RS ie Rh A AR Fa IS 35 5 RI Ja 1 A SP SR 5% i RRs a on it for omg 1 am not iaditine “How iia ots copscienes permit you | to do mol a thiug?” the wort of it. Drery time % wt it it seems 1) ura my out bas sven us a val in | PO n wind, codfish in the deviled sits fow 1 d oe any ¢ bis worldly possessions on on his wit to retain them. | dent. lent fore at a grand conrt ball, and 24 hours Iater he shot or killed with bis sword one of his military aids. The crown prince of Austria shot ~ 1apd killed the Baroness Marie Vetmers 1 before be tok his own life, cos sctnber | {Jy moming. The late Hiperor of Russia shot and {iled Conn! Reutern, one of the officers his honsihold, under the imprension that the comnt was a pihilist spd a onld bs sssasein., The count api hod the czar in the dark at (hat. proac i abina, and as he nearsd the emperor made 8 moversent that led bis majesty to believe that the stranger was geting : 1 - that has rarely been oq nated While the battle was of Ha height a shell entered | the Valley City, of which ship Davis ‘as mate, sud exploded on the berth deck, setting it on fire. Chaplin, the commander of Jumped down into the mag- | nsine, and while directing his men to Ale fines passed op with § his own hands the looms eglinders of powder. The fireworks — trict which hn Manchester for its cen- "f tex. The repetition of names among | fre ne ain titles more | pile. nud, unless we except Sir Arch | A ; Fitna i Orr-Ewing, the turkey red dyer | insane three das price to oe date] i sonnected with that industry, peitber | | | d to be that of his | peer nor barcoet nor even nu a hpigot 4s to be found mong the § Pall miilaonaires and 17 seminiilioualres who have otca. pied that enviable podition in the wills of the Inst ten yoars, because onstom re- {quires thst wo should wear clothes The | Jats John Brylsad of Manchester, who | was in Mid yemth a traveling packman, fied poaserse ef a personality of more than £9,500 000, snd his affairs were in soch prrtect order that the fotricate | bosiness of valping and diclariog fo colomsal an evtate was completed within a month, Mr. George H Strait of Bel per and Mr. Samuel Fielden of Todmeor. den, both eotton spinners, were million. sires, the estate of the former reaching well on to £2,000,000. A London draper, the well known sith odio ogg Wietion, There are two another ot Todmorden and two | B | Loos, EX and Charles Edward, of Wer. { noth, pear Oldham. This last was one of the rare cases in which the exchequer | draws death duties twios from the sume estate within two years, ss C. E Loos was the son of Eli, and the fortunes weré £456,818 and £3.49, 438, respestive- { °F 4 # | ly, which shows how little tive son must have distarbed his father’s investments. —= Comte porary Review. Then Fhe Left. One of the dwellers in woman's club land, whose views of the bireafter are somewhat pronounced, recently ex- Sew saddening results to or sna who was bewailiog the loss a much grief and fear “Yes, ma'am,” ‘agreed the maid, | with a fresh cutberst, When we die,” continued her mis- tress smoothly, ‘it is only part of the | process of evolution. We witke up toan- | other life; that's all” : Its in heaven we'll bo pking sp," | perwder i 157 demand BH ro ec itor TraloNon I ach | fu- Sion 1 give but sous courtaey. ~Aoud- = : “Haw a Tein x bak 45 91 count. Sbow me one with & bit of real { the Garter was institat- od by d III. Tbe number of per- | sons wus for Jong strictly limited to 35, besides the sovereign. Other statotes ¥ | have sinoe been made extending the by adnmitting foreign potentate 1 mbers of the royal family in ad: ition to the 25. “What did Noab live on when the { Bood subsided and his provizions in the {ark were éxhansted?’ asked a Sunday school teacher of her class. *'1 know,” f caneatin a Little girl after the others wen up.“ Well, what?" inquired 2 She tier “Dry land. Zr=Chattanooga Mrs. Nuwed—There it one thing 1 {like atout you, my dear—you don’t throw your mother ¥ Lisouits in my | face. Mr. 'Nuwed—No, darting: I don't | want 0 spoil your beauty. Her biscuits | wore gven worse than yours. «Brooklyn | estate. You can't doit Pat Sheedy hasn't got any of it. If be bad, would be be chasing around the most obscure corners of the earth? No, sir. I can’t gamble bere, and 1 must gainbla to live 1 make my living at it, sud a poor liv. ing itis If 1 bad money, 1 wouldn't poDur tbe earth for games to play. I'd stay right bere.” Thussays Pat Sheedy, Ee paulioy os all. —Bew- ton Herald Not a Butsaiver: Ho—May I kiss you She--Not aiachi 1 2 hoard that you stole a kiss fram Miss Smith the other | night He—Well, what of it? Ehic—Do I Jook like a receiver of stal- en gocist-Eschange. Division of Duties “My dear, you should net be so angry about my uot mailing that hg ter. Let your motte be CPorgive apd forget," '7 OR, yes, judeed! You de the forgetting snd I can do the forgly ng, 1 #uppose. "—Cincinnati Enquirer. Fur bearing animals a6 becoming so scarce that the feasibility of brecding them is leing disenssed, It is conoeded 1 thut Siberia would be the most desirable piace Tor the establishment of farms for this purpose. I RSIS NPR Se SR The proportion of baldheaded men in thin country is more than 10 per cent. ! AI IR 2, pS 1 ey + i Ra sens to ne es high priced instrument and when it was received it was found to be the prodoct of the aforesaid manafactorer. ~ Baffalo Express. Was Washington ton Profane net Rev, F. E Williams, a Presbyterian i tion that be bad no doubt George Wash- ington swore. Round English osths | were common in his day, They were close to hand when a map forgot him- j melt and was carried away in a torrent of passion, and Washington was capable of this. The true Washington was 8 man of terrific teanper. Passion is power. A man who is uot capable of getting wal thing else, Self control means nothing unless a man has something fo coatrol be} vo land #iuin Dealer, As Vufeeliog Comment. “Willis Wishington, ’ *unid she fiom, fin ome of those peopds who tell coay thing they xsow. ly. “apd be doeso't talk voy mach, aither PVs andi io Hite 5x SEAT. The Wise Tudlinn, “There is this much to be said in fa. vor of the wild men of the forest,” says i the Lanpig aville sage; "Thuy always smoke a pipe of peac:; DEVT A Ciga- rette, Philadelphia North American, pave Vo prop She—Our minister dots pot jump at conclusions He-—TI should say nok. I never knew ‘him to reach a conclusion in less than an hour, = Bre kiya Life. : a——e ig i or A bo SH. | with great skill and could shoot an ar friend. : “Death,” said she, "is hothing but transition. There is no occasion for so | Ser, he will live in dry beat sta far temperators, ¢7:m vp to 2001} gs F. Ome bas actually bees "rg * tt for 50 days with wlyhorit] ! | are always @ by found. J well loaded and sooosting him we pastor of Baltimore, tolil bis congrega- | : | Gio English coming from such an un is not capable of getting much of any-; “Yeu, ' tepiind Miss Cayenne waar. | seer van. ~~ Somerville Journal Mrs. Roberts says: i i” Catan was the name of & little Moo- | got Tartar whe flourished in the early | an of the thirteenth century. He was born fn the casters part of | Asia, not fur from the ancient city of | Karskoram. His parents belonged to | ote of the barbarian hordes that owed i allegiance to Genghis Khan, sod Osean | tecarme a fierce though small warrior | sed fought bravely under the hanper of | the great and niighty Mongol eongueror. | The exact height of this little dwarf i= spknown. He wan certainly not over three feat tall, bot be was sctive and | praseniar snd, like all bis rave, conid hich Astostabed tha aust sad Rows: | yom In New Vark—Convincing “Kill ge Be Killed” Logie. “It was known on the morier of the feast of the turkey.” said Assistant Din trict Attorney Hal Bell, who handies | a3 the Italinn bomicide cues in the evimsinal courts. “The murdered man was Nonsio Lillsx, and he was stabbed 10 death on the aftersoon of Nov. 99, | 1298. The man who killed Mw was Givwppe Ladierre. | put Ladierre on’ rad i the eximion] brash of he os. endare hunger, thirst, fatigos and cold. | 4 The Tartard were unexcsiied in the management of their bemutiful horeex The fleetent animals were trained to) stop short im full caveer, and to face | 0 4 withont Sinching will benst nr formi | ses tn dabie fos. Camtn was a born soldier, sud | 0 | Suiviet th ‘86 an early age became expert in all the | exercises that belonged to a Tartar edo. | tabbed Ix cation. He could manage s flery courses | inches long. row or throw o lange. . nerring “Like many of thom small satare ' Son, for and while yet a Ind be Sometimes they would go on Jug want ing expeditions, seldom failing to hey + waste any lonily. haticosion § pened on. LOOKS LIKE A BEAR. A rms Ark Fh Yo Cn ing : ghee me re on being} J put into water will expand and begin moving about and feeding vigoronsly Although he cannot stand boiling va seid snd chloride of calcium withont losing bis capability of revivideation. | A. fox the reason why, meni the cou him « troop of wild Ce 4 Tessa Jat gave the. poe rye ordered hk: be wan there. Howas wot to io L2lird, Hews sot to be sul vot d citev IE the fnrymen woRld: finger tn (re ay they sted. entries gn 3 Tess bo : “alent i0 n° . it that they woul Plongts + a huis isto 8 man's beak that wo» rotiing. The goestion ¢ deeided © on, id the deorased despre the ple 1 Leconding to the Tenge, he did or the live man a's wien £1: ad not Inlind Ta ie savgit have Bill | Aierre SE a he Caer wine fpadoprey ven the battle, Wine epi WBE LA Maen Xa yo warded, BOS erusarck Lalienre Loply wot in aed stab, argued jee mon Lom Texan, sod i | be ugh to be eenpizmnted 0 on bis 1 which Tepresentatives of the uth. Meeting a1 eel black pegro driving a wagon rather | Bim cat th {pele John,” the following brief din forge envoed “Pretty heavy Joad, uacle. Can you got up the bill with it"? wo ~ Buch an example of pure and wads cxpeeied sown almost parlymd the sofoser, who muttered something | 2host toe “degeneracy of the modern aire, gut. 1 =nially dewiding to cots il the works of “Uncle Remus,’ lw retraced his megs to his apartments Nashville Anwrionn. Photographing the Arteries After much stody aod painstaking sa artery in the erm of an adult bas bes photographed. The patient bad Leon suffering from some trouble io the arin which the physwians wom spable to correctly diagrose, By mans of the X Tay ® i a uf lime sain in the blo wore clearly sbovin, and the come Ww. mead in sccordapee with the Talis plicited by the photographing as oi seribod, No Yeak | Le gE Cle hes nnd Credlite When a mas 2 alu % thay be can’t pay bis debts apd how got to sk for un extension of time, tke fist thing for hey to do is 1) go Ww a fashionable tai art get ha oa pew suid of CiotinRk Creditors are sedociu dendent with | & ~ ining Hog os SA na Wa spake in South Afncs fear the seo | retary bird andl will even crawl swiy from its shad, "Fhis tind at eatlly thrash a bird twice in sim. : "1 do not know, sir, et 1 poset the deed be rersarked: “Yer did rigbit, pad. I'd er did id weself if I war thar.” “Now, »_ id Mr. Bell, "you wouldn's believe sar a thing could happen in great New York, but it did, aod La dierre is Lack home in Morrisanianow.™ — New Yirk Sun Kuights of St. Lasnres At a very early period ju the history of the Christian church a special order 1 of knighthood was instituted, haviog fur iia object the eare and supervision of ult chose afifictod with leprosy of eve ery ooLiginadily, and, av ite headquarters bad crigipally ben located in the viein- ity of Jerusalem, the order was gener. ally designated Knights of St. Lazarus, or of it. Lamarus and St Mary of Jern- a A Sinyer, : “Aren's you getting gray abont the temples?’ be yaw after siting there oo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers