| | A ! | # | how it way. bot A Hh doh guarding the premises pre jations of burgiare and Church "he wo have always bad » large numiber of patrons in the work of o' BuDOYing ne to find such a clock nace fre pe i peel toting n-, tion » war sind eat: itive. When an event of this charactor | tocurs, especindly if the cyureh is located Lan or pesr a lney (hotoughfare, the fact of the clock being stopped, of that some defert appears to exist, is often made the sobject of a notice in the daily papers. Especially was this the ose when the steeple of old Bt Panl's was recently apdergoing remivation, and it | was a Joy to many on niticing that the pewly gilded bands of the clock were again traveling along thelr sognstorned circuit and the deep timed bell wan rosdy to afrike the bonr care more -— New York Mail und Express RBM ER POA pea THE MAGIC RING. BA SAN te, pose that bo wos but five you A Buy's Tht Cirvom and His Tmpremions of Covalls the Previews, A thud of wiseen hoofs first set on Ay quiver; then nx erash of cymbals, a country jangle of lxlls, & hosves, applanding (onions ie was in the midet of us, eating, lve action of Thmb. Here rae Ttom betioetorthi out tm. +I avy seen the statement that no | man could drink half » gallon of brandy 1 8 day for more than a wiry short time,” tssid John Lo $imith «ff Linden, Va, ‘but thers is a man living in the town d's I reside in who has never mised drink. ing that mock brandy in a day for 20 { years. His name is John Hudnall, and Je ews 5 prandy distillery sear Linde. 2 He has used ligoor sa 8 beverage since early youth, and for the past 20 years bas consumed huif 8 gallon of brandy » day. He ia sot sn lnshrists ky any Sands weil tn dw souan No explanation Loan bo given of bis remarkable power of withstanding the effects of liquor, 8 | but no on who knows him doubiy the statement as Wi his haiving taken the amount I have said, It has pot impaired = | his digestion in the slightest degree, as it is usually claimed LL will do "ew Wabingion Sur Foam———y ll Tmprow in; the Mederaied Clubs of Tlinois the : women ‘arn A earnestly to im prove the publie schools of the sure. i ro woes. in the first place * kiting the schéols nut te seitics wo: an as a8 to co-opet ste with schoal- make thelr duty 10 Watch sil hod legis ation and to learn ew methods of ! sonsulintion, snd nothing seems to be ss up to date. In one of those a the mind makes in bigh to face’ THAIL Lng expen NCE. wei While Peliswing the Call of fis Faisnrar | 19 Dog He Met With s Michap--Ta * Durk | Hole With a Fierce Wild Best The Esenpe and Hecognition. | Pretty much everybody in the crowd | | had told a story of the gun or dog or | fahpole exept a printer who looked | about as much like a honter or fisher mat a8 he did Hike an angel, “Ti's your turn now, Muggins, said the reporter. “I never hunted anything but board. fog houses over in Brookly v'" he said, with a wan and dodgiog Kind of air, ns if people threw things at him whenever ba tried to tell a story. “Bat before you came here is what we want to know about,” pot in sev. eral, “and you've either got to tell al story of pay for the drinks every time anybody elm tells one ”” He moved about unensily and poshed | his chair back from the table, drawing | it closes ap again immediately and final. | | 1y resting his hands clasped on the boar] | youn io front ¢f him. “Well, gente,” he said with the wen and dodging look still in bis eves, “let toé think a minste. Before I onme bors | I lived in ("hivago, where I wax hunted instend of bonting, Before that | was in New Orleans, where 1 only hanted a job. Befers thet I vas in Bt Paul, | wheres | wap boating a warm place all the time, Fhifore that 1 lived io Boston, | whoers it wi feo frigid 4n bunt, and be fore that, quite a hong tae before that, | I hve in old Ketitueky, and, gents, | did hunt thers Nothing bot a coon, mebbe, of & fox or & poesosn or a8 Little! ay a sguirrel or only a dove in the dosty road, but it was finer than suything on tarth, “1 was only a bey, and perhaps that had something to dowith if, but] didn’e knoe any (ifferant then, His I do pow, | Curd 18 was Inet the foot on earth and | no mistake And bis wan face lighted | op as if be wero locking through the) epen gates of paradise. “1 recolleos 11 had a dog that was congiderable of » hunting dog, bot he was an unrestiens | kind of a cove, and whan he road any thing he would Go a Jot of barking at first, bot if somebody didn’t come | righty onich bo wetld give it up and gn mcseyith along siter the next thing | fo sight. Che might | was cut with him after coors, wnat bent § o'clock | heard | Pive bark Fike be was over ins clump | of woods (vat a half mile away. 11 knew Iwas going to have to get to hin | | prety quick if 1 found him there at all, | and 1 started sevoss » field toward the | woods as fist an J cond go. Js wan a stubble field with sink holes like you | find al} over Kentocky in the Heston parts, and the place was dark, thoogh | the moon wos just beginning 0 show! above the woods 1 was (hinking sore | about what the dog had than arthing | } elder, and an I wont banging throngh the | Seid, All at coon 1 seemed to drop off of | the earth and fall into a cellar, and then | 1 1 knew T bad tumbled into » sink bole | They are never very deep or dangerous, | and T wan't afraid of being fatally | hurt, but it tock the sind oot of me | right quick, and I went down through | the weeds and stuff, not knowing juss | what had happened. Of conyss T hadn't much time to think, and when I his] bottoan 1 had still lows, for instead of | lighting on the ground or stows or | | thicket, I lit on something alive. Itwas | a wild animal of some kind, I didn's | know what, and [ was scared till my hair began to feel fanny on my bead. “When went down, I went hard, and I kind of knocked the wind out of | the varming sf first, but in & second it began to yow] and susp and marl and to twist under ma and try to get out and | to rales the dickens generally. In the! | megntisme 1 was yuliing and squswiing | and trying to scare the blamed thing, | because I thonght it wan a wildeat, and | Iknew a boy of my size didn’t have | any show with a wildest if the varmint | ever tock mn notion to fight, and I knew pretty well that a wildeat was about as sure to take a potion to fight as any- thing on earth. 1 dem's know exactly | what I did fn thas hole or bow I did is, | but | remember it semed aboot a month | of Sundays that I was all momed up in | thers with some kind of x wild animal, and finally the thing got from under me sod soocted as fast ss it could for the | top of the sink hole. I followed after it | as quick se 1 could, for T became braver | when I save it ron, and when I got up on the level the moon bad come cut, and I could see the varmint fairly skin- ping it cot for the fall timber. I yelled | at inwith nll my might, thoogh I didn’s | ren after it very fast, and began to call | ‘my dog. On the senond call the varming | stopped, asd I began to get ready to akin | out myself, when [ got a better lock, and, by the great horn spoon, gents, it wus my dog. I called hina then, and he | ome back to me and I could see for mysel! that be bad holed something down thers in the sink, and his barking | bad been mructherad snd sounded awoy off to me, and of coarse when I dropped | in an him unexpectedly hike that he didn’t know anything aboot it, and sed- | ther did I und there we was Iu any | event, gentlemen," concluded the for. paer Carporacker, “that dog come trot. ti we, and when we wet face the moanlight be sorter Jock. od at me, and I sorter looked of him, and I don’t know which one of ue felt noes like apologizing. 1 do know, though, wo both knocked off for that oe- | easion, amd on the way botwe we toni | turn about speaking along behind each other, me and the dog "—-New York San. Paris is threatened with o rennissande of paganism. Several well known litte | © | ratenrs, poets and artists have banded | themselves into a society for the sions | o tion of heathen deities. This reo rie pevival bai already enught the Sb | Gamer, sad COmYErts are annon.i uy day, day, “on os A 3 {that kind after a Engle aneident and nobly be muy the wiser.’ A boy fuid ; 4% one,’ he proceeded, a considerable distance in the workings. Ind was so terrified, so anxions to get ont, that he wanted to rush through and make hiv way to the shaft. If he Lim. He stopped hind by fotve, and little demon he stuck fo him nod held him near to the grotud, so that they sould breathe, How do you think he calmed the boy at lam? Bani comic | songs to bimn. Well, they had to keep | where they were for about five hours, and thes, when the sir bad got better, the man started off and brodght the youngster out aufoly, though onoe he Now, there's a oases that nobody would happrennd to have told me about ir." A# an instance of beirolem in this di- | rection that ix keowyn, bowewir, I ro onl a story | heard near the bands of the pit after the explosion in 1880. ‘You know that the slightest delay in “that after an explonion ove of the men | | who was with him brought him along At bust they pet the afterdamip. The | had gone on, he certainly wotld have | dropped, but the man woold not Jot | though the lad bit aod fought Jike wn Was pearly mffocated by the afterdump. | huye heard of probably if tie lad badn's a Meintiporniry in Good R a EOP Bo eT tr peti cspany from tu tows. Hark! The joltin wheal 1 ar Of swags i Merey mile! Why , Sally’ Ans, Barly ‘tis that dreadful man : Comin beri 81 stark — No. 1t'¢ father comb Boe Wull, I sever! They ale's cam. All pike fs Tor nuthin Bat C5 a Baal Fh NE MN RUSSIAN NEWSPAPERS. : In the ars Counter Thees Avs Many CL sonensls With Odd Names, Newspapers printed in the Bossian fiying for the shaft may moa death. In thn neightorbood of Bolten some | fow yoors ago ene mun out of 8 party | of coliiers stopped behind for 8 minute or ® io look for his son, a boy of 4 who was working close by. The two met, but, alas, they perished there to other's svmae. And paternal devotion as thus mand festod has cost moany a brave | fellow bin life, Well, cnn the ocomion referred 10 8 man named Haslam brought irom the workings, cr met as be wan slorryiog slong to the pit moutly » youth about | 18, sod throughout the terrible journey be stuck to the lad with the mot beroio determination. Twice the boy stambled | "and fell, but the poble collier dvajged hing to his feet and wrged Lin) to push | onwith all speed. Other nvichaps befell thegn, v8 both, I rejoices to say, gained the sarface Sifye wad and compuratively |, weil ol Bowething About Partridge. Among the habits of the partridge one in thst ¢ hon a covey is roosting on the ground, with their tails bonched to gether in a circle, the bonch is sure younted by o line of watchful beads, | like sentinels on duty. Amnothar ix that trailing them in rabbit hanting fashion. | Their sense of smell fa ovidestly very: acute, for during the pesting wason, it the sgys. which pumber from 10 to 20, are disturbed in any way cv a Hand even jnwerted in the nest, it will be hnmedi- “ately desorted and a new one built. A ahiors time previces to the nesting the males are often fovolved in Jesperate | combate for the chioloe of mutes, whe ery, seething not to eare which one be- Jost | mes the victor, The incubation is performed entirely by the feibale, the male, when not feeding, ofwn being on sexe slight slevation, en. ying ber by his mellow toned call three broods of young are reand during & season, the nesting beginning us exrly as May 1. Later in the full te broods of young occasicoslly join forces, bat whether from a want of company or fi protection is not known. Wha fredidg, the birds aro some teow soatiered svernl yards aps, but at the firet sign of danger an alarm ix as if hnconsuiration. The frst shot jute a cover will ofien cave them to break turbod again for several minmates “scat. ter calls” will be beard on every side | These are vaade tocollecs the mmaining birds, who again Bapeh Magy of the market gunners sem (0 Dave Bo quai of conscience and very often kill with out hesitation an eutire covey, wien at Toast ope 1c two pores of birds sbouhl be left for breeders. ~Bultimate Sun. : Qrinstion of Adipoan. : A eriwinal lawyer of kong experiences at the bar was heard 0 say he Gther day: “1 buve made juries in wurder cases | an erp ocinl stody. Thers are a lage pumbar of men, jarger than FICHE poe ple suppose, who bave scruples aboa. I sould read by the Hoes whethin or got | tence, I gave this up, though, as boing bevoned my power of eamprobension. | in nine cases ont of ten » jury composed mostly of tall, Jean men wend, when the evidences wan sufficient, iver have the slightest hesitation about fixing ex frome sotepoe On the other hand, a jury where short, tat wen produminated | in number would ocongy twice as mach} time in fSnding its verdiet, and when brought in it wonid genernily he & term | of impristnmoat for the marderer. ™. : Louiavills C onunercial. The following cure may be tried in esses of wivere carsehe when ordinary | pemsedics have failed © Get u small quan. | tity of dried armies Sowers and pus | them into two small bags Put hait A | pint of whisky inte a wall | Es the eve, and whon'it is Biated dip. they run the instant the ground is & touched after » “flush,” the digs often stand by and quietly wateh thy encoon- | | given, und they tmmedintely Yhanel, | 1 with their beads placed close together, and fiy in all direetions, snd if pot dis finding death as a ponisizadnt for o murderer, 1 used to make 1 ny bus noas to study jarymen's faves and woe of © they had scruples about the death sew | Later tuntinued stady of the jury box| Jed me to a discovery. Thut wae taas| one of oe SON 0 6 Sun STI3 va Wis | Iagusge _@iperaily in the Usited States, and any oe who hag ever mode even a cursory { geamaination of a Russion newspaper peinted io Flouinsn characters oun sou ab. why, ox fur as thd conntry in ehamenily they do not “Ail & long fels. : gether and were found clasped in cash” wane i In the peming of Russian nevwonspens { | pach Jonymatintic Gitlew ay Sun, Garsttey : | From, Obs ver, tan, $ tourer, Holleting, 4uivernar arse ob pe vail, $a Voekiy Sohot, or. 4 sausisi ds he ped od! 3 srtial of Bn Pot jablivhal phdity sin dats bin is Thin Rss §ivhing i Hie tie ini NTE i New Tinsen, of 5 et. i Oneal the ibid Drpeeklion in galled | thor which flows © Limd tao wimbiy now tablished dp the 0) wd S Boudiinik gud + A Rr R25 isn The Aleroer and Tue Ge for som pron which in Bok viiy cieap the word Cwiedouostl,” sealing news, IN pOpRiiE Se 8 Beep des gation in the city of Moscow. Theve sre four daily newspapers in Mesoow linving thin tithe~The Lossian News, Modern Nowe, Mosow News and Old News The Old News is maintained for he republication of articles from other mewspapers. Thera srs jerbops some urvespapery in the United States worthy of being called The Old News, bub wis Lsertain Phat there in Do newspaper ia the United States which tormaily aad voluntarily ‘®aild assume thas title, The ofiziai newspaper of Wioew is ‘the Waar Pualies Gawette, and the. word “ymacite’’ {(gastte) Ub WA cours § of “bobwhite’” Two and simctimes with Warsaw suitors as Ppows’ in in Mossow, There W.taw pling. Giasettn, the Po sh (Loostie, the Warnmw the Wasa Corian Gegette and tae ! | Warsi Ghactie Courier. The Gastte i Courie pus os & wpeninity of telegraphic. apforcun ion, and is not seerefore prope arly soibiog ou gERctie soutien, whose ‘mithe cones foot Cie deynof msiloonsches und pevisjeper delivizion bY MCAS. {pers cn fn vetuck. ~Now York Sun. : Ye Nutritious Murrow. A gratefal mother bus just told of the. almost prirscuions cure of her grows up | som by the very simple means advised ‘by an ezpinent physician IS was a cae of debility and emaeiation thet wating pond wm to reach autil the physivisa I question prescribed o remiuly thas be nel T eflioacions treating weak invalids semen dren. Thin was nothing more thas the eating of su unlimited scant of oar row. Buery day a large quantity of the bones smtaining marrow was ordered ! from the. great markets. The only ope I aration pescasy Wal th wars. Je | marrow seiently to susble i we sity sprit on tod Then, wth the ¥ ed tion of a hintle sit to» oor ie fb re platelet was TE ID 56 He ! werk of pe rae apeations,. Ungar this reste Put ur pitient mol Sapteed gas pt dare ip the frst we wes Me shy aud trenyth no pro Soeveiind sontinoed BE Desi eal dando ster ll Woe ge Cre dus hui pias Pras Sixry Phosossnd Needs to the Plast. * : The common pursiane sens of the wonsiers of botany, as far we weds are bonoerned st feast, A single weed of tis plant will produce abont 20 seed pode ina seabon. The average unmsber of Weeds in pach of these, hy sotual count, im 6,000, making 60,000 in ail As fur is we have beta able to lestn there is 80 instince of simular fruitfolnes io any plant found growing inv this coun- try. Asingle plant of either the James town wed “Jimmon'" ), the hater wood, the rag weed and some of the Jarvines produce an spormons number of seeds, but it is donlitfal if any one of Js pte oe Suh an many in a the pursisos does. —35. Louis ave mot olwdlated por vead
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers