Ex “Bditor ¥. Eh oY the Court, Ex-Editor FW a gin the cousty Jan at Eb 81 2% the terme found goilty on charges will sell at public sleat tt. house in Fbensburg on December Th the following right, title and interest of s and Eva Mogolis to all n ot of ground situate in of Bpiingler, Cambria right, title and interest of to all that Jot or piece deceiving had not bean equalied in the | sitoste In the borough of tit and interest of : ¢ oertein tract, plece of land sttoste in Sasque- execution 4t the. suit of the § title and interest of A. to all thet: certain piece of e in ClesieSeld fownsbip, © dy wate nf for » new trial Barker filed his opinion in the matter | of the argument in which he says that the evidence against Clark was clear and convincing; thal the proof sab mitted during Clark's trial left no “doubt in the mind of the court that the defendant had systematioally sohemed to defraad ard secure money, that Clark's boldness in cheating and | county, #o far as the Jmowledge of the | eourt is poncerned. Aside from this omviction of the Sapact of the cue, Dadge Barkers he could see no reason be Saris id ‘new trial, but he allowed a bill of ex- options to the ruling to be signed and | sealed. Jodge Barker will likely sentence | Clark to a long term inthe Penitentiary before the end of the wee Weeding in M. KE. Chueh. A pretty wedding took place in the | ehoroh Monday pe tris, Mary Lita. ¢ ! Om waedion Jodge tardy; Sadie Gardner. Joseph Weber, Harding ns H. Olewine. tion and bastardy; Zola Gardner, For Regular Term Commenc- : ing Monday, Dec. 7th. | R. R. OFFICIAL SUICIDES | Supt. Robe. : Marshall xh Himself at | mshingion, D. © The oimbn court calendar, as sub- mitted by District-Attorney Murphy John E. Moore. for the trial of cases in the criminal] Fiory Knnysk, assault and battery; court commencing Monday, December Sophias Dudek. 7, 1808, will be found below. The fol- Charles Schwaber, ansault’ and bat lowing announcement is made: tory; Paul Orabita Prosecutors and witnesses for the: Harry Farabaogh, asst and bat- | Commonwealth must be present on the tery and intent to rape; Elizabeth days named below, when cases will be Hoffman. i presented tp the grand jury. Defend- | Yor Trini Monday, Dec. 1th. : Ants and Sheir wituesen need not be Comiuiotweaith wi. Joseph Manguk, i and battery; R. 0M. Michael Shannon, felonious asssuit| and battery; Charles H. Miller, Schmidt. Thomas Hudson, amsnolt and battery; A § : concarosd, | Pehoski. Caves for Grand Jury Mosdsy. Pee. th. : Rohert Dawson, Asnault and battery, Commonwenlth va. Isaas J. Harris, intent; Joseph Farrett. | aggravated sssanit and battery; pros Ronskdus Rager et al, lmrceny and | ecutor, J. A. Blough. receiving; Peter Varner. : Tassie J. Harris, assault and battery; John F. Overdorff, forgery; Sivon | EO. Fisher. Overdorfl, Daniel Olmsted, fornication and bas John ¥. Overdorft, forgery; Simon | tardy; Matignret Hoerle Overdorfll Robert Karnes, fornication and bas- John Plschools, larceny and receiv. ing: A. P. Anderson. Tusae J. Harris, asaolt and Battery. surety; E. O. Fisher. William Boone, fornication and bas- Tsanc J. Harris, amanlt and battery, tardy; A Amunda Blake, wavety: J. A. Blough. Henry MoGongh, 5 W.long. i Foster McKoever, fornication and i Jacob Roighard, seduction, forniea. tion and dusteardy; Zula Gardner. Williams Boone, fornication and bas | tardy; Amanda Blake. Foster MoKeever, fornication and | bastardy; Mary Lite. LC Joseph Javis fornieation and bas! ardy; Mary Hartnett. Nancy DP PF nan, bastardy: Ora L. Marts Susan Bennett, bigamy; Nanoy Hard- | | | Susan. Bennett, adultery: Nancy Jonepht Weber, bigamy; Nancy Hard- F. J. Devin, adultery; Sylvester Bickle. : | Joseph Javan, fornication and bas-| Junist Olmatend, Jormioation and Frank W. Clark, false rem WS — © Busan Bennett, bigamy; tardy; Maggie Cobly. 1 Meme © James Gatens, fornication and bas Harding. For Ginad Jury Tocmluy. Dee. SUN Commonwealth ve. I. N. Rodkey, yo tor, I. J. Easley. Henry ‘Conner, ‘nalicious ng. Josuph Weber, : Harding, mischief, Fils L Smith, adultery: L Hilde- | brand. adultery; : Harry Hartman, flonioos a 4 fornintion and : Joseph Weber, bigamy Nanoy Hurd- | LY Nanoy| Otto F. Nickel, false pretense; Pot 2 Pory Kanyak; and Sophia Dadek Charles Schivaber, assaolt ad bat tery’; Paul Orabits. For Trind Friday, Den Hk : Commonwealth va Steve Barns, a anti it and battery; proscatrix, Annie Shakosek, George Little, ansaalt and Sntery: John Kiliy. Joseph Karmonsh, murder; Smith. Farry Harman, Sslonioos andl batbery; It. M. Stewart. AMichudl Shinnon, felonions asanit antl battery; Charles Milter. 7 Een F. Nickel, fulse pretenses; Paul Sotumide. ) Las cero. sices cruelty to animals; Jacob Reighard, seduction, fore ployers Reng A New Version, £ F ¥ % HUT taad E James Wataon et al., burglary; Jacob Feriry McCioagh, sroelty to animale; r Paber. i William Noble, bbery; domo : “Mary: Burke, perjury; H. RB Rose. | N. B. Hwank. . Charles Spangier, larceny and re- josiviug: NB. B Swank. | house kueper; John Charles Spangler, larceny and re-| ceiving; H. R. Roms. Charles: Moors, larceny and receiv: Horton. ving; Jaman . Brow Jacomny and re- Lucy Koonts, larceny aad receiving; Lacy Koonts, larceny #04 receiving: It is seldom you hve an opportumity. So much GOODNE So much VARIE ES | So much BEAUTY So much QUALITY So much STYLE
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