Miners to Meet at AMoons. A call has been jssaed for a conven tion to be held at Altoona to-day, June 17th, of miners of Central Pennsylva . tis, Maryland, West Virginia, and all i others whose coal is shipped to the | eastern ssboned, The call is o Vignes tary, ‘and James MeCinn, who Cad sided at the Cresson convention, Ret! erence is made to the strike at hj Cer men are working | : the 4 peice lie ute buku aang a re TR Number of Male Sob | Ny : Whole A ee A pe i | Mbwer expen, due Tremeurer prev. of Patton Borough School | District | FROM JUNE | 8, 1896, TO| | June 1. 1007 The out oF Each Pupll Per 8 Month. SCHOOLS. Whole namber of BOlOOIK. coon cmiis Yemge ny namber of onthe noght... a oh attending all the schools In {hw dine namber In ath tumdunce pore Ay sttendiinoe of Scholmry in Aitret. WER Lely { Attendnnee. TAX AND RATE PER CENT. Number of mills levied for school purposes 18 tn Ee i es Amott levi for school puFposs HC. oon ha “EES Total Amman Javied....... ; ation for the yer sisi sl TEE “ ding axes Xow of & ail Eh RA) “innd, Haguor fin Total roetpts.... BT LAER aE oi an ABW © trator “for attending the annani bry’ institute... Amount cir NE 10 conrt. whomsoever shall attempt or offer to Medyoid text how, onfhwer “than text Sehool ay books, prseistingt Bmp, ob, Vuelo and rontingen ies + . > © Foon of Collsctor, sine: and Trews Ion 8 18 idl F 2 $ Soom your. Tonal expires. Amsonnt Hoe Tramisier. coon RESOURCES. Amount das distriel frova all sources § 28 0 Total resinron.. LIAMILITIES. E A Sh he in Yota) Enbaition.... SEES SE 11 officer, agent or employe thereof by demanding of requesting the diamiesal : Lor officer, peron or persons so offending stall be + yulty of & misdemessior snd on con- viction thereof shall be subject to the | | like penenaitios as those prescribed for ge of any a violation of the frst section of onment ‘sot exceeding ‘ove year, or! either or both at the discretion of the Swoon 3. If any person or persons | s coerce any such corporation or any! music. Sports and dancing. A grand display of fire works nt 8:3) p. tn. in the evening at the park. Pull game-- Patton Champions ™ Cuban Giants. Program Tuesday, July 8th: There will be dancing and amuse- ments of all kinds during the day. Card to Dancers: Have secured Sev- erin’s Imperial Orchosten for the ocea- slon. Gusrantes & good time to all. ics ae Wier. Tinie 43 econ of romonrees BULK 8 | Mthmated value of schoo! grounds and Datldinge. . roo - acs T. horn, Fowen Ruatx, ! w. A. 8 A Suibdon Death. ronse the sais of Goddard's Linings.” ay avvuing shout 10 o'clock ly well sad wes in hor bed about {me of bo desis seid to have been | | Prem will come: to Altoona, 4s Me. | Hotohkin has few saperiovs as an all-|, : guund ‘dvertising man. — Altoona |p, |e AA FA nl Ws EI The ext regular “meetiig ‘of ta Cambria County Pomona Grange, Now | 51, will convene in the Concord {Grange hall on Monday, June Sih 46 9:30am. After the regular business of {the order is disposed of there will be a Of} talk on The care of machinery on the igarm by John 8. McCoy. A report Will be made by She secretary of is B Te Tory | m The evening sessioh will open at § ‘| program will be rendered: Essay, SO. Thome; 3's | address on Posltry Raising by Dr. H. { now? Kis a pu specimen like the | ano suo of th New York tail y and can furnish a “other one.” Lathersmn Church Notles. | Somerville; essay, | recitation, A. M. Schettig; address on and Reilly; Mra. Charlotte Will; Hon. A. A. Barker. All - | Patrons coming by rail will be met at . Hokaurade Statics Music will be farne ished by the Concord Grange band. All fourth degree members are cord- iadly invited to attend. By ordar of Executive Com. Guo. W. Garner, Sec. nH A AN SR ep | base bail club went to Altoons to play a game of ball with the Defiance club | of that place, and returned home with another defeat added to the list. The score stood 9 to § in favor of Altoona The batteries were: Patton, Sutch All persons are hereliy notified to | not meddle or interfere with property : uA ln hares ol A vis: two two horses, two seit of harness
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