ARS ER SS SI SET al er In amd corners wore profusely decors | small ete pinches. One of the | that it was a 0 bo aml fierce that he ject for festing the ih their kind. avior ade th s capture be to his own garret, where the | 1 Jou wiilk into my par- | ; He singed out a . Soutrament, attepated thine 1 a ily op, itscted, {writes Sir Waiter Besant Go away. T remember tie penning family cmbrelin Ci was kept in readiness behind deery wmainge, portly, » honey { pility it wan bighly ewwerned n middle | ; ‘5 | clams society, It was i tewt in rainy wenther Tt sould be need i as a weapon of offen and defenne on OOOREION. I have moon & pleturs of an elderly | | gratioman korping (fF w footpad by | mens of this lethal ambrelin He andes aa if he would epear or prod the vil Isin. Why, one prod wonifl sione make | | a bole of six ivobes (ammeter in that | | murderous parosem. The purse ned fo carry it, with dificaity managing the | baby and mnbrelln [1 went ont 10 tes | he | ““Potahed’” them home took the umbreily SH iD a the decision which put him in the seond pisce stom’s xrgaryent wis ome of great | toron, and Lineoln listened to it with " § the closest attention thironghont. Tho | parrator of the incident, Mr. Raiph | | Emerson, says that Mr. Lincoln took a 1 lomg walk with him after the soort had adjourned for the day, Mz. Lincoln wae silent 5 log tito Then be ex- i einimed soddenty: “Emerson, | are mong ome? I mm going hone to ot oidy Iam." MWe setorod Mr. Emereon, “Mr bur in Hlinois now] What are you Salk dng abemi?’ “Ah ree be seid, ‘1 do oovnpy A ! goodt position there, and I think 1 cen “get along with the way things are done ! there pew. But thes tollege termined | ] Deen, who have devotad their whois Hven to windy, mre omping west, don’ yom me? And they study their cases a wn never do. They have pot we far an Cincinnsti pow. They will soon be in { Lilinois Another jong pause; thin, sopping | and tarning toward Mr. Emerson, his | ormntensnoe suddenly assaming that wr Jook of strong deternsination which | | those who knew him best sonsetines | {oman Da end SRAEERCLIN practical paper | saw upon kis face, be erlaiennd J sp pong howe tw stedy hw! | el am as good as any of them, snd when | they get ont to Tilinois I will be ready for them’ How ” «AR Com About, It took the little seer) but a few da to become the spreading vak, Hepskiay | Beuhevs told bis wife ia confidences thes "Jesh Watkins mid bed like mighty | well te buy Widow iSpilkios’ farms. Mra. Reobere ran into Mra Blunter's pi to terrow o little haking sods, and crrind Jess objectionable | Cs STstkine talked of buying | E Line farm, thooghtlally | es brie midu't sipprive me a bit] ghee : of 1 be wa take the vridder with the | a left ber taking in the! 5 threw ber shaw] over : itn thiongh the back | $ Conrap sth tell ber that | 44 WER going to marty | 2 Widow t en inn for her Jeoperts and | with ber. Jt socosedid the Isptern und the club formerly carrigd by the "pren. card party witer daric [ remember it, I There wire three lrcthers who came » 3 the ssn sohool where 1 was bot a tiny little bow, Ther Irved at some din are snd bed fo paises of thelr way to speak linn Every morning bromght to thas 15 ee brothirs the delight and the { Jonging fo that salon ior feepeebabilios, wielded it) %0 be swoon it; so be Jad i stravmead, frcught them £0 bear, with Fwy seeks snd thewrks sod pound. | igs, on beads snd shioalders asl rite “Paras 8 Lome family ombtrelise green, nm, tony if I recormiber aright “THE VOCAL STUDENT.” lina Be Ei Was, YMeltn on fhe Dyactives and Re wae be al Homie aver, Mame. Mi on slbdrreen sndents of im The Ladies CB wen Jrairnel Bis tebe in ber 0 sen Toe Woes! Stndeot’ of ie vie site of seamriaig n thorcogly. By eet or sacher of practios and | fre egre cof the heath: emphasizes the | a will we vigaliste, taike of the mone. European wtady, Wilh regard 10 the Mme. Molle sage: “To & girl properly trained spd qualified the professivn of a 4 | Sarge for ue pomasat 10 besowme a con: | coxt singer. "The fees of the a concert | tion when he escorted hic mistroms fo the soho] through # etraiom of inferior re | excitement of battle with the bogs be § her Eas Bstienx a a { the Lion Hemrt So lbs puised it: so be | bis eneptien flow to right and 1 lef of Bim, befor and beliivd him, while the | rege other bua, relvisg on thd bonke tightly | 1) | fmpeirtance of bang (rained mucians ptaretary towards of » capabls singer | youl toushet is iw of flu mice | hoi, =a a the majors of cam te well paid. ES a0 a drawing | room singer cam be mecured in large | cities when ome has tient and faculty, and when the voice i pot sofficiently | | with the young Indie. The maid who bwith foure pillers belind fo bere a | celebrated in © mptied a Sawin Milne tary voles of a modes training sod of ky yo rato in amie 1584, harbor throne, ‘eanopie with 8 trowne imperial] on the and before two lower pillers, off the armen of Exiglind ™ tery to obeaily bévthe om a coal for thaly thongh she herwelf drove to Be Panis armada, was Aton fa bed zp Yhe privy aeniy Fepns I revive a Bae, Ai Bored a a \ Elutreh Festival, ; whey da Core Spt the sian REO Faemtind (serps of the dre &, paid ak eons willie ide not Rhbme oui. In seticipsticn of the saloon kespiy who donk bBasinews pear Rbine land Cibsiroers Inecte Maler boimowith pledges Bhpnif for a submeriptions pies of phar G5 oiled By peeve every sa of Bis gueste with ok mowed | wie ae Be co drink oe the ddd of he charred vom rntion. we fn Tesi Ai this rogoent, 1 cosaln Te Within wn lwar alter Ehee * Rewupaper | hone of Bit . Ot pn o Mou: Jer. At the cavrent price of ordinary of the 0 and thelr collesgoes in this | oy Stand is the public thosmgbians) gaming at anytibing real or imagirary, | and the dosans who Gather sound you will multiply soon into hundreds, and, They rallied in curious s3sitemang and a frie ith sills snd Sl arches, fou Yat Yaajusie, boing twm her 2 whereon sted a Jiom and a Armin co | a . The sailors of the time of Ciowed (dooen | Jere Bess rouist faves fond it x @ifBonlt mee. | be candi Done Deed) | ¢ aid nd iErietaan 6 notably by Buapevor is #4 IE renaming ane | five of depriting the donned is and ont | of the pobicn sonrt that fodigw thie con t eeration sprees xed fights. Soa tin | i ago the famivyl of » new cherh hi errisgmilidm, fn the usnad trade in exbilseatiog Hage a | | | edie sdvercimm thos in ho | | Jeviting wy Sond sul patrons fo viel | Joos wine {n the Rhine tra ha bad to drink Hi large glass | we, 304 a fale before he conld begin dup med fe con] : the subscription tariff. Row York Ses. | | 4 you stick % it, perheps thovsatndn A | | crowd se hig wv the street oruld bold encireded of sign painter the other day. eraise on shen Even bor sugesiy, | roth ! cathedral tv rerorn thanks iar thie ded b Vivery of het kingdoms {roma the Spenish comneil snd bir siteralanda, who voip gv on hearted ii by tha end vf the 3 Teh ee i § Te the sider Jruther, who carried fhe | io | Linealn, yon siznd st tie Bead of the nap. PD opentn,™ he said, wither. a dng op frm Bis work, © "rap: land?" : “No, bonting "| replied. “Oh, he said. with an into (hat ot fo covey his fog Se knw all abomto. Ho bai apis the piece of pine inte brtle stick He matiuted : of ort el or eh fittle | Is wan rendy for the mate at the apd of Bis wrgon he a long handled ste} frying pot and & tin oan that b badd omed held twa poosds of & or pie apples. Then be broaght wooden box anid nt it on the oY held pat of bin supplies & PTY f seni. ‘Out of 3 be took sme tin ont if the wagon : Hind the a Tu Betped 4) conoyptreis the Beat by acting we a { miffecton Ho pit the coffes in the Pot poor fr some witer from the Puiketful he | bad breoghs frome fhe river, sand et is | down Besicir the pile of sticka Then be arranged the slices of hacen in the frye | oof ee mot € tm wider would have "em | singer are large; she in constantly in = ke hs Mo d seri ied 3 of the % Ee wo | ot iy mo Ti Bn ot em | STRAT BE mam ! {owen 98 wean the he or BSi ueening, When th itches up fo quired ; bur expenses saw limited 10 he | printed. If over 8 crowd was bent on ar: i nea Hopoer b ar sve 1d ll ins weaty that | cont of a few evening gowns In the | Lnvening. it wae on the Weovery of | oi somo 7oor foie the tomate eam, Widow 3 1kine Just 10 got he property | Place of sored of Susie For $be | what that sin) wan They skid each | mp0) Ga 5 psineh of apts and some Enk- : ® | and that those thildyen of ry or opera singer thers ia plenty of Bard | orher what it might be and bussrded | jp; poxidis and sired is olf up igor Be een *, work, but for that them is the compes- guess, while the aan Jaki by bis red | golie (iin 5 spore Oromdomsite be 1 Diol io any thon | ean, | yam paint pot and Bruaght fourth clio | genped stirring to tom the mens. Pres » ] ently the bien Sar dose He fabnl iv {ma te rt cd ged Jo se materi at they | I they a hel match. — Detroit Free res Eh staid ano dL aa Spark Arrsmers. | ing ton recent writer in Engpocering. : which is found mest efficient in icoomo- | tives ia for coul buriwrs, the devices | pl known ae the extended smoke box wiih smokestack, mitting, deflecting ISES and spark useing While no spark arrange Gt jis amolgialy wil nh sven when fn the best condition and coarse sparks necesarily ger egress _ | when anything is in i defective state, J amd while the Se paris ate pot of a ¥ character, the coarse sparks are. Emphasis is aid especially upon ae Eh should le bestowed upon | lors ive prevent any portion of in if ed by keep TE A Moderns Malaprop. Mrs Shaduritd-—What s wonderfal 4 singer that new sopran isl Of course, | ; you beard her at the op ort last even- ing. : Mrs. Franklaign—No; uafortanately ; i 1 was not able ts attend Mra Shadmivd—Indecd! You bave ; Ro idea of what you mised. Why, she Jom electrocuted the audience. — Boston Courier. Rh A SA By SA hink I had it a = Detroit Free i Roper and Botte It is seeerted that this line, am reported in a 300 horsepower engioe Stted with sooeter. The steams engine had a fy. he belt 4nd cus for ste sopes The dy- belt, a leather belt, and a bomogeneons quality. Experiments of a comparative pature wers made sitanately with the ; and belie, several tetas each day, the results being - above indicated. When Tou Owe » Ill In China. or all throooh she rohit may still fal low hips siter dayirenk. provided be pontinnes to oarry bis Lighted lamp, a it be believed it was still might {This however, ia the creditor's Last chance Ln Tadepamiansn of Churarton, of charsetir. the way you do doesn’t hive Ww depend ww the railrond passenger who saafiom Be Lewis t6 40 © New Oriemnn. - repented experi. Buby Bimguinttgrflis pronation oll {of power, that rops and belts, when mad | wall arrnoged, absort almost the same | amount of power. Scans Premeh trials in | Engineering | Mechanics, were made, it appears, with rope and belt flywheels 143; feet in di wheel for the bait and one for the ropes. The drummo was drives direct off the | flywheel, without a coonter shaft, and | was provided with twa pulleys, one fee Jeatber béit and ropes wers of standard | A Chinese statots comcts thet debes | which trv vot setthid on New Year's | “eve Cua subseqrontiy be peromerye Thee, accoriing Ww reeoanimed Gea. 8 eriditor wi bas vainly purssed adept Cabire, SiaGoziishirs, Derbyshire and | : Enicustenes ~ BR ointaite bat nine acres of Land was fortis aown. | : ed as a fxvarite Tendesvius of prin | 10€ Bacon grea: out of bis puss And fighters, beowame the police of abe eoun- | | ty were unable #0 make an arzet in. an- Mudge~-1f there is cow thing | do | | pride myself an it (s my independence Wicktirn— Well, » man wha lives in | on his charucter. Rutt potie Journal prog bitls aad distributing it over the | ji , rain is almost certain within a few hours i Ther ata 700 milen of rate | 7 The wham to know is » libinal education.” i Sead % 3 Your smiles wall 3 What wonld the pest wand ba thing. But he did He prized oat in small green letters, added to the gigantic “Ris” the sylia- | at Bows ing prods Pons’ Weekly. AR it RRP Ha oA Deis Phenoinens! Jadufall In Kostionlis. The crewd prow so excited that they | called to 1he man, “Whas is 162” “Tell on” “Goon! "Hurry, "Paint quick | i you won't halk," matil it seimed be might grow wo bothered print spy. bie gle," and when the sign Wan ono- plete it rend, My singles atm in to wil January sod February, 1808 will | oct int a tin pie pan with a fork. sod aro thy bow go op be proved the may tare of four aod other things from the tomar can. That was pag = ke “hell whackiz's bread," or Vsirugene. Aw sot ax be took the frying pan off ‘the five be put the coffespot on, and when the thick, sf dong wes mony mnooth el out in the fering pan be peop. ped it pn in front of the fre, wher Sm | refleoniy wos Go 1s beet work. % np | out of the wagon he Beuafed @» jou of | sorghois. Three or four me Foley sticks of pine were deffiy wrranged on. months of the mest pheoamanid raise | fall ever mown, not ta Adseralin alone, | i but in aloy coantey in fhe world sine the dawn of himory. The paint of greas- {ont dow our was st Brisbane, which | could be regmiated at will A cotton | Wal very fortnnae for scipvos, ae it & at that place’ where the government meteorological instraments are kept | On the last day of January the rats ganze revcrded 101g jnches of rainfall | i The next day, Feb. 1, it shoved «fall of over 2) fnciios. and an the 3d a hittle | | aver 3 Inchey of water foil All toe | gether 77 pokes of water foil in four Hing Latiie Bepabie. rh hf td ; So Man's Heath. The leeality termed No Ma's heath in situated io dour conntitse— Warwick. other. rei ———— Chawloy Gatrooks—My denrent Mar | garet, 1 low you tenderly, Sergted'y. Margatet—Never mind the ‘shed, How alont & resides built for Times She—wil you teil me » seit ong te Pe —— d in Aostradls ae the Stray 1 Tew’ tem smd 1 : der the enlivepot, snd Ay thar time the : | bread lai begaa to browa ie Hae pan. i He socik the pan Ly (ae end of the long { bande sid gate it a qRick gdvu.a i twist and 8 P22 forward el The mans of Balt bad dong sito» ihee ‘pan and ow np into Beate TL 1. nto ghee ump, od be an : deriv many Fro noi conk ante’ Canon, ad vr ; Bgazsl tome R07 Bin as el baked the sien we ‘ bong wie § 3 ng Yen ¥ wi Sarit ae i rR | the chien of the etn Hh a | prense pared ge sabe ivnoe for the stir. Whee be took the eofivenot off the Bre buput on oa bi “tie oan of wulwr tal ¢ stewed sud simmered sods procs Fr boiled pvr the embers Thee wa bs disirewier, Fo had to have it hot totale when iowa all dome, there way three or fone of the little pinesticks still loft I asked hizo if be did not want pota- pos Yous, due said, asd be hed them, bat only wien Sreword was plasty. It rook pitucoes, end be couldn't de 0 when he Gad depend wo ave Proe Wik to cook his meal : in the morning. before we had waters od the bosses, Be bad conked Lis beads fast and wan off up the rrak ~~ Now York Bua. A a RR Sp On the Bint i “Pid you rend that store about “The Homes <n tam Brag =” * wed | 2 wel apay : “No, answered. the chute) Hla A. tock foo log spe We much wood © it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers