of Mr the gh 1 Guna iia them siiy 1 fe AT that they may Sours the. masa , ow: ote. na ry woman who. respects | gr ot an and | de Jo “whole ristames, : MAY Appear unnecessary. Comm: a depends on trifles of this | sort tn the general effect of a gown than {might bir sopposed. It | # the Frenchwo- ‘man's srtention to the minor details of her toilet, however trifling, that basen. dowed her counfrywomen with the weil | merited reputation of being the bost | dressed women in the world. Be she id or marquise, it is all the same. Alike they are a perfectly and igly dressed ax their several cir noes will allow thew fo be. — Sommer Wraps The rearter of summer wraps and | mationery. a vorbeting. talk given before the Brocklyn Woman's club by Mm E s : M. Richards from the Institats of Tech of Hoston the speaker told most | tigly of the advances boing made the study of domestic science. : oh the discussion which followed Mrs. Richards’ talk many practical questions of | were asked by the eager housekeepers who larsely made up the Woman 'sclub, { The anewer to one of them will be of 1 | interest to every housekeeper. This is in { relation to a simple and eficient way to | pene water. A small vial of the crys. : of te of potash carried in one’ traveling bag will, sceording | to Mrs. Richards, make ono compari upon | tively ‘impervious to the dangers of good business and , Rey. Anpa KH E OWH Support and | impure drt nking waters. A small piece ‘or two of the crystals added to a pitcher o- | of water thst ona is offered af the sou mer boarding house or the seaside botel | room or in European stopping places, | anywhere, in fact, where the bistory of | suspected, will quickly vid it of all dan. Yiacteris, The water should turn | | a rather deepish pink, a condition which | ‘shows that the disinfectant has done iis 1 work apd may be drunk in this rosy bue with onnfidence. her faith in filtered water. She say: “Po not boil and filter, but filter an. boil." These are valuable bits of infor { mation which, coming from such an anthority, may be scoepted with con fidence by the anxious house others ~ { who realize that, with all geod plumb- of log, lenniiness and wholesome food, . find that toy Tare not so oo {the straps | the water supply is either suknown or | Mrs. Richards evidently does not put hat quite’ Smposvible, now ; : that the sleevis come so far down over >i the bands snd fit m0 Hghtly about the wrists, to weir the long gloves, and the | monsqoetaired which have been in fa vor so long ary uncomfortable and bulky with almost all thy sew gowns Jackets that have the new sleeves. One button gloves cannot ‘be anid to have met with nniverwal spproval, but are occasicmvilly wom The length, | over, ie njnal son quite saporseded the three and four, kid and dogskin sre generally need for gloves, For summey wear there ls one style of white soede made on the same lines, and a hewvy white glace kid wish ne. button, heavily stitched glov in favor for smart oo | reception, elo. These Forse cn ols soiled. many women prefer the black suede, : which certainly are 01S Somamesical, an of the woman who is krown | a8 the most famous bachelor girl of the century. Mim Alice KE. Mosley of Indi ann has started a novel and apparintly verte to the canm of bachelorhond in ber own ocx. In of this idea sha has formed a society and started ‘on an sotive campaign. However, the en- francs vows are not #0 binding or so un reasonable wi might be sopposed, the only pledge bing a promise pot to mar ry before the age of 25. |» worthy one, though the method of procedure jn canvassing the country for New York Tribune. Smart Stationary. little Louis XV rococo frame or some | kind of circle to incloss it The bow. | F knot is, of come 10 SHidenon; and the | Reye in alder wri Pe merions engravers {out their diss, while those in Bugland {and France stamp their letters into ‘steal blocks | ¥ a powerfol letter stump. This sakes the cutting much deeper . and sharper and gives a better effect than oor wa". A Woman Warten. A woman 8. Cn ronversing with them we and they are ent Ward pable and his performud her duties ia a | most saticln ny manner.’ BIR BAN SA One Rewnrd. that women oxase the lutter think harder and work harder. The mern evident explanation is that won 4 tive longer hecanw they Are men ail shit it cnumen a8 8 reward for being bo worldly and Jess flere in r wealth and fame — Boa ton Daily adel, % ven Cont Clerk. Law of Springtiekl, Mia ©. ; nsminta it | Mass, eierk of ¢ the Bra Ten) it the this! ; 0 Mor years, HE WOIK as ev Ribers eile Nemuan, for election bo edunsticn firnt wimsan to anter the polite na of that city, sud, thonih del ted, if is a wignifionnt fact ithat she rode) shrong suppart, planio- ralarly foo ber Gen Ex bo Mr Felis IN. Xoo Pradu 3 pn iasions of Cehureh that abe for thems 8 haw part of Chil: It IR Es 4% faaiif who was P mentor fig Bt 1a i aaial howmi of 3 2 Broncl of Pittelurp shed the board © { foriagn Protestant Epie: onal will bold and pital for jepers inoany : wisieh they ay select in insted 16 per cent of the pictures iw tie Champs Elysees exhibi- tic thin yiar, but only 28g por cent of teow in the Champ « ait Mars building. sy pam Worgen The Hon. Ella Searles, sister of Lord Abiuger, is studying surgery at the London Behool of Medicine to qualify herselt for mica) work in India ? nd te - : to that of a #wo but. | ton glove. Two IER rg wn are longer than two but: pi ton gloves were made formerly. Heavy Ln them, as they are, as a rule, streit | heavy stitehing ix also wom with wash : | Pay shan diffienls misdon--that of making con ” on the while, the motive seems 20 te | preety is rather startling to eastern The mcoogram is o feature of soar | 0 SF Just now we are raing the | Lio Fag sted ne warden of the | — a in Futter comnty, Cal, for sev " years. Ls grand jory of that coun 1 iy, In its recent report, mayw: “We vis ] ted the hospital snd find therein seven are satisfied with their | { tenatment. ‘The wards and dining room Lave peat @id will ept | well sapplicd with whole medicine. Wefindthatti. | en bas proved herself ciicient ml on stad to certain habits an | ast Tn far three Siow ] Bo Vl EUR RIRT PP <1 RETR ERR vcr iin B A amas inh fp nn Visoues Hote PR Wo Bh BG Fa net. LEER BER IAE a 8h. elit... S24SSIERENEY nl 3 2 I 0 0 0 D0 mo Bn ey BRE RSE rn Arise nd hea AER EY ERE OR ERA E73 Fo SHUBSHIND HEB HESIE TRDY4 thao ch oh 54 WE HMR $8 ons aE =e naaoaEl White aloo, two, three and even four | Johan | to be of —h ail In consequence Bobi ALLESNERY VALLEY. A, In effet May 36 E97. Tavs. | LOW GRADE DIVISION, AV.RY. mmm “EaeT POVOD, AM ANP Seppo Nh Bethisbem Pooky witle.. : Sr > Horn Falls Creek... canis: sree HB : WER WE EES oh a OR 8 geaaEaeivus 8 SENBE € ¥348 ne wits... Mix Bob oo sfiwand... Si mp dpa oneal na SBEUEERIB5HZ ALBAN RR Bada RRR ae § 3 4 w % x Fag SEAN OO 5 a | 5 * Bae mm BEERS DOREEEI Es $88=F BEE paoEMaBLEES Prifiwnnd Mix BHO... Inte Bun. Restpenitie, ¥EeesdEsis a re IRB. iain ox LR 3 PRL Bee ius Eg cE 8 SEEERIB BM N EREEINRNEy Closrivid. A Laima ie Piaget Aare ra and sll ha vip Ea Gen. Pow TAR, P. ANDERSON, Gan. igo d SUMMER) TIME TABLE. | 'North Eendjand Eattl Crock n RAL BoA “Takin offoet fase x Fant Prown, peeclis a | het Saabs HBnaw yt »r | seFugasioag? hd pitas Beate A Pil 2 wrdays only, All other Lraivs Anil exerpt Sundry. DAYS 1 ume. & Joma, priv soeridor 8 ts sen bar fleet, shoes. 1 A Hyde not Yorn of moon sor wlavid | Glows barked en EP i Hi ethan tin | She has wot Ed enw SEK ARESIRF TX Curis In the Cotffura. There is a decided effort just now to fure, When it is one long ringlet hang conn ul hey, © end Two shorter howewer, pend From the hair messed in the middie of the back of the bead, have the appear anew of pot looks, are lows set ami pregaaditatiad, ues cone cnently pes more pe farey es Exe] Bangy. Feit, Beles of Sh Eliok satin and black satin ribbon are stall a feature of drew, amd the wide “halt ef bins satin folds drawn sre doa «hader pte 18 one of the mst bax Tie faneies, Be Yeu af rit bom with bookies fn the hack are seen on mwny of thy new thin gowes snd shes Lamls of tuih wide Bhack velws ribl i, spriading & at the middie of the {aeR, where they are fastened with small steel buckles, Is another pretty belt efech i sri and wr nes, boy SHE u Ae Nor.MPN a A ew 1 vis * - cia i mers - ASCE RBENA IEEEEwevnscre x a Fd We ole il WSERC IS (SEGEERACENTSCE 2RE | nine. ge geen Rage 8 [PA BLACKWELL, € {han K RAL RWELL Sean. Pass. Agt | It would net be very easy to show | A live longer than men be | Of ight athena: the pavsisent, where nn Pade sunshine svals fr Jack her wind tig | ah thie ghooyn, wile Prag 2 avn mpare ase adiepl ages a ENEES GARG IRS sseray 48! pEnvu'sls | su Wa Ort iiniin a an TH Ar Clenrtiold Yano. Lv Winn Wood . INE nisi iat] snovensel B swion le } ort) Munson . i 3 s ciliata i 80 Boe ion dec WI sEEx Hit “hey PO On & 5 : tenner arian 'euginneeussuieen sb uENasn 2 nd #5 BE ok BA hh A Be AY Ky 24 # > BP FIFE ATS (Hlntawn. WAY AY bon : Aisin pie wrod i ema HE ; § Bh Bo ee : ay You Bnet 18 Tom ely Janetion.., 8 r FT brass oy HOTS FB 2 2 ila, Wilismapart... A Ar i338 1 A AW we om Phila and Pend ing BE am 50 ws SAA... Willson pers... Lars OAS we, Mhlisabenia. AY MB boa LYN 0 ¥ia Ta augun. Ar 4 x = (EY x ol via Pin Anh TS eh aay sake we TIEEERRS A “ = = paw Tg wardl introcaviog curls into the colt) ing down the peek upon the should > | & revival of what was popular in this ut a quarter of a sontury mgrave full | 2¥ & Ditties slatance apart § pam HOG PX Randers Do a ou. Bandas. = Naw Yoox vase angers tava nf vis JRuttadel pbs an 1 ® #, Hk. Train fran ; : 3 gars af Uoinmitdn Ave, 630 Hetil AL Wiiinan, p * $y 1 IAT TH AND FOREIGN PATENTS procuPED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Solicitor and Attorney in Patest Causes, 1729 New York Ave, Washington, D. C, Rye : mera ABLISHED els i & I : Ferrans ig BEENNCRIUBLYS SEINBELE 3 “tiasnig v any RAL 18 loves igen as $15 Ro " Clermont ls amma 00 60 A AAG AD $e . ase HEnRE or ; OW I RESAUEWES: Es Leave utente Xi FAY KARINE ETSY IU ihc sisson kb ; en da nel ek a i aid T Gn erm a f 1 Aa HRA RT PA CHIR cin iisini ivasiomsnniianias andar w bi : Ba. i sprain amen busiest sion sens i fi BNO TR BARE HELIA NT RE R £ ne... tomer | ee RA a Me I He... ne... aa nA a] rk EE ER A a RRR, BNP poiranecins SRNR EH RA dL A. a Bs FRAY A Donn mush Pp a a | RRR Norn Pork | E Fans pon bone ~ IP8Y Gables....... Li 78 oan SE 7 8 {MEAN pm aed i whi wap) anrEne § ema § ” 3 " an ve ¥ soedemtreville... AX) : . . 4 a - 3 apo Cl RIE on. ; 2 ¥ 1k E rdoopinet nts on W, 1 NE Ee wx CaDors, am spt. RIK for on, Toby Bra » BE CAPYWEIGHT Gea, Fax JOB - PRINTING ALL KINDS THIS - OFFIC
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