i } | ere oniae Suri, deinen w we SECHLER, GeowomFmmovsox, ) | || mimwsymsmwdijmsios 3 Ahorney - at - Law, : : Prope. 5 ol pu . 1 Se : j : : : b i§ | reduces the Greatest feat EBENSBURG, ; TOBACCO ated (RGARS ] BE a. Cambria County, Pa. hans valuable Thee finvent Tine hi Patton at (5 ¢ The cole: 4ar x Crwn fhe Boor, and 30 wii G. J. FITZPATRICK | NY VEE IEE ES hee ented. Thi m od of Pennsylvania Railroad Time PRR MEALS AT KL HOURS. August 5, 19986. alien . B.C Vie writer of Winter * "Jo a ono. Prove. SS 8 in ILMY Can bo Used as u Single or Doubia Noater | er Gnstwnrd. ywer Hare, 8 na ther v we Co ood P None of the Ero Sen Shee | Epi work dupn. : ; som continties bey over popular Ten EE the best. First-class | = “Et CINDEAE oe (ron A 0 1 py tii : AL foe exon Fre = dure i uble Gossip on thy Fashions snd Fads MPF ! ) ——— ——————————— mmetuieestans ¢ a : of the da The Thanksgiving Dinner RATES $1. 25 PER DAY, wr 1 wmsurcsr A MM 1] LCSRA A REESE Es Aisonssid, the Pornish. LAR a ——— Sibel el rr 3 el Faw E romon— Westward, Betta in somidered from an [DATTONN NEWS DEPOT, aes ate a Sol, Ena pleas s and hygienic sandpaint, : and | nD PLANKIGAN, Prov's. He eet hocks are peviewsd. In : {lepariment the vi Handles all Pittsburg snd Philadel Ei fork ia dai than ever, icluding new pris’ a. rs snd monthly mags- ns i Embroidery, Knitting, Net A rend sn short Hokie ] Tatting, Smacking, Lace- Making rif Mager | venue & ; sod f : ds i particularly suited for oa ag. yy ok A great isp that has calied tia 1th thonsan Jaticdlaly sited fx fy, Mopker's t Soot EE do _ of comments. An exquisite arsey of all i} that 18 eof Ibis. ‘much dreaded CKHERRY as Bons Pris bm fond MM. Dizon, of Pleasant a dad never fr! eat Rats eid or New Cork 01 have a ilitle girl Tot A EE and Philadelphia are being su ited here everyday == Maaroig train | i —— HARETIY Ca oe hui - Beyond a donbt our sty les any the prettiest man EE Ee croupy affections. Pe i hi, Paseo Mahmaten! 14 & ooenr, Reuel Somerville, : shown anywhere. True, we pay highest sain ] R : Er % hae 0 Wess fit, Ja i. | ries to our trimmers, but that secures for us the Compl at Shi Afbemons mo ox Put best talent obtainable. Von pay no more for the work than von do anywhere else but get us phe Lado better valne in the form of good taste and first- | ra - Jp Sa class work. [Is it any wonder that we sell more Fl arenas, "iran, Fa. SW trimmed hats than any other house in Altoona? tam er cn The SPECIAL SALE of Handsome Trimmed Hats at 1.95. 2.95 and $3.95 will continue. hr ot ane Railroad. EVERYONE WORTH DOUBLE. ne | Row 0 J = SSE nn Xo Le JE OD ee by [pm pm 1s £s vE ork Rn VE NER 5 Attorney-at-Law, ParroN, Pa. War te3 2% ‘+ 3 - $ 3 Bo EHESSRAETR MESERRE 4 te se or i ee emt rable BURR = * x ee . Store Opi Every Evening. 13323 Eleventh Avenlie. a sama AT BRE SSE- £e8AnYYIEY a B PaTION, AF. BH. Sasvromp, President Cashier, Tr yy : ; 1s here every one must look to thew somalhrt in th 1s way of clothing. lat the #Ky that ® you are ji peed of anysliiag fe this : i to Your advan a. inept my shel before MERCHANT TAILOR, : poet slsewhere, becuse Ph babi y v the Tires and stock nf blankets and a Oran hat ws ever brought to Will make you a good shit of which 1 kaos cuntol be bought sieheapiy aa | sm rolling an where in the cities. It is simply by sensible Sir Tw to clothes from i500 up to $40. hein, sup whe nomwrate the many bar a i thie Haw, polos 4 and see for yourself; 1 take pride in « owing theme baying to my , PANTS from 4.00 up to customers. Pawar! Mahoney, | et CNL rnc | 2ArY Mshoney : He will do all kinds of re- I -— i} oO eS J | a 5 wy ot HE to Peniwyl- pair work. Ene Seat ; iar mpany, Waingun, So To the front. My stock was all bought early in She season ¥o . SI ANING ve all the gorect things 4ud 41 a mech dh antag T wih ut be bought for at the pi AN thse ad RE AREER z IRE = lh B* 3 Pi SRR RN REY I OU TR a axe Se i , do EL hh oh iho ar + ap we Go aa HRBEEEET AEE Ban use - $988 SEER Sled BR WE eR ah SN BE A = ® as wkasEETES Fp ae Hoven ¥ Spdate Wayne Aer sey Spe thon BLavanoara AE SRI SC SE CS Te i Baacssses i FEENrANERUTYEEN BEBE PAEDEEG Plas - 2 BE £2 a Fhhblrtoe Ridgway gh, Tn ine he wp Fall and Ww inter ig Ju All his Clothes are guaran- loge at Geo: 8. teed to give satisfaction. | ud re gE # iXuiddlenBen * vam pm 8% + gH : 4S : B BER Z¥E Gs ah Rev Se Ca La ghus i 2H ig 5 se Fu. pt ak i se ie2edd un on ERgiBE Hn bE Figo od Br po Hd wo am iv ar am a 1 [Dugiy: Thirogmg fERPETe at ad Diels id Loi g22 por BE gueEsen i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers