =" Those contem lating building or using any of the above pela at ne. Dit s articles will do well to get my prices before purchasing Orgend, od Percales ' elsewhere. so are our Jack.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers